- The men's super-G competition of the Albertville 1992 Olympics was held at Val-d'Isère on Sunday, 16 February. The defending world champion was Stephan Eberharter of Austria, while Switzerland's Franz Heinzer was the defending World Cup super-G champion, and his countryman Paul Accola was leading the current season. Norway captured three of the top four spots: Kjetil André Aamodt was the champion, Jan Einar Thorsen was the bronze medalist, and Ole Kristian Furuseth was fourth. Marc Girardelli of Luxembourg took the silver; Tom Stiansen, the fourth and final entrant of Norway, was eighth.Accola was tenth, Heinzer did not finish, and Eberharter was not selected for the Austrian Olympic team. The Face de Bellevarde course started at an elevation of 2,371 m (7,779 ft) above sea level with a vertical drop of 535 m (1,755 ft) and a course length of 1.650 km (1.03 mi). Aamodt's winning time was 73.04 seconds, yielding an average course speed of 81.325 km/h (50.5 mph), with an average vertical descent rate of 7.325 m/s (24.0 ft/s). Aamodt became the first Scandinavian to win an Olympic alpine speed event. The medals were the first for Norway in alpine skiing in forty years, since Stein Eriksen won gold and silver on home country snow in 1952. (en)
- Tra le competizioni dello sci alpino ai XVI Giochi olimpici invernali di Albertville 1992 il supergigante maschile si disputò domenica 16 febbraio sulla pista di Val-d'Isère; il norvegese Kjetil André Aamodt vinse la medaglia d'oro, il lussemburghese Marc Girardelli quella d'argento e il norvegese Jan Einar Thorsen quella di bronzo. Detentore uscente del titolo era il francese Franck Piccard, che aveva vinto la gara dei XV Giochi olimpici invernali di Calgary 1988 disputata sul tracciato di Nakiska precedendo l'austriaco Helmut Mayer (medaglia d'argento) e lo svedese Lars-Börje Eriksson (medaglia di bronzo); il campione mondiale in carica era l'austriaco Stephan Eberharter, vincitore a Saalbach-Hinterglemm 1991 davanti a Aamodt e a Piccard. (it)
- Supergigant mężczyzn podczas Zimowych Igrzysk Olimpijskich 1992 w Albertville został rozegrany 16 lutego. Zawody odbyły się na trasie w ośrodku narciarskim Val d’Isère. Mistrzem olimpijskim w tej konkurencji został Norweg Kjetil André Aamodt, srebro wywalczył reprezentant Luksemburga Marc Girardelli, a brąz zdobył kolejny reprezentant Norwegii, Jan Einar Thorsen. (pl)
- Herrarnas super-G under de olympiska vinterspelen 1992 i Albertville arrangerades den 16 februari 1992. (sv)
- Supergigant mężczyzn podczas Zimowych Igrzysk Olimpijskich 1992 w Albertville został rozegrany 16 lutego. Zawody odbyły się na trasie w ośrodku narciarskim Val d’Isère. Mistrzem olimpijskim w tej konkurencji został Norweg Kjetil André Aamodt, srebro wywalczył reprezentant Luksemburga Marc Girardelli, a brąz zdobył kolejny reprezentant Norwegii, Jan Einar Thorsen. (pl)
- Herrarnas super-G under de olympiska vinterspelen 1992 i Albertville arrangerades den 16 februari 1992. (sv)
- The men's super-G competition of the Albertville 1992 Olympics was held at Val-d'Isère on Sunday, 16 February. The defending world champion was Stephan Eberharter of Austria, while Switzerland's Franz Heinzer was the defending World Cup super-G champion, and his countryman Paul Accola was leading the current season. Aamodt became the first Scandinavian to win an Olympic alpine speed event. The medals were the first for Norway in alpine skiing in forty years, since Stein Eriksen won gold and silver on home country snow in 1952. (en)
- Tra le competizioni dello sci alpino ai XVI Giochi olimpici invernali di Albertville 1992 il supergigante maschile si disputò domenica 16 febbraio sulla pista di Val-d'Isère; il norvegese Kjetil André Aamodt vinse la medaglia d'oro, il lussemburghese Marc Girardelli quella d'argento e il norvegese Jan Einar Thorsen quella di bronzo. (it)