"Young and Foolish" is a popular song with music by Albert Hague and lyrics by Arnold B. Horwitt, published in 1954. The song was introduced in the musical Plain and Fancy (1955–56), and has since been recorded by many singers since.
Young and Foolish est une chanson écrite par Albert Hague et dont les paroles sont d’Arnold B. Horwitt, publiée en 1954. La chanson a été utilisée dans la comédie musicale Plain and Fancy (1955-56). C'est un standard de jazz. (fr)
"Young and Foolish" is a popular song with music by Albert Hague and lyrics by Arnold B. Horwitt, published in 1954. The song was introduced in the musical Plain and Fancy (1955–56), and has since been recorded by many singers since. (en)
Young and Foolish est une chanson écrite par Albert Hague et dont les paroles sont d’Arnold B. Horwitt, publiée en 1954. La chanson a été utilisée dans la comédie musicale Plain and Fancy (1955-56). C'est un standard de jazz. (fr)
"Young and Foolish" is a popular song with music by Albert Hague and lyrics by Arnold B. Horwitt, published in 1954. The song was introduced in the musical Plain and Fancy (1955–56), and has since been recorded by many singers since. (en)