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"Already Gone" is a song performed by American pop singer-songwriter Kelly Clarkson from her fourth studio album, All I Ever Wanted. It is co-written by Clarkson and Ryan Tedder, who also produced it. The song was released as the album's third single in August 2009. Lyrically, "Already Gone" is about the breakup of a relationship; the music consists of an arrangement using a piano, drums, and string instruments.

Property Value
  • Already Gone (Už jsem pryč) je v pořadí třetím singlem americké zpěvačky Kelly Clarkson z jejího čtvrtého alba All I Ever Wanted. (cs)
  • "Already Gone" is a song performed by American pop singer-songwriter Kelly Clarkson from her fourth studio album, All I Ever Wanted. It is co-written by Clarkson and Ryan Tedder, who also produced it. The song was released as the album's third single in August 2009. Lyrically, "Already Gone" is about the breakup of a relationship; the music consists of an arrangement using a piano, drums, and string instruments. The production and release of "Already Gone" have been surrounded in controversy. Clarkson claimed that Tedder re-used the musical arrangement on the Beyoncé song "Halo", and stated that the public would incorrectly assume that she had stolen it; Tedder declared the accusations hurtful and false. After failing to prevent the song from being included on All I Ever Wanted because the track listing had already been finalized and the album was already being pressed, Clarkson then voiced her anger towards her record company bosses for subsequently deciding to release it as a single. The accompanying music video was directed by Joseph Kahn, who complained that he was not allowed to fully realize his vision, and stated he was unhappy with the final result. It features scenes of Clarkson dressed in a gold gown and expensive jewelry while lying on a chaise longue in an apartment. Shots of floating objects intersperse a second scene in which Clarkson, wearing a black dress, sings in a rehearsal room while surrounded by the instruments of an invisible orchestra. Despite her dissatisfaction with the song's release as a single, Clarkson began promoting it in July 2009, performing it live on the Late Show with David Letterman and other talk shows. In the fall, she performed the song on VH1 Divas and at the American Music Awards. She included "Already Gone" in the encore set of her 2009 All I Ever Wanted Tour. Clarkson has also performed the song in tours after. The song has received much praise from music critics, and is regarded as one of the highlights of All I Ever Wanted. Critics have praised the song for its expressions of vulnerability, its emotional impact, and its successful use of the ballad form. It peaked at number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100, and was certified Platinum in Canada and Gold in Australia. (en)
  • «Alredy Gone» es el tercer sencillo del álbum All I Ever Wanted de la cantante estadounidense Kelly Clarkson. Fue coescrito por la propia kelly y Ryan Tedder el cual también fue productor del tema. El sencillo se ha hecho un gran éxito de la cantante, siendo la segunda canción más valorada del disco tras su primer sencillo. (es)
  • Already Gone est le troisième single du 4e album de la chanteuse américaine Kelly Clarkson, All I Ever Wanted sorti en 2009. La chanson, a été coécrite par Kelly Clarkson et Ryan Tedder, chanteur du groupe One Republic, qui a également écrit la chanson Halo de Beyonce. Quoique Kelly Clarkson aurait voulu que « Cry » soit le troisième single de l'album à la suite des critiques disant que la chanson ressemblerait trop à Halo de Beyonce, son label l'a tout de même lancée, avec comme arguments que les deux précédents singles étaient "dance-pop" et qu'ils souhaitaient une ballade pour alterner les styles des singles. Néanmoins, le single rencontra un succès correct, et devint le 11e single de la chanteuse a entrer dans le top 20 du célèbre Billboard Hot 100. Le single se vendra finalement a plus d'1.800.000 d'exemplaires à travers le monde, dont plus de 1.400.000 aux États-Unis. (fr)
  • 《Already Gone》는 2009년 8월 11일에 발매된 켈리 클락슨의 노래이다. RCA 레코드에 의해 발매되었다. (ko)
  • Already Gone è il terzo singolo estratto dal quarto album della cantante statunitense Kelly Clarkson, All I Ever Wanted, pubblicato l'11 agosto 2009. La canzone è stata scritta da Kelly Clarkson e da Ryan Tedder, e prodotta da quest'ultimo. (it)
  • Already Gone is een nummer van de Amerikaanse poprockzangeres Kelly Clarkson. Het is geschreven door Clarkson in samenwerking met Ryan Tedder, die het nummer ook produceerde. Het nummer werd uitgebracht als de derde single van het vierde studioalbum All I Ever Wanted. Over het nummer is veel te doen geweest. Clarkson beschuldigde Tedder voor het gebruiken van hetzelfde muziekarrangement bij Beyoncés Halo en ook was ze het hierdoor oneens met de beslissing van haar platenlabel om dit nummer op single uit te brengen. (nl)
  • Already Gone – piosenka pop-rockowa stworzona przez Kelly Clarkson i Ryana Teddera na czwarty album studyjny Clarkson, „All I Ever Wanted” (2009). Wyprodukowany przez Teddera, utwór wydany został jako trzeci singel promujący krążek dnia 7 sierpnia 2009 w Australii. Clarkson skrytykowała Teddera za dostarczenie tego samego aranżu muzycznego Beyoncé Knowles, która wykorzystała go w utworze „Halo”, bez zawiadomienia o tym fakcie. Wokalistka wyraziła również krytykę w stosunku do wytwórni płytowej, która wydała kompozycję jako singel bez jej aprobaty. (pl)
  • "Already Gone" é uma canção da cantora norte-americana Kelly Clarkson, gravada para o seu quarto álbum de estúdio All I Ever Wanted. Foi composta e produzida por Ryan Tedder, com auxílio da própria Clarkson na escrita. A produção da música foi cercada por controvérsia, pois a artista afirmou que Tedder reutilizou os arranjos técnicos do tema "Halo", de Beyoncé Knowles, e que iria resultar numa opinião formada pelo público que tinha sido cometido plágio. O produtor norte-americano considerou as acusações falsas e dolorosas, afirmando que era preciso ouvir ambas e perceber que eram totalmente diferentes. Kelly ainda tentou prevenir o lançamento como faixa de trabalho, mas "Already Gone" foi escolhido como terceiro single de All I Ever Wanted quando a RCA Records enviou o tema para as rádios norte-americanas a 11 de agosto de 2009. Os críticos de música contemporânea fizeram análises positivas à canção, denominando-a como o destaque do álbum devido às suas expressões de vulnerabilidade, impacto emocional e do uso bem sucedido de balada enquanto forma musical. A obra obteve um desempenho comercial moderado, conseguindo chegar à décima terceira posição da Billboard Hot 100 dos Estados Unidos. Contudo, foi na Adult Pop Songs que conseguiu liderar. Na Austrália conseguiu chegar ao décimo segundo lugar da ARIA Singles Chart, e posteriormente a Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) certificou o single com disco de ouro, pelas mais de 35 mil descargas digitais vendidas. A Music Canada também atribuiu um galardão de platina. O vídeo musical foi dirigido por Joseph Kahn, que se queixou por não ter sido autorizado a elaborar o projecto à sua semelhança, ficando descontente com o resultado final. Gravado a 20 de Julho de 2009 em Toronto, Canadá, apresenta a cantora coberta com um vestido de ouro e joias caras enquanto estava deitada em uma espreguiçadeira num apartamento. A faixa recebeu várias interpretações ao vivo como parte da sua divulgação, como no VH1 Divas, na cerimónia anual American Music Awards em 2009, e inclusive esteve presente no alinhamento da digressão mundial All I Ever Wanted Tour e Stronger Tour que passaram pela Austrália, Estados Unidos, Escócia, Inglaterra e Irlanda. (pt)
  • «Already Gone» («Уже ушла») — третий сингл американской певицы Келли Кларксон с её четвёртого студийного альбома 2009 года All I Ever Wanted. Соавтором и продюсером песни стал вокалист группы OneRepublic Райан Теддер.Выход сингла сопровождался скандалом, связанным с тем, что Райан Теддер предположительно использовал одну и ту же аранжировку в «Already Gone» и песне Бейонсе «Halo». Келли Кларксон пыталась препятствовать включению песни альбом, а затем выходу сингла, поскольку боялась, что ей предъявят обвинения в плагиате. Несмотря на недовольство певицы, сингл вышедший летом 2009 года был, в основном, положительно оценен музыкальными критиками и вошёл в топ 20 чарта Billboard Hot 100, и в топ 10 многих других чартов США и других стран; сингл получил статус Платинового в Канаде и Золотого в Австралии. (ru)
  • 23217718 (xsd:integer)
  • 50326 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123060808 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • right (en)
  • The left side of the face of a woman of white complexion. She is wearing mascara and a red lipstick. Near her eye a shiny drop is seen. In front of her image the words "Kelly Clarkson" are written in white capital letters, while the words "Already Gone" are written in black capital letters. (en)
  • Gold (en)
  • 2009 (xsd:integer)
  • Kelly Clarkson - Already Gone.jpg (en)
  • A 26-second sample of the bridge and chorus of "Already Gone", highlighting the musical composition, and Clarkson's vocals which span from B3 to E5. (en)
  • true (en)
  • (en)
  • Tedder (en)
  • Lee Dagger (en)
  • Marc Jackson Burrows (en)
  • Producer (en)
  • Kelly Clarkson - "Already Gone".ogg (en)
  • Australian version (en)
  • European version (en)
  • 211.0
  • 214.0
  • 281.0
  • Already Gone (en)
  • 2010 (xsd:integer)
  • true (en)
  • true (en)
  • Album Version (en)
  • Bimbo Jones Radio Mix (en)
  • Instrumental Version (en)
  • right (en)
  • 2009 (xsd:integer)
  • Ryan Tedder (en)
  • Already Gone is one of the best songs I've written or produced since 'Bleeding Love' and stands tall on own merits apart from 'Halo'. They are two entirely different songs conceptually, melodically, lyrically and I would never try to dupe an artist such as Kelly Clarkson or Beyoncé into recording over the same musical track, the idea is both hurtful absurd. I think when people hear 'Already Gone' they will hear what I hear—one of the greatest female vocalists on earth giving her most haunting and heart-breaking performance on a song she helped write. I challenge people to listen and form their own opinions." (en)
  • "Ryan and I met each other at the record label, before he was working with anyone else We wrote about six songs together, four or five of them made the album. It was all fine and dandy. I’d never heard of a song called 'Halo'. Beyoncé's album came out when my album was already being printed. No-one’s gonna be sittin' at home, thinking Man, Ryan Tedder gave Beyoncé and Kelly the same track to write to. No, they’re just gonna be saying I ripped someone off. I called Ryan and said, 'I don’t understand. Why would you do that? (en)
  • 2008 (xsd:integer)
  • Australia (en)
  • Canada (en)
  • United States (en)
  • 2009-08-11 (xsd:date)
  • 2009 (xsd:integer)
  • 2009000 (xsd:integer)
  • Kelly Clarkson, speaking to CBC News (en)
  • Statement released by Ryan Tedder, reacting to criticisms from Clarkson (en)
  • Already Gone (en)
  • "Already Gone" (en)
  • album (en)
  • music (en)
  • single (en)
  • 25 (xsd:integer)
  • 30 (xsd:integer)
  • Already Gone (Už jsem pryč) je v pořadí třetím singlem americké zpěvačky Kelly Clarkson z jejího čtvrtého alba All I Ever Wanted. (cs)
  • «Alredy Gone» es el tercer sencillo del álbum All I Ever Wanted de la cantante estadounidense Kelly Clarkson. Fue coescrito por la propia kelly y Ryan Tedder el cual también fue productor del tema. El sencillo se ha hecho un gran éxito de la cantante, siendo la segunda canción más valorada del disco tras su primer sencillo. (es)
  • 《Already Gone》는 2009년 8월 11일에 발매된 켈리 클락슨의 노래이다. RCA 레코드에 의해 발매되었다. (ko)
  • Already Gone è il terzo singolo estratto dal quarto album della cantante statunitense Kelly Clarkson, All I Ever Wanted, pubblicato l'11 agosto 2009. La canzone è stata scritta da Kelly Clarkson e da Ryan Tedder, e prodotta da quest'ultimo. (it)
  • Already Gone is een nummer van de Amerikaanse poprockzangeres Kelly Clarkson. Het is geschreven door Clarkson in samenwerking met Ryan Tedder, die het nummer ook produceerde. Het nummer werd uitgebracht als de derde single van het vierde studioalbum All I Ever Wanted. Over het nummer is veel te doen geweest. Clarkson beschuldigde Tedder voor het gebruiken van hetzelfde muziekarrangement bij Beyoncés Halo en ook was ze het hierdoor oneens met de beslissing van haar platenlabel om dit nummer op single uit te brengen. (nl)
  • Already Gone – piosenka pop-rockowa stworzona przez Kelly Clarkson i Ryana Teddera na czwarty album studyjny Clarkson, „All I Ever Wanted” (2009). Wyprodukowany przez Teddera, utwór wydany został jako trzeci singel promujący krążek dnia 7 sierpnia 2009 w Australii. Clarkson skrytykowała Teddera za dostarczenie tego samego aranżu muzycznego Beyoncé Knowles, która wykorzystała go w utworze „Halo”, bez zawiadomienia o tym fakcie. Wokalistka wyraziła również krytykę w stosunku do wytwórni płytowej, która wydała kompozycję jako singel bez jej aprobaty. (pl)
  • "Already Gone" is a song performed by American pop singer-songwriter Kelly Clarkson from her fourth studio album, All I Ever Wanted. It is co-written by Clarkson and Ryan Tedder, who also produced it. The song was released as the album's third single in August 2009. Lyrically, "Already Gone" is about the breakup of a relationship; the music consists of an arrangement using a piano, drums, and string instruments. (en)
  • Already Gone est le troisième single du 4e album de la chanteuse américaine Kelly Clarkson, All I Ever Wanted sorti en 2009. La chanson, a été coécrite par Kelly Clarkson et Ryan Tedder, chanteur du groupe One Republic, qui a également écrit la chanson Halo de Beyonce. Néanmoins, le single rencontra un succès correct, et devint le 11e single de la chanteuse a entrer dans le top 20 du célèbre Billboard Hot 100. Le single se vendra finalement a plus d'1.800.000 d'exemplaires à travers le monde, dont plus de 1.400.000 aux États-Unis. (fr)
  • "Already Gone" é uma canção da cantora norte-americana Kelly Clarkson, gravada para o seu quarto álbum de estúdio All I Ever Wanted. Foi composta e produzida por Ryan Tedder, com auxílio da própria Clarkson na escrita. A produção da música foi cercada por controvérsia, pois a artista afirmou que Tedder reutilizou os arranjos técnicos do tema "Halo", de Beyoncé Knowles, e que iria resultar numa opinião formada pelo público que tinha sido cometido plágio. O produtor norte-americano considerou as acusações falsas e dolorosas, afirmando que era preciso ouvir ambas e perceber que eram totalmente diferentes. (pt)
  • «Already Gone» («Уже ушла») — третий сингл американской певицы Келли Кларксон с её четвёртого студийного альбома 2009 года All I Ever Wanted. Соавтором и продюсером песни стал вокалист группы OneRepublic Райан Теддер.Выход сингла сопровождался скандалом, связанным с тем, что Райан Теддер предположительно использовал одну и ту же аранжировку в «Already Gone» и песне Бейонсе «Halo». Келли Кларксон пыталась препятствовать включению песни альбом, а затем выходу сингла, поскольку боялась, что ей предъявят обвинения в плагиате. (ru)
  • Already Gone (cs)
  • Already Gone (Kelly Clarkson song) (en)
  • Already Gone (es)
  • Already Gone (fr)
  • Already Gone (Kelly Clarkson) (it)
  • Already Gone (ko)
  • Already Gone (nl)
  • Already Gone (pl)
  • Already Gone (pt)
  • Already Gone (ru)
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