- Die Abfahrt im alpinen Skisport der Männer bei den Olympischen Winterspielen 1976 wurde am 5. Februar am Patscherkofel ausgetragen. Der Höhenunterschied von Start und Ziel betrug 870 Meter und war 3,020 Kilometer lang. Der Österreicher Franz Klammer, der bereits Sieger des Weltcup-Rennens am Patscherkofel im Januar war, konnte sich den Olympiasieg sichern. Die Silbermedaille gewann der Schweizer Bernhard Russi vor Herbert Plank aus Italien. (de)
- The Men's Downhill competition of the 1976 Winter Olympics at Innsbruck, Austria, was held at Patscherkofel on Thursday, 5 February, on the same course as in 1964. The defending world champion was David Zwilling of Austria, who had recently retired; Bernhard Russi of Switzerland was the defending Olympic champion. Franz Klammer of Austria was the defending World Cup downhill champion and led the current season; he had also won the pre-Olympic World Cup downhill at Patcherkofel a year earlier in January 1975. Klammer won the gold medal, Russi took the silver, and Herbert Plank of Italy was the bronze medalist. The starting gate was at an elevation of 1,950 m (6,398 ft) above sea level, with a vertical drop of 870 m (2,854 ft). The course length was 3.020 km (1.88 mi) and Klammer's famous winning run resulted in an average speed of 102.828 km/h (63.9 mph), with an average vertical descent rate of 8.2285 m/s (27.0 ft/s), significantly faster than previous Olympic downhills. At age 22, the win elevated him to an international celebrity and he was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Egon Zimmermann, also of Austria, took the gold medal a dozen years earlier in the 1964 Olympic downhill. His winning time was 2:18.16, more than a half-minute behind Klammer's. Through 2018, no Olympic men's downhill champion has repeated; Russi remains the sole defender to medal. (en)
- Tra le competizioni dello sci alpino disputate ai XII Giochi olimpici invernali di Innsbruck 1976 vi fu la discesa libera maschile. La gara si tenne il 5 febbraio sul tracciato di Patscherkofel e vide la vittoria dell'austriaco Franz Klammer (che si aggiudicò la medaglia d'oro), davanti allo svizzero Bernhard Russi (medaglia d'argento), e all'italiano Herbert Plank (medaglia di bronzo). Patscherkofel in Tirolo, Austria, sede della discesa libera maschile. (it)
- Zjazd mężczyzn podczas Zimowych Igrzysk Olimpijskich 1976 w Innsbrucku został rozegrany 5 lutego. Zawody odbyły się na trasie na stokach Patscherkofel. Mistrzem olimpijskim w tej konkurencji został Austriak Franz Klammer, srebro wywalczył Szwajcar Bernhard Russi, a brąz zdobył reprezentant Włoch Herbert Plank. (pl)
- Die Abfahrt im alpinen Skisport der Männer bei den Olympischen Winterspielen 1976 wurde am 5. Februar am Patscherkofel ausgetragen. Der Höhenunterschied von Start und Ziel betrug 870 Meter und war 3,020 Kilometer lang. Der Österreicher Franz Klammer, der bereits Sieger des Weltcup-Rennens am Patscherkofel im Januar war, konnte sich den Olympiasieg sichern. Die Silbermedaille gewann der Schweizer Bernhard Russi vor Herbert Plank aus Italien. (de)
- Tra le competizioni dello sci alpino disputate ai XII Giochi olimpici invernali di Innsbruck 1976 vi fu la discesa libera maschile. La gara si tenne il 5 febbraio sul tracciato di Patscherkofel e vide la vittoria dell'austriaco Franz Klammer (che si aggiudicò la medaglia d'oro), davanti allo svizzero Bernhard Russi (medaglia d'argento), e all'italiano Herbert Plank (medaglia di bronzo). Patscherkofel in Tirolo, Austria, sede della discesa libera maschile. (it)
- Zjazd mężczyzn podczas Zimowych Igrzysk Olimpijskich 1976 w Innsbrucku został rozegrany 5 lutego. Zawody odbyły się na trasie na stokach Patscherkofel. Mistrzem olimpijskim w tej konkurencji został Austriak Franz Klammer, srebro wywalczył Szwajcar Bernhard Russi, a brąz zdobył reprezentant Włoch Herbert Plank. (pl)
- The Men's Downhill competition of the 1976 Winter Olympics at Innsbruck, Austria, was held at Patscherkofel on Thursday, 5 February, on the same course as in 1964. The defending world champion was David Zwilling of Austria, who had recently retired; Bernhard Russi of Switzerland was the defending Olympic champion. Franz Klammer of Austria was the defending World Cup downhill champion and led the current season; he had also won the pre-Olympic World Cup downhill at Patcherkofel a year earlier in January 1975. (en)