About: Eaton Square

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Eaton Square is a rectangular, residential garden square in London's Belgravia district. It is the largest square in London. It is one of the three squares built by the landowning Grosvenor family when they developed the main part of Belgravia in the 19th century that are named after places in Cheshire — in this case Eaton Hall, the Grosvenor country house. It is larger but less grand than the central feature of the district, Belgrave Square, and both larger and grander than Chester Square. The first block was laid out by Thomas Cubitt from 1827. In 2016 it was named as the "Most Expensive Place to Buy Property in Britain", with a full terraced house costing on average £17 million — many of such town houses have been converted, within the same, protected structures, into upmarket apartment

Property Value
  • Der Eaton Square ist ein Platz im wohlhabenden Londoner Stadtviertel Belgravia. Er wurde im 19. Jahrhundert angelegt und gilt als teuerste Wohnadresse in Großbritannien. Die Botschaften von Belgien und Bolivien in Großbritannien haben ihren Sitz am Eaton Square. Zu den prominenten Anwohnern des Platzes zählen die Unternehmer Roman Abramovich und George Soros, die britischen Premierminister Stanley Baldwin und Neville Chamberlain sowie die Aristokraten Fürst Klemens Wenzel von Metternich, Königin Wilhelmina der Niederlande und Prinzessin Katharina von Griechenland und Dänemark. (de)
  • Eaton Square is a rectangular, residential garden square in London's Belgravia district. It is the largest square in London. It is one of the three squares built by the landowning Grosvenor family when they developed the main part of Belgravia in the 19th century that are named after places in Cheshire — in this case Eaton Hall, the Grosvenor country house. It is larger but less grand than the central feature of the district, Belgrave Square, and both larger and grander than Chester Square. The first block was laid out by Thomas Cubitt from 1827. In 2016 it was named as the "Most Expensive Place to Buy Property in Britain", with a full terraced house costing on average £17 million — many of such town houses have been converted, within the same, protected structures, into upmarket apartments. The six adjoining, tree-planted, central gardens of Eaton Square are Grade II listed on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. All of the buildings (№s 1–7, 8-12A, 14–23, 24 and 24a to 48, 51–62, 63–66, Eaton House (№ 66a), 67–71, 72, 73–82, 83–102 and 103–118) are statutorily listed, specifically at Grade II* save as to 1 to 7 and 63 to 66a which are in the mainstream, initial category of grade II. №s 103 to 105 are leased and internally converted into the Belgian Embassy, as is № 106 for the Bolivian Embassy. The red telephone booth, of the "K6" edition outside № 103, is Grade II listed. (en)
  • Eaton Square es una plaza ajardinada situada en el barrio de Belgravia de Londres, Reino Unido. Es una de las tres plazas ajardinadas construidas por la familia Grosvenor cuando urbanizaron la mayor parte de Belgravia en el siglo XIX, y debe su nombre al Eaton Hall, la country house de los Grosvernor en Cheshire. Eaton Square es más grande pero menos imponente que la plaza central del barrio, Belgrave Square, y estas dos son más grandes e imponentes que Chester Square. La primera manzana de la plaza fue urbanizada por a partir de 1827. En 2016 fue designado como el «lugar más caro para comprar vivienda en Gran Bretaña» según un estudio del Lloyds Bank, con un precio medio de 17 millones de libras.​ (es)
  • Eaton Square est une place de la ville de Londres, Royaume-Uni. (fr)
  • Eaton Square is een beroemd langwerpig plein in de wijk (district) Belgravia in Londen. Eaton Square wordt vooral bewoond door particulieren, terwijl aan het andere beroemde plein in Belgravia, het vierkante , vooral kantoren staan, onder meer de ambassades van Bahrein, Duitsland, Noorwegen, Portugal, Syrië en Turkije. Het plein is gebouwd op grond van de familie Grosvenor en werd genoemd naar hun landhuis in Cheshire. Het is ongeveer 500 meter lang en wordt door midden gedeeld door de King's Road. Ook wordt het plein door twee straten doorkruist, waardoor het plein uit zes tuinen bestaat. Om het plein staat grote huizen die tussen 1826 en 1855 werden gebouwd. Het oudste gebouw is de St Peter's, een anglicaanse kerk die in 1827 voltooid werd. Daarna werden de huizen aan de zuidkant gebouwd door Seth Smith (8-23 in 1830, 24-48 daarna). Charles Freake bouwde in de jaren 1840 het blok 63-66. Thomas en Lewis Cubitt bouwden 67-71, 73-82, 83-102 en 103-118, waar nu de Belgische ambassade is. De lagere nummers werden pas rond 1850 gebouwd. Bijna alle huizen zijn nu opgedeeld in appartementen. (nl)
  • Eaton Square è una piazza giardino residenziale nel quartiere Belgravia di Londra, la piazza più grande di Londra. È una delle tre piazze costruite dalla famiglia di proprietari terrieri duchi di Grosvenor, quando svilupparono la parte principale di Belgravia nel XIX secolo, che prendono il nome da luoghi nel Cheshire, in questo caso Eaton Hall, la casa di campagna dei Grosvenor. È più grande ma meno grandiosa di quella centrale del quartiere, Belgrave Square, ed è sia più grande che più grandiosa di Chester Square. Il primo blocco di edifici fu realizzato da Thomas Cubitt dal 1827. Nel 2016 è stato segnalato come il "posto più costoso per le proprietà in Gran Bretagna", con una casa a schiera completa che costa in media 17 milioni di sterline. Molte di queste case sono state convertite in appartamenti esclusivi. I sei giardini adiacenti, alberati e centrali di Eaton Square sono elencati di II grado nel Registro dei parchi e giardini storici. Tutti gli edifici (№s 1-7, 8-12A, 14-23, 24 e 24a a 48, 51-62, 63-66, Eaton House (№ 66a), 67-71, 72, 73-82, 83-102 e 103-118) sono considerati monumenti classificati, in particolare al Grade II* tranne da 1 a 7 e da 63 a 66a che sono nella categoria principale e iniziale del grado II. Dal 103 a 105 sono affittati e convertiti internamente nell'ambasciata belga, così come il 106 all'ambasciata boliviana. (it)
  • Eaton Square är ett torg i distriktet Belgravia i centrala London. Vid torget finns bland annat St. Peter's Church med sin joniska portik. (sv)
  • 位於貝爾格萊維亞(Belgravia)的伊頓廣場(Eaton Square)是倫敦最貴的住宅地段之一,平均房價超過1,700萬英鎊(約1.75億港元),是不少影星、政商名流的住所,這些名人住戶中就曾包括英國前首相戴卓爾夫人和影星辛康納利。[1] 伊頓廣場為一座2.5公頃位於倫敦市中心的矩形私人花園廣場,與倫敦城外最貴的1條街相較,伊頓廣場的平均房價高了超過3倍之多,除去倫敦,全英最貴的1條街是位於倫敦西南方薩里郡的Camp End,平均房價520萬英鎊。分析師表示,這個地段除了可以看到眾多歷史古蹟,包括海德公園和白金漢宮,還有眾多世界級豪宅,而且便利性高、離商業娛樂中心不遠,可步行至世界知名購物勝地哈洛德百貨公司。[2] 現行業主之一是香港富豪劉鑾雄,2009年買入,是一幢,前身用作比利時大使館。面積10,710平方呎,樓高5層,有6個房,設置私人戲院、升降機、健身室、泳池、、按摩浴池、馬房、地庫等。客廳連花園,玻璃天幕。[3] (zh)
  • 2601468 (xsd:integer)
  • 16894 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124824605 (xsd:integer)
  • 51.49611111111111 -0.15166666666666667
  • Der Eaton Square ist ein Platz im wohlhabenden Londoner Stadtviertel Belgravia. Er wurde im 19. Jahrhundert angelegt und gilt als teuerste Wohnadresse in Großbritannien. Die Botschaften von Belgien und Bolivien in Großbritannien haben ihren Sitz am Eaton Square. Zu den prominenten Anwohnern des Platzes zählen die Unternehmer Roman Abramovich und George Soros, die britischen Premierminister Stanley Baldwin und Neville Chamberlain sowie die Aristokraten Fürst Klemens Wenzel von Metternich, Königin Wilhelmina der Niederlande und Prinzessin Katharina von Griechenland und Dänemark. (de)
  • Eaton Square es una plaza ajardinada situada en el barrio de Belgravia de Londres, Reino Unido. Es una de las tres plazas ajardinadas construidas por la familia Grosvenor cuando urbanizaron la mayor parte de Belgravia en el siglo XIX, y debe su nombre al Eaton Hall, la country house de los Grosvernor en Cheshire. Eaton Square es más grande pero menos imponente que la plaza central del barrio, Belgrave Square, y estas dos son más grandes e imponentes que Chester Square. La primera manzana de la plaza fue urbanizada por a partir de 1827. En 2016 fue designado como el «lugar más caro para comprar vivienda en Gran Bretaña» según un estudio del Lloyds Bank, con un precio medio de 17 millones de libras.​ (es)
  • Eaton Square est une place de la ville de Londres, Royaume-Uni. (fr)
  • Eaton Square är ett torg i distriktet Belgravia i centrala London. Vid torget finns bland annat St. Peter's Church med sin joniska portik. (sv)
  • 位於貝爾格萊維亞(Belgravia)的伊頓廣場(Eaton Square)是倫敦最貴的住宅地段之一,平均房價超過1,700萬英鎊(約1.75億港元),是不少影星、政商名流的住所,這些名人住戶中就曾包括英國前首相戴卓爾夫人和影星辛康納利。[1] 伊頓廣場為一座2.5公頃位於倫敦市中心的矩形私人花園廣場,與倫敦城外最貴的1條街相較,伊頓廣場的平均房價高了超過3倍之多,除去倫敦,全英最貴的1條街是位於倫敦西南方薩里郡的Camp End,平均房價520萬英鎊。分析師表示,這個地段除了可以看到眾多歷史古蹟,包括海德公園和白金漢宮,還有眾多世界級豪宅,而且便利性高、離商業娛樂中心不遠,可步行至世界知名購物勝地哈洛德百貨公司。[2] 現行業主之一是香港富豪劉鑾雄,2009年買入,是一幢,前身用作比利時大使館。面積10,710平方呎,樓高5層,有6個房,設置私人戲院、升降機、健身室、泳池、、按摩浴池、馬房、地庫等。客廳連花園,玻璃天幕。[3] (zh)
  • Eaton Square is a rectangular, residential garden square in London's Belgravia district. It is the largest square in London. It is one of the three squares built by the landowning Grosvenor family when they developed the main part of Belgravia in the 19th century that are named after places in Cheshire — in this case Eaton Hall, the Grosvenor country house. It is larger but less grand than the central feature of the district, Belgrave Square, and both larger and grander than Chester Square. The first block was laid out by Thomas Cubitt from 1827. In 2016 it was named as the "Most Expensive Place to Buy Property in Britain", with a full terraced house costing on average £17 million — many of such town houses have been converted, within the same, protected structures, into upmarket apartment (en)
  • Eaton Square è una piazza giardino residenziale nel quartiere Belgravia di Londra, la piazza più grande di Londra. È una delle tre piazze costruite dalla famiglia di proprietari terrieri duchi di Grosvenor, quando svilupparono la parte principale di Belgravia nel XIX secolo, che prendono il nome da luoghi nel Cheshire, in questo caso Eaton Hall, la casa di campagna dei Grosvenor. È più grande ma meno grandiosa di quella centrale del quartiere, Belgrave Square, ed è sia più grande che più grandiosa di Chester Square. Il primo blocco di edifici fu realizzato da Thomas Cubitt dal 1827. Nel 2016 è stato segnalato come il "posto più costoso per le proprietà in Gran Bretagna", con una casa a schiera completa che costa in media 17 milioni di sterline. Molte di queste case sono state convertite in (it)
  • Eaton Square is een beroemd langwerpig plein in de wijk (district) Belgravia in Londen. Eaton Square wordt vooral bewoond door particulieren, terwijl aan het andere beroemde plein in Belgravia, het vierkante , vooral kantoren staan, onder meer de ambassades van Bahrein, Duitsland, Noorwegen, Portugal, Syrië en Turkije. (nl)
  • Eaton Square (en)
  • Eaton Square (de)
  • Eaton Square (es)
  • Eaton Square (it)
  • Eaton Square (fr)
  • Eaton Square (nl)
  • Eaton Square (sv)
  • 伊頓廣場 (zh)
  • POINT(-0.15166667103767 51.496112823486)
  • 51.496113 (xsd:float)
  • -0.151667 (xsd:float)
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