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Satellite Alert Messages

The following messages give you information about NOAA's satellite operations, including various product changes, upgrades and outages.
Visit often for the latest information affecting data delivery.

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This page shows the 100 most recent messages. To view older messages, please choose the year and month from the menu above.

Messages Updated: Wed May 25 16:12:50 UTC 2022 blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Alaska 4 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 31, 2022 1749Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 EXIS Readout Noise Calibration (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) Issued: January 31, 2022 1216Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 EXIS Off-point Calibration (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) Issued January 31, 2022 1212Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 EXIS FOV Mapping (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) Issued: January 31, 2022 1207Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly:9 of 452,210 Alert Message 2022-01-31 10:52:56 :: 0° Service Issued: January 31, 2022 1122Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Eumetsat Alert Message 2022-01-31 09:44:55 :: 0° Service Issued: January 31, 2022 1001Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 31, 2022 - Issued: January 31, 2022 0907Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 31, 2022 - Issued: January 31, 2022 0901Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP F-16 Data loss - Issued: January 30, 2022 1605Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #1 - Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 28, 2022 - Issued: January 30, 2022 1224Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP F-17 Data loss - Issued: January 29, 2022 1933Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP F-17 Data loss - Issued: January 29, 2022 1750Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 Maryland 1 GEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 29, 2022 1652Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Correction DMSP F-18 Data loss - Issued: January 29, 2022 1645Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP F-18 Data loss - Issued: January 29, 2022 1640Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Maryland 1 GEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 29, 2022 1559Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly, USMCC Operations Down - Issued: January 29, 2022 1515Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 29, 2022 - Issued: January 29, 2022 0957Z
blue ball Administrative (Update #1): GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 28, 2022 - Issued: January 29, 2022 0952Z
blue ball Product Outage : GOES-17 - ABI L1b Band 03 MESO 2 products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: January 28, 2022 1932Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 28, 2022 - Issued: January 28, 2022 1659Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 29, 2022 - Issued: January 28, 2022 1653Z
blue ball Product Outage: GOES-17 - ABI L1b Band 10 products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: January 28, 2022 1547Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 ABI Solar Calibration Scan scheduled for February 05, 2022 - Issued: January 28, 2022 1521Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 ABI Solar Calibration Scan scheduled for February 05, 2022, Issued - January 28, 2022 1516Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #1: GOES-16 EXIS Off-point Calibration (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) scheduled for January 31, 2022-Issued: January 28, 2022 1450Z
blue ball Administrative: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 28, 2022 - Issued: January 28, 2022 1200Z
blue ball Administrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule__Issued:_January 27, 2022_1635 UTC
blue ball Administrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 5 - Issued January 27, 2022 1605Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Correction - DMSP F-18 Data loss - Issued: January 27, 2022 1132Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Alert Message 2022-01-27 10:40:52 :: RDS-EARS Issued - January 27, 2022 1048Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP F-18 Data loss - Issued: January 27, 2022 0859Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP F-16 Data loss - Issued: January 27, 2022 0244Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 27, 2022 - Issued: January 27, 2022 0114Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Correction: Update#2 DMSP/SSMI Data Delay - Issued January 26, 2022 2234Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly:Update#2 DMSP/SSMI Data Delay - Issued January 26, 2022 2229Z
blue ball Product Anomaly: GOES-17 - products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: Jan 26, 2022 0650ZGOES-17 products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA, Issued: January 26, 2022 1225Z
blue ball Administrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 4 Issue 3 (addition of announcements 7799, 7800 and 7801) Issued: January 26, 2022 1139Z
blue ball Administrative: Update 1: Product Outage: GOES-17 - ABI L1b MESO-2 Band 5 products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA scheduled for January 25, 2022-Issued: January 25, 2022 2328Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 ABI L1b Band 5 and derived products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA scheduled for January 25, 2022-Issued: January 25, 2022 2323Z
blue ball Administrative: NDE System Upgrade scheduled on March 3, 2022 - Issued January 25, 2022 2040 UTC
blue ball Administrative: Metop-B In-Plane Maneuver Schedule for January 26, 2022 - Issued: January 25, 2022 1937Z
blue ball Administrative: JPSS Algorithm Updates in IDPS Block 2.3 Maintenance Release Mx5 Transition to Operations scheduled on February 8, 2022 - Issued: January 25, 2022 1755 UTC
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 EXIS FOV Mapping (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) scheduled for January 29, 2022-Issued: January 25, 2022 1552Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 EXIS Cruciform Scan (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) scheduled for January 30, 2022-Issued: January 25, 2022 1552Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 EXIS Off-point Calibration (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) scheduled for January 31, 2022-Issued: January 25, 2022 1552Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly : NOAA-18 GAC Data Delay - Issued: January 25, 2022 0038Z
blue ball Administrative: JPSS CGS CBU IDMZ Firewall replacement & Mission Partner Testing Scheduled for January 24, 2022 - Issued: January 24, 2022 1829Z
blue ball Administrative: Operational Update of Multiplatform Tropical Cyclone Surface Winds Analysis (MTCSWA) on NDE on January 26, 2022 - Issued January 24, 2022 1727 UTC
blue ball Administrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 4 Issue 2 (addition of announcement 7792) Issued: January 24, 2022 1558Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 24, 2022 - Issued: January 24, 2022 1313Z
blue ball Product Outage: GOES-17 - ABI L1b Band 13 products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA - Issued: January 24, 2022 1039Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data Delay - Issued: January 24, 2022 0215Z
blue ball Product: Update#1Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data Delay - Issued: January 23, 2022 0751Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data Delay - Issued: January 23, 2022 0425Z
blue ball Product Outage: GOES-17 - ABI L1b Band 15 products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: January 22, 2022 0848Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #1: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 21, 2022 - Issued: January 22, 2022 0510Z
blue ball Product Outage/Degradation: Update #1: GOES-16 (EAST) Geostationary Lightning Mapper Test - Issued: January 22, 2022 0304 UTC
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data loss - Issued: January 21, 2022 2210Z
blue ball Product Outage/Degradation: GOES-16 (EAST) Geostationary Lightning Mapper Test - Issued: January 21, 2022 1914 UTC
blue ball Administrative: Supplemental GOES-15 operations scheduled for February 22- February 28, 2022 - Issued January 21, 2022 1827 UTC
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP F-17 Data loss - Issued: January 21, 2022 1446Z
blue ball Administrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site - Issued: January 21, 2022 1418Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 21, 2022 - Issued: January 21, 2022 1113Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly : NOAA-15 GAC Data Loss - Issued: January 21, 2022 0827Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 21, 2022 - Issued: January 21, 2022 0528Z
blue ball Administrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule_Issued:_January 20, 2022_1920 UTC
blue ball Administrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 04 Issued: January 20, 2022 1615Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Ocean Color Products Outage - Issued January 20, 2022 1440 UTC
blue ball Administrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site, beginning January 20, 2022 1345Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 20, 2022 - Issued: January 20, 2022 0540Z
blue ball Administrative: Satellite Ocean Heat Content in North Pacific Basin not Updating Issued: January 20,2022 0304Z
blue ball Administrative: Satellite Ocean Heat Content in North Pacific Basin not Updating Issued: January 20,2022 0012Z
blue ball Product/Outage Anomaly: Update #2 - Outage Involving the Shared File System (Emergency Maintenance): Issued: January 19, 2022 1754Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #2: GOES-17 (GOES-West) ABI Mode 3 Cooling Timeline Implementation February 3, 2022– February 27, 2022, Issued: January 19, 2022 1635 UTC
blue ball Product/Outage Anomaly: Update #1 - Outage Involving the Shared File System (Emergency Maintenance): Issued: January 19, 2022 1602Z
blue ball Product/Outage Anomaly: Satellite Ocean Heat Content in North Pacific Basin not Updating - Issued: January 19, 2022 1555Z
blue ball Product/Outage Anomaly: Outage Involving the Shared File System (Emergency Maintenance): Issued: January 19, 2022 1519Z
blue ball Administrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 03 Issue 3 (Announcements: Addition of 7773 to 7776, Update of 7655) Issued: January 19, 2022 1414Z
blue ball Administrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site, Issued: January 19, 2022 1401Z
blue ball Product Outage: GOES-16 - ABI L1b Meso-2 Band 16 products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA - Issued: January 19, 2022 1338Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Update #1:Alert Message 2022-01-19 09:50:31 :: 41.5° E IODC Issued January 19, 2022 1008Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 19, 2022 - Issued: January 19, 2022 0832Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Alert Message 2022-01-19 07:36:51 :: 41.5° E IODC Issued January 19, 2022 0744Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 19, 2022 - Issued: January 19, 2022 0033Z
blue ball Administrative: Update: OMI Data Outage for January 19, 2022, Issued: January 18, 2022 1815Z
blue ball Administrative: OMI Data Outage for January 18, 2022, Issued: January 18, 2022 1815Z
blue ball Administrative: GCOM Inclination Adjust Maneuver notice for January 18, 2022, Issued: January 18, 2022 1716Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 ABI Solar Calibration Scan scheduled for January 22, 2022, Issued: January 18, 2022 1700Z
blue ball Administrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site, beginning January 18, 2022 - Issued: January 18, 2022 1422Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 18, 2022 - Issued: January 18, 2022 1118Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #11: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 18, 2022 0014Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 17, 2022 - Issued: January 17, 2022 1148Z
blue ball Administrative Update #10: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 2358Z
blue ball Administrative Update #9: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 2135Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 17, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 1620Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 16, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 1440Z
blue ball Administrative Update #8: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 0907Z
blue ball Administrative Correction: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 16, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 0730Z
blue ball Administrative Update #1: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 0722Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 16, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 0719Z
blue ball Administrative Update #7: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 0606Z
blue ball Administrative Update #6: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 16, 2022 0214Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 1543Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #1: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 1540Z
blue ball Administrative: (Correction): Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 1459Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #5: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 1446Z
blue ball Administrative (Correction): Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 1343Z
blue ball Administrative (Correction): Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 1338Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: Hawaii 3 LEO Ground Station Offline - Issued: January 15, 2022 1328Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #1: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 1323Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Hawaii 3 LEO Ground Station Offline - Issued: January 15, 2022 0933Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 0925Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 0922Z
blue ball Administrative (Update #1): GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 0918Z
blue ball Administrative (Update #3): Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 0809Z
blue ball Administrative (Correction): Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 0723Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 0713Z
blue ball Administrative (Update #2): Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 0705Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 0547Z
blue ball Anomaly (Update #1): Product Distribution and Access (PDA) at the NSOF OPS site, January 15, 2022 0330Z
blue ball Product Outage (Correction): GOES-16 - ABI L1b Bands 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 products delivered to PDA -Issued: January 15, 2022 0326Z
blue ball Product Outage (Update #3): GOES-17 - ABI L1b Bands 04, 06-16 products delivered to PDA -Issued: January 15, 2022 0322Z
blue ball Administrative (Update #1): Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 15, 2022 0203Z
blue ball Product Outage (Update #2): GOES-17 - ABI L1b Bands 04, 06-16 products delivered to PDA -Issued: January 15, 2022 0133Z
blue ball Anomaly: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) at the NSOF OPS site, January 14, 2022 2325Z
blue ball Product Outage (Update #1): GOES-16 - ABI L1b Bands 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 products delivered to PDA -Issued: January 14, 2022 2312Z
blue ball Product Outage: GOES-16 - ABI L1b Bands 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 products delivered to PDA -Issued: January 14, 2022 2300Z
blue ball Product Outage: Update #1 GOES-17 - ABI L1b Bands 04, 06-16 products delivered to PDA -Issued: January 14, 2022 2219Z
blue ball Product Outage: Update #1; GOES-16 - Aerosol Detection, Cloud and Moisture All Bands, Fractional Snow Cover products delivered to PDA -Issued: January 14, 2022 2018Z
blue ball Product Outage: GOES-16 - Aerosol Detection, Cloud and Moisture All Bands, Fractional Snow Cover products delivered to PDA -Issued: January 14, 2022 1947Z
blue ball Product Outage: Product Outage GOES-17 - ABI L1b Bands 04, 06-16 products delivered to PDA -Issued: January 14, 2022 1934Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Lunar Trending Calibration Scans scheduled for January - Issued: January 14, 2022 1853Z
blue ball Administrative: Critical Weather Day has been declared for January 15, 2022 - Issued: January 14, 2022 1837Z
blue ball Administrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 3 Issue 2 (addition of announcement 7767) - Issued January 14, 2022 1430Z
blue ball Administrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site, beginning January 14, 2022 1420Z
blue ball Administrative: NOAA5045 Personnel Unable to connect to ERAV or ESPC-ERAV VPN - Issued: January 14, 2022 1310Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 14, 2022 - Issued: January 14, 2022 0831Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly:Update#1 DMSP Data Delay - Issued: January 14, 2022 0144Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data Delay - Issued: January 13, 2022 2336Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 14, 2022 - Issued: January 14, 2022 0038Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 -Correction - Hawaii 3 LEO Ground Station Offline - Issued: January 13, 2022 2149Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - Hawaii 3 LEO Ground Station Offline - Issued: January 13, 2022 2111Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 ABI Solar Calibration Scan scheduled for January 22, 2022 - Issued: January 13, 2022 2131Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 13, 2022 - Issued: January 13, 2022 1832Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #1 - NOAA-20, NPP and GCOM Data Delay Possible on Friday January 134, 2022 - Issued January 13, 2021 1710 UTC
blue ball Administrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 03- Issued January 13, 2022 1544Z
blue ball Administrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule_Issued:_January 13, 2022_1525 UTC
blue ball Administrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site, beginning January 13, 2022 1402Z
blue ball Product Outage: GOES-17 - ABI L1b Band 16, Cloud and Moisture Band 16 products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA - Issued: January 13, 2022 0200Z
blue ball Product Outage: (Correction) GOES-16 - ABI L1b Meso-2 Band 15 products delivered to PDA -Issued: Jan 12, 2022 2041Z
blue ball Product Outage: GOES-16 - ABI L1b Meso-2 Band 15 products delivered to PDA -Issued: Jan 12, 2022 2010Z
blue ball Administrative: NOAA-20 DMU Maneuver 06 on January 13, 2022 - Issued January 12, 2022 1726Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: NPP VIIRS Lunar Calibration Issued: January 12, 2022 1628Z
blue ball Administrative: NOAA-20, NPP and GCOM Data Delay Possible on Thursday January 13, 2022 - Issued January 12, 2021 1625 UTC
blue ball Administrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site, beginning January 12, 2022 1441Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay: Issued January 12, 2022 0130z
blue ball Product Anomaly: GOES 16 ABI L1b/L2 Meso-2 band 2 and 5 and derived products delivered AWIPS, GRB, and PDA - Issued: January 11, 2022 1917Z
blue ball Administrative: NOAA-18, 19, MetOp-B/1, & MetOp-C/3 AVHRR, Monthly Visible Calibration Update scheduled for January 11, 2022 - Issued: 11 January 2022 1700 UTC
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 11, 2022 - Issued: January 11, 2022 1633Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: (Update #2) JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay: Issued January 11, 2022 1450Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Sentinel-1B Outage: Issued January 11, 2022 1436Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: (Update #1) JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay: Issued January 11, 2022 0745Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay: Issued January 11, 2022 0209Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: (Update #1) JPSS NPP SMD Data Delay Issued: January 11, 2022 0130z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: JPSS NPP SMD Data Delay Issued: January 10, 2022 2355z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay: Issued January 10, 2022 2347Z
blue ball Administrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 02 Issue 2 (Announcements: Addition of 7745) - Issued: January 10, 2022 1310Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Update#3 Data Delay Metop-C GDS Issued: January 10, 2022 0803Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay: Issued January 10, 2022 0416Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay: Issued January 10, 2022 0249Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Update#2 Data Delay Metop-C GDS Issued: January 09, 2022 2047Z
blue ball Administrative: Correction#2 - GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 09, 2022 - Issued: January 09, 2022 0145Z
blue ball Administrative: Correction - GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 09, 2022 - Issued: January 09, 2022 0140Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 09, 2022 - Issued: January 09, 2022 0135Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data loss - Issued: January 08, 2022 2010Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 08, 2022 - Issued: January 08, 2022 1757Z
blue ball Administrative (Reminder): Meteosat-11 SEVIRI Decontamination Procedure - Issued: January 7, 2022_ 1910 UTC
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Update#1 Data Delay Metop-C GDS Issued: January 07, 2022 1247Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Data Delay Metop-C GDS Issued: January 07, 2022 0609Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay: Issued January 6, 2022 2157Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay: Issued January 6, 2022 2126Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 DMSP Data Delay - Issued: January 06, 2022 1644Z
blue ball Administrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 2 - Issued: January 06, 2022 1603Z
blue ball Product Outage: Update #1: GOES-16 -Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Bands 13, 14, 15, 16 products delivered to AWIPS - Issued: January 06, 2022 1522Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #1: GOES-17 (GOES-West) ABI Mode 3 Cooling Timeline Implementation February 5, 2022– February 27, 2022, Issued: January 6, 2022 1522 UTC
blue ball Administrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule_Issued:_January 6, 2022_1520 UTC
blue ball Administrative: GOES-17 (GOES-West) ABI Mode 3 Cooling Timeline Implementation February 5, 2022– February 27, 2022, Issued: January 6, 2022 1517 UTC
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data Delay - Issued: January 06, 2022 1330Z
blue ball Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 01 Issue 6 (Announcements: Addition of 7724) - Issued: January 06, 2022 1149Z
blue ball Product Outage: GOES-16 - Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Bands 13, 14, 15, 16 products delivered to AWIPS -Issued: January 05, 2022 2208Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data loss - Issued: January 05, 2022 2115Z
blue ball Administrative: Planned Maintenance Impacting ESPC Legacy Production Systems on January 6, 2022: Issued: January 5, 2022 2105Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly (Update #1): Missing PDA Data - Issued: January 05, 2022 2058Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Hawaii 3 LEO Ground Station Offline - Issued: January 5, 2022 2042Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #3 - NDE System Upgrade scheduled on January 6, 2022 - Issued January 5, 2022 2005 UTC
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Missing PDA Data - Issued: January 05, 2022 1952Z
blue ball Administrative: (Update #1- Delayed) GOES-16 ABI Encoder and FTE Calibrations scheduled for January 06, 2022, Issued: January 05, 2022 1509Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Guam 1 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 04, 2022 2200Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly Update#1 (Final Update): Alaska 4 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 4, 2022 2050Z
blue ball Administrative: Meteosat-11 SEVIRI Decontamination Procedure - Issued: January 4, 2022_ 2045 UTC
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: (Update #1 ) Outage of GOES-16 products, derived products and their distribution to PDA. Issued: January 04, 2022 1950Z
blue ball Administrative: Update #2 - NDE System Upgrade scheduled on January 6, 2022 - Issued January 4, 2022 1825 UTC
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Outage of GOES-16 products, derived products and their distribution to PDA. Issued: January 04, 2022 1813Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 04, 2022 - Issued: January 04, 2022 1713Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 04, 2022 - Issued: January 04, 2022 1554Z
blue ball Administrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 52 Issue 4 (addition of announcement 7722) - Issued: January 03, 2022 1539Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 03, 2022 - Issued: January 03, 2022 1243Z
blue ball SARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Alaska 4 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: January 2, 20220 1326Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 02, 2022 - Issued: January 02, 2022 1324Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 02, 2022 - Issued: January 02, 2022 1322Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: Eumetsat Alert Message 2022-01-01 21:57:20 :: GDS-Metop-B,GDS-Metop-C,SAF Service - Issued January 01, 2022 2218Z
blue ball Product Outage/Anomaly: DMSP F-17 Data loss - Issued: January 01, 2022 1630Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for January 01, 2022 - Issued: January 01, 2022 1301Z
blue ball Administrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for January 01, 2022 - Issued: January 01, 2022 1253Z

The latest message is at the top. To decode the filenames for the messages listed above, MSGXXXHHMM.html, MSG means "Message", XXX is the Julian Date, HHMM is the time of the message in UTC. Files are now saved as html format.


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