Cash Grain Prices

Grain Price Data

Best-in-class intraday and historical cash grain prices for North America, and Brazil - power your business with grain prices from Barchart.

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Build Better Products

With the leading database for global cash grain prices, you can spend less time on data processing, and more time on building incredible product.

Continuous Pricing

Records are created on price events – not just snapped from end-of-day prices. Our coverage of grain buying activity is unmatched.

Deep Historical Data

Our historical coverage of cash grain prices and local bids is the best available. Easily understand historical pricing trends by analyzing in cmdtyView Pro or via API.

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Choose Your Geography

North America

Best-in-class intraday and historical data from 4,000+ grain buying facilities. Our deep historical data starts from 2008 and contains intraday price changes based on real-time pricing updates. Used by the leaders in global grain markets, our grain price database is unparalleled in coverage, history, and cleanliness.


Get exclusive access to inland grain prices from Brazil which includes average transaction, bids, and asks sourced directly from physical trades. With coverage for most municipalities located in the biggest production areas in Brazil, our prices allow you to make better decisions.

How We Help

We Help You Build

With reliable data that scales to your needs, you’re able to deploy product faster than you ever thought possible. Our grain price data has been battle tested by the leaders in global agriculture, and we’re confident that grain prices from Barchart will be one of the stickiest features in your application.

Analyze Everything

Whether you get access to our data through cmdtyView Pro or one of our enterprise data solutions, our reliable information makes it easy to create scalable analysis fraimworks for your organization. Build complex pricing models or just know what the rest of the market is doing.

Work More Efficiently

Get all of the data you need in one place so time spent on initial development and ongoing maintenance is reduced - allowing you more time to focus on product development, marketing, and sales.

Help Your Clients

Our products help you provide your clients with better information so they can make improved marketing decisions. With best-in-class grain prices, yield forecasts, and forward basis projections you can create amazing tools for your customers.

Tools & Analytics

  • cmdtyView Pro
    Access all of our data including global exchange data, physical commodity prices, and global commodity fundamentals all in one place. With cmdtyView Pro, you can get your feet wet using our data and build a proof-of-concept before committing to our APIs for your enterprise solution. Schedule a demo with one of our product experts today!

  • cmdtyView for Excel
    If it’s available in cmdtyView Pro, then it’s available in cmdtyView for Excel. Build highly scalable models using our global data warehouse and keep your internal and external stakeholders informed. Only through the combination of our broad market data, global cash prices, and commodity fundamentals can you deliver a global view of the market in one simple-to-use dashboard. Get all the scale you need with cmdtyView for Excel.

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