Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Eastermonað
1. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 527 - Iustinus I Casere nemnode Iustinianus I Casere sƿā midƿealdend and æfterfylgend.
- 1945 - Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ: Beadu Okinaƿan ongann sƿā Geānlǣht Rīcu American duguþ lendode on Okinaƿan.
- 1976 - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak staðelodon Apple Computer.
- 1979 - Persa lēodƿeard ƿearþ Islamiscan cyneƿīse be a 98% geceorunge.
2. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1792 - Seo Mynet Gesetnes staðelode þæt Geānedan Rīcan Mynethūs.
- 1801 - Bryttisc fultum brēat þone Deniscan flotan in þǣm Beadƿe Copenhagenes.
- 1930 - Haile Selassie bodode man Sigelhearƿena cāsere.
- 1992 - Mafia heafodman John Gotti ƿæs geresp morðres and racketeering.
- 2002 - Israhelisc þreat begann besetnes þære Acennesscirican.
3. dæg Eastermonðes:
4. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1581 - Francis Drake fullƿorhte ymblīðunge þǣre eorðan.
- 1660 – Carl II Bretta Cyning swutolede þone Breda Gebann, hwærin æwiscode he his cwide for edniwunge þæs Engla and Scottena cynedom.
- 1949 - Twelf þeoda geþingodon and writon naman to þæm Norðan Atlantiscan Formale, scieppende NATO.
- 1968 - Martin Luþer King, Jr. ƿæs myrðrod.
- 1976 - Norodom Sihanouk forscrāh þā gesetnesse lǣderes Cambodie and ƿæs forfangen fram þǣm Khmer Rouge.
- 1979 - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Foresittend Pacistanes ƿæs geslagen.
5. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1081 – Se Komnenos cynecynn fang to rīce þær onbeagode man Alexios I Komnenos to bēon Constantinopolis Cāsere.
- 1566 – Hlāforda gemōt in þæm Habsburg Niðerlandum geaf Margaret of Parman Gerecan petition to endenne þone Spēonisc Inquisition in þæm Niðerlandum.
- 1614 – Scræling mægþ Pocahontas beƿeddode John Rolfe, Englisc landsetlan, in Virginia þære Landbūnesse, and hie æt fulluhte nām þone naman Rebecca.
- 1942 – Oðer Ƿoruld Gūþ: Lyftcræft of Lyftcræft berend scipum þæs Cāserlican Iapaniscan Sciphere frummedon þa Ēaster Sunnandæg Herigunge on Taprobane and þæm Britiscan Ēasternan Flotan þe hie mōt adrifan þæs Þēodacyneƿīsan scipþrēat ūt þæm Indiscan Garsecge.
- 1992 – Bosnia Gūþ: Ungecnāƿen gunmenn slōgon tƿegen menn on Sarajevo þær þe hie asceāten micel gemang þa ƿolde forsacan ƿiþ þæm ingeƿinn, and þes dǣd betæcnede þone angin þæs feoƿer-ƿinterlang Sarajevo Besetnes.
- 2010 – Ætbyrst æt col or in Ƿestuirginie killed 29 miners in the United States' worst mining disaster in 40 ƿintrum.
6. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1250 – Seofenþa Fare: Ægyptisc Ayyubids adigledon þone Cristena here and afang Hloðƿig IX Francena Cyning as foregīsel.
- 1320 – Se Aberbroþoc Gebann, þærbe sƿutolded Scottena dryhtnas hiere rīces sundorhād.
- 1812 – Næsgūþ: Æfter þreo-ƿuculang besetnesse, onbrāc se Bryttisc and Portugalisc Here, under þæm Eorl of Wellington (on biliþe), Badajoz on Ispanie and be niede geƿunnen þara Frenciscan castelmanna handgang.
- 1947 – Þa ǣrrsta Tony Awards, recognizing achievement in live Americaniscum plegcræfte, ƿæron handed out at the Ƿaldorf-Astoria Inne in Nīƿeoforƿīcbyrig.
- 2008 – Ægyptisc ƿyrhtan dydon ǣrlēas gemæne ungeƿeorc, tƿegen dagas beforan burgƿeardena ceosunge.
7. dæg Eastermonðes: Ƿoruld Hǣll Dæg
- 1724 – Johann Sebastian Bach debuted the St John Passion, a musical representation of the Passion, æt Halgan Tomas Cirican in Liptsice.
- 1767 – Feðan þæs Burmanisc Konbaung Cynecynn sacked Ayutthaya ceastre on Siam to endenne þære Burmanisc–Siamisc Gūþ (1765–1767), bringing the four-century-old Ayutthaya Kingdom to an end.
- 1947 – The Arab Ba'ath Party ƿæs in Damasce gestaðoled.
- 1994 – A FedEx employee tried to hijack Federal Express Flight 705 in a failed suicide attempt.
- 2001 – NASA's 2001 Mars Odyssey (on biliþe), currently the longest-surviving continually active rodorcræft in orbit ymbe dweolend tungol ofer Eorþe, launched from Canaveralnæs Lyftþreatƿic.
8. dæg Eastermonðes: Eallbærnet Gemynddæg on Israhēle (2013)
- 1341 – Petrarch Eotolisc leorningcniht and scop fōn þā title Poeta Laureato, se is heal scop, æt gesetednesse on Rōmbyrig.
- 1820 – Crēcisc ierþling afūnd eald manlīca būton earmum and on Milos þære Egiscan īege and man nemneð þā gelicnesse Venus de Milo (on biliþe).
- 1886 – Ƿilliam Gladstone Forma Þegn brōhtede þone forma Īrisca Hāmlēodƿeard Geƿrit in þæt Brittisce Gemǣne Hūs.
- 1904 – Longacre Square in Midtūn Manhattan on Nīƿeoforƿīcbyrig, ƿæs gegeafen nīƿ nama, Times Square æfter The Nīƿeoforƿīc Times bold.
- 1968 – BOAC Flight 712 suffered an engine fire shortly after take-off from Lunden Hǣþrǣƿe Lyfthȳðe, ðærof stearfon fīf menn anbord, onmang him Barbara Jane Harrison flyhtātþegn, who was later awarded a posthumous Georgius Rōd for hiere heroism during the accident.
9. dæg Eastermonðes: Vimyhrycg Dæg in Canada; Þēodlic Ānnes Dæg on Georgie (1989)
- 1413 – Heanrig V, se is man in þrim plegum be Ƿillelm Shakespeare, ƿæs gehalgod Engla Cyning.
- 1860 – On his phonautograph searƿe, ƿrohtede Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville þone ieldsta gecnaƿna recording of an audible mannes stefn, when he recorded himself singing the Frencisc folcgesang "Au Clair de la Lune".
- 1939 – Æfter þe man hie forbad to singenne æt Constitution Hall be þæm Dohtor þære Americaniscan Uphebbunge, African American singer Marian Anderson (on biliþe) geaf an open-air concert on the steps of the Lincoln Gemynd in Ƿæscingatun DC
- 1942 – Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ: Iapanisc þreat geƿonn sige ofer þæs ƿesternan geþoftscipes feðum æt þæm Bataan Beadƿe on Bataannæse in þæm Philippinesīegum beforan þe hie begann be niede to adrifenne mar þon 90,000 herenuman to clomƿicum in þæm Bataan Dēaþ March.
- 1967 – Se ǣrrsta Boeing 737 nām his mægþflyhte, and eft ƿeard hine middangeardes most ordered and produced commercial passenger jet airliner.
10. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1815 – Tambora Beorg on Indonesie begann one of the most violent abyrstum in bōcstǣre, and acƿeall 71,000 menn, and affecting ƿorludƿīd temperatures for tƿǣm gearum þæreft.
- 1858 – Big Ben, sēo belle in the Ƿestminsterhealles belhūse in Lundne, ƿæs gegoten æfter þe sēa ǣrgegoten belle bærst in hiere fandunge.
- 1868 – British fyrding on Sigelheaƿas endode in micel sige þærof fliemedon þone Sigelhearƿa here and Þeodoros II Sigelhearƿena Cāsere stearf be his agnum handa.
- 1912 – RMS Titanic þæt scip begann his unƿyrd mægþfare of Sūþhamtūne on Englum, fīf nihte beforan þe hit sanc.
- 1919 – Emiliano Zapata Mexicisces Uphebbunge heretoga ƿæs gescoten þe he stearf nēah Ciudad Ayala, Morelos.
- 2009 – Josefa Iloilo Brego Ficgīega Foresittend asƿutolede þe he hæfde geilded þā grundgesetnesse and anām eall geƿeald in þæm rīce æfter þe se dōmærn dēmede ðe se leodƿeard under Frank Bainimarama Forma Þegn ƿæs ūtlagu.
11. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1544 – Se Italisce Geƿinn: Frencisc and Spēonisc þrēatas feahtedon in miclum ƿæle in Piedmonte þæm lande on Eotolƿarum.
- 1814 – Ðāra Fontainebleau Foremæle Europan bregas hiere hondsetene sealdon, and þes dǣd endode þone Geƿinn þæs Siexte Coalition, and be niede ageaf Napoleon his cynedōm and geƿeald hƿǣrin ƿæs he greca ofer Franclande and he ƿæs in ƿræcce gesended on Elban.
- 1908 – Blücher (þæs gelicnes is hēr), the last byrne herecnearr getimbrod be þǣm Germaniscan Cāserlican Sciphere, ƿæs geslitt in brime.
- 1913 - Se Nevill Grūndes bold ƿæs eallforbærnet in þǣm ānum onsæc be fȳre be suffragettum on criccet grūnde.
- 1921 – Abdullah Brego staþolede se forma þēodlica leodƿeard ofer Oferiordan þæm Brettiscan ƿeardrīce se ƿæs in þǣm ilcum geare gestaðoled.
- 1996 – Among ðām ðe hēo genēðde to bēonne gemyndƿirþe þe hēo biþ se iengsta mann to stēorrenne lyftcræft ofer þæm Geānedan Rīcum, feall on eorþe se lyftcræft geflugon be seofen-ƿinteryld Jessica Dubroff on Cheyenne on Ƿyoming, and heo and tƿegen oþer ƿæron þærbe geslean.
- 2001 – In qualifying gamen for þǣm 2002 FIFA World Cup, se plegerahēap of Australie set a world record for þǣm mǣsta sige in manigþēodlic fōtþoþer gamne, and hie hæfdon sige ofer þǣm hēap of Americanisc Samoa 31–0.
12. dæg Eastermonðes: Yuri Niht; Cheti Chand in missenlicum dǣlum Indie (2013); Cosmonautics Dæg on Russum
- 1204 – Alexios V Doukas fliemede of Constantinopolis þær here hƿærof ƿæs Boniface heretogan (se ƿæs Mearcgerefa of Montferrat) and Enrico Dandolo Venice Brego entered and sacked the Ēastrōmaniscan hēafodstōl, effectively ending the Fēoƿrþe Fare.
- 1831 – Broughton Hangend Brycg on Mameceastre on Lonceasterscīre, gefeall, reportedly oƿing to a mechaniscu onscillung induced be fēðan heresiþ ofer þæm brycge in steppe.
- 1980 – Terry Fox (on gelicnesse) dyppede his Mangeƿrōhten sancan in þæm Atlantic Garsecge æt Sanctes Iohannes on Nīƿgefūndenlande, and ongan running his "Marathon of Hope" tōƿeard þæm Sericus Garsecge æt Vancouver on Bryttiscum Columbie, to rasenne geltale geond Canadan for cancer-lar.
- 1990 – Jim Gary ƿeard se ān sculptor to present a solo show æt þæm Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., featuring his dinosaur gelicnessa of ƿægna lāf geƿrōhten.
- 1992 – Disneyland Paris, se forma Ƿalt Disney Park on Europan, opnede in Marne-la-Vallée þæm Paris ceasterscipe.
13. dæg Eastermonðes: Visakhi on Sikhum
- 1742 – Messiah, gesungen geƿeorc be baroque composer George Frideric Handel (on biliþe), ƿæs ǣrrsta gefremmed on Difeline.
- 1873 – Æfter bisǣce cēosunge for stōlicum ambehtum in Colfax, Louisiana in þāra GRA, beƿæpnedu Hƿīitmanna ealdorscipes foresprecan beþridedon frēolǣtan and þone Sƿeartamericanisc rīces fyrd þe ongann to heoldenne se rihtsciftscīre gemōthūs, hie and slogon 100 menn and mār þæs gemange.
- 1956 – The Fietnamisc Þēodlic Here fang Ba Cut, heretōga Hoa Hao þæs æfæsstnesse folces, sƿylc man recede be niede rīce in sūþernum Fietname and ƿiþstōd Ngo Dinh Diem Forma Þegn.
- 1984 – Indisc þrēat ongann Operation Meghdoot, se ƿæs forgrīpend onsæc on þæm bisǣcan Siachen Īsflōd læppan on Cascmire, and sƿylc onsæc ongann þone Siachen feoht ƿiþ Pacistane.
14. dæg Eastermonðes: N'Ko Stæfrǣƿ Dæg on Ƿestaffrican; Dæg þæs Georgisc sprǣces on Georgie (1978)
- 966 – Æfter his marriage to the Christian Dobraƿa Bǣma Hlāfdige, nām Mieszko I hæþen brego ofer Polans fulluht, hƿærof man hycgþ þe hēr ƿæs Polena rīce gestaðoled.
- 1828 – Ƿordhordƿritere Noah Ƿebster fōn geƿritriht for þæm forma bōc of his ƿordhord of Americaniscan Englisc.
- 1909 – Following a heresƿicdom ƿiþ þone grundgesetneslicum leodƿeard, gemang begann ƿæl ƿiþ Armeniafolc in Adana þæm underrīce in þæm Oþomaniscan Rīce.
- 1927 – The ǣrrsta Volvo ƿægn timbrode man in ƿeorchūse in Hisingen on Geatnabyrig on Sƿēonum.
- 1956 – The use of 2-ync quadruplex (on biliþ), the first practical and commercially successful videotape format, was first demonstrated in public.
- 2010 – Ælmæst 2,700 menn ƿæron in eorþstyrne mid micelnesse 6.9 Mw in Yushu þæm lande on Cinghai underrīce on Seringum.
15. dæg Eastermonðes: Yom Hazikaron in Israel (2012); Patriots' Dæg in Maine and Massachusetts (2013)
- 1638 – Uphebbung be Rēmisc Iapanisc ierþlingum in Shimabara ofer hēum scot ƿæs ofþrysced be þæm Tokugawa sceogunrice, resulting in greater enforcement of the policy of national seclusion.
- 1802 – Ƿilliam Ƿordsƿorþ Bryttisca scop and his sƿeoster Doroþy comen on "lang gyrdel" of healswyrt, in in sƿilcum gaste ƿrat he his mǣrsta geƿeorc, se is "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud".
- 1952 – Se B-52 Stratofortress, longfarend, underswegspedlic, jet-powered, strategic bomber operated by the United States Air Force for most of the aircraft's history, made its first flight.
- 1989 – Siexe and nigontig menn cƿallon in þæm Hyllesbyrig fǣre þær ƿæron hie gecƿysed æt Hyllesbyrig Stadie in Sceaðfelde on Eoferƿicscīre in FA Cup semi-final gamen betƿuh Liferpol and Snotingaham Ƿeald and þes ƿæs Bretene ƿyrresta stadiumfǣr þe man hæfþ gesēon
- 1989 – Þær forþferde Hu Yaobang (on biliþe) se ƿæs ǣr Chinese General Secretary ongann a series of events that led to the Tiananmen Square protests in Pekinge.
16. dæg Eastermonðes: Meregrotes II Dēna Cwēne Cenningdæg on Denum; Yom Ha'atzmaut in Israhel (2013); Freodom Dæg in Hwæsingatune D.C.
- 1520 – On Toledo on Castile rīce, burgmenn þa nolde hæbban to cyninge Carl V, se ƿæs elelendisce geboren, ras in uphebbinge þær Carles leodweard ongann to unseat radical menn of þæm burggemōte.
- 1746 – Wigan þæs Cyning hæfde sige ofer Iacobites æt þæm Culloden Beadwe, seo wæs þære Iacobite Ahebbunge endmesta dǣd and þȳ wæs þæt cynelice Hanofer Hūs fæst in þæm cynedōm.
- 1853 – Se ǣrrsta passenger line þæs īsernweg se weard eftsōn Indisc Īsernwegas opnede betwuh Bombay and Thane.
- 1919 – Polish–Soviet Gūþ: Se Polisc Here ongann se Wilna onræs þe he onfang Wilna (nu in Liþuanie) fram þæm Reada Here.
- 2001 – Indea and Bængladesc begannen fif-dæglang wig ofer hiere gemǣro, se endod in a stalemate.
17. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1080 – Þær forþferde Harold III his brōdor fang Cnut IV to rīce and he who would later be the forma ƿer on Denum to beon gehalgode halga.
- 1907 – Man begann to timbrienne þæt forma scip þæs Minas Geraes class, hƿærof ƿeard Brasil þæt þridde rīce þære ƿorulde to timbrienne dreadnought liþ and ongann South American naval arms race.
- 1951 – Pecland ƿæs gebanned to bēon Bretene forma Þēodlic edisc on þæm Geānedan Cynerīce.
- 1969 – Sirhan Sirhan ƿæs gesōþed þe he slōg Robert F Kennedy Amercanisc Ealdor.
- 1982 – Nīƿ Canadan Grundgesetnes gebrohted on þǣm earde, hƿǣrin ƿæs gebūnden sēo Canadisc Bōc of Rihtum and Freedoms, ƿæs onsiglod on lage be Elisabeþ II, Canada Cƿēn.
- 2013 - Sēo deaþþenung for Margaret Þatcher sēo forþferde xiiii niht ǣr ƿæs gedōn in Halgan Paules Hēafodcirican on Lundene, and manig bemearnen. Hiere bānhūs ƿæs of Ƿestmynstre gebrohted.
18. dæg Eastermonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Simbabƿum (1980)
- 1506 – Man ongann to timbrienne todæges Sctes Petres Heafodcirice on þæm Faticanbyrig, þe heo geinne þe ealde heafodcirice seo wæs in þæm feowrþe gearhund getimbrod.
- 1689 – Menn þæs fyrd and burgmenn forgædroden in Boston, and forfangen þegnas þæs Niwenglalandrices.
- 1938 – Superman, geworden be Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, wæs ærrste geswutoled in Action Comics #1, and þes wæs seo ærrsta treowlic oferhierd comic bōc.
- 1942 – Ōðru Woruldgūþ: Siextiene B-25 Mitchell byrstendberend lyftcræftas of þæm lyftcræftberendan scipe USS Hornet (on biliþ) fremmedon þā Doolittle Hergung, se forma onsæcc be þæm Ƿesternum geþoftedum rīcum on þāra Iapanƿara eardīegum.
- 1949 – Irland seo Cynewise forlæt þa Bryttisc Þeodacynewise and weard respublica.
19. dæg Eastermonðes: Rama Navami (Hinduism, 2013); Halgan Ælfheagesmǣsse (Ƿestern Cristendōm)
- 1713 – Siððan ðe he næfde ne spēarhealf ierfa, Carl VI Halig Rōmanisc Cāsere (on biliþe) issued the Pragmatic Sanction þe ān of his dehter meaht bēon ierfe þāra Habsburg landena.
- 1810 – Geƿēaxen ceasterƿeard of Caracas ahƿearf Vicente Emparán Gemǣne Hēafodman and staðolede Fenesuela þa Forma Cyneƿīsan.
- 1861 – Americanisce Ingefeoht: Se ǣrrste blōdgyte þæs geƿinnes ƿæs on þssum dæge þær folgendas þāra Getrēoƿedan Rīca in Baltimore on Marianlande, afēahtedon fyrdmenn of Massachusetts on hiere fare to Hƿæsingatūn, D.C.
- 1971 – Salyut 1, se ƿæs Middangeardes ǣrrsta rodorƿic, ƿæs asended of Baikonur Cosmodrome nēah Tyuratam on þæm Casah SSR, þæs Sofiet Gesamnunge.
- 1984 – "Advance Australia Fair", geƿriten be Bretengeboren composer Peter Dodds McCormick, se is eardlufiend gesang and þe ƿæs ǣrrste gefremmed in 1878, ƿæs anstealled in stede for "God Save the Queen" to bēon Australiaƿara þēodlic anstefn.
20. dæg Eastermonðes: Ridván begins at sunset (Bahá'í Faith)
- 1792 – Æfter þe Elelanda Þegn Charles François Dumouriez geaf þǣm Frenciscan Ǣgemōte lange getale of murcunge ƿiþ Ēastrīce, abanned Francland gūþ and þes dǣd begann se Frencisca Uphebbung Gūþ.
- 1912 – Fenƿay Edisc in Boston on Massachusetts, and Tiger Stadium in Detroit on Michigane, ƿæron geopned.
- 1939 – Adolf Hitleres .l. cenningdæg ƿæs begelled sƿa þēodisc festdæg in Natsi Germanie.
- 1968 – Pierre Trudeau gang æfter Lester B Pearson to bēon Forma Þegn ofer Canadan.
- 1968 – Enoch Poƿell Bryttisc Ƿitenagemōtes gegylda gemāðolde his Blōdēa Gemaðel ðærin forsōc he inlēorednesse and for þissum þing ƿæs he adrifen of þǣm Sceaduhirede.
- 2008 – Fernando Lugo ƿeard se first non-Colorado Party candidate to be elected Paraguay Foresittend in 61 ƿintrum.
21. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1509 – Heanrig VIII fang to rīce on Englum, æfter his fæder dēaþe se ƿæs Heanrig VII Cyning, and hƿīlum ƿeard geong Heanrig micel cyning in Engliscum stǣre.
- 1918 – Manfred von Richthofen (on biliþe), gecnaƿen sƿa se "Rēada Þegn", ƿæs asceoten þe his lyftcræft feall and he forþferde nēah Vaux-sur-Somme on Francum, æfter a career as se fremfullosta feohtend fleogend þære Forma Ƿoruldgūþe hƿærin feollen to his sceotung 80 menn in lyftsæcce.
- 1934 – Þæs "Lǣces Lēohtbiliþ", se bespæc þe he acȳðede þone Nessmeres Æglǣcan (oððæt ðe man hine eft anƿrēah þe he ƿæs lēasung), ƿæs in þæm Daily Mail gestutoled.
- 1962 – Sēo Century 21 Exposition, þe ƿæs sēo forma ƿorulde cēapmitting on þāra Geānlǣhtum Rīcum siþþan þa Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ, opnede in Seattle.
- 1992 – Radio steorrlārmen Aleksander Ƿolszczan and Dale Frail asƿutoledon þa hie hæfdon afunden tƿegen dƿelienda tunglas ƿyrhted hƿyrft, ymbe PSR 1257+12 pulsar, and þes ƿæs se ǣrrsta fæst arās of dƿelienda tunglas ymbe oþrum stēorrum.
22. dæg Eastermonðes: Eorþ Dæg
- 1519 – Hernán Cortés, Spēonisc oferhierend, staþoled ƿic on Mexico, and geaf hie þone naman "Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz" (se is "Rice þorp þæs Rihta Rōdes").
- 1889 – Mar þon 50,000 menn aræsdedon to crafenne dæl þara tƿegra þūsenda þūsenda æcer georo in þæm Ungemeten Landum, þa sindon todæg in Oklahoman þæm Rīce, and hēr staþolden hie hele nīƿ burg be naman Oklahomaceaster.
- 1911 – Tsinghua Eormengyld ("Eald Geat" on biliþ), one of the leading eormengyldas on Seringum, ƿæs gestaþoled ūt tale gebrōhten of ofereacan in gegielden be þæm Cing Cynecynn þara Geānlǣhtedum Rīcum for feohbōt æfter þæm Beatera Flit.
- 1945 – Ymbe 600 numan þæs Jasenovac concentration ƿice in Croatia þæm Frēorīce revolted, ac only 80 gesæleden þe hie fliemedon hƿīlum 520 ƿæron be þæm Croatian Ustaše ofslogon.
- 2004 – Fyrberend hlæst ætbyrstede at Yongcheon Ƿic in Ryongchon on Norþcorean, and þes slōg 160 menn.
23. dæg Eastermonðes: Ƿoruld Bōc Dæg; Sctes Georges Dæg in missenlicum landum; Bearna Dæg on Turcum
- 1014 – Īrisc þrēat, hƿærof ƿæs Brian Boru Cyning heretoga, hæfde sige ofer Dēnum and Norþmannum æt Clontarf Beadƿe, ac Brian þær forferde.
- 1348 – Þa ǣrestan hlāfordgiftas þæm Hosebendhād ƿæron geeaƿed, þær ƿæs þes cnihthād staþoled be Ēadƿeard III Engla Cyning and sƿylc þing giet gegeafaþ seo Cƿēn on menn in þære Þēodcyneƿīsan rīca.
- 1564 - Ƿillelm Scacaspere ƿæs æt Strætforda in Ƿæringscīre gecenned.
- 1616 - Ƿillelm Scacaspere stearf æt Strætforda in Ƿæringscīre.
- 1951 – Ƿilliam N Oatis Americanisc tidungsscyteƿritere ƿæs hæfted sƿa sƿa dyrne neosere be þæm Communistisc lēodƿeard of Cecoslofacia.
- 1967 – Soyuz 1 se ƿæs ǣrsta fare þæs Sofietisca Soyuz rodorcræft, of Baikonur Cosmodrome and he bar Vladimir Komarov stēorrliþman.
24. dæg Eastermonðes: Cyneƿīsan Dæg on Ðǣre Gambie (1970)
- 1547 – Schmalkaldisc Gūþ: Carl V Halig Rōmanisc Casere, led Caserlice ƿigan to sige in þǣre Mühlberg Beadƿe ofer þæm Luþeran Schmalkaldisc League of Oncƿedend æþelingum.
- 1800 – Gemōtes Bōchord, se is be ƿyrde se þēodisc bōchord þāra Geānlǣhtan Rīca, ƿæs be Gemōtes Gesetnesse gestaðlod in þæm ilcan gesetnesse seo bēad þe þæs lēodes hēafodstōl feorse of Philadelphia to Ƿashington, D.C.
- 1916 – Īrisc republicans hƿærof ƿæs Patrick Pearse heretog ongann Ēaster Ahebbunge ƿiþ Bryttiscum geƿeald on Īrum and hie abannedon þā Irisca Cyneƿīse.
- 1922 – Her opnede se forma dæl þære Ƿoruldīces Ƿīrlēase Ƿrāsen, brād ƿīrlēas telegraphy mōtung nettƿeorc þone sceaft man to hlencenne þā land þæs Bryttiscna Rīces.
- 1990 – Gruinardīeg on Rosscīre, seo ƿæs stede þær ƿyrtedon Bryttisc ƿitum ādlƿig cunninge, ƿæs oboden frēoh of angset æfter 48 ƿintrum þe hie ƿæs gerumed.
25. dæg Eastermonðes: Anzac Dæg (Australia and Nīƿe Sǣland); Huntadunscīr Dæg on Huntandūnscīre
- 1599 – Oliver Cromƿell ƿæs in Huntandūne acenned.
- 1792 –Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle Frencisc glēoƿritere ƿrāt "La Marseillaise", se is nū Francena þēodstefn.
- 1849 – Æfter þe Elgin Hlāford, se ƿæs Gemǣne Gereca of Canada, onsiglode þa Unræd Forƿyrd Gesetnesse in rihte þe man mōt giefan bot þæm Niðer Canada onƿunendum for hiera forƿyrde þe befeall in þæm unræd in 1837, ƿyrtedon ƿiðsprecan gæglbærnes and forbærnedon þone Ƿitenagemōtes Bold in Montreale.
- 1898 – Þā Geānlǣhtedan Rīca States gebanned ƿig ƿiþ Ispania, and hiere ambiht sæd þe campræden hæfd ær bēon betƿuh þæm tƿæm rīcum for tƿæm dagum.
- 1915 – Forma Ƿoruldgūþ: Se Australisca and Nīƿsǣlendisa Here landedon æt Anzac Cofan þær æt Hellesnæsse landedon Bryttiscu and Frenciscu ƿigan to beginnan se Gallipoli Fare in þæm Oþomaniscan Rīce.
- 1953 – "Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids" be mōtclottlicum līfƿitum James Ƿatson and Francis Crick ƿæs gesƿutoled fyrmeste þære gecyndelic ƿitenacræftena bēc Nature, hƿærin aƿrāten hie hiera afandunge þe DNA hæfþ fugeltmber in tƿafealdum geƿende.
26. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1937 – In þæm Spēoniscan Ingeƿinne ƿæs Guernica seo burg geslogon of lyfte be þæm Condor Legio þæs Germaniscan Luftƿæpen hƿærof saerfon manigum menn in fȳrstorrme se brohton micel cƿyld and cƿelm on Ƿascum hƿærof ƿæs seo burg.
- 1958 – Se Baltimore and Ohio Īsernƿeges Royal Blue, one of the ǣrstan micel railway electrification systems in þāra Geānlǣhtedum Rīcum, fremmede his endmesta ryn of Hƿæsingatūn, D.C. to Nīƿeoforƿīcburg.
- 1981 – Michael R Harrison Læce þæs California Eormengyldes fremmede þisre ƿorludes ǣrsta mennlic open læcegeƿeorc on ungebornum cilde.
- 1986 – Se Chernobyl Cynefremmingbold nēah Chernobyl in þæm Ucrægnan, ƿæs micel stēambyrst, hƿærof ƿæs fȳr, cyrnmielt, and man mar þon 336,000 menn ymbe Europan fliemedon of hiere eardum.
- 2007 – Þær man ongann to animan þone Æren Ƿigan of Reval, se ƿæs gemynd þæs Sofietisc Rēadhere and hiere ƿigƿeorc in þære Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ and stōd on Reval on Estlande, began micel ƿiðerstandgædrung and unræd.
27. dæg Eastermonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Togo (1960) and on Sierra Leone (1961)
- 1522 – Italisc Geƿinn of 1521–1526: Herigas ætgædre of Ispanie and þæm Papan Rīcum fremmedon sige ofer Frenciscum and Veniciscum here æt þære Bicocca Beadƿe.
- 1810 – Ludwig van Beethoven (on biliþe) dyhte his "Bagatelle getæle 25 in A minor", se geƿeorc cenneþ man be naman "Für Elise", se is of his geƿeorcum ān on þæm gelufodostan.
- 1904 – Chris Ƿatson ƿeard se ǣrsta Forma Þegn of Australie fram þæm Australiscan Labour Party, and the ærsta Labour Party forma þegn in eallum middangearde.
- 1911 – Æfter þe forscrāh Ƿilliam P Frye, gecƿæþ ƿitan gesēm in þæm Geānlǣhtedan Rīca Senatus to ƿendenne ætƿeonum him þa scīr þæs Foresittendes for tīde þāra Geānlǣhtedan Rīca Senatus.
- 1967 –Expo 67 ƿorulde ceaapunggemōt opnede on Montreal, and 62 þēodas ƿæron hēr be spiliendum and |50 þūsenda þūsenda visitors cƿōm in his ylde.
28. dæg Eastermonðes: International Workers' Memorial Day
- 1192 - Þridda Fare: Conrad de Montferrat, se ƿæs gecoren Ierusalem Cyning, ƿæs gecƿellod be þǣm Hascscascin.
- 1789 - Fletcher Christian læd scipsƿice an bord HMAV Bounty ƿiþ Ƿilliam Bligh Beothāta (ðæs gelicnes is hērofer).
- 1923 - Ƿembley Stadium, þæt ƿæs in þǣm dagum Empire Stadium ('Ƿoruldrīces Stadium'), ƿæs opnede þǣm folce for his forma cyrre and hit heald þone 1923 FA Cup Final betƿeox Bolton Ƿanderers and Ƿest Ham United fōtþoþer gegyldum.
- 1952 - The San Francisco Foreƿeard entered into force, and ðis endode the occupation of Iapan by the former Allied Powers of World War II.
- 2001 - Dennis Tito ƿearþ ǣrost feoh-paying space tourist, riding the Soyuz TM-32 rodorcræaft in þǣm International Rodorƿice.
29. dæg Eastermonðes: v Shōƿa Dæg on Iapan
- 1587 – Englisc gūþ ƿiþ Ispanie: In Gaðesbyhte ongann Francis Drake sēo ǣrste sciphergung hƿæræt ƿolde he Besengan þæs Ispanie Cyninges Beard þe he onsæcce þone Spēoniscan Sciphere and adiglode so many scipu þe Philippus II Ispanie Cyning be niede ældede his rǣd to onsƿegenne Englaland ofer ānum gear.
- 1770 – Bryttisc afandend Iacobus Cōc and þa liþmenn HMS Endeavour þæs scipes, þe ƿæs þæt ǣrste Europisce scip to land in ēasternum Australie, areccedon þæs landes rīme æt Botany Byht se is nēah todæges Sydney.
- 1862 – Americanisc Ingefēoht: Gædes þreat under David Farragut onfang Nīƿ Orleans and be þissum dǣd bearg he Mississippi Ēa mūþ.
- 1970 – Fietnam Gūþ: Se Sūþfietnamisca Here ongann his Cambodisc Fyrding in Cambodie þe hie onsæccen communistisce ƿicas in þæm ƿealde.
- 2011 – Worludwide feorrsīencræftes hlystendhēap of 300 þūsenda þūdsenda menn bescēowod ƿeddung of Willelm Æþeling Heretoga of Grantanbrycg and Caþerine Middeltūn æt Westmynstre on Lunden.
30. dæg Eastermonðes:
- 1006 – SN 1006 se ƿæs se beorhtosta nīƿ tungol ǣr gefunden in bōcum, æteoƿede in Lupus þæm steorsceaƿere.
- 1557 – Arauco Gūþ: Spēonisc þreat under Francisco de Villagra Gereca onsæccede Mapuche þēod in þræc bidēglad on dægrēd ƿiþ Mapuche þæs heretoga ƿæs Lautaro brego, and þis þing ƿæs in lande þe is nū Cilan dǣl.
- 1894 – Ƿyhtena gemæg unemployed æfter þæm Folcæge of 1893 læd seo ǣrste getacnunge be folcisc ƿiþsprecenda gefær on Hƿæscingatūn, D.C.
- 1943 – Ōðru Ƿourldgūþ: Þæs Cynelican Scipheres undersǣbāt HMS Seraph begann Mincemeat Beadoƿeorc þe hie mōtan bedridrian Germanie beforan þe Brettas and Amenicaƿare onsƿogen Sicilia.
- 1975 – Americanisc þrēat fullendode a þȳrla ūtgang of GRA burgmenn, Sūþfietnamisc gebūras and missenlica menn of Saigon þære byrig, eft beforan þe Norþfietnamisc ƿigan nām þā ceastre, and þes endod þā Fietnam Gūþ.