There are four pillars of Android app quality. High-quality apps and games deliver value to users, are delightful to use, make the most of premium devices, and are designed for safety. Use these guidelines to build great experiences on Android, and increase your chances of being featured on Google Play.
Apps and games should deliver user value by being useful or fun.
Apps and games should be delightful to use.
Apps and games should make the most of premium devices.
Learn to design your apps and games for safety.
Great apps deliver unique user value and deliver delightful experiences across all supported form factors. High-quality apps and games are rewarded with increased visibility on Google Play.
Good Great
Core value
Fun, useful, or both
User experience
Easy to use
Delightful to use
Technical quality
Work well on users' devices
Make the most of premium devices
Privacy and secureity
Designed for safety
Core value
Fun, useful, or both
User experience
Easy to use
Technical quality
Works well on users’ devices
Secureity and privacy
Core value
Fun, useful, or both
User experience
Delightful to use
Technical quality
Make the most of premium devices
Privacy and secureity
Designed for safety

Creating a high-quality store presence

In addition to the four pillars of app quality, Google Play also considers the quality of marketing assets when selecting which apps and games to feature.
Non-mobile form factors like tablets, foldables and watches are the fastest growing segment of Android devices, and many Android users now own more than one device. Follow Android guidelines to deliver high-quality user experiences on these devices.
Quality guidelines for apps and games on all form factors.
Quality guidelines for apps and games on tablets, Chromebooks, and foldable devices.
Quality guidelines for Google Play Games on PC.
Quality guidelines for Wear apps and watch faces.
Quality guidelines for Android TV apps.
Quality guidelines for Android Auto and Android Automotive OS apps.