- Tòrax d'Esparta (en llatí Thorax, en grec antic Θώραξ) fou un militar espartà. Diodor de Sicília diu que actuava sota les ordres de Cal·licràtides durant les seves operacions a Lesbos l'any 405 aC i que el va comissionar, després de la conquesta de Metimna, per conduir una força a Mitilene. A l'any següent dirigia un exèrcit de terra que va cooperar amb la flota de Lisandre en l'assalt a Làmpsac. Lisandre el va nomenar harmost a Samos quan anava en direcció a Atenes després de la batalla d'Egospòtam. Segons Plutarc, el sàtrapa Farnabazos II va enviar una queixa a Esparta pels saquejos fets pels espartans de Lisandre al seu territori, i els èfors van condemnar a mort a Tòrax, com a cooperador i perquè se li van trobar diners que no li pertocaven. Va ser executat però la data és incerta. (ca)
- Thorax (Ancient Greek: Θώραξ) of Lacedaemonia is mentioned by Diodorus Siculus as acting under Spartan commander Callicratidas during his operations in Lesbos in 405 BC, and as having been commissioned by him, after the capture of Mithymna, to conduct the heavy-armed troops to Mytilene. In the following year we again find Thorax in command of the land-force which cooperated with the fleet under Lysander in the storming of Lampsacus; and he was left at Samos as harmost by Lysander, when the latter was on his way to Athens after the Battle of Aegospotami in 404 BC. According to Plutarch, when the satrap Pharnabazus sent to Sparta to complain of ravages committed in his territory by Lysander, the Lacedaemonian government put Thorax to death, as he was a friend and colleague of the accused admiral, and they had found money in his possession. The date and circumstances of this, however, are very doubtful. (en)
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- Tòrax d'Esparta (en llatí Thorax, en grec antic Θώραξ) fou un militar espartà. Diodor de Sicília diu que actuava sota les ordres de Cal·licràtides durant les seves operacions a Lesbos l'any 405 aC i que el va comissionar, després de la conquesta de Metimna, per conduir una força a Mitilene. A l'any següent dirigia un exèrcit de terra que va cooperar amb la flota de Lisandre en l'assalt a Làmpsac. Lisandre el va nomenar harmost a Samos quan anava en direcció a Atenes després de la batalla d'Egospòtam. (ca)
- Thorax (Ancient Greek: Θώραξ) of Lacedaemonia is mentioned by Diodorus Siculus as acting under Spartan commander Callicratidas during his operations in Lesbos in 405 BC, and as having been commissioned by him, after the capture of Mithymna, to conduct the heavy-armed troops to Mytilene. In the following year we again find Thorax in command of the land-force which cooperated with the fleet under Lysander in the storming of Lampsacus; and he was left at Samos as harmost by Lysander, when the latter was on his way to Athens after the Battle of Aegospotami in 404 BC. According to Plutarch, when the satrap Pharnabazus sent to Sparta to complain of ravages committed in his territory by Lysander, the Lacedaemonian government put Thorax to death, as he was a friend and colleague of the accused adm (en)
- Tòrax d'Esparta (ca)
- Thorax of Lacedaemonia (en)
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