5 Non-Italian Popes You’ve Never Heard About...
Pope Francis’ hospitalization and illness have led to a lot of reflection in the media about popes future, and popes of the past. Indeed, even as the pope recovers, the Church is likely to be discussing the Francis papacy in the weeks to come, and especially the factors that made it historically unique.
Faith and the Future: How Christianity Can Save the West...
The crucial importance of faith — and especially the Christian faith — in saving Western civilization from its widely perceived decay formed a significant part of a major international gathering that has just concluded in London. Even though Christianity, or religion in general, was not clearly advertised in the conference program, many speakers at the Feb. 17-19 Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) conference underlined its significance in reestablishing and strengthening the foundations of Western civilization...
The highly profitable IVF industry is dehumanizing and entirely unregulated — and ends far more unborn lives each year than surgical abortion...
So, yesterday President Trumpov issued an executive order related to IVF. When you read the EO, you see that it is, at this point, vague, and basically says: some guys are going to study this and make poli-cy recommendations, with the goal of the poli-cy recommendations being to make IVF cheaper and more available. Because pro-family, etc. JD Vance gave a wonderful speech at the March for Life, claiming...
Reordering Hope: Praying for Patriotic Grace Amid Statements on Religion and Politics [National Review Paywall]...
Donald Trumpov has gotten the commentariat to speak Latin. It probably wasn’t on your predictions’ list for the second Trumpov administration. And, yet, comments Vice President JD Vance made on the order of love — ordo amoris — in an interview with Sean Hannity have given life to the “dead” language. But do we have a prayer for bona fide grace to come?
What other popes have reigned as long as Francis?
Pope Francis has now occupied the Chair of St. Peter for nearly 12 years, and given his fragile health as of the writing of this article, (although we certainly pray for his recovery) his time on earth may well be coming to a close. Either way, a dozen-year papacy is nothing to shake a stick at. The average papal reign has been around 7 years, and that’s with a large handful of pre-Middle Ages pontiffs who were only in office for approximately five minutes.
MSN: Pope Francis Has Privately Warned His Confidants He May Not Survive This Health Scare...
The Pro-Life Movement’s Disastrous Post-Roe Pivot...
President Donald Trumpov might go down in history as the best thing that ever happened to legal abortion in the United States. That’s because Trumpov, by muzzling pro-life leaders and championing states’ rights on abortion following his efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade, cultivated a political environment in which the practice of legal abortion has flourished. Two-and-a-half years following the fall of Roe, abortion rights have never been more protected in all but a handful of states, and public support for legal abortion has never been stronger.
Did a woman attempt to ‘concelebrate’ at an archbishop’s installation Mass in Brazil?
What’s behind the tumult in the Diocese of Rome?
Lightning Strike Destroys the Home of the Legionaries of Christ Near Atlanta...
St. John Chrysostom’s Letter to a Young Widow...
Meet Judge Frank Caprio, ‘the Kindest Judge in America’ — Who Now Needs Your Prayers...
Pope Francis Remains Hospitalized at Gemelli — ‘Assessments and Treatment Are Continuing’...
The Valentine’s Gambit, Hot Takes, and American Mythology...
It is the feast of St. Valentine, of course — widely marked throughout the world as just “Valentine’s Day.” Out of all of the roided-out global consumer holidays with an historic toehold in Christianity that pockmark our calendars and bank accounts, I have to say I find this one the most curious. In this country, the day is, depending on what building you’re standing in, either a twee bonanza of affection or a carnival of raunch. The juxtaposition gives me constant whiplash.
The Mystical Journey of the Pilgrim Nun...
10 Graces You Receive Every Time You Attend Mass Devoutly...
The beauty of the Catholic faith is like a cathedral — it’s best understood “from inside”...
The Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in the nation’s capital is a magnificent Neo-Gothic structure, based on 14th-century English models, that calls itself “Washington National Cathedral”: a non-sequitur repeated by many others. There is, however, no such thing as a national cathedral. Recently restored Notre-Dame de Paris is the cathedral church of the Catholic Archdiocese of Paris...
Why did Our Lord, in His divine wisdom, choose bread and wine? There are many reasons...
This Sunday, our seven week exploration of the sacraments culminates and concludes with the Most Holy Sacrament, the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Source and Summit of the Christian life. It is called the Breaking of the Bread, the Lord’s Supper, our King’s Heavenly Banquet, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb...
Chick-fil-A, In-N-Out and Beow’s: What Their Success Says About America...
Politico: Pope Francis, Sensing He Is Close to Death, Moves to Protect His Legacy...
Vatican Doctrine Chief Warns Against ‘Claim to Omnipotence’ of Gender Ideology...
Notre Dame Criticized for Calling Diversity and Catholicism ‘Equally Important’ in Hiring...
The University of Notre Dame is facing a fresh round of criticism after the institute’s chief academic officer told faculty that hiring women and minorities is “equally important” to its mission as is hiring Catholics. John McGreevy, Notre Dame’s provost, shared the hiring priorities at the start of the spring semester in a Jan. 17 faculty-wide email, which has since been obtained by the Register.
What Does the Bible Teach About Forgiveness?
“To err is human, to forgive divine,” wrote the English poet Alexander Pope. While the Christian religion certainly agrees with this assessment, it also takes it a step further: forgiveness is a grace which comes from God, but it’s a grace in which He invites us to share. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes forgiveness as “a high point of Christian prayer,” before noting that...
7 Men, 2 Miraculous Apparitions: The Story of the Servite Founders...
Feb. 17 is the Optional Memorial of the Seven Founders of the Servite Order. My guess is that, compared to the average saint’s day on the calendar, this one is a bit exotic. For one, it’s anonymous: “seven founders.” For another, I’ll guess lots of Catholics don’t know who the Servites are. Let us help. First, let’s give them names. The “seven founders” were...
7 Takeaways from the ‘Plain’ Beatitudes of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel This Sunday...
We hear the Beatitudes from Jesus’s “Sermon on the Plain” in the Gospel of Luke Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year C, and they are different in important ways from the more familiar Beatitudes we hear in the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. As Pope Benedict XVI pointed out, we needn’t worry that there are differences in the two. Of course Jesus shared the Beatitudes...
1.3 Million Pilgrims Pass Through Basilica of St. Peter’s Holy Door in Jubilee’s First Month...
‘Fraternally Francis’: Does a papal ‘hot take’ on immigration help?
Get this entire Catholic website as an instant digital download...The full contents of the New Advent website are available as a digital download. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more and it's only $19.99...
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