Return to JSON Services.

This service provides information about Storm Prediction Center (SPC) watches for a given latitude and longitude point.


  • 2024-07-09: Add csv and excel output formats

Example Requests

Return all watches that had a polygon coincident with the point at 41.9N, 93.6W

Return all watches that were valid at 2024-08-01 00 UTC, sorry that this uses a lame format, will update to ISO8601 soon.

Return the above, but in CSV format

And now excel

CGI Arguments

The following table lists the CGI arguments that are accepted by this service. A HTTP GET request is required. Fields of type Multi-Params or CSV value can accept either a comma separated list or multiple parameter and value combinations. For example, ?foo=1&foo=2 is equivalent to ?foo=1,2.

Field Type Description
fmt string The format to return data in, either json, excel, or csv
ts string The timestamp to query for
lat number The latitude to query for
lon number The longitude to query for
callback string Callback function for JSONP output