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In the Capitulation of Stettin on 29–30 October 1806, Lieutenant General Friedrich Gisbert Wilhelm von Romberg surrendered the garrison and fortress to a much smaller French light cavalry brigade led by General of Brigade Antoine Lasalle. This event was one of a number of surrenders by demoralized Prussian soldiers to equal or inferior French forces after their disastrous defeat at the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt on 14 October. Stettin, now Szczecin, Poland, is a port city on the Oder River near the Baltic Sea, about 120 kilometres (75 mi) northeast of Berlin.

Property Value
  • In the Capitulation of Stettin on 29–30 October 1806, Lieutenant General Friedrich Gisbert Wilhelm von Romberg surrendered the garrison and fortress to a much smaller French light cavalry brigade led by General of Brigade Antoine Lasalle. This event was one of a number of surrenders by demoralized Prussian soldiers to equal or inferior French forces after their disastrous defeat at the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt on 14 October. Stettin, now Szczecin, Poland, is a port city on the Oder River near the Baltic Sea, about 120 kilometres (75 mi) northeast of Berlin. After Jena-Auerstedt, the broken Prussian armies crossed the Elbe River and fled to the northeast in an attempt to reach the east bank of the Oder. Following a two-week chase, Marshal Joachim Murat intercepted over 10,000 Prussians at the Battle of Prenzlau and bluffed them into surrendering on 28 October. The following day, Lasalle's and another French light cavalry brigade induced 4,200 more Prussians to lay down their weapons in the Capitulation of Pasewalk. On the afternoon of the 29th, Lasalle appeared before the fortress of Stettin and demanded its surrender. A completely unnerved Romberg, believing he was confronted by 30,000 Frenchmen, entered into negotiations with Lasalle and surrendered Stettin that night. Estimates of the numbers vary between 500 French hussars of the 5th and 7th French Hussars and 5,000 to 6,000 Prussians within the garrison. Within a week, the fortress of Küstrin capitulated and three isolated Prussian columns were hunted down and captured at Boldekow, Anklam, and Wolgast. This left only one Prussian corps at large between the Elbe and Oder, plus garrisons at Magdeburg and in the former Electorate of Hanover. (en)
  • Lors de la reddition de Stettin le 29 et 30 octobre 1806, le lieutenant-général (de) rendit la forteresse et la garnison de Stettin au général Lasalle qui disposait de forces nettement inférieures : une brigade de cavalerie légère. Cet événement fut une des nombreuses redditions de soldats prussiens démoralisés à des forces françaises égales ou inférieures en nombres après les défaites désastreuses de bataille d'Iéna et d'Auerstaedt le 14 octobre 1806. Stettin, aujourd'hui Szczecin, Pologne, est un port sur l'Oder à proximité de la Baltique, à 120 kilomètres au nord-nord-est de Berlin. (fr)
  • Na Capitulação de Stettin, ocorrida entre 29 e 30 de outubro de 1806, o tenente-general Friedrich Gisbert Wilhelm von Romberg rendeu a guarnição e a fortaleza a uma brigada de cavalaria ligeira francesa muito menor liderada pelo general da brigada Antoine Lasalle. Este evento foi uma das várias rendições de soldados prussianos desmoralizados a forças francesas iguais ou inferiores após sua derrota desastrosa na Batalha de Jena-Auerstedt em 14 de outubro. Stettin, agora Szczecin, Polônia, é uma cidade portuária no rio Óder, perto do Mar Báltico, a cerca de 120 km (75 mi) nordeste de Berlim. Depois de Jena-Auerstedt, os exércitos prussianos quebrados cruzaram o rio Elba e fugiram para o nordeste na tentativa de alcançar a margem leste do Óder. Após uma perseguição de duas semanas, o marechal Joachim Murat interceptou mais de 10.000 prussianos na Batalha de Prenzlau e os fez se render em 28 de outubro. No dia seguinte, Lasalle e outra brigada de cavalaria ligeira francesa induziram mais 4.200 prussianos a depor suas armas na Capitulação de Pasewalk. Na tarde do dia 29, Lasalle apareceu diante da fortaleza de Stettin e exigiu sua rendição. Romberg, completamente enervado, acreditando que ele foi confrontado por 30.000 franceses, entrou em negociações com Lasalle e rendeu Stettin naquela noite. As estimativas dos números variam entre 500 hussardos franceses do 5º e 7º hussardos e 5.000 a 6.000 prussianos dentro da guarnição. Dentro de uma semana, a fortaleza de Küstrin capitulou e três colunas prussianas isoladas foram caçadas e capturadas em Boldekow, Anklam e Wolgast. Isso deixou apenas um corpo prussiano à solta entre o Elba e o Óder, além de guarnições em Magdeburg e no antigo eleitorado de Hanover. (pt)
  • 斯德丁之降(法語:Reddition de Stettin)发生在1806年10月29日至30日。普鲁士军队的中将带着其麾下的整支军队连同一个要塞向一支规模小得多的法国轻骑兵旅投降,该旅由安托万·拉萨尔将军指挥。这一事件是士气低落的普鲁士士兵在10月14日耶拿-奥尔施泰特战役战败后向数次不战而降的事件之一。斯德丁(今波兰什切青)是波罗的海附近奥得河上的港口城市,位于柏林东北部约120千米。 在耶拿-奥尔施泰特战役之后,支离破碎的普鲁士军队越过易北河,向东北逃去,企图到达奥得河东岸。经过两周的追逐,若阿尚·缪拉元帅在普伦茨劳战役中拦截了一支由10,000多名士兵组成的普鲁士军队,并在10月28日欺骗该部全军投降。第二天,拉萨尔和另一个法国轻骑兵旅在帕瑟瓦尔克诱导了4,200多名普鲁士人不战而降。29日下午,拉萨尔出现在斯德丁要塞前,要求守军投降。要塞指挥官隆伯格误认为他面对的是30,000名法军,于是在当晚与拉萨尔进行谈判并决定不战而降。实际上,隆伯格的5000多名普鲁士士兵面对的仅有法国第5和第7骠骑兵团的500名法国骠骑兵。 在一周之内,奥得河畔科斯琴要塞也向法军投降,三个孤立的普鲁士部队在博尔德科、安克拉姆和沃尔加斯特被法军摧毁。这样一来,在易北河和奥得河之间就只剩下一个普鲁士军团,以及在马格德堡和不伦瑞克-吕讷堡选侯国的驻军。 (zh)
  • None
  • 1806-10-30 (xsd:date)
  • French victory
  • 5,300 men, 281 guns
  • 500 men, 2 guns
  • 30467213 (xsd:integer)
  • 21889 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1119029067 (xsd:integer)
  • Taking of Stettin by French troops in 1806 (en)
  • 281 (xsd:integer)
  • 5300 (xsd:integer)
  • None (en)
  • (en)
  • Antoine Lasalle (en)
  • Friedrich Romberg (en)
  • Capitulation of Stettin (en)
  • Capitulation of Stettin (en)
  • 0001-10-30 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • right (en)
  • 180 (xsd:integer)
  • 280 (xsd:integer)
  • Berlin (en)
  • Friedland (en)
  • Eylau (en)
  • Jena–Auerstedt (en)
  • #228833 (en)
  • #aa3377 (en)
  • #4477aa (en)
  • -5 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • -4 (xsd:integer)
  • -2 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • right (en)
  • top (en)
  • left (en)
  • 12 (xsd:integer)
  • 53 (xsd:integer)
  • 25 (xsd:integer)
  • Napoleonic Wars (en)
  • 14 (xsd:integer)
  • 35 (xsd:integer)
  • 0001-01-22 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-01-25 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-02-03 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-02-08 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-02-16 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-03-19 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-03-20 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-04-03 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-06-06 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-06-10 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-06-14 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-09 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-10 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-14 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-16 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-17 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-25 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-27 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-28 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-29 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-10-30 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-11-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-11-06 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-11-22 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-12-23 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-12-26 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • the War of the Fourth Coalition (en)
  • Stettin, Prussia (en)
  • French victory (en)
  • #228833 (en)
  • #aa3377 (en)
  • #4477aa (en)
  • white (en)
  • n-circle (en)
  • 500 (xsd:integer)
  • 5300 (xsd:integer)
  • 304 (xsd:integer)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • 53.4325 14.548055555555555
  • Lors de la reddition de Stettin le 29 et 30 octobre 1806, le lieutenant-général (de) rendit la forteresse et la garnison de Stettin au général Lasalle qui disposait de forces nettement inférieures : une brigade de cavalerie légère. Cet événement fut une des nombreuses redditions de soldats prussiens démoralisés à des forces françaises égales ou inférieures en nombres après les défaites désastreuses de bataille d'Iéna et d'Auerstaedt le 14 octobre 1806. Stettin, aujourd'hui Szczecin, Pologne, est un port sur l'Oder à proximité de la Baltique, à 120 kilomètres au nord-nord-est de Berlin. (fr)
  • 斯德丁之降(法語:Reddition de Stettin)发生在1806年10月29日至30日。普鲁士军队的中将带着其麾下的整支军队连同一个要塞向一支规模小得多的法国轻骑兵旅投降,该旅由安托万·拉萨尔将军指挥。这一事件是士气低落的普鲁士士兵在10月14日耶拿-奥尔施泰特战役战败后向数次不战而降的事件之一。斯德丁(今波兰什切青)是波罗的海附近奥得河上的港口城市,位于柏林东北部约120千米。 在耶拿-奥尔施泰特战役之后,支离破碎的普鲁士军队越过易北河,向东北逃去,企图到达奥得河东岸。经过两周的追逐,若阿尚·缪拉元帅在普伦茨劳战役中拦截了一支由10,000多名士兵组成的普鲁士军队,并在10月28日欺骗该部全军投降。第二天,拉萨尔和另一个法国轻骑兵旅在帕瑟瓦尔克诱导了4,200多名普鲁士人不战而降。29日下午,拉萨尔出现在斯德丁要塞前,要求守军投降。要塞指挥官隆伯格误认为他面对的是30,000名法军,于是在当晚与拉萨尔进行谈判并决定不战而降。实际上,隆伯格的5000多名普鲁士士兵面对的仅有法国第5和第7骠骑兵团的500名法国骠骑兵。 在一周之内,奥得河畔科斯琴要塞也向法军投降,三个孤立的普鲁士部队在博尔德科、安克拉姆和沃尔加斯特被法军摧毁。这样一来,在易北河和奥得河之间就只剩下一个普鲁士军团,以及在马格德堡和不伦瑞克-吕讷堡选侯国的驻军。 (zh)
  • In the Capitulation of Stettin on 29–30 October 1806, Lieutenant General Friedrich Gisbert Wilhelm von Romberg surrendered the garrison and fortress to a much smaller French light cavalry brigade led by General of Brigade Antoine Lasalle. This event was one of a number of surrenders by demoralized Prussian soldiers to equal or inferior French forces after their disastrous defeat at the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt on 14 October. Stettin, now Szczecin, Poland, is a port city on the Oder River near the Baltic Sea, about 120 kilometres (75 mi) northeast of Berlin. (en)
  • Na Capitulação de Stettin, ocorrida entre 29 e 30 de outubro de 1806, o tenente-general Friedrich Gisbert Wilhelm von Romberg rendeu a guarnição e a fortaleza a uma brigada de cavalaria ligeira francesa muito menor liderada pelo general da brigada Antoine Lasalle. Este evento foi uma das várias rendições de soldados prussianos desmoralizados a forças francesas iguais ou inferiores após sua derrota desastrosa na Batalha de Jena-Auerstedt em 14 de outubro. Stettin, agora Szczecin, Polônia, é uma cidade portuária no rio Óder, perto do Mar Báltico, a cerca de 120 km (75 mi) nordeste de Berlim. (pt)
  • Capitulation of Stettin (en)
  • Reddition de Stettin (fr)
  • Capitulação de Stettin (pt)
  • 斯德丁之降 (zh)
  • POINT(14.548055648804 53.432498931885)
  • 53.432499 (xsd:float)
  • 14.548056 (xsd:float)
  • Capitulation of Stettin (en)
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