Documentation for /cgi-bin/request/gis/

This service emits processed and raw PIREP data. At this time, you must request 120 days or less of data at one time if you do not filter the request.


  • 2024-06-28: Initital documentation release
  • 2024-07-31: A product_id field was added to the output, but only non-null

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 14)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

for PIREPs after about 18 UTC on 31 July 2024. Someday, a backfill may happen.

Example Requests

Provide all PIREPs for the month of June 2024 over Chicago ARTCC in CSV:

CGI Arguments

The following table lists the CGI arguments that are accepted by this service. A HTTP GET request is required. Fields of type Multi-Params or CSV value can accept either a comma separated list or multiple parameter and value combinations. For example, ?foo=1&foo=2 is equivalent to ?foo=1,2.

Field Type Description
artcc Multi-Params or CSV value The ARTCC to limit the query to, use _ALL for all
ets string The end time of the query
fmt string The format of the output file
sts string The start time of the query
year1 integer The start year of the query, when sts is not provided
month1 integer The start month of the query, when sts is not provided
day1 integer The start day of the query, when sts is not provided
degrees number The distance in degrees for a spatial filter
filter boolean Should we filter by distance from a point?
lat number The latitude of the point to filter by
lon number The longitude of the point to filter by
hour1 integer The start hour of the query, when sts is not provided
minute1 integer The start minute of the query, when sts is not provided
year2 integer The end year of the query, when ets is not provided
month2 integer The end month of the query, when ets is not provided
day2 integer The end day of the query, when ets is not provided
hour2 integer The end hour of the query, when ets is not provided
minute2 integer The end minute of the query, when ets is not provided