Blame It on the Night is a 1984 American drama film directed by Gene Taft and written by Len Jenkin. The film stars Nick Mancuso, Byron Thames, Leslie Ackerman and Richard Bakalyan. The film was released on November 2, 1984, by Tri-Star Pictures.
Blame It on the Night is a 1984 American drama film directed by Gene Taft and written by Len Jenkin. The film stars Nick Mancuso, Byron Thames, Leslie Ackerman and Richard Bakalyan. The film was released on November 2, 1984, by Tri-Star Pictures. (en)
맨 투 맨(Blame It On The Night)은 미국에서 제작된 감독의 1984년 코미디, 드라마 영화이다. 닉 맨쿠소 등이 주연으로 출연하였다. (ko)
Blame It on the Night is a 1984 American drama film directed by Gene Taft and written by Len Jenkin. The film stars Nick Mancuso, Byron Thames, Leslie Ackerman and Richard Bakalyan. The film was released on November 2, 1984, by Tri-Star Pictures. (en)