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The 1993 King of the Ring was the inaugural King of the Ring professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE) and featured the seventh King of the Ring tournament. It was the first of ten King of the Ring events produced as pay-per-views; an 11th exclusively aired on the company's livestreaming service, the WWE Network. The inaugural event took place on June 13, 1993, at the Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio. Ten matches were held at the event.

Property Value
  • كان حدث ملك الحلبة (1993) هو الحدث السنوي الأول من حدث ملك الحلبة أوكينج أوف ذا رينج لمصارعة المحترفين بنظام الدفع مقابل المشاهدة (PPV) الذي ينتجه الاتحاد العالمي للمصارعة (WWF، الآن WWE) نتج هذا الحدث عن قرار الاتحاد العالمي للمصارعة WWF بجعل بطولة كينج أوف ذا رينج ملك الحلبة السنوية الخاصة به في حدث متلفز. تم عقده في 13 يونيو 1993، في مركز ناتر في دايتون ، أوهايو. تضمنت بطاقة البطولة عشر مباريات، نتجت عن قصص مكتوبة ونتائج محددة مسبقًا بواسطة WWF.كان التركيز الرئيسي لحدث نظام الدفع مقابل المشاهدة PPV هذا على البطولة نفسها. فلقد حصل المصارعون على دخول البطولة من خلال المشاركة في المباريات التأهيلية على برامج تلفزيون WWF ، وتم بث الجولات الثانية والثالثة والرابعة من البطولة على قناة ملك الحلبة PPV. فاز بريت هارت بالبطولة بفوزه على سكوت هول (المعروف بلقب رازر رامون) ومستر بيرفكت وسكوت شارليز بيغلو (الملقب بـ بام بام بيغلو) . وقد تعرض بريت هارت لهجوم من قبل جيري لولر خلال حفل التتويج، مما أدى إلى عداء استمر أكثر من عامين. بالإضافة إلى البطولة، تميز الحدث بفوز يوكوزونا على هولك هوجان في بطولة«WWF العالمية للوزن الثقيل» بالإضافة إلى احتفاظ شون مايكلز بحزامه في مباراة ضد براين آدمز (الملقب بـ كراش ) لبطولة بطولة القارات دبليو دبليو إي. كانت مراجعات الحدث إيجابية بشكل أساسي. وصف العديد من المراجعين مباريات المصارع بريت هارت بأنها سلطت الضوء على نظام الدفع مقابل المشاهدة PPV. وتلقت مباراة بطولة إنتركونتيننتال مراجعات إيجابية، ولكن تم انتقاد نهاية مباراة بطولة «WWF العالمية للوزن الثقيل»، والتي ظهرت هالك هوجان في ظهوره الأخير في PPV في WWF حتى عام 2002 . حضر الحدث 6500 مشجع - وهو أقل حضور لأي حدث من أحداث ملك الحلبة. ومع ذلك، كان معدل شراء PPV هو الأعلى في أي حدث من أحداث ملك الحلبة حتى عام 1999. تم إصدار الحدث على VHS في أمريكا الشمالية وعلى VHS وDVD في المملكة المتحدة. (ar)
  • The 1993 King of the Ring was the inaugural King of the Ring professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE) and featured the seventh King of the Ring tournament. It was the first of ten King of the Ring events produced as pay-per-views; an 11th exclusively aired on the company's livestreaming service, the WWE Network. The inaugural event took place on June 13, 1993, at the Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio. Ten matches were held at the event. The central focus of the PPV was the tournament. Wrestlers gained entry by participating in qualifying matches on WWF television programs, and the second, third, and fourth rounds of the tournament were televised on the King of the Ring PPV broadcast. The 1991 tournament winner Bret Hart also won the 1993 tournament by defeating Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect, and Bam Bam Bigelow. He was attacked by Jerry Lawler during a coronation ceremony, which led to a feud that lasted more than two years. In addition to the tournament, the event featured Yokozuna defeating Hulk Hogan to win the WWF Championship as well as Shawn Michaels retaining the WWF Intercontinental Championship in a match against Crush. Reviews of the event were mainly positive. Several reviewers called Bret Hart's matches the highlight of the PPV. The match for the Intercontinental Championship received positive reviews, but the ending to the WWF Championship match, which featured Hulk Hogan in his final PPV appearance in the WWF until 2002, was criticized. The event was attended by 6,500 fans—the lowest attendance of any King of the Ring event—while the buyrate was the highest of any King of the Ring event until 1999. The event was released on VHS in North America and on VHS and DVD in the United Kingdom. (en)
  • King of the Ring 1993 è stata la prima edizione dell'omonimo pay-per-view prodotto dalla World Wrestling Federation. L'evento si è svolto il 13 giugno 1993 al Nutter Center di Dayton (Ohio). Il tema centrale di questo evento in pay-per-view fu il torneo stesso. I lottatori guadagnarono la partecipazione al torneo partecipando a dei match di qualificazione nei programmi televisivi WWF, mentre i quarti di finale, le semifinali e la finale furono trasmessi in pay-per-view. Bret Hart vinse il torneo sconfiggendo Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect e Bam Bam Bigelow. Fu attaccato da Jerry Lawler nel corso della cerimonia di incoronazione, che portò ad una faida tra i due che durò più di due anni. Oltre al torneo, l'evento fu caratterizzato dalla contesa tra Yokozuna e Hulk Hogan per il WWF World Heavyweight Championship, detenuto da Hogan, dove vinse il primo. Inoltre ci fu il match tra Shawn Michaels (WWF Intercontinental Champion) e Crush, dove in palio c'era il titolo di Michaels. Il vincitore fu quest'ultimo, che mantenne il titolo. Le recensioni per la manifestazione furono prevalentemente positive. Diversi utenti nominarono Bret Hart come il momento clou del PPV. Il match per il titolo intercontinentale ricevette delle recensioni positive, ma il finale della contesa per il titolo Mondiale dei Pesi Massimi WWF, che caratterizzò l'ultima apparizione in WWF di Hulk Hogan, fu criticato. L'evento vide la partecipazione di 6.500 fan, la presenza di fan più bassa di qualsiasi evento WWF targato King of the Ring. Il buyrate del PPV, tuttavia, fu il più alto di qualsiasi evento per decretare il Re del Ring fino al 1999. L'evento fu pubblicato su VHS nel Nord America e in VHS e in DVD nel Regno Unito. (it)
  • King of the Ring 1993 was een pay-per-viewevenement in het professioneel worstelen geproduceerd door World Wrestling Federation (WWF). Dit was de eerste keer dat King of the Ring als pay-per-viewevenement werd uitgezonden, maar het was al de zevende editie en vond plaats op 13 juni 1993 in het in Dayton (Ohio). De hoofdwedstrijd was de eindmatch tussen Bret Hart en Bam Bam Bigelow. Bret Hart won de finale. (nl)
  • O King of the Ring 1993 foi a sétima edição do torneio King of the Ring. Decorreu entre 4 de Maio e 13 de Junho de 1993. As eliminatórias foram: ¹ Bret "The Hitman" Hart foi considerado o Nº1 Seed no torneio King of the Ring 1993. ² Mr. Perfect e Doink The Clown lutaram até aos dez minutos limite no primeiro combate de qualificação para o King of the Ring no WWF Superstars 5/1/93. Mr. Perfect e Doink The Clown lutaram novamente até ao tempo limite no WWF Wrestling Challenge 5/15/93. Eles lutaram finalmente no WWF Monday Night RAW 5/24/93 num combate onde já não havia tempo limite. 3 Crush e "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels lutaram até Double Count-Out no WWF Superstars 5/22/93 em 5:22 num combate de qualificação para o King of the Ring. Michaels tinha perdido o WWF Intercontinental Championship apenas cinco dias antes. Crush fez então uma petição para o presindete da WWF, Jack Tunney para mudar a decisão dizendo que Michaels custou de propósito o lugar no torneio King of the Ring 1993 para os dois. Crush recebeu mais tarde uma oportunidade pelo WWF Intercontinental Championship com Michaels no pay-per-view King of the Ring. 4 "The Beast From The East" Bam Bam Bigelow derrotou Bret "The Hitman" Hart aos 9:26 após um headbutt a partir do topo do turnbuckle. Antes desse final, Luna Vachon interferiu. O supervisor sénior Earl Hebner veio ao ringue e informou o árbitro original da interferência de Vachon, recomeçando o combate aos 10:30. O evento pay-per-view decorreu a 13 de Junho de 1993 no em Dayton, Ohio. * Bret Hart derrotou Razor Ramon num combate de quartos-final do King of the Ring (10:27) * derrotou por desqualificação num combate de quartos-final do King of the Ring (5:59) * Bam Bam Bigelow derrotou Jim Duggan num combate de quartos-final do King of the Ring (5:00) * Tatanka e Lex Luger empataram por tempo limite num combate de quartos-final do King of the Ring (15:00) * Bret Hart derrotou Mr. Perfect num combate de meias-finais do King of the Ring (18:55) * Yokozuna derrotou Hulk Hogan para conquistar o WWF World Championship (13:10) * (Billy e ) e (Rick e Scott) derrotaram ( e Fatu) e os campeões de Tag Team da WWF (Ted DiBiase e Irwin R. Schyster) (7:02) * Shawn Michaels derrotou Crush para manter o WWF Intercontinental Championship (11:13) * Bret Hart derrotou Bam Bam Bigelow para ganhar o torneio King of the Ring (18:18) (pt)
  • 1993-06-13 (xsd:date)
  • 19598049 (xsd:integer)
  • 42252 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124354417 (xsd:integer)
  • 6500 (xsd:integer)
  • Promotional poster featuring Hulk Hogan (en)
  • yes (en)
  • 1993-06-13 (xsd:date)
  • Mr. Perfect defeated Mr. Hughes by disqualification (en)
  • Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Jim Duggan (en)
  • Bret Hart defeated Bam Bam Bigelow (en)
  • Bret Hart defeated Mr. Perfect (en)
  • Bret Hart defeated Razor Ramon (en)
  • Lex Luger vs. Tatanka ended in a time-limit draw (en)
  • Papa Shango defeated Owen Hart (en)
  • Shawn Michaels defeated Crush (en)
  • Yokozuna defeated Hulk Hogan (en)
  • The Steiner Brothers and The Smoking Gunns defeated Money Inc. and The Headshrinkers (en)
  • King of the Ring (en)
  • (en)
  • Final (en)
  • First Round (en)
  • Quarterfinals (en)
  • Semifinals (en)
  • (en)
  • 165.0
  • 179.0
  • 201.0
  • 293.0
  • 308.0
  • 519.0
  • 690.0
  • Pin (en)
  • DQ (en)
  • CO (en)
  • 299.0
  • 362.0
  • 900.0
  • 625.0
  • Draw (en)
  • Pin (en)
  • DQ (en)
  • Bret Hart (en)
  • Mr. Hughes (en)
  • Jim Duggan (en)
  • Mr. Perfect (en)
  • Bam Bam Bigelow (en)
  • Lex Luger (en)
  • Tatanka (en)
  • Razor Ramon (en)
  • (en)
  • 1136.0
  • Pin (en)
  • Bret Hart (en)
  • BYE (en)
  • Mr. Perfect (en)
  • Bam Bam Bigelow (en)
  • 1091.0
  • Pin (en)
  • Bret Hart (en)
  • Bam Bam Bigelow (en)
  • dbr:Eight-man_tag_team_match
  • Singles match for the WWF Championship (en)
  • Singles match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship (en)
  • King of the Ring final match (en)
  • King of the Ring quarter-final match (en)
  • King of the Ring semi-final match (en)
  • Singles match for the USWA Unified World Heavyweight Championship (en)
  • Who Will Be King? Be A Part Of the Coronation! (en)
  • - (en)
  • 1091.0
  • 299.0
  • 362.0
  • 409.0
  • 674.0
  • 788.0
  • 900.0
  • 1790.0
  • 625.0
  • King of the Ring 1993 was een pay-per-viewevenement in het professioneel worstelen geproduceerd door World Wrestling Federation (WWF). Dit was de eerste keer dat King of the Ring als pay-per-viewevenement werd uitgezonden, maar het was al de zevende editie en vond plaats op 13 juni 1993 in het in Dayton (Ohio). De hoofdwedstrijd was de eindmatch tussen Bret Hart en Bam Bam Bigelow. Bret Hart won de finale. (nl)
  • كان حدث ملك الحلبة (1993) هو الحدث السنوي الأول من حدث ملك الحلبة أوكينج أوف ذا رينج لمصارعة المحترفين بنظام الدفع مقابل المشاهدة (PPV) الذي ينتجه الاتحاد العالمي للمصارعة (WWF، الآن WWE) نتج هذا الحدث عن قرار الاتحاد العالمي للمصارعة WWF بجعل بطولة كينج أوف ذا رينج ملك الحلبة السنوية الخاصة به في حدث متلفز. وقد تعرض بريت هارت لهجوم من قبل جيري لولر خلال حفل التتويج، مما أدى إلى عداء استمر أكثر من عامين. كانت مراجعات الحدث إيجابية بشكل أساسي. وصف العديد من المراجعين مباريات المصارع بريت هارت بأنها سلطت الضوء على نظام الدفع مقابل المشاهدة PPV. (ar)
  • The 1993 King of the Ring was the inaugural King of the Ring professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE) and featured the seventh King of the Ring tournament. It was the first of ten King of the Ring events produced as pay-per-views; an 11th exclusively aired on the company's livestreaming service, the WWE Network. The inaugural event took place on June 13, 1993, at the Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio. Ten matches were held at the event. (en)
  • King of the Ring 1993 è stata la prima edizione dell'omonimo pay-per-view prodotto dalla World Wrestling Federation. L'evento si è svolto il 13 giugno 1993 al Nutter Center di Dayton (Ohio). Il tema centrale di questo evento in pay-per-view fu il torneo stesso. I lottatori guadagnarono la partecipazione al torneo partecipando a dei match di qualificazione nei programmi televisivi WWF, mentre i quarti di finale, le semifinali e la finale furono trasmessi in pay-per-view. Bret Hart vinse il torneo sconfiggendo Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect e Bam Bam Bigelow. Fu attaccato da Jerry Lawler nel corso della cerimonia di incoronazione, che portò ad una faida tra i due che durò più di due anni. Oltre al torneo, l'evento fu caratterizzato dalla contesa tra Yokozuna e Hulk Hogan per il WWF World Heavyweig (it)
  • O King of the Ring 1993 foi a sétima edição do torneio King of the Ring. Decorreu entre 4 de Maio e 13 de Junho de 1993. As eliminatórias foram: ¹ Bret "The Hitman" Hart foi considerado o Nº1 Seed no torneio King of the Ring 1993. ² Mr. Perfect e Doink The Clown lutaram até aos dez minutos limite no primeiro combate de qualificação para o King of the Ring no WWF Superstars 5/1/93. Mr. Perfect e Doink The Clown lutaram novamente até ao tempo limite no WWF Wrestling Challenge 5/15/93. Eles lutaram finalmente no WWF Monday Night RAW 5/24/93 num combate onde já não havia tempo limite. (pt)
  • ملك الحلبة (1993) (ar)
  • King of the Ring 1993 (it)
  • King of the Ring (1993) (en)
  • King of the Ring 1993 (nl)
  • King of the Ring (1993) (pt)
  • King of the Ring (en)
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