Organizations and Learning Communities

Students are encouraged to develop leadership and professional skills and abilities through involvement in student organizations and other extra-curricular experiences. Work and volunteer hours are valuable for enhancing professional potential as well as study abroad experiences and Honors Program membership.

Learning Communities

Incoming students are invited to join the Food Science and Human Nutrition Learning Community that provides an opportunity for students to:

  • Meet other students with similar career interests
  • Take a few common courses together
  • Interact with upper-level peer mentors 
  • Participate in service-learning projects

Living Component: There is an optional living-learning component for incoming first-year students who would like to live on the same residence hall floor as other students interested in nutrition and dietetics. Students can select the learning community living option when indicating housing preferences.

All incoming students (regardless of housing preference), are invited to join the learning community and register for common courses during orientation sessions.

Student Organizations

Student Dietetic Association

The ISU Student Dietetic Association provides an opportunity for dietetic students to learn more about current issues in nutrition and become more actively involved within the professional association for dietitians: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The club’s primary purpose is to provide members with current information on the profession of dietetics and advancements in the field. Members are encouraged to attend state and national professional meetings in addition to on-campus meetings. Contact the officers to get involved!