The Airship Destroyer (originally titled Der Luftkrieg Der Zukunft, also titled "The Aerial Torpedo", "The Battle of the Clouds" {UK} and "The Battle in the Clouds" {US}) is a 1909 British silent science fiction film directed by Walter R. Booth.
Der Luftkrieg der Zukunft ist ein britischer Science-Fiction-Spielfilm von Walter R. Booth aus dem Jahre 1909. (de)
The Airship Destroyer (originally titled Der Luftkrieg Der Zukunft, also titled "The Aerial Torpedo", "The Battle of the Clouds" {UK} and "The Battle in the Clouds" {US}) is a 1909 British silent science fiction film directed by Walter R. Booth. (en)
Der Luftkrieg der Zukunft ist ein britischer Science-Fiction-Spielfilm von Walter R. Booth aus dem Jahre 1909. (de)
The Airship Destroyer (originally titled Der Luftkrieg Der Zukunft, also titled "The Aerial Torpedo", "The Battle of the Clouds" {UK} and "The Battle in the Clouds" {US}) is a 1909 British silent science fiction film directed by Walter R. Booth. (en)