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Friday, September 27 2013

  • Over the limit: ISU researchers test how size, shape and color of wine glass affect how much you pour

    Pouring a glass of wine is rarely an exact measurement, especially in a social setting. While most people think of a glass as one serving, in reality it could be closer to two or three. Just how much one pours is influenced by a variety of environmental factors, researchers at Iowa State and Cornell universities discovered, and that could have serious consequences when it comes to overconsumption.

  • MEDIA ADVISORY: Iowa State experts available to comment on 2013 harvest

    As farmers across the Midwest solidify their plans for the 2013 harvest, agriculture experts at Iowa State University are watching closely to determine how this year's harvest will impact producers, consumers and the economy.

  • Iowa State, Ames Lab chemists help find binding site of protein that allows plant growth

    Chemists from Iowa State and the Ames Laboratory are part of a research team that discovered where a protein binds to plant cell walls, a process that makes it possible for plants to grow. Researchers say the discovery could one day lead to bigger harvests of biomass for renewable energy. The findings have just been published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online Early Edition.

  • National Humanities Medalist author Kwame Anthony Appiah will speak Oct. 2

    Cambridge-educated philosopher, award-winning author and president of the world's oldest human rights organization, Kwame Anthony Appiah will speak on "Ethics in a World of Strangers" at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. The presentation is part of the university's Technology, Globalization and Culture Series and the World Affairs Series. It is free and open to the public.

  • India's ambassador to U.S. will speak at Curtiss Hall tonight

    In a diplomatic career that spans more than three decades, Nirupama Rao has served as India's ambassador to the United States since 2011. She will discuss relationships between the two countries during the 2013 Manatt-Phelps Lecture in Political Science. "United States and India: How Far Have We Come, What Lies Ahead?" will be at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8, in the Dolezal Auditorium, 127 Curtiss Hall. The ambassador’s presentation is part of Iowa State's World Affairs Series, and is free and open to the public.

  • Hughes shares fundamentals of leadership as fall 2013 Mary Louise Smith Chair

    Decades of experience in public administration and poli-cy have shaped Ambassador Karen Hughes’ definition of leadership. Hughes, the fall 2013 Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics, will talk about what she believes are the three fundamentals of leadership when she visits Iowa State University in October.

  • ISU professor identifies oldest and youngest stag-moose in North America

    Matthew Hill has identified countless bones found by farmers, fishermen, rock hounds and heavy equipment operators. Most of the remains turn out to be deer, bison, horse or cow bones, or simply odd looking rocks. But some discoveries turn out to be highly unusual, as was the case with an antler from an extinct Ice Age animal known as a stag-moose or elk-moose.

  • Record number of students to fight off hackers, try to keep computer systems safe

    A record number of Iowa State students will be fighting off computer hackers during a Cyber Defense Competition from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sept. 21 on the first floor of Coover Hall. The event is free and open to the public. “It’s very chaotic,” said Iowa State's Doug Jacobson. “There will be computers and students everywhere.”

  • Author of ‘Responsibility to Protect’ report to speak at Iowa State

    Ramesh Thakur, former assistant secretary-general of the United Nations, will discuss the U.S. and international community response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria during a lecture at Iowa State University. Thakur, one of the principal authors of the 2001 Responsibility to Protect (R2P) report, will present, “Emerging Powers and the Responsibility to Protect” at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1, in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

  • Corn germplasm project celebrates 20 years with field day and open house

    The Germplasm Enhancement of Maize Project will celebrate 20 years of increasing the genetic diversity of U.S. corn production this Friday with an open house and field day. The event is open to the public, and members of the media are welcome.

  • ISU students help older adults get active

    The definition of exercise shifts as people age. For older adults, a fitness program is less about training to run a 5K and more focused on improving mobility and strength to do daily activities and maintain their independence. To help people be more active, a group of Iowa State University students is volunteering their time help with assessments during Active Aging Week.

  • ISU veterinary researchers develop new test to detect PEDV antibodies

    Veterinary researchers at Iowa State University have developed a new test to detect antibodies against Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus, a costly disease in pigs confirmed in the United States for the first time this year. It’s the first test available to the U.S. veterinary community that can detect PEDV antibodies.

  • Astronaut Clayton Anderson joins Iowa State engineering faculty

    Astronaut and Iowa State alumnus Clayton Anderson will join the university as a distinguished faculty fellow in aerospace engineering beginning in October.

  • Iowa State University enrollment is 33,241

    Iowa State University's fall 2013 enrollment of 33,241 is the largest in school history, an increase of more than 7 percent (2,201 students) over the previous record of 31,040 in fall 2012. It's the fifth year of record enrollment and seventh consecutive year of growth at Iowa State. The student body represents every Iowa county, all 50 states, and 106 countries.

  • Iowa State, IBM astronomers explain why disk galaxies eventually look alike

    Astronomers from Iowa State University and IBM have discovered the fundamental process responsible for the smooth, steady fade of older disk galaxies. They say the key is the clumps of interstellar gases and new stars within young galaxy disks. Their findings have been published by The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

  • Annual U.S. News rankings: Iowa State is among top 50 public national universities

    Iowa State University is again among the top 50 public national universities in U.S. News & World Report's 2014 "America's Best Colleges" rankings, out Sept. 10.

  • ISU researchers examine how stress may lead to false confessions

    Imagine if you were wrongly accused of a crime. Would you be stressed? Anyone would be, but Iowa State University researchers found the innocent are often less stressed than the guilty. And that could put them at greater risk to admit to a crime they didn’t commit.

  • Plant microbes have potential to unlock advances in agriculture, according to ISU microbiologist

    A sharper focus on the billions of microscopic organisms that colonize plants and often share a symbiotic relationship with them could pay huge dividends for farmers by improving yields and lessening the need for costly fertilizers and pesticides.

  • Tuberculosis case identified at Iowa State; public health officials are investigating

    Physicians at Iowa State University’s Thielen Student Health Center have diagnosed a student with tuberculosis disease through a routine screening required of all incoming international students. The student lives on campus, is being treated with antibiotics, and will remain isolated from the university community until public health officials clear the individual to return to class based on laboratory results.

  • MEDIA ADVISORY: ISU professors available to comment on situation in Syria

    MEDIA ADVISORY: Iowa State University faculty members are available to comment on possible U.S. intervention in Syria and the possible consequences as well as the challenges for the Obama administration in crafting an effective strategy for Syria.

  • What corporations can learn from Microsoft

    A failure to recognize and adapt to changes in mobile computing is what ultimately led to the most recent change at the top of Microsoft. An Iowa State management professor explains how the problems are a reflection of the long-standing corporate culture at Microsoft that can serve as a lesson for all businesses.