- Himouto! Umaru-chan is a Japanese anime television series based on Sankaku Head's manga for Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine and produced by Doga Kobo. It follows the changing life of an eponymous girl. The series aired on ABC from July 9 to September 24, 2015, and was simulcast worldwide by Crunchyroll. The opening theme is "Kakushin-teki Metamorphose!" (かくしん的☆めたまるふぉ〜ぜっ!, lit. Core Basis: Metamorphosis!) and the ending theme is "Hidamari Days" (ひだまりデイズ, Sunshine Days). An original video animation was bundled with the manga's seventh volume on October 19, 2015, with another to be bundled with the tenth volume in 2017. A second season, titled Himouto! Umaru-chan R, aired from October 8 to December 24, 2017, and was simulcast by Anime Strike, Hidive and AnimeLab. The opening theme is "Nimensei☆Uraomote Life!" (にめんせい☆ウラオモテライフ!, Second Year ☆ Back-to-Front Life!) and the ending theme is "Umarun Taisō" (うまるん体操, Umarun Exercises). The series is licensed in North America by Sentai Filmworks. (en)
- Taihei, Takeshi, Alex and Kanau go to Hamamatsu for a business trip, when Umaru decided to follow her brother. After he bonded with Umaru and sent her back home, Taihei and the others visit a restaurant where he met Nana's missing brother Kōichirō Ebina. After he returned home, Taihei and Umaru deliver souvenirs to her friends. (en)
- Takeshi discovers that Kirie became friend with Umaru. Kirie opens up to Taihei of being a storybook author and receives encouragement from him. Kirie tries to help Nana get together with Taihei at an ice skating rink, but they never learn how to skate. Afterwards, Hikari joins Taihei in gazing at the stars, reminding them of when they first met. (en)
- When Taihei inadvertently discards a figurine box, Umaru goes too far in teasing him about it but becomes panicked when he has not returned home later that night. Nana invites Umaru and Taihei to a ramen shop. Taihei's coworker Takeshi Motoba gets drunk with him, visits his apartment, and meets Umaru. As Sylphynford asks Umaru to take her to an old-fashioned candy store, Taihei gets lost in a residential area but the presence of a cat triggers some memories of when he and his mother used to walk through there. (en)
- Umaru and Sylphynford play arcade games. Umaru uses bath fizzies that Taihei hidden. Umaru goes shopping with her friends to buy clothes. (en)
- Umaru and Taihei take photos using Takeshi's single-lens camera. With the arcade where they usually hang out temporarily closed, Umaru and Sylphynford visit an old-fashioned department store, only for it to end up being closed and torn down due to lack of customers. Nana tries to get closer to Taihei by helping him prepare for their lunch while Umaru pretends to help in order to disguise her lack of knowledge about cooking. As Umaru and Hikari remain hostile towards each other, Taihei tries to have them make pancakes together so they can get along. Umaru worries that she is causing her pet hamsters to become stress but later finds out they enjoy playing with her. (en)
- Umaru invites Nana for a study session. She tries to awaken Taihei in order to pass time. The next day, Nana receives a dakimakura from Taihei that he won in rock-paper-scissors contest at a game center. A few days later, Taihei takes advantage of visiting Nana to prevent Umaru from buying a game. Nana recalls when she moved to Tokyo a year ago from Akita and met Taihei. (en)
- After she brought rice to their apartment, Nana is invited to have lunch with Umaru and Taihei. Umaru has a serious internal discussion over what snacks to buy. Nana becomes conscious about her stomach growl while eating out with Umaru and Taihei, but soon indulges in a parfait alongside Umaru. The rainy season has some adverse effects on Umaru and Kirie, prompting Taihei to try and take their minds off of it. That summer, the girls spend time eating ice cream. (en)
- Kirie becomes wary of Alex when he came over to play a dating sim with Umaru. Taihei becomes worried when Umaru spent a lot of time to a video game. Umaru and Takeshi Motoba witness Taihei getting angry on them when they attempted to reach out for a cooking pot he is preparing. Kirie gets a dubious present from Alex and plans to discard it, but later decides to keep it. Umaru and her friends eat hamburgers in a fast food restaurant she saw in a food commercial. (en)
- Kirie makes bags of cookies for the Doma siblings. Nana makes a Valentine's Day chocolate with the help of Umaru and Taihei. Umaru and Sylphynford visit a doujin shop, bonding over their roles as sisters while Taihei attempts to converse with Kirie, who visited the apartment to give the cookies. The following day, Umaru and Taihei figure out who ate the pudding she left on the table. (en)
- On Taihei's birthday, Umaru asks Nana for advice on what to do for him. Umaru decides to act like an ideal sister and spends time with Taihei, only to discover that he prefers her the way she is. While the girls spend the day at a swimming pool, Umaru wonders if she should reveal to them that "Komaru" and "UMR" are her alter egos. As she becomes conflicted over what will happen if she tells everyone, her friends assure her that she does not have to reveal her secret if it will make her suffer. Relieved by the support of her friends, Umaru hides it. (en)
- Taihei decides to hold a homemade okonomiyaki party against Umaru's request for pizza. On Christmas Eve, Umaru goes shopping for gifts with Taihei and Nana, finding it more fun than simply waiting to receive presents. Kanau tries to figure out how to get Hikari enjoy Christmas. Sylphynford invites her friends to her house for a New Year celebration and they later decide to play hanetsuki. When Umaru received New Year's allowances from Taihei, Takeshi, Alex and Kirie, she overspends it. (en)
- Refusing to be alone with Takeshi while their parents are away, Kirie visits Umaru and stays overnight. After she deduced that Nana likes Taihei, Kirie decides to help her. Umaru, Taihei, and her friends go to see fireworks. Hikari surprises Taihei and gets invited to his apartment. Umaru becomes wary of Hikari, who got clingy to her brother. (en)
- Taihei works overtime on Christmas Eve, leaving Umaru alone at home but Kirie later visits her. Takeshi celebrates for New Year's Eve at Doma's apartment. He and Umaru end up complementing each other's cooking and snacks respectively. Taihei's supervisor Kanau is shown accompanying him and Takeshi during their overtime work on Christmas Eve. (en)
- Umaru and Taihei visit a car dealership, but he is soon terrified while test driving a car. On a holiday trip to Enoshima, Kirie becomes worried and explains to Umaru how her isolation in class is somewhat related to her feud with her brother Takeshi. Umaru, Nana, Kirie and Sylphynford spend the day at the beach. (en)
- Alex Tachibana is invited by Taihei to his apartment for dinner, bonding with Umaru over their mutual love of anime. Umaru deals with her itchy ears after Taihei accidentally stepped on their ear pick. Sylphynford invites Umaru to her house to study for the exam. Taihei teaches Umaru the proper cleaning of their room. Umaru and her friends go to see a movie. (en)
- Umaru plays a claw crane game to win multiple prizes in a single try. The next day, she and her friends play tennis. When Umaru accidentally breaks the akabeko received from Taihei's co-worker Alex Tachibana, she attempts to fix it before her brother can return home. Umaru participates in an arcade tournament under her alias "UMR", challenging Alex's sister Sylphynford in the finals. However, Sylphynford loses the match after being distracted by Alex. (en)
- Umaru buys soda from a convenience store at midnight and finds the outside to be very different compared to daytime. Taihei tries to find some way to pass time from work. Taihei decides to split up the room with a curtain so he can have his own private space from Umaru, but the siblings soon find it lonely divided off from each other. Umaru, Taihei and Kirie play The Game of Life, where Taihei helped out Kirie during her struggling career in the game. Umaru becomes concerned when Taihei cannot remember her birthday, but she later discovers that he secretly preparing for her party. (en)
- While on a trip to the amusement park with her friends, Kirie becomes downhearted following a string of bad luck but is later cheered up by Umaru. Umaru and Kanau's sister Hikari Kongō receive a school award for their grades. Alex reveals to Umaru and Kirie about how Kanau encouraged him to gain friends instead of secluding himself in his room to watch anime. Nana reminisces about Kōichirō and likens him to Taihei. (en)
- While getting attention for placing third in a swimming tournament, Kirie reveals to Umaru that she wants to be a storybook author drawing about Komaru. Sylphynford invites Umaru, Nana, and Kirie to her house for kimono fitting with the help of her mother. At an art supply shop, Kirie becomes worried about revealing her ambition to Taihei and Nana when she ran into them. Umaru tries to convince Taihei to use their air conditioner but he decides to use an electric fan. (en)
- Sylphynford invites Umaru to her house where she proposed to play a Pocky game together, causing Umaru to become uncomfortable as she tries to explain the game. Later night, Hikari joins Umaru and Taihei in eating naan curry together. Umaru and Sylphynford visit Lake Sagami, where she visited ten years ago and made memories with Alex. Afterwards, the girls hold a study session to help Nana, who became worried of being held back due to low test scores. Recalling how she became friends with Umaru and the others, Nana overcomes her performance anxiety and passes the exams. (en)
- Umaru procrastinates in studying for the exam. Umaru's classmate Kirie Motoba visits her to return her lost photo identification card and sees her in chibi form. Pretending to be Umaru's sister "Komaru", she discovers that Kirie is too shy to converse. Umaru gets spooked during a power outage while watching a horror film. (en)
- Umaru and her friends celebrate Christmas together at Sylphynford's house, where the latter expressed her gratitude towards UMR. As Umaru visits Sylphynford again as "UMR", Nana walks home with Taihei. On New Year's Day, Umaru inadvertently receives two allowances from Taihei, causing an internal conflict over the reason behind it. Taihei informs Umaru that he will leave home for a two-week business trip. (en)
- After she was left alone with a fever, Umaru plans to exact revenge on Taihei when he got a cold. Upon discovering his abnormal condition, she "saves" him. Umaru becomes irritated with peppers Taihei served but she later appreciates the effort he put into making her bento. When Umaru inadvertently breaks the Internet modem-router, she spends the day at a manga café. In a flashback, Taihei, Takeshi and Kanau won plushies in a claw crane game at an arcade. (en)