An Entity of Type: clerical administrative region, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Catholic Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi (Lat: Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) is a diocese of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church in Pakistan. There is anecdotal evidence that St. Thomas the Apostle passed through Taxila (in this diocese) on his way to India in the first century AD. The diocese has a long history, as it was originally erected in 1887, as the Apostolic Prefecture of Kafiristan and Kashmir. The prefecture was erected from the Diocese of Lahore. In 1947, the Apostolic prefecture was elevated to a full diocese, and renamed the diocese of Rawalpindi.

Property Value
  • 178341.0
  • Das Bistum Islamabad-Rawalpindi (lat.: Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) ist eine in Pakistan gelegene römisch-katholische Diözese mit Sitz in Rawalpindi, einer Stadt auf dem Pothohar-Plateau in der Provinz Punjab. (de)
  • La diócesis de Islamabad-Rawalpindi (en latín, Dioecesis Islamabaden(sis)-Ravalpinden(sis), en inglés, Roman Catholic Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi y en urdu, اسلام آباد راولپنڈی کے کیتھولک چرچ‎) es una circunscripción eclesiástica de rito latino de la Iglesia católica en Pakistán, sufragánea de la arquidiócesis de Lahore. Desde el 8 de diciembre de 2017 su arzobispo a título personal es . (es)
  • The Catholic Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi (Lat: Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) is a diocese of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church in Pakistan. There is anecdotal evidence that St. Thomas the Apostle passed through Taxila (in this diocese) on his way to India in the first century AD. The diocese has a long history, as it was originally erected in 1887, as the Apostolic Prefecture of Kafiristan and Kashmir. The prefecture was erected from the Diocese of Lahore. In 1947, the Apostolic prefecture was elevated to a full diocese, and renamed the diocese of Rawalpindi. In 1952, Kashmir was lost to the diocese, and a new diocese created from territory in Rawalpindi and Lahore to create the Apostolic Prefecture of Kashmir and Jammu. In 1979, the name was changed to the Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi. The diocese is a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Lahore. It comprises the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Azad Kashmir and the Northern Areas, Gujrat District of Gujranwala Division, the Rawalpindi Division, and the Sargodha Division. At the time there were only 16 priests to minister to the Catholics in the diocese. The principal church of the diocese is the St. Joseph's Cathedral, Rawalpindi. The Diocese has a population of about 35 million, including 250,000 Catholics many of whom are committed to education (through its more than 70 schools like the Catholic Public High School in Sangota, in the Swat Valley), training institutes and hospitals. In 1920 the Medical Mission Sisters set up the 16-bed St. Catherine's Hospital in Rawalpindi under the auspices of the Diocese. The hospital evolved into the Holy Family Hospital and continued to operate under the Diocese until 1977. In that year the diocese was no longer able to bear the financial burden of running the hospital and handed it over to the Government of Punjab. The Medical Mission Sisters went to work at the Holy Family Hospital, Karachi. In 1996 the Diocese opened Our Lady of Lourdes Minor Seminary which is its preparatory seminary. In 2009, 31 priests served a declining population of 180,000 Catholics. The third largest Catholic diocese of Pakistan is divided into 19 parishes. The former vicar general of Faisalabad diocese, Father Rufin Anthony, was appointed Coadjutor Bishop to Bishop Anthony Theodore Lobo of the Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi by Pope Benedict XVI on 4 August 2009. He succeeded Bishop Lobo as Bishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi upon the acceptance by Benedict of Lobo's resignation on Thursday, 18 February 2010. In August 2010 the heaviest rains in 80 years caused the worst flooding the country has ever seen, affecting much of the Diocese. Catholic Relief Services, Pakistan had to evacuate staff quarters in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa region due to the flooding in the province. A team of Caritas Pakistan also travelled to Peshawar to assess the situation and follow up with relief aid. The Sisters of the Daughters of St. Paul congregation also distributed religious as well as food items in Nowshera, one of the 10 districts in Pakistan most severely affected by the floods. In 2016, the Diocese initiated the cause for the beatification of Shahbaz Bhatti making him a Servant of God in the Catholic Church. Bhatti was a Christian politician who dedicated his life to the service of the underprivileged and was assassinated in 2011. In January 2020, the diocese organized a preparatory course to help Catholics enter the civil service. 26 students, mostly women, attended in the course held at St Mary's Cambridge School, Rawalpindi. (en)
  • Keuskupan Islamabad-Rawalpindi (Lat: Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) adalah sebuah keuskupan Ritus Latin dari Gereja Katolik Roma di Pakistan. Keuskupan tersebut adalah suffragan dari Keuskupan Agung Lahore. (in)
  • Diecezja Islamabad-Rawalpindi (łac. Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis, ang. Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi) – rzymskokatolicka diecezja ze stolicą w Rawalpindi w prowincji Pendżab w Pakistanie. Biskupstwo jest sufraganią archidiecezji Lahaur. W 2013 w diecezji służyło 24 braci i 104 sióstry zakonne. (pl)
  • La diocesi di Islamabad-Rawalpindi (in latino: Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) è una sede della Chiesa cattolica in Pakistan suffraganea dell'arcidiocesi di Lahore. Nel 2019 contava 189.600 battezzati su 39.785.000 abitanti. È retta dall'arcivescovo (titolo personale) Joseph Arshad. (it)
  • Епархия Исламабада-Равалпинди (лат. Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) — епархия Римско-Католической церкви с центром в городе Равалпинди, Пакистан. Епархия Равалпинди входит в митрополию Лахора. Кафедральным собором епархии Исламабада-Равалпинди является церковь святого Иосифа в городе Равалпинди. (ru)
  • 天主教伊斯蘭堡-拉瓦爾品第教區(拉丁語:Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis),是羅馬天主教會以巴基斯坦拉瓦爾品第為中心的一個主教區。屬拉合爾總教區。教區管轄巴基斯坦北部。 2006年有教友174,208名,佔轄區總人口僅百分之0.5。由20名司鐸名管理18個堂區。現任教區主教為。他同時兼任费萨拉巴德教区宗座署理。 1887年7月6日自拉合爾總教區分出,建立卡菲爾斯坦暨克什米爾代牧區。1947年7月10日升格為拉瓦爾品第教區。1971年6月1日易名至今。 (zh)
  • 178341000000.000000 (xsd:double)
  • 1947
  • 18725747 (xsd:integer)
  • 11600 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1036072208 (xsd:integer)
  • 178341 (xsd:integer)
  • Joseph Arshad (en)
  • 214976 (xsd:integer)
  • 0.500000 (xsd:double)
  • 1947 (xsd:integer)
  • Diocese (en)
  • Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis (en)
  • اسلام آباد راولپنڈی کے کیتھولک چرچ (en)
  • Catholic Archdiocese of Lahore (en)
  • Islamabad-Rawalpindi (en)
  • 23 (xsd:integer)
  • 36522000 (xsd:integer)
  • 2006 (xsd:integer)
  • 32 (xsd:integer)
  • Catholic Archdiocese of Lahore (en)
  • 33.6 73.0333
  • Das Bistum Islamabad-Rawalpindi (lat.: Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) ist eine in Pakistan gelegene römisch-katholische Diözese mit Sitz in Rawalpindi, einer Stadt auf dem Pothohar-Plateau in der Provinz Punjab. (de)
  • La diócesis de Islamabad-Rawalpindi (en latín, Dioecesis Islamabaden(sis)-Ravalpinden(sis), en inglés, Roman Catholic Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi y en urdu, اسلام آباد راولپنڈی کے کیتھولک چرچ‎) es una circunscripción eclesiástica de rito latino de la Iglesia católica en Pakistán, sufragánea de la arquidiócesis de Lahore. Desde el 8 de diciembre de 2017 su arzobispo a título personal es . (es)
  • Keuskupan Islamabad-Rawalpindi (Lat: Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) adalah sebuah keuskupan Ritus Latin dari Gereja Katolik Roma di Pakistan. Keuskupan tersebut adalah suffragan dari Keuskupan Agung Lahore. (in)
  • Diecezja Islamabad-Rawalpindi (łac. Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis, ang. Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi) – rzymskokatolicka diecezja ze stolicą w Rawalpindi w prowincji Pendżab w Pakistanie. Biskupstwo jest sufraganią archidiecezji Lahaur. W 2013 w diecezji służyło 24 braci i 104 sióstry zakonne. (pl)
  • La diocesi di Islamabad-Rawalpindi (in latino: Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) è una sede della Chiesa cattolica in Pakistan suffraganea dell'arcidiocesi di Lahore. Nel 2019 contava 189.600 battezzati su 39.785.000 abitanti. È retta dall'arcivescovo (titolo personale) Joseph Arshad. (it)
  • Епархия Исламабада-Равалпинди (лат. Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) — епархия Римско-Католической церкви с центром в городе Равалпинди, Пакистан. Епархия Равалпинди входит в митрополию Лахора. Кафедральным собором епархии Исламабада-Равалпинди является церковь святого Иосифа в городе Равалпинди. (ru)
  • 天主教伊斯蘭堡-拉瓦爾品第教區(拉丁語:Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis),是羅馬天主教會以巴基斯坦拉瓦爾品第為中心的一個主教區。屬拉合爾總教區。教區管轄巴基斯坦北部。 2006年有教友174,208名,佔轄區總人口僅百分之0.5。由20名司鐸名管理18個堂區。現任教區主教為。他同時兼任费萨拉巴德教区宗座署理。 1887年7月6日自拉合爾總教區分出,建立卡菲爾斯坦暨克什米爾代牧區。1947年7月10日升格為拉瓦爾品第教區。1971年6月1日易名至今。 (zh)
  • The Catholic Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi (Lat: Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis) is a diocese of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church in Pakistan. There is anecdotal evidence that St. Thomas the Apostle passed through Taxila (in this diocese) on his way to India in the first century AD. The diocese has a long history, as it was originally erected in 1887, as the Apostolic Prefecture of Kafiristan and Kashmir. The prefecture was erected from the Diocese of Lahore. In 1947, the Apostolic prefecture was elevated to a full diocese, and renamed the diocese of Rawalpindi. (en)
  • Bistum Islamabad-Rawalpindi (de)
  • Diócesis de Islamabad-Rawalpindi (es)
  • Keuskupan Islamabad-Rawalpindi (in)
  • Diocesi di Islamabad-Rawalpindi (it)
  • Diecezja Islamabad-Rawalpindi (pl)
  • Roman Catholic Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi (en)
  • Епархия Исламабада-Равалпинди (ru)
  • 天主教伊斯兰堡-拉瓦尔品第教区 (zh)
  • POINT(73.033302307129 33.599998474121)
  • 33.599998 (xsd:float)
  • 73.033302 (xsd:float)
  • Dioecesis Islamabadensis-Ravalpindensis (en)
  • Islamabad-Rawalpindi (en)
  • اسلام آباد راولپنڈی کے کیتھولک چرچ (en)
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