- Das Antioch College ist eine Privatuniversität (Liberal Arts College) in Yellow Springs, einer kleinen Universitätsstadt südlich von Springfield im Greene County im US-Bundesstaat Ohio. Zwei Träger des Nobelpreises haben dort akademische Abschlüsse erworben – José Ramos-Horta (Friedensnobelpreis 1996) und Mario Capecchi (Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin 2007). Das College ist die Keimzelle der hat sich aber 2008 von ihr gelöst, was aus Sicht des damaligen Präsidenten an keiner anderen Bildungseinrichtung in vergleichbarer Form gegeben habe. (de)
- Antioch College is a private liberal arts college in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Founded in 1850 by the Christian Connection, the college began operating in 1852 as a non-sectarian institution; politician and education reformer Horace Mann was its first president. The college has been politically liberal and reformist since its inception. It was the fourth college in the country to admit African-American students on an equal basis with whites. It has had a tumultuous financial and corporative history, closing repeatedly, for years at a time, until new funding was assembled. Antioch College began opening new campuses in 1964, when it purchased the Putney School of Education in Vermont. Eventually it opened over 38 different campuses, and in 1978 it changed its name to Antioch University. While most of the university's campuses focused on adult education, graduate programs, and degree completion, Antioch College remained a traditional undergraduate institution on the original campus. In 2008, the university closed the college, but it reopened under new management in 2011 after a group of alumni formed the Antioch College Continuation Corporation and bought from the university both the physical campus and the right to use the name "Antioch College." Antioch is one of only a few liberal arts institutions in the United States featuring a cooperative education work program mandatory for all students. Democracy and shared governance, especially as a means to activism and social justice, are at the heart of the college. Since 1921 Antioch's educational approach has blended practical work experience with classroom learning, and participatory community governance. Students receive narrative evaluations and academic letter grades. Antioch College is a member of the Great Lakes Colleges Association, the Global Liberal Arts Alliance, and the Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education. The college is affiliated with two Nobel Prize winners, José Ramos-Horta and Mario Capecchi. (en)
- Antioch College est une université privée américaine située dans le village de Yellow Springs, dans l'État de l'Ohio. Fondée en 1850 par la (en), l'université fut pionnière dans de nombreux domaines éducatifs (première université américaine ouverte aux femmes et aux Noirs)[réf. nécessaire].Son premier président fut Horace Mann. (fr)
- Das Antioch College ist eine Privatuniversität (Liberal Arts College) in Yellow Springs, einer kleinen Universitätsstadt südlich von Springfield im Greene County im US-Bundesstaat Ohio. Zwei Träger des Nobelpreises haben dort akademische Abschlüsse erworben – José Ramos-Horta (Friedensnobelpreis 1996) und Mario Capecchi (Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin 2007). Das College ist die Keimzelle der hat sich aber 2008 von ihr gelöst, was aus Sicht des damaligen Präsidenten an keiner anderen Bildungseinrichtung in vergleichbarer Form gegeben habe. (de)
- Antioch College est une université privée américaine située dans le village de Yellow Springs, dans l'État de l'Ohio. Fondée en 1850 par la (en), l'université fut pionnière dans de nombreux domaines éducatifs (première université américaine ouverte aux femmes et aux Noirs)[réf. nécessaire].Son premier président fut Horace Mann. (fr)
- Antioch College is a private liberal arts college in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Founded in 1850 by the Christian Connection, the college began operating in 1852 as a non-sectarian institution; politician and education reformer Horace Mann was its first president. The college has been politically liberal and reformist since its inception. It was the fourth college in the country to admit African-American students on an equal basis with whites. It has had a tumultuous financial and corporative history, closing repeatedly, for years at a time, until new funding was assembled. (en)