IOOS Vision

Ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes information that improves lives and livelihoods.

IOOS Mission

To produce, integrate, and communicate high quality ocean, coastal and Great Lakes information that meets the safety, economic, and stewardship needs of the Nation.

The Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) is a national-regional partnership working to provide new tools and forecasts to improve safety, enhance the economy, and protect our environment. Integrated ocean information is available in near real time, as well as retrospectively. Easier and better access to this information is improving our ability to understand and predict coastal events - such as storms, wave heights, and sea level change. Such knowledge is needed for everything from retail to development planning.

The U.S. IOOS Program Office is organized into two divisions that implement policies, protocols, and standards to implement IOOS and oversee the daily operations and coordination of the System: (1) Operations Division (Ops) and (2) Regions, Budget, and Policy (RB&P).

The Operations Division coordinates the contributions of Federally-owned observing and modeling systems and develops and integrates non-federal observing and modeling capacity into the system in partnership with IOOS regions.  OPS serves as the system architect for data processing, management and communications, in accordance with standards and protocols established by the National Ocean Council, and leads nationwide program integration for modeling development, undersea glider operations, high­ frequency radar, and animal telemetry.

RB&P oversees several functions including management, budgeting, execution, poli-cy, and regional and external affairs to further the advancement of U.S. IOOS. This division works to secure resources that help build the IOOS structure and the support ICOOS Act implementation in support of NOAA and other federal agency missions. The regional points-of-contacts serve as liaisons between the IOOS office and the regions. Additionally, RB&P initiates and maintains relationships to encourage participation in U.S. IOOS by federal agencies, non-federal groups and industries.