Data-Optimized Coronal Field Model (DOCFM)

DOCFM is an NCAR/CfA collaboration that is funded by AFOSR to model the global coronal magnetic field using magnetometric and other observations, with the goal of improving space weather forecasts of magnetic orientation within coronal mass ejections.


  • Project overview
  • Project participants
    • NCAR (HAO & CISL)
      • Sarah Gibson (AFOSR grant PI; HAO Scientist)
      • Yuhong Fan (AFOSR grant CoI; HAO Scientist)
      • Steven Tomczyk (AFOSR grant CoI; HAO Scientist)
      • Giuliana de Toma (HAO Project Scientist)
      • Kevin Dalmasse (HAO/CISL Postdoctoral Fellow)
      • Doug Nychka (Scientist; CISL)
      • Natasha Flyer (Scientist; CISL)
    • CfA
      • Ed Deluca (CfA subcontract PI; CfA Scientist)
      • Antonia Savcheva (CfA subcontract coI; CfA Scientist)
      • Nishu Karna (CfA Postdoc)
      • Patricia Jibben (CfA subcontract coI; CfA Scientist)
      • Karen Meyer (CfA subcontract coI; U. Abertay, CfA Visiting Scientist)
      • Duncan Mackay (CfA subcontract collaborator; U. St. Andrews)
      • Jenna Samra (CfA graduate student)
      • Svetlan Tassev (CfA researcher)
    • Other Collaborations
      • Marcel Corchado-Albelo (Undergraduate Student; U. Puerto Ricco Mayaguez)
      • Silvano Fineschi (AFOSR Windows on the Universe collaborator; U. Turin)
      • Gordon MacDonald (NMSU graduate student; with N. Arge AFRL)
      • Patrick McCauley (U Sydney graduate student; with I. Cairns)
      • Nathaniel Mathews (Graduate Student; U. Colorado)
      • Jie Zhao (Purple Mountain Observatory)
      • Predictive Science Inc. (AFOSR Bz team)
  • Team meetings and collaborative visits
  • Presentations
  • Publications & Reports
  • FORWARD Software Suite for Model-Data Comparison

DOCFM acknowledges support from the Air Force Office of Space Research, FA9550-15-1-0030.AFOSR.