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61st CDC 2022: Cancun, Mexico
- 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2022, Cancun, Mexico, December 6-9, 2022. IEEE 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-6761-2
- Sharad C. Shankar, Guosong Yang, João P. Hespanha:
State Estimation for Asynchronously Switched Sampled-Data Systems. 1-7 - Jaap Eising, Shenyu Liu
, Sonia Martínez, Jorge Cortés:
Using data informativity for online stabilization of unknown switched linear systems. 8-13 - Yiwen Lu, Yilin Mo:
Ensuring the Safety of Uncertified Linear State-Feedback Controllers via Switching. 14-19 - Pritesh Patel, Sayan Basu Roy, Shubhendu Bhasin:
Online Adaptive Identification of Switched Affine Systems Using a Two-Tier Filter Architecture with Memory. 20-25 - Andressa M. Souza, Ricardo C. L. F. Oliveira, Pedro L. D. Peres:
An LMI-based algorithm for switching state-feedback control of continuous-time switched systems. 26-31 - Guillaume O. Berger, Raphaël M. Jungers, Zheming Wang
Data-driven invariant subspace identification for black-box switched linear systems. 32-37 - Abdullah Habboush, Yildiray Yildiz:
An Adaptive Pilot Model with Reaction Time-Delay. 38-43 - Tushar Garg, Sayan Basu Roy, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis
PI-like Estimator-based Adaptive Extremum Seeking Control using Initial Excitation. 44-49 - Shunping Huang, Weiyao Lan, Xiao Yu:
Adaptive Visual Servoing Trajectory Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robot With Position Estimation. 50-55 - Jorge I. Sofrony, Matthew C. Turner, Christopher M. Richards:
Model reference adaptive anti-windup compensation. 62-67 - Poulomee Ghosh, Shubhendu Bhasin:
State and Input Constrained Model Reference Adaptive Control. 68-73 - Chenfei Wang, Roberto Tron:
Optimal Linear Multiple Estimation for Landmark-Based Planning via Control Synthesis. 74-79 - Jaskaran Grover, Nishant Mohanty, Changliu Liu, Wenhao Luo, Katia P. Sycara:
Noncooperative Herding With Control Barrier Functions: Theory and Experiments. 80-86 - Chuong Nguyen, Lingfan Bao, Quan Nguyen:
Continuous Jumping for Legged Robots on Stepping Stones via Trajectory Optimization and Model Predictive Control. 93-99 - Victor Aladele, Carlos Rodríguez de Cos, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Seth Hutchinson
An Adaptive Cooperative Manipulation Control Framework for Multi-Agent Disturbance Rejection. 100-106 - Rachele Nebbia Colomba, Riddhiman Laha, Luis F. C. Figueredo
, Sami Haddadin
Adaptive Admittance Control for Cooperative Manipulation using Dual Quaternion Representation and Logarithmic Mapping. 107-144 - Yuheng Lei, Jianyu Chen, Shengbo Eben Li, Sifa Zheng
Performance-Driven Controller Tuning via Derivative-Free Reinforcement Learning. 115-122 - Joel A. Paulson, Farshud Sorourifar, Ankush Chakrabarty:
Efficient Multi-Step Lookahead Bayesian Optimization with Local Search Constraints. 123-129 - Ankush Chakrabarty:
Optimizing Closed-Loop Performance with Data from Similar Systems: A Bayesian Meta-Learning Approach. 130-136 - Fabian Germ, Marc Sabate Vidales:
Learning the conditional law: signatures and conditional GANs in filtering and prediction of diffusion processes. 137-143 - Yi Shen, Jessilyn Dunn
, Michael M. Zavlanos:
Risk-Averse Multi-Armed Bandits with Unobserved Confounders: A Case Study in Emotion Regulation in Mobile Health. 144-149 - Steeven Janny, Quentin Possamaï, Laurent Bako, Christian Wolf, Madiha Nadri:
Learning Reduced Nonlinear State-Space Models: an Output-Error Based Canonical Approach. 150-155 - Arash Amini, Qiyu Sun, Nader Motee:
Learning Nonlinear Couplings in Swarm of Agents from a Single Sample Trajectory. 168-173 - Max H. Cohen, Calin Belta
, Roberto Tron:
Robust Control Barrier Functions for Nonlinear Control Systems with Uncertainty: A Duality-based Approach. 174-179 - Guangyao Shi, Nare Karapetyan
, Ahmad Bilal Asghar, Jean-Paul Reddinger, James Dotterweich, James Humann, Pratap Tokekar:
Risk-aware UAV-UGV Rendezvous with Chance-Constrained Markov Decision Process. 180-187 - Nikolas P. Koumpis, Anastasios Tsiamis, Dionysios S. Kalogerias
State-Output Risk-Constrained Quadratic Control of Partially Observed Linear Systems. 188-195 - Wenqi Cao, Gianluigi Pillonetto:
Dealing with collinearity in large-scale linear system identification using Bayesian regularization. 196-202 - Dominik Friml
, Pavel Václavek:
Bayesian Inference of Total Least-Squares With Known Precision. 203-208 - Yusuke Fujimoto:
Kernel-Based Regularization for Unstable Systems. 209-214 - A. Daniel Carnerero, Daniel R. Ramírez, Teodoro Alamo:
Kernel based State-Space Kriging: Application to predictive control. 215-220 - Defne E. Ozan, Mingzhou Yin, Andrea Iannelli
, Roy S. Smith:
Kernel-Based Identification of Local Limit Cycle Dynamics with Linear Periodically Parameter-Varying Models. 221-226 - Maciej Niedzwiecki, Artur Gancza
Optimally regularized local basis function approach to identification of time-varying systems. 227-234 - Ania Adil
, Ibrahima N'Doye
, Taous-Meriem Laleg-Kirati
High-Gain Observer Design for Nonlinear Systems with Delayed Output Measurements using Time-Varying Gains. 235-240 - Di Deng, Junlin Xiong:
A Bayesian Approach to Event-triggered Remote State Estimation with Intermittent Measurements over a Gaussian Channel. 241-246 - Chih-Yuan Chiu, David Fridovich-Keil:
GTP-SLAM: Game-Theoretic Priors for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Multi-Agent Scenarios. 247-252 - Jan-Henrik Metsch, Jonathan Neuhauser, Jérôme Jouffroy, Taous-Meriem Laleg-Kirati, Johann Reger
Accelerating Extremum Seeking Convergence by Richardson Extrapolation Methods. 253-259 - Shirantha Welikala
, Hai Lin, Panos J. Antsaklis:
On-line Estimation of Stability and Passivity Metrics. 267-272 - Gösta Stomberg, Alexander Engelmann, Timm Faulwasser
Decentralized non-convex optimization via bi-level SQP and ADMM. 273-278 - Zonglin Liu, Olaf Stursberg:
Distributed Solution of Mixed-Integer Programs by ADMM with Closed Duality Gap. 279-286 - Han Wang, Siddartha Marella, James Anderson
FedADMM: A federated primal-dual algorithm allowing partial participation. 287-294 - Dinesh Krishnamoorthy, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev
A Sensitivity Assisted Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers for Distributed Optimization. 295-300 - Panagiotis D. Grontas
, Michael W. Fisher, Florian Dörfler:
Distributed and Constrained H2 Control Design via System Level Synthesis and Dual Consensus ADMM. 301-307 - Mohammadreza Doostmohammadian, Wei Jiang
, Themistoklis Charalambous:
DTAC-ADMM: Delay-Tolerant Augmented Consensus ADMM-based Algorithm for Distributed Resource Allocation. 308-315 - Andrea Cristofaro, Mattia Mattioni
Multiconsensus control of homogeneous LTI hybrid systems under time-driven jumps. 316-321 - Yanling Ding
, Hui Peng, Jie Chen:
Consensus Error Performance of Linear Multi-Agent Systems. 328-333 - Yuwen Ma, Xianwei Li, Shaoyuan Li:
A novel protocol with pure relative output information for consensus of linear multi-agent systems. 340-345 - Minh Hoang Trinh
, Dung Van Vu, Quoc Van Tran, Hyo-Sung Ahn
Matrix-Scaled Consensus. 346-351 - Nicolas Lanzetti, Joudi Hajar, Florian Dörfler:
Modeling of Political Systems using Wasserstein Gradient Flows. 364-369 - Khushboo Agarwal, Veeraruna Kavitha:
Saturated total-population dependent branching process and viral markets. 382-387 - Natalie L. Brace, Nicholas B. Andrews
, Jeremy Upsal, Kristi A. Morgansen:
Sensor Placement on a Cantilever Beam Using Observability Gramians. 388-395 - Shantanu Singh
, George Weiss
Nonlinear perturbation of a class of conservative linear system. 396-402 - Suha Shreim, Francesco Ferrante, Christophe Prieur:
Input-Output Stability of a Reaction Diffusion Equation with In-domain Disturbances. 403-408 - Luis Alejandro Mora, Kirsten Morris:
Exponential decay rate bound of one-dimensional distributed port-Hamiltonian systems with boundary dissipation. 409-414 - Bhathiya Rathnayake, Mamadou Diagne:
Event-based Boundary Control of the Stefan Problem: A Dynamic Triggering Approach. 415-420 - Federico M. Zegers, Dan P. Guralnik, Sage C. Edwards
, Chia-Ling Lee, Warren E. Dixon
Event-Triggered Consensus for Second-Order Systems: A Hybrid Systems Perspective. 427-434 - Deniz Kurtoglu, Tansel Yucelen, Jonathan A. Muse:
An Energy Function-Based and Norm-Free Event-Triggering Approach to Schedule Control Data Transmissions in State Feedback Control. 435-440 - David Meister
, Frank Aurzada, Mikhail A. Lifshits, Frank Allgöwer
Analysis of Time- versus Event-Triggered Consensus for a Single-Integrator Multi-Agent System*. 441-446 - Pio Ong, Gilbert Bahati, Aaron D. Ames:
Stability and Safety through Event-Triggered Intermittent Control with Application to Spacecraft Orbit Stabilization. 453-460 - C. Lisbôa
, Jeferson Vieira Flores, L. G. Moreira, João Manoel Gomes da Silva:
Event-Triggered Saturating Control for Practical Synchronization of Lur'e Systems. 461-466 - Peter Verheijen, Gustavo R. Gonçalves da Silva
, Mircea Lazar:
Recursive data-driven predictive control with persistence of excitation conditions. 467-473 - José M. Maestre, Eva Masero
, José Ramón Salvador, D. R. Ramirez, Quanyan Zhu:
On Data Reutilization for Historian Based Predictive Control. 474-478 - Jiangnan Cheng, Ao Tang:
Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Control with Time-Varying Disturbance Forecast. 479-484 - Richard A. Hall, Leila Bridgeman:
Parallelized Algorithm for Persistent Feasibility in Linear Systems with Multiple, External Switching Signals. 485-690 - Johannes Köhler
, Kim Peter Wabersich, Julian Berberich
, Melanie N. Zeilinger:
State space models vs. multi-step predictors in predictive control: Are state space models complicating safe data-driven designs? 491-498 - Manuel Klädtke, Dieter Teichrib, Nils Schlüter, Moritz Schulze Darup:
A deterministic view on explicit data-driven (M)PC. 499-504 - Niklas Karlsson:
Feedback Control-based Multiobjective Optimization in Programmatic Advertising involving a Cost per Bid Constraint. 505-510 - Carlos Rodriguez, Jairo Viola, Joaquin Alvarez, YangQuan Chen:
Global Monotonic Radio-Frequency Impedance Matching Via Control Lyapunov Function Under Safety Constraints. 511-517 - Apostolos I. Rikos, Gabriele Oliva, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Distributed Finite-Time k-means Clustering with Quantized Communucation and Transmission Stopping. 518-524 - José Antonio Ortega, Diego Gutierrez-Oribio
, Leonid M. Fridman, Jaime A. Moreno:
Robust Stabilization of Furuta's pendulum based on Continuous High Order Sliding Mode Controllers. 525-530 - Akhil Shetty, Junjie Qin, Kameshwar Poolla, Pravin Varaiya:
The Value of Pooling in Last-Mile Delivery. 531-538 - Shiyu Yang
, Huaizhu Oliver Gao, Fengqi You:
Model Predictive Control for Price-Based Demand-Responsive Building Control by Leveraging Active Latent Heat Storage. 539-544 - Niladri Sekhar Tripathy, Mohammadreza Chamanbaz, Roland Bouffanais:
Finite-time Event-triggered Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. 545-551 - Dmitry Karamzin
, Fernando Pereira:
Some Remarks on the Issue of Normality in State-constrained Optimal Control Problems. 552-557 - Katrin Baumgärtner, Yizhen Wang, Andrea Zanelli, Moritz Diehl:
Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control using Barrier Formulations and Squashing with a Generalized Gauss-Newton Hessian. 558-563 - Eric Gaskell, Xiaobo Tan:
Optimal Control of Active Drifter Systems. 564-570 - Zehui Lu
, Wanxin Jin, Shaoshuai Mou, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Cooperative Tuning of Multi-Agent Optimal Control Systems. 571-576 - Eloïse Berthier, Justin Carpentier, Alessandro Rudi, Francis R. Bach:
Infinite-Dimensional Sums-of-Squares for Optimal Control. 577-582 - Elena Petri, Romain Postoyan, Daniele Astolfi, Dragan Nesic, Vincent Andrieu:
Towards improving the estimation performance of a given nonlinear observer: a multi-observer approach. 583-590 - Lucas Brivadis
, Antoine Chaillet, Jean Auriol:
Online estimation of Hilbert-Schmidt operators and application to kernel reconstruction of neural fields. 597-602 - Kristina Korder
, Matti Noack, Johann Reger
Non-asymptotic Observer Design for Nonlinear Systems Based on Linearization. 615-621 - Veronica Centorrino, Francesco Bullo, Giovanni Russo:
Contraction Analysis of Hopfield Neural Networks with Hebbian Learning. 622-627 - Thiago B. Burghi, Timothy O'Leary, Rodolphe Sepulchre:
Distributed online estimation of biophysical neural networks. 628-634 - Zahra Vahdat, Abhyudai Singh:
Frequency-dependent modulation of stochasticity in postsynaptic neuron firing times. 635-640 - Sabbir Ahmed, Erfan Nozari
On the Linearizing Effect of Spatial Averaging in Large-Scale Populations of Homogeneous Nonlinear Systems. 641-648 - Tommaso Menara
, Jorge Cortés:
Control Strategies for Neural Populations with Rectified Activation Function. 649-654 - Yuzhen Qin, Danielle S. Bassett
, Fabio Pasqualetti:
Vibrational Control of Cluster Synchronization: Connections with Deep Brain Stimulation. 655-661 - Vittorio De Iuliis, Costanzo Manes, Alessandro D'Innocenzo:
First-moment stability of Markov Jump Linear Systems with homogeneous and inhomogeneous transition probabilities. 668-673 - Daniel Liberzon, Hyungbo Shim:
Stability of linear systems with slow and fast time variation and switching. 674-678 - Grace S. Deaecto, José Claudio Geromel, João L. N. Brito:
Asymptotic stability of continuous-time switched affine systems with unknown equilibrium points*. 679-684 - Dmitry Nikolaevich Gerasimov, Artem V. Pashenko, Oleg D. Suzdalev, Vladimir O. Nikiforov:
Modular backstepping design with improved parametric convergence for nonlinear plants with input constraints. 697-702 - Kaiwen Chen, Alessandro Astolfi
, Thomas Parisini:
Decentralized Adaptive Control for Interconnected Cyber-Physical Systems under Coordinated Attacks. 703-708 - Nursefa Zengin, Baris Fidan, Ladan Khoshnevisan
Lyapunov Analysis of Least Squares Based Direct Adaptive Control. 709-714 - Yang Zhu, Emilia Fridman:
A Time-delay Approach for Extremum Seeking of Scalar Dynamical Systems*. 715-722 - Borna Sayedana
, Mohammad Afshari, Peter E. Caines, Aditya Mahajan:
Thompson-Sampling Based Reinforcement Learning for Networked Control of Unknown Linear Systems. 723-730 - Chen Sun
, Yan Lin, Lin Li:
Adaptive Output Feedback Fault-tolerant Tracking Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Sensor Failures and Fusion Mechanism. 731-737 - Claudio Gaz, Andrea Cristofaro, Pasquale Palumbo, Alessandro De Luca:
A Nonlinear Observer for a Flexible Robot Arm and its Use in Fault and Collision Detection. 738-743 - Scott Shaw, Guillaume Sartoretti:
Keyframe-based CPG for Stable Gait Design and Online Transitions in Legged Robots. 756-763 - Eric Sihite, Benjamin Mottis, Paul Ghanem, Alireza Ramezani, Morteza Gharib:
Efficient Path Planning and Tracking for Multi-Modal Legged-Aerial Locomotion Using Integrated Probabilistic Road Maps (PRM) and Reference Governors (RG). 764-770 - Lasitha Weerakoon, Nikhil Chopra
Passivity-Based Task Space Control of Hybrid Rigid-Soft (HyRiSo) Robots with Parametric Uncertainty. 771-776 - Francesco Zanini, Alessandro Chiuso:
Value-function estimation and uncertainty propagation in Reinforcement Learning: a Koopman operator approach. 777-782 - Kushal Chakrabarti, Nikhil Chopra
Analysis and Synthesis of Adaptive Gradient Algorithms in Machine Learning: The Case of AdaBound and MAdamSSM. 795-800 - Anna Winnicki, R. Srikant:
Reinforcement Learning with Unbiased Policy Evaluation and Linear Function Approximation. 801-806 - Claire Bizon Monroc, Eva Bouba, Ana Busic, Donatien Dubuc, Jiamin Zhu:
Delay-Aware Decentralized Q-learning for Wind Farm Control. 807-813 - Iasson Karafyllis, Dionysios Theodosis, Markos Papageorgiou:
Artificial Traffic Fluids Emerging from the Design of Cruise Controllers. 814-819 - Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis:
Robustness of String Stability to Delay Mismatch and Safety of CTH Predictor-Feedback CACC. 820-825 - Mladen Cicic, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit
Coupled Macroscopic Modelling of Electric Vehicle Traffic and Energy Flows for Electromobility Control. 826-831 - Yihang Zhang, Aristotelis-Angelos Papadopoulos, Pengfei Chen, Faisal Alasiri, Tianchen Yuan, Jin Zhou, Petros A. Ioannou:
Integrated Traffic Simulation-Prediction System using Neural Networks with Application to the Los Angeles International Airport Road Network. 832-837 - Hanxu Zhao, Jingyuan Zhan, Liguo Zhang:
Saturated boundary feedback control of LWR traffic flow models with lane-changing. 838-843 - Tong Liu, Hong Wang, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Data-Driven Optimal Control of Traffic Signals for Urban Road Networks. 844-849 - Mingzhou Yin, Mehmet Tolga Akan, Andrea Iannelli
, Roy S. Smith:
Infinite-Dimensional Sparse Learning in Linear System Identification. 850-855 - Jiayun Li, Shuai Sun, Yilin Mo:
Fundamental Limit on SISO System Identification. 856-861 - Dustin M. Seltzer, Jeffrey L. Schiano:
Batch-Least Squares System Identification Algorithm for 2D Repetitive Processes. 862-867 - Vito Cerone, Sophie M. Fosson, Simone Pirrera
, Diego Regruto:
Set-membership identification of continuous-time systems through model transformation. 868-873 - E. M. M. Lizan Kivits
, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
Local identification in diffusively coupled linear networks. 874-879 - Elvina Gindullina, Mattia Zorzi, Alessandra Bertoldo, Alessandro Chiuso:
Generalized DCM models for pre-filtering compensation. 880-885 - Abdelrahman Khalil, Khaled F. Aljanaideh
, Mohammad Al Janaideh:
Fault Detection on a Class of Robotic Manipulators using Time-variant Transmissibilities. 886-891 - Junbo Tan, Jiabao He, Shengli Zhang, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang:
Integrated Design of Input and Observer Gain for Active Fault Diagnosis Based on Hybrid Stochastic-Deterministic Approach. 898-903 - Guitao Yang, Angelo Barboni, Hamed Rezaee, Andrea Serrani, Thomas Parisini:
Joint State, Disturbance and Fault Estimation for Weakly Output Redundant Discrete-Time Linear Systems. 904-909 - Abdullah Al Maruf, Luyao Niu, Andrew Clark, J. Sukarno Mertoguno, Radha Poovendran
A Compositional Approach to Safety-Critical Resilient Control for Systems with Coupled Dynamics. 910-917 - Farhad Ghanipoor
, Carlos Murguia
, Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Nathan van de Wouw:
Ultra Local Nonlinear Unknown Input Observers for Robust Fault Reconstruction. 918-923 - Joseph Breeden, Dimitra Panagou:
Predictive Control Barrier Functions for Online Safety Critical Control. 924-931 - Wenceslao Shaw-Cortez, Ján Drgona, Aaron Tuor, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Draguna L. Vrabie
Differentiable Predictive Control with Safety Guarantees: A Control Barrier Function Approach. 932-938 - Xiao Tan, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Compatibility checking of multiple control barrier functions for input constrained systems. 939-944 - Bolun Dai
, Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami:
Learning a Better Control Barrier Function. 945-950 - Hannah M. Sweatland
, Axton Isaly, Warren E. Dixon
High-Order Control Barrier Function for Constraining Position in Motorized Rehabilitative Cycling. 951-956 - Anthony J. Savas, Shinkyu Park, H. Vincent Poor, Naomi Ehrich Leonard:
On Separation of Distributed Estimation and Control for LTI Systems. 963-968 - Ryusei Yoshise, Kaoru Yamamoto
Algebraic connectivity of layered path graphs under node deletion. 975-980 - Yushan Li, Jianping He, Cailian Chen, Xinping Guan:
Inferring Topology of Networked Dynamical Systems by Active Excitations. 981-986 - Bikash Adhikari, Elena Panteley, Irinel-Constantin Morarescu
Three Time Scales Modeling of the Undirected Clustered Network. 987-992 - Weiyang Sun, Jinming Xu, Jiming Chen:
On Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Identifiability and Identification of Switching Dynamical Networks. 993-1000 - Darya Biparva, Donatello Materassi:
Score-and-search methods for the recovery of structure in networks of dynamic systems. 1007-1012 - Jonas Gruner
, Niklas Schmid, Georg Männel
, Jan Grasshoff, Hossam S. Abbas, Philipp Rostalski:
Recursively Feasible Model Predictive Control using Latent Force Models Applied to Disturbed Quadcopters. 1013-1020 - Matteo Della Rossa, Raphaël M. Jungers:
Almost sure Stability of Stochastic Switched Systems: Graph lifts-based Approach. 1021-1026 - Zilong Gong
, Giordano Scarciotti
A Hybrid Observer for Practical Observability of Linear Stochastic Systems. 1033-1038 - Pierre-Cyril Aubin-Frankowski, Alain Bensoussan:
Operator-valued Kernels and Control of Infinite dimensional Dynamic Systems. 1039-1044 - Pengfei Wang, Emilia Fridman:
Sampled-data finite-dimensional observer-based boundary control of 1D stochastic parabolic PDEs. 1045-1050 - Sagar V. Patil, Kazumune Hashimoto, Masako Kishida:
Traffic Flow Control at Signalized Intersections using Signal Spatio-Temporal Logic. 1051-1058 - Tixian Wang, Udit Halder, Ekaterina Gribkova
, Rhanor Gillette, Mattia Gazzola, Prashant G. Mehta:
A Sensory Feedback Control Law for Octopus Arm Movements. 1059-1066 - Alexandre Sanfelici Bazanella, Lucíola Campestrini
, Diego Eckhard:
An introduction to Data-Driven control, from kernels to behaviors. 1079-1084 - Henk J. van Waarde, Jaap Eising
, M. Kanat Camlibel, Harry L. Trentelman:
A tutorial on the informativity framework for data-driven control. 1085-1090 - Florian Dörfler, Pietro Tesi
, Claudio De Persis:
On the Role of Regularization in Direct Data-Driven LQR Control. 1091-1098 - Mircea Lazar, P. C. N. Verheijen:
Offset-free data-driven predictive control. 1099-1104 - Julian Berberich
, Johannes Köhler
, Matthias Albrecht Müller, Frank Allgöwer
Stability in data-driven MPC: an inherent robustness perspective. 1105-1110 - Loris Di Natale, Ying Zhao Lian, Emilio Tanowe Maddalena, Jicheng Shi, Colin N. Jones:
Lessons Learned from Data-Driven Building Control Experiments: Contrasting Gaussian Process-based MPC, Bilevel DeePC, and Deep Reinforcement Learning. 1111-1117 - Teresa Arauz, José María Maestre, Daniel E. Quevedo
, Eduardo Fernández Camacho:
Tree-based Model Predictive Control Strategy for Software Rejuvenation. 1124-1129 - Ahmed Aboudonia
, Andrea Martinelli, Nicolas Hoischen
, John Lygeros:
Reconfigurable Plug-and-play Distributed Model Predictive Control for Reference Tracking. 1130-1135 - Tomas J. Meijer
, Sven A. N. Nouwens
, Victor S. Dolk, Bram de Jager, W. P. M. H. Heemels:
Finite-Horizon Minimal Realizations for Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Systems. 1136-1141 - Daniel Tabas, Baosen Zhang:
Safe and Efficient Model Predictive Control Using Neural Networks: An Interior Point Approach. 1142-1147 - Yulong Gao, Changxin Liu, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Robust Risk-Aware Model Predictive Control of Linear Systems with Bounded Disturbances. 1148-1155 - Shima Sadat Mousavi, Somayeh Bahrami, Anastasios Kouvelas:
A Gain-Scheduled Robust H∞ Control for a Mixed Traffic System Travelling at Different Desired Speeds in the Presence of Delay∗. 1156-1161 - Suyash C. Vishnoi, Ahmad F. Taha, Sebastian A. Nugroho, Christian G. Claudel
On Differential Privacy and Traffic State Estimation Problem for Connected Vehicles. 1162-1167 - Matteo Massaro
, Stefano Lovato:
The optimal trajectory of road vehicles on straights. 1168-1173 - Hongyi Chen, Shiyu Feng, Ye Zhao, Changliu Liu, Patricio A. Vela:
Safe Hierarchical Navigation in Crowded Dynamic Uncertain Environments. 1174-1181 - Felix Strehle
, Juan E. Machado, Michele Cucuzzella
, Albertus Johannes Malan, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen, Sören Hohmann:
Port-Hamiltonian Modeling of Hydraulics in 4th Generation District Heating Networks. 1182-1189 - David Kiessling
, Andrea Zanelli, Armin Nurkanovic, Joris Gillis, Moritz Diehl, Melanie N. Zeilinger, Goele Pipeleers
, Jan Swevers:
A Feasible Sequential Linear Programming Algorithm with Application to Time-Optimal Path Planning Problems. 1196-1203 - Kangyu Lin, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka
A Non-Interior-Point Method for the Optimal Control Problem with Equilibrium Constraints. 1204-1210 - Lucian Nita, Eric C. Kerrigan, Eduardo M. G. Vila, Yuanbo Nie:
Solving optimal control problems with non-smooth solutions using an integrated residual method and flexible mesh. 1211-1216 - Pauline Bernard, Thomas Devos, Al Kassem Jebai, Philippe Martin, Laurent Praly:
KKL observer design for sensorless induction motors. 1235-1242 - Yixiao Ge, Pieter van Goor, Robert E. Mahony:
Equivariant Filter Design for Discrete-time Systems. 1243-1250 - Soham Shanbhag
, Dong Eui Chang:
Globally exponentially convergent observer for the rigid body system on SE(3). 1257-1262 - Mahmoud A. K. Gomaa, Oscar De Silva, Awantha Jayasiri, George K. I. Mann:
Disturbance Observer and Depth Enhanced Visual-Inertial Navigation System For Multi-rotor MAVs: An Observability Analysis. 1269-1275 - Alexandru Oarga
, Jorge Júlvez:
On the computation of the minimum set of reactions for optimal growth in constraint-based models. 1276-1281 - Maurice Filo, Sant Kumar, Stanislav Anastassov, Mustafa Khammash:
Exploiting the Nonlinear Structure of the Antithetic Integral Controller to Enhance Dynamic Performance. 1294-1299 - Krishna Manoj, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Emergent interactions due to resource competition in CRISPR-mediated genetic activation circuits*. 1300-1305 - Abhilash Patel, Shaunak Sen, Indra Narayan Kar:
A Contraction Theory-based Framework for the Design of Robustness to Global Perturbations in Biomolecular Circuits. 1306-1311 - William A. Clark, Dora Kassabova:
Orientation Control of the Bouncing Ball. 1318-1323 - Michael Ruderman, Andrei Zagvozdkin, Dmitrii I. Rachinskii:
Dynamics of inertial pair coupled via frictional interface. 1324-1329 - Saurabh Pandey
, Somanath Majhi:
Modeling of Integrating and Non-minimum Phase Dynamics using Limit Cycles. 1330-1335 - Thomas I. Seidman, Lawrence E. Holloway, Gregory Seidman:
Stability of scheduling policies for processing networks. 1336-1343 - Yingnan Cui, Anuradha M. Annaswamy:
Accelerated Performance and Accelerated Learning with Discrete-Time High-Order Tuners. 1350-1355 - Alex Lovi, Baris Fidan, Christopher Nielsen:
Multiple Model Reference Adaptive Tracking Control of Multivariable Systems with Blending. 1362-1367 - Hongju Park, Mohamad Kazem Shirani Faradonbeh
Worst-case Performance of Greedy Policies in Bandits with Imperfect Context Observations. 1374-1379 - Daniel Cederberg, Anders Hansson, Anders Rantzer:
Synthesis of Minimax Adaptive Controller for a Finite Set of Linear Systems. 1380-1384 - Sunil Kumar Rajendran, Qi Wei, Ningshi Yao
, Feitian Zhang:
Observability Analysis and Reduced-Order Observer Design for a Super-Coiled Polymer-Driven Robotic Eye. 1385-1391 - Antonio Rosales, Leonid B. Freidovich
Estimation of Time-Varying Parameters Defining Contact of a Planar Manipulator with a Surface. 1392-1397 - Yogesh Kumar, Sayan Basu Roy, P. B. Sujit:
Dynamic Image-Based Visual Servoing for Quadrotor to Track a Planar Target with Unknown Motion. 1398-1403 - Daniel Larby, Fulvio Forni:
A Passivity Preserving H-infinity Synthesis Technique for Robot Control. 1416-1422 - Kaijian Hu
, Tao Liu:
Data-Driven H∞ Control for Unknown Linear Time-Invariant Systems with Bounded Disturbances. 1423-1428 - William D'Amico
, Marcello Farina:
Data-based control design for linear discrete-time systems with robust stability guarantees. 1429-1434 - Deepan Muthirayan, Dileep Kalathil, Pramod P. Khargonekar:
Meta-Learning Online Control for Linear Dynamical Systems. 1435-1440 - Olle Kjellqvist
, Ather Gattami:
Learning Optimal Team-Decisions. 1441-1446 - Thomas Beckers
, Jacob H. Seidman, Paris Perdikaris
, George J. Pappas
Gaussian Process Port-Hamiltonian Systems: Bayesian Learning with Physics Prior. 1447-1453 - Christos N. Mavridis, George P. Kontoudis
, John S. Baras:
Sparse Gaussian Process Regression using Progressively Growing Learning Representations. 1454-1459 - Jonathan Gornet
, Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Bruno Sinopoli:
Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits with Non-Stationary Rewards Generated by a Linear Dynamical System. 1460-1465 - Hozefa Jesawada, Amol Yerudkar
, Carmen Del Vecchio, Navdeep M. Singh
A Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Approach for Robust PID Tuning. 1466-1471 - Shahriar Talebi, Mehran Mesbahi:
Riemannian Constrained Policy Optimization via Geometric Stability Certificates∗. 1472-1478 - Efe C. Balta, Andrea Iannelli
, Roy S. Smith, John Lygeros:
Regret Analysis of Online Gradient Descent-based Iterative Learning Control with Model Mismatch. 1479-1484 - Leontine Aarnoudse, Johan Kon, Koen Classens
, Max van Meer
, Maurice Poot, Paul Tacx, Nard Strijbosch, Tom Oomen:
Cross-Coupled Iterative Learning Control for Complex Systems: A Monotonically Convergent and Computationally Efficient Approach *. 1485-1490 - Robert Maniarski
, Wojciech Paszke
, Hongfeng Tao, Eric Rogers:
Design of ILC laws with conditions for stabilizing linear 2D discrete Roesser models. 1491-1496 - Max Bolderman
, Mircea Lazar, Hans Butler:
Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Feedforward Control: From Consistent Identification to Feedforward Controller Design*. 1497-1498 - Tobias Nagel
, Marco F. Huber:
Kalman-Bucy-Informed Neural Network for System Identification. 1503-1508 - Leon Glass, Wael Hilali, Oliver Nelles:
Rectified Linear Unit based Local Linear Model Tree for Nonlinear System Identification Incorporating Prior Knowledge. 1509-1514 - L. H. Peeters, Gerben Izaak Beintema, M. Forgione, Maarten Schoukens
NARX Identification using Derivative-Based Regularized Neural Networks. 1515-1520 - Weiming Xiang
, Zhongzhu Shao:
Safety Verification of Neural Network Control Systems Using Guaranteed Neural Network Model Reduction. 1521-1526 - Luyao Niu, Abdullah Al Maruf, Andrew Clark, J. Sukarno Mertoguno, Radha Poovendran
An Analytical Framework for Control Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems with Safety Guarantee. 1533-1540 - Brindha Jeniefer Josephrexon, Martina Maggio
Experimenting with networked control software subject to faults. 1547-1552 - Xinyi Yu, Weijie Dong, Xiang Yin, Shaoyuan Li:
Online Monitoring of Dynamic Systems for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications with Model Information. 1553-1559 - Feng Xu, Yiming Wan, Ye Wang:
Optimal Fault Detection Observer Design using Excluding Degree. 1560-1567 - Luyao Niu, Zhouchi Li, Andrew Clark:
Abstraction-Free Control Synthesis to Satisfy Temporal Logic Constraints under Sensor Faults and Attacks. 1568-1575 - Guido Carnevale, Giuseppe Notarstefano:
A Learning-based Distributed Algorithm for Personalized Aggregative Optimization. 1576-1581 - Craig Xu Chen, Andrea Agazzi:
A Homotopic Approach to Policy Gradients for Linear Quadratic Regulators with Nonlinear Controls. 1588-1595 - Marina Costantini, Nikolaos Liakopoulos, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos:
Pick your Neighbor: Local Gauss-Southwell Rule for Fast Asynchronous Decentralized Optimization. 1602-1609 - Michelangelo Bin, Ivano Notarnicola, Thomas Parisini:
Stability, Linear Convergence, and Robustness of the Wang-Elia Algorithm for Distributed Consensus Optimization. 1610-1615 - Eduardo Mapurunga, Michel Gevers, Alexandre S. Bazanella:
Excitation and Measurement Patterns for the Identifiability of Directed Acyclic Graphs. 1616-1621 - Shuang Gao:
Fixed-Point Centrality for Networks. 1628-1635 - Chong Jin Ong
, Ilayda Canyakmaz:
Consensus of Network of Unstable Homogeneous Linear Systems. 1636-1641 - Ilia G. Polushin:
Modular Scattering-Based Design of Dissipative Networks. 1642-1647 - Shana Moothedath, Namrata Vaswani
Dec-AltProjGDmin: Fully-Decentralized Alternating Projected Gradient Descent for Low Rank Column-wise Compressive Sensing. 1648-1653 - Chuyuan Tao, Hyung-Jin Yoon, Hunmin Kim, Naira Hovakimyan, Petros G. Voulgaris:
Path Integral Methods with Stochastic Control Barrier Functions. 1654-1659 - Wassim M. Haddad, Manuel Lanchares:
Dissipativity, Inverse Optimal Control, and Stability Margins for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Stochastic Feedback Regulators. 1666-1671 - Kenta Hoshino:
On Estimate of Settling-Time Distributions of Finite-Time Stable Stochastic Systems. 1672-1677 - Aitor R. Gómez
, Rafael Wisniewski:
Stochastic Safety in Space Conjunctions. 1678-1683 - Sandesh Athni Hiremath
, Vikas Kumar Mishra, Naim Bajçinca:
Learning Based Stochastic Data-Driven Predictive Control. 1684-1961 - Majid Ghorbani, Aleksei Tepljakov, Eduard Petlenkov:
Robust FOPID Stabilization for Smith Predictor Structures. 1696-1701 - Jing Shuang Lisa Li
, John C. Doyle:
Distributed Robust Control for Systems with Structured Uncertainties. 1702-1707 - Amy K. Strong, Ethan J. LoCicero, Leila Jasmine Bridgeman:
Dissipative Imitation Learning for Robust Dynamic Output Feedback. 1708-1713 - Dennis Gramlich, Carsten W. Scherer, Christian Ebenbauer:
Robust Differential Dynamic Programming. 1714-1721 - Yorick Broens
, Hans Butler, Roland Tóth:
On modal observers for beyond rigid body H∞ control in high-precision mechatronics*. 1722-1727 - Anquan Liu, Tao Li:
Distributed Platoon Control of Nonlinear Vehicles with Event-Triggered Extended State Observers: Closed-Loop Stability. 1734-1739 - Gerald Gebhardt, Hamideh Saadabadi, Herbert Werner:
Event-Triggered ℓ2-Optimal Formation Control with State-Estimation for Agents Modeled as LPV Systems. 1740-1745 - Tianqi Wang
, Jie Huang:
An Event-triggered Distributed Observer for Leader-Following Consensus of Multiple Rigid Body Systems Over Switching Networks. 1746-1751 - Yang Yu, Xiuxian Li, Li Li, Lihua Xie:
Continuous-Time and Event-Triggered Online Optimization for Linear Multi-Agent Systems. 1752-1757 - Alexander Gräfe, Dominik Baumann
, Sebastian Trimpe
Towards remote fault detection by analyzing communication priorities. 1758-1763 - Ruth Mitze, Martin Mönnigmann:
Improved active set dynamic programming for solving linear-quadratic optimal control problems. 1764-1769 - Anilkumar Parsi, Panagiotis Anagnostaras, Andrea Iannelli
, Roy S. Smith:
Computationally efficient robust MPC using optimized constraint tightening. 1770-1775 - Seho Park, Herschel C. Pangborn:
Noncausal Lifting Linearization for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Under Model Predictive Control. 1776-1781 - Tianchen Ji, Junyi Geng, Katherine Driggs Campbell:
Robust Output Feedback MPC with Reduced Conservatism under Ellipsoidal Uncertainty. 1782-1789 - Tim Brüdigam, Robert Jacumet, Dirk Wollherr, Marion Leibold:
Safe Stochastic Model Predictive Control. 1796-1802 - Ariana J. Mann, Nicholas Bambos:
Power-Optimized Processor Slowdown Control. 1803-1809 - Fei Dong, Xingchen Li, Keyou You, Shiji Song:
Deep Neural Network Based Model Predictive Control for Standoff Tracking by a Quadrotor UAV. 1810-1815 - Daniel Müller, Justinus Feilhauer, Jennifer Wickert, Julian Berberich
, Frank Allgöwer
, Oliver Sawodny:
Data-Driven Predictive Disturbance Observer for Quasi Continuum Manipulators. 1816-1822 - Maria Luisa Scarpa, Benita Nortmann
, Kristin Y. Pettersen, Thulasi Mylvaganam:
Data-driven control of planar snake robot locomotion. 1823-1828 - Carlos Renan dos Santos, Serag-Eldin Abdelmoteleb
, Alejandra S. Escalera Mendoza, Erin E. Bachynski-Polic
, D. Todd Griffith, Luca Oggiano:
Application of a PI-controller to a 25 MW Floating Wind Turbine. 1829-1834 - Wicak Ananduta, Sergio Grammatico:
Approximate solutions to the optimal flow problem of multi-area integrated electrical and gas systems. 1835-1840 - Francesco Carravetta, Mohammad Amin Sarafrazi, Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, Ülle Kotta
Testing Generic Strong Accessibility of Nonlinear Control Systems via Polynomial (Quadratic) Immersion. 1841-1846 - Yoshinari Takayama, Kenta Hoshino, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka
Algebraic Approach to Global Finite-Time Stabilization of Multi-Input Polynomial Systems. 1847-1854 - Adeel Akhtar, Ricardo G. Sanfelice:
Hybrid Geometric Controllers for Fully-Actuated Left-invariant Systems on Matrix Lie Groups. 1855-1860 - Jorge Silva Garcia, Tomoki Ohsawa:
Stabilization of Nonholonomic Pendulum Skate by Controlled Lagrangians. 1861-1866 - Sangli Teng, William A. Clark, Anthony M. Bloch, Ram Vasudevan, Maani Ghaffari
Lie Algebraic Cost Function Design for Control on Lie Groups. 1867-1874 - Tomoyuki Iori:
On First Integrals of Hamiltonian System with Holonomic Hamiltonian. 1875-1881 - Ajith Anil Meera, Martijn Wisse
Free Energy Principle for the Noise Smoothness Estimation of Linear Systems with Colored Noise. 1888-1893 - Denis V. Efimov, Andrey E. Polyakov, Konstantin Zimenko, Jian Wang:
An exact robust hyperexponential differentiator. 1894-1899 - Lucien Etienne, Kokou Anani Agbessi Langueh
, Hassan Karkaba, Alessio Iovine:
Robust Observer synthesis for Bilinear Parameter Varying system. 1900-1905 - Denis V. Efimov, Andrey E. Polyakov, Xubin Ping:
An Interval Observer for Continuous-Time Persidskii Systems. 1912-1917 - Corentin Briat, Mustafa Khammash:
Continuous and Sampled-Data H∞ Control of Linear Stochastic Reaction Networks. 1924-1929 - Supravat Dey, Cesar Augusto Vargas Garcia, Abhyudai Singh:
Sequestration-based feedback control of blood platelet levels. 1930-1935 - Theodore W. Grunberg, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Identifiability of linear noise approximation models of chemical reaction networks from stationary distributions. 1936-1941 - Ankit Gupta
, Mustafa Khammash:
Padé SSA: A frequency domain method for estimating the dynamics of stochastic reaction networks. 1942-1947 - Muhammad Ali Al-Radhawi:
Graphical Construction of Stability Certificates for Biomolecular Interaction Networks. 1949-1955 - Iman Nodozi, Ricardo G. Sanfelice:
A Mixed Integer Approach to Solve Hybrid Model Predictive Control Problems. 1956-1961 - Kanghong Shi, Nastaran Nikooienejad, Ian R. Petersen, S. O. Reza Moheimani
A negative imaginary approach to hybrid integrator-gain system control. 1968-1973 - Gia Quoc Bao Tran, Pauline Bernard, Florent Di Meglio, Lorenzo Marconi:
Observer Design based on Observability Decomposition for Hybrid Systems with Linear Maps and Known Jump Times. 1974-1979 - Samuel A. Burden, Samuel D. Coogan
On infinitesimal contraction analysis for hybrid systems. 1980-1985 - Henrik M. Schmidt-Didlaukies, Erlend A. Basso, Asgeir J. Sørensen, Kristin Y. Pettersen:
A Generalization of Synergistic Hybrid Feedback Control with Application to Maneuvering Control of Ships. 1986-1992 - Alan Williams, Miroslav Krstic, Alexander Scheinker
Practically Safe Extremum Seeking. 1993-1998 - Antje Dittmer, Bindu Sharan, Herbert Werner:
Data-driven Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Wind Farms: A Koopman-Based Online Learning Approach. 1999-2004 - Rohollah Moghadam, Behzad Farzanegan, Sarangapani Jagannathan, P. Natarajan:
Optimal Adaptive Output Regulation of Uncertain Nonlinear Discrete-time Systems using Lifelong Concurrent Learning. 2005-2010 - Svyatoslav Pavlichkov, Naim Bajçinca:
Decentralized adaptive stabilization of infinite networks of switched nonlinear systems with unknown control directions. 2017-2024 - Tyler Lekang, Andrew G. Lamperski:
Sufficient Conditions for Persistency of Excitation with Step and ReLU Activation Functions. 2025-2030 - Arthur H. D. Nunes, Adriano M. C. Rezende, Gilmar P. Cruz Júnior, Gustavo Medeiros Freitas, Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Luciano C. A. Pimenta:
Vector field for curve tracking with obstacle avoidance. 2031-2038 - Maxime Brunet, Marine Pétriaux, Florent Di Meglio, Nicolas Petit
Fast replanning of a lower-limb exoskeleton trajectories for rehabilitation. 2039-2046 - Jon Arrizabalaga, Markus Ryll:
Spatial motion planning with Pythagorean Hodograph curves. 2047-2053 - Miao Yu, Ge Lv
Task-Invariant Centroidal Momentum Shaping for Lower-Limb Exoskeletons. 2054-2060 - Tongjia Zheng, Zhenyuan Yuan, Mollik Nayyar, Alan R. Wagner, Minghui Zhu, Hai Lin:
Multi-Robot-Assisted Human Crowd Evacuation using Navigation Velocity Fields. 2061-2066 - Alexander Davydov, Saber Jafarpour, Matthew Abate, Francesco Bullo, Samuel Coogan
Comparative Analysis of Interval Reachability for Robust Implicit and Feedforward Neural Networks. 2073-2078 - Nathan Gaby, Fumin Zhang, Xiaojing Ye:
Lyapunov-Net: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Lyapunov Function Approximation. 2091-2096 - Sayak Mukherjee, Ján Drgona, Aaron Tuor, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Draguna L. Vrabie
Neural Lyapunov Differentiable Predictive Control. 2097-2104 - Johan Peralez, Madiha Nadri, Daniele Astolfi:
Neural Network-Based KKL observer for nonlinear discrete-time systems. 2105-2110 - Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Sebastiaan Paul Mulders, Rogier Dinkla, Tom Oomen, Michel Verhaegen:
Data-enabled predictive control with instrumental variables: the direct equivalence with subspace predictive control. 2111-2116 - Fabio Bonassi, Jing Xie, Marcello Farina, Riccardo Scattolini:
An Offset-Free Nonlinear MPC scheme for systems learned by Neural NARX models. 2123-2128 - Simone Garatti, Marco C. Campi:
Compression at the service of learning: a case study for the Guaranteed Error Machine. 2135-2140 - Christian Fiedler, Carsten W. Scherer, Sebastian Trimpe
Learning Functions and Uncertainty Sets Using Geometrically Constrained Kernel Regression. 2141-2146 - Ali Mestrah, Mathieu Pouliquen, Eric Pigeon:
Two Identification Algorithms for State Space Modeling from Binary Output Measurements. 2147-2152 - Jean-Sébastien Brouillon, Keith Moffat, Florian Dörfler, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
Robust online joint state/input/parameter estimation of linear systems. 2153-2158 - Justin H. Le, Andrew R. Teel:
Concurrent learning in high-order tuners for parameter identification. 2159-2164 - Katrin Baumgärtner, Rudolf Reiter, Moritz Diehl:
Moving Horizon Estimation with Adaptive Regularization for Ill-Posed State and Parameter Estimation Problems. 2165-2171 - Ichiro Maruta, Toshiharu Sugie:
Direct closed-loop identification of continuous-time systems using fixed-pole observer model*. 2172-2177 - Siyuan Liu
, Adnane Saoud, Pushpak Jagtap, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Majid Zamani:
Compositional Synthesis of Signal Temporal Logic Tasks via Assume-Guarantee Contracts. 2184-2189 - Antoine Girard, Alessio Iovine, Sofiane Benberkane:
Invariant Sets for Assume-Guarantee Contracts. 2190-2195 - Gioele Zardini
, Zelio Suter, Andrea Censi, Emilio Frazzoli:
Task-driven Modular Co-design of Vehicle Control Systems. 2196-2203 - Brayan M. Shali
, H. M. Heidema, A. J. van der Schaft
, Bart Besselink:
Series composition of simulation-based assume-guarantee contracts for linear dynamical systems. 2204-2209 - Takayuki Ishizaki, Masahiro Ito, Takahiro Kawaguchi, Aranya Chakrabortty
Data-Adaptive Retrofit Control for Power System Stabilizer Design. 2210-2215 - Muhammad Waqas, Nikhil Vijay Naik, Petros A. Ioannou, Pierluigi Nuzzo:
Contract-Based Control Synthesis with Barrier Functions for Vehicular Mission Planning. 2216-2221 - Hardik Parwana, Aquib Mustafa, Dimitra Panagou:
Trust-based Rate-Tunable Control Barrier Functions for Non-Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems. 2222-2229 - Thiagarajan Ramachandran
, Sai Pushpak Nandanoori, Subhrajit Sinha, Craig Bakker:
Data-driven Characterization of Recovery Energy in Controlled Dynamical Systems using Koopman Operator. 2230-2235 - Matthew Cavorsi, Ninad Jadhav, David Saldaña, Stephanie Gil:
Adaptive Malicious Robot Detection in Dynamic Topologies. 2236-2243 - Jisheng Xu, Zhiyu He, Chongrong Fang, Jianping He, Yunfeng Peng:
Inference Attack in Distributed Optimization via Interpolation and Manipulation. 2250-2255 - Hongchao Zhang, Shiyu Cheng, Luyao Niu, Andrew Clark:
Barrier Certificate based Safe Control for LiDAR-based Systems under Sensor Faults and Attacks. 2256-2263 - Behdad Chalaki, Andreas A. Malikopoulos
A Barrier-Certified Optimal Coordination Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles. 2264-2269 - Shan Zuo
, Yichao Wang, Yi Zhang:
Resilient Synchronization of Heterogeneous MAS Against Correlated Sensor Attacks. 2276-2282 - Keishin Tada, Naoki Hayashi, Shigemasa Takai
Distributed Inequality Constrained Online Optimization for Unbalanced Digraphs using Row Stochastic Property. 2283-2288 - Ali Devran Kara, Erhan Bayraktar
, Serdar Yüksel:
Near Optimality of Finite Memory Policies for POMPDs with Continuous Spaces. 2301-2306 - Xian Yu, Siqian Shen:
Risk-Averse Reinforcement Learning via Dynamic Time-Consistent Risk Measures. 2307-2312 - Piyush Gupta
, Vaibhav Srivastava:
Deterministic Sequencing of Exploration and Exploitation for Reinforcement Learning. 2313-2318 - M. Vidyasagar:
A New Converse Lyapunov Theorem for Global Exponential Stability and Applications to Stochastic Approximation. 2319-2321 - Songlin Yang
, Sorin Olaru, Pedro Rodríguez-Ayerbe, Carlos E. T. Dórea:
Fragility Margin of PWA Control Laws using A Hyperplane Based Binary Search Tree. 2340-2345 - Samuel Pfrommer, Somayeh Sojoudi:
LQR Control with Sparse Adversarial Disturbances. 2346-2353 - Moritz Heinlein
, Sankaranarayanan Subramanian, Marco Molnar, Sergio Lucia
Robust MPC approaches for monotone systems*. 2354-2360 - Olle Kjellqvist
, John C. Doyle:
v-Analysis: A New Notion of Robustness for Large Systems with Structured Uncertainties. 2361-2366 - Anish A. Sarma, John C. Doyle:
Convex robust performance with structured uncertainties in System Level Synthesis. 2367-2372 - Shiqi Zhang, Zhongkui Li:
Event-Based Robust Stabilization: An Operator-Theoretic Approach. 2373-2378 - Daniel Jarne Ornia, Manuel Mazo:
Event-Based Communication in Distributed Q-Learning. 2379-2386 - Hiroki Matsume, Yuan Wang, Hideaki Ishii, Xavier Défago:
Self-Triggered Ternary Control for Resilient Consensus against Mobile Adversarial Agents. 2387-2392 - Kinjal Bhar, He Bai, Jemin George, Carl E. Busart:
Asynchronous Bayesian Learning over a Network. 2393-2398 - Duarte J. Antunes
, R. M. Beumer, M. J. G. van de Molengraft, W. P. M. H. Heemels:
Adaptive Sampling and Actuation for POMDPs: Application to Precision Agriculture. 2399-2404 - Jochem De Schutter, Eugen Nuss, Katrin Baumgärtner, Dirk Abel, Moritz Diehl:
Nonlinear MPC and MHE of a Gasoline Controlled Auto-Ignition Engine based on Reduced-Order Differential Equation Models. 2411-2416 - Marius Wiggert, Manan Doshi, Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux, Claire J. Tomlin:
Navigating Underactuated Agents by Hitchhiking Forecast Flows. 2417-2424 - Zhixin Feng, Alexander J. Gallo, Yichao Liu
, Atindriyo Kusumo Pamososuryo, Riccardo M. G. Ferrari
, Jan-Willem van Wingerden:
An Economic Model Predictive Control Approach for Load Mitigation on Multiple Tower Locations of Wind Turbines. 2425-2430 - Andre Coelho, Alin Albu-Schäffer
, Arne Sachtler, Hrishik Mishra, Davide Bicego
, Christian Ott, Antonio Franchi:
EigenMPC: An Eigenmanifold-Inspired Model-Predictive Control Framework for Exciting Efficient Oscillations in Mechanical Systems. 2437-2442 - Manan Doshi, Manmeet Bhabra, Marius Wiggert, Claire J. Tomlin, Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux:
Hamilton-Jacobi Multi-Time Reachability. 2443-2450 - Santiago Sanchez-Escalonilla, Rodolfo Reyes-Báez
, Bayu Jayawardhana
Stabilization of Underactuated Systems of Degree One via Neural Interconnection and Damping Assignment - Passivity Based Control. 2463-2468 - Johan Kon, Dennis Bruijnen, Jeroen van de Wijdeven, Marcel Heertjes, Tom Oomen:
Unifying Model-Based and Neural Network Feedforward: Physics-Guided Neural Networks with Linear Autoregressive Dynamics. 2475-2480 - Mohammad Al Saaideh, Almuatazbellah M. Boker
, Mohammad Al Janaideh:
Output-Feedback Control of Electromagnetic Actuated Micropositioning System with Uncertain Nonlinearities and Unknown Gap Variation. 2481-2486 - Marta Fochesato
, Carlo Cenedese, John Lygeros:
A Stackelberg game for incentive-based demand response in energy markets. 2487-2492 - Andrew R. Romano, Lacra Pavel
Game-Theoretic Steady-State Control. 2493-2499 - Abbasali Koochakzadeh, Yasin Yazicioglu
Priority Based Synchronization for Faster Learning in Games. 2500-2505 - Sandeep Banik, Shaunak D. Bopardikar:
FlipDyn: A game of resource takeovers in dynamical systems. 2506-2511 - Vijeth Hebbar, Cédric Langbort:
On The Role of Social Identity in the Market for (Mis)information. 2512-2518 - Sarper Aydin, Sina Arefizadeh, Ceyhun Eksin:
Convergence Bounds of Decentralized Fictitious Play Around a Single Nash Equilibrium in Near-Potential Games. 2519-2524 - Pietro Lorenzetti
, Florian Reissner, George Weiss
An internal model for tracking a sinusoidal reference with unknown frequency and uncertain plant*. 2525-2531 - Lorenzo Gentilini, Michelangelo Bin, Lorenzo Marconi:
Adaptive Nonlinear Regulation via Gaussian Processes. 2532-2537 - Omar Qasem
, Khalid Jebari, Weinan Gao:
Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Data-Driven Cooperative Optimal Output Regulation with Adaptive Observers. 2538-2543 - Yang Wang, Yizhou Gong, Gilberto Pin, Fanglai Zhu, Andrea Serrani, Thomas Parisini:
Unknown Input Observer-based Output Regulation for Uncertain Minimum Phase Linear Systems Affected by a Periodic Disturbance. 2544-2551 - John W. Simpson-Porco:
Low-Gain Stabilizers for Linear-Convex Optimal Steady-State Control. 2552-2559 - Sang-ik An, Gyunghoon Park, Dongheui Lee:
When Prioritization Meets Input-output Linearization: A Prioritized Multi-objective Control and Case Study with Two-link Manipulator. 2560-2565 - Patricio Colmegna, Jenny L. Diaz C., Jose F. Garcia-Tirado, Marc D. Breton:
Enabling Anticipatory Response in Multi-Stage MPC Formulation for Fully Automated Artificial Pancreas System. 2566-2571 - Mohamad Al Ahdab
, Torben Knudsen
, Jakob Stoustrup
, John Leth
An Online Stochastic Optimization Approach for Insulin Intensification in Type 2 Diabetes with Attention to Pseudo-Hypoglycemia*. 2572-2579 - Sarah Ellinor Engell, Tinna Björk Aradóttir, Tobias K. S. Ritschel
, Henrik Bengtsson, John Bagterp Jørgensen
Estimating a Personalized Basal Insulin Dose from Short-Term Closed-Loop Data in Type 2 Diabetes. 2580-2585 - Owais Khan, Mohamed El Mistiri
, Daniel E. Rivera, Cesar A. Martin, Eric B. Hekler:
A Kalman filter-based Hybrid Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Mixed Logical Dynamical Systems: Application to Optimized Interventions for Physical Activity. 2586-2593 - Leonardo F. dos Santos
, Felix M. Escalante Ortega
, Adriano A. G. Siqueira, Thiago Boaventura:
IMU-based Transparency Control of Exoskeletons Driven by Series Elastic Actuator. 2594-2599 - Frederik Zahn, Tobias Kleinert, Veit Hagenmeyer:
Assessing the combination of differential flatness and deterministic automata for controllable hybrid systems. 2612-2619 - Maria Oprea, William A. Clark:
How do we walk? Using hybrid holonomy to approximate non-holonomic systems. 2621-2625 - Nan Wang
, Ricardo G. Sanfelice:
A Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees Motion Planning Algorithm for Hybrid Dynamical Systems*. 2626-2631 - Ioan Doré Landau, Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie
Does a general structure exist for adaptation/learning algorithms? 2650-2655 - Laurent Dewasme, Alain Vande Wouwer:
Two Simple Model-free Extremum Seeking Strategies with Convergence Acceleration through Hessian Estimation. 2662-2667 - Xingyun Fu, Keyou You:
Direct data-driven stabilization of nonlinear affine systems via the Koopman operator. 2668-2673 - Gilberto Pin, Andrea Serrani, Yang Wang:
Parameter-dependent Input Normalization: Direct-Adaptive control with Uncertain Control Direction. 2674-2680 - Jun Wang, Tongsheng Shen, Dexin Zhao, Feitian Zhang:
Flow Sensing-Based Underwater Target Detection Using Distributed Mobile Sensors. 2681-2687 - Zhinan Peng, Jiangping Hu, Hong Cheng, Rui Huang, Rui Luo, Pengbo Zhao, Bijoy Kumar Ghosh:
Tracking Control for Motion Constrained Robotic System via Dynamic Event-Sampled Intelligent Learning Method. 2688-2694 - Lukas Gross, Lasse Maywald, Shivesh Kumar, Frank Kirchner
, Christoph Lüth:
Analytic Estimation of Region of Attraction of an LQR Controller for Torque Limited Simple Pendulum. 2695-2701 - Tongjia Zheng, Hai Lin:
PDE-based Dynamic Control and Estimation of Soft Robotic Arms. 2702-2707 - Tian Tao
, Spandan Roy, Simone Baldi:
Adaptive single-stage control for uncertain nonholonomic Euler-Lagrange systems. 2708-2713 - Patricia Pauli, Niklas Funcke, Dennis Gramlich, Mohamed Amine Msalmi, Frank Allgöwer
Neural network training under semidefinite constraints. 2731-2736 - Yuhao Zhang
, Xiangru Xu:
Safety Verification of Neural Feedback Systems Based on Constrained Zonotopes. 2737-2744 - Matthew Newton, Antonis Papachristodoulou
Reachability Analysis of Neural Feedback Loops using Sparse Polynomial Optimisation. 2745-2750 - Tanmay Gautam, Brendon G. Anderson, Somayeh Sojoudi, Laurent El Ghaoui:
A Sequential Greedy Approach for Training Implicit Deep Models. 2751-2758 - Victor G. Lopez, Matthias Albrecht Müller:
On a Continuous-Time Version of Willems' Lemma. 2759-2764 - Luca Furieri, Clara Lucía Galimberti, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
Neural System Level Synthesis: Learning over All Stabilizing Policies for Nonlinear Systems. 2765-2770 - Stefano Menchetti, Mario Zanon, Alberto Bemporad:
Linear Observer Learning by Temporal Difference. 2777-2782 - Henk J. van Waarde, M. Kanat Camlibel, Harry L. Trentelman:
Data-driven analysis and design beyond common Lyapunov functions. 2783-2788 - Giacomo Baggio, Algo Carè, Gianluigi Pillonetto:
Finite-Sample Guarantees for State-Space System Identification Under Full State Measurements. 2789-2794 - Max van Haren
, Lennart Blanken, Tom Oomen:
Frequency Domain Identification of Multirate Systems: A Lifted Local Polynomial Modeling Approach. 2795-2800 - Philipp Karg
, Simon Stoll, Simon Rothfuß, Sören Hohmann:
Inverse Stochastic Optimal Control for Linear-Quadratic Gaussian and Linear-Quadratic Sensorimotor Control Models. 2801-2808 - Yajie Bao
, Vaishnavi Thesma, Atul Kelkar, Javad Mohammadpour Velni:
Physics-guided and Energy-based Learning of Interconnected Systems: from Lagrangian to Port-Hamiltonian Systems. 2815-2820 - Andrea Sassella, Valentina Breschi
, Simone Formentin:
Data-driven design of explicit predictive controllers. 2821-2826 - Ali Akbar Ahmadi Kashani, Ahmad Kalhor, Babak Nadjar Araabi
, Claus Danielson:
Dead-beat Identification for Model Reference Adaptive Control⋆. 2827-2832 - Shicong Cen, Fan Chen, Yuejie Chi:
Independent Natural Policy Gradient Methods for Potential Games: Finite-time Global Convergence with Entropy Regularization. 2833-2838 - Bosen Lian, Vrushabh S. Donge
, Frank L. Lewis, Tianyou Chai, Ali Davoudi:
Inverse Reinforcement Learning Control for Linear Multiplayer Games. 2839-2844 - Bora Yongacoglu, Gürdal Arslan, Serdar Yüksel:
Independent Learning and Subjectivity in Mean-Field Games. 2845-2850 - Muhammed O. Sayin
On the Global Convergence of Stochastic Fictitious Play in Stochastic Games with Turn-based Controllers. 2851-2856 - Carmel Fiscko, Soummya Kar
, Bruno Sinopoli:
On Confident Policy Evaluation for Factored Markov Decision Processes with Node Dropouts. 2857-2863 - Chinmay Maheshwari
, Kshitij Kulkarni, Manxi Wu, S. Shankar Sastry:
Inducing Social Optimality in Games via Adaptive Incentive Design. 2864-2869 - Clovis Eberhart, James Haydon, Jérémy Dubut, Ahmet Cetinkaya, Sasinee Pruekprasert:
Logic for Timed Agent Network Topologies. 2870-2877 - Gustavo A. Cardona
, David Saldaña, Cristian-Ioan Vasile
Planning for Modular Aerial Robotic Tools with Temporal Logic Constraints. 2878-2883 - Anne Theurkauf, Nisar R. Ahmed, Morteza Lahijanian:
Pareto Optimal Strategies for Event-triggered Estimation. 2884-2889 - Ali Tevfik Buyukkocak, Derya Aksaray
Temporal Relaxation of Signal Temporal Logic Specifications for Resilient Control Synthesis. 2890-2896 - Nicholas Rober, Michael Everett, Jonathan P. How:
Backward Reachability Analysis for Neural Feedback Loops. 2897-2904 - Xiaowu Sun, Yasser Shoukry:
NNSynth: Neural Network Guided Abstraction-Based Controller Synthesis for Stochastic Systems. 2905-2910 - Pieter Stobbe, Twan Keijzer
, Riccardo M. G. Ferrari
A Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for Real-Time Safe Control. 2911-2916 - Sebastian Leonow, Martin Mönnigmann:
Secure collaborative control on lean embedded hardware. 2917-2922 - Anastasia Impicciatore, Anastasios Tsiamis, Yuriy Zacchia Lun
, Alessandro D'Innocenzo, George J. Pappas
Secure state estimation over Markov wireless communication channels. 2935-2940 - Xiaoyu Luo, Chongrong Fang, Chengcheng Zhao, Jianping He:
A Model-free False Data Injection Attack Strategy in Networked Control Systems. 2941-2946 - Kai Wang, Sébastien Gros:
Solving Mission-Wide Chance-Constrained Optimal Control Using Dynamic Programming. 2947-2952 - Iman Nodozi, Abhishek Halder:
Schrödinger Meets Kuramoto via Feynman-Kac: Minimum Effort Distribution Steering for Noisy Nonuniform Kuramoto Oscillators. 2953-2960 - Masako Kishida:
Risk-Aware Event- and Self-Triggered Controls by Worst-Case Conditional Value-at-Risk. 2961-2966 - Benjamin Gravell, Matilde Gargiani, John Lygeros, Tyler H. Summers:
Policy Iteration for Multiplicative Noise Output Feedback Control. 2967-2972 - Felisa J. Vázquez-Abad, Oliver Shetler
, Pedro Soto
Quantile Formulation for Optimization Under a Qualitative Risk Constraint. 2979-2984 - Maciej Marcin Michalek, Wojciech Adamski:
Performance improvement of output-feedback tracking control in an augmented ADRC system with a fixed-bandwidth LESO. 2991-2996 - Lucia Falconi, Augusto Ferrante, Mattia Zorzi:
A new perspective on robust performance for LQG control problems. 3003-3008 - Gregory M. Provan, Marcos Quiñones-Grueiro
, Yves Sohege:
Generating Minimal Controller Sets for Mixing MMAC. 3009-3014 - Manuel A. Estrada, Christopher D. Cruz-Ancona
, Luis Ovalle, Leonid M. Fridman:
Barrier function-based stabilization of a perturbed chain of integrators with a predefined upperbound of the settling time. 3015 - Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, Stéphane Lafortune
, Feng Lin, Rong Su:
Cybersecurity and Supervisory Control: A Tutorial on Robust State Estimation, Attack Synthesis, and Resilient Control. 3020-3040 - Martin Doff-Sotta, Mark Cannon:
Difference of convex functions in robust tube nonlinear MPC. 3044-3050 - Lukas Brunke, Siqi Zhou, Angela P. Schoellig:
Robust Predictive Output-Feedback Safety Filter for Uncertain Nonlinear Control Systems. 3051-3058 - M. Bahadir Saltik, Bayu Jayawardhana
, Ashish Cherukuri:
Iterative Learning and Model Predictive Control for Repetitive Nonlinear Systems via Koopman Operator Approximation. 3059-3065 - Tim Zieger, Hoang Hai Nguyen, Erik Schulz, Thimo Oehlschlägel, Rolf Findeisen:
Non-diverging neural networks supported tube model predictive control. 3066-3073 - Alexander Krolicki, Duvan Tellez-Castro, Umesh Vaidya
Nonlinear Dual-Mode Model Predictive Control using Koopman Eigenfunctions. 3074-3079 - Yuji Tanaka, Mitsuhisa Baba, Masatsugu Otsuki
, Kazuhisa Fujita, Takehiro Himeno
, Takao Maeda, Masaki Takahashi:
Space Lander Descent Control System Design Considering Fuel Sloshing Under Microgravity. 3092-3097 - Manuel Carreño Ruiz, Nicoletta Bloise, Elisa Capello, Domenic D'Ambrosio
, Giorgio Guglieri
Assessment of Quadrotor PID Control Algorithms using six-Degrees of Freedom CFD simulations. 3098-3103 - Armando Miranda-Moya, Herman Castañeda, Hesheng Wang
Image-based Visual Servoing via Nonsingular Fast Terminal Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for a Quadrotor UAV Subjected to Wind Fields. 3104-3109 - Jean Gonzalez Silva, Riccardo M. G. Ferrari
, Jan-Willem van Wingerden:
Convex Model Predictive Control for Down-regulation Strategies in Wind Turbines. 3110-3115 - Krishna Sandeep Ayyagari, Sherin Ann Abraham, Yiyun Yao, Shibani Ghosh, Francisco Flores-Espino, Adarsh Nagarajan, Nikolaos Gatsis:
Assessing the Optimality of LinDist3Flow for Optimal Tap Selection of Step Voltage Regulators in Unbalanced Distribution Networks. 3116-3122 - Kyriakos Lotidis, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Nicholas Bambos:
Learning in Games with Quantized Payoff Observations. 3129-3136 - Xupeng Wei, Achilleas Anastasopoulos:
Social Learning with a Self-Interested Coordinator. 3137-3144 - Vincent Léon, S. Rasoul Etesami, Rakesh Nagi
Diffusion of Innovation under Limited-Trust Equilibrium. 3145-3150 - Soham Das
, Ceyhun Eksin:
Approximate Submodularity of Maximizing Anticoordination in Network Games. 3151-3157 - Mario Andres Aguilar-Orduña, Hebertt Sira-Ramírez, Brian Camilo Gómez-León:
On the Active Disturbance Rejection Control for the sensorless Maximum Power Point Tracking task of a variable speed wind turbine. 3164-3169 - Luke Snow, Shashwat Jain
, Vikram Krishnamurthy:
Lyapunov based Stochastic Stability of Human-Machine Interaction: A Quantum Decision System Approach. 3170-3175 - Arash Komaee:
Quasistatic Control of Dynamical Systems. 3176-3181 - Kanwal Khan, Andreas Kasis, Marios M. Polycarpou, Stelios Timotheou:
Privacy and optimality of distributed schemes for secondary frequency regulation in power networks. 3182-3187 - Vivek Kumar, Yogesh V. Hote:
Analyzing and Mitigating of Time Delay Attack (TDA) by using Fractional Filter based IMC-PID with Smith Predictor. 3194-3199 - Ukjin Kwon, Hsin-Ho Huang, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Design of a long-term memory genetic toggle switch inspired by chromatin modification circuits. 3200-3206 - Dylan Hirsch, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Differential Equation Model for the Population-Level Dynamics of a Toggle Switch with Growth-Feedback. 3207-3212 - Tina Ghodsi Asnaashari, Young Hwan Chang:
Optimal drug treatment for reducing long-term drug resistance. 3213-3218 - César Nieto, César Vargas-García, Juan Manuel Pedraza, Abhyudai Singh:
Cell size control shapes fluctuations in colony population. 3219-3224 - Juan Carlos Arceo
, Olivier Bernard, Jean-Luc Gouzé:
Bacteria Mutualism in a Chemostat: Analysis and Optimization with Interval Detector. 3225-3230 - Adrian Wiltz, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Handling Disjunctions in Signal Temporal Logic Based Control Through Nonsmooth Barrier Functions. 3237-3242 - Qi Heng Ho, Roland B. Ilyes, Zachary N. Sunberg, Morteza Lahijanian:
Automaton-Guided Control Synthesis for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications. 3243-3249 - Guillaume O. Berger, Sriram Sankaranarayanan:
Learning fixed-complexity polyhedral Lyapunov functions from counterexamples. 3250-3255 - Ryan S. Johnson, Ricardo G. Sanfelice:
Hybrid Concurrent Learning for Hybrid Linear Regression. 3256-3261 - Emily J. Griffis, Axton Isaly, Duc M. Le, Warren E. Dixon
Deep Neural Network-Based Adaptive FES-Cycling Control: A Hybrid Systems Approach. 3262-3267 - Santiago J. Leudo, Ricardo G. Sanfelice:
Sufficient Conditions for Optimality in Finite-Horizon Two-Player Zero-Sum Hybrid Games. 3268-3273 - Chris Verhoek
, Gerben Izaak Beintema, Sofie Haesaert, Maarten Schoukens
, Roland Tóth:
Deep-Learning-Based Identification of LPV Models for Nonlinear Systems. 3274-3280 - Elie Rouphael
, Mihály Petreczky, Lotfi Belkoura
On minimal LPV state-space representations in innovation form: an algebraic characterization. 3281-3288 - Manh-Hung Do, Damien Koenig, Flor Lizeth Torres Ortiz, Didier Theilliol:
ℒ2 Observer Design for Singular Lypschitz Linear Parameter-Varying (S-LPV) Systems. 3289-3296 - Masayuki Sato, Noboru Sebe
Conversion From Unstructured LPV Controllers to Observer-Structured LPV Controllers. 3297-3302 - Dániel Fényes, Tamás Hegedüs, Balázs Németh
, Zoltán Szabó, Péter Gáspár:
Combined LPV and ultra-local model-based control design approach for autonomous vehicles. 3303-3308 - Michele Bolognini, Danilo Saccani, Fabrizio Cirillo, Lorenzo Fagiano:
Autonomous navigation of interconnected tethered drones in a partially known environment with obstacles. 3315-3320 - Veronica Vulcano, Spyridon G. Tarantos
, Paolo Ferrari, Giuseppe Oriolo
Safe Robot Navigation in a Crowd Combining NMPC and Control Barrier Functions. 3321-3328 - Andrea Cristofaro, Marco Ferro, Marilena Vendittelli
Safe trajectory tracking using closed-form controllers based on control barrier functions. 3329-3334 - Yanran Wang
, James O'Keeffe
, Qiuchen Qian, David E. Boyle:
Interpretable Stochastic Model Predictive Control using Distributional Reinforced Estimation for Quadrotor Tracking Systems. 3335-3342 - Özer Özkahraman, Pouria Tajvar, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Petter Ögren:
Data-Driven Damage Detection and Control Adaptation for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. 3343-3350 - Dzenan Lapandic
, Christos K. Verginis
, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Bo Wahlberg:
Robust Trajectory Tracking for Underactuated Quadrotors with Prescribed Performance*. 3351-3358 - Luca Zancato, Alessandro Chiuso:
Sampling matters: SGD smoothing through importance sampling. 3359-3364 - Andrew G. Lamperski:
Neural Network Independence Properties with Applications to Adaptive Control. 3365-3370 - Mykhaylo Zayats, Malgorzata J. Zimon, Kyongmin Yeo, Sergiy Zhuk:
Super Resolution for Turbulent Flows in 2D: Stabilized Physics Informed Neural Networks. 3377-3382 - Ulices Santa Cruz, James Ferlez, Yasser Shoukry:
Safe-by-Repair: A Convex Optimization Approach for Repairing Unsafe Two-Level Lattice Neural Network Controllers. 3383-3388 - Anton Xue, Lars Lindemann, Alexander Robey, Hamed Hassani, George J. Pappas
, Rajeev Alur:
Chordal Sparsity for Lipschitz Constant Estimation of Deep Neural Networks. 3389-3396 - Dmitriy Drusvyatskiy, Maryam Fazel, Lillian J. Ratliff:
Improved Rates for Derivative Free Gradient Play in Strongly Monotone Games∗. 3403-3408 - Sebastian Curi, Armin Lederer, Sandra Hirche, Andreas Krause:
Safe Reinforcement Learning via Confidence-Based Filters. 3409-3415 - Bruce D. Lee, Thomas T. C. K. Zhang, Hamed Hassani, Nikolai Matni:
Performance-Robustness Tradeoffs in Adversarially Robust Linear-Quadratic Control. 3416-3423 - Alexander von Rohr, Friedrich Solowjow, Sebastian Trimpe
Improving the Performance of Robust Control through Event-Triggered Learning. 3424-3430 - Angelo D. Bonzanini, Joel A. Paulson, Georgios Makrygiorgos, Ali Mesbah:
Scalable Estimation of Invariant Sets for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Systems using Active Deep Learning. 3431-3437 - Alexandre Sanfelici Bazanella, Diego Eckhard, Luis Alberto Pereira, Matheus Perin:
Uniqueness of Induction Machine Parameters Estimated from Data-Identifiability, Priors and Prediction Error Identification. 3444-3449 - Inês Lourenço, Rebecka Winqvist, Cristian R. Rojas, Bo Wahlberg:
A Teacher-Student Markov Decision Process-based Framework for Online Correctional Learning*. 3456-3461 - Matteo Marchi, Jonathan Bunton, Bahman Gharesifard, Paulo Tabuada
LiDAR Point Cloud Registration with Formal Guarantees. 3462-3467 - Pierre Gintrand, Minh-Duc Hua, Tarek Hamel
, Guillaume Varra:
On the uniform observability of the relative pose estimation problem using bearing measurements and epipolar constraints. 3468-3474 - Duc M. Le, Omkar Sudhir Patil, Cristian F. Nino
, Warren E. Dixon
Accelerated Gradient Approach For Neural Network Adaptive Control Of Nonlinear Systems. 3475-3480 - Lorenzo Tarantino
, Mario Sassano, Sergio Galeani, Alessandro Astolfi
Constant costate iterations for finite-horizon optimal control with nonlinear dynamics. 3481-3486 - Omkar Sudhir Patil, Duc M. Le, Emily J. Griffis, Warren E. Dixon
Deep Residual Neural Network (ResNet)-Based Adaptive Control: A Lyapunov-Based Approach. 3487-3492 - Sarnaduti Brahma, Yitao Bai, Duy Anh Do, Thinh T. Doan:
Convergence Rates of Asynchronous Policy Iteration for Zero-Sum Markov Games under Stochastic and Optimistic Settings. 3493-3498 - Seunghyun Kim, Liam Madden, Emiliano Dall'Anese:
Online Stochastic Gradient Methods Under Sub-Weibull Noise and the Polyak-Łojasiewicz Condition. 3499-3506 - Lingfei Wang, Guanpu Chen
, Yiguang Hong, Guodong Shi, Claudio Altafini:
A social power game for the concatenated Friedkin-Johnsen model. 3513-3518 - Giulia De Pasquale, Maria Elena Valcher
Multi-dimensional extensions of the Hegselmann-Krause model. 3525-3530 - David Ohlin
, Fethi Bencherki, Emma Tegling:
Achieving consensus in networks of increasingly stubborn voters. 3531-3537 - Zini Pan
, Ben M. Chen:
Connectivity-Preserving Formation Tracking of Multiple Double-Integrator Systems. 3550-3555 - Fabrizio Caccavale, Francesco Pierri:
An approach to distributed estimation of time-varying signals by multi-agent systems. 3556-3561 - Yohei Hosoe:
Stochastic Aperiodic Control of Networked Systems with i.i.d. Time-Varying Communication Delays. 3562-3567 - Arthur Castello B. de Oliveira, Milad Siami, Eduardo D. Sontag:
Sensor and Actuator Scheduling in Bilinear Dynamical Networks. 3568-3573 - Denis Uzhva
, Oleg N. Granichin, Olga Granichina:
Compressed Cluster Sensing in Multiagent IoT Control. 3580-3585 - Spencer Boone, Jay W. McMahon:
Non-Gaussian Chance-Constrained Trajectory Control Using Gaussian Mixtures and Risk Allocation. 3592-3597 - Apurva Patil, Alfredo Duarte, Aislinn Smith, Fabrizio Bisetti, Takashi Tanaka:
Chance-Constrained Stochastic Optimal Control via Path Integral and Finite Difference Methods. 3598-3604 - Darinka Dentcheva, Mingsong Ye, Yunxuan Yi:
Risk-averse sequential decision problems with time-consistent stochastic dominance constraints. 3605-3610 - Marta Fochesato
, John Lygeros:
Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Bounds for Stochastic Model Predictive Control. 3611-3616 - Quentin Jacquet, Wim van Ackooij
, Clémence Alasseur, Stéphane Gaubert:
Ergodic control of a heterogeneous population and application to electricity pricing. 3617-3624 - Reza Babazadeh, Rastko R. Selmic:
Robust Formation Control of Nonlinear Agents with Distance Constraints. 3625-3630 - Kunal Pattanayak, Vikram Krishnamurthy, Christopher Berry
Inverse-Inverse Reinforcement Learning. How to Hide Strategy from an Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learner. 3631-3636 - Ariana Gutiérrez, Manuel Mera, Héctor Ríos
An Integral Sliding-Mode Robust Regulation for Constrained Three-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robots. 3637-3642 - Adrián N. Ramírez, Jesus Leyva-Ramos:
Robust H∞ Delay-Based Control of a Fuel-Cell System with Time-Varying Norm-Bounded Uncertainties. 3649-3654 - Ruiqi Li, John W. Simpson-Porco, Stephen L. Smith
Data-Driven Model Predictive Control for Linear Time-Periodic Systems. 3661-3668 - Guilherme Scabin Vicinansa, Daniel Liberzon:
Controllability of Linear Time-Varying Systems with Quantized Controls and Finite Data-Rate. 3669-3674 - Ilaria Di Loreto, Alessandro Borri, Maria Domenica Di Benedetto:
Sampled-data glucose regulation with reach-and-stay specifications through time-varying contracts. 3675-3680 - Mircea Susca, Vlad Mihaly, Petru Dobra:
Fixed-Point Uniform Quantization Analysis for Numerical Controllers. 3681-3686 - Maria Letizia Corradini, Gianluca Ippoliti, Giuseppe Orlando
Control of a Wind Energy Conversion Systems by a Novel Data-Driven Model-Free Adaptive Algorithm. 3693-3698 - Raphael Dyrska, Martin Mönnigmann:
Simplified Nonlinear Programs for NMPC Based on Active Set Construction. 3699-3704 - Michele Pagone
, Mattia Boggio
, Carlo Novara
, Anton V. Proskurnikov
, Giuseppe Carlo Calafiore:
A penalty function approach to constrained Pontryagin-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. 3705-3710 - Lukas Beckenbach, Stefan Streif:
Approximate infinite-horizon predictive control. 3711-3717 - Amin Vahidi-Moghaddam, Zhaojian Li, Nan Li, Kaixiang Zhang
, Yan Wang:
Event-Triggered Cloud-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with Neighboring Extremal Adaptations. 3724-3731 - Noel Csomay-Shanklin, Andrew J. Taylor, Ugo Rosolia
, Aaron D. Ames:
Multi-Rate Planning and Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems: Model Predictive Control and Control Lyapunov Functions. 3732-3739 - Balaji Gorantla, Satadal Ghosh
Right-of-Way-based Probabilistic Acceleration Velocity Obstacle. 3740-3745 - Akshit Saradagi, Avijit Banerjee, Sumeet G. Satpute, George Nikolakopoulos:
Safe Autonomous Docking Maneuvers for a Floating Platform based on Input Sharing Control Barrier Functions. 3746-3753 - Manoj Gowda S. P, Satadal Ghosh
Gradient Direction Turn Switching Strategy for Source Localization. 3754-3759 - Vignesh Kottayam Viswanathan, Andreas Papadimitriou, Avijit Banerjee, Sina Sharif Mansouri, George Nikolakopoulos:
Exogenous Disturbance Estimation for Autonomous Navigation around Small Celestial Bodies. 3760-3766 - Peng Li, Di Liu, Xin Xia, Simone Baldi:
Embedding Adaptive Features in the ArduPilot Control Architecture for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. 3773-3780 - Bryce L. Ferguson, Philip N. Brown
, Jason R. Marden:
Avoiding Unintended Consequences: How Incentives Aid Information Provisioning in Bayesian Congestion Games. 3781-3786 - Dian Gadjov, Lacra Pavel
Distributed Nash Equilibrium Seeking for Decomposable Pseudo-Gradient. 3787-3794 - Sophie Hall, Giuseppe Belgioioso, Dominic Liao-McPherson, Florian Dörfler:
Receding Horizon Games with Coupling Constraints for Demand-Side Management. 3795-3800 - Benita Nortmann
, Andrea Monti, Thulasi Mylvaganam, Mario Sassano:
Nash Equilibria for scalar LQ games: iterative and data-driven algorithms. 3801-3806 - Sohil Shah, Saurabh Amin, Patrick Jaillet:
Optimal Information Provision for Strategic Hybrid Workers. 3807-3814 - Yipeng Pang, Guoqiang Hu:
Gradient-Free Nash Equilibrium Seeking in N-Cluster Games with Uncoordinated Constant Step-Sizes. 3815-3820 - Andrey Polyakov, Denis V. Efimov, Xubin Ping:
Consistent discretization of a homogeneous finite-time control for a double integrator. 3821-3826 - Kanghong Shi, Ian R. Petersen, Igor G. Vladimirov:
Nonlinear Systems Negative Imaginary via State Feedback. 3827-3832 - Min Li, Andrey Polyakov, Gang Zheng:
On Generalized Homogeneous Leader-Following Consensus. 3833-3838 - Changyuan Zhao, Chuchu Fan, Bai Xue:
Outer-approximating Controlled Reach-avoid Sets for Polynomial Systems. 3839-3845 - Lauren E. Conger, Jing Shuang Lisa Li
, Eric Mazumdar, Steven L. Brunton:
Nonlinear System Level Synthesis for Polynomial Dynamical Systems. 3846-3852 - Umesh Vaidya
Spectral Analysis of Koopman Operator and Nonlinear Optimal Control. 3853-3858 - Massimiliano D'Angelo
, Pasquale Palumbo, Stefano Busti, Marco Vanoni:
A coarse-grain model for cellular growth accounting for ribosome synthesis. 3859-3864 - Corentin Briat, Mustafa Khammash:
Continuous-Time and Sampled-Data Optimal Control of Linear Stochastic Reaction Networks. 3865-3870 - Simone Bruno, Ruth J. Williams, Domitilla Del Vecchio:
Analytical and computational study of the stochastic behavior of a chromatin modification circuit. 3871-3877 - Michael M. Saint-Antoine, Ramon Grima, Abhyudai Singh:
Fluctuation-based approaches to infer kinetics of cell-state switching. 3878-3883 - Tarun Mahajan, Michael M. Saint-Antoine, Roy D. Dar
, Abhyudai Singh:
Limits on inferring gene regulatory networks from single-cell measurements of unstable mRNA levels. 3884-3889 - Yichi Zhang, Christian Cuba Samaniego, Katelyn Carleton, Yili Qian, Giulia Giordano, Elisa Franco:
Building molecular band-pass filters via molecular sequestration. 3890-3895 - Shuling Wang, Peizhe Li, Shanying Zhu
, Cailian Chen:
Opportunistic Wireless Control Over State-Dependent Fading Channels*. 3896-3901 - Emre Yildirim, Tansel Yucelen:
Control of Misbehaving Multiagent Networks through Driver Nodes: The Directed Graph Case. 3908-3913 - Luca Ballotta
, Giovanni Peserico
, Francesco Zanini:
A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Sensing Design in Resource-Constrained Wireless Networked Control Systems. 3914-3919 - Miguel Calvo-Fullana, Jonathan P. How:
Mission-Aware Value of Information Censoring for Distributed Filtering. 3920-3925 - Alex Dunyak, Peter E. Caines:
Linear Stochastic Graphon Systems with Q-Space Noise. 3926-3932 - Alessandro Casavola, Vincenzo D'Angelo, Ayman El Qemmah, Francesco Tedesco, Franco Angelo Torchiaro:
Distributed Constrained Connectivity-Keeping Supervision Scheme in the Presence of Static Obstacles. 3933-3938 - Pol Jané-Soneira
, Armin Gießler, Martin Pfeifer, Sören Hohmann:
Distributed Suboptimal Model Predictive Control with Minimal Information Exchange. 3939-3946 - Atahan Kurttisi, Islam A. Aly, K. Merve Dogan:
Coordination of Uncertain Multiagent Systems with Non-Identical Actuation Capacities. 3947-3952 - Stefano Battilotti, Filippo Cacace, Massimiliano D'Angelo
Distributed Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Linear Systems over Networks. 3953-3958 - Adrian Wiltz, Fei Chen, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
A Consistency Constraint-Based Approach to Coupled State Constraints in Distributed Model Predictive Control. 3959-3964 - Wenwen Wu, Shanying Zhu
, Shuai Liu, Xinping Guan:
Differentially Private Distributed Mismatch Tracking Algorithm for Constraint-Coupled Resource Allocation Problems. 3965-3970 - Lulu Chen, Yuhua Cheng, Jinliang Shao, Lei Shi, Wei Xing Zheng:
Collective Behavior of Generic Linear Agents Interacting by Dynamic Topology with General Structures. 3977-3982 - Chinmay Garanayak, Dwaipayan Mukherjee:
Leaderless affine formation maneuvers over directed graphs. 3983-3988 - Christopher Iliffe Sprague, Petter Ögren:
Adding Neural Network Controllers to Behavior Trees without Destroying Performance Guarantees. 3989-3996 - Yifan Cai, Abhinav Dahiya
, Nils Wilde
, Stephen L. Smith:
Scheduling Operator Assistance for Shared Autonomy in Multi-Robot Teams. 3997-4003 - Jun Wang, Samarth Kalluraya, Yiannis Kantaros:
Verified Compositions of Neural Network Controllers for Temporal Logic Control Objectives. 4004-4009 - Sayak Mukherjee, Ramij Raja Hossain
Data-Driven Pole Placement in LMI Regions with Robustness Guarantees. 4010-4015 - Federico Celi, Giacomo Baggio, Fabio Pasqualetti:
Closed-form Estimates of the LQR Gain From Finite Data. 4016-4021 - Nick-Marios T. Kokolakis, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis
Safe Finite-Time Reinforcement Learning for Pursuit-Evasion Games. 4022-4027 - Sihan Zeng, Thinh T. Doan, Justin Romberg:
Finite-Time Complexity of Online Primal-Dual Natural Actor-Critic Algorithm for Constrained Markov Decision Processes. 4028-4033 - Jingliang Duan
, Wenhan Cao, Yang Zheng, Lin Zhao:
On the Optimization Landscape of Dynamic Output Feedback: A Case Study for Linear Quadratic Regulator. 4040-4045 - Paul Brunzema, Alexander von Rohr, Sebastian Trimpe
On Controller Tuning with Time-Varying Bayesian Optimization. 4046-4052 - Liang Xu, Muhammad Zakwan, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
Neural Energy Casimir Control for Port-Hamiltonian Systems. 4053-4058 - Lorenzo Sforni
, Andrea Camisa, Giuseppe Notarstefano:
Structured-policy Q-learning: an LMI-based Design Strategy for Distributed Reinforcement Learning. 4059-4064 - Fan Lu, Prashant G. Mehta, Sean P. Meyn, Gergely Neu:
Convex Analytic Theory for Convex Q-Learning. 4065-4071 - Nilesh Suriyarachchi, Erfaun Noorani, Faizan M. Tariq, John S. Baras:
Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Shock Wave Detection and Dissipation using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication. 4072-4077 - Giulio Evangelisti
, Sandra Hirche:
Physically Consistent Learning of Conservative Lagrangian Systems with Gaussian Processes. 4078-4085 - Hongda Sun, Jiahao Li, Yu Feng:
On Distributed Robust Optimal Filter Design With Bounded-Power Disturbances and White Gaussian Noises. 4086-4091 - Ikumi Banno, Shunichi Azuma, Ryo Ariizumi, Toru Asai, Jun-ichi Imura
Data-driven Sensitivity Analysis of Controllability Measure for Network Systems. 4098-4103 - Wenhan Cao, Jingliang Duan
, Shengbo Eben Li, Chen Chen, Chang Liu, Yu Wang:
Primal-Dual Estimator Learning Method with Feasibility and Near-Optimality Guarantees. 4104-4111 - Syed M. Hassaan, Sze Zheng Yong:
System-Level Recurrent State Estimators for Affine Systems Subject to Data Losses Modeled by Automata. 4118-4124 - Giacomo Borghi
, Michael Herty, Lorenzo Pareschi
A Consensus-Based Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization and Its Mean-Field Description. 4131-4136 - Filippo Fabiani, Barbara Franci
, Simone Sagratella, Martin Schmidt, Mathias Staudigl:
Proximal-like algorithms for equilibrium seeking in mixed-integer Nash equilibrium problems. 4137-4142 - Olivier Bilenne, Barbara Franci
, Paulin Jacquot, Nadia Oudjane, Mathias Staudigl, Cheng Wan:
A Privacy-preserving Decentralized Algorithm for Distribution Locational Marginal Prices. 4143-4148 - Dhruva Kartik, Sagar Sudhakara, Rahul Jain, Ashutosh Nayyar:
Optimal Communication and Control Strategies for a Multi-Agent System in the Presence of an Adversary. 4155-4160 - Arman Adibi
, Aritra Mitra, George J. Pappas
, Hamed Hassani:
Distributed Statistical Min-Max Learning in the Presence of Byzantine Agents. 4179-4184 - Michal Yemini, Angelia Nedic, Stephanie Gil, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
Resilience to Malicious Activity in Distributed Optimization for Cyberphysical Systems. 4185-4192 - Tong Yao, Shreyas Sundaram:
Robust Online and Distributed Mean Estimation Under Adversarial Data Corruption. 4193-4198 - Isabelle Krauss, Victor G. Lopez, Matthias Albrecht Müller:
Sample-based observability of linear discrete-time systems. 4199-4205 - Sergio Galeani, Roberto Masocco, Mario Sassano:
Dynamic control allocation for sampled-data closed-loop systems. 4206-4211 - Nachuan Yang, Jiawei Tang, Yuzhe Li, Ling Shi:
LQR Design for Discrete-Time Positive Systems: A First-Order Method. 4212-4217 - Hamed Taghavian, Mikael Johansson
Transient performance of linear systems through symmetric polynomials. 4218-4223 - Giacomo Baggio, Sandro Zampieri:
Reachable Volume of Large-Scale Linear Network Systems: The Single-Input Case. 4224-4229 - Olivier Bachelier, Thomas Cluzeau, Alexandre Rigaud, Francisco José Silva Alvarez, Nima Yeganefar:
Equivalence between different stability definitions for 2D linear discrete Roesser models. 4230-4235 - Olivier Zeyen, Jun Pang:
Target Control of Boolean Networks with Permanent Edgetic Perturbations. 4236-4243 - Akihito Hayano, Shigemasa Takai
A General Intersection-Based Architecture for Decentralized Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems. 4244-4249 - Xiaoguang Han
, Kuize Zhang, Zhiwu Li:
Verification of Strong K-Step Opacity for Discrete-Event Systems. 4250-4255 - Weijie Dong
, Shang Gao, Xiang Yin, Shaoyuan Li:
Fault Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems under Non-Deterministic Observations with Output Fairness. 4256-4262 - Rong Su:
About Existence of Resilient Supervisors against Smart Sensor Attacks. 4263-4269 - Zexiang Liu, Necmiye Ozay:
On the Convergence of the Backward Reachable Sets of Robust Controlled Invariant Sets For Discrete-time Linear Systems. 4270-4275 - Avi Hanan, Adam Jbara, Arie Levant:
Homogeneous low-chattering sliding mode discretization. 4276-4281 - Hedi Basbas, Hussein Obeid, Salah Laghrouche, Mickaël Hilairet, Franck Plestan:
Comparative study of three high order sliding mode model based design for a floating wind turbine robust control. 4294-4299 - Juan G. Rueda-Escobedo
, Jaime A. Moreno, Johannes Schiffer:
Design and Tuning of the Super-Twisting-Based Synchronous Reference Frame Phase-Locked-Loop. 4300-4306 - Florian Weissenberger, Lars Watermann, Stefan Koch, Markus Reichhartinger, Christina Hettiger, Lukas Eisenzopf, Kiran Kumari
, Johann Reger
, Martin Horn:
Discretization of the Super-Twisting Algorithm Using Variational Integrators. 4307-4312 - Franco Blanchini, Paolo Bolzern, Patrizio Colaneri, Giuseppe De Nicolao, Giulia Giordano:
Logarithmic Dynamics and Aggregation in Epidemics. 4313-4318 - Marcel Fang, Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, Denis V. Efimov, Rosane Ushirobira:
A class of nonlinear state observers for an SIS system counting primo-infections. 4319-4324 - Muhammad Umar B. Niazi, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Observer Design for the State Estimation of Epidemic Processes. 4325-4332 - Baike She
, Shreyas Sundaram, Philip E. Paré:
Optimal Mitigation of SIR Epidemics Under Model Uncertainty. 4333-4338 - Xiaoqi Bi, Erik Miehling, Carolyn L. Beck, Tamer Basar:
Approximate Testing in Uncertain Epidemic Processes. 4339-4344 - Panagiotis S. Trakas
, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis:
Approximation-free Adaptive Prescribed Performance Control for Unknown SISO Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturation. 4351-4356 - Clara Leparoux, Bruno Hérissé, Frédéric Jean
Optimal planetary landing with pointing and glide-slope constraints. 4357-4362 - Andrey Polyakov, Miroslav Krstic:
Homogeneous Nonovershooting Stabilizers and Safety Filters Rejecting Matched Disturbances. 4369-4374 - Mahroo Bahreinian, Roberto Tron:
Output-Feedback Path Planning with Robustness to State-Dependent Errors. 4375-4380 - Daniel Arnström, Daniel Axehill:
Lift, Partition, and Project: Parametric Complexity Certification of Active-Set QP Methods in the Presence of Numerical Errors. 4381-4387 - Toru Namerikawa:
Power Demand-Supply Adjustment via Negawatt Trading Based on Regret Matching. 4394-4399 - Xinyi Yi
, Ye Guo, Hongbin Sun:
Energy-Grade Double Pricing Rule in the Heating Market. 4400-4405 - Zuguang Gao, Khaled Alshehri, John R. Birge:
Quantification of Market Power Mitigation via Efficient Aggregation of Distributed Energy Resources. 4406-4411 - Ruohong Liu, Yize Chen:
Learning Task-Aware Energy Disaggregation: a Federated Approach. 4412-4418 - Mengfan Cao, Shibo Chen
, Haoyu Miao, Zaiyue Yang:
Online Optimal Energy Management for Building Heating with Thermal Energy Storage. 4419-4424 - Sam Ganzfried:
Fictitious Play with Maximin Initialization. 4425-4430 - Kaichen Jiang, Jinhuan Wang, Yuhu Wu:
A Synchronous Updating Rule for Evolutionary Congestion Games Based on Common Information. 4431-4436 - Yize Wang, Dario Paccagnan:
Data-Driven Robust Congestion Pricing. 4437-4443 - Rahul Chandan, Keith Paarporn, Mahnoosh Alizadeh, Jason R. Marden:
Strategic investments in multi-stage General Lotto games. 4444-4448 - Adrianto Ravi Ibrahim, Ahmet Cetinkaya, Masako Kishida:
Complexity and Efficiency of Nash Equilibria in Noncooperative Simple Platoon Games. 4449-4454 - Filippo Fabiani, Barbara Franci
A stochastic generalized Nash equilibrium model for platforms competition in the ride-hail market. 4455-4460 - Mohamed Maghenem, William Pasillas-Lépine, Antonio Loría, Missie Aguado-Rojas:
A Hybrid Observer-based Controller for a Non-uniformly Observable System. 4467-4472 - Farhad Mehdifar
, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Funnel Control Under Hard and Soft Output Constraints. 4473-4478 - Rosane Ushirobira, Denis V. Efimov, Antonio Costanzo, Valeria Loscrì:
Synchronization of oscillators by nonlinear measurements with application to VLC. 4479-4484 - Hans Alvar Engmark, Håvard Bjørgan Bjørkøy, Adil Rasheed
, Damiano Varagnolo:
Wienerization of systems in nonlinear control canonical normal form. 4485-4492 - Jun Zheng, Guchuan Zhu:
L1-input-to-state Stability for Nonlinear Systems. 4493-4500 - Xiao Min
, Simone Baldi, Wenwu Yu:
Low-Complexity Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots With Formation Constraints. 4501-4506 - Grégoire Le Goff
, Marc Bodson, Maurice Fadel:
Model Reference Control of Constrained Overactuated Systems with Integral Compensation. 4507-4512 - Ahmad Ahmad, Calin Belta
, Roberto Tron:
Adaptive Sampling-based Motion Planning with Control Barrier Functions. 4513-4518 - Connor Ligeikis, Jeff T. Scruggs:
An LQG-Inspired Framework for Self-Powered Feedback Control. 4519-4526 - Siddhartha Ganguly, Nakul Randad, Debasish Chatterjee, Ravi N. Banavar:
Constrained trajectory synthesis via quasi-interpolation. 4533-4538 - José I. Caiza, Ian Walter, Jitesh H. Panchal, Junjie Qin, Philip E. Paré:
Optimal Ordering Policies for Multi-Echelon Supply Networks. 4539-4544 - Alec Koppel, Amrit Singh Bedi, Bhargav Ganguly, Vaneet Aggarwal:
Convergence Rates of Average-Reward Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning via Randomized Linear Programming. 4545-4552 - Zeinab Salehi, Yijun Chen, Ian R. Petersen, Elizabeth L. Ratnam
, Guodong Shi:
Social Shaping of Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems over a Finite Horizon. 4553-4558 - Matthew Ubl, Matthew T. Hale:
Faster Asynchronous Nonconvex Block Coordinate Descent with Locally Chosen Stepsizes. 4559-4564 - Shreyas Sundaram, Aritra Mitra:
Peer-to-Peer Non-Bayesian Learning in Finite Time with a Finite Amount of Communication. 4565-4570 - Yan Huang, Jinming Xu, Wenchao Meng, Hoi-To Wai:
Stochastic Gradient Tracking Methods for Distributed Personalized Optimization over Networks. 4571-4578 - Jingxuan Zhu, Yixuan Lin, Ji Liu, A. Stephen Morse:
Reaching a Consensus with Limited Information. 4579-4584 - Zao Fu, Michele Cucuzzella
, Carlo Cenedese, Wenwu Yu, Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen:
A Distributed control framework for the optimal operation of DC microgrids. 4585-4590 - Milos S. Stankovic
, Marko Beko, Nemanja Ilic, Srdjan S. Stankovic:
Multi-Agent Actor-Critic Multitask Reinforcement Learning based on GTD(1) with Consensus. 4591-4596 - Esteban Restrepo, Antonio Loría, Ioannis Sarras, Julien Marzat:
Consensus of Open Multi-agent Systems over Dynamic Undirected Graphs with Preserved Connectivity and Collision Avoidance. 4609-4614 - Pouria Ramazi, Mohammad Hossein Roohi:
Characterizing Oscillations in Heterogeneous Populations of Coordinators and Anticoordinators. 4615-4620 - Paulo Heredia, Jemin George, Shaoshuai Mou:
Distributed Offline Reinforcement Learning. 4621-4626 - Yi Feng Wang, Christopher Nielsen, Stephen L. Smith:
A Pursuit Evasion Approach for Avoiding an Inattentive Human in the Presence of a Static Obstacle. 4627-4633 - Tianrong Chen, Ziyi Wang, Evangelos A. Theodorou:
Deep Graphic FBSDEs for Opinion Dynamics Stochastic Control. 4652-4659 - Abed AlRahman Al Makdah
, Vishaal Krishnan, Vaibhav Katewa, Fabio Pasqualetti:
Behavioral Feedback for Optimal LQG Control. 4660-4666 - Thomas Beckers
, Leonardo J. Colombo, Manfred Morari, George J. Pappas
Learning-based Balancing of Model-based and Feedback Control for Second-order Mechanical Systems. 4667-4673 - Filippos Fotiadis, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis
, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Data-Based Actuator Selection for Optimal Control Allocation. 4674-4679 - Shahryar Zehtabi, Seyyedali Hosseinalipour, Christopher G. Brinton
Decentralized Event-Triggered Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Communication Thresholds. 4680-4687 - Jiasheng Hao, Dongwei Ma, Wei Liu, Zhinan Peng, Dong Chen, Yang Wang:
Adaptive Decision Method of Directional Drilling Tool Face Based on Model Free Online Learning. 4688-4693 - Mohammad Akbari, Bahman Gharesifard, Tamás Linder:
Achieving Logarithmic Regret via Hints in Online Learning of Noisy LQR Systems. 4700-4705 - Arezoo Rajabi, Bhaskar Ramasubramanian, Abdullah Al Maruf, Radha Poovendran
Privacy-Preserving Reinforcement Learning Beyond Expectation. 4706-4713 - Yue Shen, Maxim Bichuch
, Enrique Mallada:
Model-free Learning of Regions of Attraction via Recurrent Sets. 4714-4719 - Youngjae Min, Kwangjun Ahn, Navid Azizan
One-Pass Learning via Bridging Orthogonal Gradient Descent and Recursive Least-Squares. 4720-4725 - Alberto Padoan, Jeremy Coulson, Henk J. van Waarde, John Lygeros, Florian Dörfler:
Behavioral uncertainty quantification for data-driven control. 4726-4731 - Nathan Powell, Roger Liu, Jia Guo, Sai Tej Paruchuri, John A. Burns, Boone Estes, Andrew J. Kurdila:
Approximation of Koopman Operators: Irregular Domains and Positive Orbits. 4732-4739 - Michelle S. Chong
Entropy for incremental stability of nonlinear systems under disturbances. 4740-4745 - Artem N. Nekhoroshikh
, Denis V. Efimov, Andrey E. Polyakov, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Igor B. Furtat:
On simple design of a robust finite-time observer. 4746-4751 - Paul Chauchat, Silvère Bonnabel, Axel Barrau:
Invariant Smoothing with low process noise. 4758-4763 - Ashish Cherukuri, Alireza Zolanvari
, Goran Banjac, Ashish R. Hota:
Data-driven distributionally robust optimization over a network via distributed semi-infinite programming. 4771-4775 - Lotfi M. Chaouach, Dimitris Boskos, Tom Oomen:
Uncertain uncertainty in data-driven stochastic optimization: towards structured ambiguity sets. 4776-4781 - Dimitris Boskos, Jorge Cortés, Sonia Martínez:
Distributionally Robust Optimization via Haar Wavelet Ambiguity Sets. 4782-4787 - Francesco Micheli, Tyler H. Summers, John Lygeros:
Data-driven distributionally robust MPC for systems with uncertain dynamics. 4788-4793 - Ioannis Tzortzis, Charalambos D. Charalambous:
Partially Observable Markov Decision Subject to Total Variation Distance Ambiguity. 4794-4799 - Astghik Hakobyan, Insoon Yang:
Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Control of Partially Observable Linear Systems: Tractable Approximation and Performance Guarantee. 4800-4807 - Kunal Garg
, Ricardo G. Sanfelice, Alvaro A. Cárdenas:
Control Barrier Function-Based Attack-Recovery with Provable Guarantees. 4808-4813 - Hao Chen, Jiacheng Tang, Abhishek Gupta:
Change Detection of Markov Kernels with Unknown Pre and Post Change Kernel. 4814-4820 - Raman Goyal
, Christoforos Somarakis, Erfaun Noorani, Shantanu Rane:
Co-Design of Watermarking and Robust Control for Security in Cyber-Physical Systems. 4821-4826 - Yun Gao, Kai Luo, Chongrong Fang, Jianping He:
Fragility-Aware Stealthy Attack Strategy for Multi-Robot Systems against Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. 4827-4832 - Jingshi Yao, Xiang Yin, Shaoyuan Li:
Sensor Deception Attacks Against Initial-State Privacy in Supervisory Control Systems. 4839-4845 - Vikas Kumar Mishra, Henk J. van Waarde, Naim Bajçinca:
Data-Driven Criteria for Detectability and Observer Design for LTI Systems. 4846-4852 - Andrea Monti, Sergio Galeani, Corrado Possieri, Mario Sassano:
A data-driven approach to distributed modal consensus and synchronization. 4853-4858 - Oron Sabag
, Sahin Lale, Babak Hassibi:
Competitive-Ratio and Regret-Optimal Control with General Weights. 4859-4864 - Yicheng Xu
, Faryar Jabbari:
Discrete-Time Output Feedback under Bounded Actuators: Single and Multi-agent Problems. 4865-4871 - Luis Rodrigues:
From LQR to Static Output Feedback: a New LMI Approach. 4878-4883 - Masahiro Kohjima:
Polya Decision Processes: A New History-Dependent Framework for Reinforcement Learning. 4884-4891 - Dongsheng Ding, Mihailo R. Jovanovic:
Policy gradient primal-dual mirror descent for constrained MDPs with large state spaces. 4892-4897 - Nima Akbarzadeh, Aditya Mahajan:
Partially observable restless bandits with restarts: indexability and computation of Whittle index. 4898-4904 - Yuyang Zhang, Meng Guo:
Online Planning of Uncertain MDPs under Temporal Tasks and Safe-Return Constraints. 4918-4923 - Jared Miller, Tianyu Dai, Mario Sznaier:
Data-Driven Superstabilizing Control of Error-in-Variables Discrete-Time Linear Systems. 4924-4929 - Christina Hettiger, Lars Watermann, Kiran Kumari
, Lukas Eisenzopf, Florian Weissenberger, Martin Horn, Stefan Koch, Johann Reger
, Markus Reichhartinger:
On Discretization Methods for Indirect Adaptive Sliding Mode Control. 4930-4936 - Diego Agudelo-España, Yassine Nemmour, Bernhard Schölkopf, Jia-Jie Zhu:
Learning Random Feature Dynamics for Uncertainty Quantification. 4937-4944 - Aditya Dave, Nishanth Venkatesh, Andreas A. Malikopoulos
Approximate Information States for Worst-case Control of Uncertain Systems. 4945-4950 - Daniel Silvestre
Accurate Guaranteed State Estimation for Uncertain LPVs using Constrained Convex Generators. 4957-4962 - Esteban A. Hernández-Vargas, Alejandro H. González, Carolyn L. Beck, Xiaoqi Bi, Francesca Calà Campana
, Giulia Giordano:
Modelling and Control of Epidemics Across Scales. 4963-4980 - Xiang Dai, Hassen Fourati, Christophe Prieur:
A Dynamic Grid-based Q-learning for Noise Covariance Adaptation in EKF and its Application in Navigation. 4984-4989 - Adnane Saoud, Murat Arcak:
Characterizations and Computation of Controlled Invariants for Monotone Dynamical Systems. 4990-4995 - Nikolaos Athanasopoulos:
Polytope shaping while preserving invariance. 4996-5001 - Taha Shafa, Melkior Ornik:
Maximal Ellipsoid Method for Guaranteed Reachability of Unknown Fully Actuated Systems. 5002-5007 - Jared Miller, Mario Sznaier:
Bounding the Distance of Closest Approach to Unsafe Sets with Occupation Measures. 5008-5013 - Alexandre Amice, Pablo A. Parrilo
Solving Least Squares Problems on Partially Ordered Sets. 5014-5021 - Hao Tu, Yebin Wang, Xianglin Li, Huazhen Fang:
Spatio-Temporal Thermal Monitoring for Lithium-Ion Batteries via Kriged Kalman Filtering. 5022-5028 - Fernando Paganini, Emiliano Espíndola, Diego Marvid, Andrés Ferragut:
Optimization of spatial infrastructure for EV charging. 5035-5041 - Marta Fochesato
, Giovanni Gino Zanvettor
, Marco Casini, Antonio Vicino:
A data-driven dynamic pricing scheme for EV charging stations with price-sensitive customers. 5042-5047 - Mingyu Chen, Junjie Qin:
Scheduling and Pricing Non-Preemptive Electric Loads: A Convex Approach. 5048-5055 - Guido Cavraro, Zhenyi Yuan, Manish Kumar Singh
, Jorge Cortés:
Learning Local Volt/Var Controllers Towards Efficient Network Operation with Stability Guarantees. 5056-5061 - Yue Guan, Mohammad Afshari, Qifan Zhang, Panagiotis Tsiotras:
Hierarchical Decompositions of Stochastic Pursuit-Evasion Games. 5062-5067 - Cem Okan Yaldiz, Yildiray Yildiz:
Driver Modeling Using Continuous Reasoning Levels: A Game Theoretical Approach. 5068-5073 - Changhao Sun, Qingrui Zhou, Xiaowei Ma, Huaxin Qiu
, Yuting Feng, Jiaxin Liu:
Self-organized Set Cover via Nash Equilibrium Learning and Selection. 5074-5079 - Mattia Bianchi, Sergio Grammatico:
Nash equilibrium seeking under partial-decision information: Monotonicity, smoothness and proximal-point algorithms. 5080-5085 - Benoît Bonnet, Hélène Frankowska:
Viability and Exponentially Stable Trajectories for Differential Inclusions in Wasserstein Spaces*. 5086-5091 - Spencer Hutchinson
, Berkay Turan, Mahnoosh Alizadeh:
A Safe Pricing Mechanism for Distributed Resource Allocation with Bandit Feedback. 5092-5098 - Jianli Gao
, Balarko Chaudhuri
, Alessandro Astolfi
Lyapunov-based Transient Stability Analysis. 5099-5104 - Yoshiro Fukui:
Estimation of Order of Settling-time using Strict Lyapunov Function for Finite-time PD Control. 5105-5110 - Shankar A. Deka
, Alonso M. Valle, Claire J. Tomlin:
Koopman-based Neural Lyapunov functions for general attractors. 5123-5128 - Alessandro Colotti, Alexandre Goldsztejn:
Practical stability and attractors of systems with bounded perturbations. 5129-5134 - Yuzuru Kato, Hiroya Nakao
Data-driven spectral analysis of quantum spin networks with limited access using Hankel dynamic mode decomposition. 5141-5148 - Lev-Arcady Sellem
, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq, Mazyar Mirrahimi, Alain Sarlette, Pierre Rouchon:
Exponential convergence of a dissipative quantum system towards finite-energy grid states of an oscillator. 5149-5154 - Tommaso Grigoletto, Francesco Ticozzi:
Minimal resources for exact simulation of quantum walks. 5155-5160 - Maël Bompais, Nina H. Amini, Clément Pellegrini:
Parameter Estimation for Quantum Trajectories: Convergence Result. 5161-5166 - Xin Ning, André Luiz P. de Lima, Jr-Shin Li:
NMR Pulse Design using Moment Dynamical Systems. 5167-5172 - Zifan Wang, Yi Shen, Zachary I. Bell, Scott Nivison, Michael M. Zavlanos, Karl Henrik Johansson:
A Zeroth-Order Momentum Method for Risk-Averse Online Convex Games. 5179-5184 - Renato Vizuete
, Charles Monnoyer de Galland, Julien M. Hendrickx, Paolo Frasca, Elena Panteley:
Resource allocation in open multi-agent systems: an online optimization analysis. 5185-5191 - Sebastien Colla, Julien M. Hendrickx:
Automated Performance Estimation for Decentralized Optimization via Network Size Independent Problems. 5192-5199 - Tiancheng Qin, S. Rasoul Etesami, César A. Uribe:
Decentralized Federated Learning for Over-Parameterized Models. 5200-5205 - Ali Jadbabaie, Haochuan Li, Jian Qian, Yi Tian:
Byzantine-Robust Federated Linear Bandits. 5206-5213 - Boyang Zhang
, Henri P. Gavin
Decentralized Unified Position-Attitude Control of Nonlinear UAVs. 5214-5219 - Sheng Zhang, Ashwin Pananjady, Justin Romberg:
A Dual Accelerated Method for a Class of Distributed Optimization Problems: From Consensus to Decentralized Policy Evaluation. 5220-5225 - Kasra Ghasemi, Sadra Sadraddini, Calin Belta
Decentralized Signal Temporal Logic Control for Perturbed Interconnected Systems via Assume-Guarantee Contract Optimization. 5226-5231 - Olle Kjellqvist
, Jing Yu:
On Infinite-horizon System Level Synthesis Problems. 5238-5244 - Fengjun Yang, Fernando Gama, Somayeh Sojoudi, Nikolai Matni:
Distributed Optimal Control of Graph Symmetric Systems via Graph Filters. 5245-5252 - Shima Savehshemshaki, Walter Lucia:
A Robust Receding-Horizon Collision Avoidance Strategy for Constrained Unmanned Ground Vehicles Moving in Shared Planar Environments. 5253-5258 - Nils Wilde
, Javier Alonso-Mora
Online Multi-Robot Task Assignment with Stochastic Blockages. 5259-5266 - Siddharth H. Nair, Eric H. Tseng, Francesco Borrelli
Collision Avoidance for Dynamic Obstacles with Uncertain Predictions using Model Predictive Control. 5267-5272 - Mehmet Fatih Ozkan, Yao Ma:
Trust-Aware Control of Automated Vehicles in Car-Following Interactions with Human Drivers. 5279-5284 - Sven Brüggemann, Drew Steeves, Miroslav Krstic:
Simultaneous Lane-Keeping and Obstacle Avoidance by Combining Model Predictive Control and Control Barrier Functions. 5285-5290 - Paula Chanfreut
, José M. Maestre, Eduardo F. Camacho, Francesco Borrelli
Collaborative learning model predictive control for repetitive tasks. 5291-5296 - Chuanzheng Wang, Yiming Meng, Stephen L. Smith, Jun Liu:
Data-Driven Learning of Safety-Critical Control with Stochastic Control Barrier Functions. 5309-5315 - Ryan K. Cosner, Yisong Yue, Aaron D. Ames:
End-to-End Imitation Learning with Safety Guarantees using Control Barrier Functions. 5316-5322 - Joshua Hanson, Maxim Raginsky:
Fitting an immersed submanifold to data via Sussmann's orbit theorem. 5323-5328 - Yang Zheng, Yue Sun, Maryam Fazel, Na Li:
Escaping High-order Saddles in Policy Optimization for Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) Control. 5329-5334 - Bo Wang, Sergey G. Nersesov, Hashem Ashrafiuon, Peiman Naseradinmousavi, Miroslav Krstic:
Source Seeking for Planar Underactuated Vehicles by Surge Force Tuning. 5335-5342 - Haoming Jing
, Yorie Nakahira:
Probabilistic Safety Certificate for Multi-agent Systems. 5343-5350 - Fat-Hy Omar Rajab, Jeff S. Shamma:
Reachable Set Approximation as a Non-Cooperative Multi-Agent Coverage Game. 5351-5356 - Matthieu Blanke, Marc Lelarge:
Online greedy identification of linear dynamical systems. 5363-5368 - Braghadeesh Lakshminarayanan
, Cristian R. Rojas:
A Statistical Decision-Theoretical Perspective on the Two-Stage Approach to Parameter Estimation. 5369-5374 - Ankit Goel, Dennis S. Bernstein:
On the Accuracy of the One-step UKF and the Two-step UKF. 5375-5380 - Ahmed Pasha, Victor Solo:
Testing for Coincidences between Time Varying Poisson Processes. 5381-5386 - Marcus Greiff, Karl Berntorp:
Distributed Kalman Filtering: When to Share Measurements. 5399-5404 - Jeanne Redaud, Jean Auriol, Yann Le Gorrec:
In-domain damping assignment of a Timoshenko-beam using state feedback boundary control. 5405-5410 - Michael A. Demetriou
Adaptive RKHS-based functional estimation of structurally perturbed second order infinite dimensional systems. 5411-5416 - Bao-Zhu Guo, Ren-Xi Zhao:
Robust Output Regulation for a Wave Equation via Adaptive Internal Model. 5417-5422 - Yuanyuan Shi, Zongyi Li
, Huan Yu, Drew Steeves, Anima Anandkumar, Miroslav Krstic:
Machine Learning Accelerated PDE Backstepping Observers. 5423-5428 - Nils Christian A. Wilhelmsen, Ole Morten Aamo:
Leak Detection, Size Estimation and Localization in Water Distribution Networks Containing Loops. 5429-5436 - Hamza El-Kebir
, Junren Ran
, Martin Ostoja-Starzewski, Richard Berlin, Joseph Bentsman, Leonardo P. Chamorro:
Infinite-Dimensional Adaptive Boundary Observer for Inner-Domain Temperature Estimation of 3D Electrosurgical Processes using Surface Thermography Sensing. 5437-5442 - Varkey M. John, Vaibhav Katewa:
Opacity and its Trade-offs with Security in Linear Systems. 5443-5449 - Bryony H. Schonewille, Richard Hugh Moulton, Karen Rudie:
Enforcing Degree of Opacity with Supervisory Control. 5450-5457 - Yumeng Bai, Saurabh Amin, Xudong Wang, Li Jin:
Securing Signal-free Intersections against Strategic Jamming Attacks: A Macroscopic Approach. 5458-5465 - Tao Xu, Jianping He:
Predictability of Stochastic Dynamical System: A Probabilistic Perspective. 5466-5471 - Xu Zhang, Marcos M. Vasconcelos:
Robust remote estimation over the collision channel in the presence of an intelligent jammer. 5472-5479 - R. Spencer Hallyburton
, Amir Khazraei, Miroslav Pajic:
Optimal Myopic Attacks on Nonlinear Estimation. 5480-5485 - Arjan van der Schaft
, Volker Mehrmann:
A Lagrange subspace approach to dissipation inequalities. 5486-5491 - Mario Spirito, Lorenzo Marconi:
Inner-Outer Decomposition for Strictly Proper Linear Time Invariant Systems and Non-Minimum Phase Performance Limitations. 5492-5497 - Maurício C. de Oliveira, Yang Zheng:
Convex Parameterization of Stabilizing Controllers and its LMI-based Computation via Filtering. 5498-5504 - Pierre Riedinger
, Jamal Daafouz:
Harmonic Pole Placement. 5505-5510 - Qi Mao, Yong Xu, Jie Chen, Tryphon T. Georgiou:
Implementation-Oriented Filtered PID Control: Robustness Margins. 5511-5516 - João Saúde, Peter E. Caines:
Markowitz Portfolio Optimization Extended Quadratic Mean-Field Games Approach. 5523-5528 - Deepanshu Vasal, Randall Berry:
Master Equation for Discrete-Time Stackelberg Mean Field Games with a Single Leader. 5529-5535 - Sukru Yagiz Olmez, Shubham Aggarwal, Jin-Won Kim
, Erik Miehling, Tamer Basar, Matthew West, Prashant G. Mehta:
How does a Rational Agent Act in an Epidemic? 5536-5543 - Yaoyu Zhang, Yuhan Kang, Chenye Wu, Jian Shi, Dan Wang
, Zhu Han:
Carbon Emission-Aware Storage Control via Mean Field Game Coordination. 5544-5549 - Peter E. Caines:
Embedded Vertexon-Graphons and Embedded GMFG Systems. 5550-5557 - Rinel Foguen Tchuendom, Shuang Gao, Minyi Huang, Peter E. Caines:
Optimal Network Location in Infinite Horizon LQG Graphon Mean Field Games. 5558-5565 - Ersin Das, Richard M. Murray:
Robust Safe Control Synthesis with Disturbance Observer-Based Control Barrier Functions. 5566-5573 - Federico Dettù
, Francesco Abbracciavento, Simone Formentin:
Kelly-based stock trading via feedback control. 5574-5579 - Oliver Schön
, Birgit van Huijgevoort, Sofie Haesaert, Sadegh Soudjani:
Correct-by-Design Control of Parametric Stochastic Systems. 5580-5587 - Bartlomiej Kizielewicz, Andrii Shekhovtsov, Wojciech Salabun
Handling uncertanity in decision support systems based on Pythagorean fuzzy sets. 5588-5594 - Andrii Shekhovtsov, Bartosz Paradowski, Jakub Wieckowski, Bartlomiej Kizielewicz, Wojciech Salabun
Extension of the SPOTIS method for the rank reversal free decision-making under fuzzy environment. 5595-5600 - Rafael Fernando Quirino Magossi, Leandro Jose Elias, Flávio A. Faria, Vilma A. Oliveira:
State feedback design for TS fuzzy systems subject to persistent bounded disturbances*. 5601-5607 - Vishwaraj Doshi, Jie Hu, Do Young Eun:
Bi-SIS Epidemics on Graphs - Quantitative Analysis of Coexistence Equilibria. 5608-5613 - Martina Alutto, Leonardo Cianfanelli
, Giacomo Como
, Fabio Fagnani:
Multiple peaks in network SIR epidemic models. 5614-5619 - Raghu Arghal
, Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti, Saswati Sarkar:
Optimal Capacity-Constrained COVID-19 Vaccination for Heterogeneous Populations. 5620-5626 - Mohammad Mubarak
, James Berneburg, Cameron Nowzari:
Individual Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention Strategies for Stochastic Networked Epidemics. 5627-5632 - Gustavo Hernandez-Mejia, Edgar N. Sánchez, Victor M. Chan, Esteban A. Hernández-Vargas:
Impulsive Neural Control to Schedule Antivirals and Immunomodulators for COVID-19. 5633-5638 - Abdelrahman Khalil, Almuatazbellah Boker
, Mohammad Al Janaideh:
Robust State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems Using High-Gain Transmissibility. 5639-5644 - Wei Jiang
, Mohammadreza Doostmohammadian, Themistoklis Charalambous:
Distributed Resource Allocation via ADMM over Digraphs. 5645-5651 - Yuxiao Chen, Jip Kim, James Anderson
Distributionally Robust Decision Making Leveraging Conditional Distributions. 5652-5659 - Yassine Nemmour, Heiner Kremer, Bernhard Schölkopf, Jia-Jie Zhu:
Maximum Mean Discrepancy Distributionally Robust Nonlinear Chance-Constrained Optimization with Finite-Sample Guarantee. 5660-5667 - Zheming Wang
, Raphaël M. Jungers:
Probabilistic guarantees on the objective value for the scenario approach via sensitivity analysis. 5668-5673 - Han Wang, Kostas Margellos, Antonis Papachristodoulou
Explicit Solutions for Safety Problems Using Control Barrier Functions. 5680-5685 - Xu Du, Alexander Engelmann, Timm Faulwasser
, Boris Houska:
Approximations for Optimal Experimental Design in Power System Parameter Estimation. 5692-5697 - Hossein Sekhavatmanesh, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
, Silvia Mastellone:
Optimal control configuration in distribution network via an exact OPF relaxation method. 5698-5704 - Alyssa Kody, Amanda West, Daniel K. Molzahn:
Sharing the Load: Considering Fairness in De-energization Scheduling to Mitigate Wildfire Ignition Risk using Rolling Optimization. 5705-5712 - Samuel Chevalier
, Mads R. Almassalkhi:
Towards Optimal Kron-based Reduction Of Networks (Opti-KRON) for the Electric Power Grid. 5713-5718 - Yuyue Yan, Tomohisa Hayakawa:
Pseudo-Gradient Dynamics with Cognitive Predictions in Noncooperative Dynamical Systems. 5725-5730 - Bolin Gao, Lacra Pavel
Bandit learning with regularized second-order mirror descent. 5731-5738 - David Grimsman, Philip N. Brown, Jason R. Marden:
Valid Utility Games with Information Sharing Constraints. 5739-5744 - Niloufar Saeedi, Dan Richard, Pouria Ramazi:
Evolutionary Dynamics of Mixed Rings of Coordinators and Anticoordinators. 5745-5750 - Kristina Miller, Sayan Mitra
Multi-agent motion planning using differential games with lexicographic preferences. 5751-5756 - Vasili A. Zaitsev
, Egor Zaitsev:
Global asymptotic stabilization of single-input bilinear discrete time-invariant complex systems*. 5769-5774 - Andrew J. Taylor, Pio Ong, Tamás G. Molnár
, Aaron D. Ames:
Safe Backstepping with Control Barrier Functions. 5775-5782 - Luis Rodrigues:
Inverse Optimal Control with Discount Factor for Continuous and Discrete-Time Control-Affine Systems and Reinforcement Learning. 5783-5788 - Jesus Mendoza-Avila, Denis V. Efimov, Leonid M. Fridman, Jaime A. Moreno:
An Analysis of Convergence Properties of Finite-Time Homogeneous Controllers Through Its Implementation in a Flexible-Joint Robot. 5789-5794 - Xiandong Chen, Chunjiang Qian, Xianfu Zhang:
Finite-time integral control of nonlinear planar systems subject to mismatched disturbances. 5795-5800 - Andreas Deutschmann-Olek
, Mohammadamin Tajik
, Martino Calzavara
, Jörg Schmiedmayer, Tommaso Calarco
, Andreas Kugi
Iterative shaping of optical potentials for one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates. 5801-5806 - Shuixin Xiao, Yuanlong Wang, Daoyi Dong, Jun Zhang:
Two-stage solution of quantum process tomography in the natural basis. 5807-5812 - Carrie Ann Weidner, Sonia G. Schirmer, Frank C. Langbein, Edmond A. Jonckheere:
Applying classical control techniques to quantum systems: entanglement versus stability margin and other limitations. 5813-5818 - Rebbecca T. Y. Thien
, Shanon L. Vuglar, Ian R. Petersen:
A J-Spectral Factorization Condition for the Physical Realiazability of a Transfer Function Matrix with only Direct Feedthrough Quantum Noise. 5819-5824 - Athanasios A. Rompokos, Frank C. Langbein, Edmond A. Jonckheere:
Information Transfer in Spintronics Networks under Worst Case Uncertain Parameter Errors. 5825-5830 - Nahid Binandeh Dehaghani
, Fernando M. Lobo Pereira, António Pedro Aguiar
A Quantum Optimal Control Problem with State Constrained Preserving Coherence. 5831-5836 - Lei Xu, Xinlei Yi, Jiayue Sun, Yang Shi, Karl Henrik Johansson, Tao Yang:
Quantized Distributed Nonconvex Optimization with Linear Convergence. 5837-5842 - Qiang Li, Hoi-To Wai:
On the Role of Data Homogeneity in Multi-Agent Non-convex Stochastic Optimization. 5843-5848 - Yixuan Lin, Ji Liu:
Subgradient-Push Is of the Optimal Convergence Rate. 5849-5856 - Apostolos I. Rikos, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Distributed Optimal Data Allocation in Finite Time with Efficient Communication and Transmission Stopping over Dynamic Networks. 5857-5863 - Zhenyuan Yuan, Minghui Zhu:
dSLAP: Distributed Safe Learning and Planning for Multi-robot Systems. 5864-5869 - Yichuan Li
, Petros G. Voulgaris, Nikolaos M. Freris:
Distributed Primal-dual Optimization for Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems. 5870-5875 - Tyler H. Summers, Karthik Ganapathy
, Iman Shames, Mathias Hudoba de Badyn
Self-Tuning Network Control Architectures. 5876-5881 - Philip Solimine
, Anke Meyer-Baese:
Input design for the optimal control of networked moments. 5894-5901 - Harold J. Ship, Evgeny Shindin, Odellia Boni, Itai Dattner:
A Robust Server-Effort Policy for Fluid Processing Networks. 5902-5909 - Yuto Watanabe, Kazunori Sakurama:
Distributed Dynamic Matching of Two Groups of Agents with Different Sensing Ranges. 5916-5921 - Lei Shi, Jinliang Shao, Yuhua Cheng, Wei Xing Zheng:
Secure Formation-Containment Control for Multi-Agent Systems Subject to Denial-of-Service Attacks. 5922-5927 - Xiaoyu Li, Yuhu Wu:
A Leader-following Rendezvous Control Design for the Cucker-Smale Model on the Infinite Cylinder. 5934-5939 - Alexander A. Soderlund, Sean Phillips
Robust Formation Control of a Distributed System with Sporadic Asynchronous Measurements. 5940-5945 - Hans Riess
, Robert Ghrist:
Diffusion of Information on Networked Lattices by Gossip. 5946-5952 - Navid Rezazadeh, Solmaz S. Kia
Distributed submodular maximization: trading performance for privacy. 5953-5958 - Zirui Xu, Vasileios Tzoumas:
Resource-Aware Distributed Submodular Maximization: A Paradigm for Multi-Robot Decision-Making. 5959-5966 - Andrew Downie, Bahman Gharesifard, Stephen L. Smith:
Optimistic Greedy Strategies for Partially Known Submodular Functions. 5967-5973 - Adel Aghajan, Keith Paarporn, Jason R. Marden:
A General Lotto Game over Networked Targets. 5974-5979 - Lei Xin, George Chiu
, Shreyas Sundaram:
Finite Sample Guarantees for Distributed Online Parameter Estimation with Communication Costs. 5980-5985 - Ingvar M. Ziemann, Anastasios Tsiamis, Henrik Sandberg, Nikolai Matni:
How are policy gradient methods affected by the limits of control? 5992-5999 - Matthew Newton, Antonis Papachristodoulou
Stability of Non-linear Neural Feedback Loops using Sum of Squares. 6000-6005 - William T. Redman, Maria Fonoberova, Ryan Mohr, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis, Igor Mezic:
Algorithmic (Semi-)Conjugacy via Koopman Operator Theory. 6006-6011 - Rajiv Singh, Mario Sznaier:
Certified Control-Oriented Learning: A Coprime Factorization Approach. 6012-6017 - Reza Vafaee, Milad Siami:
On-the-fly Sensor Scheduling with Performance Guarantees. 6018-6025 - Zhe Du, Zexiang Liu, Jack Weitze, Necmiye Ozay:
Sample Complexity Analysis and Self-regularization in Identification of Over-parameterized ARX Models. 6026-6033 - Martha Halvorsen, Karim Davari Benam, Hasti Khoshamadi, Anders Lyngvi Fougner:
Blood Glucose Level Prediction Using Subcutaneous Sensors for in Vivo Study: Compensation for Measurement Method Slow Dynamics Using Kalman Filter Approach. 6034-6039 - Sven A. N. Nouwens
, Bram de Jager, Margarethus M. Paulides
, W. P. M. H. Heemels:
Approximate Kalman filtering for large-scale systems with an application to hyperthermia cancer treatments. 6040-6045 - Roya Doshmanziari, Roxanne R. Jackson, Damiano Varagnolo, Steffi Knorn:
Data-driven modeling of fatigue effects following repeated muscular contractions. 6052-6057 - Daniel Alberto Burbano Lombana
A bio-inspired distributed strategy to infer the size of a network system. 6058-6063 - Mihaela Ghita
, Dana Copot, Isabela Roxana Birs, Cristina I. Muresan, Robin De Keyser, Martine Neckebroek, Michel M. R. F. Struys
, Clara M. Ionescu:
Uncertainty Minimization and Feasibility Study for Managing the Complex and Interacting Anesthesia-Hemodynamic System. 6064-6069 - Diego Gutierrez-Oribio
, Yury Orlov, Ioannis Stefanou, Franck Plestan:
Robust Tracking for the Diffusion Equation using Sliding-Mode Boundary Control. 6076-6081 - Michael A. Demetriou
Using local reachability sets in guiding mobile actuator and its orbiting sensors to approximate state feedback kernels in output control of PDEs. 6082-6088 - Rami Katz, Emilia Fridman, Idan Basre:
Network-based deployment of multi-agents without communication of leaders with multiple followers: a PDE approach. 6089-6096 - Declan S. Jagt, Matthew M. Peet:
L2-Gain Analysis of Coupled Linear 2D PDEs using Linear PI Inequalities. 6097-6104 - S. S. Ravindran:
Time Adaptive POD Reduced Order Model for Viscous Incompressible Flows. 6105-6110 - Yinan Hu, Quanyan Zhu:
Evasion-Aware Neyman-Pearson Detectors: A Game-Theoretic Approach. 6111-6117 - Sandamal Weerasinghe, Tamas Abraham, Tansu Alpcan, Sarah M. Erfani, Christopher Leckie, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein
Local Intrinsic Dimensionality Signals Adversarial Perturbations. 6118-6125 - Anh Tung Nguyen, Sribalaji Coimbatore Anand
, André M. H. Teixeira:
A Zero-Sum Game Framework for Optimal Sensor Placement in Uncertain Networked Control Systems under Cyber-Attacks. 6126-6133 - Twan Keijzer
, Alexander J. Gallo, Riccardo M. G. Ferrari
Hierarchical Cyber-Attack Detection in Large-Scale Interconnected Systems. 6134-6139 - Kosuke Kimura, Hideaki Ishii:
Quantized Zero Dynamics Attacks against Sampled-data Control Systems. 6140-6145 - Kin Cheong Sou, Henrik Sandberg:
Resilient Scheduling of Control Software Updates in Power Distribution Systems. 6146-6153 - Anders Rantzer:
Explicit Solution to Bellman Equation for Positive Systems with Linear Cost. 6154-6155 - Stefan Kojchev, Robert Hult, Jonas Fredriksson:
Quadratic approximation based heuristic for optimization-based coordination of automated vehicles in confined areas. 6156-6162 - Prima Aditya, Herbert Werner:
A Distributed Linear-Quadratic Discrete-Time Game Approach to Multi-Agent Consensus. 6169-6174 - Amirhossein Nazerian
, Francesco Sorrentino:
Decoupling Optimal Control Problems via Simultaneous Block Diagonalization of Matrices. 6175-6180 - Aren Karapetyan
, Andrea Iannelli
, John Lygeros:
On the Regret of H∞ Control. 6181-6186 - Sophie Hall, Lukas Ortmann, Miguel Picallo, Florian Dörfler:
Real-time Projected Gradient-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with an Application to Anesthesia Control. 6193-6198 - Ahmed Allibhoy, Jorge Cortés:
Safety-Critical Control as a Design Paradigm for Anytime Solvers of Variational Inequalities. 6211-6216 - Bryan Van Scoy
, Laurent Lessard:
Absolute Stability via Lifting and Interpolation. 6217-6223 - Carlos E. T. Dórea, Sorin Olaru, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu:
Polyhedral Invariant Sets for a Class of Lossless Propagation Models. 6236-6241 - Ihab Haidar, Pierdomenico Pepe:
ISS characterization of retarded switching systems with relaxed Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals. 6242-6247 - Mohamed Abdalmoaty
, Alexander Medvedev:
Noise reduction in Laguerre-domain discrete delay estimation. 6254-6259 - Martin Rodriguez-Vega
, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit
, Hassen Fourati:
A Route-based Method for Turning Ratio Estimation: Application to the Grenoble Downtown Traffic Flow and Density Reconstruction. 6266-6271 - Viet-Anh Le
, Andreas A. Malikopoulos
A Cooperative Optimal Control Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Using Social Value Orientation. 6272-6277 - Carlo Cenedese, Michele Cucuzzella, Antonella Ferrara, John Lygeros:
A Novel Control-Oriented Cell Transmission Model Including Service Stations on Highways. 6278-6283 - Fabio Paparella, Theo Hofman, Mauro Salazar
Joint Optimization of Number of Vehicles, Battery Capacity and Operations of an Electric Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Fleet. 6284-6291 - Shamisa Shoja, Daniel Arnström, Daniel Axehill:
Exact Complexity Certification of a Standard Branch and Bound Method for Mixed-Integer Linear Programming. 6298-6305 - Nicola Mimmo, Lorenzo Marconi, Giuseppe Notarstefano:
Uniform quasi-convex optimisation via Extremum Seeking. 6306-6311 - Orlando Romero, Mouhacine Benosman, George J. Pappas
ODE Discretization Schemes as Optimization Algorithms. 6318-6325 - Mengmou Li
, Khaled Laib, Ioannis Lestas:
Convergence Rate Bounds for the Mirror Descent Method: IQCs and the Bregman Divergence. 6326-6331 - Alexander Davydov, Saber Jafarpour, Anton V. Proskurnikov
, Francesco Bullo:
Non-Euclidean Monotone Operator Theory with Applications to Recurrent Neural Networks. 6332-6337 - Majid Majidi, Deepan Muthirayan, Masood Parvania, Pramod P. Khargonekar:
On the Performance of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Dynamic Matching of Renewable Energy with Flexible Loads. 6344-6349 - Dheeraj Narasimha, Ki-Yeob Lee, Dileep Kalathil, Srinivas Shakkottai:
Multi-Agent Learning via Markov Potential Games in Marketplaces for Distributed Energy Resources. 6350-6357 - Hampei Sasahara, György Dán, Saurabh Amin, Henrik Sandberg:
Green Routing Game: Strategic Logistical Planning using Mixed Fleets of ICEVs and EVs. 6358-6363 - Utkarsha Agwan, Junjie Qin, Kameshwar Poolla, Pravin Varaiya:
Electric Vehicle Battery Sharing Game for Mobile Energy Storage Provision in Power Networks. 6364-6370 - Leonardo Cianfanelli
, Giacomo Como
, Tommaso Toso:
Stability and bifurcations in transportation networks with heterogeneous users. 6371-6376 - Stefanny Ramirez, Dario Bauso:
Gradient Tracking for Coalitional Aggregation of Wind Power. 6383-6388 - Emilio Benenati, Wicak Ananduta, Sergio Grammatico:
On the optimal selection of generalized Nash equilibria in linearly coupled aggregative games. 6389-6394 - Guobiao Jia, Maojiao Ye, Lei Ding:
Exponentially Convergent and Prescribed-Time Fully Distributed Nash Equilibrium Seeking Strategy Design. 6401-6406 - Sina Arefizadeh, Angelia Nedic:
A Distributed Algorithm for Aggregative Games on Directed Communication Graphs. 6407-6412 - Hiroshi Ito:
A Global and Semi-Global Controller for SIQR Epidemic Model by A Control Lyapunov Function via Logarithmic Sum. 6419-6424 - Omkar Sudhir Patil, Kimberly J. Stubbs, Patrick M. Amy, Warren E. Dixon
Exponential Stability with RISE Controllers for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Time-Varying State Delays. 6431-6435 - Emmanuel Cruz-Zavala, Jaime A. Moreno, Emmanuel Nuño, Carlos I. Aldana:
On Haimo's conditions for Finite-time stability of the double integrator. 6436-6441 - Wenjie Mei, Denis V. Efimov, Rosane Ushirobira:
Annular short-time stability of generalized Persidskii systems. 6442-6447 - Zohreh Al Zahra Sanai Dashti, Diego Deplano
, Carla Seatzu, Mauro Franceschelli:
Resilient Self-Organizing Networks in Multi-Agent Systems via Approximate Random k-Regular Graphs. 6448-6453 - Luca Ballotta
, Giacomo Como, Jeff S. Shamma, Luca Schenato:
Competition-Based Resilience in Distributed Quadratic Optimization. 6454-6459 - Guangyi Liu, Christoforos Somarakis, Nader Motee:
Emergence of Cascading Risk and Role of Spatial Locations of Collisions in Time-Delayed Platoon of Vehicles. 6460-6465 - Dandan Wang, Jialing Zhou, Wei Xing Zheng, Guanghui Wen:
Distributed Optimal Coordinated Control of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-agent Systems over Directed Communication Topologies: A Tracking-Based Approach. 6466-6471 - Bernard Chazelle, Kritkorn Karntikoon:
Quick Relaxation in Collective Motion. 6472-6477 - Yuhao Yi, Yuan Wang, Xingkang He, Stacy Patterson, Karl Henrik Johansson:
A Sample-Based Algorithm for Approximately Testing r-Robustness of a Digraph. 6478-6483 - Xuyang Wu, Sindri Magnússon, Hamid Reza Feyzmahdavian, Mikael Johansson
Optimal convergence rates of totally asynchronous optimization. 6484-6490 - Tu Anh-Nguyen, César A. Uribe:
On Distributed Exact Sparse Linear Regression over Networks. 6491-6496 - Amit Dutta, Nila Masrourisaadat, Thinh T. Doan:
Convergence Rates of Decentralized Gradient Dynamics over Cluster Networks: Multiple-Time-Scale Lyapunov Approach. 6497-6502 - Xiaochun Niu, Ermin Wei:
DISH: A Distributed Hybrid Primal-Dual Optimization Framework to Utilize System Heterogeneity. 6503-6510 - Sofia Jegnell, Stefan Vlaski
Distributed Relatively Smooth Optimization. 6511-6517 - Andrew Downie, Bahman Gharesifard, Stephen L. Smith:
A Programming Approach for Worst-case Studies in Distributed Submodular Maximization. 6518-6523 - Thomas Chaffey
, Alberto Padoan:
Circuit Model Reduction with Scaled Relative Graphs. 6530-6535 - Ahmet Özkan Özer
, Ahmet Kaan Aydin
Robust-Filtering of Sensor Data for the Finite Difference Model Reduction of a Piezoelectric Sandwich Beam. 6535-6541 - Joel D. Simard
, Alessandro Astolfi
Loewner Functions for a Class of Nonlinear Differential-Algebraic Systems. 6542-6547 - Florian Mahlknecht
, John Irvin Alora, Shobhit Jain
, Edward Schmerling, Riccardo Bonalli, George Haller, Marco Pavone
Using Spectral Submanifolds for Nonlinear Periodic Control. 6548-6555 - Isabela Roxana Birs, Cristina I. Muresan, Maria Ghita, Clara M. Ionescu, Robin De Keyser:
A low-order approximation method for fractional order PID controllers. 6556-6561 - Mouaad Boughellaba, Abdelhamid Tayebi:
Leader-follower bearing-based distributed pose estimation for multi-vehicle networks. 6562-6567 - Gianvito Difilippo, Maria Pia Fanti, Agostino Marcello Mangini:
A Consensus Protocol for Connecting Automated Vehicles at Signal-Free Intersection. 6568-6573 - Xu Jin, Zhongjun Hu:
Constrained Load Transportation by A Team of Quadrotors. 6580-6585 - Shivam Bajaj, Eric Torng, Shaunak D. Bopardikar, Alexander Von Moll, Isaac E. Weintraub, Eloy García, David W. Casbeer:
Competitive Perimeter Defense of Conical Environments. 6586-6593 - Arman Pourghorban, Michael R. Dorothy, Daigo Shishika, Alexander Von Moll, Dipankar Maity:
Target Defense against Sequentially Arriving Intruders. 6594-6601 - Amirhossein Taghvaei
, Bamdad Hosseini:
An Optimal Transport Formulation of Bayes' Law for Nonlinear Filtering Algorithms. 6608-6613 - André Marcorin de Oliveira, Oswaldo L. V. Costa, Gabriela Werner Gabriel, Sergio R. Barros dos Santos:
Energy-to-Peak Filtering for Continuous-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems with Partial Information on the Jump Parameter. 6614-6619 - Olga O. Yufereva, Aneel Tanwani:
Approximation of Nonlinear Filters for Continuous-Time Markov Chains under Randomly-Sampled Observations. 6620-6625 - Junwoo Park
, Hohyeong Lee, Hyochoong Bang:
Balanced Cooperative Target Search of Mobile Sensor Fleet under Localization Uncertainty. 6626-6631 - Marc Lambert, Silvère Bonnabel, Francis R. Bach:
The continuous-discrete variational Kalman filter (CD-VKF). 6632-6639 - Udari Madhushani, Biswadip Dey, Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Amit Chakraborty:
On Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Sampling for RL. 6640-6645 - Gautam Goel, Babak Hassibi:
The Power of Linear Controllers in LQR Control. 6652-6657 - Mukul Gagrani, Sagar Sudhakara, Aditya Mahajan, Ashutosh Nayyar, Yi Ouyang:
A modified Thompson sampling-based learning algorithm for unknown linear systems. 6658-6665 - Deepan Muthirayan, Jianjun Yuan, Dileep Kalathil, Pramod P. Khargonekar:
Online Learning for Predictive Control with Provable Regret Guarantees. 6666-6671 - Ting-Jui Chang, Shahin Shahrampour:
Distributed Online System Identification for LTI Systems Using Reverse Experience Replay. 6672-6677 - Borna Sayedana
, Mohammad Afshari, Peter E. Caines, Aditya Mahajan:
Consistency and Rate of Convergence of Switched Least Squares System Identification for Autonomous Markov Jump Linear Systems. 6678-6685 - Zhexuan Zeng, Zuogong Yue, Alexandre Mauroy, Jorge M. Gonçalves
, Ye Yuan:
A Sampling Theorem for Exact Identification of Continuous-time Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. 6686-6692 - Miao Yu
, Federico Bianchi
, Luigi Piroddi:
Identification of switched nonlinear ARX systems using a randomized algorithm. 6693-6698 - Simone Paoletti, Andrea Garulli
, Antonio Vicino:
An iterative optimization-based approach to piecewise affine system identification. 6699-6704 - Yahya Sattar, Samet Oymak, Necmiye Ozay:
Finite Sample Identification of Bilinear Dynamical Systems. 6705-6711 - Robert Bereza, Oscar Eriksson, Mohamed Rasheed-Hilmy Abdalmoaty
, David Broman, Håkan Hjalmarsson
Stochastic Approximation for Identification of Non-Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations with Process Disturbances. 6712-6717 - Michael A. Demetriou
, Weiwei Hu:
Sensor location for unknown input observers of second order infinite dimensional systems. 6724-6729 - Dariusz Ucinski, Maciej Patan:
Sensor Selection for Minimizing the Condition Number with Guaranteed E-Efficiency. 6730-6735 - Rafael Arndt, Carlos N. Rautenberg:
Differentiability and Control of a Model for Granular Material Accumulation. 6736-6741 - Harsh Sharma, Nicholas Galioto
, Alex A. Gorodetsky, Boris Kramer:
Bayesian Identification of Nonseparable Hamiltonian Systems Using Stochastic Dynamic Models. 6742-6749 - Apostolos I. Rikos, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Finite-Time Privacy-Preserving Quantized Average Consensus with Transmission Stopping. 6762-6768 - Mahdi Taheri, Khashayar Khorasani, Nader Meskin, Iman Shames:
Data-Driven Koopman Operator Based Cyber-Attacks for Nonlinear Control Affine Cyber-Physical Systems. 6769-6775 - Haleh Hayati, Carlos Murguia
, Nathan van de Wouw:
Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning via System Immersion and Random Matrix Encryption. 6776-6781 - Yoon Lee
, Anil Aswani
Optimally Designing Cybersecurity Insurance Contracts to Encourage the Sharing of Medical Data. 6782-6787 - Yanwen Mao, Deepesh Data, Suhas N. Diggavi, Paulo Tabuada
Decentralized Learning Robust to Data Poisoning Attacks. 6788-6793 - Yuxuan Guo, Boris Houska, Mario Eduardo Villanueva
A Tutorial on Pontryagin-Koopman Operators for Infinite Horizon Optimal Control. 6800-6805 - Fernando M. Lobo Pereira, Roman A. Chertovskih
, Anna Daryina, Dmitry Karamzin
Regular approximations of time-optimal motion for a tracked mobile robot travelling in a vector flow field under restricted state variables*. 6812-6817 - Mathieu Granzotto
, Olivier Lindamulage De Silva, Romain Postoyan, Dragan Nesic, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Regularizing policy iteration for recursive feasibility and stability. 6818-6823 - Ashwin Khadke, Hartmut Geyer:
Sparsity Inducing System Representations for Policy Decompositions. 6824-6829 - Dominique Monnet, Alexandre Goldsztejn, Franck Plestan, Charles Audet:
Second order sliding mode twisting controller tuning based on two-level optimization process. 6830-6835 - BethAnna Jones, ShiNung Ching:
Synthesizing network dynamics for short-term memory of impulsive inputs. 6836-6841 - Wei Jiang
, Themistoklis Charalambous:
A Fast Finite-Time Consensus based Gradient Method for Distributed Optimization over Digraphs. 6848-6854 - Elias Khalife, Dany Abou Jaoude, Mazen Farhood:
Construction of Worst-Case Input Signals for Discrete-Time Linear Time-Varying Systems. 6855-6861 - Tarek Bouazza
, Tarek Hamel
, Minh-Duc Hua, Robert E. Mahony:
Homography-based Riccati observer design for camera pose estimation. 6862-6868 - Xuefei Yang, Emilia Fridman:
Practical stabilization of affine discrete-time systems by periodic switching via a time-delay approach to averaging. 6869-6874 - Iasson Karafyllis, Pierdomenico Pepe, Antoine Chaillet, Yuan Wang:
Uniform Global Asymptotic Stability for Time-Invariant Delay Systems. 6875-6880 - Islam Boussaada, Guilherme Mazanti, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Amina Benarab:
MID Property for Delay Systems: Insights on Spectral Values with Intermediate Multiplicity. 6881-6888 - Thiago Alves Lima
, Matteo Della Rossa, Frédéric Gouaisbaut, Raphaël M. Jungers, Sophie Tarbouriech:
Systems with both constant and time-varying delays: a switched systems approach and application to observer-controller co-design. 6889-6894 - Jin Zhang, Emilia Fridman:
A time-delay approach to Lie-brackets-based averaging of affine systems. 6895-6901 - Shaoru Chen, Ning-Yuan Li, Victor M. Preciado, Nikolai Matni:
Robust Model Predictive Control of Time-Delay Systems through System Level Synthesis. 6902-6909 - Maria Laura Delle Monache
, Cecilia Pasquale, Matthieu Barreau, Raphael E. Stern:
New frontiers of freeway traffic control and estimation. 6910-6925 - Flávia Chorobura, Daniela Lupu, Ion Necoara:
Coordinate projected gradient descent minimization and its application to orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization. 6929-6934 - Jonathan Bunton, Paulo Tabuada
Give the problem a lift: solving quadratic programs with combinatorial costs. 6941-6946 - Berkay Turan, Mahnoosh Alizadeh:
Safe Dual Gradient Method for Network Utility Maximization Problems. 6953-6959 - Anjali Parashar
, Priyank Srivastava, Anuradha M. Annaswamy, Biswadip Dey, Amit Chakraborty:
Accelerated Algorithms for a Class of Optimization Problems with Constraints. 6960-6965 - Lucas Barbosa Marcos, José Nuno A. D. Bueno, Kaio D. T. Rocha, Marco H. Terra:
Longitudinal control of self-driving heavy-duty vehicles: a robust Markovian approach. 6966-6972 - Davide Tebaldi
, Manfredi Villani, Giorgio Rizzoni:
Power-Oriented Gearbox Modeling and Gearshift Strategy Optimization Using Dynamic Programming. 6973-6978 - Faizan M. Tariq, David Isele, John S. Baras, Sangjae Bae:
SLAS: Speed and Lane Advisory System for Highway Navigation. 6979-6986 - Abdelrahman Khalil, Khaled F. Aljanaideh
, Mohammad Al Janaideh:
Distracted Drivers Detection in Mixed Vehicle Platoons Using Velocity Measurements Only. 6987-6992 - Mohammad Aali, Jun Liu:
Multiple Control Barrier Functions: An Application to Reactive Obstacle Avoidance for a Multi-steering Tractor-trailer System. 6993-6998 - Ying Shuai Quan, Jin Sung Kim, Seung-Hi Lee, Chung Choo Chung:
Robust Model Predictive Control for Adaptive Cruise Control with Model Uncertainties. 6999-7004 - Luca Damonte, Giacomo Como, Fabio Fagnani:
Targeting interventions for displacement minimization in opinion dynamics. 7023-7028 - Yuzhen Qin, Danielle S. Bassett
, Fabio Pasqualetti:
Flexible Information Propagation in Oscillator Networks. 7029-7034 - Amit Dutta, Almuatazbellah M. Boker
, Thinh T. Doan:
Convergence Rates of Distributed Consensus over Cluster Networks: A Two-Time-Scale Approach. 7035-7040 - Shih-Chi Liao
, Maziar S. Hemati, Peter J. Seiler
Quadratic Constraints for Local Stability Analysis of Quadratic Systems. 7053-7058 - Albertus Johannes Malan, Pol Jané-Soneira
, Sören Hohmann:
Constructive Analysis and Design of Interconnected Krasovskii Passive and Quadratic Dissipative Systems. 7059-7065 - Jesus Mendoza-Avila, Denis V. Efimov, Angel Mercado-Uribe, Johannes Schiffer:
On Relaxed Conditions of Integral ISS for Multistable Periodic Systems. 7072-7077 - Liwei Yuan
, Hideaki Ishii:
Event-triggered Approximate Byzantine Consensus with Multi-hop Communication. 7078-7083 - Hampei Sasahara, Takashi Tanaka, Henrik Sandberg:
Attack Impact Evaluation by Exact Convexification through State Space Augmentation. 7084-7089 - Darshan Gadginmath, Vishaal Krishnan, Fabio Pasqualetti:
Direct vs Indirect Methods for Behavior-based Attack Detection. 7090-7096 - Felipe Galarza-Jimenez, Emiliano Dall'Anese, Jorge I. Poveda:
Feedback-Based Optimization of Power Systems: Resilience to Persistent Attacks. 7103-7108 - Amir Khazraei, Miroslav Pajic:
Resiliency of Nonlinear Control Systems to Stealthy Sensor Attacks. 7109-7114 - Andrew J. Taylor, Victor D. Dorobantu, Ryan K. Cosner, Yisong Yue, Aaron D. Ames:
Safety of Sampled-Data Systems with Control Barrier Functions via Approximate Discrete Time Models. 7127-7134 - Enrico Bini, Alessandro V. Papadopoulos, Jacob Higgins, Nicola Bezzo:
Optimal Reference Tracking for Sampled-Data Control Systems. 7141-7148 - Youngchae Cho, Insoon Yang:
On Affine Policies for Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Unit Commitment. 7167-7173 - Muhammad Nadeem
, Ahmad F. Taha:
Robust Dynamic State Estimation of Multi-Machine Power Networks with Solar Farms and Dynamics Loads. 7174-7179 - Jairo Giraldo, Masood Parvania:
Resilient Operating Constraints for Power Distribution Systems under Setpoint Attacks. 7180-7185 - Haitian Liu
, Ye Guo, Hongbin Sun, Weisi Deng, Yifei Xu:
Distributed Multi-Area Optimal Power Flow via Rotated Coordinate Descent Critical Region Exploration. 7186-7193 - Stefano Ardizzoni, Irene Saccani
, Luca Consolini, Marco Locatelli:
Multi-Agent Path Finding on Strongly Connected Digraphs. 7194-7199 - Savvas Papaioannou
, Panayiotis Kolios, Theocharis Theocharides, Christos G. Panayiotou, Marios M. Polycarpou:
Integrated Ray-Tracing and Coverage Planning Control using Reinforcement Learning. 7200-7207 - Mayur Sawant, Abdelhamid Tayebi, Ilia G. Polushin:
Autonomous Navigation in Environments with Arbitrary Non-convex Obstacles. 7208-7213 - James Guthrie:
A Differentiable Signed Distance Representation for Continuous Collision Avoidance in Optimization-Based Motion Planning. 7214-7221 - Shamak Dutta, Nils Wilde
, Stephen L. Smith:
Informative Path Planning in Random Fields via Mixed Integer Programming. 7222-7228 - Carl-Johan H. Heiker, Paolo Falcone:
Decision Modeling in Markovian Multi-Agent Systems*. 7235-7240 - Giorgio Manganini
, Simone Fioravanti
, Giorgia Ramponi:
Newton-based Policy Search for Networked Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning. 7241-7247 - William Chang, Mehdi Jafarnia-Jahromi, Rahul Jain:
Online Learning for Cooperative Multi-Player Multi-Armed Bandits. 7248-7253 - Thomas Beckers
, George J. Pappas
, Leonardo J. Colombo:
Learning Rigidity-based Flocking Control using Gaussian Processes with Probabilistic Stability Guarantees. 7254-7259 - Kyung-bin Kwon
, Lintao Ye, Vijay Gupta, Hao Zhu:
Model-free Learning for Risk-constrained Linear Quadratic Regulator with Structured Feedback in Networked Systems. 7260-7265 - Adrien Banse
, Zheming Wang, Raphaël M. Jungers:
Black-box stability analysis of hybrid systems with sample-based multiple Lyapunov functions. 7284-7289 - Giulio Salizzoni, Alessandro Falsone, Maria Prandini, Simone Garatti:
A scenario solution to state-feedback controller design for discrete-time linear systems subject to probabilistic constraints. 7290-7295 - Abolfazl Lavaei
, Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Majid Zamani:
Data-Driven Stability Verification of Homogeneous Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Dynamics*. 7296-7301 - Benjamin Karg, Sergio Lucia:
Guaranteed safe control of systems with parametric uncertainties via neural network controllers. 7302-7308 - Albert Podusenko, Semih Akbayrak, Ismail Senöz, Maarten Schoukens
, Wouter M. Kouw
Message Passing-based System Identification for NARMAX Models. 7309-7314 - Jiabin Lin, Xian Yeow Lee
, Talukder Z. Jubery, Shana Moothedath, Soumik Sarkar, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian:
Stochastic Conservative Contextual Linear Bandits. 7321-7326 - Niklas Kochdumper, Stanley Bak:
Conformant Synthesis for Koopman Operator Linearized Control Systems. 7327-7332 - W. Steven Gray, Luis A. Duffaut Espinosa
, M. Aminul Haq:
Estimating Relative Degree of Nonlinear Systems Using Generating Series. 7333-7338 - Jin Gyu Lee
, Thiago B. Burghi, Rodolphe Sepulchre:
Open-loop contraction design. 7339-7345 - Daniele Astolfi, Swann Marx, Vincent Andrieu, Christophe Prieur:
Global exponential set-point regulation for linear operator semigroups with input saturation. 7358-7363 - Lassi Paunonen
, Jukka-Pekka Humaloja
On Robust Regulation of PDEs: from Abstract Methods to PDE Controllers. 7362-7357 - Bhargav Pavan Kumar Sistla, Soham Chatterjee, Vivek Natarajan:
Stabilization of cascade interconnection of an 1D heat equation in polar coordinates and an ODE using LQR design. 7364-7369 - Zhelin Chen, Hamza El-Kebir
, Bryan Petrus, Joseph Bentsman, Brian G. Thomas:
Enthalpy-based Output Feedback Control of Two-sided Stefan Problem with Input Saturation. 7370-7375 - Markus Bambach, Martin Gugat, Michael Herty, Ferdinand Thein
Stabilization of forming processes using multi-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi equations. 7376-7381 - Zexin Sun, John Baillieul:
Neuromimetic Linear Systems - Resilience and Learning. 7388-7394 - René Glebke, Jan Scheiper, Stefan Lenz
, Mirko Stoffers, Klaus Wehrle:
Harnessing Cooperative Anycast Communication for Increased Resilience in Wireless Control. 7395-7402 - Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García:
Trustworthy Distributed Average Consensus. 7403-7408 - Charalambos D. Charalambous, Themistoklis Charalambous:
State-Dependent Generalizations of Nonanticipatory Epsilon Entropy of Partially Observable Processes. 7415-7422 - Tyler Westenbroek, Anand Siththaranjan, Mohsin Sarwari, Claire J. Tomlin, S. Shankar Sastry:
On the Computational Consequences of Cost Function Design in Nonlinear Optimal Control. 7423-7430 - Yancheng Zhu, Sean B. Andersson:
Control Policy Optimization for Data Harvesting in a Wireless Sensor Network. 7437-7442 - Kiyoshi Hamada, Keitaro Yamamoto, Kenji Fujimoto, Ichiro Maruta:
ℓ1-Optimal Newton Method for Nonlinear ℓ1-Optimal Control Problems. 7443-7448 - Neelay Junnarkar
, He Yin, Fangda Gu, Murat Arcak, Peter J. Seiler
Synthesis of Stabilizing Recurrent Equilibrium Network Controllers. 7449-7454 - Lucas N. Egidio, Thiago Alves Lima
, Raphaël M. Jungers:
State-feedback Abstractions for Optimal Control of Piecewise-affine Systems. 7455-7460 - Ruishuang Chen
, Zaiyue Yang, Jie Cheng, Zhihui Liang:
Motion Planning for Nonlinear Robotic System based on ADMM and Convex Feasible Set Algorithm. 7461-7466 - Masaya Murata
, Pasquale Palumbo:
The Unscented Kalman Filter as a Real-Time Algorithm to Simultaneously Estimate Insulin and Model Parameters. 7473-7478 - Haoming Shen, Ruiwei Jiang:
Wasserstein Two-Sided Chance Constraints with An Application to Optimal Power Flow. 7485-7490 - Shijie Zhu, Xu Du:
Alternating Direction Based Sequential Boolean Quadratic Programming Method for Transmit Antenna Selection. 7491-7496 - Jonas Hansson, Emma Tegling:
Input-Output Pseudospectral Bounds for Transient Analysis of Networked and High-Order Systems. 7497-7503 - Sota Takeuchi, Daisuke Tsubakino
Performance Improvement in Kalman Filters Due to Cooperation for Multi-agent Systems Under Identical Noise. 7504-7509 - Abolfazl Lavaei
, Emilio Frazzoli:
Scalable Synthesis of Finite MDPs for Large-Scale Stochastic Switching Systems. 7510-7515 - Endrit Dosti, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Themistoklis Charalambous:
A new accelerated gradient-based estimating sequence technique for solving large-scale optimization problems with composite structure. 7516-7521 - Niladri Das, Jed A. Duersch, Tommie A. Catanach:
Variational Kalman Filtering with H∞-Based Correction for Robust Bayesian Learning in High Dimensions. 7522-7528 - Yuan Zhang:
On Constrained Input Selections for Structured Systems: Polynomially Solvable Cases. 7529-7534 - Julian Barreiro-Gomez
, Salah Eddine Choutri, Boualem Djehiche:
Stability Via Adversarial Training of Neural Network Stochastic Control of Mean-Field Type. 7547-7552 - Yuri Ashrafyan
, Tigran Bakaryan
, Diogo Gomes, Julian Gutierrez
The potential method for price-formation models. 7565-7570 - Arvind U. Raghunathan, Devesh K. Jha, Diego Romeres:
Homogeneous Infeasible Interior Point Method for Convex Quadratic Programs. 7571-7578 - Ibrahim Kurban Özaslan, Mihailo R. Jovanovic:
Exponential convergence of primal-dual dynamics for multi-block problems under local error bound condition. 7579-7584 - Feng-Yi Liao, Yang Zheng:
Iterative Inner/outer Approximations for Scalable Semidefinite Programs using Block Factor-width-two Matrices. 7591-7597 - Filip Becanovic
, Jared Miller, Vincent Bonnet, Kosta Jovanovic
, Samer Mohammed:
Assessing the Quality of a Set of Basis Functions for Inverse Optimal Control via Projection onto Global Minimizers. 7598-7605 - Yubo Du, Keyou You:
Adaptive Greedy Quasi-Newton with Superlinear Rate and Global Convergence Guarantee. 7606-7611 - Bardia Sharif, D. W. T. Alferink, Marcel François Heertjes, Henk Nijmeijer, W. P. M. H. Heemels:
A Discrete-Time Approach to Analysis of Sampled-Data Hybrid Integrator-Gain Systems. 7612-7617 - Loi Do
, Kristof Pucejdl, Zdenek Hurák:
Experimental Platform for Boundary Control of Mechanical Frenkel-Kontorova Model. 7618-7623 - Freddy Romero Leiro, Georges Daher, Stéphane Régnier, Mokrane Boudaoud
Atomic Force Microscope Vertical Feedback Control Strategy for Semi-Automated Long-Range Probe Landing. 7624-7629 - Sheng-An Lee, Huang-Chih Chen, Hsiang-Hung Wei, Li-Chen Fu:
An AFM Scanning Method with a Rotating Probe and an Adaptive Scanning Speed Strategy. 7630-7635 - Sebastiaan van den Eijnden, Marcel Heertjes, Henk Nijmeijer, W. P. Maurice H. Heemels:
On Convergence of Systems with Sector-Bounded Hybrid Integrators. 7636-7641 - Weiming Che, Thomas Chaffey
, Fulvio Forni:
Analog Cross Coupled Controller for Oscillations: Modeling and Design via Dominant System Theory. 7642-7647 - Arunava Naha
, André Teixeira, Anders Ahlén, Subhrakanti Dey:
Structural analyses of a parsimonious watermarking policy for data deception attack detection in networked control systems. 7648-7655 - Giacomo De Benedittis, Henk Wymeersch
, Themistoklis Charalambous:
Intersection Crossing of Autonomous Vehicles for Communication Links with Packet Losses. 7656-7662 - Ting Bai
, Alexander Johansson, Karl Henrik Johansson, Jonas Mårtensson:
Approximate Dynamic Programming for Platoon Coordination under Hours-of-Service Regulations. 7663-7669 - Stefan Wildhagen, Matthias Pezzutto, Luca Schenato, Frank Allgöwer
Self-triggered MPC robust to bounded packet loss via a min-max approach*. 7670-7675 - Masoud Bahraini, Alessandro Colombo, Mario Zanon, Paolo Falcone:
Robust Control Invariance for Networked Control Systems with Output Feedback. 7676-7681 - Semih Kara, Nuno C. Martins, Murat Arcak:
Population Games With Erlang Clocks: Convergence to Nash Equilibria For Pairwise Comparison Dynamics. 7688-7695 - Amirreza Silani, Giacomo Casadei, Michele Cucuzzella:
Robust Voltage Control in DC Networks with Uncertain Nonlinear Load Dynamics. 7702-7707 - Ali Tayyebi, Florian Dörfler:
Hybrid Angle Control and Almost Global Stability of Non-synchronous Hybrid AC/DC Power Grids. 7708-7713 - Yuanqiu Mo, Soura Dasgupta:
Small gain conditions for finite time input-to-state stability of interconnected discrete time systems. 7714-7719 - Marko Ristic, Benjamin Noack:
Privileged Estimate Fusion With Correlated Gaussian Keystreams. 7732-7739 - Kaoru Teranishi, Kiminao Kogiso
Towards Provably Secure Encrypted Control Using Homomorphic Encryption*. 7740-7745 - Andreea B. Alexandru
, Luis Burbano, Mestan Firat Çeliktug, Juanita Gomez
, Alvaro A. Cárdenas, Murat Kantarcioglu, Jonathan Katz:
Private Anomaly Detection in Linear Controllers: Garbled Circuits vs. Homomorphic Encryption. 7746-7753 - Nils Schlüter, Philipp Binfet, Junsoo Kim, Moritz Schulze Darup:
Encrypted distributed state estimation via affine averaging. 7754-7761 - Junsoo Kim, Moritz Schulze Darup, Henrik Sandberg, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Asymptotic Stabilization over Encrypted Data with Limited Controller Capacity and Time-varying Quantizer. 7762-7767

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