- The San Francisco Bay Guardian war eine wöchentlich erscheinende Zeitschrift in der San Francisco Bay Area (Kalifornien), die sich vorwiegend mit links-progressiven Themen beschäftigte. 1966 gegründet stand sie bis zuletzt in innerstädtischer Konkurrenz zu dem Mitte der 1980er Jahre gegründeten Stadtmagazin .Gründer und langjähriger Herausgeber sowie Chefredakteur des San Francisco Bay Guardian ist bzw. war . Am 14. Oktober 2014 wurde im Zuge der Übernahme durch die San Francisco Media Company (dem heutigen Eigentümer von SF Weekly) die letzte Ausgabe des Guardian publiziert und danach der Zeitungsbetrieb eingestellt. (de)
- The San Francisco Bay Guardian was a free alternative newspaper published weekly in San Francisco, California. It was founded in 1966 by Bruce B. Brugmann and his wife, Jean Dibble. The paper was shut down on October 14, 2014. It was relaunched in February 2016 as an online publication. The Bay Guardian was known for reporting, celebrating, and promoting left-wing and progressive issues within San Francisco and (albeit rarely) around the San Francisco Bay Area as a whole. This usually included muckraking, legislation to control and limit gentrification, and endorsement of political candidates and other laws and policies that fall within its political views. It also printed movie and music reviews, an annual nude beaches issue, and an annual sex issue. The Bay Guardian was one of several alternative newspapers in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, including SF Weekly (formerly its major competitor, now under the same ownership), East Bay Express, Metro Silicon Valley, North Bay Bohemian, Marin's Pacific Sun, and Berkeley Daily Planet. (en)