An Entity of Type: Public university, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Kwantlen Polytechnic University (commonly abbreviated to KPU) is a public degree-granting undergraduate polytechnic university in British Columbia, Canada, with campuses in Surrey, Richmond, Cloverdale, Whalley, and Langley. KPU is one of the largest institutions by enrolment in British Columbia with a total of 20,000 students and 1,400 faculty members across its five locations, encompassing the Metro Vancouver district. KPU provides undergraduate and vocational education including bachelor's degrees, associate degrees, diplomas, certificates, apprenticeships, and citations in more than 140 diverse programs.

Property Value
  • جامعة كوانتلين بوليتكنك هي جامعة عامة في كندا تأسست عام 1981. تقع في مدن ريتشموند، ساري، لانغلي، . (ar)
  • Die Kwantlen Polytechnic University (Abkürzung KPU) ist eine staatliche Universität in British Columbia, Kanada, mit Sitz in , Richmond, , und Langley. Die heutige Kwantlen Polytechnic University wurde 1981 als Kwantlen College gegründet. 1995 erfolgte die Anerkennung als University College und 2008 als Polytechnic University. Über 1400 Hochschulangestellte bilden über 20.000 Studenten in circa 120 grundständigen Studienprogrammen aus. (de)
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University (commonly abbreviated to KPU) is a public degree-granting undergraduate polytechnic university in British Columbia, Canada, with campuses in Surrey, Richmond, Cloverdale, Whalley, and Langley. KPU is one of the largest institutions by enrolment in British Columbia with a total of 20,000 students and 1,400 faculty members across its five locations, encompassing the Metro Vancouver district. KPU provides undergraduate and vocational education including bachelor's degrees, associate degrees, diplomas, certificates, apprenticeships, and citations in more than 140 diverse programs. The school operates largely as an undergraduate polytechnic university, but also serves as a vocational school offering apprenticeships for skilled trades. as well as diplomas in vocational education for skilled technicians and workers in support roles in professions such as engineering, accountancy, business administration, nursing, medicine, architecture, and criminology. Kwantlen Polytechnic was founded as Kwantlen College in 1981; as a response to the growing need for expanded vocational training across the Fraser Valley. In 1995, it became a university college. In 2008, the provincial government announced its intention to amend the University Act to appoint Kwantlen University College a polytechnic university. The legislation renaming the university college to university received royal assent on May 29, 2008, and KPU began operation as Kwantlen Polytechnic University on September 1, 2008. KPU became a member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) on October 24, 2008. Also in affiliation with KPU include: the International Association of Universities (IAU), the Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), and the Canadian University Press (CUP). The Globe and Mail Canadian University Report ranked KPU among the top post-secondary institutions in terms of enrollment across Canada, earning numerous grades in the A-to-B range in categories such as quality of teaching and learning, career preparation, student satisfaction and information technology. Published in Maclean's magazine, the National Survey of Student Engagement also listed KPU among the top Canadian institutions in terms of student participation, educational practices, and quality of education. (en)
  • 콴틀렌 이공과대학교(Kwantlen Polytechnic University)는 캐나다 브리티시 컬럼비아 주 서리에 있는 공립 대학이다. 1981년 개교되었다. (ko)
  • Куантленский политехнический университет (англ. Kwantlen Polytechnic University) — высшее учебное заведение в Британской Колумбии (Канада) с кампусами в Сарри, и Ричмонде. Основан в 1981 году как общественный колледж, с 1995 года — университетский колледж, с 2008 года — технологический университет. В университете ежегодно проходят обучение свыше 20 тысяч студентов на более чем 170 программах (преимущественно бакалавриат). (ru)
  • O Universidade Politécnica de Kwantlen (KPU) é uma universidade politécnica de graduação universitária na Colúmbia Britânica com campus em Newton, Richmond, Cloverdale, Whalley e Langley. A Universidade Politécnica de Kwantlen foi fundada como Kwantlen College em 1981 como uma resposta à crescente necessidade de treinamento vocacional expandido em todo o Fraser Valley. Em 1995, tornou-se um colégio universitário. Em 2008, o governo provincial anunciou sua intenção de alterar o Ato Universitário para nomear o Kwantlen University College como uma universidade politécnica. A legislação renomeando o colégio universitário para universidade recebeu aprovação real em 29 de maio de 2008 e a KPU começou a funcionar como Universidade Politécnica de Kwantlen em 1 de setembro de 2008. (pt)
  • 昆特侖理工大學(英語:Kwantlen Polytechnic University,簡稱KPU),或翻譯為昆特蘭理工大學,是一所位於加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省大溫哥華地區的公立理工大學,也是加拿大大專院校聯盟、國際大學協會、加拿大社區學院聯盟、大英國協大學協會、加拿大國際教育局、和加拿大大學新聞社成員之一。學校在素里市的紐頓區、克洛佛代爾區、和懷利區(市中心)、以及列治文市、和蘭里區設有五座校區。 昆特侖理工大學是加拿大唯一的理工大學、英屬哥倫比亞省最大的教學大學(The largest teaching university in British Columbia)、以及加拿大大溫哥華地區大學綜合排名第三名。加拿大的環球郵報(The globe and mail)和麥克林雜誌(Maclean's)都把昆特侖理工大學的多重表現納入加拿大優秀高等教育機構。 昆特侖理工大學擁有加拿大西部第二大的商學院,同時也是第一所得到美國商學院聯盟(ACBSP)認證的加拿大本科商學院,全省三所得到加拿大管理學院(Canadian Institute of Management)認證的機構的其中一個。 昆特侖理工大學的設計學院在加拿大處於領先地位。2019年被 Business of Fashion(BoF)雜誌評為加拿大最佳,世界前列,是加拿大唯二可以授予時尚設計學位的大學。 根據2019年英屬哥倫比亞省政府的 BC Student Outcomes 調查結果,昆特侖理工大學的學士學位畢業生就業率為96%。 (zh)
  • 1400 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • Eagle
  • Through Tireless Effort, Knowledge, and Understanding
  • 20000 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • White
  • Rich Burgundy
  • 2182398 (xsd:integer)
  • 35488 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117517044 (xsd:integer)
  • AUCC, IAU, CICan, ACU, CBIE, CUP (en)
  • Urban, 92.988 acres net (en)
  • Ivy Chen (en)
  • Kim Baird (en)
  • White (en)
  • Rich Burgundy (en)
  • Canada (en)
  • 13000000 (xsd:integer)
  • 1400 (xsd:integer)
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University CoA.svg (en)
  • 200 (xsd:integer)
  • 200 (xsd:integer)
  • Eagle (en)
  • Through Tireless Effort, Knowledge, and Understanding (en)
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University (en)
  • Alan Davis (en)
  • Diane Purvey (en)
  • 20000 (xsd:integer)
  • 49.133 -122.871
  • جامعة كوانتلين بوليتكنك هي جامعة عامة في كندا تأسست عام 1981. تقع في مدن ريتشموند، ساري، لانغلي، . (ar)
  • Die Kwantlen Polytechnic University (Abkürzung KPU) ist eine staatliche Universität in British Columbia, Kanada, mit Sitz in , Richmond, , und Langley. Die heutige Kwantlen Polytechnic University wurde 1981 als Kwantlen College gegründet. 1995 erfolgte die Anerkennung als University College und 2008 als Polytechnic University. Über 1400 Hochschulangestellte bilden über 20.000 Studenten in circa 120 grundständigen Studienprogrammen aus. (de)
  • 콴틀렌 이공과대학교(Kwantlen Polytechnic University)는 캐나다 브리티시 컬럼비아 주 서리에 있는 공립 대학이다. 1981년 개교되었다. (ko)
  • Куантленский политехнический университет (англ. Kwantlen Polytechnic University) — высшее учебное заведение в Британской Колумбии (Канада) с кампусами в Сарри, и Ричмонде. Основан в 1981 году как общественный колледж, с 1995 года — университетский колледж, с 2008 года — технологический университет. В университете ежегодно проходят обучение свыше 20 тысяч студентов на более чем 170 программах (преимущественно бакалавриат). (ru)
  • O Universidade Politécnica de Kwantlen (KPU) é uma universidade politécnica de graduação universitária na Colúmbia Britânica com campus em Newton, Richmond, Cloverdale, Whalley e Langley. A Universidade Politécnica de Kwantlen foi fundada como Kwantlen College em 1981 como uma resposta à crescente necessidade de treinamento vocacional expandido em todo o Fraser Valley. Em 1995, tornou-se um colégio universitário. Em 2008, o governo provincial anunciou sua intenção de alterar o Ato Universitário para nomear o Kwantlen University College como uma universidade politécnica. A legislação renomeando o colégio universitário para universidade recebeu aprovação real em 29 de maio de 2008 e a KPU começou a funcionar como Universidade Politécnica de Kwantlen em 1 de setembro de 2008. (pt)
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University (commonly abbreviated to KPU) is a public degree-granting undergraduate polytechnic university in British Columbia, Canada, with campuses in Surrey, Richmond, Cloverdale, Whalley, and Langley. KPU is one of the largest institutions by enrolment in British Columbia with a total of 20,000 students and 1,400 faculty members across its five locations, encompassing the Metro Vancouver district. KPU provides undergraduate and vocational education including bachelor's degrees, associate degrees, diplomas, certificates, apprenticeships, and citations in more than 140 diverse programs. (en)
  • 昆特侖理工大學(英語:Kwantlen Polytechnic University,簡稱KPU),或翻譯為昆特蘭理工大學,是一所位於加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省大溫哥華地區的公立理工大學,也是加拿大大專院校聯盟、國際大學協會、加拿大社區學院聯盟、大英國協大學協會、加拿大國際教育局、和加拿大大學新聞社成員之一。學校在素里市的紐頓區、克洛佛代爾區、和懷利區(市中心)、以及列治文市、和蘭里區設有五座校區。 昆特侖理工大學是加拿大唯一的理工大學、英屬哥倫比亞省最大的教學大學(The largest teaching university in British Columbia)、以及加拿大大溫哥華地區大學綜合排名第三名。加拿大的環球郵報(The globe and mail)和麥克林雜誌(Maclean's)都把昆特侖理工大學的多重表現納入加拿大優秀高等教育機構。 昆特侖理工大學擁有加拿大西部第二大的商學院,同時也是第一所得到美國商學院聯盟(ACBSP)認證的加拿大本科商學院,全省三所得到加拿大管理學院(Canadian Institute of Management)認證的機構的其中一個。 昆特侖理工大學的設計學院在加拿大處於領先地位。2019年被 Business of Fashion(BoF)雜誌評為加拿大最佳,世界前列,是加拿大唯二可以授予時尚設計學位的大學。 (zh)
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University (en)
  • جامعة كوانتلين بوليتكنك (ar)
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University (de)
  • 콴틀렌 이공과대학교 (ko)
  • Universidade Politécnica de Kwantlen (pt)
  • Куантленский политехнический университет (ru)
  • 昆特侖理工大學 (zh)
  • POINT(-122.87100219727 49.132999420166)
  • 49.132999 (xsd:float)
  • -122.871002 (xsd:float)
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University (en)
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