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<trackbot> Date: 08 January 2015
<stakagi> zakim ??P5 is me
<heycam> ScribeNick: BogdanBrinza
First topic: transform on svg / ed
The link clarifies the transform as a property
though not clear how it should be applied
how to put this on fragment for example
birtles: So how to apply it to fragments?
ed: Few option - apply inside/ outide svg
if that's defined in style - apply this as part of normal SVG layout
Firefox currently the only who does that as part of layout
birtles: Useful distinction of style transform vs property
ed: suggestion - so we need to describe in SVG spec how that is supposed to work
2. we need to agree how it's supposed to work
e.g. attribute should work the same as style transform
have we discussed before the viewbox and the order of transforms on the element
for example everybody agrees that porperty should apply as the attribute
but if one has viewBox and transform - which order do those apply
ed: Would expect transform spec should define this
Dirk: can add this as it's currently does not mention SVG element
* <svg> element
SVG embedded in HTML is normal HTML element and outer transform would apply first then viewbox would apply to root element inside
tav: that is easy way to describe this
Dirk: <svg> is special
because it has viewbox attribute
... but transform does nothing to <html> element
and for <svg> that might be confusing
So if I have a style on svg root that says transform: scale
in HTML context that would be scaled and in standalone context wouldn't be?
Tav: right
but from authoring perspective it's inconsistent when it applies vs when it doesn't
Tav: consider svg as a viewport on the other content, so transforms would apply outside
We should do whatever html is doing for the root element - so <svg> should act as if transform is applied as to outside element
and panning and zooming should be described in the same sense - not as changing viewport, but as a transform on the root
<Smailus> Apologize... stuck in another meeting; will be on shortly.
ed: the order of the transform does matter and there were some equations how we're supposed to zoom
Eric do you know what implementation supports transform on svg element?
As attribute only Firefox currently supports that, as style property - other browsers
<ed> <svg style="transform:scale(2)">
<ed> <circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="25%" fill="blue"/>
<ed> </svg>
<richardschwerdtfeger> ok
<richardschwerdtfeger> next week it is
Bogdan: looking at the sample IE is the same as Chrome and Eric mention other browsers as the same
ed: the follow up is to agree that transform should apply from outside
and both cases html/standalone should work the same way
ed: would like to fix those resolutions
Any objections to have property and style attrubute work the same on <svg> element and apply outside?
(no objections)
RESOLUTION: transform property applies conceptually to the outside of <svg> element and there is no difference between prsentation attribute and style property
we can be more clear in SVG spec to call this as new feature
also might be in transform spec as well
<scribe> ACTION: ed to call out transforms working the way we resolved as new feature [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-3691 - Call out transforms working the way we resolved as new feature [on Erik Dahlström - due 2015-01-15].
<ed> #svgVIew(viewBox(...))
ed: If you specify svg viewBox as attribute in style and transform all on root element
how would that apply - in what order
this came as complaints from some old testsute
correction: the above combination is of transform and fragment, not style attribute
if you give transform fragment syntax and make this apply inside svg element
this might be confusing on how this is supposed to work
ed: the spec doesn't clarify how this is supposed to work especially in combination with viewBox
currently if you specify fragment that would override transform you had, same should apply to viewBox
what implementation support tranform on the root?
ed: I would guess this would work like html root
we need to know implementations that support transforms in fragment declaration and how this interacts with attribute
ed: the worry is real usage - transform + svgView syntax
how likely we'll see somthing like this?
so we'd like to see what we all are doing here at the moment
<scribe> ACTION: ed to get tests that would show what implementations are doing with transforms in fragments now [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-3692 - Get tests that would show what implementations are doing with transforms in fragments now [on Erik Dahlström - due 2015-01-15].
<heycam> Scribe: Cameron
<heycam> ScribeNick: heycam
BogdanBrinza: I have a document
that I want to put somewhere
... Rossen and I put this together
... we spent some time looking at the issues/actions
... we tried to put some "readiness" of different parts of the
... I want to put this document in front of us soon
... there are some big parts that have more
problems/instability than others
... so I'd like to get some more attention to them
... the first chapter with the most issues is the Document
Structure chapter
... specifically, <svg>, <desc>, <title> and
Conditional Processing
... looks like it has lots of issues
... the next one is Text, and specifically shape-inside
... next is Painting chapter, particularly dashing
... it looks like the new properties added have some issues
that need resolving
... the last big one is Paint Servers; it doesn't have any
particular area that sticks out, but the first half has a bunch
of open issues
... I can put this spreadsheet on the wiki
... it would be worth looking at the specific issues and
working to resolve them
... around 50 issues
... I'll follow up with specific issues on the mailing list
Zakim: ack
shepazu: I have some experience with wiki tables, if you send me the document I'll convert it into a wiki table quickly
BogdanBrinza: off topic, we also
made some progress on SVG Hinting
... with some specific proposals
krit: I added/opened some issues
on the GitHub page for the spec
... so that's also an option
shepazu: yeah, I think it's a
good idea to have this spreadsheet that summarises everything.
but we should break it out.
... those things we all agree, we should break out to
individual issues on the spec
ed: Bogdan, you went through the spec; did you mostly look for issues called out in the spec? or were you looking for reviewing / finding issues outside of those already mentioned?
BogdanBrinza: both
... we looked at the spec with fresh eyes
... there's a correlation; if there were issues called out on a
section, then there were concerns we had already
... this came up particularly in the Painting chapter
... those comments will be in the spreadsheet
ed: to the group: how do we want to handle FIXMEs in the spec? issues in the spec, or a bug tracker?
heycam: I put issues inline in the spe
scribe: but I don't mind them being tracked in GitHub issues or whereever
Tav: I like them being in the spec
krit: that's fine, but for issue discussion it's not good
ed: the issue numbers change too
heycam: we can keep the inline notes and link them to whereever we're having the discussion
Tav: I'll be spending more time on spec editing over the next month
<scribe> ACTION: Get the SVG 2 issues document on the wiki with Doug's help [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'Get'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<scribe> ACTION: Bogdan Get the SVG 2 issues document on the wiki with Doug's help [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-3693 - Get the svg 2 issues document on the wiki with doug's help [on Bogdan Brinza - due 2015-01-15].
BogdanBrinza: one thing Chris
Lilley mentioned was how implementations depending on scale
factors, non-integer pixel scaling issues
... one of the way to improve that was making sure paths/lines
end up at integer pixels when you start or end the
... that by itself would address a large body of the
... likewise, we do want to prototype something to better align
... including nearby shapes
... using some simple heuristics, e.g. if the shapes are
grouped together with <g> you might try harder to ensure
they're rendered at the same pixel
shepazu: for example if there are two states with a common border, you want to signal that they share a common border if they're transformed
BogdanBrinza: instead of
signalling, you could know this by the document structure and
... so an implementation detail on how we can improvde the
rendering without requiring additional markup
shepazu: you're saying do it automatically. would that be implementaiton specific? or would we specify that when things are grouped/transformed together, you should use this algorithm to make sure the pixels align
BogdanBrinza: the latter is
definitely preferable
... before speccing, prototyping would be good to see how well
it works
shepazu: speccing for
interoperability, which would be great, in addition to implicit
signals we should have an explicit signal because when you're
structuring a document you're structuring for different
... you could need to have shapes in different groups for
certain reasons
BogdanBrinza: I would agree with
that, yes
... we've been looking at a look of CSS/HTML compat
... authors are trying to align things but don't get it exactly
... but yes some authors might want explicit control for
shepazu: or just optimise according to different signals than the default
Tav: would be good to have before and after images
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/birtles?/tav/ Succeeded: s/second// Succeeded: s/issues/issue/ WARNING: No scribe lines found matching ScribeNick pattern: <Cameron> ... Found ScribeNick: BogdanBrinza Found Scribe: Cameron Found ScribeNick: heycam ScribeNicks: BogdanBrinza, heycam Default Present: [IPcaller], ed, heycam, Doug_Schepers, stakagi, +1.425.463.aaaa, birtles, krit, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, cabanier, nikos, Tav, Thomas_Smailus Present: [IPcaller] ed heycam Doug_Schepers stakagi +1.425.463.aaaa birtles krit Rich_Schwerdtfeger cabanier nikos Tav Thomas_Smailus Agenda: Found Date: 08 Jan 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: bogdan ed get[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]
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