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English: A touchscreen is an electronic visual display that can detect the presence and location of a touch within the display area. The term generally refers to touching the display of the device with a finger or hand. Touchscreens can also sense other passive objects, such as a stylus.
Touchscreens |
Català: Una pantalla tàctil (touchscreen en anglès) es una pantalla que mitjançant un contacte directe sobre la seva superfície permet l'entrada de dades i ordres al dispositiu. També actua com a perifèric de sortida, mostrant els resultats introduïts previament. Aquest contacte també es pot realizar amb llàpis o altres eines similars. Actualment hi ha pantalles tàctils que poden instal·lar-se sobre una pantalla normal. Així doncs, la pantalla tàctil pot actuar com a perifèric d'entrada perifèric de sortida" de dades.
Čeština: Dotyková obrazovka (anglicky Touchscreen) je monitor nebo LCD displej s takovou technologií, která umožňuje dotekem prstu ovládat počítač. V řadě případů umožňuje nahradit klávesnici.
Ελληνικά: Η οθόνη αφής είναι μια συσκευή εισόδου που μπορεί να ανιχνεύσει την παρουσία και τη θέση από ένα άγγιγμα μέσα στην περιοχή της οθόνης. Ο όρος αναφέρεται γενικά στην αφή ή άγγιγμα της οθόνης της συσκευής με ένα δάχτυλο ή χέρι. Οι οθόνες αφής μπορούν επίσης να ανιχνεύσουν και παθητικά αντικείμενα, όπως μια γραφίδα. Ωστόσο, αν το αντικείμενο που ανιχνεύεται είναι ενεργό/σε δραστηριότητα, όπως με ένα στυλό λέιζερ/φωτός, ο όρος οθόνη αφής γενικά δεν ισχύει. Η ικανότητά του να αλληλεπιδρά κανείς άμεσα με μια οθόνη συνήθως υποδηλώνει την παρουσία μιας οθόνης αφής.
Esperanto: Tuŝekrano estas ekrano kiu povas esti uzata kiel enigilo por komputilo aŭ enkorpigitaj sistemoj tuŝante la ekranon.
Español: Una pantalla táctil (touchscreen en inglés) es una pantalla que mediante un toque directo sobre su superficie permite la entrada de datos y órdenes al dispositivo. A su vez, actúa como periférico de salida, mostrándonos los resultados introducidos previamente. Este contacto también se puede realizar con lápiz u otras herramientas similares. Actualmente hay pantallas táctiles que pueden instalarse sobre una pantalla normal. Así pues, la pantalla táctil puede actuar como periférico de entrada y periférico de salida de datos.
Eesti: Puuteekraan on elektroonikaseadme ekraan, mis on varustatud puutetundlike sensoritega. Need võimaldavad seadet juhtida, puudutades ekraani sõrmede või mõne esemega. Puuteekraanideks nimetatakse seadmeid mida saab juhtida sõrme, käe või mõne muu suvalise esemega. Ekraanid mis vajavad juhtimiseks spetsiaalset pliiatsit või mõnda muud spetsiaalset eset, ei nimetata Puuteekraaniks. On olemas erinevaid puuteekraanide tehnoloogiaid:
Suomi: Kosketusnäyttö on näyttö, joka voi välittää tietoa kosketuksesta eteenpäin. Laitteen kyky aistia kosketus voi perustua esimerkiksi paineeseen, sähkönjohtokykyyn tai infrapunasäteilyyn. Kosketusnäyttö tarjoaa intuitiivisen tavan ohjata laitetta ja poistaa näppäimistön tai hiiren käyttötarpeen.
Français : Un écran tactile est un périphérique informatique qui combine les fonctionnalités d'affichage d'un écran (moniteur) et celles d'un dispositif de pointage, comme la souris ou une boule de commande (trackball).
Bahasa Indonesia: Layar sentuh atau dalam bahasa Inggris touch screen, touch panel atau touch screen panel adalah sebuah perangkat input komputer yang bekerja dengan adanya sentuhan tampilan layar menggunakan jari atau pena digital. Antarmuka layar sentuh, di mana pengguna mengoperasikan sistem komputer dengan menyentuh gambar atau tulisan di layar itu sendiri, merupakan cara yang paling mudah untuk mengoperasikan komputer dan kini semakin banyak digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi.
Íslenska: Snertiskjár er tölvuskjár og inntakstæki sem getur greint nálægð og staðsetningu snertingar. Yfirleitt er notaður fingur eða stíll til að hafa samskipti við skjáinn. Snertiskjáir gera notendum kleift að hafa beint samskipti við það sem er sýnt á skjánum, í staðinn fyrir að nota tölvumús eða snertiflötu. Snertiskjáir finnast oftast í farsímum, lófatölvum, töflutölvum, GPS-tækjum og farleikjatölvum.
Italiano: Un touchscreen, o schermo tattile, è un particolare dispositivo, frutto dell'unione di uno schermo ed un digitalizzatore, che permette all'utente di interagire con una interfaccia grafica mediante le dita o particolari oggetti. Uno schermo tattile è allo stesso tempo un dispositivo di output e di input.
日本語: タッチパネルとは、液晶パネルのような 表示装置とタッチパッドのような位置入力装置を組み合わせた電子部品であり、画面上の表示を押すことで機器を操作する入力装置である。主に直感的に扱えることを要求する機器に組み込まれる事が多い。タッチスクリーンやタッチ画面などとも呼ばれる。
한국어: 터치스크린(touch screen)은 화면을 건드려 사용자가 건드린 위치를 찾아내는 화면을 말한다. 이 용어는 일반적으로 손가락이나 손으로 기기의 화면에 접촉하는 것을 가리키는 용어이다. 이를테면 모니터에 특수 직물을 씌워 이 위를 손으로 눌렀을 때 감지하는 방식으로 구성되어 있는 경우도 있다. 터치스크린은 스타일러스와 같은 다른 수동적인 물체를 감지해낼 수도 있다. 이를테면 키오스크와 몇몇 노트북 컴퓨터에서는 직접 손으로 짚고, PDA와 몇몇 노트북 컴퓨터에서는 스타일러스 펜을 이용할 수 있다. 그러나 라이트펜과 같이 감지된 물체가 능동적이라면 터치스크린이라는 용어는 일반적으로 이에 적용되지 않는다.
Македонски: Допирен екран или екран на допир, е електронски визуелено излезен уред кој може да регистрира присуство и местоположба на допир на својата површина. Под допир се подразбира контакт меѓу екранот и човечки прст или рака. Допирните екрани можат да регистрираат и други објекти како посебни пенкала, но ако тие објекти е активни уреди, како светлечки пенкала на пр., тогаш не можеме да речеме дека се работи за допирен екран. Способноста директно да се манипулира со тоа што го прикажува екранот е карактеристика исклучиво на допирните екрани.
Nederlands: Een aanraakscherm (vaak met het Engelse touchscreen aangeduid) is een beeldscherm dat ook als invoerapparaat voor een computer of 'embedded system' kan worden gebruikt door het scherm aan te raken.
Português: Um ecrã multi-táctil reconhece múltiplos pontos de interação simultâneos, frequentemente incluindo também a pressão de cada um independentemente, assim como a posição. Isso permite gestos e interação através de vários dedos ou mãos, aumentando a qualidade da utilização do ecrã, contribuindo para a manipulação direta através de gestos intuitivos. Dependendo do tamanho do ecrã, alguns dispositivos suportam mais de um utilizador no sistema simultaneamente. A técnica está presente desde 1982
Русский: Се́нсорный экран — устройство ввода информации; представляет собой экран, реагирующий на прикосновения к нему.
Walon : ene waitroûle aduzåve, c' est ene waitroûle k' on pout aduzer avou s' doet po fé passer ene kimande a on sûtifone u ene ôte sôre d' éndjole.
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input/output device usually layered on the top of an electronic visual display | |||||
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This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
- Touchscreens in Japan (28 F)
- BMW Curved Display (10 F)
- Pull-to-refresh (1 F)
- Touchscreen telephone icons (146 F)
- Touchscreens at museums (3 F)
Media in category "Touchscreens"
The following 163 files are in this category, out of 163 total.
20110502 PH V1020230 0003.jpg - Flickr - NZ Defence Force.jpg 3,738 × 2,492; 8.22 MB
2018 09 13 NAU ED TECH 163.jpg 8,256 × 5,504; 3.59 MB
2021 — Zweite Julireise Mateus2019 Batch (83).jpg 3,840 × 5,120; 3.64 MB
32inputDiag3.png 840 × 812; 40 KB
8x8wire touchscreen.jpg 768 × 672; 214 KB
A hand pointing to a futuristic technology.png 1,456 × 816; 1.5 MB
Afterimages.JPG 4,272 × 2,848; 5.03 MB
AI SmartBook Exploded view-key.png 1,530 × 1,219; 280 KB
Airbus onboard entertainment.JPG 2,112 × 2,816; 919 KB
AP Dataweigh 3 bed checkweigher with touchscreen reject and accumulation station.jpg 4,690 × 3,009; 995 KB
Atmel-XSense touchsensor-film.jpg 800 × 600; 23 KB
Australians at Ypres touchscreen in the AWMs Western Front gallery Aug 2012.JPG 1,984 × 1,488; 580 KB
Bang&Olufsen Wall Terminal.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1,003 KB
Bent Stumpe - 46 MAX 0989.jpg 6,684 × 4,461; 17.2 MB
BMW iX central screen CRI 12 2021 2732.jpg 2,400 × 1,600; 2.12 MB
Campsie Library, NSW, 24 October 2016 touch screen 2016 (30231709220).jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.94 MB
Capacitive touchscreen.jpg 3,000 × 1,993; 1.72 MB
CES 2012 - 3M touch screen table (6752229015).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 240 KB
Charles Darwin 200 year exhibition Brazil4.jpg 2,480 × 1,682; 439 KB
Charlieplexing.png 2,398 × 1,559; 59 KB
Charlieplexing2.png 2,398 × 1,559; 60 KB
Comdex 1986.png 1,570 × 1,060; 2.74 MB
Curving Time Interactive Touch Screen Installation.jpg 720 × 410; 124 KB
De-Touchscreen.ogg 2.1 s; 20 KB
DeckelMaho-DMU50e-MachiningCenter.jpg 1,962 × 1,524; 399 KB
Dotykova-obrazovka-dotykovy-displej-edutabtv.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.7 MB
Emirates A380 seat-back screen with tail camera.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.96 MB
Esquemaes.gif 719 × 387; 4 KB
Esqueming.gif 742 × 387; 4 KB
Eugène Trutat - Un regard sur le Couserans - 20121029 (4).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.15 MB
EVoReel Touchscreen.jpg 467 × 620; 93 KB
FahrkarteDruckenRedundant 2789.jpg 2,830 × 835; 596 KB
Fig3-LiquidViews.jpg 1,406 × 1,316; 1.22 MB
Film.png 245 × 289; 69 KB
Fivewiretouchpanel.jpg 720 × 436; 7 KB
FordMyTouch.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.93 MB
German railway ticket machine - DSC05384 (7122242505).jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1.84 MB
Ghost detections.png 1,680 × 720; 28 KB
Hard Rock Cafe Florence - Touchscreen with The Doors quote.JPG 1,936 × 1,288; 355 KB
Hear Music touchscreen.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 696 KB
Helvar TouchPanel in Rus.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 3.41 MB
Helvar Touchscreen 924.jpg 611 × 367; 43 KB
Higashi-himeji-station-info.jpg 750 × 1,000; 89 KB
HP Touchsmart PC 2.jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 1.61 MB
Hp150 touchscreen 20081129.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 219 KB
Hunter-Killer touch-screen monitor.jpg 2,386 × 1,602; 249 KB
Images of Jenny Lace Plasticity Publish (4 of 25) (Unsplash).jpg 7,360 × 4,912; 21.14 MB
In-flight entertainment equipment Touchscreen MD-11 Swissair - ETHZ LBS SR04-030238.jpg 3,072 × 1,959; 494 KB
Infinitely Extendable Touchscreen.png 2,038 × 839; 464 KB
Infinitely extendable touchscreens.jpg 1,823 × 719; 252 KB
INS Shivalik IVCS.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 248 KB
Interactive display (Avtec).png 2,144 × 1,433; 3.85 MB
Interactive table at Ideen 2020 exhibition 2013-04-16 09.27.08.jpg 2,592 × 1,728; 944 KB
Interactivity (3177469139).jpg 2,047 × 1,365; 348 KB
JakLingko Super App.jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 8.36 MB
Korea Racing Authority account based electronical betting system.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.03 MB
Lamborghini Infotainment .jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 3.8 MB
Lattice touchscreen.jpg 1,133 × 864; 257 KB
LOreal Interactive Kiosk (10576581965).jpg 1,680 × 1,118; 1.48 MB
LOreal Interactive Kiosk (10576623166).jpg 1,680 × 1,118; 1.83 MB
LOreal Interactive Kiosk (10576862043).jpg 1,680 × 1,140; 1.17 MB
LOreal Paris Intelligent Color Experience. (10577998205).jpg 1,897 × 1,404; 1.71 MB
LOreal Paris Intelligent Color Experience. (10577999715).jpg 1,030 × 1,415; 838 KB
LOreal Paris Intelligent Color Experience. (10578000635).jpg 1,897 × 1,361; 1.21 MB
LOreal Paris Intelligent Color Experience. (10578045096).jpg 855 × 1,208; 473 KB
LOreal Paris Intelligent Color Experience. (10578067844).jpg 954 × 1,307; 605 KB
LOreal Paris Intelligent Color Experience. (10578068904).jpg 1,876 × 1,422; 1.09 MB
LOreal Paris Intelligent Color Experience. (10578283433).jpg 1,627 × 1,361; 1.04 MB
LOreal Paris Intelligent Color Experience. (10578285283).jpg 1,721 × 1,354; 1.29 MB
LOreal Paris Intelligent Color Experience. (10578286493).jpg 1,894 × 1,476; 1.28 MB
Løkken Info Point.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 1.61 MB
Magical Touch.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 517 KB
Mini-Touch.jpg 1,224 × 1,632; 310 KB
Mobile Kasse.jpg 334 × 500; 128 KB
Motorola Xoom - touch unit-0103.jpg 4,801 × 3,284; 6.62 MB
Motorola Xoom - Touchscreen-Display Window Atmel 72370-A7 -1705.jpg 4,969 × 1,815; 4.79 MB
Motorola Xoom - Touchscreen-Display Window Atmel 72370-A7 -1706.jpg 4,044 × 2,275; 2.73 MB
MR12W MARS.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 2.47 MB
MR20 MARS.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 4.03 MB
MRT Taipei Main Station touchscreen ticket machine 20070510.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 711 KB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50061253818).jpg 5,568 × 3,712; 1.48 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50061817076).jpg 4,823 × 3,435; 2.15 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50061817106).jpg 4,616 × 3,153; 1.18 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50061817196).jpg 2,821 × 4,338; 1.07 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50061817271).jpg 4,501 × 3,439; 1.53 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50061817276).jpg 3,034 × 4,840; 1.84 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50062065272).jpg 4,854 × 3,531; 1.44 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50062065277).jpg 4,767 × 3,341; 1.97 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50062065407).jpg 4,335 × 2,998; 1.53 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50062065417).jpg 3,712 × 5,568; 2.1 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50062065447).jpg 5,457 × 3,712; 3.36 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50062065467).jpg 3,226 × 4,878; 2.16 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50062065487).jpg 3,012 × 4,389; 1.61 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50062065522).jpg 4,524 × 3,490; 1.34 MB
MTA Deploys PPE Vending Machines Across Subway System (50062065537).jpg 4,318 × 3,461; 1.59 MB
Multitouch screen.svg 255 × 185; 74 KB
Newspaper touchscreen reader in National Library of Public Information.jpg 3,120 × 4,208; 3.92 MB
Touchscreen protector.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 321 KB
Nokia x6 touchscreen.jpg 3,000 × 1,993; 1.74 MB
Pantalla de telefono encendido.JPG 640 × 480; 184 KB
Pantalla en una silla airbus a 320 de avianca.jpeg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.45 MB
PCT Globe.jpg 294 × 272; 10 KB
PenceptPenPad200.jpg 640 × 480; 20 KB
Phorm Back Slider.jpg 2,100 × 1,400; 844 KB
Phorm Finger Guides.jpg 6,016 × 4,000; 7.61 MB
Pixella15721 (24030539180).jpg 3,648 × 5,472; 7.03 MB
Plasma Active Qt components tablet.ogv 2 min 8 s, 1,280 × 720; 15.98 MB
Pointed nail.png 731 × 541; 904 KB
Profi-dotykovy-monitor.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.08 MB
Rathaus Midoun Okt 2022 17.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 14.22 MB
Resistive touchpanel.jpg 377 × 265; 11 KB
Resistive touchscreen2.jpg 1,048 × 505; 61 KB
Resistivo.jpg 263 × 290; 14 KB
Ricoh M C250FWB — top-down menu (device) Mattes 2021.jpeg 3,565 × 2,675; 1.56 MB
Road,WeatherCircumstance TouchPanel Display 0428.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 1.91 MB
Samowypozyczenia.jpg 691 × 922; 101 KB
Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-P1000 - touchscreen Atmel 71549-B1-8267.jpg 6,572 × 3,697; 9.13 MB
Samsung, IFA 2018, Berlin (P1070295).jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 4.16 MB
Sony A7RIII back side with screen.jpg 3,296 × 2,637; 3.81 MB
Sprachpanorama Laufenburg 04.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 8.21 MB
T-01B.jpg 1,248 × 975; 94 KB
Table-cum-touch display.jpg 1,045 × 1,570; 416 KB
Ten fingers tracked using diagonally wired touchscreen film.ogg 16 s, 1,280 × 720; 5.8 MB
The All-New Range Rover - Detail Shots (7948022300).jpg 1,024 × 682; 83 KB
The-pig-as-a-model-for-translational-research-overview-of-porcine-animal-models-at-Jichi-Medical-2047-1440-1-8-S2.ogv 1 min 10 s, 320 × 240; 10.73 MB
Tipflation tablet 2023.jpg 2,156 × 2,305; 917 KB
Touch Experience on Laptop Screens.jpg 3,456 × 2,304; 2.68 MB
Touch on Clamshell Devices.jpg 3,456 × 2,304; 2.51 MB
Touch on Laptop Screens.jpg 3,456 × 2,304; 2.86 MB
Touch screen in Prototype LAPD Pontiac G8.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 3.28 MB
Touch Screen Table at National Arboretum Canberra.jpg 858 × 1,144; 313 KB
Touch screen.jpg 960 × 1,280; 112 KB
Touch screen1.jpg 1,349 × 1,049; 560 KB
Touch-panel-12-zoll-detail.jpg 906 × 708; 47 KB
Touch-screen ticket vending machine 9 in Xihu Station.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 598 KB
TouchScreen 5wires.svg 540 × 300; 36 KB
TouchScreen capacitive.svg 341 × 361; 23 KB
Touchscreen IMG 2791.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.57 MB
Touchscreen IMG 2796.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.28 MB
TouchScreen projective capacitive.svg 182 × 252; 12 KB
Touchscreen, Olympia Brno (1).jpg 3,456 × 2,592; 3.35 MB
Touchscreen.jpg 500 × 375; 107 KB
Touchscreen.png 1,049 × 908; 14 KB
Touchtable1.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 2.77 MB
TouchTerminal.JPG 1,232 × 1,632; 753 KB
TransperthTouchscreenTVMs.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 606 KB
Using Touch on an Ultrabook.jpg 2,687 × 1,952; 1.42 MB
Video-System MD-11 Swissair - ETHZ LBS SR04-030092.jpg 3,724 × 2,469; 3.73 MB
Video-System MD-11 Swissair - ETHZ LBS SR04-030222.jpg 3,508 × 2,283; 2.99 MB
Video-System MD-11 Swissair - ETHZ LBS SR04-030223.jpg 3,508 × 2,301; 3.42 MB
VisitorControl.jpg 3,032 × 2,008; 792 KB
Wooden touchscreen computer.jpg 1,024 × 980; 142 KB
ロシア上空 - panoramio.jpg 640 × 480; 58 KB
苗栗市苗栗火車站Miaoli City, Miaoli Station - panoramio (32).jpg 2,248 × 4,000; 2.09 MB