About: Gals!

An Entity of Type: Manga, from Named Graph: http://dbpedia.org, within Data Space: dbpedia.org

Gals! (Japanese: ギャルズ!, Hepburn: Gyaruzu!) is a manga series written and illustrated by Mihona Fujii. It was published by Shueisha and serialized in Ribon shōjo manga magazine from 1998 to 2002. The manga was also published in the U.S. by CMX. In 2019, Mihona Fujii announced that the series will continue from November 5 on Shueisha's Manga Mee app, taking off from the manga's ending.

Property Value
  • Gals! és una sèrie de manga shōjo de la mangaka Mihona Fujii publicada a la revista Ribbon de l'editorial Shueisha, editada en 10 volums. Fou adaptada a la versió anime com Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran (超GALS!寿蘭 , Sūpā Gyaruzu! Kotobuki Ran?), que es va emetre al Japó pel canal TV Tokyo des del 4 de juliol de 2001 fins al 26 de setembre de 2002, amb un total de 52 episodis. Encara que la sèrie manga s'anomeni GALS!, el terme Super GALS! (Kotobuki Ran) s'utilitza per referir-se a la sèrie d'anime. A Espanya, el manga fou publicat per l'editorial Glénat i traduït per . (ca)
  • Gals! (Originalschreibweise in Versalien: GALS!) ist eine Manga-Serie von , die auch als Anime mit dem Titel Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran verfilmt wurde. Das Werk schildert die Probleme und Abenteuer einer Clique von Schulmädchen, so genannten High-Gals, die die Einkaufsmeile Shibuya in Tokio unsicher machen. Shoppen und Liebesabenteuer sind dabei die Hauptbeschäftigungen. Obwohl der Humor die Serie dominiert, werden auch ernstere Themen wie Mobbing, Bandenmentalität oder brutale Lehrer angeschnitten. (de)
  • Gals! (Japanese: ギャルズ!, Hepburn: Gyaruzu!) is a manga series written and illustrated by Mihona Fujii. It was published by Shueisha and serialized in Ribon shōjo manga magazine from 1998 to 2002. The manga was also published in the U.S. by CMX. In 2019, Mihona Fujii announced that the series will continue from November 5 on Shueisha's Manga Mee app, taking off from the manga's ending. An anime television series adaptation produced by Studio Pierrot titled Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran (超ギャルズ!寿蘭, Sūpā Gyaruzu! Kotobuki Ran) aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 1, 2001 and March 31, 2002, running a length of 52 episodes. The first 26 episodes had been licensed and dubbed for North American distribution by ADV Films under the name Super Gals! and was distributed on DVD from 2003 to 2004. The Right Stuf International announced at Anime Expo 2006 that they had licensed all the episodes, including 27-52 and released a subtitled boxset containing the remaining 26 episodes on January 16, 2007. A box set containing all 52 episodes was also released in 2010. (en)
  • Gals! es un manga shōjo de la autora Mihona Fujii publicado por la revista Ribon, editorial Shūeisha, que consta de 10 tomos.​ Dicha colección, fue publicada en España por la editorial Glénat en un formato con sobrecubierta y sentido de lectura japonés, a razón de 7'50€ el tomo. El 4 de julio de 2001, se emitió en Japón por el canal TV Tokyo la adaptación al anime, bajo el nombre de Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran (超GALS!寿蘭 Sūpā Gyaruzu! Kotobuki Ran?). Terminó el 26 de septiembre de 2002, con un total de 52 episodios. La adaptación fue realizada por los estudios Pierrot.​ (es)
  • Gals! est un shōjo manga de Mihona Fujii. Il est prépublié entre 1999 et 2002 dans le magazine Ribon et compilé en un total de dix tomes par l'éditeur Shueisha, puis réédité en deux volumes bunko en mai 2009. La version française est publiée en intégralité par Glénat. Une adaptation en anime de 52 épisodes produite par le studio Pierrot est diffusée entre avril 2001 et mars 2002 au Japon. Dans les pays francophone, la série est éditée en DVD par Déclic Images. (fr)
  • Gals! (bahasa Jepang: ギャルズ! Hepburn: Gyaruzu!) adalah sebuah seri manga shōjo Jepang yang ditulis dan diilustrasikan oleh . Manga ini diterbitkan oleh Shueisha dan dimuat dalam majalah sejak tahun 1998 hingga 2002. Manga ini juga diterbitkan di Amerika Serikat oleh . Sebuah adaptasi anime yang diproduksi oleh Studio Pierrot berjudul Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran (超ギャルズ!寿蘭 Sūpā Gyaruzu! Kotobuki Ran) ditayangkan di Jepang pada saluran TV Tokyo sejak tanggal 1 April 2001 hingga 31 Maret 2002, dengan total 52 episode. 26 episode pertama telah dilisensi dan disulihsuarakan untuk didistribusikan di Amerika Utara oleh ADV Films dengan nama Super Gals! dan didistribusikan dalam bentuk DVD sejak tahun 2003 hingga 2004. Pada acara Anime Expo tahun 2006, mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah melisensi semua episode, termasuk episode 27 hingga 52 dan merilis bokset dengan subtitle yang berisi 26 episode sisanya pada tanggal 16 Januari 2007. Sebuah bokset yang berisi seluruh 52 episode juga dirilis pada tahun 2010. (in)
  • 『GALS!』(ギャルズ)は、藤井みほなによる漫画作品。『りぼん』(集英社)にて1999年2月号より2002年6月号まで連載された。2019年から続編が発表されている。2020年4月時点で累計発行部数は500万部を突破している。 また、それを原作としたテレビアニメが『超GALS! 寿蘭』(すーぱーギャルズ ことぶきらん)のタイトルで放送されたほか、コナミによってゲーム化され、3タイトルが発売された。 (ja)
  • GALS! è un manga shōjo scritto e disegnato da Mihona Fujii, pubblicato in Giappone sulla rivista Ribon di Shūeisha dal dicembre 1998 al maggio 2002. L'opera è nota per essere uno spaccato di vita delle sub-culture urbane che popolano i quartieri di Tokyo, riportandone i modi, i costumi, le ritualità ed il linguaggio: GALS! si trova quindi costantemente a metà fra il fumetto comico (quale è) ed il saggio sociologico (quale risulta essere). Un adattamento a serie televisiva anime, intitolato Super GALS! Ran Kotobuki (超(すーぱー)GALS!寿蘭 Sūpā GALS! Kotobuki Ran?) e prodotto dallo studio Pierrot, è stato trasmesso in Giappone su TV Tokyo dall'aprile 2001 al marzo 2002. In Italia il manga è stato pubblicato da Dynamic Italia fra il febbraio 2003 e il settembre 2004, mentre la serie anime è stata mandata in onda su Rai Due, col titolo Super GALS! Tre ragazze alla moda, nel 2003 trasmettendo solamente 26 episodi. Un sequel del manga è stato pubblicato da novembre 2019 sull'app Manga Mee di Shūeisha. (it)
  • 《슈퍼갤즈》(일본명 : 슈퍼 GALS! 고토부키 란(超GALS!寿蘭))는 후지이 미호나 원작의 만화이자 TV 도쿄에서 방영된 애니메이션이다. 제목의 超는 Super라고 읽는다. (ko)
  • 《辣妹當家》(GALS!)為的少女漫画作品。在少女漫画雜誌《Ribon》(集英社)上,從1999年連載到2002年。另外,原作也被改編為動畫《辣妹當家》(超GALS! 寿蘭(すーぱーギャルズ ことぶきらん))並且還被科樂美加以遊戲化,而發售三款遊戲。 (zh)
  • 1998-12-29 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-05-01 (xsd:date)
  • 10 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1864374 (xsd:integer)
  • 69889 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1119537081 (xsd:integer)
  • The first volume of the manga featuring the three main characters - Ran Kotobuki, Miyu Yamazaki and Aya Hoshino. (en)
  • *Chapter 9: *Chapter 10: *Chapter 11: *Chapter 12: *Extra Chapter: (en)
  • *Chapter 1: *Chapter 2: *Chapter 3: *Chapter 4: *Extra Chapter: (en)
  • *Chapter 16: *Chapter 17: *Chapter 18: *Chapter 19: *Extra Chapter: (en)
  • *Chapter 5: *Chapter 6: *Chapter 7: *Chapter 8: *Extra Chapter: (en)
  • *Chapter 37: *Chapter 38: *Chapter 39: "FOREVER FRIENDS!☆FOREVER GALS!!" *Chapter 40: *Extra Chapter: *Extra Chapter: (en)
  • *Chapter 32: *Chapter 33: *Chapter 34: *Chapter 35: *Chapter 36: (en)
  • *Chapter 25: *Chapter 26: *Chapter 27: *Extra Chapter: *Extra Chapter: *Extra Chapter: (en)
  • *Chapter 20: *Chapter 21: *Chapter 22: *Chapter 23: *Chapter 24: "Funky Monky X'Mas!!" (en)
  • *Chapter 28: *Chapter 29: *Chapter 30: *Chapter 31: "CROSS ROAD" (en)
  • *Chapter 13: *Chapter 14: "SWEET 16 BLUE" *Chapter 15: *Extra Chapter: (en)
  • 2016-11-13 (xsd:date)
  • Shōjo (en)
  • #Episode list (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
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  • 52 (xsd:integer)
  • 1998-12-29 (xsd:date)
  • 2001-04-01 (xsd:date)
  • ギャルズ! (en)
  • Gyaruzu! (en)
  • Japanese (en)
  • 2002-03-31 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-05-01 (xsd:date)
  • 978 (xsd:integer)
  • 2005-04-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2005-06-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2005-09-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2005-11-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2006-02-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2006-05-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2006-08-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2006-11-22 (xsd:date)
  • 2007-02-21 (xsd:date)
  • 2007-04-25 (xsd:date)
  • FFA500 (en)
  • 泰三♥ノリノリ→警官養成プロジェクト! (en)
  • ギャルバトル♥ガンガン→マミリン破局!? (en)
  • アルアル?♥ナイナイ?→おとこ運? (en)
  • 恋模様♥イロイロ→バレンタインデー (en)
  • オンナゴコロ♥ドキドキ→赤メッシュ (en)
  • ウェルカム♥ウキウキ→開店!パームツリー (en)
  • 蘭ぴょん♥クラクラ→沙夜になる!? (en)
  • さよなら♥ランラン→渋谷の空は変わりな (en)
  • 蘭ぴょん♥イライラ→新たなライバル!? (en)
  • リベンジ♥メラメラ→スノボーバトル (en)
  • 殉職♥シクシク→お台場シャーク最後の日! (en)
  • 恋愛予報♥モヤモヤ→乙幡のち片瀬!? (en)
  • 町田へ♥サル去る→タツキチ失恋!? (en)
  • 温泉♥ビバビバ→北の湯けむりギャル事件 (en)
  • カスミ♥ムカムカ→リベンジ大作戦! (en)
  • 渋谷戦士♥ナゾナゾ→マルキュームーン (en)
  • お台場♥バチバチ→大決戦! (en)
  • はがせ♥ベリベリ→教師のメッキ (en)
  • カスミ♥ポカポカ→憧れのコート (en)
  • ココロ♥ジンジン→乙幡の言葉 (en)
  • ココロ♥チクチク→美由の過去 (en)
  • ハート♥バラバラ→綾と絶交!? (en)
  • ブクロ♥グルグル→エクステの謎 (en)
  • マミリン♥メロメロ→初恋の人 (en)
  • マミリン♥ラブラブ→裕也にほれる (en)
  • 傷心♥ヒリヒリ→美由の帰る場所 (en)
  • 友情♥ニコニコ→心のIDプレート (en)
  • 大和♥マジマジ→プロポーズ!? (en)
  • 天下のギャル♥イケイケ→寿蘭 (en)
  • 太陽♥サンサン→夏オンナ! (en)
  • 学祭♥パラパラ→明匠クイーン (en)
  • 必勝♥ゴーゴー→体育祭 (en)
  • 恋の疑惑♥ザワザワ→冷たい春風 (en)
  • 恋ゴコロ♥ユラユラ→綾が告白!? (en)
  • 想い出♥ボロボロ→沙夜が誘拐? (en)
  • 木漏れ日♥キラキラ→恋愛記念日 (en)
  • 渋谷♥ハラハラ→大捜査線 (en)
  • 渋谷横断♥チキチキ→グランプリ (en)
  • 真希♥ピカピカ→ギャル一年生! (en)
  • 秘密♥バレバレ→マミリンの危機! (en)
  • 約束♥バイバイ→剣道少女 (en)
  • 純情♥モジモジ→理恵の恋バナ (en)
  • 綾っぺ♥ウルウル→乙幡病 (en)
  • 聖夜♥リンリン→恋の非常ベル (en)
  • 裕也♥ソワソワ→ライバル登場! (en)
  • 裕也♥ナクナク→男を語る (en)
  • 超お嬢様♥ブリブリ→寿蘭 (en)
  • 超刑事♥バリバリ→寿蘭 (en)
  • 黒い影♥ヒタヒタ→狙われた美由 (en)
  • ブラザー♥キチキチ→ナオキチ見参! (en)
  • 激突♥チュルチュル→ラーメンバトル! (en)
  • プール♥ワクワク→チユーボー刑事! (en)
  • ja (en)
  • yes (en)
  • 2001-04-01 (xsd:date)
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  • 2001-12-02 (xsd:date)
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  • 2001-12-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-01-06 (xsd:date)
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  • 2002-02-03 (xsd:date)
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  • 0978-04-08 (xsd:date)
  • 1999-08-06 (xsd:date)
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  • 2000-10-13 (xsd:date)
  • 2001-01-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2001-05-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2001-10-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-01-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-03-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-07-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2009-05-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2001-07-26 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-02-07 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-08-08 (xsd:date)
  • English (en)
  • Ran wins a strange pillow at a raffle which can transmit thoughts to someone in their sleep. Ran gives it a try and the pillow somehow turns her into a hard-working super cop. (en)
  • Mami is still convinced that Yuya likes Ran and challenges Ran to a karaoke match after Yuya receives a call about it. (en)
  • Rumors continue to fly that Ran and Rei are a couple. Aya gives up being a gal, moves to the honor class and goes missing. (en)
  • Maki Komine invites Ran to the Hot Springs, but Ran becomes the prime suspect in a crime there. Key animation made by T-rex anime/hentai studios (en)
  • Towa Himejima, a popular idol from the Shibuya district, opens up a restaurant called the Palm Tree. Hooligans mess up the place and Ran decides to take them down. (en)
  • Ran Kotobuki and her friend, Miyu Yamazaki spend most of their waking hours in the district of Shibuya, where they encounter Rei Otohata and Yuya Asou, the first and second place winners of the Super High School Student Grand Prix. Ran also meets Aya Hoshino, an academically strong classmate, but it is rumored that she has been involved in Enjo kosai. (en)
  • Yuya treats Mami by helping her get a Hair extension, but strangers are after it. (en)
  • Kasumi desires an old purple coat at a thrift shop because it looks like the one her super gal idol that saved her used to wear. Ran wants it too, and neither of them have the money to get it. (en)
  • Mami breaks up with her boyfriend, and is comforted by Yuya. Eventually, Mami begins to fall for him, only to discover he has a crush on Ran. Mami challenges Ran out of jealousy. (en)
  • Maki Komine, a first-year high school student from an outside district, comes all the way to Shibuya to look for Ran. Maki wants Ran to train her to become a gal. Ran obliges because it's an Ironclad Rule, but she is in for a long day as Maki wants Ran to do things she's never actually done before. (en)
  • Rie Aihara takes on a part-time job, and meets her schoolmate and first crush from five years ago, Junichi Ota. (en)
  • Yuya invites Ran to an amusement park, and Ran invites the rest of the gang. the only problem is, Aya is hesitant to go because of her feelings for the cold and distant Rei. (en)
  • Ran and Tatsuki have to decide what presents to buy for each other. When Ran starts acting friendly with Rei and poses with him in a picture, Tatsuki takes this as a sign that their relationship could be over. (en)
  • Miyu and Aya "wish" for Ran to become smart on a "Let's Play Seal" machine at an amusement park, and the wish ends up coming true. To make matters worse, the machine is being sent away! Can Aya and Miyu reverse the wish in time? (en)
  • When Aya and Rei finally get a moment alone together, Rei ends up rejecting Aya, claiming that first love is too heavy for him. Meanwhile, Mami decides to settle things with Ran after a series of calamities caused by her and her friends. (en)
  • Sayo and Matsuda, the actor who played Detective Kudo in Odaiba Cop, are sad that Detective Kudo died in the season finale. Ran and co. try to cheer Sayo up and set the two up on a date. (en)
  • Ran takes her finals and Miyu continues her search for a place to stay. Meanwhile, Aya and Tatsuki discover a picture of Ran and Rei together in a magazine, and question their relationships. (en)
  • Just as Miyu is considering getting a red mesh for her dear Yamato Kotobuki, mysterious love notes begin popping up in Miyu's desk. When she finally comes face to face with her admirer, now revealed to be Kenji Yoshida, he is not exactly what she was expecting. Rough, and slightly demanding with Miyu, she can only be happy that Ran was there to save her. But the real question is...does Yamato love Miyu as a man or as a cop? (en)
  • Yuya invites everyone to Meisho's culture festival. Sayo and Masato sneak in to look after Miyu since it's an all-boys school, Aya and Rei have some alone time, and Ran and Mami participate in the Meisho queen contest. (en)
  • Taizo runs a police training camp. (en)
  • Kasumi tricks the ganguro trio by telling them that Ran's been badmouthing them. When they discover the truth they pursue Kasumi in hope of getting revenge. Kasumi finds a sailro uniform and a mask, and uses it as a disguise she calls "Maru-Q Moon" . Unfortunately, the disguise doesn't save her from the three girls, although the hero becomes incredibly popular. (en)
  • Ran is down and depressed with the lack of decent GL guys in Shibuya. To make matters worse, her luck with guys appears to be 5%. She wants to prove that she just doesn't pick up losers and jerks. So when a new guy appears, who Ran calls 'Michi', becomes interested in and constantly flatters Ran, how can she resist? But, does Mitchy really like Ran...or is his love a lie? (en)
  • Ran and co. hold a grand prix to determine Ran's boyfriend. (en)
  • A girl named Kasumi Tsukino wants to become the number one gal, but to do so, she must defeat Ran. She plans all sorts of schemes to take Ran down and claim Ran's title. (en)
  • Ran is asked by Nananishi to search for a ghost that's been haunting the school. Meanwhile, Aya and Katase's relationship comes to a critical juncture when Katase wants Aya to stop wearing her dog tag accessory that symbolizes her friendship with Miyu and Ran. (en)
  • A year has passed since the previous episode. Miyu and Yamato's relationship continues to blossom, while Aya strives to be brave when talking with Rei. Mami and Yuya seem to be hitting it off pretty well. The Junior Detectives are now the High School Detectives. Naoki is crushed that Towa is leaving, but another gal catches his attention! Everyone prepare a big party for Towa, and wait until Ran returns to start it. (en)
  • Takazawa, a girl in Gunjo's class, is being bullied and ignored by the other students. Ran upset about this, tries to get Gunjo to do something, but he refuses. (en)
  • Miyu receives harassing messages at school and on her cellphone as she struggles with shaking her past as a gang leader of the Resistance. (en)
  • Sayo accidentally makes her wish to be Ran come true, and the two Kotobuki sisters must try to cope with it until it wears off. (en)
  • Ran tells Tatsuki that an important day is next week, and he thinks she's referring to his birthday. (en)
  • Miyu tries to raise money to save her apartment with Aya's help, but things take a turn for the worse when Miyu's mother shows up. (en)
  • Ran gets a call from someone threatening to destroy Miyu's cell phone if she does not stop being a gal. (en)
  • It's the two year anniversary of Miyu and Yamato, and Ran reflects on the time when Miyu was still a gang leader. (en)
  • Yuya gives Naoki some advice about being a man after Naoki gives up and goes after Miyu. Ran loses her wallet, and Naoki tries to find it before his older brother does. (en)
  • Katase takes it upon himself to confront Rei about his and Aya's relationship, but he too is in love with Aya. Meanwhile, Ran ends up facing Mami in a tennis tournament between two schools. (en)
  • Sayo gets to tag along with her brother Yamato as part of her homework project when they come across a robbery suspect. When Sayo learns of the man's motives, she and Junior Detective boyfriend Masato set up a scheme where he gets a chance to contact his daughter. But Ran and the gang aren't clued in on the plan and think Sayo and Masato have been abducted by this older man. (en)
  • Ran's family is full of cops, yet she refuses to take on a blue suit, or walk a road her parents paved for her. But, when the question of righting ten wrongs for 500 yen comes up...how can she refuse? Ran is ready and willing to catch a purse snatched, who happens to use Ran for more than she knows. Now Ran is being interrogated by cops, for someone is phone hunting, using her name. (en)
  • Mami wants revenge on Ran, and Yuya is thinking of a way to get Ran to be his girlfriend. When Ran invites him to the pool, he jumps at the chance, dragging Rei with him. Just when all seems well and good, Ran's little sister Sayo and her boyfriend Masato appear on the scene. They are both eager to become police detectives. Mami and Harue jump at the chance to take over Shibuya while everyone is away. (en)
  • Aya is having a great time being friends with Ran and Miyu, until her grades take a nosedrive on a exam. She then decides she no longer wants to be friends, but ends up getting fed up with herself and the mistakes she is making. Meanwhile, two girls from Ikebukuro, the infamous Mami Honda, and her sidekick, Harue Kudo, are taking over Shibuya! Can Ran convince Aya to come back and fight off her new rivals? (en)
  • Yuya challenges Tatsuki to a snowboard race to appeal to Ran, but fails. (en)
  • Ran never did any of her summer homework, so she and Nakanishi strike up a deal - she won't have to do any of her summer homework if she beats Gunjo's class in the upcoming Sports Fest. (en)
  • A new Ramen business opens next to the Kuroi's Ramen shop, and Ran holds a competition to see which one is better. (en)
  • Mami must deal with her debutante reality mixing with her relationship with Yuya. Meanwhile, a hacker has screwed up the Honda family's security system, setting loose a Robodog that attacks Mami, Ran, and the gang during their "tour" of the mansion. (en)
  • Mami is visited by her first love, Koichi, but she doesn't want him knowing she's a gal. (en)
  • Miyu confronts some guys in the park who represented her old rival gang the Eagles, and with the help of Ran, discovers the culprit who threatened her - Harue Kudou, former leader of the eagles gang. (en)
  • Aya meets Kazuki Katase, a friendly guy who wants to comfort her and even help her out with the upcoming culture festival. (en)
  • Tatsuki's little brother, Naoki Kuroi, is introduced. Naoki immediately develops a crush on Ran and does whatever he can to keep Tatsuki away from her. (en)
  • Miyu is feeling insecure as her tuition is barely getting paid, her mother wants her out of her hair, and she's never been completely sure of Yamato's feelings for her. Miyu looks for a job to gain independence and then works at the job, only to find that the owner had hired her so he could try to entice her into becoming a prostitute. But Yamato, being a very mature and sensitive guy, decides it's the right time to take the next step in their relationship. (en)
  • The girls have trouble getting chocolate across to their respective boyfriends. (en)
  • Ran forgets to do her homework again and has to attend a supplementary class. She befriends a girl, Shiori, who is active in the kendo club, but misses her club practice since class was too long. Ran and Shiori hang out, and Shiori tells Ran that she has a tournament coming up, of which Ran offers to buy her a nice dress if she wins. But the next day, Ran overhears rumors that Shiori's family is moving overseas, and hears from Shiori that the rumors are true. Ran does what she can to earn money for the tournament, but has little time to do it. (en)
  • Ran receives a fortune saying that bad luck will come from monkeys. Ran believes it's Tatsuki and does whatever she can to avoid him. (en)
  • Ran meets Tatsuki Kuroi, an expert para-para dancer, and rumors go around that the two are in a relationship. Yuya is not happy when he discovers this... (en)
  • Hot Springs The Gal Incident in the Northern Steam Clouds (en)
  • A Girl's Feelings Red Mesh (en)
  • Aya-ppe Otohata Syndrome (en)
  • Black Shadow Targeted Miyu (en)
  • Brother Naokichi Appears! (en)
  • Bukuro Mystery of the Extension (en)
  • Certain Victory Sports Fest (en)
  • Christmas Eve Emergency Bell of Love (en)
  • Clash Ramen Battle! (en)
  • Crossing Shibuya Grand Prix (en)
  • Dappled Sunlight Romantic Anniversary (en)
  • Feelings of Love Aya Confesses!? (en)
  • Friendship ID Plates of the Heart (en)
  • Gal Battle Mami-rin Finished!? (en)
  • Goodbye The Skies of Shibuya Remain Unchanging (en)
  • Have It? Luck With Guys? (en)
  • Heart Is It Over With Aya!? (en)
  • Heart Miyu's Past (en)
  • Heart Otohata's Words (en)
  • Heartbreak Miyu's Place to Call Home (en)
  • Kasumi Dream Coat (en)
  • Kasumi The Great Plot for Revenge! (en)
  • Killed in the Line of Duty Odaiba Shark's Final Day! (en)
  • Maki First Year! (en)
  • Mami-rin Falls For Yuya (en)
  • Mami-rin Her First Love (en)
  • Memories Sayo's Been Kidnapped? (en)
  • Misgivings of the Heart Cold Spring Breeze (en)
  • Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran Special -> Coolmen Get you Gals Party -> (en)
  • Odaiba Great Final Battle! (en)
  • Off to Machida Tatsukichi Gets Dumped!? (en)
  • Pool Junior Detectives! (en)
  • Promise Kendo Girl (en)
  • Pure Love Rie's Love Tale (en)
  • Ran-pyon A New Rival!? (en)
  • Ran-pyon Becomes Sayo!? (en)
  • Revenge Snowboard Battle (en)
  • Romantic Forecast Otohata then Katase!? (en)
  • School Culture Fest Meisho Queen (en)
  • Secret Mami-rin in Danger! (en)
  • Shibuya Great Dragnet (en)
  • Shibuya Soldier Maru-Q Moon (en)
  • Signs of Love Valentine's Day (en)
  • Sun Summer Girl! (en)
  • Super Cop Ran Kotobuki (en)
  • Super Debutante <3 Goody-Goody → Ran Kotobuki (en)
  • Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran (en)
  • Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran 2 ~Miracle -> Getting~ (en)
  • Taizo Police Training Project! (en)
  • Tear It Off Teacher's Gold Plate Exterior (en)
  • The World's Greatest Gal Ran Kotobuki (en)
  • Welcome Grand Opening! Palm Tree (en)
  • Yamato Proposes!? (en)
  • Yuya A Rival Appears! (en)
  • Yuya Talks About Being a Man (en)
  • Aruaru? Otoko Un? (en)
  • Aya-ppe Otohata Byō (en)
  • Bukuro Ekusute no Nazo (en)
  • Burazā Naokichi Kenzan! (en)
  • Chō Keiji Kotobuki Ran (en)
  • Chō Ojō-sama <3 Buri-Buri → Kotobuki Ran (en)
  • Gakusai Meishō Kuīn (en)
  • Gekitotsu Rāmen Batoru! (en)
  • Gyaru Batoru Mami-rin Hakyoku!? (en)
  • Hagase Kyōshi no Mekki (en)
  • Himitsu Mami-rin no Kiki! (en)
  • Hisshō Tai Iku Matsuri (en)
  • Hāto Aya to Zekkō!? (en)
  • Junjō Rie no Koi Bana (en)
  • Junshoku Odaiba Shāku Saigo no Hi! (en)
  • Kasumi Akogare no Kōto (en)
  • Kasumi Ribenji Dai Sakusen! (en)
  • Koi Gokoro Aya ga Kokuhaku!? (en)
  • Koi Moyō Barentain Dē (en)
  • Koi no Giwaku Tsumetai Haru Kaze (en)
  • Kokoro Miyu no Kako (en)
  • Kokoro Otohata no Kotoba (en)
  • Komorebi Renai Kinenbi (en)
  • Kuroi Kage Nerawareta Miyu (en)
  • Machida he Tatsukichi Shitsuren!? (en)
  • Maki Toshio! (en)
  • Mami-rin Hatsukoi no Hito (en)
  • Mami-rin Yūya ni Horeru (en)
  • Odaiba Dai Sakusen! (en)
  • Omoide Sayo ga Yūkai? (en)
  • Onna Gokoro Aka Messhu (en)
  • Onsen Kita no Yukemuri Gyaru Jiken (en)
  • Pūru Chiyūbō Keiji! (en)
  • Ran-pyon Arata na Raibaru!? (en)
  • Ran-pyon Sayo ni Naru!? (en)
  • Renai Yohō Otohata nochi Katase!? (en)
  • Ribenji Sunobō Batoru (en)
  • Sayonara Shibuya no Sora wa Kawari na (en)
  • Seiya Koi no Hijō Beru (en)
  • Shibuya Dai Sōsa-sen (en)
  • Shibuya Senshi Maru-Kyū Mūn (en)
  • Shibuya Ōdan Guran Puri (en)
  • Shōshin Miyu no Kaeru Basho (en)
  • Taiyō Natsu Onna! (en)
  • Taizō Keikan Yōsei Purojekuto! (en)
  • Tenka no Gyaru Kotobuki Ran (en)
  • Uerukamu Kaiten! Pāmu Tsurī (en)
  • Yakusoku Kendō Shōjo (en)
  • Yamato Puropōzu!? (en)
  • Yūjō Kokoro no Ai Dī Purēto (en)
  • Yūya Otoko wo Kataru (en)
  • Yūya Raibaru Tōjō! (en)
  • manga (en)
  • tv series (en)
  • #Chapters (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
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  • Masashi Kubota (en)
  • Gals! és una sèrie de manga shōjo de la mangaka Mihona Fujii publicada a la revista Ribbon de l'editorial Shueisha, editada en 10 volums. Fou adaptada a la versió anime com Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran (超GALS!寿蘭 , Sūpā Gyaruzu! Kotobuki Ran?), que es va emetre al Japó pel canal TV Tokyo des del 4 de juliol de 2001 fins al 26 de setembre de 2002, amb un total de 52 episodis. Encara que la sèrie manga s'anomeni GALS!, el terme Super GALS! (Kotobuki Ran) s'utilitza per referir-se a la sèrie d'anime. A Espanya, el manga fou publicat per l'editorial Glénat i traduït per . (ca)
  • Gals! (Originalschreibweise in Versalien: GALS!) ist eine Manga-Serie von , die auch als Anime mit dem Titel Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran verfilmt wurde. Das Werk schildert die Probleme und Abenteuer einer Clique von Schulmädchen, so genannten High-Gals, die die Einkaufsmeile Shibuya in Tokio unsicher machen. Shoppen und Liebesabenteuer sind dabei die Hauptbeschäftigungen. Obwohl der Humor die Serie dominiert, werden auch ernstere Themen wie Mobbing, Bandenmentalität oder brutale Lehrer angeschnitten. (de)
  • Gals! es un manga shōjo de la autora Mihona Fujii publicado por la revista Ribon, editorial Shūeisha, que consta de 10 tomos.​ Dicha colección, fue publicada en España por la editorial Glénat en un formato con sobrecubierta y sentido de lectura japonés, a razón de 7'50€ el tomo. El 4 de julio de 2001, se emitió en Japón por el canal TV Tokyo la adaptación al anime, bajo el nombre de Super Gals! Kotobuki Ran (超GALS!寿蘭 Sūpā Gyaruzu! Kotobuki Ran?). Terminó el 26 de septiembre de 2002, con un total de 52 episodios. La adaptación fue realizada por los estudios Pierrot.​ (es)
  • Gals! est un shōjo manga de Mihona Fujii. Il est prépublié entre 1999 et 2002 dans le magazine Ribon et compilé en un total de dix tomes par l'éditeur Shueisha, puis réédité en deux volumes bunko en mai 2009. La version française est publiée en intégralité par Glénat. Une adaptation en anime de 52 épisodes produite par le studio Pierrot est diffusée entre avril 2001 et mars 2002 au Japon. Dans les pays francophone, la série est éditée en DVD par Déclic Images. (fr)
  • 『GALS!』(ギャルズ)は、藤井みほなによる漫画作品。『りぼん』(集英社)にて1999年2月号より2002年6月号まで連載された。2019年から続編が発表されている。2020年4月時点で累計発行部数は500万部を突破している。 また、それを原作としたテレビアニメが『超GALS! 寿蘭』(すーぱーギャルズ ことぶきらん)のタイトルで放送されたほか、コナミによってゲーム化され、3タイトルが発売された。 (ja)
  • 《슈퍼갤즈》(일본명 : 슈퍼 GALS! 고토부키 란(超GALS!寿蘭))는 후지이 미호나 원작의 만화이자 TV 도쿄에서 방영된 애니메이션이다. 제목의 超는 Super라고 읽는다. (ko)
  • 《辣妹當家》(GALS!)為的少女漫画作品。在少女漫画雜誌《Ribon》(集英社)上,從1999年連載到2002年。另外,原作也被改編為動畫《辣妹當家》(超GALS! 寿蘭(すーぱーギャルズ ことぶきらん))並且還被科樂美加以遊戲化,而發售三款遊戲。 (zh)
  • Gals! (Japanese: ギャルズ!, Hepburn: Gyaruzu!) is a manga series written and illustrated by Mihona Fujii. It was published by Shueisha and serialized in Ribon shōjo manga magazine from 1998 to 2002. The manga was also published in the U.S. by CMX. In 2019, Mihona Fujii announced that the series will continue from November 5 on Shueisha's Manga Mee app, taking off from the manga's ending. (en)
  • Gals! (bahasa Jepang: ギャルズ! Hepburn: Gyaruzu!) adalah sebuah seri manga shōjo Jepang yang ditulis dan diilustrasikan oleh . Manga ini diterbitkan oleh Shueisha dan dimuat dalam majalah sejak tahun 1998 hingga 2002. Manga ini juga diterbitkan di Amerika Serikat oleh . (in)
  • GALS! è un manga shōjo scritto e disegnato da Mihona Fujii, pubblicato in Giappone sulla rivista Ribon di Shūeisha dal dicembre 1998 al maggio 2002. L'opera è nota per essere uno spaccato di vita delle sub-culture urbane che popolano i quartieri di Tokyo, riportandone i modi, i costumi, le ritualità ed il linguaggio: GALS! si trova quindi costantemente a metà fra il fumetto comico (quale è) ed il saggio sociologico (quale risulta essere). Un sequel del manga è stato pubblicato da novembre 2019 sull'app Manga Mee di Shūeisha. (it)
  • Gals! (ca)
  • Gals! (de)
  • Gals! (es)
  • Gals! (in)
  • Gals! (en)
  • Gals! (fr)
  • GALS! (it)
  • 슈퍼갤즈 (ko)
  • GALS! (ja)
  • 辣妹當家 (zh)
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