This is a list of productions from the Warner Animation Group, an American animation studio based in Burbank, California, United States. As of 2022, Warner Animation Group has released 10 feature films, which were all released under the Warner Bros. Pictures banner. The company produced its first feature-length film, The Lego Movie, in 2014. Their second production, Storks, was released in 2016, followed by their first spin-off, The Lego Batman Movie, followed in 2017. Warner Animation Group had two releases in a single year twice: The Lego Batman Movie and The Lego Ninjago Movie followed in 2018, they released Smallfoot, followed in 2019, they released The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part, followed in 2020, they released Scoob!, followed in 2021, they released Tom & Jerry and Space Jam: A Ne