- Lakapenos (auch Lekapenos; mittelgriechisch Λακαπηνός) ist der Name einer byzantinischen Familie, die im 10. Jahrhundert mit der Makedonischen Dynastie um den Thron in Konstantinopel konkurrierte. Der Name führt sich auf den kappadokischen Ort (Laqabin) zwischen Melitene und Samosata zurück. (de)
- Η δυναστεία των Λεκαπηνών ή Λακαπηνών, ήταν αυτοκρατορική βυζαντινή οικογένεια (919-945). Ιδρυτής και γενάρχης της ήταν ο αυτοκράτορας Ρωμανός Α' ο Λεκαπηνός (και Λακαπηνός), στρατιωτικός αρμενικής καταγωγής, από τη Λακάπη, κοντά στη Μελιτηνή (σημ. Μαλάτεια της Τουρκίας). Αναρρηθέντες αυτοκράτορες:
* Ρωμανός Α' Λεκαπηνός (920-944)
* Χριστόφορος Λεκαπηνός (921-931)
* Στέφανος Λεκαπηνός (928-945)
* Κωνσταντίνος Λεκαπηνός (928-945) Κατά τους περισσότερους ιστορικούς του Βυζαντινού κράτους, ο Ρωμανός Λεκαπηνός και οι γιοί του δεν θεωρούνται ξεχωριστή δυναστεία (επειδή συμβασίλευσαν καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια με τον Κωνσταντίνο Ζ', και κανένα άλλο μέλος των Λεκαπηνών δεν ανήλθε αργότερα στο θρόνο) και γι' αυτό συμπεριλαμβάνονται στη Μακεδονική Δυναστεία . (el)
- La famille Lécapène est une famille byzantine, d'origine modeste et probablement arménienne qui donna à l'empire byzantin quatre empereurs, durant la période des empereurs macédoniens. (fr)
- Lekapenos (Greek: Λεκαπηνός) or Lakapenos (Λακαπηνός), usually Latinized as Lecapenus, feminine form Lekapene (Λεκαπηνή), was the name of a prominent Byzantine-Armenian family of humble background which intermarried with and almost managed to usurp the throne from the Macedonian dynasty in the first half of the 10th century. The family was founded by Theophylact, surnamed Abaktistos or Abastaktos, an Armenian peasant who saved the life of Emperor Basil I the Macedonian in 872 and received estates as a reward. The family surname derives from the locality of Lakape; possibly these estates were located there. Theophylact's son Romanos became commander-in-chief of the Imperial Fleet and eventually senior emperor in 920 after marrying his daughter Helena to the legitimate emperor Constantine VII, grandson of Basil I. He raised three of his sons, Christopher, Stephen, and Constantine, as co-emperors alongside Constantine VII. Another son, Theophylact, was made Patriarch of Constantinople, and Christopher's daughter Maria-Irene was married to the Tsar Peter I of Bulgaria. Romanos was deposed by Stephen and Constantine in December 944, but they too were in turn soon deposed and Constantine VII was restored as sole emperor. Their descendants continued to occupy senior palace offices in the next decades, but the most notable member of the family was Romanos' illegitimate son Basil Lekapenos, who as the imperial parakoimomenos was the virtual ruler of the empire until the 980s. The family is barely attested thereafter; only a certain Constantine Lekapenos is known through his seal for the entirety of the 11th century, and the last important member was , a 14th-century official and writer. (en)
- La dinastía de los Lecapenos (en griego, Λεκαπηνός) o Lakapenos (Λακαπηνός), era el nombre de una familia bizantina de origen campesino armenio, que se casó y casi logró usurpar el trono de la dinastía macedónica en la primera mitad del siglo X. (es)
- Lecapeno (em grego: Λεκαπηνός; romaniz.: Lekapenós; em latim: Lecapenus) ou Lacapeno (em grego: Λακαπηνός; romaniz.: Lakapenós), com forma feminina Lecapena (em grego: Λεκαπηνή; romaniz.: Lekapené), foi o nome duma família bizantina de ascendência humilde e etnicamente armênia, que casou-se com e quase conseguiu usurpar o trono da dinastia macedônica na primeira metade do século X. Foi fundada por Teofilacto, de sobrenome Abactisto ou Abastacto, um camponês armênio que salvou a vida do imperador Basílio I, o Macedônio (r. 867–886) em 872 e recebeu propriedades como recompensa. O sobrenome da família deriva da localidade de Lacape; possivelmente estas propriedades estavam situadas ali. O filho de Teofilacto, Romano, tornou-se comandante-em-chefe da frota imperial e posteriormente imperador sênior em 920 após casar sua filha Helena com o imperador legítimo Constantino VII Porfirogênito (r. 913–959), neto de Basílio I. Ele elevou seus três filhos, Cristóvão, Estêvão e Constantino como coimperadores ao lado de Constantino VII. Outro filho, Teofilacto, foi feito patriarca de Constantinopla, e a filha de Cristóvão chamada Maria-Irene casou-se com o imperador búlgaro Pedro I (r. 927–969). Romano foi deposto por Estêvão e Constantino em dezembro de 944, mas eles também foram depostos em seguida e Constantino foi restaurado como imperador único. Seus descendentes continuaram a ocupar ofícios seniores no palácio imperial nas décadas seguintes, mas o membro mais notável da família foi Basílio Lecapeno, filho ilegítimo de Romano, que ascendeu ao posto de paracemomeno e tornar-se-ia governante virtual do império até a década de 980. A família é precariamente atestada depois disso; apenas um certo Constantino Lecapeno é conhecido através de seu selo do século XI, e o último membro importante foi , um oficial e escritor do século XIV. (pt)
- Лакапи́ны или Лекапены — армянская династия в Византии, впервые выдвинувшаяся в лице , спасшего в бою с сарацинами жизнь императора Василия I. (ru)
- Lakapenos (auch Lekapenos; mittelgriechisch Λακαπηνός) ist der Name einer byzantinischen Familie, die im 10. Jahrhundert mit der Makedonischen Dynastie um den Thron in Konstantinopel konkurrierte. Der Name führt sich auf den kappadokischen Ort (Laqabin) zwischen Melitene und Samosata zurück. (de)
- La famille Lécapène est une famille byzantine, d'origine modeste et probablement arménienne qui donna à l'empire byzantin quatre empereurs, durant la période des empereurs macédoniens. (fr)
- La dinastía de los Lecapenos (en griego, Λεκαπηνός) o Lakapenos (Λακαπηνός), era el nombre de una familia bizantina de origen campesino armenio, que se casó y casi logró usurpar el trono de la dinastía macedónica en la primera mitad del siglo X. (es)
- Лакапи́ны или Лекапены — армянская династия в Византии, впервые выдвинувшаяся в лице , спасшего в бою с сарацинами жизнь императора Василия I. (ru)
- Η δυναστεία των Λεκαπηνών ή Λακαπηνών, ήταν αυτοκρατορική βυζαντινή οικογένεια (919-945). Ιδρυτής και γενάρχης της ήταν ο αυτοκράτορας Ρωμανός Α' ο Λεκαπηνός (και Λακαπηνός), στρατιωτικός αρμενικής καταγωγής, από τη Λακάπη, κοντά στη Μελιτηνή (σημ. Μαλάτεια της Τουρκίας). Αναρρηθέντες αυτοκράτορες:
* Ρωμανός Α' Λεκαπηνός (920-944)
* Χριστόφορος Λεκαπηνός (921-931)
* Στέφανος Λεκαπηνός (928-945)
* Κωνσταντίνος Λεκαπηνός (928-945) (el)
- Lekapenos (Greek: Λεκαπηνός) or Lakapenos (Λακαπηνός), usually Latinized as Lecapenus, feminine form Lekapene (Λεκαπηνή), was the name of a prominent Byzantine-Armenian family of humble background which intermarried with and almost managed to usurp the throne from the Macedonian dynasty in the first half of the 10th century. The family is barely attested thereafter; only a certain Constantine Lekapenos is known through his seal for the entirety of the 11th century, and the last important member was , a 14th-century official and writer. (en)
- Lecapeno (em grego: Λεκαπηνός; romaniz.: Lekapenós; em latim: Lecapenus) ou Lacapeno (em grego: Λακαπηνός; romaniz.: Lakapenós), com forma feminina Lecapena (em grego: Λεκαπηνή; romaniz.: Lekapené), foi o nome duma família bizantina de ascendência humilde e etnicamente armênia, que casou-se com e quase conseguiu usurpar o trono da dinastia macedônica na primeira metade do século X. Foi fundada por Teofilacto, de sobrenome Abactisto ou Abastacto, um camponês armênio que salvou a vida do imperador Basílio I, o Macedônio (r. 867–886) em 872 e recebeu propriedades como recompensa. O sobrenome da família deriva da localidade de Lacape; possivelmente estas propriedades estavam situadas ali. (pt)