Salma is an Indian musical romance film directed by Ramanand Sagar which was released in 1985. It stars Raj Babbar, Salma Agha, Farooq Shaikh, And Shoma Anand in the lead roles.
Salma ist ein mit Gesangs- und Tanzeinlagen angereichertes Filmdrama des indischen Regisseurs Ramanand Sagar aus dem Jahr 1985. (de)
Salma is an Indian musical romance film directed by Ramanand Sagar which was released in 1985. It stars Raj Babbar, Salma Agha, Farooq Shaikh, And Shoma Anand in the lead roles. (en)
Salma ist ein mit Gesangs- und Tanzeinlagen angereichertes Filmdrama des indischen Regisseurs Ramanand Sagar aus dem Jahr 1985. (de)
Salma is an Indian musical romance film directed by Ramanand Sagar which was released in 1985. It stars Raj Babbar, Salma Agha, Farooq Shaikh, And Shoma Anand in the lead roles. (en)