- لادينية (تشمل: اللأدرية، الإلحاد، الربوبية، اللاكتراثية) تعتبر ستة عشر في المئة من سكان العالم (1.4 مليار نسمة) غير دينيون. (ar)
- L'irréligion ou l'irreligionisme est une appellation servant à désigner toute opinion philosophique qui refuse le principe de culte religieux. Dans les faits, ce terme englobe des notions très diverses : l'athéisme, l'agnosticisme, le déisme, le scepticisme, la libre-pensée, le laïcisme, voire le théisme philosophique. 13 % de la population mondiale se déclarent athées. (fr)
- Irreligion, which may include deism, agnosticism, ignosticism, anti-religion, atheism, skepticism, ietsism, spiritual but not religious, freethought, anti-theism, apatheism, non-belief, pandeism, secular humanism, non-religious theism, pantheism, panentheism, and New age, varies in the countries around the world. According to reports from the Worldwide Independent Network/Gallup International Association's (WIN/GIA) four global polls: in 2005, 77% were a religious person and 4% were "convinced atheists"; in 2012, 23% were not a religious person and 13% were "convinced atheists"; in 2015, 22% were not a religious person and 11% were "convinced atheists"; and in 2017, 25% were not a religious person and 9% were "convinced atheists". According to the Pew Research Centre in 2012, 16% of the world is "religiously unaffiliated", which "include atheists, agnostics and people who do not identify with any particular religion in surveys"; of that overall category, many may still hold some religious beliefs and some engage in religious practices as well. According to sociologist Phil Zuckerman, broad estimates of those who have an absence of belief in a god range from 500 to 750 million people worldwide. According to sociologists Ariela Keysar and Juhem Navarro-Rivera's review of numerous global studies on atheism, there are 450 to 500 million positive atheists and agnostics worldwide (7% of the world's population) with China alone accounting for 200 million of that demographic. Relative to its own populations, Zuckerman ranks the top 5 countries with the highest possible ranges of agnostics and atheists: Sweden (46-85%), Vietnam (81%), Denmark (43-80%), Norway (31-72%), and Japan (64-65%). (en)
- La Irreligión (englobando el ateísmo, agnosticismo, deísmo, no creyentes, antirreligión, escepticismo religioso, librepensamiento, antiteísmo, apateísmo y humanismo secular) varía en los diferentes países alrededor del mundo. El 15.6% de la población mundial (1.193 millones de personas) se consideran no religiosas. (es)
- Selain menganut agama-agama yang ada di dunia, Tak beragama (termasuk deism, agnostik, atheis, skeptisisme, tak religius, antiteisme, apateisme, pandeisme dan sekularisme) merupakan salah satu pilihan yang dianut oleh banyak orang di dunia khususnya di negara-negara sosialis, komunis dan sekuler. Berikut ini adalah daftar negara berdasarkan jumlah populasi non-religius pada tahun 2004. (in)
- L'irreligiosità o irreligione, cioè la non appartenenza a nessuna religione, comprende al suo interno diverse forme di noncredenza (ateismo, agnosticismo, ignosticismo, non-teismo, scetticismo filosofico, antiteismo, apateismo) e libero pensiero (deismo, panteismo, panenteismo, umanismo, umanesimo secolare) e varia anche considerevolmente nei differenti Paesi del mondo. Circa il 16% della popolazione mondiale (1,2 miliardi di persone) è stimata essere irreligiosa. (it)
- Lista de países por percentagem de pessoas irreligiosas em sua população. Irreligião é a ausência, indiferença ou hostilidade para com a religião. (pt)
- لادينية (تشمل: اللأدرية، الإلحاد، الربوبية، اللاكتراثية) تعتبر ستة عشر في المئة من سكان العالم (1.4 مليار نسمة) غير دينيون. (ar)
- L'irréligion ou l'irreligionisme est une appellation servant à désigner toute opinion philosophique qui refuse le principe de culte religieux. Dans les faits, ce terme englobe des notions très diverses : l'athéisme, l'agnosticisme, le déisme, le scepticisme, la libre-pensée, le laïcisme, voire le théisme philosophique. 13 % de la population mondiale se déclarent athées. (fr)
- La Irreligión (englobando el ateísmo, agnosticismo, deísmo, no creyentes, antirreligión, escepticismo religioso, librepensamiento, antiteísmo, apateísmo y humanismo secular) varía en los diferentes países alrededor del mundo. El 15.6% de la población mundial (1.193 millones de personas) se consideran no religiosas. (es)
- Selain menganut agama-agama yang ada di dunia, Tak beragama (termasuk deism, agnostik, atheis, skeptisisme, tak religius, antiteisme, apateisme, pandeisme dan sekularisme) merupakan salah satu pilihan yang dianut oleh banyak orang di dunia khususnya di negara-negara sosialis, komunis dan sekuler. Berikut ini adalah daftar negara berdasarkan jumlah populasi non-religius pada tahun 2004. (in)
- L'irreligiosità o irreligione, cioè la non appartenenza a nessuna religione, comprende al suo interno diverse forme di noncredenza (ateismo, agnosticismo, ignosticismo, non-teismo, scetticismo filosofico, antiteismo, apateismo) e libero pensiero (deismo, panteismo, panenteismo, umanismo, umanesimo secolare) e varia anche considerevolmente nei differenti Paesi del mondo. Circa il 16% della popolazione mondiale (1,2 miliardi di persone) è stimata essere irreligiosa. (it)
- Lista de países por percentagem de pessoas irreligiosas em sua população. Irreligião é a ausência, indiferença ou hostilidade para com a religião. (pt)
- Irreligion, which may include deism, agnosticism, ignosticism, anti-religion, atheism, skepticism, ietsism, spiritual but not religious, freethought, anti-theism, apatheism, non-belief, pandeism, secular humanism, non-religious theism, pantheism, panentheism, and New age, varies in the countries around the world. According to reports from the Worldwide Independent Network/Gallup International Association's (WIN/GIA) four global polls: in 2005, 77% were a religious person and 4% were "convinced atheists"; in 2012, 23% were not a religious person and 13% were "convinced atheists"; in 2015, 22% were not a religious person and 11% were "convinced atheists"; and in 2017, 25% were not a religious person and 9% were "convinced atheists". According to the Pew Research Centre in 2012, 16% of the wo (en)