- La sátira religiosa es una forma de sátira cuyo objetivo es la religión. La sátira a costa del clero es un tipo de sátira política, mientras que la sátira religiosa tiene en el punto de mira las prácticas y creencias religiosas. Puede ser resultado del agnosticismo o ateísmo, pero también tener sus raíces en la creencia propia. Desde tiempos muy remotos, al menos desde las obras de Aristófanes, la religión ha sido uno de los tres temas principales de la sátira literaria, junto con la política y el sexo. Volvió a emerger durante el Renacimiento con obras de Chaucer, Erasmo y Durero. (es)
- Religious satire is a form of satire that refers to religious beliefs and can take the form of texts, plays, films, and parody. From the earliest times, at least since the plays of Aristophanes, religion has been one of the three primary topics of literary satire, along with politics and sex. Satire which targets the clergy is a type of political satire, while religious satire is that which targets religious beliefs. Religious satire is also sometimes called philosophical satire, and is thought to be the result of agnosticism or atheism. Notable works of religious satire surfaced during the Renaissance, with works by Geoffrey Chaucer, Erasmus and Albrecht Dürer. Religious satire has been criticised and at times censored to avoid offence, for example the film Life of Brian was initially banned in Ireland, Norway, some states of the US, and some towns and councils of the United Kingdom. This potential for censorship often leads to debates on the issue of freedom of speech such as in the case of the Religious Hatred Bill in January 2006. Critics of the original version of the Bill (such as comedian Rowan Atkinson) feared that satirists could be prosecuted. (en)
- La sátira religiosa es una forma de sátira cuyo objetivo es la religión. La sátira a costa del clero es un tipo de sátira política, mientras que la sátira religiosa tiene en el punto de mira las prácticas y creencias religiosas. Puede ser resultado del agnosticismo o ateísmo, pero también tener sus raíces en la creencia propia. Desde tiempos muy remotos, al menos desde las obras de Aristófanes, la religión ha sido uno de los tres temas principales de la sátira literaria, junto con la política y el sexo. Volvió a emerger durante el Renacimiento con obras de Chaucer, Erasmo y Durero. (es)
- Religious satire is a form of satire that refers to religious beliefs and can take the form of texts, plays, films, and parody. From the earliest times, at least since the plays of Aristophanes, religion has been one of the three primary topics of literary satire, along with politics and sex. Satire which targets the clergy is a type of political satire, while religious satire is that which targets religious beliefs. Religious satire is also sometimes called philosophical satire, and is thought to be the result of agnosticism or atheism. Notable works of religious satire surfaced during the Renaissance, with works by Geoffrey Chaucer, Erasmus and Albrecht Dürer. (en)