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48. CDC 2009: Shanghai, China
- Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2009, combined withe the 28th Chinese Control Conference, December 16-18, 2009, Shanghai, China. IEEE 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-3871-6
- John Baillieul
, Lei Guo:
Welcome from the General Co-Chairs.
Nonlinear Systems I
- Dabo Xu, Jie Huang:
Output regulation for output feedback systems with an uncertain exosystem. 1-6 - Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami
Output-feedback control of feedforward nonlinear delayed systems through dynamic high-gain scaling. 7-12 - Claudio De Persis:
Robustness of quantized continuous-time nonlinear systems to encoder/decoder mismatch. 13-18 - Yizhar Or
, Joris Vankerschaver, Scott David Kelly, Richard M. Murray
, Jerrold E. Marsden:
Geometric control of particle manipulation in a two-dimensional fluid. 19-26 - Yacine Chitour, Frédéric Jean
, Ruixing Long:
A global steering method for general dynamical nonholonomic systems. 27-32 - Daniele Carnevale, Alessandro Astolfi
Integrator forwarding without PDEs. 33-38
Modeling and Reachability of Hybrid Systems
- Yongqi Liang, X. Rong Li, Chongzhao Han, Zhansheng Duan:
Model-set design: Uniformly distributed models. 39-44 - Arjan van der Schaft, M. Kanat Camlibel:
A state transfer principle for switching port-Hamiltonian systems. 45-50 - Andrew G. Lamperski
Representations and algorithms for finite-state bisimulations of linear discrete-time control systems. 51-56 - Ettore Fornasini, Maria Elena Valcher
Reachability of a class of discrete-time positive switched systems. 57-62 - Min Wu, Gangfeng Yan, Zhiyun Lin
Necessary and sufficient conditions for reachability of discrete time affine systems on simplices. 63-68 - Shahab Kaynama, Meeko Oishi
Schur-based decomposition for reachability analysis of linear time-invariant systems. 69-74
Linear and Robust Control
- Guang-Hong Yang, Jiuxiang Dong:
Robust stability of polytopic systems via affine parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions. 75-80 - Wenming Bian, Mark French, Harish K. Pillai:
An intrinsic behavioural approach to the double time axis paradox. 81-84 - Achim Ilchmann, Markus Mueller
Robustness of lambda-tracking and funnel control in the gap metric. 85-90 - Christopher I. Byrnes, Anders Lindquist
Important moments in systems, control and optimization. 91-96 - Debasattam Pal, Madhu N. Belur:
New results in dissipativity of uncontrollable systems and Lyapunov functions. 97-102 - Philip Losse, Timo Reis:
Hinfinity-control for descriptor systems - A structured matrix pencils approach. 103-108
Numerical Methods I
- Navid Noroozi, Paknosh Karimaghaee, Ali Akbar Safavi, Amit Bhaya
Real-time robust and adaptive solutions to zero finding problems with uncertainty. 109-114 - Amit Bhaya
, Pierre-Alexandre Bliman
, Fernando Agustin Pazos:
Control-theoretic design of iterative methods for symmetric linear systems of equations. 115-120 - Hideaki Ishii, Roberto Tempo:
Fragile link structure in PageRank computation. 121-126 - Alexander V. Nazin, Boris T. Polyak:
Adaptive randomized algorithm for finding eigenvector of stochastic matrix with application to PageRank. 127-132 - Jakob Rehrl
, Martin Horn
, Markus Reichhartinger
Elimination of limit cycles in HVAC systems using the describing function method. 133-139 - Lee H. Keel, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
On computing the inverse of a rational matrix. 140-144
Game Theory
- Kostas Margellos, John Lygeros:
Air traffic management with target windows: An approach using reachability. 145-150 - Ankur A. Kulkarni, Uday V. Shanbhag:
New insights on generalized Nash games with shared constraints: Constrained and variational equilibria. 151-156 - Na Li, Jason R. Marden, Jeff S. Shamma:
Learning approaches to the Witsenhausen counterexample from a view of potential games. 157-162 - William M. McEneaney:
Idempotent method for dynamic games and complexity reduction in min-max expansions. 163-168 - Minghui Zhu, Sonia Martínez:
Distributed coverage games for mobile visual sensors (I): Reaching the set of Nash equilibria. 169-174 - Minghui Zhu, Sonia Martínez:
Distributed coverage games for mobile visual sensors (II) : Reaching the set of global optima. 175-180
Supervisory Control and Automata
- Mohsen Zamani Fekri, Shahin Hashtrudi-Zad:
Hierarchical supervisory control of discrete-event systems under partial observation. 181-186 - Shaolong Shu, Feng Lin:
Detectability of discrete event systems with dynamic event observation. 187-192 - Fuchun Liu, Hai Lin:
A general architecture for reliable decentralized supervisory control of discrete event systems. 193-198 - Majed Ben-Kalefa, Feng Lin:
Opaque superlanguages and sublanguages in discrete event systems. 199-204 - Anooshiravan Saboori, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Verification of K-step opacity and analysis of its complexity. 205-210 - Eric Fabre, Loïg Jezequel:
Distributed optimal planning: an approach by weighted automata calculus. 211-216
Filtering I
- Franco Blanchini
, Mario Sznaier:
A convex optimization approach to synthesizing bounded complexity linfinity filters. 217-222 - Christoph Maier, Frank Allgöwer
A set-valued filter for discrete time polynomial systems using sum of squares programming. 223-228 - Jun-e Feng, James Lam, Shengyuan Xu:
Filters for linear continuous-time singular systems. 229-234 - Jung Hun Park, Soo Hee Han, Wook Hyun Kwon:
LMS finite memory estimators for discrete-time state space models. 235-238 - Dongqing Wang
, Jiyang Dai, Feng Ding:
Gradient-based iterative parameter estimation for Box-Jenkins systems with finite measurement data. 239-243 - Indranil Roychoudhury, Gautam Biswas, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos:
Factoring Dynamic Bayesian Networks based on structural observability. 244-250
Delay Systems I
- Jian Sun, Jie Chen, Guoping Liu
, David Rees:
Delay-range-dependent and rate-range-dependent stability criteria for linear systems with time-varying delays. 251-256 - Leonid Mirkin, Zalman J. Palmor, Dmitry Shneiderman:
H2 optimization for systems with adobe input delays: A loop shifting approach. 257-262 - Suat Gumussoy
, Wim Michiels:
Computing H-infinity norms of time-delay systems. 263-268 - Catherine Bonnet, André R. Fioravanti
, Jonathan R. Partington:
Stability of neutral systems with multiple delays and poles asymptotic to the imaginary axis. 269-273 - Yassine Ariba, Frédéric Gouaisbaut:
Input-output framework for robust stability of time-varying delay systems. 274-279 - Man Sun, Suhong Ni, Haiping Ma:
Delay-dependent robust Hinfinity control for time-delay systems with polytopic uncertainty. 280-284
Control of Fusion Plasmas in Tokamaks I
- Didier Mazon, Jacques Blum, Cédric Boulbe, Blaise Faugeras
, Alexandru Boboc, Mathias Brix, Peter de Vries, Sergei Sharapov, Luca Zabeo:
Real-time identification of the current density profile in the JET tokamak: method and validation. 285-290 - Emmanuel Witrant, Marc Goniche, E. Tore Supra:
A QSS approach for particle source identification in Tore Supra tokamak. 291-296 - Rowena Ball
High confinement at low power input in magnetic fusion plasmas: analysis of trade-offs using stability theory. 297-302 - Gianmaria De Tommasi
, Sergio Galeani
, Alfredo Pironti, Gianluca Varano, Luca Zaccarian:
Trading output performance for input allocation: application to the JET tokamak shape controller. 303-308 - Oksana Katsuro-Hopkins, S. A. Sabbagh, James M. Bialek:
Analysis of resistive wall mode LQG control in NSTX with mode rotation. 309-314 - Yongsheng Ou, Eugenio Schuster:
Controllability analysis for current profile control in tokamaks. 315-320
Adaptive and Predictive Control
- Keith Dupree, Parag M. Patre, Marcus Johnson, Warren E. Dixon
Inverse optimal adaptive control of a nonlinear Euler-Lagrange system, part I: Full state feedback. 321-326 - Keith Dupree, Marcus Johnson, Parag M. Patre, Warren E. Dixon
Inverse optimal control of a nonlinear Euler-Lagrange system, part II: Output feedback. 327-332 - Chonghui Song:
Numerical optimization method for HJB equations with its application to receding horizon control schemes. 333-338 - Ruirui Gu, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya
, William S. Levine:
Improving the performance of active set based Model Predictive Controls by dataflow methods. 339-344 - Wenjie Dong, Jay A. Farrell
Adaptive approximately optimal control of unknown nonlinear systems based on locally weighted learning. 345-350 - Kristian Edlund, Leo Emil Sokoler, John Bagterp Jørgensen
A primal-dual interior-point linear programming algorithm for MPC. 351-356
Quantum Systems I
- Thomas Chambrion
, Mario Sigalotti:
Simultaneous approximate tracking of density matrices for a system of Schrödinger equations. 357-362 - Hector Bessa Silveira, Paulo Sérgio Pereira da Silva
, Pierre Rouchon:
A time-periodic Lyapunov approach for motion planning of controllable driftless systems on SU(n). 363-368 - Ugo V. Boscain, Thomas Chambrion
, Paolo Mason
, Mario Sigalotti, Dominique Sugny:
Controllability of the rotation of a quantum planar molecule. 369-374 - Yvon Maday, Julien Salomon:
A greedy algorithm for the identification of quantum systems. 375-379 - Herschel Rabitz, Constantin Brif
, Rebing Wu:
Controlling quantum systems in the presence of an environment. 380-385 - Robert L. Kosut:
Optimal quantum control via adaptive error correction. 386-391
Manufacturing Processes
- Yudong Ma, Francesco Borrelli
, Brandon Hencey
, Andrew K. Packard, Scott A. Bortoff:
Model Predictive Control of thermal energy storage in building cooling systems. 392-397 - Weitao Li, Kezhi Mao
, Xiaojie Zhou, Tianyou Chai, Hong Zhang:
Eigen-flame image-based robust recognition of burning states for sintering process control of rotary kiln. 398-403 - Diancai Yang, Yi Liu, Yugang Fan, Haiqing Wang:
Online prediction of Mooney viscosity in industrial rubber mixing process via adaptive kernel learning method. 404-409 - Flor Lizeth Torres Ortiz
, Gildas Besançon
, Didier Georges
Multi-leak estimator for pipelines based on an orthogonal collocation model. 410-415 - Jay D. Schwartz, Daniel E. Rivera
Control-relevant estimation of demand models for closed-loop control of a production-inventory system. 416-421 - Shayok Mukhopadhyay
, Yangquan Chen
, Ajay Singh, Farrell Edwards:
Fractional order plasma position control of the STOR-1M tokamak. 422-427
Iterative Learning Control
- Dinh Hoa Nguyen
, David Banjerdpongchai
Robust Iterative Learning Control for linear systems with time-varying parametric uncertainties. 428-433 - Chenkun Yin, Jian-Xin Xu, Zhongsheng Hou:
Iterative learning control design with high-order internal model for nonlinear systems. 434-439 - Rui Yan, Jian-Xin Xu:
On robust modifications for repetitive learning control. 440-445 - Kevin L. Moore, El-Sharif A. Omer:
Internal model principle for discrete repetitive processes. 446-451 - Chenkun Yin, Jian-Xin Xu, Zhongsheng Hou:
An ILC scheme for a class of nonlinear systems with time-varying parameters subject to second-order internal model. 452-457 - Johanna Wallen, Svante Gunnarsson, Robert Henriksson, Stig Moberg, Mikael Norrlöf:
ILC applied to a flexible two-link robot model using sensor-fusion-based estimates. 458-463
Model Uncertainty and Input Design
- Ai Hui Tan, Keith R. Godfrey:
A guide to the design and selection of perturbation signals. 464-469 - Richard Steenis, Daniel E. Rivera
Plant-friendly signal generation for system identification using a modified SPSA methodology. 470-475 - Cristian R. Rojas, Håkan Hjalmarsson
Input design for asymptotic robust H2-filtering. 476-481 - Juan C. Agüero
, Cristian R. Rojas, Graham C. Goodwin
Fundamental limitations on the accuracy of MIMO linear models obtained by PEM for systems operating in open loop. 482-487 - Cristian R. Rojas, Håkan Hjalmarsson
, Roland Hildebrand
MIMO experiment design based on asymptotic model order theory. 488-493 - Xavier Bombois, Arnold J. den Dekker
, Märta Barenthin, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
Effect of model structure and signal-to-noise ratio on finite-time uncertainty bounding in prediction error identification. 494-499
Stochastic Control I
- Ligang Wu
, Daniel W. C. Ho
, C. W. Li:
Hinfinity dynamic output feedback control of switched stochastic systems. 500-505 - Oswaldo L. V. Costa
, François Dufour
The policy iteration algorithm for average continuous control of piecewise deterministic Markov processes. 506-511 - Boris M. Miller
, Gregory B. Miller
, Konstantin V. Siemenikhin
Optimal control of Markov chains with constraints. 512-518 - Carlo Savorgnan, Jean B. Lasserre
, Moritz Diehl:
Discrete-time stochastic optimal control via occupation measures and moment relaxations. 519-524 - Xi-Ren Cao:
A new model of continuous-time Markov processes and impulse stochastic control. 525-530 - Debasish Chatterjee
, Eugenio Cinquemani, Georgios Chaloulos, John Lygeros:
On stochastic control up to a hitting time. 531-536
Optimization Based Control Approaches to Networked and Decentralized Systems
- Lars Grüne, Jürgen Pannek
, Karl Worthmann:
A prediction based control scheme for networked systems with delays and packet dropouts. 537-542 - Ion Necoara, Carlo Savorgnan, Dinh Quoc Tran, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Moritz Diehl:
Distributed nonlinear optimal control using sequential convex programming and smoothing techniques. 543-548 - Karl Mårtensson, Anders Rantzer:
Gradient methods for iterative distributed control synthesis. 549-554 - Gilberto Pin
, Marco Filippo, Thomas Parisini:
Networked MPC for constrained linear systems: a recursive feasibility approach. 555-560 - Johannes Dold, Olaf Stursberg
Distributed predictive control of communicating and platooning vehicles. 561-566 - Paolo Varutti, Benjamin Kern, Timm Faulwasser
, Rolf Findeisen
Event-based model predictive control for Networked Control Systems. 567-572
Networks I
- Lei Bao, Mikael Skoglund, Carlo Fischione
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Optimized rate allocation for state feedback control over noisy channels. 573-578 - Wei Zhao, Yonghui Hu, Long Wang
Leader-following formation control of multiple vision-based autonomous robotic fish. 579-584 - Bo Yang, Yanyan Shen, Gang Feng
, Xinping Guan:
Fair resource allocation using bargaining over OFDMA relay networks. 585-590 - Qing Song, Xiaofan Wang, Xiaolei Li, Chengjin Zhang:
Optimization of postal express mail network based on swarm intelligence. 591-596 - Julien Alende, Yuping Li, Michael Cantoni:
A {0, 1} linear program for fixed-profile load scheduling and demand management in automated irrigation channels. 597-602 - Danying Gu, Weidong Zhang
Design of an Hinfinity Based PI controller for AQM routers supporting TCP flows. 603-608
Synchronization and Interconnected Systems
- Luca Scardovi, Murat Arcak, Eduardo D. Sontag:
Synchronization of interconnected systems with an input-output approach. Part I: Main results. 609-614 - Luca Scardovi, Murat Arcak, Eduardo D. Sontag:
Synchronization of interconnected systems with an input-output approach. Part II: State-space result and application to biochemical networks. 615-620 - Hongjie Li, Dong Yue, Zhou Gu
Synchronization stability of complex dynamical networks with probabilistic time-varying delays. 621-625 - Tiedong Ma
, Huaguang Zhang, Derong Liu
, Zhiliang Wang:
A novel LMI approach to global impulsive exponential synchronization of chaotic delayed neural networks. 626-631 - Henrik Niemann
, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen
Interconnection of subsystems in closed-loop systems. 632-637 - Björn Sebastian Rüffer
, Christopher M. Kellett
, Steven R. Weller:
Integral input-to-state stability of interconnected iISS systems by means of a lower-dimensional comparison system. 638-643
Robust Control I
- Shiyun Xu, Ying Yang:
Robust Hinfinity synchronization of chaotic pendulum-like systems. 644-649 - Kang-Zhi Liu
, Buyanjargal Shirnen:
Neo-robust control theory for factorized uncertainty. 650-655 - Horacio Leyva-Castellanos, Julio Solís-Daun:
Synthesis of positive controls for the global CLF stabilization of systems. 656-660 - Lorenzo Marconi, Roberto Naldi, Luca Gentili:
A control framework for robust practical tracking of hybrid automata. 661-666 - Jie Zhang, Min Wu, Shi-Huan Chen, Jin-Hua She, Yong He:
Design of a modified repetitive control system using state feedback based on two-dimensional hybrid model. 667-672 - Haiyan Zhao, Chen Hong, Ma Yan:
Robust moving horizon estimation for system with uncertain measurement output. 673-677 - Aranya Chakrabortty
, Mehran Mesbahi:
Performance oriented high gain redesigns for FACTS-controlled SMIB power systems. 678-683 - Hongwang Yu, Xiaomei Zhang, Guoping Lu, Yufan Zheng:
On the model-based networked control for singularly perturbed systems with nonlinear uncertainties. 684-689 - Masami Saeki, Yosuke Sugitani:
Tuning of dynamical controllers by a data-driven loop-shaping method for a single input plant. 690-695 - Alberto M. Simoes
, Daniel Alazard, Hoang Duong Tuan, Pierre Apkarian:
Lateral flight control design for a highly flexible aircraft using a nonsmooth method. 696-701 - Yoshio Ebihara, Yuki Kuboyama, Tomomichi Hagiwara
, Dimitri Peaucelle
, Denis Arzelier:
Further results on periodically time-varying memory state-feedback controller synthesis for discrete-time linear systems. 702-707 - Jr-Shin Li:
A new perspective on control of uncertain complex systems. 708-713 - Chibum Lee, Srinivasa M. Salapaka, Petros G. Voulgaris:
Two degree of freedom robust optimal control design using a linear matrix inequality optimization. 714-719 - Obaid Ur Rehman, Baris Fidan, Ian R. Petersen:
Robust minimax optimal control of nonlinear uncertain systems using feedback linearization with application to hypersonic flight vehicles. 720-726
Precision Manufacturing Systems and Aerospace Applications
- Xinliang Zhang, Yonghong Tan, Chun-Yi Su, Binyi Wu:
Neural modeling of rate-dependent and asymmetric hysteresis in ultrasonic motors. 727-732 - Daniel Choukroun
Itô stochastic modeling for attitude quaternion filtering. 733-738 - Ruili Dong, Qingyuan Tan, Yonghong Tan:
Neural networks based model for sandwich system with hysteresis. 739-743 - Xinkai Chen
, Toshikuni Ozaki:
Adaptive control for plants in the presence of actuator and sensor hysteresis nonlinearities. 744-749 - Yudong Zhang, Yongchun Fang, Xiaokun Dong, Xianwei Zhou:
A novel learning control strategy for hysteresis and vibration of piezo-scanners. 750-755 - Se Young Yoon, Zongli Lin, Kin Tien Lim, Chris Goyne, Paul E. Allaire:
Model validation for an AMB-based compressor surge control test rig. 756-761 - Feng Tyan
Capture region of 3D PPN guidance law for intercepting high speed target. 762-767 - Francesco M. Raimondi, Maurizio Melluso
Stability and noises evaluation of Fuzzy/Kalman UAV navigation system. 768-775 - Senqiang Zhu, Danwei Wang, Qijun Chen:
Standoff tracking control of moving target in unknown wind. 776-781 - Guang Li, Chaoyang Dong
, Yanze Hou, Qing Wang:
Active flutter suppression using robust adaptive switching control. 782-787
Adaptive Control I
- Qinglei Hu, Michael I. Friswell
, David J. Wagg
, Simon A. Neild
Adaptive backstepping fault-tolerant control for flexible spacecraft with bounded unknown disturbances. 788-793 - Angelo Cenedese
, Riccardo Marcon:
Methodologies for the adaptive compression of video sequences. 794-799 - Yau-Zen Chang
, Zhi-Ren Tsai:
Supervised adaptive control for temperature regulation. 800-804 - Giorgio Battistelli
, João Pedro Hespanha, Edoardo Mosca, Pietro Tesi
Unfalsified adaptive switching supervisory control of time varying systems. 805-810 - Jingjing Zhang, Zhijun Li, Jun Luo:
Implicit control of mobile under-actuated manipulators using support vector machine. 811-816 - Quan Quan, Kai-Yuan Cai:
Additive Decomposition and its applications to internal-model-based tracking. 817-822 - Shanshan Li, Gang Tao, Yu Liu:
Discrete-time MRAC schemes using sensor uncertainty compensation with application to artificial pancreas. 823-828 - Yue Fu, Tianyou Chai:
Indirect self-tuning control of a nonlinear non-minimum phase system. 829-834 - Alessandro Beghi, Angelo Cenedese
, Andrea Masiero
Algorithms for turbulence compensation in large adaptive optics systems. 835-840 - Min Wang, Shuzhi Sam Ge
Approximation-based adaptive tracking control of pure-feedback nonlinear systems with multiple unknown time-varying delays. 841-846 - Lu Lu, Bin Yao:
Set-membership identification based adaptive robust control of systems with unknown parameter bounds. 847-852
Cooperative Control and Sensor Networks
- Ziyang Meng, Wei Ren, Zheng You:
Decentralized cooperative attitude tracking using Modified Rodriguez Parameters. 853-858 - Wilson Ong, Changbin Yu, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Splitting rigid formations. 859-864 - Baoqi Huang, Changbin Yu, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Analyzing error propagation in range-based multihop sensor localization. 865-870 - Ji Liu, Brian D. O. Anderson, Ming Cao
, A. Stephen Morse:
Analysis of accelerated gossip algorithms. 871-876 - Shinji Hara
, Masaaki Kanno, Hideaki Tanaka:
Cooperative gain output feedback stabilization for multi-agent dynamical systems. 877-882 - Jiahu Qin, Huijun Gao, Wei Xing Zheng:
Second-order consensus for networks of agents with fixed and switching topology. 883-888 - Li Cao, Yufan Zheng, Qing Zhou, Xiaomei Zhang:
Aggregation of multiple agents with first-order dynamics and finite size body. 889-894 - Guodong Shi, Yiguang Hong:
Distributed coordination of multi-agent systems with switching structure and input saturation. 895-900 - Roberto Tron, René Vidal:
Distributed image-based 3-D localization of camera sensor networks. 901-908 - John A. Gubner, Edwin K. P. Chong
, Louis L. Scharf:
Aggregation and compression of distributed binary decisions in a wireless sensor network. 909-913 - Chen Yao, Christos G. Cassandras
Perturbation analysis and optimization of multiclass multiobjective Stochastic Flow Models. 914-919 - Nader Ghasemi, Subhrakanti Dey
Power constrained dynamic quantizer design for multisensor estimation of HMMS with unknown parameters. 920-927 - Manuel Mazo Jr.
, Paulo Tabuada
Input-to-state stability of self-triggered control systems. 928-933
Decentralized Control and Large Scale Systems
- Omid Namaki-Shoushtari, Ali Khaki-Sedigh
Design of decentralized supervisory based switching QFT controller for uncertain multivariable plants. 934-939 - Edward J. Davison, Daniel E. Davison, Simon Lam:
Multivariable three-term optimal controller design for large-scale systems. 940-945 - Henrik Manum, Colin N. Jones, Johan Löfberg, Manfred Morari, Sigurd Skogestad:
Bilevel programming for analysis of low-complexity control of linear systems with constraints. 946-951 - Martin Brown, Fei He
, George Papadopoulos:
Dynamic basis pursuit regularization for complex biochemical pathway identification. 952-957 - Javad Lavaei:
A new decentralization technique for interconnected systems. 958-965 - Packiaraj Xavier, Ya-Jun Pan
A practical PID-based scheme for the collaborative driving of automated vehicles. 966-971 - Parikshit Shah, Pablo A. Parrilo
A poset framework to model decentralized control problems. 972-977 - Makan Fardad, Fu Lin, Mihailo R. Jovanovic
On the optimal design of structured feedback gains for interconnected systems. 978-983 - Andrey V. Savkin, Hamid Teimoori Sangani:
Decentralized formation flocking and stabilization for networks of unicycles. 984-989
Fault Diagnosis I
- Xiaobo Li, Kemin Zhou:
Fault detection for linear discrete-time invariant systems with decoupling and optimization. 990-995 - Wei Li, Steven X. Ding, Zhencai Zhu:
Optimal Hi=Hinfinity fault detection filter design: An iterative LMI approach. 996-1001 - Fatiha Nejjari
, Vicenç Puig
, Saúl Montes de Oca
, Atefeh Sadeghzadeh:
Robust fault detection for LPV systems using interval observers and zonotopes. 1002-1007 - He-xuan Hu, Anne-Lise Gehin, Mireille Bayart
An extended qualitative multi-faults diagnosis from first principles I: Theory and modelling. 1008-1013 - András Varga:
Least order fault and model detection using multi-models. 1014-1019 - Xin Jin
, Soumik Sarkar, Kushal Mukherjee, Asok Ray:
Suboptimal partitioning of time-series data for anomaly detection. 1020-1025 - Alireza Esna Ashari, Ramine Nikoukhah, Stephen L. Campbell:
Asymptotic behavior and solution approximation of Active Robust fault detection for closed-loop systems. 1026-1031 - Abdul Qayyum Khan
, Muhammad Abid
, Wei Chen, Steven X. Ding:
On optimal Fault Detection of nonlinear systems. 1032-1037 - Hamid Reza Karimi, Mauricio Zapateiro, Ningsu Luo:
Robust fault detection filter design for a class of linear systems with mixed time-varying delays and nonlinear perturbations. 1038-1043 - Hong-Jun Ma, Guang-Hong Yang, Wei Lin:
Adaptive observer-based fault diagnosis for a class of MIMO nonlinear uncertain systems. 1044-1049
Nonlinear Control
- Vincent Andrieu
, Laurent Praly, Alessandro Astolfi
Homogeneity in the bi-limit as a tool for observer and feedback design. 1050-1055 - Fritz Colonius, Tobias Wichtrey:
Controllability for systems with almost periodic excitations. 1056-1061 - Ugo V. Boscain, Gregoire Charlot, Francesco Rossi
Minimization of length and curvature on planar curves. 1062-1067 - Eduardo F. Costa, Alessandro Astolfi
Partial stability for a class of nonlinear systems. 1068-1073 - Jia Fang, A. Stephen Morse:
Merging globally rigid graphs and sensor network localization. 1074-1079 - Silvia Ferrari
, Rafael Fierro, Domagoj Tolic:
A geometric optimization approach to tracking maneuvering targets using a heterogeneous mobile sensor network. 1080-1087
Stabilizabilization of Hybrid Systems
- Wei Zhang, Alessandro Abate, Michael P. Vitus, Jianghai Hu:
On piecewise quadratic control-Lyapunov functions for switched linear systems. 1088-1093 - Christopher G. Mayhew, Ricardo G. Sanfelice
, Andrew R. Teel:
Robust global asymptotic stabilization of a 6-DOF rigid body by quaternion-based hybrid feedback. 1094-1099 - Yacine Chitour, Mario Sigalotti:
On the stabilization of permanently excited linear systems. 1100-1105 - Satyajit Arivukkodi Krishnamurthy, Ji-Woong Lee:
A computational stability analysis of discrete-time piecewise linear systems. 1106-1111 - Franco Blanchini
, Daniele Casagrande
, Stefano Miani:
Modal and transition dwell time computation in switching systems: a set-theoretic approach. 1112-1117 - Hernan Haimovich, Julio H. Braslavsky
, Flavia Eleonora Felicioni:
On feedback stabilisation of switched discrete-time systems via Lie-algebraic techniques. 1118-1123
Robust Control II
- Michael Cantoni, Ulf T. Jönsson, Chung-Yao Kao:
IQC robustness analysis for feedback interconnections of unstable distributed parameter systems. 1124-1130 - Dimitris Bertsimas, Dan Andrei Iancu, Pablo A. Parrilo
Optimality of affine policies in multi-stage robust optimization. 1131-1138 - Xiangyu Gao, Guang-Ren Duan
, Xian Zhang:
Parameter-dependent Lyapunov function approach to robust stability analysis for discrete-time descriptor polytopic systems. 1139-1144 - Simon Lam, Edward J. Davison:
Restricted real perturbation values with applications to the structured real controllability radius of LTI systems. 1145-1150 - Chao Feng, Constantino M. Lagoa
Distributional robustness analysis for polynomial uncertainty. 1151-1156 - Pavel V. Pakshin
, Dimitri Peaucelle
LQR parametrization of static output feedback gains for linear systems with Markovian switching and related robust stabilization and passification problems. 1157-1162
Numerical Methods II
- Shunsuke Matoba, Hisakazu Nakamura
, Hirokazu Nishitani:
Nonlinear receding horizon control via singular value decomposition with error correction method for singular vectors and singular values. 1163-1168 - Takayuki Wada, Yasumasa Fujisaki:
Probabilistic cutting plane technique based on maximum volume ellipsoid center. 1169-1174 - Ufuk Topcu, Andrew K. Packard, Richard M. Murray
Compositional stability analysis based on dual decomposition. 1175-1180 - Hengshuai Yao, Shalabh Bhatnagar
, Csaba Szepesvári:
LMS-2: Towards an algorithm that is as cheap as LMS and almost as efficient as RLS. 1181-1188 - Dougsoo Kaown, Jianguo Liu
A fast geometric algorithm for finding the minimum distance between two convex hulls. 1189-1194 - Amir Ali Ahmadi, Pablo A. Parrilo
A positive definite polynomial Hessian that does not factor. 1195-1200
Optimal Control I
- Urszula Ledzewicz
, Heinz Schättler:
Optimal controlled trajectories for a mathematical model of anti-angiogenic therapy in cancer. 1201-1206 - Luke Finlay, Vladimir Gaitsgory
, Ivan Lebedev:
Duality in linear programming problems related to deterministic long run average problems of optimal control with applications to periodic optimization. 1207-1211 - Pablo Pedregal
, Jorge Tiago
Existence results for optimal control problems with some special non-linear dependence on state and control. 1212-1217 - Jean-Pierre Aubin, Alexandre M. Bayen, Patrick Saint-Pierre:
Dirichlet problems for some Hamilton-Jacobi equations with inequality constraints. 1218-1222 - Térence Bayen:
Parametrization of a convex optimization problem by optimal control theory and proof of a Goldberg conjecture. 1223-1228 - Marc Jungers
, Cristian Oara
Nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati theory: A matrix pencil approach. 1229-1234
Diagnosis and Prognosis of Discrete-Event Systems
- Shigemasa Takai
, Ratnesh Kumar:
Distributed prognosis of discrete event systems under bounded-delay communications. 1235-1240 - Samuel Tien-Chieh Huang, Raymond H. S. Kwong, Edward J. Davison:
Hardware realization of discrete event system diagnosers. 1241-1247 - Stefan Haar:
Qualitative diagnosability of labeled petri nets revisited. 1248-1253 - Maria Paola Cabasino, Alessandro Giua
, Carla Seatzu:
Diagnosability of bounded Petri nets. 1254-1260 - Yu Ru, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Reachability analysis for a class of Petri nets. 1261-1266 - Maria Paola Cabasino, Alessandro Giua
, Stéphane Lafortune
, Carla Seatzu:
Diagnosability analysis of unbounded Petri nets. 1267-1272
Filtering II
- Niels Haverbeke, Moritz Diehl, Bart De Moor:
A structure exploiting interior-point method for moving horizon estimation. 1273-1278 - Shinji Ishihara, Masaki Yamakita:
Constrained state estimation for nonlinear systems with non-Gaussian noise. 1279-1284 - Sérgio Daniel Pequito, A. Pedro Aguiar
, Diogo A. Gomes
The entropy penalized minimum energy estimator. 1285-1290 - Mouquan Shen, Mingshun Wang, Guang-Hong Yang:
Hinfinityfilter design for discrete-time linear systems with sector-bounded nonlinearities: an LMI approach. 1291-1296 - Silvère Bonnabel, Philippe Martin
, Erwan Salaün:
Invariant Extended Kalman Filter: theory and application to a velocity-aided attitude estimation problem. 1297-1304 - Marco Henrique Terra, João Yoshiyuki Ishihara, Gildson Jesus:
Robust estimate for discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems. 1305-1309
Delay Systems II
- Hiroshi Ito, Pierdomenico Pepe
, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Construction of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals for interconnection of retarded dynamic and static systems via a small-gain condition. 1310-1316 - Akira Kojima, Taro Tsuchiya:
Stability analysis of state-delay systems based on the characterization of state-transition operator. 1317-1323 - Reza Mahboobi Esfanjani
, Marcus Reble, Ulrich Münz, Seyyed Kamaleddin Yadavar Nikravesh, Frank Allgöwer
Model predictive control of constrained nonlinear time-delay systems. 1324-1329 - Kun Liu, Emilia Fridman
Stability analysis of networked control systems: A discontiuous Lyapunov functional approach. 1330-1335 - Miroslav Krstic
Lyapunov stability of linear predictor feedback for time-varying input delay. 1336-1341 - Yafeng Guo, Shaoyuan Li:
New stability criterion for discrete-time systems with interval time-varying state delay. 1342-1347
Control of Fusion Plasmas in Tokamaks II
- K. Erik J. Olofsson, Håkan Hjalmarsson
, Cristian R. Rojas, Per Brunsell, James R. Drake:
Vector dither experiment design and direct parametric identification of reversed-field pinch normal modes. 1348-1353 - Yuri V. Mitrishkin, Alexander Y. Korostelev, Vladimir N. Dokuka, Rustam R. Khayrutdinov:
Design and modeling of ITER plasma magnetic control system in plasma current ramp-up phase on DINA code. 1354-1359 - Gert Witvoet, Egbert Westerhof
, Maarten Steinbuch
, Niek J. Doelman, Marco R. de Baar:
Control oriented modeling and simulation of the sawtooth instability in nuclear fusion tokamak plasmas. 1360-1366 - Chao Xu, Eugenio Schuster:
Control of ramp-up current profile dynamics in tokamak plasmas via the minimal-surface theory. 1367-1372 - Massimiliano Mattei
, Domenico Famularo
, Carmelo Vincenzo Labate:
A Command Governor approach to plasma shape control. 1373-1378 - Didier Moreau, Didier Mazon, Yuuki Adachi, Yuichi Takase, Yoshiteru Sakamoto, Shunsuke Ide, Takihiro Suzuki:
Identification of the magneto-thermal plasma response for plasma state control in advanced tokamaks. 1379-1386
Robust and Adaptive Control
- Yajun Zhang, Tianyou Chai, Yue Fu, Hong Niu:
Nonlinear adaptive control method based on ANFIS and multiple models. 1387-1392 - Mark French, Wenming Bian:
A biased approach to nonlinear robust stability with applications in adaptive control. 1393-1398 - Wei Wang, Dragan Nesic
Input-to-state stability analysis via averaging for parameterized discrete-time systems. 1399-1404 - Lisa Fiorentini, Andrea Serrani
Nonlinear adaptive control design for non-minimum phase hypersonic vehicle models with minimal control authority. 1405-1410 - Sergey Dashkovskiy
, Lars Naujok:
Input-to-state dynamical stability of interconnected systems. 1411-1416 - Xu Wang, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, Håvard Fjær Grip, Sandip Roy, Peddapullaiah Sannuti:
Stabilization of a class of sandwich nonlinear systems via state feedback. 1417-1421
Quantum Systems II: Real-Time Feedback Control
- A. J. Shaiju
, Ian R. Petersen:
On the physical realizability of general linear Quantum Stochastic Differential Equations with complex coefficients. 1422-1427 - Masahiro Yanagisawa:
Quantum feedback control for the deterministic generation of Schrödinger-cat states. 1428-1432 - Naoki Yamamoto:
Exact solution for the max-min quantum error recovery problem. 1433-1438 - Hendra I. Nurdin
, Matthew R. James
, Andrew C. Doherty
A network synthesis theorem for linear dynamical quantum stochastic systems. 1439-1444 - Claudio Altafini
, Paola Cappellaro
, David G. Cory:
Feedback schemes for radiation damping suppression in NMR: a control-theoretical perspective. 1445-1450 - Mazyar Mirrahimi
, Igor Dotsenko
, Pierre Rouchon:
Feedback generation of quantum Fock states by discrete QND measures. 1451-1456
Aerospace I
- Xincheng Yue, Ying Yang, Zhiyong Geng:
Continuous low-thrust time-optimal orbital maneuver. 1457-1462 - Ali Reza Mehrabian, Siamak Tafazoli, Khashayar Khorasani:
On the attitude recovery of an underactuated spacecraft using two control moment gyroscopes. 1463-1470 - Haidong Hu, Xianlin Huang, Zhuoyue Song:
A novel algorithm for SINS/CNS/GPS integrated navigation system. 1471-1475 - Abdelkader Abdessameud, Abdelhamid Tayebi
On the coordinated attitude alignment of a group of spacecraft without velocity measurements. 1476-1481 - Mingwei Sun, Zengqiang Chen, Zhuzhi Yuan:
A practical solution to some problems in flight control. 1482-1487 - Amir A. Emadzadeh, A. Robert Golshan, Jason L. Speyer:
Consistent estimation of pulse delay for X-ray pulsar based relative navigation. 1488-1493
Statistical Learning
- Sean P. Meyn, Amit Surana, Yiqing Lin, Stella Maris Oggianu, Satish Narayanan, Thomas A. Frewen:
A sensor-utility-network method for estimation of occupancy in buildings. 1494-1500 - Argyrios Zymnis, Stephen P. Boyd, Dimitry M. Gorinevsky:
Mixed linear system estimation and identification. 1501-1506 - Chunhui Zhao
, Furong Gao, Tao Liu
, Fuli Wang:
Improved independent component regression modeling. 1507-1512 - Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi
, Alvaro Sandroni
, Ali Jadbabaie:
Learning under social influence. 1513-1519 - Juntao Li, Yingmin Jia, Junping Du, Fashan Yu:
Gene selection of multiple cancer types via huberized multi-class support vector machine. 1520-1525 - Xiaojie Chen
, Feng Fu
, Long Wang
Could feedback-based self-learning help solve networked Prisoner's Dilemma? 1526-1531
Identification Accuracy with Applications
- Erik Weyer
, Sangho Ko, Marco C. Campi:
Finite sample properties of system identification with quantized output data. 1532-1537 - Xumeng Cao, James C. Spall:
Preliminary results on relative performance of expected and observed fisher information. 1538-1543 - Tzvetan Ivanov, Michel Gevers:
Parametrization invariant covariance quantification in identification of transfer functions for linear systems. 1544-1550 - Ian R. Manchester
An algorithm for amplitude-constrained input design for system identification. 1551-1556 - Chiara Brighenti, Bo Wahlberg
, Cristian R. Rojas:
Input design using Markov chains for system identification. 1557-1562 - Boris I. Godoy, Graham C. Goodwin
, Juan C. Agüero
, Alejandro J. Rojas:
An algorithm for estimating time-varying commodity price models. 1563-1568
Stochastic Control II
- William M. McEneaney:
Idempotent algorithms for discrete-time stochastic control through distributed dynamic programming. 1569-1574 - Zhongwei Lin, Yan Lin:
Passivity and feedback design of nonlinear stochastic systems. 1575-1580 - Shu-Jun Liu
, Miroslav Krstic
Stochastic averaging on infinite time interval for a class of nonlinear systems with stochastic perturbation. 1581-1586 - Farzad Rezaei, Charalambos D. Charalambous
, Nasir Uddin Ahmed:
Stochastic optimal control subject to variational norm uncertainty: viscosity subsolution for generalized HJB inequality. 1587-1592 - Mathukumalli Vidyasagar:
An elementary derivation of the large deviation rate function for finite state Markov chains. 1599-1606
Decentralized Control
- Michael Rotkowitz, Nuno C. Martins:
On the closest quadratically invariant constraint. 1607-1612 - Yan Wan
, Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel:
A multiple-derivative and multiple-delay paradigm for decentralized controller design: uniform-rank systems. 1613-1620 - Laurent Lessard
, Sanjay Lall:
Reduction of decentralized control problems to tractable representations. 1621-1626 - Ciprian Deliu, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi, Sandip Roy, Babak Malek:
Time varying controllers in discrete-time decentralized control. 1627-1631 - Takashi Tanaka, Cedric Langbort:
On the use of the generalized structured singular value for decentralized control problems. 1632-1637 - Hendra G. Harno, Ian R. Petersen:
Nonlinear robust Hinfinity control via a stable decentralized nonlinear output feedback controller. 1638-1644
Networks II
- Amar Prakash Azad, Sara Alouf
, Eitan Altman, Vivek S. Borkar, George Paschos:
Optimal sampling for state change detection with application to the control of sleep mode. 1645-1650 - Zhihua Qu, Marwan A. Simaan
Inverse optimality of cooperative control for networked systems. 1651-1658 - Dragana Bajovic, Bruno Sinopoli, João Manuel Freitas Xavier:
Sensor selection for hypothesis testing in wireless sensor networks: a Kullback-Leibler based approach. 1659-1664 - Mohsen Ramezani Ghalenoei
, Hossein Hajimirsadeghi, Caro Lucas:
Discrete invasive weed optimization algorithm: application to cooperative multiple task assignment of UAVs. 1665-1670 - Michael R. Hafner, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Computation of safety control for uncertain piecewise continuous systems on a partial order. 1671-1677 - Björn Johansson, Mikael Johansson:
Distributed non-smooth resource allocation over a network. 1678-1683
Network Synchronization
- Tao Liu, David J. Hill
, Jun Zhao:
Synchronization of dynamical networks by network control. 1684-1689 - Victor M. Preciado, Ali Jadbabaie:
Moment-based analysis of synchronization in small-world networks of oscillators. 1690-1695 - Christian Lageman, Alain Sarlette, Rodolphe Sepulchre:
Synchronization with partial state feedback on SO(n). 1696-1701 - Ji Xiang
, Yanjun Li, Wei Wei:
Global synchronization of networked systems with bidirectional connections. 1702-1707 - Junchan Zhao, Qin Li, Junan Lu, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Robust synchronization of weighted complex dynamical networks. 1708-1713 - Zhi-Wei Liu
, Zhi-Hong Guan, Yan-Wu Wang, Rui-Quan Liao:
Synchronization of complex dynamical networks via distributed impulsive control. 1714-1719
Algebraic and Computational Methods for Linear Systems
- Yantao Feng, Brian D. O. Anderson, Weitian Chen:
Solving discrete algebraic Riccati equations: A new recursive method. 1720-1724 - Jie Ding, Yanjun Liu, Feng Ding:
Iterative solutions to matrix equations of form. 1725-1728 - Guang-Ren Duan
, Ling-Ling Lv, Bin Zhou:
Robust pole assignment for discrete-time linear periodic systems via output feedback. 1729-1733 - Chiaki Kojima, Paolo Rapisarda, Kiyotsugu Takaba:
Lyapunov stability analysis of higher-order 2-D systems. 1734-1739 - Johann Reger
, Jérôme Jouffroy:
On algebraic time-derivative estimation and deadbeat state reconstruction. 1740-1745 - Yoshikazu Hayakawa, Tomohiko Jimbo:
Transformability from discrete-time periodic non-homogeneous systems to time-invariant ones. 1746-1751 - Yuya Wakai, Koji Tsumura:
Realization of transfer functions via degree decreasing interpolation circuits. 1752-1757 - Guangxin Zhu, Kuang Wang, Xiongxiong He:
On normal realizations of discrete-time systems with consideration of finite precision implementation. 1758-1763 - Krishna Busawon, Mohamed Djemai
Algorithms for Transformation into the Extended Jordan Controllable and observable forms. 1764-1769
Control Applications I
- Sudarsandhari Shibani Willson, Philippe Müllhaupt
, Dominique Bonvin:
Quotient method for controlling the acrobot. 1770-1775 - Maclaurin Hutagalung, Tomohisa Hayakawa
Partial asymptotic stabilization of the synchronization of two underactuated spacecraft. 1776-1781 - Salvatore Monaco
, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot, Fernando Tiefensee:
Nonlinear port controlled Hamiltonian systems under sampling. 1782-1787 - Peter M. Dower, Peter Mark Farrell
, Kerry Hinton:
On the stability of a class of single-mode laser diode models. 1788-1793 - Gabriele Candiani
, Claudio Carnevale, Veronica Filisina, Giovanna Finzi
, Enrico Pisoni
, Marialuisa Volta
Optimal interpolation to re-analyse PM10 concentration modelling simulations. 1794-1799 - Le Feng, Christian R. Gutvik, Tor Arne Johansen, Dan Sui:
Barrier function nonlinear optimization for optimal Decompression of divers. 1800-1805 - Umesh Vaidya
, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, Arvind U. Raghunathan:
Transfer operator method for control in fluid flows. 1806-1811 - Xian-Ming Zhang
, Qing-Long Han
, Dongsheng Han:
Effects of small time-delays on dynamic output feedback control of offshore steel jacket structures subject to wave-induced forces. 1812-1817
Filtering and Estimation I
- Marcello Farina, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
, Riccardo Scattolini
A moving horizon scheme for distributed state estimation. 1818-1823 - Yun Chen, Junhong Wang, Anke Xue, Xiaodong Zhao:
Delay-dependent Hinfinity filtering of uncertain stochastic systems with delays. 1824-1829 - Chenjian Ran, Zi-Li Deng:
Self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Kalman filter and its convergence analysis. 1830-1835 - W. P. M. H. Heemels
, Jamal Daafouz, Gilles Millerioux:
Design of observer-based controllers for LPV systems with unknown parameters. 1836-1841 - Oskar Vivero, William Paul Heath
On MLE methods for dynamical systems with fractionally differenced noise spectra. 1842-1847 - Siddharth Kirtikar, Harish J. Palanthandalam-Madapusi, Elena Zattoni
, Dennis S. Bernstein:
l-delay input reconstruction for discrete-time linear systems. 1848-1853 - Rubens H. Korogui, André R. Fioravanti
, José Claudio Geromel
On a rational transfer function-based approach to Hinfinity filter design for time-delay linear systems. 1854-1859 - Frédéric Mazenc, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Olivier Bernard
Interval observers for linear systems with delay. 1860-1865
Process Control
- Audrey Favache, Denis Dochain
Analysis and control of the exothermic continuous stirred tank reactor: the power-shaping approach. 1866-1871 - Chunyu Liu, Biao Huang, Qinglin Wang:
Assessment of control system performance with LTV disturbance dynamics: SISO case. 1872-1877 - Jin Liang, Fei Luo, Yuge Xu:
Dissolved oxygen concentration prediction control through multiobjective evolutionary RBF neural network. 1878-1883 - Shuwen Pan, Hongye Su, Pu Li
, Yong Gu:
State estimation for batch distillation operations with a novel extended Kalman filter approach. 1884-1889 - Peiying Chen, Linlin Ou, Danying Gu, Weidong Zhang
Robust analytical scheme for linear non-square systems. 1890-1895 - Supat Klinkhieo, Ronald J. Patton:
PLS-based FDI of a Three-Tank laboratory system. 1896-1901 - Yu Zhao, Hongye Su, Jian Chu, Chao Zhao, Dengfeng Zhang:
Multivariable control performance assessment based on generalized minimum variance benchmark. 1902-1907 - Bing Ai, Ying Zheng, Hong Zhang, Zhou Wang, Zhen Zhang:
Cycle prediction EWMA run-to-run controller for mixed-product drifting process. 1908-1913 - Pedro Balaguer, Asier Ibeas
, Carles Pedret, Salvador Alcántara:
Controller parameters dependence on model information through dimensional analysis. 1914-1919
Stability and Stabilization I
- Liang Lu, Zongli Lin:
A switching anti-windup design using multiple Lyapunov functions. 1920-1925 - Jamila Raouf, Hannah Michalska:
Exponential stabilization of switched linear systems. 1926-1931 - Ibrahima N'Doye
, Michel Zasadzinski, Mohamed Darouach, Nour-Eddine Radhy:
Observer-based control for fractional-order continuous-time systems. 1932-1937 - Haibo Du, Xiangze Lin
, Shihua Li
Finite-time stability and stabilization of switched linear systems. 1938-1943 - Shihong Ding, Chunjiang Qian
, Shihua Li
Global stabilization of feedforward systems with lower-order vector field. 1944-1949 - Massimo Canale, Carlo Novara
, Maria Carmela Signorile:
A Nonlinear IMC approach using model inversion from data. 1950-1955 - Dan Wang
, Zhouhua Peng, Tieshan Li, Xiaoqiang Li, Gang Sun:
Adaptive dynamic surface control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems in pure-feedback form. 1956-1961 - Xin Xin, Lei Guo:
Can the energy and actuated variables of underactuated mechanical systems be controlled? - Example of the Acrobot with counterweight. 1962-1967 - Juan S. Mejía, Dusan M. Stipanovic
A modified contractive model predictive control approach. 1968-1973 - Insu Chang, Soon-Jo Chung
Exponential stability region estimates for the State-Dependent Riccati Equation controllers. 1974-1979 - Marcelin Dabo, Houcine Chafouk, Nicolas Langlois
Unconstrained NCGPC with a guaranteed closed-loop stability: Case of nonlinear SISO systems with the relative degree greater than four. 1980-1985 - Qiang Ling, Michael D. Lemmon, Hai Lin:
Stabilize an n-dimensional quantized nonlinear feedforward system with 1 bit. 1986-1991 - Steffi Klinge, Richard H. Middleton
Time headway requirements for string stability of homogeneous linear unidirectionally connected systems. 1992-1997
Control and Communication in Networked Systems
- Sankrith Subramanian, John M. Shea
, Warren E. Dixon
Prediction-based power control for distributed cellular communication networks with time-varying channel uncertainties. 1998-2003 - Meng Zheng, Haibin Yu, Jianying Zheng, Wei Liang, Peng Zeng
Joint rate control and routing for energy-constrained wireless sensor networks. 2004-2009 - Xiaoying Zheng, Chunglae Cho, Ye Xia:
Algorithms and stability analysis for content distribution over multiple multicast trees. 2010-2016 - Paolo Caravani, Elena De Santis
On observer based stabilization of networked systems. 2017-2022 - Xiaofeng Wu
One-bit processing for wireless networked real-time control. 2023-2027 - Changchun Hua
, Caihong Ye, Xinping Guan:
Quantized guaranteed cost control for wireless networked control system. 2028-2033 - Nem Stefanovic, Lacra Pavel
Robust power control of single sink optical networks with time-delays. 2034-2039 - Masayasu Suzuki
, Noboru Sakamoto
Controlling ideal turbulence in time-delayed chua's circuits and an application to communications. 2040-2045 - Hui Li, Qinghe Wu, Di Yu:
Distributed Hinfinity control of spatially interconnected systems with random communication packet losses. 2046-2051 - Jie Chen, Long Wang
, Feng Xiao
Velocity-consensus control for networks of multiple double-integrators. 2052-2057 - Maryam Moayedi, Yeng Chai Soh, Yung Kuan Foo:
Hinfinity filtering for networked systems with random sensor delays, packet dropouts and missing measurements. 2058-2063 - Michael Rinehart, Munther A. Dahleh:
Shortest path optimization under limited information. 2064-2069 - Yiqian Li, Ertem Tuncel
, Jie Chen
, Weizhou Su:
Optimal tracking performance of discrete-time systems over an additive white noise channel. 2070-2075 - Daniel E. Quevedo
, Jan Østergaard
Quantized predictive control over erasure channels. 2076-2081 - David I. Shuman, Mingyan Liu:
Dynamic clock calibration via temperature measurement. 2082-2087 - Ilia G. Polushin, Jason P. Rhinelander
, Peter Xiaoping Liu
, Chung-Horng Lung:
Virtual reality enhanced bilateral teleoperation with communication constraints. 2088-2093 - Chun Zhang, Geir E. Dullerud:
Uniform stabilization of Markovian jump linear systems with logarithmic quantization - A convex approach. 2094-2099
Nonlinear Systems II
- Xianfu Zhang, El Kébir Boukas, Luc Baron:
Stabilizing controllers design for feedforward nonlinear time-delay systems. 2100-2105 - François Alouges, Karine Beauchard, Mario Sigalotti:
Magnetization switching in small ferromagnetic ellipsoidal samples. 2106-2111 - François Alouges, Yacine Chitour, Ruixing Long:
A motion planning algorithm for the rolling-body problem. 2112-2116 - Scott C. Amiss, Martin Guay:
A necessary condition for path-finding by the homotopy continuation method. 2117-2124 - Hua Ouyang, Ian R. Petersen, Valery A. Ugrinovskii:
A pseudo-Hinfinity control theory and its application to the control of pendulum-like nonlinear systems. 2125-2131 - José Ángel Acosta
, Alessandro Astolfi
On the PDEs arising in IDA-PBC. 2132-2137
Stability Analysis of Switched Systems
- Kenji Hirata
, João Pedro Hespanha:
L2-induced gain analysis for a class of switched systems. 2138-2143 - Xuping Xu, Guisheng Zhai, Shouling He:
On practical stabilizability of discrete-time switched affine systems. 2144-2149 - Hernan Haimovich, María M. Seron
Componentwise ultimate bound computation for switched linear systems. 2150-2155 - Daniel Liberzon, Stephan Trenn
On stability of linear switched differential algebraic equations. 2156-2161 - Yu Huang, Jun Luo, Tingwen Huang, MingQing Xiao:
The set of asymptotically stable switching sequences of linear discrete-time switching systems. 2162-2167 - Wei Wang, Dragan Nesic
A note on input-to-state stability and averaging of fast switching systems. 2168-2173
LMI's and Robust Control Methods
- Yusuke Matsuda, Yoshio Ebihara, Tomomichi Hagiwara
Constructing a sequence of relaxation problems for robustness analysis of uncertain LTI systems via dual LMIs. 2174-2179 - Izumi Masubuchi
, Iori Kurata:
Gain-scheduled control synthesis by using filtered scheduling parameters. 2180-2185 - Mauricio Zapateiro, Hamid Reza Karimi, Ningsu Luo, Brian M. Phillips
, Billie F. Spencer:
A mixed H2/H∞-based semiactive control for vibration mitigation in flexible structures. 2186-2191 - Corentin Briat
, John Jairo Martinez Molina:
Design of Hinfinity bounded non-fragile controllers for discrete-time systems. 2192-2197 - Yu Feng, Philippe Chevrel:
Structured LFT representation of digital LTI filters/controllers implementation as a graphic tool. 2198-2203 - Yasushi Kami, Hideki Tanaka, Eitaku Nobuyama:
An exterior-point approach to the robust D-stability control problem. 2204-2209
Symbolic Approaches to Control of Dynamical Systems
- Gera Weiss
, Alessandro D'Innocenzo
, Rajeev Alur, Karl Henrik Johansson
, George J. Pappas
Robust stability of multi-hop control networks. 2210-2215 - Giordano Pola, Pierdomenico Pepe
, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto
, Paulo Tabuada
A symbolic model approach to the digital control of nonlinear time-delay systems. 2216-2221 - Sertac Karaman, Emilio Frazzoli:
Sampling-based motion planning with deterministic µ-calculus specifications. 2222-2229 - Alessandro Abate:
A contractivity approach for probabilistic bisimulations of diffusion processes. 2230-2235 - Morteza Lahijanian, Sean B. Andersson, Calin Belta
A probabilistic approach for control of a stochastic system from LTL specifications. 2236-2241 - Weilin Wang, Stéphane Lafortune
, Feng Lin, Anouck R. Girard:
An online algorithm for minimal sensor activation in discrete event systems. 2242-2247
Optimal Control II
- Térence Bayen, Yacine Chitour, Frédéric Jean
, Paolo Mason
Asymptotic analysis of an optimal control problem connected to the human locomotion. 2248-2253 - Ping Wang, Xuemin Tian:
A hybrid DE-SQP algorithm with switching procedure for dynamic optimization. 2254-2259 - Masao Kanazawa, Shigeki Nakaura, Mitsuji Sampei:
Inverse optimal control problem for bilinear systems: Application to the inverted pendulum with horizontal and vertical movement. 2260-2267 - Matthias Rungger, Olaf Stursberg
Function approximation for the deterministic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. 2268-2273 - Boris Houska
, Moritz Diehl:
Robust nonlinear optimal control of dynamic systems with affine uncertainties. 2274-2279 - Urszula Ledzewicz
, Helmut Maurer, Heinz Schättler:
Bang-bang and singular controls in a mathematical model for combined anti-angiogenic and chemotherapy treatments. 2280-2285
Optimization of Discrete Event Systems
- Ton J. J. van den Boom, Bart De Schutter
MPC for max-plus-linear systems with an output cost criterion: steady-state behavior and guaranteed stability. 2286-2291 - Nadir Farhi:
Modeling and control of elementary 2D-Traffic systems using Petri nets and minplus algebra. 2292-2297 - Qi Jiang, Hongsheng Xi, Bao-Qin Yin:
Online policy iteration algorithm for semi-Markov switching state-space control processes. 2298-2303 - Ali Kebarighotbi, Christos G. Cassandras
Revisiting the optimality of the cµ-rule with Stochastic Flow Models. 2304-2309 - Hao Tang, Haifeng Wan, Lei Zhou, Jianghong Han:
Optimal control of multiple CSPS system based on event-based Q learning. 2310-2314 - Qing-Shan Jia
Improved constrained ordinal optimization for simulation-based constrained optimization. 2315-2320
Kalman Filtering
- Eduardo F. Costa, Alessandro Astolfi
Bounds related to the Riccati difference equation for linear time varying systems. 2321-2326 - Li-Wei Fong:
Multi-sensor track fusion via Multiple-Model Adaptive Filter. 2327-2332 - Maja Karasalo, Xiaoming Hu
An optimization approach to adaptive Kalman filtering. 2333-2338 - Andrew R. Liu, Robert R. Bitmead:
Stochastic reconstructibility and estimability. 2339-2344 - Yuan Gao, Zi-Li Deng, Chenjian Ran:
Self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Kalman filter based on ARMA innovation model. 2345-2350 - Chenjian Ran, Zi-Li Deng:
Two correlated measurement fusion Kalman filtering algorithms based on orthogonal transformation and their functional equivalence. 2351-2356
Distributed Parameter Systems I
- Ruth F. Curtain, Orest V. Iftime
, Hans Zwart:
On some aspects of platoon control problems. 2357-2362 - Andrey Smyshlyaev, Eduardo Cerpa
, Miroslav Krstic
Boundary stabilization of an anti-stable wave equation with in-domain anti-damping. 2363-2368 - Christopher I. Byrnes, David S. Gilliam:
On the transfer function of the zero dynamics for a boundary controlled heat problem in two dimensions. 2369-2374 - Antonios Armaou
A predictive control method for nonlinear parabolic PDE systems. 2375-2380 - Michael A. Demetriou
Controlling distributed parameter systems using mobile actuator-plus-sensor networks. 2381-2386 - Gangshi Hu, Xinyu Zhang, Gerassimos Orkoulas, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Simultaneous regulation of film thickness, surface roughness and porosity in a multiscale thin film growth process. 2387-2394
Images in the Loop: Control Theory Meets Image Analysis
- Ganesh Sundaramoorthi, Andrea Mennucci
, Stefano Soatto, Anthony J. Yezzi:
Tracking deforming objects by filtering and prediction in the space of curves. 2395-2401 - Masayuki Fujita
, Takeshi Hatanaka, Naoto Kobayashi, Tatsuya Ibuki
, Mark W. Spong:
Visual motion observer-based pose synchronization: A passivity approach. 2402-2407 - Marcus Johnson, Guoqiang Hu
, Keith Dupree, Warren E. Dixon
Inverse optimal homography-based visual servo control via an uncalibrated camera. 2408-2413 - Mario Sznaier, Mustafa Ayazoglu, Octavia I. Camps:
Using dynamics to recover Euclidian 3-dimensional structure from 2-dimensional perspective projections. 2414-2419 - Ibrahima J. Ndiour, Patricio A. Vela
Towards a local Kalman filter for visual tracking. 2420-2426 - Marc Niethammer, Gabriel L. Hart, Christopher Zach:
An optimal control approach for the registration of image time-series. 2427-2434
Robust Adaptive Control
- Paulo Andre Nobre Rosa
, Jeff S. Shamma, Carlos Silvestre
, Michael Athans:
Stability Overlay for linear and nonlinear time-varying plants. 2435-2440 - Paulo Andre Nobre Rosa
, Carlos Silvestre
, Jeff S. Shamma, Michael Athans:
Multiple-model adaptive control with set-valued observers. 2441-2447 - Jun Fu, Wen-Fang Xie, Shaoping Wang:
Robust adaptive control of a class of nonlinear systems with unknown Prandtl-Ishilinskii-Like hysteresis. 2448-2453 - Michal Kvasnica
, Martin Herceg, Lubos Cirka, Miroslav Fikar
Robust adaptive minimum-time control of Piecewise Affine systems. 2454-2459 - Martin Choux, Hamid Reza Karimi, Geir Hovland, Michael Rygaard Hansen, Morten Ottestad, Mogens Blanke
Robust adaptive backstepping control design for a Nonlinear Hydraulic-Mechanical System. 2460-2467 - Wei Wang
, Changyun Wen
A new approach to design robust backstepping controller for MIMO nonlinear systems with input unmodeled dynamics. 2468-2473
Quantum Information and Control
- Ram Somaraju, Ian R. Petersen:
Feedback interconnection of open quantum systems: A small gain theorem. 2474-2479 - Jing Zhang, Rebing Wu, Yuxi Liu, Chunwen Li, Tzyh Jong Tarn:
Quantum-feedback-control induced bifurcation and its application to qubit readout. 2480-2485 - Sen Kuang, Shuang Cong, Yuesheng Lou:
Population control of quantum states based on invariant subsets under a diagonal Lyapunov function. 2486-2491 - Hendra I. Nurdin
Synthesis of linear quantum stochastic systems via quantum feedback networks. 2492-2497 - Haidong Yuan
Control of single spin in Markovian environment. 2498-2503 - Wei Cui, Zairong Xi, Yu Pan:
Controlled population transfer for quantum computing in non-Markovian noise environment. 2504-2509
Aerospace II
- Jerry Ding, Claire J. Tomlin:
Trajectory optimization in convex underapproximations of safe regions. 2510-2515 - Weiyue Chen, Wuxing Jing, Chaoyong Li
Attitude recovery for microsatellite via magnetic torque. 2516-2521 - Christopher G. Mayhew, Ricardo G. Sanfelice
, Andrew R. Teel:
Robust global asymptotic attitude stabilization of a rigid body by quaternion-based hybrid feedback. 2522-2527 - Bo Zhu, Xinhua Wang
, Kai-Yuan Cai:
Output tracking of VTOL aircraft with delayed attitude measurements. 2528-2533 - Varun Ramanujam, Hamsa Balakrishnan:
Estimation of arrival-departure capacity tradeoffs in multi-airport systems. 2534-2540 - Fenghua He, Denggao Ji, Yu Yao:
A finite-time gain measure and its application to coordinated targets assignment. 2541-2545
Machine Learning
- Tansu Alpcan
, Christian Bauckhage
A distributed machine learning framework. 2546-2551 - Tao Zhang, Shumin Fei, Hong Lu, Xiaodong Li:
Modified particle filter for object tracking in low frame rate video. 2552-2557 - Eladio Rodriguez-Diaz, David A. Castaon:
Support vector machine classifiers for sequential decision problems. 2558-2563 - Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Keyong Li, Reza Moazzez Estanjini:
An actor-critic method using Least Squares Temporal Difference learning. 2564-2569 - Jongho Shin, H. Jin Kim, Youdan Kim
Adaptive inverse control using support vector regression. 2570-2575 - Edilson F. Arruda
, Marcelo D. Fragoso
Standard dynamic programming applied to time aggregated Markov decision processes. 2576-2580
Control-Oriented Identification
- Tom Oomen
, Okko H. Bosgra, Marc M. J. van de Wal:
Identification for robust inferential control. 2581-2586 - Tao Liu
, Furong Gao, Chunhui Zhao
Identification of low-order process model with time delay from closed-loop step test. 2587-2591 - Jun Yan, Eranda Harinath, Guy Albert Dumont
Closed-loop identification for model predictive control: Direct method. 2592-2597 - Jun Xu, Xiaolin Huang, Shuning Wang:
Nonlinear model predictive control using adaptive hinging hyperplanes model. 2598-2603 - Balázs Kulcsár
, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Jianfei Dong
, Michel Verhaegen:
Closed-loop Subspace Predictive Control for Hammerstein systems. 2604-2609 - Jiandong Wang, Wei Xing Zheng, Tongwen Chen
On system identification in a networked environment. 2610-2615
Stochastic Control III
- Puya Ghasemi Afshar, Amin Nobakhti, Hong Wang
Direct solution of the parametric Stochastic Distribution Control problem. 2616-2621 - Chze Eng Seah, Inseok Hwang:
Fault detection and isolation for stochastic linear hybrid systems. 2622-2627 - Hongbin Ma:
Decentralized adaptive synchronization of a stochastic discrete-time multiagent dynamic model. 2628-2633 - Ramakrishna Gummadi:
Optimal control of a broadcasting server. 2634-2639 - Tomás Prieto-Rumeau
, Onésimo Hernández-Lerma:
Ergodic control of continuous-time Markov chains with pathwise constraints. 2640-2645 - Marina L. Kleptsyna
, Alain Le Breton, Michel Viot:
On the linear-exponential filtering problem for general Gaussian processes. 2646-2651
Decentralized Control and Consensus
- Junyan Yu, Long Wang
Group consensus in multi-agent systems with switching topologies. 2652-2657 - Chaohong Cai, Gregory Hagen:
Stability results for string of stable subsystems with applications to decentralized control of large vehicle platoons. 2658-2663 - Ye Yuan, Guy-Bart Vincent Stan
, Ling Shi
, Jorge M. Gonçalves
Decentralised final value theorem for discrete-time LTI systems with application to minimal-time distributed consensus. 2664-2669 - Bo Liu, Wenlian Lu, Tianping Chen:
Reaching Lp consensus in a network of multiagents with stochastically switching topologies. 2670-2675 - Xudong Ye:
Decentralized adaptive output-feedback stabilization of large-scale time-delay nonlinear systems with unknown high-frequency-gain signs. 2676-2680 - Thomas R. Nelson, Randy A. Freeman:
Set-valued estimation for mobile sensor networks. 2681-2686
Estimation in Networked Systems
- Rainer Blind, Frank Allgöwer
Estimating the fates of the control packets for Networked Control Systems with loss of control and measurement packets. 2687-2692 - Maryam Moayedi, Yung Kuan Foo, Yeng Chai Soh:
Minimum-variance filtering for networked control systems with multi-sample transmission delays and multiple packet dropouts via non-probabilistic approach. 2693-2698 - Yan Liang, Tongwen Chen
, Quan Pan:
Hinfinity filtering of a class of multi-rate multi-sensor fusion systems. 2699-2704 - Vijay Gupta
, Nuno C. Martins:
On fusion of information from multiple sensors in the presence of analog erasure links. 2705-2710 - Peter Almström, Maben Rabi
, Mikael Johansson:
Networked state estimation over a Gilbert-Elliot type channel. 2711-2716 - Mauro Franceschelli
, Andrea Gasparri
, Alessandro Giua
, Carla Seatzu:
Decentralized Laplacian eigenvalues estimation for networked multi-agent systems. 2717-2722
Network Control and Synchronization
- John Baillieul
, Wing Shing Wong:
The standard parts problem and the complexity of control communication. 2723-2728 - Eitan Altman, Tamer Basar, Francesco De Pellegrini:
Optimal control in two-hop relay routing. 2729-2735 - Ali Jadbabaie, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, Michael Zargham:
A distributed newton method for network optimization. 2736-2741 - LinYing Xiang, Jonathan J. H. Zhu
Eigenvalue based approach to pinning synchronization in general coupled networks. 2742-2747 - Zhongxin Liu
, Zengqiang Chen:
Controlled synchronization of delayed weighted complex network with different kinds of nodes. 2748-2753 - Ke Ding, Qing-Long Han
Synchronization criteria for Lur'e complex dynamical networks with coupling delays. 2754-2759
Robust Control III
- Bo Zheng, Yisheng Zhong:
A signal-compensation based approach to robust output regulation for a class of MIMO uncertain systems. 2760-2764 - Shmuel Boyarski, Uri Shaked:
Time-convexity and time-gain-scheduling in finite-horizon robust Hinfinity-control. 2765-2770 - Qifeng Cheng, Basil Kouvaritakis, Mark Cannon
, J. Anthony Rossiter:
A Youla parameter approach to robust constrained linear model predictive control. 2771-2776 - Minghao Li, Wuneng Zhou, Mingjun Wang, Yuhua Xu, Xiaozheng Mou, Jian-An Fang:
Robust Hinfinity control based on parameters weak coupling LMI equations set for uncertain singular state delay systems. 2777-2782 - Xiaohua Liu, Xinjiang Wei:
Composite disturbance-observer-based control and discrete-time sliding mode control for a class of MIMO systems with nonlinearity. 2783-2788 - Josep M. Olm
, Xavier Ros, Yuri B. Shtessel:
Stable inversion-based robust tracking control in DC-DC nonlinear switched converters. 2789-2794 - Solmaz Sajjadi-Kia
, Faryar Jabbari
Modified Anti-windup compensators for stable plants: Dynamic Anti-windup case. 2795-2800 - Alexander N. Daryin
, Irina A. Digailova, Alexander B. Kurzhanski:
Output feedback strategies for systems with impulsive and fast controls. 2801-2806 - Engelbert Gruenbacher, Luigi del Re
Guaranteed tracking error bounds for matched disturbance nonlinear systems. 2807-2812 - Ying Zhang, Rui Zhang, Guang-Ren Duan
Dynamic output-feedback Hinfinity control for polytopic Delta operator systems. 2813-2818 - Rodrigo Fontes Souto, João Yoshiyuki Ishihara
, Geovany Araujo Borges
Estimation for nonlinear discrete-time systems with uncertain linearization and noises statistics. 2819-2824 - Pingli Lu, Ying Yang:
A new method for robust Hinfinity filtering of uncertain discrete-time systems. 2825-2829
Control Applications II
- Amadou Ba
, Rafel Pons, Slim Hbaieb, Nazih Mechbal
, Michel Vergé:
Particle filters for linear regression and fault diagnosis: An Approach for on-line oilfield drilling processes monitoring. 2830 - Michael T. Frye, Shihong Ding, Chunjiang Qian
, Shihua Li
Global finite-time stabilization of a PVTOL aircraft by output feedback. 2831-2836 - Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez
, Paul Maya-Ortíz
, Arnau Dòria-Cerezo
, Jaime A. Moreno
Output-feedback IDA control design via structural properties: Application to Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitors. 2837-2842 - Wei Wu:
DC motor speed control improvement via on-line disturbance computation and compensation. 2843-2848 - Xiaotao Wu, Claude H. Moog, Luis Alejandro Marquez Martinez
, Yueming Hu:
Nonlinear control of a buoyancy-driven airship. 2849-2854 - Kazuhiko Hiramoto, Javad Mohammadpour, Karolos M. Grigoriadis
Integrated design of system parameters, control and sensor/actuator placement for symmetric mechanical systems. 2855-2860 - Gou Nishida, Motonobu Sugiura, Masaki Yamakita, Bernhard Maschke, Ryojun Ikeura:
Boundary detection of variational symmetry breaking using port-representation of conservation laws. 2861-2868 - Lijun Zhang, He-Ming Jia, Xue Qi:
NN-adaptive output feedback for path tracking control of a surface ship at high speed. 2869-2874
Stochastic Systems I
- Chen Wang, Chong Jin Ong
, Melvyn Sim
Linear systems with chance constraints: Constraint-admissible set and applications in predictive control. 2875-2880 - Se Yong Park, Pulkit Grover
, Anant Sahai:
A constant-factor approximately optimal solution to the Witsenhausen counterexample. 2881-2886 - Xing Hu Wang, Hai Bo Ji:
Stochastic Hinfinity almost disturbance decoupling for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems. 2887-2892 - Huaicheng Yan, Max Qinghu Meng, Hao Zhang:
Hinfinity exponential filtering for uncertain Markovian jump stochastic systems with mode-dependent time delays and nonlinearities. 2893-2898 - Li Chen, Zhen Wu:
Maximum principle for stochastic optimal control problem of forward-backward system with delay. 2899-2904 - José Niño-Mora
, Sofia S. Villar
Multitarget tracking via restless bandit marginal productivity indices and Kalman filter in discrete time. 2905-2910 - Nathalie Carvalho Pinheiro, João Bosco Ribeiro do Val
, Rafael Santos Mendesaf:
Stochastic intervention strategy applied to a level control with a trade-off between risky operation and actuator variations. 2911-2916 - Hiroaki Mukaidani, Hua Xu
Guaranteed cost control for uncertain stochastic systems with multiple decision makers via static output feedback. 2917-2922 - Li Ma, Feipeng Da, Kan-Jian Zhang:
Mean-square exponential stability of stochastic Markovian jump systems with mode-dependent time-varying delays. 2923-2928 - Yu Kang, Ping Zhao, Qiang Ling:
Stability of Markovian jump bilinear systems with delayed saturating actuators. 2929-2934 - Manuela-Luminita Bujorianu:
Dealing with stochastic reachability. 2935-2940 - Chunhua Yang
, Canhui Xu, Weihua Gui, Jianjiang Du:
Nonparametric density estimation of bubble size distribution for monitoring mineral flotation process. 2941-2945 - Jia Yuan Yu, Shie Mannor
Arbitrarily modulated Markov decision processes. 2946-2953
Autonomous Robots
- Zhiyong Chen, Tetsuya Iwasaki:
Robust entrainment to natural oscillations of asymmetric systems arising from animal locomotion. 2954-2959 - Jian Li, Weidong Chen:
Modeling and control for a biped robot on uneven surfaces. 2960-2965 - Ezio Bassi, Francesco Benzi, Luca Massimiliano Capisani, Davide Cuppone, Antonella Ferrara
Hybrid position/force sliding mode control of a class of robotic manipulators. 2966-2971 - Sylvain Bertrand, Tarek Hamel
, Hélène Piet-Lahanier
, Robert E. Mahony
Attitude tracking of rigid bodies on the special orthogonal group with bounded partial state feedback. 2972-2977 - Navid Dadkhah, Venkateshwar Rao Korukanti, Zhaodan Kong, Bernard Mettler:
Experimental demonstration of an online trajectory optimization scheme using approximate spatial value functions. 2978-2983 - Ji-Gong Li, Qing-Hao Meng, Fei Li, Ming Zeng, Dorin Popescu
Mobile robot based odor source localization via particle filter. 2984-2989
Formation and Cooperative Control
- Junjie Zhang, Suhada Jayasuriya:
Finite-time settling real-time control for multi-robot formation. 2990-2995 - He Bai, Karen D. Chapin, John D. Wason, John T. Wen:
Experimental verification of formation control with distributed cameras. 2996-3001 - Tyler H. Summers, Changbin Yu, Brian D. O. Anderson, Soura Dasgupta:
Formation shape control: Global asymptotic stability of a four-agent formation. 3002-3007 - Feng Gu, Yuqing He, Jianda Han, Yuechao Wang:
ESMF based multiple UAVs active cooperative observation method in relative velocity coordinates. 3008-3013 - Yongcan Cao
, Wei Ren:
Containment control with multiple stationary or dynamic leaders under a directed interaction graph. 3014-3019 - Prabir Barooah
, Prashant G. Mehta
Optimal mistuning for improved stability of vehicular platoons. 3020-3025 - Hideaki Ishii, Roberto Tempo, Er-Wei Bai, Fabrizio Dabbene:
Distributed randomized PageRank computation based on web aggregation. 3026-3031 - Ying Lan, Gangfeng Yan, Zhiyun Lin
A hybrid control approach to multi-robot coordinated path following. 3032-3037 - Raymond Oung, Alireza Ramezani, Raffaello D'Andrea:
Feasibility of a Distributed Flight Array. 3038-3044 - Wen-Kai Liu, Li-Sheng Wang
Pseudo-rigid formation design with curvature limitations. 3045-3050 - Qin Li, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Pattern preserving path following of unicycle teams with communication delays. 3051-3056 - Guangwei Zhu, Jianghai Hu:
Stiffness matrix and quantitative measure of formation rigidity. 3057-3062 - Qing Hui:
Finite-time rendezvous algorithms for mobile autonomous agents. 3063-3068 - Mangal Kothari
, Ian Postlethwaite, Da-Wei Gu:
Multi-UAV path planning in obstacle rich environments using Rapidly-exploring Random Trees. 3069-3074 - Brandon J. Moore, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit
Formation control via distributed optimization of alignment error. 3075-3080 - Amir Ajorlou, Kaveh Moezzi, Amir G. Aghdam, Siamak Tafazoli:
Energy and time efficient formation reconfiguration strategies. 3081-3086
Discrete Event and Intelligent Systems
- Ying-Jen Chen, Hiroshi Ohtake, Kazuo Tanaka, Wen-June Wang, Hua O. Wang:
Hinfinity control of T-S fuzzy systems using piecewise Lyapunov function based switching fuzzy controller. 3087-3092 - Zhenwei Liu
, Zhiliang Wang, Huaguang Zhang, Yanhong Luo:
Hinfinity control for T-S fuzzy neutral systems with time-varying delays and actuator saturation. 3093-3098 - Kai Cai
, Walter Murray Wonham:
Supervisor localization for large-scale discrete-event systems. 3099-3105 - Kamel Guesmi
, Abdelaziz Hamzaoui, Janan Zaytoon:
Fuzzy controller synthesis for a DC-DC converter. 3106-3111 - Xuena Qiu, Shirong Liu, Fei Liu:
Kernel-based target tracking with multiple features fusion. 3112-3117 - Josh H. M. Lam, Yeung Yam:
Structural analysis based stroke segmentation for Chinese characters. 3118-3123 - Liyan Zhang, Heng Yue, Tianyou Chai:
The intelligent setting control of the mill load in pulverizing system for an alumina sintering process. 3124-3129 - Jian-Nan Chi, Chuang Zhang, Han Zhang, Yang Liu, Yan-Tao Yan:
Approach of moving objects detection in active video surveillance. 3130-3136
Nonlinear Systems III
- Baoli Ma, Wei Huo:
Smooth time-varying uniform asymptotic stabilization of underactuated surface vessels. 3137-3141 - Robert Bailey, John Hauser:
On the periodically driven inverted pendulum. 3142-3148 - George C. Konstantopoulos, Antonio T. Alexandridis:
Simple energy based controllers with nonlinear coupled-dissipation terms for overhead crane systems. 3149-3154 - Matthew M. Peet
A generalized chain rule and a bound on the continuity of solutions and converse Lyapunov functions. 3155-3161 - Marko Budisic
, Igor Mezic
An approximate parametrization of the ergodic partition using time averaged observables. 3162-3168 - Weiyao Lan, Chin Kwan Thum, Ben M. Chen
Optimal nonlinear gain tuning of composite nonlinear feedback controller and its application to a hard disk drive servo system. 3169-3174
Control of Hybrid Systems
- Rajeev Verma, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Continuous control of hybrid automata with imperfect mode information assuming separation between state estimation and control. 3175-3181 - Boyan Yordanov, Calin Belta
Temporal logic control of discrete-time piecewise affine systems. 3182-3187 - Mario di Bernardo
, Umberto Montanaro, Stefania Santini:
Hybrid Minimal Control Synthesis identification of continuous piecewise linear systems. 3188-3193 - Adolfo Anta Martinez, Paulo Tabuada
Isochronous manifolds in self-triggered control. 3194-3199 - Ryan W. Sinnet, Aaron D. Ames
2D bipedal walking with knees and feet: A hybrid control approach. 3200-3207 - Ryan W. Sinnet, Aaron D. Ames
3D bipedal walking with knees and feet: A hybrid geometric approach. 3208-3213
Stability and Stabilization of Linear Systems
- Hiroyuki Ichihara, Hitoshi Katayama:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for finite-time boundedness of linear continuous-time systems. 3214-3219 - Vasfi Eldem, Gökhan Sahan
On the stability of bimodal systems in R3. 3220-3225 - Hiroyuki Ichihara, Hitoshi Katayama:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for finite-time boundedness of linear discrete-time systems. 3226-3231 - Pawel Grzegorz Dabkowski, Krzysztof Galkowski
, Eric Rogers
Stability and stabilization of a class of ill-conditioned second order differential linear repetitive processes. 3232-3237 - Feng Tan, Guang-Ren Duan
Stability criterion and stabilization of linear time-varying systems. 3238-3243 - Zhan Shu, James Lam, Ping Li:
Simultaneous Hinfinity stabilization via fixed-order controllers: Equivalence and computation. 3244-3249
Model Reduction
- Victor Sreeram, Shafishuhaza Sahlan:
Improved results on frequency weighted balanced truncation. 3250-3255 - Enoch Yeung, Jorge M. Gonçalves
, Henrik Sandberg
, Sean Warnick:
Network structure preserving model reduction with weak a priori structural information. 3256-3263 - Bart Besselink, Nathan van de Wouw, Henk Nijmeijer:
An error bound for model reduction of Lur'e-type systems. 3264-3269 - Alexander Zuyev
Approximate controllability and spillover analysis of a class of distributed parameter systems. 3270-3275 - Carmelo Speltino, Domenico Di Domenico, Giovanni Fiengo, Anna G. Stefanopoulou
Comparison of reduced order lithium-ion battery models for control applications. 3276-3281 - Carolyn L. Beck, Sanjay Lall, Tzuchen Liang, Matthew West
Model reduction, optimal prediction, and the Mori-Zwanzig representation of Markov chains. 3282-3287
Optimization of Intelligent Systems
- Christopher T. Freeman
, Zhonglun Cai, Paul L. Lewin, Eric Rogers
Iterative Learning Control for multiple point-to-point tracking. 3288-3293 - Yongjian Wu, Zhiwei Wu, Bin Dong, Li Zhang, Tianyou Chai:
The hybrid intelligent control for the fused magnesia production. 3294-3299 - Dong-Ping Song
, Qing Zhang:
Impact of dynamic information on empty container repositioning in a seaport with uncertainties. 3300-3305 - Haiping Ma, Suhong Ni, Man Sun:
Equilibrium species counts and migration model tradeoffs for biogeography-based optimization. 3306-3310 - Jørgen Spjøtvold, Tor Arne Johansen:
Fault tolerant control allocation for a thruster-controlled floating platform using parametric programming. 3311-3317 - Li Peng, Mao-hai Wang, Jia-ping Du, Gang Luo:
Isolation niches particle swarm optimization applied to traffic lights controlling. 3318-3322
Control of Mechanical Systems
- Mitsuru Taniguchi, Kenji Fujimoto:
Time-varying path following control for port-Hamiltonian systems. 3323-3328 - Dong Eui Chang:
The method of controlled Lagrangians: Energy plus force shaping. 3329-3334 - Anthony M. Bloch, Jerrold E. Marsden, Dmitry V. Zenkov:
Quasivelocities and stabilization of relative equilibria of underactuated nonholonomic systems. 3335-3340 - Kim D. Listmann, Craig A. Woolsey
Output synchronization of systems in chained form. 3341-3346 - Taeyoung Lee, Melvin Leok, N. Harris McClamroch:
Dynamics of a 3D elastic string pendulum. 3347-3352 - Hrushikesh Arun Barve, Ravi N. Banavar:
Energy-optimal control of a particle in a dielectrophoretic system. 3353-3358
Filtering and Estimation II
- Hüseyin Akçay
, Semiha Türkay
Subspace-based rational interpolation of analytic functions from real or imaginary parts of frequency-response data. 3359-3363 - Paolo Massioni
, Michel Verhaegen:
Subspace identification of distributed, decomposable systems. 3364-3369 - Ivo Houtzager, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Michel Verhaegen:
VARMAX-based closed-loop subspace model identification. 3370-3375 - Michael V. Basin
, Alexander G. Loukianov, Miguel Hernández-González:
Optimal filtering for uncertain linear stochastic systems. 3376-3381 - Francesco Carravetta:
2D-recursive stochastic realization of discrete Gaussian Markov fields: the homogeneous case on a spheric domain. 3382-3387 - Alessandro N. Vargas, João Bosco Ribeiro do Val
Average optimal stationary policies: convexity and convergence conditions in linear stochastic control systems. 3388-3393
Distributed Parameter and Delay Systems I
- Xiao-Dong Li, Cheng-Zhong Xu
A further numerical investigation on Luenberger type observers for vibrating systems. 3394-3399 - Said Hadd, Said Boulite, Hazem N. Nounou
, Mohamed N. Nounou:
On the admissibility of control operators for perturbed semigroups and application to time-delay systems. 3400-3405 - Lacra Pavel
, Liz Chang:
Lyapunov-based boundary control for 2 × 2 hyperbolic Lotka-Volterra systems. 3406-3411 - Jonathan Chauvin:
Boundary estimation for a diffusion-reaction PDE driven by an unknown periodic input. 3412-3416 - Karine Beauchard, Yacine Chitour, Djalil Kateb, Ruixing Long:
Spectral controllability for 2D and 3D linear Schrödinger equations. 3417-3422 - Li Deng, Peng-Fei Yao:
Boundary controllability for the semilinear Schrödinger equation. 3423-3429
Advanced Nonlinear Control Techniques for Unmanned Air Vehicles
- Florent Le Bras, Tarek Hamel
, Robert E. Mahony
Image-based visual servo control for circular trajectories for a fixed-wing aircraft. 3430-3435 - Roberto Naldi, Lorenzo Marconi, Luca Gentili:
Robust takeoff and landing for a class of aerial robots. 3436-3441 - Chaoyong Li
Decentralized cooperative control for multivehicle formation without velocity measurement. 3442-3447 - Zhaodan Kong, Bernard Mettler:
On the general characteristics of 2D optimal obstacle-field guidance solution. 3448-3453 - Abdelkader Abdessameud
, Abdelhamid Tayebi
Formation control of VTOL-UAVs. 3454-3459 - David Cabecinhas
, Rita Cunha
, Carlos Silvestre
Rotorcraft path following control for extended flight envelope coverage. 3460-3465
Adaptive Control II
- Mario A. Santillo, Matthew S. Hölzel
, Jesse B. Hoagg
, Dennis S. Bernstein:
Adaptive control using retrospective cost optimization with RLS-based estimation for concurrent Markov-parameter updating. 3466-3471 - Victor Solo:
On the boundedness problem of stochastic adaptive algorithms. 3472-3476 - Abdelhamid Tayebi
Direct time injection in the loop: A new adaptive control point of view. 3477-3482 - William MacKunis, Zachary D. Wilcox, M. Kent Kaiser, Warren E. Dixon
Global adaptive output feedback MRAC. 3483-3488 - Weicun Zhang:
The convergence of parameter estimates is not necessary for a general self-tuning control system- stochastic plant. 3489-3494 - Valery D. Yurkevich
Adaptive output feedback control of nonlinear SISO systems via singular perturbation technique. 3495-3500
Modeling and Control of Physiological Systems
- Marzia Cescon
, Rolf Johansson
Glycemic trend prediction using empirical model identification. 3501-3506 - Pasquale Palumbo
, Pierdomenico Pepe
, Simona Panunzi
, Andrea De Gaetano
Observer-based closed-loop control of plasma glycemia. 3507-3512 - Andrea Censi
, Shuo Han, Sawyer B. Fuller, Richard M. Murray
A bio-plausible design for visual attitude stabilization. 3513-3520 - Yutaka Hori, Tae-Hyoung Kim, Shinji Hara
Graphical and analytic criteria for the existence of protein level oscillations in cyclic gene regulatory networks. 3521-3526 - Elma O'Sullivan-Greene
, Iven M. Y. Mareels
, Anthony N. Burkitt
, Levin Kuhlmann
Observability issues in networked clocks with applications to epilepsy. 3527-3532 - Hyeygjeon Chang, Alessandro Astolfi
, Hyungbo Shim
Control of infection dynamics with application to HIV/AIDS Model. 3533-3538
Integrated Vehicle Dynamics and Control I
- Shengbo Li
, Keqiang Li, Rajesh Rajamani
, Jianqiang Wang:
Multi-objective coordinated control for advanced adaptive cruise control system. 3539-3544 - Efstathios Velenis
, Emilio Frazzoli, Panagiotis Tsiotras:
On steady-state cornering equilibria for wheeled vehicles with drift. 3545-3550 - Giulio Panzani
, Matteo Corno, Mara Tanelli
, Annalisa Zappavigna, Sergio M. Savaresi, Andrea Fortina, Sebastiano Campo:
Combined performance and stability optimisation via central transfer case active control in four-wheeled vehicles. 3551-3556 - Domenico Bianchi
, Alessandro Borri
, Gilberto Burgio, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto
, Stefano Di Gennaro
Adaptive integrated vehicle control using active front steering and rear torque vectoring. 3557-3562 - Haijun Fang, Xiaoyun Lu, Jianbo Lu
, Zongli Lin:
System optimization in the control of heavy duty vehicle braking sub-systems. 3563-3568 - Jianbo Lu
, Dimitar P. Filev:
Multi-loop interactive control motivated by driver-in-the-loop vehicle dynamics controls: The framework. 3569-3574
Learning and Control I
- Wei Chen, Dayu Huang, Ankur A. Kulkarni, Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan
, Quanyan Zhu, Prashant G. Mehta
, Sean P. Meyn, Adam Wierman:
Approximate dynamic programming using fluid and diffusion approximations with applications to power management. 3575-3580 - Sundhar Srinivasan Ram, Angelia Nedic
, Venugopal V. Veeravalli:
Asynchronous gossip algorithms for stochastic optimization. 3581-3586 - Roger W. Brockett:
Asymptotic properties of Markov decision processes. 3587-3591 - Keqin Liu, Qing Zhao:
On the myopic policy for a class of restless bandit problems with applications in dynamic multichannel access. 3592-3597 - Prashant G. Mehta
, Sean P. Meyn:
Q-learning and Pontryagin's Minimum Principle. 3598-3605 - Huan Xu, Shie Mannor
Parametric regret in uncertain Markov decision processes. 3606-3613
Identification of Block Structured Models
- Vincent Laurain, Marion Gilson
, Hugues Garnier
Refined instrumental variable methods for identifying hammerstein models operating in closed loop. 3614-3619 - Jiandong Wang, Qinghua Zhang, Lennart Ljung
Revisiting the Two-Stage Algorithm for Hammerstein system identification. 3620-3625 - Yue-Ping Jiang, Hai-Tao Fang:
Recursive identification of MIMO Wiener systems with general inputs. 3626-3631 - Dongqing Wang
, Yanyun Chu, Feng Ding:
Identification methods for Wiener nonlinear systems based on the least squares and gradient iterations. 3632-3636 - Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Michel Verhaegen:
Closed-loop subspace identification of Hammerstein-Wiener models. 3637-3642 - Vito Cerone, Dario Piga
, Diego Regruto:
Set-membership identification of block-structured nonlinear feedback systems. 3643-3649
Finance and Stochastics
- Michel H. Vellekoop, Mark Davis:
An optimal investment problem with randomly terminating income. 3650-3655 - Oswaldo L. V. Costa
, Andre Cury Maiali, Afonso de Campos Pinto:
Sampled control for mean-variance hedging in a jump diffusion financial market. 3656-3661 - Bing Yang, Hua Xiao:
Pricing and optimal conversion strategy of convertible bonds. 3662-3667 - Zongyuan Huang, Zhen Wu:
One kind of corporate optimal investment problem: Inflation case. 3668-3672 - Kenji Kashima, Reiichiro Kawai
An optimization approach to weak approximation of Lévy-driven stochastic differential equations with application to option pricing. 3673-3678 - Uday Kumar M, VijaySekhar Chellaboina
, Sanjay P. Bhat
, Sandeep Prasad, Anil Bhatia:
Discrete-time optimal hedging for multi-asset path-dependent European contingent claims. 3679-3684
Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems
- Jinhuan Wang, Zhixin Liu, Xiaoming Hu
Consensus of high order linear multi-agent systems using output error feedback. 3685-3690 - Yanping Gao, Long Wang
Asynchronous consensus of agents with double-integrator dynamics. 3691-3696 - Wanli Guo, Shihua Chen, Jinhu Lu
, Xinghuo Yu
Consensus of multi-agent systems with an active leader and asymmetric adjacency matrix. 3697-3702 - Jiahu Qin, Huijun Gao, Wei Xing Zheng:
A new result on average consensus for multiple agents with switching topology and communication delay. 3703-3708 - Wenwu Yu, Guanrong Chen
, Ming Cao
On second-order consensus in multi-agent dynamical systems with directed topologies and time delays. 3709-3714 - Fangcui Jiang, Long Wang
Finite-time consensus for multi-agent systems with application to sensor fusion. 3715-3720
Modeling and Control of Complex Interaction: A Network Approach
- Ning Wang, Magnus Egerstedt, Clyde F. Martin:
Stability of switched linear systems and the convergence of random products. 3721-3726 - Giuseppe Notarstefano
, Magnus Egerstedt, Musad A. Haque
Rendezvous with multiple, intermittent leaders. 3733-3738 - Thanura R. Elvitigala, Abhay K. Singh, Himadri B. Pakrasi, Bijoy K. Ghosh:
Bayesian network approach to understand regulation of biological processes in cyanobacteria. 3739-3744 - Zhixin Liu, Jing Han, Xiaoming Hu
The number of leaders needed for consensus. 3745-3750 - John S. Baras, Pedram Hovareshti
Efficient and robust communication topologies for distributed decision making in networked systems. 3751-3756
Wireless Sensor Networks and Distributed Cooperative Control and Estimation
- Xu Ning, Christos G. Cassandras
On maximum lifetime routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. 3757-3762 - Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Binbin Li:
On energy optimized averaging in wireless sensor networks. 3763-3768 - Michalis P. Michaelides
, Christos Laoudias
, Christos G. Panayiotou
Fault tolerant detection and tracking of multiple sources in WSNs using binary data. 3769-3774 - Erik Henriksson, Henrik Sandberg
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Reduced-order predictive outage compensators for networked systems. 3775-3780 - Shreyas Sundaram
, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Information dissemination in networks via linear iterative strategies over finite fields. 3781-3786 - Hemant Kowshik, P. R. Kumar:
Zero-error function computation in sensor networks. 3787-3792
Quantum Information, Control and Algorithms
- John Edward Gough, Matthew R. James, Hendra I. Nurdin
Linear quantum feedback networks with squeezing components. 3793-3798 - Mario Sigalotti, Paolo Mason
, Ugo V. Boscain, Thomas Chambrion
Generic controllability properties for the bilinear Schrödinger equation. 3799-3804 - Chunlin Chen, Gerasimos G. Rigatos, Daoyi Dong, James Lam:
Partial feedback control of quantum systems using probabilistic fuzzy estimator. 3805-3810 - Shouwei Zhao, Hai Lin, Jitao Sun, Zhengui Xue:
Implicit Lyapunov control of closed quantum systems. 3811-3815 - Zaki Leghtas
, Mazyar Mirrahimi
, Pierre Rouchon:
Parameter estimation of a 3-level quantum system with a single population measurement. 3816-3820 - Masahiro Yanagisawa, Alexander N. Korotkov, Matthew R. James
Regulation and tracking of two-level quantum systems using measurement feedback. 3821-3826 - Ming Zhang, Sonia G. Schirmer, Hong-Yi Dai, Weiwei Zhou, Min Lin:
Experimental design and identifiability of model parameters for quantum systems. 3827-3832 - Jian Xu, Jianxun Li:
Sparse Wiener Chaos approximations of nonlinear filtering with correlated noise. 3833-3838 - William H. Moase
, Chris Manzie
, Michael J. Brear
Newton-like extremum-seeking part I: Theory. 3839-3844 - William H. Moase
, Chris Manzie
, Michael J. Brear
Newton-like extremum-seeking part II: Simulations and experiments. 3845-3850 - Uwe D. Hanebeck, Marco F. Huber
, Vesa Klumpp:
Dirac mixture approximation of multivariate Gaussian densities. 3851-3858
Switched and Hybrid Systems
- Shen Cong, Liping Yin, Yun Zou:
Exponential stabilization of second-order switched systems: Necessary and sufficient conditions. 3859-3863 - Marcos G. Todorov
, Marcelo D. Fragoso
On the robust stability, stabilization, and stability radii of continuous-time Markov jump linear systems. 3864-3869 - Sergey Dashkovskiy
, Michael Kosmykov:
Stability of networks of hybrid ISS systems. 3870-3875 - Gang Zheng, Lei Yu, Driss Boutat
, Jean-Pierre Barbot:
Algebraic observer for a class of switched systems with zeno phenomenon. 3876-3881 - Katerina Georgiou
, Tryphon T. Georgiou
Graceful switching in hybrid models. 3882-3884 - Thanh-Trung Han, Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Tong Heng Lee:
Variation paradigm for asymptotic gain of switched time-delay systems. 3885-3890 - Meng Yang, Yan-Wu Wang, Hua O. Wang, Zhi-Hong Guan:
Robust stabilization of uncertain complex singular dynamical networks via impulsive control. 3891-3896 - Guisheng Zhai, Xuping Xu:
A unified approach to analysis of switched linear descriptor systems under arbitrary switching. 3897-3902 - Zhichun Yang, Yiguang Hong, Zhong-Ping Jiang, Xiaoli Wang:
Quantized feedback stabilization of hybrid impulsive control systems. 3903-3908 - Yang Tian, Thierry Floquet
, Lotfi Belkoura
, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Switching time estimation for linear switched systems: an algebraic approach. 3909-3913 - Shun-ichi Azuma, Toshiharu Sugie:
An analytical solution to dynamic quantization problem of nonlinear control systems. 3914-3919 - Scott Casselman, Luis Rodrigues:
A New methodology for piecewise affine models using Voronoi partitions. 3920-3925 - Bin Liu, David J. Hill
, Kok Lay Teo:
Input-to-state stability for a class of hybrid dynamical systems via hybrid time approach. 3926-3931
Stochastic and Hybrid Systems
- Manuela-Luminita Bujorianu, Hong Wang
Large deviation methods for stochastic reachability. 3932-3937 - Stephanie Gil, Brian C. Williams:
Beyond local optimality: An improved approach to hybrid model learning. 3938-3945 - Weiyi Liu, Chze Eng Seah, Inseok Hwang:
Estimation algorithm for stochastic linear hybrid systems with quadratic guard conditions. 3946-3951 - Shun Taguchi, Tatsuya Suzuki, Soichiro Hayakawa, Shinkichi Inagaki
Identification of Probability weighted multiple ARX models and its application to behavior analysis. 3952-3957 - Erik I. Verriest:
Deterministic and stochastic multi-mode multi-dimensional systems with application to switched systems with delay. 3958-3963 - Xingxuan Wang:
Switching scheduling policies and their balanceabililty. 3964-3968 - Haijun Liu, Xiaowu Mu:
The LaSalle stability theorem of general stochastic hybrid systems. 3969-3973 - Yifan Dong, Yu Kang, Hongsheng Xi:
Adaptive control for time-delay Markovian jump linear systems with state-dependant switching. 3974-3979
Model Predictive Control and Optimal Control of Linear Systems
- Melanie Nicole Zeilinger, Colin N. Jones, Davide Martino Raimondo, Manfred Morari:
Real-time MPC - Stability through robust MPC design. 3980-3986 - Humberto Xavier Araujo, Gustavo Henrique Costa Oliveira
An LMI approach for output feedback Robust Predictive Control using Orthonormal Basis Functions. 3987-3992 - Cristina Stoica
, Manuel R. Arahal, Daniel E. Rivera
, Pedro Rodríguez-Ayerbe
, Didier Dumur:
Application of robustified Model Predictive Control to a production-inventory system. 3993-3998 - Ajay Gautam, Yun-Chung Chu, Yeng Chai Soh:
Model predictive control of linear time-varying systems with bounded disturbances using a dynamic terminal policy. 3999-4004 - Noor Azizi Mardi, Liuping Wang
Subspace-based Model Predictive Control of time-varying systems. 4005-4010 - Hiroshi Okajima
, Toru Asai, Shigeyasu Kawaji:
Unified form of performance limitations in reference tracking control problem for discrete time systems. 4011-4017 - Sander Wahls
, Holger Boche:
Novel characterization of the infimum in Hinfinity full information control of discrete-time plants. 4018-4023 - Hideaki Tanaka, Koji Tsumura, Masaaki Kanno:
Transfer functions of closed-loop systems in H2 optimal control. 4024-4029 - Arjen den Hamer, Siep Weiland, Maarten Steinbuch
Model-free norm-based fixed structure controller synthesis. 4030-4035 - Hoang Bao Le, Eduardo Mendes:
Optimal control for high order systems with fixed PI controller based on model reduction and constrained optimization. 4036-4041 - Marcus J. Holzinger, Daniel J. Scheeres
Analytical reachability results for a class of nonlinear systems with ellipsoidal initial sets. 4042-4049 - Jing Zhou, Qian Wang:
Finite horizon linear quadratic regulation for linear discrete time-varying systems with single/multiple input delay(s). 4050-4055 - Hongwei Zhang, Jie Huang, Frank L. Lewis:
Updated terminal cost RHC for continuous-time systems. 4056-4061
Networked Systems
- Xiao Ma, Seddik M. Djouadi, Phani Teja Kuruganti, James J. Nutaro
, Husheng Li:
Optimal estimation over unreliable communication links with application to cognitive radio. 4062-4067 - Hannah Michalska, Vincent Hayward
On signum feedback stabilization of second and third-order systems. 4068-4074 - Keyou You, Weizhou Su, Minyue Fu
, Lihua Xie:
Optimality of the logarithmic quantizer for stabilization of linear systems: Achieving the minimum data rate. 4075-4080 - Faiz Rasool, Sing Kiong Nguang
, Dan Huang, Lixian Zhang:
Quantized robust Hinfinity control of discrete-time systems with random communication delays. 4081-4086 - Wei-Wei Che, Jian Liang Wang
, Guang-Hong Yang:
Quantized Hinfinity control for networked control systems with packet dropouts. 4087-4092 - Claudio De Persis, Frédéric Mazenc:
Stability of quantized time-delay nonlinear systems: A Lyapunov-Krasowskii-functional approach. 4093-4098 - Rupak Kharel, Krishna Busawon, Fary Ghassemlooy
Indirect coupled oscillators for keystream generation in secure chaotic communication. 4099-4104 - Renquan Lu, Yong Xu, Xiaodong Zhao, Anke Xue, Hongye Su:
H∞ filtering for singular systems with communication delays. 4105-4110 - Yan Wan
, Sandip Roy:
On inference of network time constants from impulse response data: graph-theoretic Cramer-Rao bounds. 4111-4116
Nonlinear and Fuzzy Systems
- Benjamin James Ohran, Jinfeng Liu, David Muñoz de la Peña
, Panagiotis D. Christofides, James F. Davis:
Networked monitoring and fault-tolerant control of nonlinear process systems. 4117-4124 - Jumpei Nishizaki, Shigeki Nakaura, Mitsuji Sampei:
Modeling and control of hula-hoop system. 4125-4130 - Andrew R. Teel, Dragan Nesic
, Antonio Loría
, Elena Panteley:
Uniform stability of sets for difference inclusions under summability criteria. 4131-4136 - Masato Ishikawa, Pascal Morin, Claude Samson:
Tracking control of the trident snake robot with the Transverse Function approach. 4137-4143 - Zhengguang Xu, Changping Sun:
Interval T-S fuzzy model and its application to identification of nonlinear interval dynamic system based on interval data. 4144-4149 - Tahar Bouarar, Kevin Guelton
, Noureddine Manamanni:
Static Output Feedback controller design for Takagi-Sugeno systems - a Fuzzy Lyapunov LMI approach. 4150-4155 - Chyun-Chau Fuh, Hsun-Heng Tsai, Chang-Cheng Huang:
A fuzzy cross-coupled linear quadratic regulator for improving the contour accuracy of bi-axis machine tools. 4156-4161 - Baocang Ding, Tao Zou:
Asymptotically necessary and sufficient stability with respect to nonquadratic Lyapunov function for Takagi-Sugeno model. 4162-4167 - Hamdi Gassara, Ahmed El Hajjaji, Mohamed Chaabane:
Robust control of T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delay: New approach. 4168-4173 - Ning Wang
, Xianyao Meng, Qingyang Xu
A fast and parsimonious fuzzy neural network (FPFNN) for function approximation. 4174-4179 - Somayeh Sojoudi, Javad Lavaei, Amir G. Aghdam:
Controllability and observability of uncertain systems: A robust measure. 4180-4186 - Yajun Zhang, Tianyou Chai, Hong Niu, Jiwen Zuo:
Nonlinear adaptive generalized predictive control method based on ANFIS and switching control. 4187-4192 - Qianfang Liao
, Ning Li, Shaoyuan Li:
Type-II T-S fuzzy model-based predictive control. 4193-4198
Stability of Nonlinear Systems
- Daniele Casagrande
, Alessandro Astolfi
, Romeo Ortega:
Asymptotic stabilization of passive systems without damping injection: A sampled integral-approximation technique. 4199-4203 - Tengfei Liu, David J. Hill
, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Lyapunov formulation of ISS small-gain in dynamical networks. 4204-4209 - Hiroshi Ito, Sergey Dashkovskiy
, Fabian Wirth
On a small gain theorem for networks of iISS systems. 4210-4215 - Anders Heyden, Ola Dahl:
Provably convergent structure and motion estimation for perspective systems. 4216-4221 - Pingli Lu, Ying Yang:
Synchronization of nonlinear pendulum-like systems. 4222-4227 - Vincent Andrieu
, Christophe Prieur, Sophie Tarbouriech, Denis Arzelier:
Synthesis of a global asymptotic stabilizing feedback law for a system satisfying two different sector conditions. 4228-4233
Control of Switched Systems
- Dominic Pasqual Buchstaller, Mark French:
Robust stability and performance analysis for multiple model adaptive controllers. 4234-4239 - Ming-Li Chiang, Li-Chen Fu
Variable structure model reference adaptive control of unknown switched linear systems with relative degree greater than one. 4240-4245 - Jamila Raouf, Hannah Michalska:
Robust exponential stabilization of switched linear systems. 4246-4251 - Liyan Zhang, Tianyou Chai, Hong Wang:
An intelligent mill load switching control of pulverizing system for an alumina sintering process. 4252-4257 - Dan Ma, Zhongfeng Guo, Georgi M. Dimirovski
, Jun Zhao:
Passive control for networked switched systems with network-induced delays and packet dropout. 4258-4263 - Mojtaba Barkhordari Yazdi
, Mohammad Reza Jahed-Motlagh
, Sid Ahmed Attia, Jörg Raisch:
Switched feedback equivalence of a class of planar switched nonlinear systems. 4264-4269
Linear Systems
- Moisés E. Bonilla
, Michel Malabre, Jean Jacques Loiseau
Implicit systems reachability: A geometric point of view. 4270-4275 - Tomoaki Hashimoto, Takashi Amemiya:
Dual invariance structure of controllability and observability. 4276-4281 - Sadaaki Kunimatsu, Takao Fujii, Mitsuaki Ishitobi:
On positive real lemma for stabilizable and detectable systems. 4282-4287 - Jean-Charles Delvenne, Tzvetan Ivanov:
A characterization of solution sets of LTI differential equations. 4288-4291 - Runmin Zou
, Michel Malabre:
Solution of the disturbance decoupling problem based on fixed poles. 4292-4297 - Hossam S. Abbas, Herbert Werner:
Frequency-weighted discrete-time LPV model reduction using structurally balanced truncation. 4298-4303
Methods for Analysis and Reduction of Large-Scale Systems I
- Harry L. Trentelman, Paolo Rapisarda:
A behavioral approach to passivity and bounded realness preserving balanced truncation with error bounds. 4304-4309 - Tudor Corneliu Ionescu
, Kenji Fujimoto, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen
Positive and bounded real balancing for nonlinear systems - a controllability and observability function approach. 4310-4315 - Saifon Chaturantabut, Danny C. Sorensen:
Discrete Empirical Interpolation for nonlinear model reduction. 4316-4321 - Arjan van der Schaft, Rostyslav V. Polyuga:
Structure-preserving model reduction of complex physical systems. 4322-4327 - Lihong Feng, Peter Benner
, Jan G. Korvink
Parametric model order reduction accelerated by subspace recycling. 4328-4333 - Paolo Rapisarda, Harry L. Trentelman:
Balanced state-space representations: a polynomial algebraic approach. 4334-4339
- Andrei A. Agrachev, Ugo V. Boscain, Gregoire Charlot, Roberta Ghezzi, Mario Sigalotti:
Two-dimensional almost-Riemannian structures with tangency points. 4340-4345 - Guangwei Li, Yunpeng Liu, Jian Yin, Zelin Shi:
Newton geodesic optimization on special linear group. 4346-4351 - Guo-Qiang Zeng
, Yong-Zai Lu:
Survey on computational complexity with phase transitions and extremal optimization. 4352-4359 - Sebastien Blandin, Laurent El Ghaoui
, Alexandre M. Bayen:
Kernel regression for travel time estimation via convex optimization. 4360-4365 - Dinh Quoc Tran, Moritz Diehl:
An application of sequential convex programming to time optimal trajectory planning for a car motion. 4366-4371 - Jayash Koshal, Angelia Nedic
, Uday V. Shanbhag:
Distributed multiuser optimization: Algorithms and error analysis. 4372-4377
Mechanical and Nonholonomic Systems
- Bayu Jayawardhana
, Vincent Andrieu
Sufficient conditions for dissipativity on Duhem hysteresis model. 4378-4383 - Chaoli Wang, Zhenying Liang, Yunhui Liu:
Dynamic Feedback Robust Regulation of nonholonomic mobile robots based on visual servoing. 4384-4389 - Masato Ishikawa, Takuto Kuroiwa:
Nilpotent normal form for non-chained driftless systems: Characterization of the cross-chained form. 4390-4395 - Peter MacMillin, John Hauser:
Development and exploration of a Rigid Motorcycle model. 4396-4401 - Tsubasa Numata, Shigeki Nakaura, Mitsuji Sampei:
Casting motion controller for multilinked manipulator utilizing output zeroing. 4402-4407 - Yuqiang Wu, Ruiying Yuan, Xiuyun Zheng:
Finite-time tracking controller design for a general class of nonholonomic systems. 4408-4413
Filtering and Estimation III
- Øyvind Nistad Stamnes, Jing Zhou
, Ole Morten Aamo, Glenn-Ole Kaasa:
Adaptive observer design for nonlinear systems with parametric uncertainties in unmeasured state dynamics. 4414-4419 - Xiao-Ni Zhang, Guang-Hong Yang:
Delay-dependent filtering for discrete-time systems with finite frequency small gain specifications. 4420-4425 - Chien-Shu Hsieh:
Optimal time-delayed joint input and state estimation for systems with unknown inputs. 4426-4431 - Mei Zhang, Hongguo Zhao, Peng Cui:
Smoother design for linear uncertain time-delay systems. 4432-4437 - Hossein Beikzadeh, Hamid D. Taghirad
Robust Hinfinity filtering for nonlinear uncertain systems using state-dependent riccati equation technique. 4438-4445 - Ravi Teja Sukhavasi, Babak Hassibi:
The Kalman like particle filter: Optimal estimation with quantized innovations/measurements. 4446-4451
Distributed Parameter Systems II
- Miroslav Krstic
Control of an unstable reaction-diffusion PDE with long input delay. 4452-4457 - Miroslav Krstic
Dead-time compensation for wave/string PDEs. 4458-4463 - Stevan Dubljevic
Boundary model predictive control of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with input and point state constraints. 4464-4470 - Bao-Zhu Guo
, Jun-Min Wang, Guo-Dong Zhang:
Frequency analysis of a wave equation with Kelvin-Voigt damping. 4471-4476 - Bao-Zhu Guo
, Kun-Yi Yang:
Output Stabilization of Euler Beam with Time Delay. 4477-4482 - Jing Li, Zhi-Xiong Zhang:
State observation problem for the Euler-Bernoulli plate equation. 4483-4486
Modeling, Estimation and Control: Applications in Neuroscience
- Si Wu, Shun-ichi Amari:
On the condition for fast neural computation. 4487-4492 - Rui Ma, Todd P. Coleman, Joseph G. Malpeli:
The parabigeminal nucleus as a recursive estimator. 4493-4498 - Shiro Ikeda
, Yutaka Sakaguchi
Motor planning as an optimization of command representation. 4499-4504 - Jun-e Feng, Chung Tin
, Chi-Sang Poon:
A dual adaptive control theory inspired by Hebbian associative learning. 4505-4510 - Bijoy K. Ghosh, Rochana Meegaskumbura, Mervyn Parakrama B. Ekanayake:
Optimal control and tracking with eye movement dynamics with and without the Listing's constraint. 4511-4516 - Anne Goelzer, Vincent Fromion, Gérard Scorletti:
Cell design in bacteria as a convex optimization problem. 4517-4522
Adaptive Control: Applications I
- Wei Guo, Bao-Zhu Guo
Identification and stabilization for a one-dimensional wave equation with boundary output unknown constant and non-collocated control. 4523-4528 - Keyu Li, Kwong Ho Chan, B. Erik Ydstie
Passivity-based Adaptive Inventory Control. 4529-4534 - Aaron Dando:
Spacecraft attitude maneuvers using composite adaptive control with invariant sliding manifold. 4535-4540 - Milos S. Stankovic
, Dusan M. Stipanovic
Discrete time extremum seeking by autonomous vehicles in a stochastic environment. 4541-4546 - Juan Francisco F. Resendiz, Yu Tang:
A decentralized adaptive control of interconnected lagrangian systems. 4547-4552 - Peng Cui, Huanshui Zhang
, Chenghui Zhang, Hongguo Zhao:
Kalman filtering for linear discrete-time systems with multiple delayed noises. 4553-4558
Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis in Biological Systems
- David Angeli, Patrick De Leenheer, Eduardo D. Sontag:
On persistence of chemical reaction networks with time-dependent kinetics and no global conservation laws. 4559-4564 - Shridhar Jayanthi
, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
On the compromise between retroactivity attenuation and noise amplification in gene regulatory networks. 4565-4571 - Steffen Waldherr
, Frank Allgöwer
, Elling W. Jacobsen:
Kinetic perturbations as robustness analysis tool for biochemical reaction networks. 4572-4577 - Giovanna De Palo, Anna Boccaccio
, Anna Menini
, Claudio Altafini
Short- and long-term adaptation in olfactory transduction as a leaky integral feedback. 4578-4583 - Elisa Franco
, Domitilla Del Vecchio, Richard M. Murray
Design of insulating devices for in vitro synthetic circuits. 4584-4589 - Yao Li, William S. Levine:
Models for human postural regulation that include realistic delays and partial observations. 4590-4595
Integrated Vehicle Dynamics and Control II
- Massimo Canale, Lorenzo Fagiano
, Valentino Razza:
Vehicle lateral stability control via approximated NMPC: real-time implementation and software-in-the-loop test. 4596-4601 - Mark C. Readman, Martin J. Corless, Carlos Villegas, Robert Shorten:
Adaptive williams filters with application to suspension control: The vector case. 4602-4606 - Kang Li, Han-Shue Tan, J. Karl Hedrick:
Map-aided GPS/INS localization using a low-order constrained Unscented Kalman Filter. 4607-4612 - Jingang Yi, Yizhai Zhang, Dezhen Song:
Autonomous motorcycles for agile maneuvers, part I: Dynamic modeling. 4613-4618 - Jingang Yi, Yizhai Zhang, Dezhen Song:
Autonomous motorcycles for agile maneuvers, part II: Control systems design. 4619-4624 - Giovanni Palmieri, Osvaldo Barbarisi, Stefano Scala, Luigi Glielmo
A preliminary study to integrate LTV-MPC lateral vehicle dynamics control with a slip control. 4625-4630
Learning and Control II
- Joshua D. Isom, Robert E. LaBarre, Richard D. Braatz:
Polynomial-time solution of change detection problems. 4631-4636 - Romeil Sandhu, Shawn Lankton, Samuel Dambreville, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Statistical shape learning for 3D tracking. 4637-4642 - Jianghai Li, Qing-Shan Jia
, Xiaohong Guan, Xi Chen:
Tracking moving object via a sensor network with partial information broadcasting scheme. 4643-4648 - Huibing Yin, Uday V. Shanbhag, Prashant G. Mehta
Nash equilibrium problems with congestion costs and shared constraints. 4649-4654 - Huan Xu, Constantine Caramanis
, Shie Mannor
, Sungho Yun:
Risk sensitive robust support vector machines. 4655-4661 - Sean P. Meyn, Amit Surana, Yiqing Lin, Satish Narayanan:
Anomaly detection using projective Markov models in a distributed sensor network. 4662-4669
Convexification in Identification with Applications
- Julian Bonilla Alarcon, Moritz Diehl, Filip Logist
, Bart De Moor, Jan F. M. Van Impe:
A convex approximation for parameter estimation involving parameter-affine dynamic models. 4670-4675 - Zhang Liu, Lieven Vandenberghe:
Semidefinite programming methods for system realization and identification. 4676-4681 - Xiangbin Liu, Romeo Ortega, Hongye Su, Jian Chu:
Identification of nonlinearly parameterized nonlinear models: application to mass balance systems. 4682-4685 - Necmiye Ozay, Constantino M. Lagoa
, Mario Sznaier:
Robust identification of switched affine systems via moments-based convex optimization. 4686-4691 - Cristian Grossmann, Colin N. Jones, Manfred Morari:
System identification via nuclear norm regularization for simulated moving bed processes from incomplete data sets. 4692-4697 - Gianluigi Pillonetto, Alessandro Chiuso
A Bayesian learning approach to linear system identification with missing data. 4698-4703
Stochastic Systems II
- Minyi Huang:
An algebraic approach for the NCE principle with massive subpopulations. 4704-4709 - Kun Deng
, Prashant G. Mehta
, Sean P. Meyn:
A simulation-based method for aggregating Markov chains. 4710-4716 - Michael C. Caramanis, Justin M. Foster:
Management of electric vehicle charging to mitigate renewable generation intermittency and distribution network congestion. 4717-4722 - Olympia Hadjiliadis, Tobias Schaefer, H. Vincent Poor
Quickest detection in coupled systems. 4723-4728 - Andrew R. Teel:
Preliminary results on the existence of continuous Lyapunov functions for semicontinuous, stochastic discrete-time systems. 4729-4734 - Hassan Mansour, Jane W. Huang, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Multi-user scalable video transmission control in cognitive radio networks as a Markovian dynamic game. 4735-4740
Consensus and Agreement Algorithms
- Feng Xiao
, Long Wang
, Jie Chen:
General distributed protocols for finite-time consensus of multi-agent systems. 4741-4746 - Daniel Zelazo
, Mehran Mesbahi:
H2 performance of agreement protocol with noise: An edge based approach. 4747-4752 - Christina Selle, Matthew West
Multiscale networks for distributed consensus algorithms. 4753-4758 - Jing Zhou, Qian Wang:
Distributed discrete-time nonlinear consensus protocols. 4759-4764 - Ulrich Münz, Antonis Papachristodoulou
, Frank Allgöwer
Generalized Nyquist consensus condition for high-order linear multi-agent systems with communication delays. 4765-4771 - Guisheng Zhai, Shohei Okuno, Joe Imae, Tomoaki Kobayashi:
An extended consensus algorithm for multi-agent systems. 4772-4777
Network Models and Analysis
- Filip De Smet, Dirk Aeyels:
Cluster transitions in a multi-agent clustering model. 4778-4784 - Sandip Roy, Yan Wan
An explicit formula for differences between Laplacian-eigenvector components using coalesced graphs. 4785-4789 - Stefano Ermon, Luca Schenato
, Sandro Zampieri
Trust Estimation in autonomic networks: a statistical mechanics approach. 4790-4795 - Donatello Materassi, Giacomo Innocenti
, Laura Giarré
Reduced complexity models in the identification of dynamical networks: Links with sparsification problems. 4796-4801 - Victor M. Preciado, Ali Jadbabaie:
Spectral analysis of virus spreading in random geometric networks. 4802-4807 - Ye Yuan, Guy-Bart Vincent Stan
, Sean Warnick, Jorge M. Gonçalves
Minimal dynamical structure realisations with application to network reconstruction from data. 4808-4813
Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks
- Xiao-Xin Zhang, Liang Chen, Jianwei Huang, Minghua Chen
, Yuping Zhao:
Distributed and optimal reduced primal-dual algorithm for uplink OFDM resource allocation. 4814-4819 - Can Zhao, Xiaojun Lin:
On the queue-overflow probabilities of distributed scheduling algorithms. 4820-4825 - Michael J. Neely:
Stochastic optimization for Markov modulated networks with application to delay constrained wireless scheduling. 4826-4833 - Abhijeet Bhorkar, Mohammad Naghshvar, Tara Javidi
, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Exploring and exploiting routing opportunities in wireless ad-hoc networks. 4834-4839 - Libin Jiang, Jean C. Walrand:
Convergence and stability of a distributed CSMA algorithm for maximal network throughput. 4840-4845 - Srikanth Hariharan, Ness B. Shroff:
Maximizing aggregated revenue in sensor networks under deadline constraints. 4846-4851
Iterative Learning and Fault Diagnosis
- Blazej Cichy, Krzysztof Galkowski
, Eric Rogers
Iterative learning control for spatio-temporal dynamics in an nD systems setting. 4852-4857 - Chunping Liu, Jian-Xin Xu, Jun Wu:
Iterative learning control for network systems with communication delay or data dropout. 4858-4863 - Pawel Grzegorz Dabkowski, Krzysztof Galkowski
, Eric Rogers
, Zhonglun Cai, Christopher T. Freeman
, Paul L. Lewin:
Iterative Learning Control based on strong practical stability of repetitive processes. 4864-4869 - Deyuan Meng, Yingmin Jia, Junping Du, Fashan Yu:
Frequency-domain approach to robust iterative learning controller design for uncertain time-delay systems. 4870-4875 - Jacek Bochniak, Krzysztof Galkowski
, Eric Rogers
Using 2D systems theory to design iterative learning control laws with multiple reference signals. 4876-4881 - Deyuan Meng, Yingmin Jia, Junping Du, Fashan Yu:
Hinfinity-based design approach to discrete-time learning control systems with iteration-varying disturbances. 4882-4887 - Lan Shang, Guangjun Liu:
Sensor and actuator fault detection and isolation for a high performance aircraft engine bleed air temperature control system. 4888-4893 - Fabio Pasqualetti
, Antonio Bicchi, Francesco Bullo
On the security of linear consensus networks. 4894-4901 - Yi Zhang, Guolian Hou, Baojiang Wu:
Actuator fault detection and diagnosis based on morphology-wavelet. 4902-4907 - Ze Zhang, Imad M. Jaimoukha
Fault detection and isolation for linear discrete-time systems using input/output measurement analysis. 4908-4913 - He-xuan Hu, Anne-Lise Gehin, Mireille Bayart
An extended qualitative multi-faults diagnosis from first principles II: Algorithm and case study. 4914-4919 - Matthew Ruschmann, Jianzhuang Huang, Neng Eva Wu:
Probing the NASA generic transport aircraft in real-time for health monitoring. 4920-4926 - Zhiqiang Ge, Zhihuan Song, Muguang Zhang, Ruowei Fu, Zhibo Zhu:
Bayesian method for multimode non-Gaussian process monitoring. 4927-4932 - Aibing Qiu, Chenglin Wen, Bin Jiang:
Optimal diagnostic observer for sampled-data systems. 4933-4938 - Zhanyang Xu, Charles Q. Zhan, Shunyi Zhang:
Non-invasive valve stiction detection using wavelet technology. 4939-4944
Topics in Networked Control
- Tian Qi, Weizhou Su, Jie Chen
Optimal tracking design and performance analysis for LTI systems with quantization effects. 4945-4950 - Bo Yu, Yang Shi, Ji Huang:
Step tracking control with disturbance rejection for networked control systems with random time delays. 4951-4956 - Ching-Ling Huang, Raja Sengupta, Xu Guan:
Stability bounds on entropy rate for real-time tracking an unstable LTI process over a multi-access network. 4957-4962 - Anders Moller, Ulf T. Jönsson:
Stability of high order distributed power control. 4963-4970 - Yin Wang, Hongwei Liao, Spyros A. Reveliotis, Terence Kelly, Scott A. Mahlke, Stéphane Lafortune
Gadara nets: Modeling and analyzing lock allocation for deadlock avoidance in multithreaded software. 4971-4976 - Javad Lavaei, Aydin Babakhani, Ali Hajimiri
, John C. Doyle:
Solving large-scale linear circuit problems via convex optimization. 4977-4984 - Housheng Su, Xiaofan Wang, Zongli Lin:
Synchronization of coupled harmonic oscillators in a dynamic proximity network. 4985-4990 - Shi-Lu Dai, Hai Lin, Shuzhi Sam Ge
A switched system approach to scheduling of networked control systems with communication constraints. 4991-4996
Optimal Control III
- Takehiro Nishiyama, Katsuhiko Yamada
, Shoji Yoshikawa:
Optimal command generation for flexible mechanical systems under multiple constraints. 4997-5002 - Qi Kang, Lei Wang, Derong Liu
, Qidi Wu:
Parameter approximate dynamic optimization for PSO systems. 5003-5008 - Jae Young Lee, Jin Bae Park, Yoon Ho Choi:
Model-free approximate dynamic programming for continuous-time linear systems. 5009-5014 - Vlad Seghete, Todd D. Murphey
Multiple Instantaneous Collisions in a Variational Framework. 5015-5020 - Sofia O. Lopes
, Fernando A. C. C. Fontes
On normal forms of necessary conditions of optimality for dynamic optimization problems with constraints. 5021-5026 - Christophe Tricaud, Yangquan Chen
Time-optimal control of fractional dynamic systems. 5027-5032 - Joseph Bentsman
, Boris M. Miller, Evgeny Ya. Rubinovich, Sudip K. Mazumder:
Optimal control of dynamical systems with active singularities under single- and multi-impact sequences: A ball/racket system example. 5033-5038 - Deryck Yeung, Erik I. Verriest:
On connecting trajectories with maximum persistence of behavior. 5039-5044 - Feng Liu, George T.-C. Chiu
, Eric S. Hamby, Yongsoon Eun:
Time maximum control for a class of single-input planar affine control systems and constraints. 5045-5050 - Alejandro J. Rojas:
Closed-form solution for a class of continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations. 5051-5056 - Qi Gong, I. Michael Ross, Fariba Fahroo:
A Chebyshev pseudospectral method for nonlinear constrained optimal control problems. 5057-5062
Optimization and Optimal Design
- Min Wang, Yongchun Xie:
Design of the optimal thruster combinations table for the real time control allocation of spacecraft thrusters. 5063-5068 - Xiaoping Lai, Zhiping Lin:
A sequential constrained least-squares method to minimax design of stable IIR digital filters. 5069-5073 - Nima Moshtagh, Lingji Chen, Raman K. Mehra:
Optimal measurement selection for Any-time Kalman Filtering with processing constraints. 5074-5079 - Yanyan Zhang, Lixin Tang
Hot rolling turn scheduling using Lagrangian relaxation. 5080-5085 - Marcel Heertjes, Daan Willem Theresia Hennekens, Arjan van Engelen, Maarten Steinbuch
Dynamic decoupling in motion systems using a gradient approximation-based algorithm. 5086-5091 - Chunqiu Wan, Jun Wang, Geng Yang, Xiaolan Li, Xing Zhang:
Optimal micro-siting of wind turbines by genetic algorithms based on improved wind and turbine models. 5092-5096 - Feng-jun Hu, Bin Wu:
Quantum evolutionary algorithm for vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup. 5097-5101 - Cheng-Hung Chen, D. Subbaram Naidu, Alba Perez Gracia
, Marco P. Schoen
Hybrid control strategy for five-fingered smart prosthetic hand. 5102-5107 - Yiqun Zou, William Paul Heath
The quantification of large SNR for MLE of ARARMAX models. 5108-5113
Distributed Parameter and Delay Systems II
- Jiangyan Zhang, Tielong Shen, Xiaohong Jiao:
L2-gain analysis and feedback design for discontinuous time-delay systems based on functional differential inclusion. 5114-5119 - Yoshifumi Okuyama:
Robust stabilization for discretized PID control systems with transmission delay. 5120-5126 - Qing Hui, Jordan M. Berg:
Semistability theory for spatially distributed systems. 5127-5132 - Alessandro Macchelli
, Claudio Melchiorri:
Control by interconnection of distributed port-hamiltonian systems based on finite elements approximation. 5133-5138 - Alain Sarlette, Rodolphe Sepulchre:
A PDE viewpoint on basic properties of coordination algorithms with symmetries. 5139-5144 - Peng Jing, Chaonan Tong, Lei Xiao:
Decoupling based decentralized robust control for combined shape and gauge system in tandem cold rolling process. 5145-5150 - Seyyedmohsen Azizi, Khashayar Khorasani:
A sub-optimal distributed Kalman filter with fusion feedback for acyclic systems. 5151-5157
Automotive and Aerospace Systems
- Lifu Wang, Nong Zhang
, Haiping Du:
Design and experimental investigation of Demand Dependent Active Suspension for vehicle rollover control. 5158-5163 - Yingbo Zhao, Yan Ou, Lixian Zhang, Huijun Gao:
Hinfinity control of uncertain seat suspension systems subject to input delay and actuator saturation. 5164-5169 - Huijun Gao, Weichao Sun, Okyay Kaynak
Vibration suppression of vehicle active suspension systems in finite frequency domian. 5170-5175 - Matteo Corno, Mara Tanelli
, Ivo Boniolo, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Advanced yaw control of four-wheeled vehicles via rear active differential braking. 5176-5181 - Ming Feng Hsieh, Junmin Wang:
Nonlinear model predictive control of lean NOx trap regenerations. 5182-5187 - Jian Chen, Jing Sun
Fuel cell based auxiliary power unit modeling, optimization, and control. 5188-5193 - Christopher G. Mayhew, Karl Lukas Knierim, Nalin A. Chaturvedi, Sungbae Park, Jasim Ahmed, Aleksandar Kojic:
Reduced-order modeling for studying and controlling misfire in four-stroke HCCI engines. 5194-5199 - Philippe Moulin, Olivier Grondin, Laurent Fontvieille:
Control of a two stage turbocharger on a Diesel engine. 5200-5206 - Maria Prandini
, Jianghai Hu:
A probabilistic approach to air traffic complexity evaluation. 5207-5212 - Ruifeng Zhang
, Xinhua Wang
, Kai-Yuan Cai:
Quadrotor aircraft control without velocity measurements. 5213-5218 - Adan Vela, Senay Solak, William E. Singhose, John-Paul Clarke:
A mixed integer program for flight-level assignment and speed control for conflict resolution. 5219-5226 - Xuebo Yang, Yuming Bo, Yurong Liu, Zhijian Ji
, Huijun Gao:
Output tracking control for autonomous spacecraft rendezvous. 5227-5232 - Andrew Roberts, Abdelhamid Tayebi
Adaptive position tracking of VTOL UAVs. 5233-5238 - Mathias Bürger, Martin Guay:
A backstepping approach to multivariable robust constraint satisfaction with application to a VTOL helicopter. 5239-5244
New Techniques for Stabilization and Regulation of Nonlinear Systems
- Miroslav Krstic
Nonlinear stabilization through long input delay - Part I: Forward complete systems. 5245-5250 - Kemao Ma, Hassan K. Khalil:
Performance analysis of output regulation for a class of nonlinear systems. 5251-5256 - Alberto Isidori, Lorenzo Marconi:
A non-adaptive approach to the problem of tracking uncertain oscillations. 5257-5262 - Alexey V. Pavlov, Erik Steur, Nathan van de Wouw:
Controlled synchronization via nonlinear integral coupling. 5263-5268 - Daizhan Cheng, Jiang B. Liu:
Stabilization of Boolean control networks. 5269-5274 - Zhiyong Chen, Jie Huang:
Robust adaptive regulation of polynomial systems with dynamic uncertainties. 5275-5280
Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems
- Elliot R. Johnson, Todd D. Murphey
Second order switching time optimization for time-varying nonlinear systems. 5281-5286 - Yuqian Guo, Youyi Wang, Lihua Xie, Hui Li, Weihua Gui:
Optimal reset law design of reset control systems with application to HDD systems. 5287-5292 - Axel Schild, Xu Chu Ding, Magnus Egerstedt, Jan Lunze:
Design of optimal switching surfaces for switched autonomous systems. 5293-5298 - Dario Bauso:
Optimal impulse control problems and linear programming. 5299-5304 - Xu Chu Ding, Yorai Wardi, Magnus Egerstedt:
On-line adaptive optimal timing control of switched systems. 5305-5310 - Lars Grüne, Florian Müller:
An algorithm for event-based optimal feedback control. 5311-5316
Constrained Control of Linear Systems
- Carlos Eduardo Trabuco Dórea:
Output-feedback controlled-invariant polyhedra for constrained linear systems. 5317-5322 - Robert Schmid
, Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis:
On the design of non-overshooting linear tracking controllers for right-invertible systems. 5323-5327 - Robert Schmid
, Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis:
Achieving a nonovershooting transient response with multivariable dynamic output feedback tracking controllers. 5328-5332 - Kiheon Park:
H2 design of decoupling controllers based on directional interpolations. 5333-5338 - Wouter H. T. M. Aangenent, W. P. M. H. Heemels
, M. J. G. van de Molengraft, Maarten Steinbuch
Linear control of time-domain constrained systems. 5339-5344 - Maria Letizia Corradini, Andrea Cristofaro
, Fabio Giannoni:
Sharp estimates on the region of attraction of planar linear systems with bounded controls. 5345-5350
Methods for Analysis and Reduction of Large-Scale Systems II
- Femke van Belzen, Siep Weiland, Leyla Özkan:
Model reduction of multi-variable distributed systems through empirical projection spaces. 5351-5356 - Athanasios C. Antoulas:
An overview of model reduction methods and a new result. 5357-5361 - Serkan Gugercin
, Rostyslav V. Polyuga, Christopher A. Beattie, Arjan van der Schaft:
Interpolation-based H2 model reduction for port-Hamiltonian systems. 5362-5369 - Christopher A. Beattie, Serkan Gugercin
A trust region method for optimal H2 model reduction. 5370-5375 - Timo Reis, Matthias Heinkenschloss
Model reduction with a-priori error bounds for a class of nonlinear electrical circuits. 5376-5383 - Mark Mutsaers, Siep Weiland, Richard Engelaar:
Reduced-order observer design using a Lagrangian method. 5384-5389
Distributed Optimization and Optimal Control
- Jose Maria Maestre
, David Muñoz de la Peña
, Eduardo F. Camacho
Distributed MPC based on a cooperative game. 5390-5395 - Minyi Zhong, Christos G. Cassandras
Asynchronous distributed optimization with minimal communication and connectivity preservation. 5396-5401 - Javad Lavaei, John C. Doyle, Steven H. Low:
Congestion control algorithms from optimal control perspective. 5402-5408 - John Swigart, Sanjay Lall:
A graph-theoretic approach to distributed control over networks. 5409-5414 - Ather Gattami:
Control and estimation problems under partially nested information pattern. 5415-5419 - Chen Wang, Chong Jin Ong
, Melvyn Sim
Distributed model predictive control of dynamically decoupled linear systems with coupled cost. 5420-5425
- Jinchuan Zheng
, Aurelio Tergolina Salton
, Minyue Fu
A novel rotary dual-stage actuator positioner. 5426-5431 - Néstor Osvaldo Pérez-Arancibia, Tsu-Chin Tsao
, James Steven Gibson:
Multiple-period adaptive-repetitive control of a hard disk drive. 5432-5439 - Rui Yan, Haizhou Li
, Zhao Yang Dong
, Huajin Tang:
Nonlinear control approaches for SI engine model with uncertainties. 5440-5445 - Hiroshi Okumura, Akira Sano:
Adaptive necessary signal extraction control based on 2DF virtual error approach to smart window systems. 5446-5453 - Thomas Haidinger, Michael W. Hofbaur, Wilfried Rossegger:
Testrun adaption and control for a torsional vibration testrig actuator. 5454-5459 - Ying Luo, Hongsheng Li, Yangquan Chen
Fractional order proportional and derivative controller synthesis for a class of fractional order systems: Tuning rule and hardware-in-the-loop experiment. 5460-5465
Filter Design
- Meiqin Liu, X. Rong Li:
Optimal Hinfinity filtering for nonlinear delayed systems with multiple sensors. 5466-5471 - Rongni Yang, Huijun Gao, Peng Shi, Lixian Zhang:
Delay-dependent energy-to-peak filter design for stochastic systems with time delay: A delay partitioning approach. 5472-5477 - Syed Ahmed Pasha, Hoang Duong Tuan, Pierre Apkarian:
The LFT based PHD filter for nonlinear jump Markov models in multi-target tracking. 5478-5483 - Carlo Novara
, Fredy Ruiz
, Mario Milanese:
A new approach to optimal filter design for nonlinear systems. 5484-5489 - Paul William Coote, Jochen Trumpf
, Robert E. Mahony
, Jan C. Willems:
Near-optimal deterministic filtering on the unit circle. 5490-5495 - Sun Hwan Lee, Matthew West
Markov Chain Distributed Particle Filters (MCDPF). 5496-5501
Distributed Parameter Systems III
- Masaki Ogura
, Yutaka Yamamoto:
Hankel norm computation for pseudorational transfer functions. 5502-5507 - Ying Tan
, Emmanuel Trélat
, Yacine Chitour, Dragan Nesic
Dynamic practical stabilization of sampled-data linear distributed parameter systems. 5508-5513 - Lacra Pavel
Global classical solvability of initial-boundary problems for hyperbolic Lotka-Volterra systems in Sobolev spaces. 5514-5519 - Xiaowei Zhao, George Weiss
Controllability and observability of coupled systems. 5520-5525 - Xiaowei Zhao, George Weiss
Strong stabilization of a wind turbine tower model. 5526-5531 - Bogdan Robu, Lucie Baudouin, Christophe Prieur:
A controlled distributed parameter model for a fluid-flexible structure system: numerical simulations and experiment validations. 5532-5537
Emerging Applications
- Pieter Collins:
A computable type theory for control systems. 5538-5543 - Sanjay P. Bhat
, VijaySekhar Chellaboina
, Anil Bhatia, Sandeep Prasad, Uday Kumar M:
Discrete-time, minimum-variance hedging of European contingent claims. 5544-5549 - Hiroyuki Fujioka, Hiroyuki Kano:
Recursive construction of smoothing spline surfaces using normalized uniform B-splines. 5550-5555 - Yoshifumi Kuriyama, Shuichiro Hayashi, Ken'ichi Yano, Mamoru Watanabe:
Solution search algorithm for a CFD optimization problem with multimodal solution space. 5556-5561 - Rafal Wisniewski, Liang Chen
, Lars Finn Sloth Larsen:
Synchronization analysis of the supermarket refrigeration system. 5562-5567 - Sylvain Durand, Nicolas Marchand:
Energy consumption reduction with low computational needs in multicore systems with energy-performance tradeoff. 5568-5573
Adaptive Control: Applications II
- Juntao Fei, Fahmida N. Chowdhury:
Robust adaptive sliding mode controller for triaxial gyroscope. 5574-5579 - Yangmin Li
, Qingsong Xu
Hysteresis modeling and compensation for an XY micropositioning stage with model reference adaptive control. 5580-5585 - Jing Zhou
, Øyvind Nistad Stamnes, Ole Morten Aamo, Glenn-Ole Kaasa:
Pressure regulation with kick attenuation in a managed pressure drilling system. 5586-5591 - Zhijun Li, Kun Yang, Yipeng Yang:
Support Vector Machine based optimal control for mobile wheeled inverted pendulums with dynamics uncertainties. 5592-5597 - Qiang Liu, Tianyou Chai, Lijie Zhao, Yingwei Zhang, Shuran Zhang:
Modeling and gain scheduling adaptive control of tension control system for continuous annealing process. 5598-5603 - Tsai-Hsin Chang, Li-Sheng Wang
, Fan-Ren Chang:
Adaptive constraint-filtering method and its application to GPS positioning. 5604-5609
Biomolecular Networks
- Tatsuya Akutsu
, Morihiro Hayashida, Takeyuki Tamura:
Integer programming-based methods for attractor detection and control of boolean networks. 5610-5617 - Eugenio Cinquemani, Riccardo Porreca, John Lygeros, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
Canalizing structure of genetic network dynamics: modelling and identification via mixed-integer programming. 5618-5623 - Shigeru Saito, Masao Honda, Shuichi Kaneko, Katsuhisa Horimoto:
Detection of network structure changes by graphical chain modeling: a case study of hepatitis C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. 5624-5630 - Graziano Chesi
Toward non-conservative stability conditions for equilibrium points of genetic networks with SUM regulatory functions. 5631-5636 - Christian Breindl, Frank Allgöwer
Verification of multistability in gene regulation networks: A combinatorial approach. 5637-5642 - Hong-Bo Lei, Xin Wang, Ruiqi Wang, Xin-Guang Zhu, Luonan Chen, Ji-Feng Zhang:
Analysis on steady states of photosynthetic carbon metabolic system. 5643-5648
Motion Planning and Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles
- Efstathios Bakolas, Panagiotis Tsiotras:
The asymmetric sinistral/dextral Markov-Dubins problem. 5649-5654 - Matthew Greytak, Franz S. Hover:
Motion planning with an analytic risk cost for holonomic vehicles. 5655-5660 - Giannis P. Roussos, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
Towards constant velocity Navigation and collision avoidance for autonomous nonholonomic aircraft-like vehicles. 5661-5666 - Dragan Kostic, Sisdarmanto Adinandra, Jurjen Caarls, Nathan van de Wouw, Henk Nijmeijer:
Collision-free tracking control of unicycle mobile robots. 5667-5672 - Kazunori Sakurama
, Kazushi Nakano:
Deadlock-free path-following control for collision avoidance of multiple robots. 5673-5678 - Juan S. Mejía, Dusan M. Stipanovic
Safe coordination control policy for multiple input constrained nonholonomic vehicles. 5679-5684
Control of Intelligent Systems
- Michael Krieg
, Kamran Mohseni:
Dynamic control of biologically inspired pulsatile jet propulsion thrusters. 5685-5690 - Mark Edward John Butcher, Alireza Karimi
Linear Parameter Varying Iterative Learning Control. 5691-5695 - Xiaoyu Liu, Kang-ling Fang, Bin Liu:
A synthesis method for the complex-valued associative memory constrained by the attractive domain. 5696-5701 - Youqing Wang, Francis J. Doyle III:
Stability analysis for set-point-related indirect iterative learning control. 5702-5707 - Ruiqi Wang, Ke Li, Naxin Cui, Chenghui Zhang:
A new PID-type Fuzzy neural network controller based on Genetic Algorithm with improved Smith predictor. 5708-5713 - Carlos Renato Vázquez, Manuel Silva Suárez:
Piecewise-linear constrained control for timed continuous Petri nets. 5714-5720
New Developments in System Identification
- Brian D. O. Anderson, Manfred Deistler, Weitian Chen, Alexander Filler:
AR models of singular spectral matrices. 5721-5726 - Bernard Bercu, Víctor Vázquez-Guevara:
On the usefulness of persistent excitation in ARX adaptive tracking. 5727-5732 - Sergio Bittanti, Marco C. Campi, Maria Prandini
Adaptation and the effort needed to adapt. 5733-5737 - Henrik Ohlsson, Maite Bauwens, Lennart Ljung
On manifolds, climate reconstruction and bivalve shells. 5738-5743 - Nikolaos M. Freris, Vivek S. Borkar, P. R. Kumar:
A model-based approach to clock synchronization. 5744-5749 - Yifen Mu, Lei Guo:
Optimization and Identification in a Non-equilibrium Dynamic Game. 5750-5755
Stochastic Systems III
- Javad Lavaei, Richard M. Murray
Quantized consensus via adaptive stochastic gossip algorithm. 5756-5762 - Oleg N. Granichin
, Lev Gurevich, Alexander Vakhitov
Discrete-time minimum tracking based on stochastic approximation algorithm with randomized differences. 5763-5767 - Tzyy-Chyang Lu, Jyh-Ching Juang:
An evolutionary space search algorithm (ESSA) for global numerical optimization. 5768-5773 - Michalis Smyrnakis, David S. Leslie
Sequentially updated Probability Collectives. 5774-5779 - Hua Li, Edwin K. P. Chong
Search on lines and graphs. 5780-5785 - Hiroaki Mukaidani, Hua Xu
, Vasile Dragan:
Soft-constrained stochastic Nash games for multimodeling systems via static output feedback strategy. 5786-5791
Consensus and Rendezvous Problems
- Qing Hui:
Hybrid consensus protocols: An impulsive dynamical system approach. 5792-5797 - Chih-Kai Ko, Xiaojie Gao:
On matrix factorization and finite-time average-consensus. 5798-5803 - Wenjun Xiong, Daniel W. C. Ho
Consensus of multi-agent directed networks with nonlinear perturbations via impulsive control. 5804-5808 - Tao Li
, Minyue Fu
, Lihua Xie, Ji-Feng Zhang:
Quantized consensus over expander networks and communication energy minimization. 5809-5814 - Jing Wang, Nicola Elia:
Agents design for distributed consensus over networks of fixed and switching topologies. 5815-5820 - Giovanni Russo
, Mario di Bernardo
Solving the rendezvous problem for multi-agent systems using contraction theory. 5821-5826
Separation and Scheduling in Networked Control
- Dongxiao Wu, Jun Wu, Sheng Chen
On separation principle for a class of networked control systems. 5827-5831 - Adam Molin, Sandra Hirche:
On LQG joint optimal scheduling and control under communication constraints. 5832-5838 - Daniel Görges
, Michal Izak, Steven Liu
Optimal control and scheduling of networked control systems. 5839-5844 - Luca Galbusera, Nicola Gatti
, Carlo Romani:
A mechanism design approach to the stabilization of networked dynamical systems. 5845-5850 - Yulei Sun, Nael H. El-Farra:
Robust quasi-decentralized networked control of process systems. 5851-5856 - Xiaoying Zheng, Chunglae Cho, Ye Xia:
Content distribution by multiple multicast trees and intersession cooperation: Optimal algorithms and approximations. 5857-5862
Control of Communication Systems
- Pu Wan, Michael D. Lemmon:
An event-triggered distributed primal-dual algorithm for Network Utility maximization. 5863-5868 - Henrik Sandberg
, Håkan Hjalmarsson
, Ulf T. Jönsson, Gunnar Karlsson, Karl Henrik Johansson
On performance limitations of congestion control. 5869-5876 - Laura Giarré
, Giovanni Neglia, Ilenia Tinnirello
Resource sharing optimality in WiFi infrastructure networks. 5877-5882 - Randy Cogill:
Event-based control using quadratic approximate value functions. 5883-5888 - Charalambos D. Charalambous
, Christos K. Kourtellaris, Photios A. Stavrou:
Stochastic control over finite capacity channels: Causality, feedback and uncertainty. 5889-5894 - Huan Zhang, Pubudu N. Pathirana
Uplink power control via adaptive HMM estimation. 5895-5900
Nonlinear Control and Realization
- Steven W. Su
, Brian D. O. Anderson, Weidong Chen, Hung T. Nguyen
Multi-realization of nonlinear systems. 5901-5905 - Daniele Casagrande
, Mario Sassano
, Alessandro Astolfi
A Hamiltonian approach to moments-based font recognition. 5906-5911 - Jared M. Maruskin, Daniel J. Scheeres:
Metrics on the space of bounded Keplerian orbits and space situational awareness. 5912-5917 - Liang Shan, Zhong Liu, Jun Li, Zhiquan Wang:
A new fractional-order chaotic system and its synchronization control. 5918-5922 - Xian Zhang, Guang-Ping Zhong, Chong Tan:
Existence and representation of stabilizing solutions to generalized algebraic Riccati equations. 5923-5928 - Nikolai Matni, Meeko Oishi
Reachability analysis for continuous systems under shared control: Application to user-interface design. 5929-5934 - Jana Nemcová, Mihály Petreczky, Jan H. van Schuppen:
Realization theory of Nash systems. 5935-5940 - José Fernandes Vasconcelos, Anders Rantzer, Carlos Silvestre
, Paulo Jorge Ramalho Oliveira
Combination of Lyapunov functions and density functions for stability of rotational motion. 5941-5946 - Giorgio Valmorbida
, Sophie Tarbouriech, Germain Garcia:
Region of attraction estimates for polynomial systems. 5947-5952 - Yuepeng Chen, Jingxin Zhang
, Shenpeng Li, Li Chai:
Robust Hinfinity optimal signal predictive quantization. 5953-5958 - Dohee Kim, William MacKunis, Norman G. Fitz-Coy, Warren E. Dixon
Precision IPACS in the presence of dynamic uncertainty. 5959-5964 - Maria Paola Di Ciccio, Pierdomenico Pepe
, Pier Ugo Foscolo
ISS feedback redesign for disturbance attenuation in continuous stirred tank reactors. 5965-5970
Robotics and Motion Control
- Chih-Chung Chou, Feng-Li Lian
Velocity space approach with region analysis and look-ahead verification for robot navigation. 5971-5976 - Yong Jiang, Hongguang Wang, Lijin Fang:
Path planning for inchworm-like robot moving in narrow space. 5977-5984 - Ramón González, Mirko Fiacchini
, José Luis Guzmán
, Teodoro Alamo
Robust tube-based MPC for constrained mobile robots under slip conditions. 5985-5990 - Lei Cheng, Quanmin Zhu, Yongji Wang:
A multi-mode sequential flocking strategy for motion control of multiple mobile robots in obstacle environment. 5991-5996 - Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Ufuk Topcu, Richard M. Murray
Receding horizon temporal logic planning for dynamical systems. 5997-6004 - Jonathan Andersh, Bernard Mettler, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos:
Experimental investigation of teleoperation performance for miniature rotorcraft. 6005-6010 - Xi Liu, Yongchun Fang, Xuebo Zhang:
An active visual servoing strategy for nonholonomic mobile robots. 6011-6016 - Yi Zhu, Tao Zhang
, Jingyan Song:
An improved wall following method for escaping from local minimum in artificial potential field based path planning. 6017-6022 - Shu-Ping Zhang, Yongsheng Ding, Kuangrong Hao
Identification of a parallel manipulator's pose using a parallelogram. 6023-6027 - William E. Singhose, Adan Vela, Dooroo Kim:
Comparison of residual-vibration and energy-minimizing control methods for command generation. 6028-6033 - Jing Ni, Lihui Peng:
Nonlinear modeling and control for electro hydraulic servo system in pipe expanding process. 6034-6039 - Gibson Hu, Shoudong Huang
, Gamini Dissanayake
3D I-SLSJF: A consistent sparse local submap joining algorithm for building large-scale 3D Map. 6040-6045 - Wanzhou Li
, Jingchun Wang, Feng Yang, Guobin Zou:
An Advanced Selective Hydraulic Control system for the Heavy-duty Rough Grinding Machine. 6046-6051 - Zhaolong Shen, Sean B. Andersson:
Tracking multiple fluorescent particles in two dimensions in a confocal microscope. 6052-6057 - Irfan Ahmad, Alina Voda, Gildas Besançon
Hinfinity controller design for high-performance scanning tunneling microscope. 6058-6063 - Dengpeng Xing, Jianbo Su
Motion generation for the upper body of humanoid robot. 6064-6069 - Yuki Kakizoe, Hisakazu Nakamura
, Hirokazu Nishitani:
Stable hybrid remote manipulation system with adaptive environment observer using time-scale transformation. 6070-6077
Sliding Mode Control and Observers
- Hao Li, LiHua Dou, Zhong Su, Jie Chen:
A new modeling reference direct adaptive sliding mode control for electromechanical actuator. 6078-6082 - Alessandro Jacoud Peixoto
, Tiago Roux Oliveira
, Liu Hsu
Global tracking output-feedback sliding mode control design via norm estimators and variable high gain observer. 6083-6088 - Zheng Zhu, Yuanqing Xia, Mengyin Fu:
Back-stepping sliding mode control for missile systems via quaternions. 6089-6094 - Marco Tulio Angulo Ballesteros, Leonid M. Fridman
Output-based Finite Time Control of LTI systems with matched perturbations using HOSM. 6095-6100 - Håvard Fjær Grip, Ali Saberi:
Observer design in the presence of periodic output disturbances by mixing of past and present output data. 6101-6106 - Ping Li, James Lam, Zhan Shu:
Positive observers for positive interval linear discrete-time delay systems. 6107-6112 - Giovanni Marro, Elena Zattoni
Exact unknown-state, unknown-input reconstruction: A geometric framework for discrete-time systems. 6113-6118 - Peter Ortner, Alessandro Astolfi
Robust observer design for a class of nonlinear systems using filtering and dynamic scaling. 6119-6124 - Jesus David Avilés
, Jaime A. Moreno
Cooperative observers for nonlinear systems. 6125-6130 - Salim Ibrir:
Observer design for inherently nonlinear systems with lower triangular structure. 6131-6136 - Jing Na
, Guido Herrmann
, Xuemei Ren, Phil Barber:
Nonlinear observer design for discrete MIMO systems with unknown time delay. 6137-6142 - Dhruv Shah, Romeo Ortega, Alessandro Astolfi
Speed and load torque observer for rotating machines. 6143-6148
Stability of Linear Systems
- Ting Hou, Weihai Zhang, Hongji Ma:
Further results on stability and exact observability of linear stochastic systems. 6149-6153 - Lee H. Keel, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya:
Fixed order multivariable discrete-time control. 6154-6159 - Wei Xing, Wei-Yong Yan, Wanquan Liu
Rank stability radius for a matrix with structured scalar perturbations. 6160-6165 - Krister Jacobsson, Lachlan L. H. Andrew, Ao Tang:
Stability and robustness conditions using frequency dependent half planes. 6166-6171 - Yuri Dolgin, Ezra Zeheb:
LMI stability constraints for disjoint stability regions using rouché theorem. 6172-6176 - Tomoyuki Nagashio, Takashi Kida:
An optimal design of symmetric Hinfinity static output feedback controller using LMI for collocated second-order linear system. 6177-6182
Biological Systems
- Reiko J. Tanaka, Lu Gaohua
, Shingo Shimoda, Hidenori Kimura:
Compound control - adaptation to multiple environmental changes. 6183-6188 - Filippo Cacace
, Alfredo Germani, Pasquale Palumbo
Observer-based identification of a Multi-Output Feedforward Loop from gene expression data. 6189-6194 - Jun Zhao, Chenyang Yan:
A Bottleneck Assigned Binary Ant System for multimodal optimization. 6195-6200 - Jorge dos Santos Ferreira, Yoann O'Donoghue, Richard H. Middleton
Analysis of HIV mutation dynamics for a linear mutation tree. 6201-6206 - Vincent Bonnet, Philippe Fraisse, Nacim Ramdani
, Julien Lagarde, Sofiane Ramdani, Benoît G. Bardy:
A closed loop musculoskeletal model of postural coordination dynamics. 6207-6212 - Zhaohua Gong, Chongyang Liu, Enmin Feng:
Modeling in microbial batch culture and its parameter identification. 6213-6217
Optimization and Applications
- Vijay Gupta
On an anytime algorithm for control. 6218-6223 - Kai Huang, Luca Santinelli, Jian-Jia Chen
, Lothar Thiele, Giorgio C. Buttazzo:
Periodic power management schemes for real-time event streams. 6224-6231 - Fumin Zhang
, Zhenwu Shi:
Optimal and adaptive battery discharge strategies for Cyber-Physical Systems. 6232-6237 - Manel Velasco
, Pau Martí, Enrico Bini
On Lyapunov sampling for event-driven controllers. 6238-6243 - Przemyslaw Ignaciuk
, Andrzej Bartoszewicz:
LQ optimal inventory control for multi-supplier periodic-review systems with disparate lead-time delay. 6244-6249 - Xianpeng Wang
, Lixin Tang
A simplified scatter search for a special single machine scheduling problem to minimize total weighted tardiness. 6250-6255 - Qingxin Guo, Lixin Tang
A scatter search based heuristic for the balancing of parallel assembly lines. 6256-6261 - Elisabet Estévez-Estévez
, Isabel Sarachaga
, Federico Pérez
, Dario Orive, Marga Marcos
Model driven design in industrial automation. 6262-6267 - Yuncan Xue, Dongliang Zheng
, Fei Liu, Qiwen Yang:
Solve the optimum steelmaking charge plan with unknown charge number using improved DPSO. 6268-6273 - Mariam Faied, Anouck R. Girard:
Modeling and optimizing military air operations. 6274-6279 - Boris Houska
, Filip Logist
, Jan F. M. Van Impe, Moritz Diehl:
Approximate robust optimization of time-periodic stationary states with application to biochemical processes. 6280-6285 - Jerome Le Ny, George J. Pappas
On trajectory optimization for active sensing in Gaussian process models. 6286-6292
Lyapunov Methods I
- Miroslav Krstic
Nonlinear stabilization through long input delay - Part II: The strict-feedforward class. 6293-6298 - Denis V. Efimov
On global Lyapunov characterization of multi-stable nonlinear systems. 6299-6304 - Vijay Muralidharan
, Maruthi T. Ravichandran, Arun D. Mahindrakar
Extending interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control (IDA-PBC) to underactuated mechanical systems with nonholonomic Pfaffian constraints: The mobile inverted pendulum robot. 6305-6310 - Philip S. Ulinski:
Network stability within visual cortex: A Lyapunov function approach. 6311-6316 - Guifang Cheng, Xiaowu Mu:
Lasalle's invariant principle via vector Lyapunov functions of a class of discontinuous systems. 6317-6320 - Wen-Ching Chung, Der-Cherng Liaw, Shih-Tse Chang:
The steering control of vehicle dynamics via a Lyapunov redesign approach. 6321-6326
Model Predictive Control: Stability and Robustness
- Sean Summers, Colin N. Jones, John Lygeros, Manfred Morari:
A multiscale approximation scheme for explicit model predictive control with stability, feasibility, and performance guarantees. 6327-6332 - Daniele Bernardini
, Alberto Bemporad:
Scenario-based model predictive control of stochastic constrained linear systems. 6333-6338 - Yuanyuan Zou, Shaoyuan Li:
Robust constrained model predictive control of piecewise linear systems with bounded additive disturbances. 6339-6344 - Morten Hovd
, Francesco Scibilia, Jan M. Maciejowski, Sorin Olaru
Verifying stability of approximate explicit MPC. 6345-6350 - Ravi Gondhalekar
, Colin N. Jones:
Model predictive control of linear periodic systems - a unified framework including control of multirate and multiplexed systems. 6351-6358 - Peter Hokayem, Debasish Chatterjee
, John Lygeros:
On stochastic receding horizon control with bounded control inputs. 6359-6364
LMI Techniques for Switched Systems
- Alexandre Trofino
, Diego Assmann, Cesar Cataldo Scharlau, Daniel Ferreira Coutinho:
Switching rule design for switched dynamic systems with affine vector fields. 6365-6370 - Ivan Malloci, Jamal Daafouz, Claude Iung:
Stabilization of continuous-time singularly perturbed switched systems. 6371-6376 - Grace S. Deaecto
, José Claudio Geromel
Full order dynamic output feedback Hinfinity control for continuous-time switched linear systems. 6377-6382 - Jianbin Qiu, Gang Feng
, Huijun Gao, Yuan Fan:
Exponential Hinfinity static output feedback control of switched systems with average dwell-time and time-varying uncertainties. 6383-6388 - Huanyu Zhao, Qingwei Chen, Shengyuan Xu:
Model reduction for Markovian jump systems with time-delay and uncertain switching probabilities. 6389-6394 - Shuping Ma, El Kébir Boukas:
Stability and stabilization for a class of discrete-time piecewise affine singular systems. 6395-6400
Algebraic and Geometric Methods
- Arthur J. Krener, Kayo Ide:
Measures of unobservability. 6401-6406 - Robert E. Mahony
, Tarek Hamel
, Jochen Trumpf
, Christian Lageman:
Nonlinear attitude observers on SO(3) for complementary and compatible measurements: A theoretical study. 6407-6412 - Wei Kang, Liang Xu:
A quantitative measure of observability and controllability. 6413-6418 - Sebastian Trimpe
, Raffaello D'Andrea:
A limiting property of the matrix exponential with application to multi-loop control. 6419-6425 - Hui Zhang, Youxian Sun:
Variety of linear continuous time systems. 6426-6431 - Ichiro Jikuya, Ichijo Hodaka
A Floquet-like factorization for linear periodic systems. 6432-6437
Distributed Control and Differential Games
- Alain Sarlette, Rodolphe Sepulchre:
Consensus on homogeneous manifolds. 6438-6443 - Witold Rzymowski
A problem of guarding line segment. 6444-6447 - Gen-Qi Xu
, Ya Xuan Zhang:
Vector-valued hyperbolic system and applications to the complex networks of strings. 6448-6453 - Michael Hintermüller
, Ronald H. W. Hoppe:
Goal-oriented adaptivity in control constrained optimal control of partial differential equations. 6454-6459 - Pierre Apkarian, Dominikus Noll, Aude Rondepierre:
Mixed H2/Hinfinity control via nonsmooth optimization. 6460-6465 - Jason R. Marden, Adam Wierman:
Overcoming limitations of game-theoretic distributed control. 6466-6471
- Riccardo Muradore
, Roberto Foroncelli, Paolo Fiorini:
Statistical methods for estimating the dynamical parameters of manipulators. 6472-6477 - Liuji Shang, Shuo Wang, Min Tan, Xiang Dong
Motion control for an underwater robotic fish with two undulating long-fins. 6478-6483 - Rongchuan Sun, Shugen Ma, Bin Li, Yuechao Wang:
Simultaneous localization and sampled environment mapping. 6484-6489 - Leonid B. Freidovich
, Anton S. Shiriaev
Transverse linearization for mechanical systems with passive links, impulse effects, and friction forces. 6490-6495 - Sérgio Bras
, Rita Cunha
, José Fernandes Vasconcelos, Carlos Silvestre
, Paulo Jorge Ramalho Oliveira
Nonlinear attitude estimation using active vision and inertial measurements. 6496-6501 - Ming Wang, Junzhi Yu, Min Tan:
Modeling neural control of robotic fish with pectoral fins using a CPG-based network. 6502-6507
Observer Design for Nonlinear Systems
- Alessandro Astolfi
, Romeo Ortega, Aneesh Venkatraman:
A globally exponentially convergent immersion and invariance speed observer for n degrees of freedom mechanical systems. 6508-6513 - Ricardo G. Sanfelice
, Laurent Praly:
Nonlinear observer design with an appropriate Riemannian metric. 6514-6519 - Driss Boutat
, Krishna Busawon:
Extended nonlinear observable canonical form for multi-output dynamical systems. 6520-6525 - Tomas Ménard, Emmanuel Moulay
, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Global finite-time observers for non linear systems. 6526-6531 - Alfredo Germani, Costanzo Manes
Semiglobal state observers for nonlinear analytic discrete-time systems. 6532-6537 - Attaullah Y. Memon
, Hassan K. Khalil:
Full-order high-gain observers for minimum phase nonlinear systems. 6538-6543
Switched Electronic Systems
- Mario Spinetti, Enric Fossas, Domingo Biel:
Stabilitiy analysis of a Lyapunov-based controlled boost converter. 6544-6548 - Luigi Iannelli, Francesco Vasca:
Cyclic steady state behavior of switched electronic systems. 6549-6554 - Wissam Dib, Alessandro Astolfi
, Romeo Ortega:
Model reduction by moment matching for switched power converters. 6555-6560 - John N. Chiasson, Zhong Du, Burak Ozpineci
, Leon M. Tolbert
High dynamic performance programmed PWM control of a multilevel inverter with capacitor DC sources. 6561-6568 - Dunstano del Puerto-Flores
, Romeo Ortega, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen
Power factor compensation with lossless linear filters is equivalent to (weighted) power equalization and a new cyclo-dissipativity characterization. 6569-6574 - Sébastien Mariéthoz, Stefan Almér, Manfred Morari:
Optimal control of a two control input buck-boost converter. 6575-6581
Engine Modeling and Control
- Olivier Grondin, Philippe Moulin, Jonathan Chauvin:
Control of a turbocharged Diesel engine fitted with high pressure and low pressure exhaust gas recirculation systems. 6582-6589 - Shu Li, Hong Chen, Shuyou Yu
Nonlinear model predictive control for idle speed control of SI engine. 6590-6595 - Ming Feng Hsieh, Junmin Wang:
Nonlinear observer designs for diesel engine selective catalytic reduction (SCR) ammonia coverage ratio estimation. 6596-6601 - Rahul Sharma, Dragan Nesic
, Chris Manzie
Model reduction of automotive engines using perturbation theory. 6602-6607 - Jonathan Chauvin, Alexandre Chasse:
Dynamic periodic observer for a combustion engine test bench. 6608-6613 - Alessandro di Gaeta
, Giovanni Fiengo, Angelo Palladino, Veniero Giglio
A control oriented model of a Common-Rail System for Gasoline Direct Injection engine. 6614-6619
Nonlinear Adaptive Control I
- Deqing Huang, Jian-Xin Xu, Zhongsheng Hou:
A discrete-time periodic adaptive control approach for parametric-strict-feedback systems. 6620-6625 - Chuxiong Hu, Bin Yao, Qingfeng Wang:
Integrated direct/indirect adaptive robust control of a class of nonlinear systems preceded by unknown dead-zone nonlinearity. 6626-6631 - Jiaxing Guo, Gang Tao:
A multivariable MRAC scheme with sensor uncertainty compensation. 6632-6637 - Tengfei Liu, David J. Hill
, Cong Wang:
Dissipativity-based switching adaptive control. 6638-6643 - Xin Wang, Hui Yang, Shaoyuan Li, Yihui Zheng:
Multiple models adaptive feedforward decoupling controller using HDBD focus. 6644-6649 - Beibei Ren, Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Keng Peng Tee, Tong Heng Lee:
Adaptive control for parametric output feedback systems with output constraint. 6650-6655
Advanced Control Techniques
- Anantha Karthikeyan, Michael G. Safonov:
LQ feedback formulation for discrete-time Hinfinity output feedback. 6656-6661 - Robert E. Skelton, Josep M. Mirats Tur:
Nonlinear control of non-minimal tensegrity models. 6662-6667 - Alexandre Trofino
Sufficient LMI conditions for the design of static and reduced order controllers. 6668-6673 - Daniel Ankelhed, Anders Helmersson, Anders Hansson:
A Primal-Dual method for low order Hinfinity controller synthesis. 6674-6679 - Hyungbo Shim
, Daniel Liberzon, Jung-Su Kim:
Quasi-ISS reduced-order observers and quantized output feedback. 6680-6685 - Jun Wu, Gang Li, Sheng Chen
, Jian Chu:
Mixed µ robust finite word length controller design. 6686-6691
Sliding Mode Control I
- Alejandra Ferreira de Loza
, Francisco Javier Bejarano
, Leonid M. Fridman
Robust output regulation with exact unmatched uncertainties compensation based on HOSM observation. 6692-6696 - Bin Wang, Xinghuo Yu
Euler discretization of second-order terminal sliding mode control systems. 6697-6702 - Jinhui Zhang, Peng Shi, Yuanqing Xia, Mengyin Fu:
Adaptive sliding mode control for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. 6703-6708 - Xing-Gang Yan
, Sarah K. Spurgeon
, Christopher Edwards:
Global time-delay dependent decentralised sliding mode control using only output information. 6709-6714 - Francesco Dinuzzo:
A second order sliding mode controller with polygonal constraints. 6715-6719 - Aleksandra Nowacka-Leverton, Andrzej Bartoszewicz:
ITAE optimal transient performance in SMC of third order systems with state and input constraints. 6720-6725
Neural Network Systems
- Parag M. Patre, Shubhendu Bhasin
, Zachary D. Wilcox, Warren E. Dixon
Composite adaptation for neural network-based controllers. 6726-6731 - Tianrui Chen, Cong Wang:
Learning from neural control for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems. 6732-6737 - Yimin Zhou, Arthur L. Dexter, Argyrios C. Zolotas
Generating training data for identifying neurofuzzy models of non-linear dynamic systems. 6738-6743 - Meiqin Liu, X. Rong Li:
Optimal Hinfinity synchronization of general discrete-time delayed chaotic neural networks via dynamic output feedback. 6744-6749 - Travis Dierks, Sarangapani Jagannathan:
Optimal tracking control of affine nonlinear discrete-time systems with unknown internal dynamics. 6750-6755 - Yijun Zhang, Dong Yue, Engang Tian:
Synchronization control of stochastic delayed neural networks communicating with unreliable links. 6756-6761
Identification of Nonlinear Systems
- Sheng Chen
, Xia Hong, Bing Lam Luk
, Chris J. Harris
A tunable radial basis function model for nonlinear system identification using particle swarm optimisation. 6762-6767 - Er-Wei Bai:
Non-parametric nonlinear system identification: An asymptotic minimum mean squared error estimator. 6768-6773 - Tillmann Falck, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Bart De Moor:
Robustness analysis for Least Squares kernel based regression: an optimization approach. 6774-6779 - Nguyen-Vu Truong, Liuping Wang
Bounded characteristics of wavelet based SDP models. 6780-6785 - Steffen Borchers, Philipp Rumschinski
, Sandro Bosio, Robert Weismantel, Rolf Findeisen
A set-based framework for coherent model invalidation and parameter estimation of discrete time nonlinear systems. 6786-6792 - Yuzhen Xue, Thordur Runolfsson:
Identification of autonomous complex dynamic systems from noisy data. 6793-6798
Electrical Machines
- Tobias Geyer:
Generalized Model Predictive Direct Torque Control: Long prediction horizons and minimization of switching losses. 6799-6804 - Dezong Zhao, Chunwen Li, Jun Ren:
Speed synchronization of multiple induction motors with adjacent cross coupling control. 6805-6810 - Jeremy Malaize, Jean Lévine:
An Observer-based design for cogging forces cancellation in permanent magnet linear motors. 6811-6816 - Qing-Shan Jia
, Min Xie, Felix F. Wu:
Ordinal optimization based security dispatching in deregulated power systems. 6817-6822 - Lingling Fan
, Zhixin Miao, Xin Wang:
Sensorless Maximum Power Point Tracking in multi-type wind energy conversion systems. 6823-6828 - Lingling Fan
, Chanxia Zhu, Minqiang Hu:
Fault ride through techniques of DFIG-based wind energy systems. 6829-6834
Sensor/ Communication Networks
- Yan Zhou, Jianxun Li:
Quantized measurement fusion for target tracking in wireless sensor networks. 6835-6840 - Ali H. Tahoun
, Huajing Fang:
Adaptive actuator failure compensation design for networked control systems with state-dependent disturbances. 6841-6846 - Ali Vakili, Babak Hassibi:
On the steady-state performance of Kalman filtering with intermittent observations for stable systems. 6847-6852 - Dong Yue, Hongjie Li, Jinliang Liu
, Engang Tian, Minghao Li:
Adaptive feedback exponentially synchronization of complex delayed dynamical networks with nonlinearly coupled nodes. 6853-6857 - Haoqian Wang, Ying Zhang:
LQ control for networked systems with input delay and packet loss. 6858-6863 - Zhuozheng Li, Tianguang Chu, Long Wang
Self-learning PD game with imperfect information on networks. 6864-6869
Stochastic Networked Control Systems
- Hongli Dong, Zidong Wang
, Jinling Liang, Huijun Gao:
On Hinfinity control with multiple packet dropouts: Dealing with repeated scalar nonlinearities. 6870-6875 - Jianhua Zhang
, Hong Wang
A minimized zero mean entropy approach to networked control systems. 6876-6881 - Duarte Antunes
, João Pedro Hespanha, Carlos Jorge Ferreira Silvestre
Control of impulsive renewal systems: Application to direct design in networked control. 6882-6887 - Shawn Hu, Wei-Yong Yan:
Stability of networked control systems subject to input and output packet loss. 6888-6892 - Nan Xiao
, Lihua Xie, Li Qiu
Mean square stabilization of multi-input systems over stochastic multiplicative channels. 6893-6898 - Yun-Bo Zhao, Guo-Ping Liu
, David Rees:
Stochastic stability analysis of packet-based networked control systems. 6899-6903
Constrained Control I
- João Manoel Gomes da Silva
, Fernando Augusto Bender, Sophie Tarbouriech, Jean-Marc Biannic:
Dynamic anti-windup synthesis for state delayed systems: an LMI approach. 6904-6909 - Justin Teo, Jonathan P. How
Anti-windup compensation for nonlinear systems via gradient projection: Application to adaptive control. 6910-6916 - Thomas Gussner, Jürgen Adamy:
Controller Design for Polynomial Systems with Input Constraints. 6917-6922 - Thomas Besselmann, Johan Löfberg, Manfred Morari:
Constrained time-optimal control of linear parameter-varying systems. 6923-6928 - Elmer G. Gilbert, Chong Jin Ong
An extended command governor for constrained linear systems with disturbances. 6929-6934 - Hendrik Lens
Fast robust stabilization by saturating output feedback of uncertain linear systems with input constraints. 6935-6940
Fault Diagnosis II
- Franck Cassez
A note on fault diagnosis algorithms. 6941-6946 - Songyin Cao
, Lei Guo:
Fault diagnosis with disturbance rejection performance based on disturbance observer. 6947-6951 - Carla Seatzu, Maria Paola Cabasino, Cristian Mahulea
, Manuel Silva Suárez:
New results for fault detection of untimed continuous Petri nets. 6952-6957 - Rahul Sharma, Mohammad Aldeen
Design of integral sliding mode observers with application to fault and unknown input reconstruction. 6958-6963 - András Varga:
The nullspace method - a unifying paradigm to fault detection. 6964-6969 - Mehdi Bayoudh, Louise Travé-Massuyès, Xavier Olive:
On-line analytic redundancy relations instantiation guided by component discrete-dynamics for a class of non-linear hybrid systems. 6970-6975 - Jia Wang, Wu Wang, Fuwen Yang
, Jinxian Zhang:
Fault detection for descriptor networked systems with multiple packet dropouts. 6976-6981 - Nader Meskin
, Khashayar Khorasani:
Fault detection and isolation of linear impulsive systems. 6982-6987 - Xiaodong Zhang, Marios M. Polycarpou, Thomas Parisini:
Decentralized fault detection in a class of large-scale nonlinear uncertain systems. 6988-6993 - Tao Peng, Steven X. Ding, Wei-Hua Gui, Jie Chen:
A parity space approach to fault detection for networked control system via optimal measurement selection. 6994-6999
Autonomous Agents and Networks
- Kiran Somasundaram, John S. Baras:
Achieving symmetric Pareto Nash equilibria using biased replicator dynamics. 7000-7005 - Luca Galbusera, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
, Riccardo Scattolini
A hybrid model predictive control scheme for multi-agent containment and distributed sensing. 7006-7011 - Xiaomeng Liu, Hai Lin, Ben M. Chen
A graph-theoretic characterization of structural controllability for multi-agent system with switching topology. 7012-7017 - Yao Chen, Jinhu Lu
, Zongli Lin:
Consensus of discrete-time multi-agent systems with nonlinear local rules and time-varying delays. 7018-7023 - Jonghoek Kim, Fumin Zhang
, Magnus Egerstedt:
An exploration strategy by constructing Voronoi diagrams with provable completeness. 7024-7029 - Giuseppe Carlo Calafiore
Randomized algorithms for robustness analysis: a distributed approach. 7030-7035 - Reza Olfati-Saber:
Kalman-Consensus Filter : Optimality, stability, and performance. 7036-7042 - Sonia Hernandez, Derek A. Paley
Three-dimensional motion coordination in a time-invariant flowfield. 7043-7048 - Simone Del Favero
, Sandro Zampieri
Distributed estimation through randomized gossip Kalman filter. 7049-7054 - Rishi Graham, Jorge Cortés
Cooperative adaptive sampling via approximate entropy maximization. 7055-7060 - Amir Ajorlou, Ahmadreza Momeni, Amir G. Aghdam:
Connectivity preservation in a network of single integrator agents. 7061-7067
Network and Distributed Control
- Yan Cai, Yong Liu
, Weibo Gong, Tilman Wolf
Impact of arrival burstiness on queue length: An infinitesimal perturbation analysis. 7068-7073 - Ioannis Lestas:
Distributed power control in wireless networks: stability and delay independence. 7074-7079 - Sandip Roy, Yan Wan
, Ali Saberi, Mengran Xue:
Designing linear distributed algorithms with memory for fast convergence. 7080-7085 - Jason Zheng Jiang, Malcolm C. Smith:
Synthesis of positive-real functions with low-complexity series-parallel networks. 7086-7091 - Justin K. Rice, Michel Verhaegen:
Distributed control of spatially invariant systems using fast iterative solutions to rationally parametric matrix problems. 7092-7098 - Jose Maria Maestre
, David Muñoz de la Peña
, Eduardo F. Camacho
Distributed MPC: a supply chain case study. 7099-7104 - Jinfeng Liu, David Muñoz de la Peña
, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Distributed model predictive control of nonlinear systems subject to delayed measurements. 7105-7112 - Paolo Massioni
, Rufus Fraanje, Michel Verhaegen:
Adaptive optics application of distributed control design for decomposable systems. 7113-7118 - Yan Gao, P. R. Kumar:
Joint congestion control and random access MAC in multi-hop wireless networks via a simplified model. 7119-7124 - Yongcan Cao
, Wei Ren:
Distributed coordination of fractional-order systems with extensions to directed dynamic networks and absolute/relative damping. 7125-7130 - Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Karl Henrik Johansson
Event-triggered control for multi-agent systems. 7131-7136 - Michael C. Caramanis, Chang-Chen Wu, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis:
Production planning and quality of service allocation across the supply chain in a dynamic lead time model. 7137-7144
LMIs and Delay Systems
- Changhong Wang, Xiuming Yao, Ligang Wu
, Wei Xing Zheng:
On passivity and passification of Markovian jump systems. 7145-7150 - Wei-Wei Che, Jian Liang Wang
, Guang-Hong Yang:
Hinfinity filtering for networked systems with limited communication. 7151-7156 - Guang-Hong Yang, Xiang-Gui Guo:
Insensitive Hinfinity filter design for discrete-time systems: an LMI optimization approach. 7157-7162 - Mukhtar Ali, Saulat Shuja Chughtai, Herbert Werner:
Identification of spatially interconnected systems. 7163-7168 - Boren Li, Bugong Xu:
Improved stability criteria for linear uncertain systems with interval time-varying delay. 7169-7174 - Jianjiang Yu, Kan-Jian Zhang, Shumin Fei:
New delay-dependent stability criteria for linear stochastic systems with time-varying delay. 7175-7179 - Tao Li, Aiguo Song, Shumin Fei, Tao Zhang:
Robust stability analysis on discrete-time Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with distributed delay. 7180-7185 - Lin Li, Yingmin Jia, Junping Du, Hideki Kokame:
Hinfinity filtering for neutral stochastic systems with time-varying delays. 7186-7191 - Yan Pang, Michael J. Grimble:
State dependent NGMV control of delayed piecewise affine systems. 7192-7197 - Anna Maria Perdon
, Maria Anderlucci:
Impulse elimination by derivative feedback for singular systems with delay. 7198-7203 - Shanaz Tiwari, Yuan Wang, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
A nonlinear small-gain theorem for large-scale time delay systems. 7204-7209 - Zhiguang Feng, James Lam, Huijun Gao, Baozhu Du:
Improved stability and stabilization results for discrete singular delay systems via delay partitioning. 7210-7215 - Wu-Hua Chen, Wei Xing Zheng:
Stability analysis for time-delay systems with partial states subject to impulsive inputs. 7216-7221 - Peng Yan, Hitay Özbay
, Murat Sansal:
A switching control approach to stabilization of parameter varying time delay systems. 7222-7226 - Yu Zhang, Jitao Sun:
Stability of discrete impulsive systems with time delays. 7227-7231
Identification and Estimation
- Giorgio Picci, Francesca P. Carli
Modeling and identification of reciprocal processes. 7232-7237 - Lachlan Blackhall
, Michael Rotkowitz:
Using an information filter to speed computation of sparse parameter estimates. 7238-7243 - Ichiro Maruta
, Toshiharu Sugie:
Identification of linear continuous-time systems based on the signal projection. 7244-7249 - Han-Fu Chen, Wen-Xiao Zhao:
Identification of both coefficients and orders for ARMAX system. 7250-7255 - Yanjun Liu, Feng Ding:
Decomposition based least squares estimation algorithm for non-uniformly sampled multirate systems. 7256-7260 - Vahid Hassani, A. Pedro Aguiar
, António Manuel Santos Pascoal
, Michael Athans:
Further results on plant parameter identification using continuous-time multiple-model adaptive estimators. 7261-7266 - Damien Brulin, Estelle Courtial, Guillaume Allibert:
Position estimation and fall detection using visual receding horizon estimation. 7267-7272 - Zaiyue Yang, Che Wai Chan, Yiwen Wang:
On retrieval of intermodulated sinusoids. 7273-7278
Modeling of Emerging Control Systems and Neural Networks
- Mohammad Al Janaideh
, Ying Feng, Subhash Rakheja, Yonghong Tan, Chun-Yi Su:
Generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis: Modeling and robust control for smart actuators. 7279-7284 - Luca Gentili, Luca Bassi, Alessandro Macchelli
, Claudio Melchiorri, Roberto Borsari:
Model reduction for high-order port-Hamiltonian systems. Application to piezo-electric systems. 7285-7290 - Rui Bai, Shaocheng Tong, Tianyou Chai:
Intelligent prediction method of technical indices in the industrial process and its application. 7291-7296 - Han Liu
, Ding Liu:
A neural network approach for least squares support vector machines learning. 7297-7302 - Wei Wang, Lijie Zhao, Tianyou Chai:
Multivariable nonlinear dynamic modeling based on DPLS and Hammerstein model and its application. 7303-7308 - Chunyang Wang, Yongshun Jin, Yangquan Chen
Auto-tuning of FOPI and FO[PI] controllers with iso-damping property. 7309-7314 - Modesto Amundarain
, Mikel A. Goitia, Aitor J. Garrido Hernandez, Izaskun Garrido Hernandez:
Neural control of the Wells turbine-generator module. 7315-7320 - Alexander Pertsch, Nico Zimmert, Oliver Sawodny:
Modeling a fire-rescue turntable ladder as piecewise Euler-Bernoulli beam with a tip mass. 7321-7326 - Peter M. Dower, Peter Mark Farrell
Transient modelling for dynamic power regulation in Raman amplified optical fibre links. 7327-7332
Lyapunov Methods II
- Lars Sonneveldt, Eduard Richard van Oort, Q. P. Chu, J. A. Mulder:
Nonlinear adaptive flight control law design and handling qualities evaluation. 7333-7338 - Miroslav Krstic
Nonlinear stabilization through long input delay - Part III: Linearizable strict-feedforward systems. 7339-7344 - Rihan Ahmed, Da-Wei Gu, Ian Postlethwaite:
A case study on spacecraft attitude control. 7345-7350 - Xin Xin:
Swinging up multiple parallel pendulums on a cart via energy control. 7351-7356 - Ray Eaton, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Jayantha Katupitiya:
Path tracking control of agricultural tractors with compensation for steering dynamics. 7357-7362 - Yûki Nishimura
, Kazuki Takehara, Yuh Yamashita, Kanya Tanaka, Yuji Wakasa:
Stabilization problems of nonlinear systems using feedback laws with Wiener processes. 7363-7368
Algorithms for Linear Model Predictive Control
- Pan Qin, Zi-Jiang Yang, Ryuei Nishii:
Predictive control for dual-rate systems based on lifted state-space model identified by N4SID method. 7369-7374 - Francesco Borrelli
, Jaroslav Pekar, Mato Baotic
, Greg E. Stewart:
On the Computation of Linear Model Predictive Control Laws. 7375-7380 - Frauke Oldewurtel, Ravi Gondhalekar
, Colin N. Jones, Manfred Morari:
Blocking parameterizations for improving the computational tractability of affine disturbance feedback MPC problems. 7381-7386 - Stefan Richter, Colin N. Jones, Manfred Morari:
Real-time input-constrained MPC using fast gradient methods. 7387-7393 - Shuang Li, Basil Kouvaritakis, Mark Cannon
Improvements on the efficiency of linear MPC. 7394-7399 - Dewei Li, Yugeng Xi:
Aggregation based closed-loop MPC with guaranteed performance. 7400-7405
Modeling of Linear Parameter Varying Systems
- Roland Tóth, Christian Lyzell, Martin Enqvist, Peter S. C. Heuberger, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
Order and structural dependence selection of LPV-ARX models using a nonnegative garrote approach. 7406-7411 - Mara Tanelli
, Nicola L. M. Schiavoni, Danilo Ardagna
, Marco Lovera
Control-oriented multirate LPV modelling of virtualized service center environments. 7412-7417 - Seyed Mahdi Hashemi, Hossam Seddik Abbas, Herbert Werner:
LPV modelling and control of a 2-DOF robotic manipulator using PCA-based parameter set mapping. 7418-7423 - Roland Tóth, Marco Lovera
, Peter S. C. Heuberger, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
Discretization of Linear Fractional Representations of LPV systems. 7424-7429 - Ji-Chang Lo, Chin-Fu Tsai:
LMI relaxations for non-quadratic discrete stabilization via Pólya Theorem. 7430-7435 - Franco Blanchini
, Daniele Casagrande
, Stefano Miani, Umberto Viaro
Stable LPV realization of parametric transfer functions and its application to gain-scheduling control design. 7436-7441
Differential Geometric Methods
- Laura Menini
, Antonio Tornambè
On the generation of classes of planar systems with given orbital symmetries. 7442-7447 - Issa Amadou Tall:
State linearization of control systems: An explicit algorithm. 7448-7453 - Issa Amadou Tall:
Explicit feedback linearization of control systems. 7454-7459 - Laura Menini
, Antonio Tornambè
A procedure for the computation of semi-invariants. 7460-7465 - Kai Hoffner, Martin Guay:
Poisson reduction via feedback invariant distributions. 7466-7471 - Pascal Morin, Claude Samson:
Transverse functions on special orthogonal groups for vector fields satisfying the LARC at the order one. 7472-7477
Mathematical Systems Theory
- Luis Augusto Duffaut Espinosa, Steven S. Gray, Oscar R. González
On Fliess operators driven by L2-Itô random processes. 7478-7484 - Kevin S. Galloway, Eric W. Justh, P. S. Krishnaprasad:
Geometry of cyclic pursuit. 7485-7490 - Christian Ebenbauer, Alessandro Arsie:
On an eigenflow equation and its structure preserving properties. 7491-7496 - Yoshihiko Susuki
, Igor Mezic
Ergodic partition of phase space in continuous dynamical systems. 7497-7502 - Matthias Kawski
Control interpretations of products in the Hopf algebra. 7503-7508 - Thomas Hélie, Béatrice Laroche
Computation of convergence radius and error bounds of Volterra series for single input systems with a polynomial nonlinearity. 7509-7514
Robotics and Mechatronical Systems
- Wen-Hong Zhu, Tom Lamarche:
Damping enhancement of haptic devices by using velocities from accelerometers and encoders. 7515-7520 - Yongqiang Ye, Ya-Jun Pan
, Yash P. Gupta:
A power based time domain passivity control for haptic interfaces. 7521-7526 - Toru Namerikawa
Bilateral control with constant feedback gains for teleoperation with time varying delay. 7527-7532 - Yongqiang Ye, Ya-Jun Pan
, Yash P. Gupta:
Time domain passivity control of teleoperation systems with random asymmetric time delays. 7533-7538 - Younghee Han, Raymond A. de Callafon:
Evaluation of track following servo performance for patterned servo sectors in hard disk drives. 7539-7544 - Jiangzhao Yang, Zexiang Li
A novel contour error estimation in biaxial contouring control. 7545-7550
Observer Design and Applications
- Yannick Morel, Alexander Leonessa:
Prediction-based observation of nonlinear systems non-affine in the unmeasured states. 7551-7556 - Tiago Roux Oliveira
, Alessandro Jacoud Peixoto
, Liu Hsu
Dwell-time and monitoring schemes for peaking avoidance in high-gain observer based output-feedback control. 7557-7562 - Pedro Tiago Martins Batista
, Carlos Silvestre
, Paulo Jorge Ramalho Oliveira
Sensor-based complementary globally asymptotically stable filters for attitude estimation. 7563-7568 - Anthony M. D'Amato, Aaron J. Ridley
, Dennis S. Bernstein:
A nonlinear observer for semidetectable chemical reactions with application to kinetic-rate-constant estimation. 7569-7574 - Zi-Jiang Yang, Seiichiro Hara, Shunshoku Kanae, Kiyoshi Wada:
Robust output feedback control of a magnetic levitation system via high-gain observer. 7575-7580 - Francis Mairet
, Olivier Bernard:
Coupling framers to get enhanced interval observers. Application to growth rate estimation in a photobioreactor. 7581-7586
Estimation Fusion in Distributed Systems
- Feng Li, Jamie S. Evans
A Distributed Hybrid Filter for target tracking in sensor networks. 7587-7592 - Yuan Gao, Chenjian Ran, Zi-Li Deng:
Weighted measurement fusion Kalman filter based on linear unbiased minimum variance criterion. 7593-7598 - Nan Lv, Shuli Sun:
Scalar-weighted fusion estimators for systems with multiple sensors and multiple delayed measurements. 7599-7602 - Duzhi Wu, Jie Zhou, Xiaomei Qu:
A robust estimation fusion with unknown cross-covariance in distributed systems. 7603-7607 - Damiano Varagnolo
, Gianluigi Pillonetto, Luca Schenato
Distributed function and time delay estimation using nonparametric techniques. 7608-7613 - Andrew Tinka, Issam S. Strub, Qingfang Wu, Alexandre M. Bayen:
Quadratic Programming based data assimilation with passive drifting sensors for shallow water flows. 7614-7620
Automotive Control
- Daniele Bernardini
, Stefano Di Cairano, Alberto Bemporad, H. Eric Tseng:
Drive-by-wire vehicle stabilization and yaw regulation: a hybrid Model Predictive Control design. 7621-7626 - Paolo Falcone
, Sina Khoshfetrat Pakazad, Stefan Solyom:
Predictive approaches to rear axle regenerative braking control in hybrid vehicles. 7627-7632 - Cristiano Spelta, Diego Delvecchio, Roberto Cantoni, Riccardo Lazzari
, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Analysis and design of handling-oriented control strategies for semi-active suspensions. 7633-7638 - Haiping Du, Nong Zhang
Robust controller design for vehicle semi-active suspensions with electrorheological dampers. 7639-7644 - Gilberto Burgio, Bernardino Castillo-Toledo, Stefano Di Gennaro
Nonlinear adaptive tracking for ground vehicles. 7645-7650 - Bingzhao Gao, Hong Chen, Yan Ma, Kazushi Sanada
Clutch slip control of Automatic Transmission using nonlinear method. 7651-7656
Nonlinear Adaptive Control II
- Sung Han Cha, Arvin Dehghani, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Verifying nonlinear controllers for stability utilizing closed-loop noisy data. 7657-7662 - Weihong Wang, Zhongsheng Hou, Shangtai Jin:
Model-free indirect adaptive decoupling control for nonlinear discrete-time MIMO systems. 7663-7668 - Weitian Chen, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Multiple model adaptive control (MMAC) for nonlinear systems with nonlinear parameterization. 7669-7674 - Jian Guo, Bin Yao, Qingwei Chen, Xiaobei Wu:
High performance adaptive robust control for nonlinear system with unknown input backlash. 7675-7679 - Jun Wang, Tao Cai, Yu Kang, Yafeng Li:
Modular design of adaptive tracking for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with passive identifiers. 7680-7685 - Shi-Lu Dai, Chenguang Yang
, Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Tong Heng Lee:
Robust adaptive output feedback control of a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems perturbed by nonlinear uncertainties. 7686-7691
Biomedical and Biological Systems
- Denis V. Efimov
, Pierre Sacré
, Rodolphe Sepulchre:
Controlling the phase of an oscillator: A phase response curve approach. 7692-7697 - Sahar M. Monfared, Vikram Krishnamurthy, Bruce Cornell
Reconfigurable ion-channel based biosensor: Input excitation design and analyte classification. 7698-7703 - Jing Wang, Xiaojie Chen
, Long Wang
Evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations with migration. 7704-7709 - Frédéric Mazenc, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Time-varying control laws with guaranteed persistence for a class of multi-species chemostats. 7710-7715 - Sridevi V. Sarma, Uri T. Eden, Ming L. Cheng, Ziv Williams, Emad N. Eskandar, Emery N. Brown:
Using point process models to determine the impact of visual cues on basal ganglia activity and behavior of Parkinson's patients. 7716-7722 - Anil Aswani
, Harendra Guturu, Claire J. Tomlin:
System identification of hunchback protein patterning in early drosophila embryogenesis. 7723-7728
Sliding Mode Control II
- Angelo Alessandri
, Marta Cuneo, Elisabetta Punta
Sliding-mode state observers for multi-output nonlinear systems with bounded noises on dynamics and measurements. 7729-7734 - José Manuel Andrade-Da Silva, Christopher Edwards:
Compensator-based sliding mode output feedback simultaneous stabilisation controller design via LMIs for uncertain systems. 7735-7740 - Alberto Cavallo
, Ciro Natale:
Second order sliding output control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. 7741-7746 - Razvan Solea
, Adrian Filipescu, Grigore Stamatescu
Sliding-mode real-time mobile platform control in the presence of uncertainties. 7747-7752 - Hassan Adloo, Paknosh Karimaghaee, Ahad Soltani Sarvestani:
An extension of Sliding Mode Control design for the 2-D systems in Roesser Model. 7753-7758 - Qun Zong, Zhanshan Zhao, Liqian Dou:
Higher order adaptive sliding mode control for a class of SISO systems. 7759-7764
Fuzzy Systems
- Yanpeng Guan, Shaosheng Zhou, Wei Xing Zheng:
Hinfinity dynamic output feedback control for fuzzy systems with quantized measurements. 7765-7770 - Kazuo Tanaka, Hiroshi Ohtake, Motohiro Wada, Hua O. Wang, Ying-Jen Chen:
Polynomial fuzzy observer design: A sum of squares approach. 7771-7776 - Xiaojuan Ban, Xiaolong Lv, Jie Chen:
Color image retrieval and classification using fuzzy similarity measure and fuzzy clustering method. 7777-7782 - Cheung-Chieh Ku
, Pei-Hwa Huang, Wen-Jer Chang:
Observer-based robust fuzzy controller design for uncertain stochastic T-S fuzzy model with passivity performance. 7783-7788 - Dalil Ichalal
, Benoît Marx
, José Ragot
, Didier Maquin
An approach for the state estimation of Takagi-Sugeno models and application to sensor fault diagnosis. 7789-7794 - Anca Maria Nagy
, Benoît Marx
, Gilles Mourot, Georges Schutz, José Ragot
State estimation of the three-tank system using a multiple model. 7795-7800
Fault Tolerant Systems I
- María M. Seron
, José A. De Doná:
Fault tolerant control using virtual actuators and invariant-set based fault detection and identification. 7801-7806 - María M. Seron
, José A. De Doná, John Jairo Martinez Molina
Improved multisensor switching scheme for fault tolerant control. 7807-7812 - Hao Yang, Bin Jiang, Vincent Cocquempot
A new supervisory fault tolerant output regulation scheme for nonlinear systems. 7813-7818 - Marcel Staroswiecki, Denis Berdjag
, Bin Jiang, Ke Zhang:
PACT : a passive / active approach to fault tolerant stability under actuator outages. 7819-7824 - José A. De Doná, María M. Seron
, Alain Yetendje:
Multisensor fusion fault-tolerant control with diagnosis via a set separation principle. 7825-7830 - Qing Zhao, Michel Kinnaert:
Statistical properties of CUSUM based fault detection schemes for fault tolerant control. 7831-7836
Electrical Power Systems
- Wissam Dib, Godpromesse Kenné, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
An application of Immersion and Invariance to transient stability and voltage regulation of power systems with unknown mechanical power. 7837-7842 - Md. Jahangir Hossain
, Hemanshu Roy Pota
, Valery A. Ugrinovskii, Rodrigo A. Ramos
A robust STATCOM control to augment LVRT capability of fixed speed wind turbines. 7843-7848 - Muhammad Waqas Khalid
, Andrey V. Savkin:
Model predictive control for wind power generation smoothing with controlled battery storage. 7849-7853 - Der-Cherng Liaw, Shih-Tse Chang, Yun-Hua Huang:
Voltage tracking design for electric power systems via SMC approach. 7854-7859 - Farshad Khorrami
, Sachin Puranik, Ali Keyhani, Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Yun She:
PEM fuel cell distributed generation system: Modeling and robust nonlinear control. 7860-7865 - Wenguang Yan:
Common mode current reduction in an inverter-fed induction motor control system. 7866-7871
Sensor Networks
- George Mathew, Igor Mezic
Spectral Multiscale Coverage: A uniform coverage algorithm for mobile sensor networks. 7872-7877 - Jason T. Isaacs, Daniel J. Klein, João Pedro Hespanha:
Optimal sensor placement for time difference of arrival localization. 7878-7884 - Daniele Fontanelli
, Luigi Palopoli, Roberto Passerone
On the global convergence of a class of distributed algorithms for maximizing the coverage of a WSN. 7885-7890 - Xiaoli Li, Yugeng Xi:
Distributed cooperative coverage and connectivity maintenance for mobile sensing devices. 7891-7896 - Teddy M. Cheng, Andrey V. Savkin:
Decentralized control of a mobile sensor network for deployment in corridor coverage. 7897-7902 - Guoxian Zhang, Silvia Ferrari:
An adaptive artificial potential function approach for geometric sensing. 7903-7910
Stabilization of Networked Control Systems
- Laurentiu Hetel
, Marieke B. G. Cloosterman, Nathan van de Wouw, W. P. M. H. Heemels
, Jamal Daafouz, Henk Nijmeijer:
Comparison of stability characterisations for networked control systems. 7911-7916 - Zhiming Wang, Wei Liu, Haohui Dai, D. Subbaram Naidu:
Robust stabilization of model-based uncertain singularly perturbed systems with networked time-delay. 7917-7922 - Wenjuan Jiang, Emilia Fridman
, Alexandre Kruszewski
, Jean-Pierre Richard
Switching controller for stabilization of linear systems with switched time-varying delays. 7923-7928 - W. P. M. H. Heemels
, Dragan Nesic
, Andrew R. Teel, Nathan van de Wouw:
Networked and quantized control systems with communication delays. 7929-7935 - Hongbo Song
, Li Yu, Wen-an Zhang:
Stabilization of networked control systems with communication constraints and packet dropouts. 7936-7941 - Rob H. Gielen, Mircea Lazar:
Stabilization of networked control systems via non-monotone control ^lyapunov functions. 7942-7948
Constrained Control II
- Yoshito Ohta:
An abstract linear programming approach to continuous-time LQ control for constrained systems. 7949-7954 - Velupillai Sankaranarayanan, Subbaraman Anantharaman, Alagarsamy Balasubramanian Aswin Chandarr, K. Sri Adarsh:
Modelling and constrained stabilization of the Inverted Pendulum on a Cart Beam system. 7955-7959 - Jeferson Vieira Flores
, João Manoel Gomes da Silva, Daniel G. Sbarbaro:
Robust periodic reference tracking for uncertain linear systems subject to control saturations. 7960-7965 - Lei Zhou
, Xiaoqing Xiao, Guoping Lu:
Simultaneous Lp-stabilization and internal stabilization for linear singular systems subject to input saturation. 7966-7971 - David Angeli, Rishi Amrit, James B. Rawlings:
Receding horizon cost optimization for overly constrained nonlinear plants. 7972-7977 - Antonio Ferramosca
, Daniel Limón
, Ignacio Alvarado, Teodoro Alamo
, Eduardo F. Camacho
MPC for tracking of constrained nonlinear systems. 7978-7983
Stability and Stabilization II
- Bin Zhou, Zongli Lin, Guang-Ren Duan
Norm vanishment and its applications in constrained control - Part II: the L2 case. 7984-7989 - Bin Zhou, Zongli Lin, Guang-Ren Duan
Norm vanishment and its applications in constrained control - Part I: the Linfinity case. 7990-7995 - Iasson Karafyllis, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
A vector Small-Gain Theorem for general nonlinear control systems. 7996-8001 - W. Steven Gray:
A unified approach to generating series for nonlinear cascade systems. 8002-8007 - Nicolas Hudon
, Martin Guay:
Construction of control lyapunov functions for damping stabilization of control affine systems. 8008-8013 - Qing Hui, Wassim M. Haddad:
On semistability of nonlinear switched systems. 8014-8019
MPC: Theory and Applications
- Antonio Ferramosca
, Daniel Limón
, Alejandro H. González
, Darci Odloak
, Eduardo F. Camacho
MPC for tracking target sets. 8020-8025 - Masayuki Sato
, Nobuhiro Yokoyama, Atsushi Satoh:
Disturbance suppression via robust MPC using prior disturbance data application to flight controller design for Gust Alleviation. 8026-8033 - Baocang Ding, Lihua Xie:
Dynamic output feedback robust model predictive control with guaranteed quadratic boundedness. 8034-8039 - Lieboud Van den Broeck, Moritz Diehl, Jan Swevers:
Time optimal MPC for mechatronic applications. 8040-8045 - Rui Huang, Sachin C. Patwardhan, Lorenz T. Biegler
Robust extended Kalman filter based nonlinear model predictive control formulation. 8046-8051 - Carlos Ocampo-Martinez
, Vicenç Puig
On modelling approaches for receding-horizon control design applied to large-scale sewage systems. 8052-8058
Estimation in Mechanical and Energy Systems
- Jinchuan Zheng
, Minyue Fu
A reset kinematic state estimator to suppress sensor quantization for enhanced position tracking control. 8059-8064 - Robert Henriksson, Mikael Norrlöf, Stig Moberg, Erik Wernholt, Thomas B. Schön
Experimental comparison of observers for tool position estimation of industrial robots. 8065-8070 - Minh-Duc Hua:
Attitude observers for accelerated rigid bodies based on GPS and INS measurements. 8071-8076 - AbdelHafid El Hadri
, Abdelaziz Benallegue:
Attitude estimation with gyros-bias compensation using low-cost sensors. 8077-8082 - Fabio Codeca, Sergio M. Savaresi, Vincenzo Manzoni:
The mix estimation algorithm for battery State-of-Charge estimator- Analysis of the sensitivity to measurement errors. 8083-8088 - Der-Chen Chang, Stephen S.-T. Yau, Ke-Pao Lin:
Schrödinger equation with quartic potential and nonlinear filtering problem. 8089-8094
Behavioral Systems and Control Theory
- Marek Przedwojski, Ivan Markovsky, Eric Rogers
Identification of clock synchronization errors: A behavioral approach. 8095-8100 - Margreta Kuijper
, Kristina Schindelar:
Gröbner bases and behaviors over finite rings. 8101-8106 - Harry L. Trentelman, Shaik Fiaz, Kiyotsugu Takaba:
Small gain theorem and optimal robust stabilization in a behavioral framework. 8107-8112 - Yutaka Yamamoto, Jan C. Willems:
Path integrals and Bézoutians for pseudorational transfer functions. 8113-8118 - Paula Rocha
, Diego Napp
Implementation of autonomous multidimensional behaviors. 8119-8123 - Jan C. Willems, Erik I. Verriest:
The behavior of resistive circuits. 8124-8129
Sampled-Data Control
- Alexandre Seuret
Stability analysis for sampled-data systems with a time-varying period. 8130-8135 - Masaaki Nagahara
, Yutaka Yamamoto:
Robust repetitive control by Sampled-data Hinfinity filters. 8136-8141 - Yasuaki Oishi, Hisaya Fujioka:
Stability and stabilization of aperiodic sampled-data control systems: An approach using robust linear matrix inequalities. 8142-8147 - Daniel J. Riggs, Robert R. Bitmead:
Rejection of aliased disturbances in a pulsed light source. 8148-8153 - Konstantin Yu. Polyakov, Efim N. Rosenwasser, Bernhard P. Lampe:
Optimization-based digital redesign of analogue controllers. 8154-8159 - Mauro Cimino, Prabhakar R. Pagilla:
Modeling and design of LTI controllers for multirate systems. 8160-8165
Control of Robotic Manipulators and Bipedal Walking Robots
- Robert D. Gregg
, Mark W. Spong:
Reduction-based control of branched chains: Application to three-dimensional bipedal torso robots. 8166-8173 - Hanlei Wang, Yongchun Xie:
Stability analysis of adaptive Jacobian controller for free-floating space manipulators. 8174-8179 - Michael Scheint, Marion Sobotka, Martin Buss:
Virtual holonomic constraint approach for planar bipedal walking robots extended to double support. 8180-8185 - Weiwei Shang, Shuang Cong, Shilong Jiang:
Coordination control of parallel manipulators with actuation redundancy. 8186-8191 - Akira Nakashima, Yoshikazu Hayakawa:
Stability analysis of grasped object by soft-fingers with 3-dimensional deformation based on moment stability. 8192-8199 - Qining Wang
, Long Wang
, Yan Huang, Jinying Zhu, Wei Chen:
Three-dimensional quasi-passive dynamic bipedal walking with flat feet and compliant ankles. 8200-8205
Observer Design
- Salim Ibrir:
LPV approach to continuous and discrete nonlinear observer design. 8206-8211 - Xuewu Dai, Zhiwei Gao
, Tim Breikin, Hong Wang
Estimation delay compensation in high-gain observer-based parameter identification. 8212-8217 - Håvard Fjær Grip, Ali Saberi, Tor Arne Johansen:
State and parameter estimation for linear systems with nonlinearly parameterized perturbations. 8218-8225 - Tarek Ahmed-Ali, Estelle Cherrier, Mohammed M'Saad:
Cascade high gain observers for nonlinear systems with delayed output measurement. 8226-8231 - Chunyu Yang
, Qingling Zhang, Tianyou Chai:
Observer design for a class of nonlinear descriptor systems. 8232-8237 - Dayan Liu
, Olivier Gibaru
, Wilfrid Perruquetti:
Error analysis for a class of numerical differentiator: application to state observation. 8238-8243
Fluid Flow Systems
- Florent Di Meglio, Glenn-Ole Kaasa, Nicolas Petit
A first principle model for multiphase slugging flow in vertical risers. 8244-8251 - Milan Milovanovic, Marek Grayer, Joris Michielsen, Ole Morten Aamo:
Model-based stabilization of vortex shedding with CFD verification. 8252-8257 - Qingfang Wu, Mohammad Rafiee, Andrew Tinka, Alexandre M. Bayen:
Inverse modeling for open boundary conditions in channel network. 8258-8265 - Mohammad Rafiee, Qingfang Wu, Alexandre M. Bayen:
Kalman filter based estimation of flow states in open channels using Lagrangian sensing. 8266-8271 - Lixiang Luo, Eugenio Schuster:
Boundary feedback control for heat exchange enhancement in 2D magnetohydrodynamic channel flow by extremum seeking. 8272-8277 - Saulat Shuja Chughtai, Herbert Werner:
Robust transition control in non-periodic channels. 8278-8283
MEMS and Nano Systems
- Ping Xie, Zhonghua Xu, Qingze Zou, Hongbing Xu:
An adaptive filtering approach to dynamics effect compensation in nanoscale broadband viscoelasticity measurements of soft materials. 8284-8289 - Peter I. Chang
, Sean B. Andersson:
A maximum-likelihood detection scheme for rapid imaging of string-like samples in atomic force microscopy. 8290-8295 - Eric Dorveaux
, David Vissière, Alain-P. Martin, Nicolas Petit
Iterative calibration method for inertial and magnetic sensors. 8296-8303 - Dan Zhang, Zhen Gao, Bo Song, YunJian Ge:
Configuration design and performance analysis of a multidimensional acceleration sensor based on 3RRPRR decoupling parallel mechanism. 8304-8309 - Arturo Tejada
, Wouter Van den Broek, Saartje W. van der Hoeven, Arnold J. den Dekker
Towards STEM control: Modeling framework and development of a sensor for defocus control. 8310-8315 - Uwe Boettcher, Raymond A. de Callafon, Frank E. Talke:
Data based modeling and control of a dual-stage actuator hard disk drive. 8316-8321
Formation Control
- Ulf Pilz, Andrey P. Popov, Herbert Werner:
Robust controller design for formation flight of quad-rotor helicopters. 8322-8327 - Thijs H. A. van den Broek, Nathan van de Wouw, Henk Nijmeijer:
Formation control of unicycle mobile robots: a virtual structure approach. 8328-8333 - Tyler H. Summers, Changbin Yu, Brian D. O. Anderson, Soura Dasgupta:
Control of coleader formations in the plane. 8334-8339 - Ke-Cai Cao:
Formation control of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots based on cascade design. 8340-8344 - Lara Briñón-Arranz, Alexandre Seuret
, Carlos Canudas de Wit:
Translation control of a fleet circular formation of AUVs under finite communication range. 8345-8350 - Yuqing He, Jianda Han:
Decentralized receding horizon control for multiple unmanned helicopters considering dynamics model. 8351-8356
Modeling Methodology
- Filippo Donida, Carlo Romani, Francesco Casella
, Marco Lovera
Integrated modelling and parameter estimation: an LFT-Modelica approach. 8357-8362 - Yu Sun, Prashant G. Mehta
The Kullback-Leibler rate metric for comparing dynamical systems. 8363-8368 - Stéphane Puechmorel, Daniel Delahaye:
Dynamical systems complexity with a view towards air traffic management applications. 8369-8374 - Huixin Tian, Anna Wang, Zhizhong Mao:
A new soft sensor modeling method based on modified AdaBoost with incremental learning. 8375-8380 - Bojana Drincic, Dennis S. Bernstein:
A multiplay model for rate-independent and rate-dependent hysteresis with nonlocal memory. 8381-8386 - Audrey Favache, Denis Dochain
, Bernhard Maschke:
A geometric perspective to open irreversible thermodynamic systems: GENERIC, Matrix and port-contact systems. 8387-8392
Advances in Higher Order Sliding Mode Observation and Output Control
- Francisco Javier Bejarano
, Leonid M. Fridman
Unbounded unknown inputs estimation based on high-order sliding mode differentiator. 8393-8398 - Arie Levant:
Non-homogeneous finite-time-convergent differentiator. 8399-8404 - Alejandro Dávila, Jaime A. Moreno
, Leonid M. Fridman
Optimal Lyapunov function selection for reaching time estimation of Super Twisting algorithm. 8405-8410 - Giorgio Bartolini, Elisabetta Punta
Reduced-order observer and chattering reduction for sliding mode control of nonlinear systems. 8411-8416 - Xiaoran Han
, Emilia Fridman
, Sarah K. Spurgeon
Output feedback sliding mode control of time delay systems with bounded disturbances. 8417-8422 - Franck Plestan, Emmanuel Moulay
, Alain Glumineau:
Output feedback sampling control: a robust solution based on second order sliding mode. 8423-8427
Visual Servo Control
- Xuebo Zhang, Yongchun Fang, Xi Liu:
Visual servoing of nonholonomic mobile robots based on a new motion estimation technique. 8428-8433 - Paolo Salaris
, Daniele Fontanelli
, Lucia Pallottino
, Antonio Bicchi:
Shortest paths for non-holonomic vehicles with limited field of view camera. 8434-8439 - Marcos Angel Gonzalez-Olvera
, Angel Luis Rodriguez-Morales, Yu Tang:
Black-box modeling of a 2-DOF manipulator in the image plane using recurrent neurofuzzy networks. 8440-8445 - Jing Li, Junzheng Wang, Bin Zhou, Wei Shen:
Nonuniformity correction and calibration method in the high-precision CCD measurement and servo control system. 8446-8451 - Siddhartha S. Mehta, Prabir Barooah
, Sara Susca, Warren E. Dixon
A novel algorithm for refinement of vision-based two-view pose estimates. 8452-8457 - Zdenek Hurák
, Martin Rezac:
Combined line-of-sight inertial stabilization and visual tracking: application to an airborne camera platform. 8458-8463
Fault Tolerant Systems II
- Alexey Ye. Shumsky, Alexey N. Zhirabok, Bin Jiang, Ke Zhang:
Fault accommodation in dynamic systems: Fault decoupling based approach. 8464-8469 - Henrik Niemann
, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen
Fault tolerant control - a residual based set-up. 8470-8475 - Jacob Deleuran Grunnet, Jan Dimon Bendtsen
, Thomas Bak
Automated fault tolerant control synthesis based on discrete games. 8476-8481 - Ronald J. Patton, Supat Klinkhieo:
Actuator fault estimation and compensation based on an augmented state observer approach. 8482-8487 - Sajjad Fekri, Da-Wei Gu, Ian Postlethwaite:
Lateral imbalance detection on a UAV based on multiple models. 8488-8493 - Bei Lu, Fen Wu
Switching-based fault-tolerant control for an F-16 aircraft with thrust vectoring. 8494-8499
New Developments in Stochastic Analysis, Systems and Control
- Victor Solo:
On nonlinear state estimation in a Riemannian manifold. 8500-8505 - Chanying Li, Le Yi Wang, Gang George Yin, Lei Guo, Cheng-Zhong Xu
Irregular sampling, active observability, and convergence rates of state observers for systems with binary-valued observations. 8506-8511 - Alain Bensoussan
, John J. Liu, Jiguang Yuan:
Singular control and impulse control with application to mutual insurance optimization. 8512-8517 - Tyrone E. Duncan, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan:
Control of some linear stochastic systems with a fractional Brownian motion. 8518-8522 - Alex S. Baras, John S. Baras:
Context-dependent multi-class classification with unknown observation and class distributions with applications to bioinformatics. 8523-8530 - Yongqiang Wang, Michael C. Fu, Steven I. Marcus:
Dynamic pricing with continuous stochastic demand. 8531-8536
Detection, Tracking, and Surveillance in Sensor Networks
- Alexey S. Matveev
, Hamid Teimoori Sangani, Andrey V. Savkin:
The problem of target following based on range-only measurements for car-like robots. 8537-8542 - Stephen L. Smith
, Shaunak Dattaprasad Bopardikar, Francesco Bullo
A dynamic boundary guarding problem with translating targets. 8543-8548 - Sujit Nair, Konda Reddy Chevva, Houman Owhadi, Jerrold E. Marsden:
Multiple target detection using Bayesian learning. 8549-8554 - Farhad Ghassemi, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Symmetric probabilistic values for identifying informative sensors. 8555-8560 - Jerome Le Ny, Michael M. Zavlanos, George J. Pappas
Resource allocation for signal detection with active sensors. 8561-8566 - Kunal Srivastava, Dusan M. Stipanovic
, Mark W. Spong:
On a stochastic robotic surveillance problem. 8567-8574
Game Theory Applied to Network Analysis and Control
- Tansu Alpcan
, Lacra Pavel
, Nem Stefanovic:
A control theoretic approach to noncooperative game design. 8575-8580 - Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi
, Rajesh Sundaresan:
Opportunistic scheduling in cellular systems in the presence of non-cooperative mobiles. 8581-8587 - Parijat Dube, Rahul Jain
Bertrand games between multi-class queues. 8588-8593 - Richard J. La, Jeonghoon Mo:
Interaction of service providers in task delegation under simple payment rules. 8594-8599 - Quanyan Zhu, Tamer Basar:
Dynamic policy-based IDS configuration. 8600-8605 - Peng Jia, Peter E. Caines:
Auctions on networks: Efficiency, consensus, passivity, rates of convergence. 8606-8611
Constrained Control III
- Dimitra Panagou, Kostas Margellos, Sean Summers, John Lygeros, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
A viability approach for the stabilization of an underactuated underwater vehicle in the presence of current disturbances. 8612-8617 - Keng Peng Tee, Shuzhi Sam Ge
Control of nonlinear systems with full state constraint using a Barrier Lyapunov Function. 8618-8623 - Piernicola Bettiol, Richard B. Vinter:
Existence of feasible approximating trajectories for differential inclusions with obstacles as state constraints. 8624-8629 - Giuseppe Franzè, Alessandro Casavola, Domenico Famularo
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control scheme: a Sum of Squares approach. 8630-8635 - Lorenzo Fagiano
, Massimo Canale, Mario Milanese:
Set Membership approximation of discontinuous NMPC laws. 8636-8641 - Timm Faulwasser
, Benjamin Kern, Rolf Findeisen
Model predictive path-following for constrained nonlinear systems. 8642-8647

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