- Local elections in parts of the United Kingdom were held on Thursday 2 May 2019, with 248 English local councils, six directly elected mayors in England, and all 11 local councils in Northern Ireland being contested. A total of 8,886 councillors were elected: terms were up for 8,861 seats, but eight elections for a total of 14 seats were postponed due to the death of a candidate; there were also casual vacancies to be filled: 38 in England (including on nine councils with no other elections) and one on Dundee City Council in Scotland. With the exception of areas whose electoral cycle has temporarily changed (due to a boundary review) or permanently changed, or that have been reorganised, the seats up for election in England were last contested in the 2015 local elections, on the same day as the general election of that year. The seats in Northern Ireland were last regularly contested in 2014. The biggest winners were the Liberal Democrats, who gained 704 seats to make a total of 1,351 councillors. The biggest losers were the Conservative Party down 1,333 from their previous total to 3,561 seats. Labour also lost seats, down by 84 to 2,021 seats. The Green Party gained 194 seats for a total of 265 seats. UKIP lost 145 seats, having only 31 councillors elected. (en)
- Les élections locales britanniques de 2019 ont lieu le 2 mai 2019 au Royaume-Uni. Elles ont lieu dans tous les districts d'Irlande du Nord et une partie des circonscriptions de l'Angleterre. L'Écosse et le Pays de Galles n'organisent pas d'élection ce jour-là. Les conservateurs et les travaillistes sortent perdants de ces élections, les premiers en particulier perdant plus d'un millier de sieges, principalement au profit des libéraux-démocrates, opposés au départ du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne. Les Verts et des candidats indépendants connaissent également des résultats en hausse. La Première ministre Theresa May analyse la défaite de son parti comme un désaveu des électeurs à la suite du report du Brexit. (fr)
- 2019年イギリス地方統一選挙(2019 United Kingdom local elections)は、イングランドと北アイルランドで2019年5月2日に投票が行われた。今回、259の地方議会で約8900議席について選挙が行われた。 結果、与党の保守党は1334議席を、最大野党の労働党は82議席を失った。BBCは、EU離脱問題への二大政党の対応への批判が結果に現れたと分析する。 † Final Results updated 21:30, 5 May 2019 (UTC). (ja)
- 2019年イギリス地方統一選挙(2019 United Kingdom local elections)は、イングランドと北アイルランドで2019年5月2日に投票が行われた。今回、259の地方議会で約8900議席について選挙が行われた。 結果、与党の保守党は1334議席を、最大野党の労働党は82議席を失った。BBCは、EU離脱問題への二大政党の対応への批判が結果に現れたと分析する。 † Final Results updated 21:30, 5 May 2019 (UTC). (ja)
- Local elections in parts of the United Kingdom were held on Thursday 2 May 2019, with 248 English local councils, six directly elected mayors in England, and all 11 local councils in Northern Ireland being contested. A total of 8,886 councillors were elected: terms were up for 8,861 seats, but eight elections for a total of 14 seats were postponed due to the death of a candidate; there were also casual vacancies to be filled: 38 in England (including on nine councils with no other elections) and one on Dundee City Council in Scotland. (en)
- Les élections locales britanniques de 2019 ont lieu le 2 mai 2019 au Royaume-Uni. Elles ont lieu dans tous les districts d'Irlande du Nord et une partie des circonscriptions de l'Angleterre. L'Écosse et le Pays de Galles n'organisent pas d'élection ce jour-là. (fr)