Diese Seite enthält Übersichten über das Urheberrecht für Währungen in verschiedenen Ländern oder Territorien Asiens. Es wird von einzelnen Seitenabschnitten eingebunden und enthält die Regeln für jedes Gebiet. Es enthält Seiten, für die keine Währungsregeln definiert wurden.
Staaten in Asien
COM:CUR Afghanistan
Keine Information verfügbar
OK According to Law No. 82 of 2002 on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: "[Copyright protection] shall not cover the following: Official documents, whatever their source or target language, such as laws, regulations, resolutions and decisions, international conventions, court decisions, award of arbitrators and decisions of administrative committees having judicial competence."[82/2002 Article 141]
COM:CUR Armenia
OK Armenian currency is not copyrighted. Monetary items, together with other state symbols, are explicitly excluded from copyright by the 2013 version of the copyright law of Armenia.[2013 Article 4.1(d)]
Please use {{PD-AM-exempt}} for Armenian currency images.
COM:CUR Azerbaijan
OK Monetary signs, together with other state symbols, are explicitly excluded from copyright by the 2013 Copyright law of Azerbaijan.[636-IVQD/2013 Article 7]
Please use {{PD-AZ-exempt}} for Azerbaijan currency images.
COM:CUR Bahrain
Keine Information verfügbar
COM:CUR Bangladesh
Keine Information verfügbar
COM:CUR Bhutan
Keine Information verfügbar
COM:CUR Brunei
Keine Information verfügbar
COM:CUR Georgia
OK Das georgische Währung ist nicht durch Urheberrecht geschützt. Banknoten und andere Staatssymbole sind ausdrücklich vom Urheberrecht ausgenommen durch Artikel 8 des Urheberrechts.[2112-IIS/2017 Article 8]
Bitte nutze {{PD-GE-exempt}} für Abbildungen der Georgischen Währung.
OK The Indian government holds the copyright of the images of most denominations of Indian currency, including the ₹1 note, but reproduction is permitted. Please use {{GODL-India}}.
COM:CUR Indonesia
OK under Article 43(b) of the 2014 Copyright Law. The design, printing, and distribution of Rupiah banknotes and coins are regulated by the 2011 Currency Law. Bank Indonesia, the central bank and an independent state agency,[1] prints Rupiah on behalf of the government.[2] Publication, distribution, communication, and/or reproduction executed by or on behalf of the government, unless stated to be protected by laws and regulations, a statement to such Works, or when publication, distribution, communication, and/or reproduction to such works are made are not considered an infringement of copyright.
OK under Article 14(b) of the now-repealed Indonesian Copyright Act No. 19, 2002 states that "publication and/or reproduction of anything which is published by or on behalf of the Government, except if the Copyright is declared to be protected by law or regulation or by a statement on the work itself or at the time the work is published" is not an "infringement of Copyright". Indonesian banknotes are issued by Bank Indonesia and its predecessor Bank Negara Indonesia, which from 1953 to 1968 was "a corporate body belonging to the state" (Act No.11 of 1953), from 1968 to 1999 "belongs to the state" (Act No.17 of 1968) and from 1999 onwards is "a state institution:, and they thus fall under the aegis of Article 14b.
Please use {{PD-IDGov}} for images of Indonesian currency. However, please note that it has not been determined if modifications or derivatives can be made to works enumerated in Article 43 of the 2014 Copyright Law (Please read the Commons discussion on the issue here).
OK for currency issued before 1974, per this deletion discussion. Use {{PD-Iraq}}.
Nicht OK for currency issued after 1974. Banknotes and coins are not covered by any known exception from copyright protection under Iraqi law. The website of the Central Bank of Iraq, which included depictions of Iraqi coins and banknotes, had the following footer: "Copyright © 2011. Central Bank of Iraq. All rights reserved. Please read important disclaimer." The disclaimer stated: "All texts, data and information on this site are owned by the CBI. Digitized photographs, graphics, and logos contained are the property of the CBI, and may not be used without permission."
- Nicht OK Für Münzen und Banknoten, die nach dem 21. März 1994 (aktuelles Jahr minus 31 Jahre) entworfen wurden
Nach dem 1970 Gesetz zum Schutz der Rechte von Autoren, Komponisten und Künstlern sind iranische Banknoten und Münzen, die nach dem 21. März 1994 entworfen wurden, urheberrechtlich geschützt und das Urheberrecht liegt bei der Iranischen Zentralbank.
- OK Für Münzen und Banknoten, die vor dem 22. März 1995 (aktuelles Jahr minus 30 Jahre) entworfen wurden
Nach dem Gesetz zum Schutz der Rechte von Autoren, Komponisten und Künstlern werden iranische Banknoten und Münzen die vor dem 22. März 1995 entworfen wurden, nach Ablauf von 30 Jahren gemeinfrei, da „In den folgenden Fällen werden Bilder 30 Jahre nach dem Datum der Veröffentlichung oder öffentlichen Aufführung gemeinfrei (Artikel 16): In Fällen, in denen das Werk einer Rechtsperson gehört oder die Rechte daran einer Rechtsperson übertragen wurden.“ Iranische Banknoten und Münzen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und das Urheberrecht liegt bei der Iranischen Zentralbank, die eine „Rechtsperson“ darstellt.
Bitte verwende {{Iranian currency}} für Banknoten/Münzen, die vor dem 22. März 1995 entworfen wurden.
COM:CUR Israel
OK. Israeli currency is copyrighted. According to a statement from the Bank of Israel, reproductions may appear in a catalog, book, research paper, etc. provided that they do not modify the colors or designs, although a black and white reproduction is allowed. They must be at least 30% larger or smaller than the original, and for commercial use must not include both sides of the note or coin. Finally, the reproductions must credit the Bank of Israel.
The complete Law of the Bank of Israel does not specify these conditions.[5] Instead the above "Instructions" paper has detailed them. The effective date of the conditions are not stated.
Please use {{Money-IL}} for images of Israeli currency.
OK. The designs of the Japanese banknotes are published as state-issued 'Notifications' which exempt them from copyright protection under Copyright Law of Japan.[6] {{PD-Japan-exempt}} applies to them. [7]
COM:CUR Jordan
OK. Jordanian currency is copyrighted by the Central Bank of Jordan, and its use is permitted under certain limitations:
- The size of the copied banknote should not be the same size as the actual banknote.
- If the copied banknote is smaller than the actual banknote then it should not exceed two-thirds of the original banknote size.
- If the copied banknote is bigger, it should not be less than one and a half times the size of the original banknote.
- Copying of banknotes should be one-sided only (i.e. nothing should appear on the reverse of a copy which might give the impression that the copied banknote is a genuine one).
- Copied banknotes and coins should not appear in an offensive context, for example in conjunction with imagery or text of a violent or pornographic nature.
Please use {{Money-JO}} for images of Jordanian currency.
COM:CUR Cambodia
COM:CUR Kazakhstan
OK Banknotes, together with other state symbols, are explicitly excluded from copyright by article 8 of Copyright law of Kazakhstan.[419/2015 Article 8]
Please use {{PD-KZ-exempt}} for Kazakhstan currency images.
Law No. 7 of 2002 on the Protection of Copyright and Neighboring Rights says
- The protection provided by this Law shall not cover the following works ... laws, legal provisions, administrative decisions, international treaties, official documents or any official translation thereof.[7/2002 Article 4(1)]
However, "official documents" seems unlikely to include currency. The Qatar Central Bank states that all content on its site (which includes images of currency) may not be used for commercial purposes without the permission of the bank.
COM:CUR Kyrgyzstan
OK. Under Law No. 6 as of 2017, monetary signs, together with other state symbols, are explicitly excluded from copyright.[2017 Article 8]
Please use {{PD-KG-exempt}} for Kyrgyzstan currency images.
COM:CUR Kuwait
Unsure There seems no specific mentions about banknotes in the Law No. 38/NA of November 15, 2017, on Intellectual Property. Banknotes are not mentioned as artistic works. It is not clear if the government's right to hold copyright extends to banknotes.
COM:CUR Lebanon
COM:CUR Malaysia
Nicht OK According to the Bank Negara Malaysia, "You are not allowed to reproduce the Malaysian currency. It is also illegal for you to use any photograph, drawing or design of any note, coin or any part of the note or coin, of any size, scale or colour, in any advertising or on any merchandise or products, which are manufactured, sold, circulated or distributed except with the permission of BNM".
COM:CUR Maldives
COM:CUR Mongolia
OK: Currency and other payment instruments are considered works not protected by copyright[10].[2021, Article 7.1.5] Note that currency was not on the list of items not protected under copyright law in the previous 2006 version of the law.
COM:CUR မြန်မာပြည်
COM:CUR North Korea
Nicht OK. According to the North Korean copyright act, documents for state management, current news or information data shall not be the object of copyright unless commercial purpose is pursued.[1532/2006 Article 12] However, currencies are for commercial purposes, so currencies are not included here.
- Siehe auch: Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Banknotes of North Korea und Commons:Deletion_requests/Files_in_Category:Money_of_North_Korea
Siehe auch: Commons:Währung
Nicht OK
COM:CUR East Timor
COM:CUR Pakistan
Nicht OK Although certain governments works are exempt from copyright, currency is not one of the exceptions. Copyright Ordinance, 1962 as amended by Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance, 2000 says,
- Copyright in a Government work shall, where Government is the first owner of the copyright therein, subsist until 50 years from the beginning of the calendar year next following the year in which the work is first published.[XXXIV/2000 Section 22(1)]
- The following acts shall not constitute an infringement of copyright, namely: ... the reproduction or publication of any matter which has been published in any official Gazette, or the report of any committee, commission, council, board or other like body appointed by the Government unless the reproduction or publication of such matter or report is prohibited by the Government.[XXXIV/2000 Section 57(q)(i)] Currency does not fall into this definition.
- See also: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Pakistan commemorative banknote.png.
COM:CUR Philippines
Nicht OK. For reproductions of legal tender notes or metallic copies of legal tender coins.
OK. For copies of notes and coins that are no longer legal tender, and for non-metallic reproductions of coins.
No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.[8293/2015 Section 176.1] The Central Bank of the Philippines prohibits making, distributing or using:
- Any handbill, advertisement, placard, circular, card, or any other object whatsoever bearing the facsimile, likeness or similitude of any legal tender Philippine currency note, or any part thereof, whether in black and white or any color or combination of colors, without prior authority therefore having been secured from the Governor, BSP or his duly authorized representative.
- Any object whatsoever bearing the likeness or similitude as to design, color or the inscription thereon of any legal tender Philippine currency coin or any part thereof, in metal form, irrespective of size and metallic composition, without prior authority from the Governor, BSP or his duly authorized representative.
COM:CUR Russia
OK Russian currency is not copyrighted. Monetary items, together with other state symbols, are explicitly excluded from copyright by article 1259(6) of Part IV of the Civil Code of Russia (which covers intellectual property rights). Drafts for such items, however, are copyrighted by their authors. When a public body adopts such a draft and turns it into an official symbol, the resulting official symbol is not copyrighted and may be reproduced without mentioning the original author(s) of the draft. (See article 1264.)
Monetary items were already excluded from copyright in the 1993 legislation, which was in effect until the end of 2007. See article 8 of the 1993 law, as amended in 2004.
Please use {{PD-RU-exempt}} for images of Russian currency.
COM:CUR Saudi Arabia
Nicht OK
COM:CUR Singapore
Not OK. The copyright in the designs of banknotes and coins is held by the Regierung von Singapur. The designs may be regarded either as engravings, or as artistic works other than engravings or photographs, made by or under the direction or control of the Government, and under the Copyright Act (Cap. 63, 2006 Rev. Ed.):
- an engraving enters the public domain after 70 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the work was first published; and
- an artistic work other than an engraving or a photograph enters the public domain after 70 years have passed since the end of the calendar year in which the work was made.
COM:CUR Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Nicht OK The government works that are excepted from copyright are only "any official text of a legislative, administrative or legal nature, as well as any official translation thereof" (Intellectual Property Act, No. 36 of 2003, at Section 8B), so it is assumed that banknotes and coins are protected and not appropriate for Commons.
COM:CUR South Korea
OK. The Bank of Korea owns copyright on all currency issued in South Korea since its establishment in 1950. The Bank of Korea allows anyone to reproduce and use the reproduction of its currency without requiring a permission but under certain restrictions, as explained in the Guidelines for the Reproduction of Bank of Korea Notes and Coins.
- For electronic reproductions the resolution of the image in its original size must not exceed 72dpi, and the word "SPECIMEN" or "보기" must be marked on either the obverse or the reverse of any part, excluding the portrait, of the reproduction and must be plainly distinguishable but inseparable from the reproduction. The size of the word "SPECIMEN" or "보기" must larger than the word "Bank of Korea" on the top center of the front side of the banknote, and must be in a non-transparent color that is clearly contrasted with the main color of the respective banknote. This also applies to partial reproductions.
Please use {{South Korean currency}} for South Korean currency images that meet the requirement of Section 3.C (Intangible reproductions) of the currency reproduction guidelines.
Nicht OK. Syrian banknotes and coins are likely to be protected by copyright. The 2001 copyright law of Syria does not explicitly exempt the designs of banknotes and coins, only official documents and administrative decisions. In 2013, Syrian copyright law was substantially changed with the repeal of the 2001 copyright law. However, there does not appear to be any changes to the protection of banknotes or coins.[62/2013 Art. 4]
COM:CUR Tajikistan
OK. Under the the Law on Copyright and Related Rights (as amended up to 2009), Tajikistan currency is not copyrighted. Monetary items, together with other state symbols, are explicitly excluded from copyright.[2009 Article 7]
Please use {{PD-TJ-exempt}} for Tajikistan currency images.
COM:CUR Thailand
Nicht OK: Reproduction of banknote images requires a permission from the Bank of Thailand.
COM:CUR Türkiye
COM:CUR Turkmenistan
Please use {{PD-TM-exempt}} for Turkmenistan currency images.
COM:CUR Uzbekistan
OK Uzbekistan currency is not copyrighted. Monetary items, together with other state symbols, are explicitly excluded from copyright by article 8 of Copyright law of Uzbekistan.[LRU-476/2018 Article 8] Drafts for such items, however, are copyrighted by their authors.[LRU-476/2018 Article 9]
Please use {{PD-UZ-exempt}} for Uzbekistan currency images.
COM:CUR United Arab Emirates
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Nicht OK Banknotes and coins are not exempted from copyright law in the United Arab Emirates, and so are protected in the same way as other works of applied and plastic art or drawings, with respect to reproduction and to the time period of copyright protection.
COM:CUR Vietnam
Nicht OK. Banknotes and coins are not exempted from copyright law. Furthermore, duplication of Vietnamese banknotes or coins without the written consent of the State Bank is prohibited by an order of the Prime Minister in June 2003 (article 3).[14]
COM:CUR 中国 / 中國
COM:CUR Cyprus
Begrenzte Anerkennung
COM:CUR Abkhazia
COM:CUR 中華民國
Republik China
COM:CUR فلسطين / Palestine
Palästina (Region)
COM:CUR South Ossetia
COM:CUR Northern Cyprus
Türkische Republik Nordzypern
Weitere Gebiete
COM:CUR Akrotiri and Dhekelia
Akrotiri und Dekelia
COM:CUR British Indian Ocean Territory
Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean
COM:CUR Hong Kong
Nicht OK section 103(1) of the Crimes Ordinance (Chapter 200) of the Laws of Hong Kong stipulates that reproduction of currency notes without prior permission of the Monetary Authority is an offense, and individuals may be liable for imprisonment for 6 months and a fine of HK$20,000.
It is worth to note that any approved reproduction under section 103 does not permit further subsequent copies or reproductions to be made for other usage ends without the written consent of the Monetary Authority. Therefore, applications for reproduction of Hong Kong currency note images for further copying or reproduction by a third party will generally not be approved. This implies that digital reproductions (which by nature permit further reproductions) are unlikely to be approved by the Authority, and so are not legally appropriate for Commons.
Nicht OK. Currency is copyrighted and reproduction requires approval from the Monetary Authority of Macau.
"In accordance with article 14.2 of the Decree-Law No. 7/95/M of January 30, requests for reproduction of banknotes for educational and promotional purposes with justifiable reasons could be approved by the Government. In practice, such requests should be made to the Monetary Authority of Macau (AMCM)."[15]
teilweise in Asien
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