- Mastotermes es un género de termita con una sola especie viviente, Mastotermes darwiniensis, que sólo se encuentra en el norte de Australia. El género muestra similitudes extrañas con las cucarachas, los parientes más cercanos de las termitas, como la presencia de un lóbulo anal en el ala y la puesta de huevos en montones, en lugar de uno a uno. El género Mastotermes y la familia Mastotermitidae contienen una sola especie viviente, Mastotermes darwiniensis, aunque se conocen numerosos taxones fósiles. Las termitas se situaban anteriormente en el superorden de los exopterigotos, taxón que es en realidad una agrupación parafilética de los neópteros basales. Es por ello que las cucarachas y las termitas se clasifican actualmente en el orden Blattodea y en el clado Dictyoptera junto con los mantodeos y sus parientes extintos. (es)
- Mastotermes est un genre de termites. La seule espèce vivante du genre est (en), que l'on trouve uniquement dans le nord de l'Australie. Un certain nombre de taxons éteints sont connus à partir de fossiles. Il s'agit du termite vivant le plus primitif. A ce titre, il présente des similitudes notables avec certaines blattes, les plus proches parents des termites. Ces similitudes comprennent le lobe anal de l'aile et la ponte des œufs en grappes plutôt qu'individuellement. (fr)
- Mastotermes is a genus of termites. The sole living species is Mastotermes darwiniensis, found only in northern Australia. A number of extinct taxa are known from fossils. It is a very peculiar insect, the most primitive termite alive. As such, it shows notable similarities to certain cockroaches, the termites' closest relatives. These similarities include the anal lobe of the wing and the laying of eggs in bunches, rather than singly. The termites were traditionally placed in the Exopterygota, but such an indiscriminate treatment makes that group a paraphyletic grade of basal neopterans. Thus, the cockroaches, termites and their relatives are nowadays placed in a clade called Dictyoptera. These singular termites appear at first glance like a cockroaches abdomen with a termite's head and thorax. Their wings have the same design as those of the cockroaches, and its eggs are laid in a case as are cockroach eggs. It is thought to have evolved from the same ancestors as the wood roaches (Cryptocercus) in the Permian. Fossil wings have been discovered in the Permian of Kansas which have a close resemblance to wings of Mastotermes of the Mastotermitidae, which is the most primitive living termite. This fossil species is . It folded its wings in a convex pattern between segments 1a and 2a. Mastotermes darwiniensis is the only living insect that does the same. However, Pycnoblattina has been demonstrated to be unrelated to termites and the earliest termites are from the latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous. Unlike cockroaches, not all termites have wings: Only the reproductives, (see Termites-life cycle) whose wings are considerably longer than their abdomen. Mastotermes darwiniensis is usually not very numerous, nor are the colonies large when left to natural conditions. However, when given abundant water(such as regular irrigation) and favourable food & soil conditions (such as stored timber or timber structures), populations can be enormous, numbering in the millions, quickly destroying their host. Its diet is varied, as it will eat introduced plants, damage ivory and leather, and wood and debris, in fact almost anything organic. It becomes a major agricultural pest, to the extent that vegetable farming has been virtually abandoned in Northern Australia wherever this termite is numerous, which it is outside of the rain forest or bauxite soils. It has developed the ability to bore up into a living tree and ring bark it such that it dies and becomes the center of a colony. Mastotermes darwiniensis is the only known host of the symbiotic protozoan Mixotricha paradoxa, remarkable for its multiple bacterial symbionts. (en)
- Mastotermes (лат.) — род термитов из семейства Mastotermitidae. Включает один современный реликтовый вид из Австралии и несколько ископаемых форм. (ru)
- 澳白蟻屬隸屬於蜚蠊目澳白蟻科,其下包含單一現生物種達爾文澳白蟻(Mastotermes darwiniensis),原生於澳洲北部。該屬有不少的化石紀錄。白蟻與蜚蠊的親緣關係最為接近,達爾文澳白蟻為現生最原始的白蟻,它們和一些特定的蟑螂物種擁有顯著的相似特徵,包括前翅臀區的相似,及一次產下一團卵而非單顆。早期將白蟻置於外翅總目之下,但這沒有意義的分類階級不過是從中取出一個並系群,因此,蟑螂、白蟻及近緣物種後來被放置於網翅總目之下。 達爾文澳白蟻乍看之下就像一隻有著蟑螂腹部和白蟻頭部、胸部的生物,它們的翅膀結構和蟑螂相同,它們的卵是包覆在卵鞘中產出就如同蟑螂,普遍認為達爾文澳白蟻與隱尾蠊屬是由二疊紀的共同祖先演化而來。堪薩斯出土了二疊紀的翅膀化石,其相似於澳白蟻屬(現生最原始的白蟻)的翅膀,這翅膀屬於 (一種蟑螂),它的翅膀收起來時於第一、第二腹節處凸起,就如同達爾文澳白蟻,然而, 被證實與白蟻沒有關連,最早的白蟻出現在晚侏儸紀到早白堊紀之間。和蟑螂不同的是,不是所有白蟻都有翅膀,只有繁殖型有翅膀,它們的翅膀長度遠大於腹部。達爾文澳白蟻群落規模通常不大,但是,如果它們擁有充足的水分(如定期遷徙)及適合的食物、土壤環境(如閒置的木材或木製建築物),群落規模能夠變得很大,個體數達到數百萬隻,能夠迅速的摧毀木材。達爾文澳白蟻食性廣泛,可以取食外來種植物、象牙、皮革、木材及纖維素,簡單來說就是幾乎所有的有機質,它們因此成為重要的農業害蟲,某種程度而言,澳洲北部可以說是因為它們的存在而放棄種植蔬菜,特別是那些非雨林地區及鋁土礦土壤的地區。達爾文澳白蟻會蛀食活樹,甚至把樹環狀剝皮導致死亡,死樹隨後成為群落的巢穴。 達爾文澳白蟻腸道內有許多共生性的原生生物和細菌,其中原生生物 只在達爾文澳白蟻的腸道中出現。 (zh)
- Mastotermes est un genre de termites. La seule espèce vivante du genre est (en), que l'on trouve uniquement dans le nord de l'Australie. Un certain nombre de taxons éteints sont connus à partir de fossiles. Il s'agit du termite vivant le plus primitif. A ce titre, il présente des similitudes notables avec certaines blattes, les plus proches parents des termites. Ces similitudes comprennent le lobe anal de l'aile et la ponte des œufs en grappes plutôt qu'individuellement. (fr)
- Mastotermes (лат.) — род термитов из семейства Mastotermitidae. Включает один современный реликтовый вид из Австралии и несколько ископаемых форм. (ru)
- Mastotermes es un género de termita con una sola especie viviente, Mastotermes darwiniensis, que sólo se encuentra en el norte de Australia. El género muestra similitudes extrañas con las cucarachas, los parientes más cercanos de las termitas, como la presencia de un lóbulo anal en el ala y la puesta de huevos en montones, en lugar de uno a uno. (es)
- Mastotermes is a genus of termites. The sole living species is Mastotermes darwiniensis, found only in northern Australia. A number of extinct taxa are known from fossils. It is a very peculiar insect, the most primitive termite alive. As such, it shows notable similarities to certain cockroaches, the termites' closest relatives. These similarities include the anal lobe of the wing and the laying of eggs in bunches, rather than singly. The termites were traditionally placed in the Exopterygota, but such an indiscriminate treatment makes that group a paraphyletic grade of basal neopterans. Thus, the cockroaches, termites and their relatives are nowadays placed in a clade called Dictyoptera. (en)
- 澳白蟻屬隸屬於蜚蠊目澳白蟻科,其下包含單一現生物種達爾文澳白蟻(Mastotermes darwiniensis),原生於澳洲北部。該屬有不少的化石紀錄。白蟻與蜚蠊的親緣關係最為接近,達爾文澳白蟻為現生最原始的白蟻,它們和一些特定的蟑螂物種擁有顯著的相似特徵,包括前翅臀區的相似,及一次產下一團卵而非單顆。早期將白蟻置於外翅總目之下,但這沒有意義的分類階級不過是從中取出一個並系群,因此,蟑螂、白蟻及近緣物種後來被放置於網翅總目之下。 達爾文澳白蟻腸道內有許多共生性的原生生物和細菌,其中原生生物 只在達爾文澳白蟻的腸道中出現。 (zh)