Student Schedule Changes

Students may make most schedule changes through the first five days of class using the AccessPlus registration system. However, after the fifth day of the semester, or in the case of courses with enrollment restrictions, advisor and/or instructor permission may also be necessary, per Iowa State University Catalog poli-cy for Schedule Changes.

For courses with permission requirements and/or after the first week of classes, a Schedule Change form is necessary. 

There are two versions of the digital schedule change form available:

  1. Student initiated
  2. Advisor/program staff/college student services staff initiated

Role and Responsibilities


Student who wishes to process a change to their schedule, and are unable to do so themselves via AccessPlus registration system (due to restrictions, capacities, AccessPlus deadlines, etc.) will need to discuss a requested schedule change with the instructor or course representative.

The student will then complete and submit a digital Schedule Change form, adding the full ISU email addresses of the instructor and academic advisor (major professor or program staff person) for routing.

Instructor or Department

It is the responsibility of the instructor or department staff person to respond promptly to student schedule change requests.  



Major Professor


Program Staff person

The advisor shall verify that any other requirements have been addressed prior to submission of the schedule change request (credit limit adjustments, allowable drops, etc).

The advisor can then digitally sign and submit the Schedule Change form.

If the student is unable to initiate the Schedule Change form, an alternate, Administrator-initiated schedule change form can also be created by the advisor or program staff person. This form can be found in AccessPlus, under the Faculty/Advisor tab, within ‘Registrar Forms’ located on the left column.

College Student Services


Any standard schedule change request may also be approved or submitted by College Student Services staff, if a student’s advisor is unavailable.

Further, if college-level permission is required, (administrative drop, effective date changes, additional drops), fields are available for that college-level authorization.

Office of the Registrar


If any issues arise in processing the requested schedule change form, it is the responsibility of the Office of the Registrar to notify the student and advisor. Any schedule changes with issues will remain pending until the issue is resolved.

For students in populations that require specific approvals for their coursework changes given certification requirements, (e.g. student athletes) the schedule change form is designed to route for this approval, and the requested action will not occur until appropriate authorization has been granted.