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8th DH 2013: Lincoln, NE, USA
- 8th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, DH 2013, Lincoln, NE, USA, July 16-19, 2013, Conference Abstracts. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) 2013, ISBN 978-1-60962-036-3
Plenary Sessions
- David Ferriero:
Opening Keynote. DH 2013: 5 - Willard McCarty:
Busa Award Lecture. DH 2013: 6 - Isabel Galina:
Closing Keynote. DH 2013: 7-8
Pre-Conference Workshops and Tutorials
- Piotr Banski, Nils Diewald, Andreas Witt:
Looking for needles in DH haystacks: efficient querying of complex data. 9 - Jeremy Boggs, Devon Elliott, Jentery Sayers:
From 2D to 3D: An Introduction to Additive Manufacturing and Desktop Fabrication. 10 - Timothy W. Cole, Anna Gerber, Robert Sanderson, James Smith:
Using Open Annotation. 11-12 - Jennifer Guiliano, Simon Appleford:
Writing your First Digital Humanities Grant. 13 - Serge Heiden:
Introduction to the TXM content analysis platform. 14-15 - Ian Johnson:
Fast-Tracking a research database using Heurist. 16 - Virginia Kuhn, Michael Simeone:
Keywords to Keyframes: Video Analytics for Archival Research. 17 - Nick Laiacona, Gregor Middell:
Collating Texts with Juxta WS in Ruby. 18 - Nancy Maron:
Built to Last: Sustainability Strategies for Digital Humanities Projects. 19 - Mia Ridge:
Tutorial: Designing successful digital humanities crowdsourcing projects. 20 - Geoffrey Rockwell, Stéfan Sinclair:
Teaching Text Analysis with Voyant. 21-22 - Lisa M. Snyder:
VSim: A new interface for integrating real-time exploration of three-dimensional content into humanities research and pedagogy. 23-26 - C. M. Sperberg-McQueen:
Taking modeling seriously: A hands-on approach to Alloy. 27-29
- Ann Blandford, Susan Brown, Teresa Dobson, Sarah Faisal, Carlos Fiorentino, Luciano Frizzera, Alejandro Giacometti, Brooke Heller, Geoff Roeder, Ernesto Peña, Mihaela Ilovan, Piotr Michura, Brent Nelson, Atefeh Mohseni, Milena Radzikowska, Geoffrey Rockwell, Stan Ruecker, Stéfan Sinclair, Daniel Sondheim, Sarah Vela, Jennifer Windsor, Tian Yi, Elena Dergacheva:
The Design of New Knowledge Environments. 30-39 - Jeremy Boggs, Amy Earhart, Wayne Graham, T. Mills Kelly, David McClure, Shawn Moore, Eric Rochester:
Circular Development: Neatline and the User/Developer Feedback Loop. 40-41 - Brian Croxall, Kate Singer, Cheryl E. Ball, Ryan Cordell, Rebecca Frost Davis, Jarom McDonald, Miriam Posner, John Christopher Theibault:
The Future of Undergraduate Digital Humanities. 42-44 - Øyvind Eide, Karl E. Grossner, Merrick Lex Berman, Christian-Emil Ore:
Issues in Spatio-Temporal Technologies for the Humanities and Arts. 45-47 - Katherine D. Harris, Jacqueline Wernimont, Kathi Inman Berens, Dene Grigar:
Excavating Feminisms: Digital Humanities and Feminist Scholarship. 48-52 - William Hart-Davidson, Dean Rehberger, Jeffrey Grabill, Ryan Omizo:
Computational Rhetoric: Adapting Graph Theory Analytics to Big Data. 53-54 - Patrick Manning, Ruth Mostern, Kai Cao, Ian Johnson:
Center for Historical Information and Analysis: Big Data in History. 55-58 - Joris J. van Zundert, Charles van den Heuvel, Ben W. Brumfield, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Greta Franzini, Patrick Sahle, Ryan Shaw, Melissa Terras:
Text Theory, Digital Document, and the Practice of Digital Editions. 59-61 - Ethan Watrall, Shawn Graham, Jon M. Frey, Scott Schopieray, Brian Adams, Terry P. Brock, Joshua J. Wells, David G. Anderson, Stephen J. Yerka, Eric C. Kansa, Sarah Whitcher Kansa, Kelsey Noack Myers, R. Carl DeMuth, Daniel Pett:
Current Research & Practice in Digital Archaeology. 62-70
- Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Katharine Coles, Julie Lein, Martin Wynne:
Freedom and Flow: A New Approach to Visualizing Poetry. 71-72 - Michael Aeschbach, Pierre-Yves Brandt, Frédéric Kaplan:
Dyadic pulsations as a signature of sustainability in correspondence networks. 73-74 - Maristella Agosti, Lucio Benfante, Marta Manfioletti, Nicola Orio, Chiara Ponchia:
An Evaluation of the Involvement of General Users in a Cultural Heritage Collection. 75-76 - Benjamin Albritton, Robert Sanderson, James Ginther, Shannon Bradshaw, Martin Foys:
A Comparative Kalendar: Building a Research Tool for Medieval Books of Hours from Distributed Resources. 77-78 - Mark Andrew Algee-Hewitt, Ryan Hauser:
Tropes, Context and Computation: An approach to digital poetics. 79-80 - Hamed Alhoori, Richard Furuta:
Identifying the Real-time impact of the Digital Humanities using Social Media Measures. 81-83 - Lorenzo Allori, Lisa Kaborycha:
Opening Aladdin's cave or Pandora's box? The challenges of crowdsourcing the Medici Archives. 84-85 - Deborah Anderson:
Representing Texts Electronically in Lesser-used Languages: Current Issues and Challenges in Character Encoding. 86-87 - Martin Andert, Jörg Ritter, Paul Molitor:
Optimized platform for capturing metadata of historical correspondences. 88 - Tara L. Andrews, Joris J. van Zundert:
An Interactive Interface for Text Variant Graph Models. 89-90 - Simon Appleford, Jason Thatcher:
Using the Social Web to Explore the Online Discourse and Memory of the Civil War. 91-93 - Renzo Arauco Dextre:
Memoragram, a service for collective remembrance. 94-98 - Eoin Bailey, Mark S. Sweetnam, Micheál Ó Siochrú, Owen Conlan:
CULTURA: Supporting Professional Humanities Researchers. 99-100 - David Bamman, Adam Anderson, Noah A. Smith:
Inferring Social Rank in an Old Assyrian Trade Network. 101-104 - Drayton Callen Benner:
The Sounds of the Psalter: Computational Analysis of Phonological Parallelism in Biblical Hebrew Poetry. 105-106 - Hanno Biber, Evelyn Breiteneder:
The German Language of the Year 1933. Building a Diachronic Text Corpus for Historical German Language Studies. 107-109 - Alison Booth, Worthy Martin:
Documentary Social Networks: Collective Biographies of Women. 110-112 - Barbara Bordalejo:
Beyond the Document: Transcribing the Text of the Document and the Variant States of the Text. 113-114 - Timothy D. Bowman, Bradford Demarest, Scott B. Weingart, Alicia Simpson, Grant Leyton Neal, Vincent Larivière, Mike Thelwall, Cassidy R. Sugimoto:
Mapping DH through heterogeneous communicative practices. 115-117 - John Bradley, Michele Pasin:
Fitting Personal Interpretations with the Semantic Web. 118-120 - John Bradley:
Prosopography in the time of Open data: Towards an Ontology for Historical Persons. 121 - David Michael Brown, Juan-Luis Suárez:
Preliminaries: The Social Networks of Literary Production in the Spanish Empire During the Administration of the Duke of Lerma (1598-1618). 122-124 - Susan Brown, Nadine Adelaar, Stan Ruecker, Stéfan Sinclair, Ruth Knechtel, Jennifer Windsor:
Text Encoding, the Index, and the Dynamic Table of Contexts. 125-129 - Stefan Büdenbender, Thomas Burch, Kristina Fink, Lukas Wolfgang, Frank Queens, Joshgun Sirajzade:
Developing a virtual research environment for scholarly editing. Arthur Schnitzler: Digitale Historisch-Kritische Edition. 130-131 - Toby Burrows, Deb Verhoeven:
A national virtual laboratory for the humanities in Australia: the HuNI (Humanities Networked Infrastructure) project. 132-134 - Alberto Campagnolo, Athanasios Velios:
Bindings of Uncertainty. Visualizing Uncertain and Imprecise Data in Automatically Generated Bookbinding Structure Diagrams. 135-137 - Daniel Carter, Stephen Ross, Jentery Sayers, Susan Schreibman:
Versioning Texts and Concepts. 138-139 - Paul Caton:
Pure Transcriptional Markup. 140-141 - Pavel Thomas Cenkl:
A New Ecological Model for Learning. 142-144 - Pavel Thomas Cenkl, Michael Widner:
Bibliopedia, Linked Open Data, and the Web of Scholarly Citations. 145 - Timothy W. Cole, Myung-Ja K. Han, Mara R. Wade, Thomas Stäcker:
Linked Open Data & the OpenEmblem Portal. 146-149 - Katherine Coles, Julie Gonnering Lein:
Solitary Mind, Collaborative Mind: Close Reading and Interdisciplinary Research. 150-152 - James Coltrain:
A 3D Common Ground: Bringing Humanities Data Together Inside Online Game Engines. 153 - Paul Conway:
Surrogacy and Image Error: Transformations in the Value of Digitized Books. 154-155 - Ryan Cordell, Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, David A. Smith:
Uncovering Reprinting Networks in Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers. 156 - Cristina Marras, Antonio Lamarra:
Scholarly Open Access Research in Philosophy: Limits and Horizons of a European Innovative Project. 157-162 - Constance Crompton, Michelle Schwartz:
On Our Own Authority: Crafting Personographic Records for Canadian Gay and Lesbian Liberation Activists. 163-164 - Quinn Dombrowski:
What ever happened to Project Bamboo? 165-166 - Olivia Donaldson:
Academic Migrants: A Digital Discussion of Transnational Teaching and Learning. 167-168 - Maciej Eder:
Bootstrapping Delta: a safety net in open-set authorship attribution. 169-171 - Jack Elliott:
Unsupervised Learning of Plot Structure: A Study in Category Romance. 172-173 - Maria Esteva, Jessica Trelogan, Weijia Xu, Andrew J. Solis, Nicholas E. Lauland:
Lost in the Data, Aerial Views of an Archaeological Collection. 174-176 - Courtney Evans, Ben Jasnow:
Mapping Homer's Catalogue of Ships. 177-178 - Melanie Feinberg:
Responding to the frame: classification, material boundaries, and expressiveness in personal digital bibliography. 179-181 - Michael Andrew Finegold, Christopher N. Warren, Cosma Rohilla Shalizi, Daniel Shore, Lawrence Wang:
Six Degrees of Francis Bacon. 182-183 - Edward Finn:
The Science Fiction of Science: Collaborative Lexicons and Project Hieroglyph. 184-185 - Greta Franzini:
A catalogue of digital editions. 186 - Ichiro Fujinaga, Andrew Hankinson:
SIMSSA: Towards full-music search over a large collection of musical scores. 187-188 - Paul Fyfe:
Counting Words with Henry James: Towards a Quantitative Hermeneutics. 189-190 - Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Pierre Glaudes, Andrea Del Lungo:
Automatic Detection of Reuses and Citations in Literary Texts. 191-193 - Michael Gavin:
Agent-Based Modeling and Historical Simulation. 194-195 - Paul Matthew Gooding:
The Digitized Divide: Mapping Access to Subscription-Based Digitized Resources. 196-197 - Hannah Goodwin, Alston D'Silva:
Schooling the Scholar, Poaching the Fan: Fannish Intellectual Production and Digital Humanities Methods. 198-200 - Harriett Elizabeth Green, Nicole Saylor, Angela Courtney:
Beyond the Scanned Image: A Needs Assessment of Faculty Users of Digital Collections. 201-202 - Jonathan Grimes, Séamus Lawless:
Linked Data for Music Collections: A User-Centred Approach. 203-204 - Karl E. Grossner:
Computing Place: The Case of City Nature. 205 - D. Fox Harrell, Kenny K. N. Chow, Erik Loyer:
A Digital Humanities Approach to the Design of Gesture-Driven Interactive Narratives. 206-209 - D. Fox Harrell:
The Advanced Identity Representation (AIR) Project: A Digital Humanities Approach to Social Identity Pedagogy. 210-212 - Serge Heiden, Alexei Lavrentiev:
TXM Platform for analysis of TEI encoded textual sources. 213 - Kirk Hess:
Digitizing Serialized Fiction. 214-215 - Martin Holmes, Janelle Jenstad, Cameron Butt:
Encoding historical dates correctly: is it practical, and is it worth it? 216-217 - Martin Holmes, Janelle Jenstad:
Practical Interoperability: The Map of Early Modern London and the Internet Shakespeare Editions. 218-220 - Hilde M. Hoogenboom:
Databases in Context: Transnational Compilations, and Networks of Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. 221-222 - David L. Hoover:
Almost All the Way Through - All at Once. 223-225 - David L. Hoover:
The Full-Spectrum Text-Analysis Spreadsheet. 226-228 - Natalie M. Houston, Neal Audenaert:
Reading the Visual Page of Victorian Poetry. 229-230 - Eric Rutledge Hoyt:
Coding Media History: A Digital Suite for Opening Access, Building Tools, and Analyzing Texts. 231 - Md. Anwarul Islam:
Reading Habits & Attitude in the Digital Environment: A Study on Dhaka University Students. 232-234 - Stefan Jänicke, David Joseph Wrisley:
Visualizing Uncertainty: How to Use the Fuzzy Data of 550 Medieval Texts? 235-236 - Fotis Jannidis, Julia Flanders:
A concept of data modeling for the humanities. 237-238 - Collin Jennings, Jeffrey M. Binder:
Eighteenth- and Twenty-First-Century Genres of Topical Knowledge. 239-240 - Antonio Jiménez-Mavillard, Juan-Luis Suárez:
Collaborative technologies for Knowledge Socialization: the case of elBulli. 241-244 - Anna Jobin, Frédéric Kaplan:
Are Google's linguistic prosthesis biased towards commercially more interesting expressions? A preliminary study on the linguistic effects of autocompletion algorithms. 245-247 - Ian R. Johnson:
From database to mobile app: scholar-led development of the Heurist platform. 248 - Steven E. Jones:
The Network is Everting: the Death of Cyberspace and the Emergence of the Digital Humanities. 249-250 - Vitit Kantabutra, J. B. Owens:
A Clear Temporal GIS Viewer and Software for Discovering Irregularities in Historical GIS. 251-252 - Kevin Bradley Kee, Spencer Roberts:
Designing a graduate DH course with DH tools and methods. 253-254 - Mike Kestemont, Sara Moens, Jeroen Deploige:
Stylometry and the Complex Authorship in Hildegard of Bingen's Oeuvre. 255-257 - Levi King, Sandra Kübler, Wallace Hooper:
Word-level Language Identification in "The Chymistry of Isaac Newton". 258-260 - Matthew Kirschenbaum, Cal Lee, Kam Woods, Alexandra Chassanoff, Porter Olsen, Sunitha Mithra:
"Shall These Bits Live?" Towards a Digital Forensics Research Agenda for Digital Humanities with the BitCurator Project. 261-263 - William A. Kretzschmar, Ilkka Juuso, C. Thomas Bailey:
Simulation of the Complex System of Cultural Interaction. 264-265 - Marc Wilhelm Küster:
Agents for Actors: A Digital Humanities framework for distributed microservices for text linking and visualization. 266-268 - Marc Wilhelm Küster, Thomas Selig, Lukas Georgieff, Martin Sievers, Michael Bittorf:
XML-Print: Addressing Challenges for Scholarly Typesetting. 269-271 - Matthew Lavin:
Representing Materiality in a Digital Archive: Death Comes for the Archbishop as a Case Study. 272-273 - Mark D. LeBlanc, Michael D. C. Drout, Michael Kahn, Alicia Herbert, Richard Neal:
Lexomics: Integrating the research and teaching spaces. 274-275 - Anna Lenkiewicz, Sebastian Drude:
Automatic annotation of linguistic 2D and Kinect recordings with the Media Query Language for Elan. 276-278 - Noga Levy, Lior Wolf, Peter A. Stokes:
Document classification based on what is there and what should be there. 279-281 - Mary Caton Lingold, Darren Mueller, Whitney Anne Trettien:
Toward a Noisier Digital Humanities. 282 - Jason Lipshin, Kurt Fendt, Jeffrey Ravel, Jia Zhang:
Visualizing Centuries: Data Visualization and the Comédie-Française Registers Project. 283-284 - Christopher Long:
eBook as Ecosystem of Digital Scholarship. 285-286 - Damiana Luzzi, Marialuisa Baldi:
Ontology and collaborative knowledge environment in Digital Humanities: the Cardano Case. 287-289 - Simon Mahony, Ulrich Tiedau:
Should the Digital Humanities be taking a lead in Open Access and Online Teaching Materials? 290-291 - Aaron Mauro:
This is Not a Novel: Experimental Literature as Prototype. 292 - Willard McCarty:
Becoming interdisciplinary. 293-295 - David William McClure:
Exquisite Haiku: Experiments with Real-Time, Collaborative Poetry Composition. 296-298 - Jarom McDonald, Ian Hunter:
Approaching Algorithmic Media Analysis in the Humanities: An Experimental Testbed. 299-300 - Robert E. McGrath:
A Community Fab Lab: Introductions to Making. 301-303 - Nora McGregor, Adam Farquhar:
The Digital Scholarship Training Programme at British Library. 304-306 - Luis Meneses, Richard Furuta, Laura Mandell:
Ambiances: A Framework to Write and Visualize Poetry. 307-308 - Ben Miller, Fuxin Li, Ayush Shrestha, Karthikeyan Umapathy:
Digging into Human Rights Violations: phrase mining and trigram visualization. 309-313 - Fred Moody, Lisa Spiro, Korey Jackson:
Introducing Anvil Academic: Developing Publishing Models for the Digital Humanities. 314-315 - Christian Morbidoni, Marco Grassi, Michele Nucci, Simone Fonda:
Semantic Augmentation and Externalization in the Humanities: a Demonstrative Use Case. 316-319 - Gary Munnelly, Cormac Hampson, Nicola Ferro, Owen Conlan:
The FAST-CAT: Empowering Cultural Heritage Annotations. 320-321 - Akinobu Nameda, Kosuke Wakabayashi, Takuya Nakatsuma, Tomomi Hatano, Shinya Saito, Mitsuyuki Inaba, Tatsuya Sato:
Possibilities of narrative visualization: Case studies of lesson-learned-oriented archiving for natural disaster. 322-325 - Julianne Nyhan, Anne Welsh:
Uncovering the "hidden histories" of computing in the Humanities 1949-1980: findings and reflections on the pilot project. 326-328 - Julianne Nyhan, Oliver Duke-Williams:
Joint and multi-authored publication patterns in the Digital Humanities. 329-330 - Peter Organisciak:
Incidental Crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing in the Periphery. 331-333 - Roger Osborne, Anna Gerber, Jane Hunter:
eResearch Tools to Support the Collaborative Authoring and Management of Electronic Scholarly Editions. 334-336 - Maria Cristina Pattuelli, Matthew Miller, Lea Lange, Hilary K. Thorsen:
Linked Jazz 52nd Street: A LOD Crowdsourcing Tool to Reveal Connections among Jazz Artists. 337-339 - Helen Petrie, Sarah Rees Jones, Christopher Power, Roger Evans, Lynne J. Cahill, Arno J. Knobbe, Michael Gervers, Robin Sutherland-Harris, Adam Kosto, Jon Crump:
ChartEx: a project to extract information from the content of medieval charters and create a virtual workbench for historians to work with this information. 340-342 - Wendell Piez:
Markup Beyond XML. 343-344 - Dot Porter:
MESA and ARC, developing disciplinary metadata requirements in a multidisciplinary context. 345-347 - Daniel James Powell, Constance Crompton, Ray Siemens:
Building the Social Scholarly Edition: Results and Findings from A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript. 348-350 - Milena Radzikowska, Tiffany Sostar, Stan Ruecker:
Against the Binary of Gender: A Case for Considering the Many Dimensions of Gender in DH Teaching and Research. 351 - Dean Rehberger, Walter Hawthorne, Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, Paul LaChance, Catherine Foley:
Slave Biographies: Atlantic Database Network. 352-353 - Lorna-Jane Richardson:
Inspired by DH: The Day of Archaeology. 354 - Peter Robinson:
Five desiderata for scholarly editions in digital form. 355 - Yannick Rochat, Cyril Bornet, Frédéric Kaplan:
A social network analysis of Rousseau's autobiography "Les Confessions". 356-357 - Katina Rogers:
From Anecdote to Data: Humanities Scholars Beyond the Tenure Track. 358-360 - Meg Roland:
Mapping Editions: Literary Editions and GIS (a field report). 361 - Matteo Romanello, Nikolaos Beer, Kristin Herold, Wibke Kolbmann, Thomas Kollatz, Sebastian Rose, Niels-Oliver Walkowski:
The DARIAH Approach to Interdisciplinary Interoperability. 362-364 - Simon Rowberry:
Widening the Big Tent: Amateurs and the "Failure of the Digital Humanities". 365-367 - Jan Rybicki, David L. Hoover, Mike Kestemont:
Collaborative Authorship: Conrad, Ford and Rolling Delta. 368-370 - Graham Alexander Sack:
Simulating Plot: Towards a Generative Model of Narrative Structure. 371-372 - Jon Saklofske:
Centre and Circumference: Modelling and Prototyping Digital Knowledge Environments as Social Sandboxes. 373-374 - Jentery Sayers, Jeremy Boggs, Devon Elliott, William J. Turkel:
Made to Make: Expanding Digital Humanities through Desktop Fabrication. 375-377 - Desmond Schmidt:
Collation on the Web. 378-379 - Desmond Schmidt:
Text to Image Linking Tool (TILT). 380-382 - Christof Schöch:
Fine-tuning Stylometric Tools: Investigating Authorship and Genre in French Classical Theater. 383-385 - Susan Schreibman, Stefan Gradmann, Steffen Hennicke, Tobias Blanke, Sally Chambers, Alastair Dunning, Jonathan Gray, Gerhard Lauer, Alois Pichler, Jürgen Renn, Christian Morbidoni, Laurent Romary, Felix Sasaki, Claire Warwick:
Beyond Infrastructure: Modelling Scholarly Research and Collaboration. 386-388 - Ryan Shaw, Michael K. Buckland, Patrick Golden:
Open Notebook Humanities: Promise and Problems. 389-391 - Shakila Shayan, André Moreira, Menzo Windhouwer, Alexander König, Sebastian Drude:
LEXUS 3 - a collaborative environment for multimedia lexica. 392-394 - Lynne Siemens:
Meta-Methodologies and the DH Methodological Commons: Potential Contribution of Management and Entrepreneurship to DH Skill Development. 395-398 - Lynne Siemens:
The Crowdsourcing Process: Decisions about Tasks, Expertise, Communities and Platforms. 399-400 - Grant Leyton Simpson:
Digital Textual Studies, Social Informatics, and the Sociology of Texts: A Case Study in Early Digital Medievalism. 401-402 - John Edward Simpson, Susan Brown, Lisa Goddard:
A Humanist Perspective on Building Ontologies in Theory and Practice. 403-405 - Lee Skallerup Bessette, Liana Silva-Ford, Roopika Risam, Jarah Moesch, Alyssa Stalsberg Canelli, Tressie McMillan Cottom:
Digital Humanities: Egalitarian or the New Elite? 406-407 - Han Sloetjes, Aarthy Somasundaram, Sebastian Drude, Herman Stehouwer, Kees Jan van de Looij:
Expanding and connecting the annotation tool ELAN. 408-410 - James Smithies, Paul Millar, Craig Bellamy:
'State of the Art': Negotiating a National Standards-approved Digital Humanities Curriculum. 411-412 - Dana R. Solomon, Lindsay Thomas:
VizOR: Visualizing Only Revolutions, Visualizing Textual Analysis. 413-415 - Dana R. Solomon:
Theorizing Data Visualization: A Comparative Case-Study Approach. 416 - Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Arienne Dwyer:
XQuery databases for language resources in the IAIA and UyLVs Projects. 417-419 - Caroline Suen, Laney Kuenzel, Sebastian Gil:
Extraction and Analysis of Character Interaction Networks From Plays and Movies. 420-423 - Chris Alen Sula, Matthew Miller:
Citation studies in the humanities. 424-428 - Mito Takahashi, Kana Tezuka, Tamaki Yano:
Identifying the author of the Noh play by considering a rhythmic structure - Validating the application of multivariate analysis. 429-431 - Aja Teehan, John G. Keating:
An Environment to Support User-Structured Digital Humanities Sources. 432-434 - Lindsay Thomas, Alan Liu, Geoffrey Rockwell, Stéfan Sinclair, Melissa Terras, Jared Bielby, Victoria Smith, Mark Turcato, Christine Henseler:
4Humanities: Designing Digital Advocacy. 435-437 - Norio Togiya:
Research to clarify the interrelationships between family members through the analysis of family photographs. 438-440 - Hsieh-Chang Tu, Jieh Hsiang:
A Text-Mining Approach to the Authorship Attribution Problem of Dream of the Red Chamber. 441-443 - Charlotte Tupman, Anna Jordanous, Alan Stanley:
Contemporary solutions to retrieve and publish information in ancient documents using RDF and Islandora. 444-448 - Ayaka Uesaka, Masakatsu Murakami:
Authorship problem of Japanese early modern literatures in Seventeenth Century. 449-450 - Karina van Dalen-Oskam:
Epistolary voices. The case of Elisabeth Wolff and Agatha Deken. 451-453 - John A. Walsh, Cassidy R. Sugimoto:
Victorian Paratextual Poetics and Citation Analysis. 454-455 - Sharon Webb, John G. Keating:
User ethnographies: informing requirements specifications for Ireland's, national, trusted digital repository. 456-457 - Katherine H. Weimer, James Creel, Naga Raghuveer Modala, Rohit Gargate:
Mapping Text: Automated Geoparsing and Map Browser for Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 458-460 - Susan L. Wiesner, Bradford C. Bennett, Rommie L. Stalnaker, Travis Simpson:
Computer Identification of Movement in 2D and 3D Data. 461-463 - Matthew Wilkens:
Literary Geography at Corpus Scale. 464-465 - Thomas Zastrow, Erhard W. Hinrichs, Marie Hinrichs, Kathrin Beck:
Scientific Visualization for the Digital Humanities as CLARIN-D Web Applications. 466-468 - Douwe Zeldenrust, Marc van Oostendorp:
Combining tailor made research solutions with big infrastructures: The speaking map of the Netherlands. 469-472
- Nicola Avery, Alberto Campagnolo, Caroline De Stefani, Kazim Pal, Matthew Payne, Philippa Smith, Rachael Smither, Ann Stewart, Emma Stewart, Patricia Stewart, Melissa Terras, Laurence Ward, Tim Weyrich, Elizabeth Yamada:
Great Parchment Book project. 473-474 - Matt Burton:
Data Driven Documentation of Digital Humanities Discourse. 475 - Janel Cayer, Kevin McMullen:
Expanding the Interpretive and Analytical Possibilities for Understanding Slavery and Emancipation in Washington, DC. 476 - Youngok Choi, Sue Yeon Syn:
Exploring social tags in a digitized humanities online collection. 477 - Neil Coffee, James O. Gawley, Christopher W. Forstall, Walter J. Scheirer, David M. Johnson, Jason J. Corso, Brian C. Parks:
Modelling the Interpretation of Literary Allusion with Machine Learning Techniques. 478-479 - Aly Conteh, Lotte Wilms:
"Where do you need us?" - The National Library in the Digital Humanities. 480- - Angela Courtney, Christopher Long, Martin Mueller, Dean Rehberger, Katherine L. Walter, Jon Winet:
Exploring Digital Humanities Collaborations in the CIC. 480-481 - James Cummings, Sebastian Rahtz:
The Long Road Home: conversion and transformation of the Text Creation Partnership corpus. 482 - Dana Dannélls, Lars Borin, Leif-Jöran Olsson:
MapServer for Swedish Language Technology. 483-484 - Daniel Paul O'Donnell, Heather Hobma, Gillian Ayers, Kelaine Devine, Jessica Ruzek:
The Lethbridge Journal Incubator: Aligning digital open access scholarly publishing with the teaching and research missions of a public university. 485 - Jessica Dussault, Nicolas E. Gold:
Live Coding Music: Self-Expression through Innovation. 486 - Maciej Eder, Mike Kestemont, Jan Rybicki:
Stylometry with R: a suite of tools. 487-488 - Bastian Entrup, Maja Bärenfänger, Frank Binder, Henning Lobin:
Introducing GeoBib: An Annotated and Geo-referenced Online Bibliography of Early German and Polish Holocaust and Camp Literature (1933-1949). 489-490 - Elaine Gan:
Mapping Multispecies Temporalities: Experiments in Diagrammatic Representation. 491-492 - Susan Garfinkel:
Digital Humanities Keywords: A Collaborative Community Web-based Project. 493 - Christopher Scott Gleason:
DH@WIT: Digital Humanities for Undergraduate Design, Engineering, and Management Students. 494 - Matthew K. Gold, Douglas Armato, Zachary Davis, Matthew Slaats, Mark Abrams:
Debates in the Digital Humanities: Scholarly Publishing Across Print/Digital Streams. 495-496 - Varvara Guljajeva, Mar Canet Sola:
Knitic - The Revolution of Soft Digital Fabrication. 497-499 - Serge Heiden, Alexei Lavrentiev:
TXM Portal: Providing Online Access to Textometric Corpus Analysis. 500 - Alice Hickcox, Michael C. Page, Randy Gue:
The Atlanta Map project: TEI and GIS collaborate to create a research environment. 501 - Anthony W. Johnson, Ilkka Juuso, Tuomo Toljamo, Timo Mätäsaho, Lisa Lena Opas-Hänninen, Tapio Seppänen:
The Digital Orationes Project: Interfacing a Restoration Manuscript. 502-503 - Isabella Kirton, Melissa Terras:
Reverse Image Lookup, Paintings, Digitisation, Reuse. 504 - Rebecca Sutton Koeser, Brian Croxall:
Networking the Belfast Group through the Automated Semantic Enhancement of Existing Digital Content. 505-506 - Séamus Lawless, Cormac Hampson, Petar Mitankin, Stefan Gerdjikov:
Normalisation in Historical Text Collections. 507-508 - Guoqiang Li, Luc Van Gool:
A Comparative Study of Astronomical Clock towers in Europe and China based on their detailed 3D modeling. 509-511 - Purdom Lindblad, Bruce Pencek, Edwin Brooks, Julie Speer:
Creating Port: Research Commons. 512 - Elizabeth M. Lorang, Karin Dalziel:
Rebuilding Civil War Washington. 513 - Eugene W. Lyman:
Elwood Redux: Introducing the Elwood Transcription/Text Encoding Modules as well as a Newly-revised, Browser-Independent Version of the Elwood Viewer. 514 - Aditi S. Muralidharan:
WordSeer: An Integrated Environment for Literary Text Analysis. 515-516 - Kiyonori Nagasaki, Toru Tomabechi, A. Charles Muller, Masahiro Shimoda:
A Case Study of Integration of Services and Resources on a Web Service. 517-518 - Gwendolyn Nally, Chris Peck, Shane Lin, Cecilia Márquez, Claire Maiers, Brandon Walsh, Jeremy Boggs, Praxis Program Team:
Interfaces for Crowdsourcing Interpretation. 519 - Brent Nelson, Frank Klaassen, Peter Robinson:
The Textual Communities Transcription workspace: a poster and demonstration. 520 - Mark NeuCollins, Kelly J. Thompson, Nikki J. Dudley, Lauren Haldeman, Jon Winet, Kayla Haar:
The AIDS Quilt Touch Mobile Web App. 521-522 - Kazushi Ohya:
Programming with Arduino for Digital Humanities. 523 - Porter Olsen, Matthew Kirschenbaum:
Building a Digital Curation Workstation with BitCurator. 524 - Jon Saklofske:
The INKE NewRadial Prototype: Evolving the Space and Nature of Digital Scholarly Editions. 525 - Christof Schöch, Costis J. Dallas, Matthew Munson, Toma Tasovac, Erik Malcolm Champion, Susan Schreibman, Agiatis Benardou, Marianne Ping Huang, Petra Links:
DARIAH-EU's Virtual Competency Center on Research and Education. 526-527 - John Edward Simpson, Geoffrey Rockwell, Stéfan Sinclair, Kirsten C. Uszkalo, Susan Brown, Amy Dyrbye, Ryan Chartier:
Framework for Testing Text Analysis and Mining Tools. 528-529 - Stéfan Sinclair, Geoffrey Rockwell:
Voyant Notebooks: Literate Programming and Programming Literacy. 530 - James Smith:
Reliable Citation as a Foundation for Preservable Web-Based Digital Humanities Projects. 531-532 - David J. Staley, Scot French, Bill Ferster:
Visual Historiography: Visualizing "The Literature of a Field". 533 - Juan-Luis Suárez, Javier de la Rosa Pérez, Roberto Ulloa:
Not Exactly Prima Facie: Understanding the Representation of the Human Through the Analysis of Faces in World Painting. 534-535 - Yiming Sun, Stacy Kowalczyk, Beth Plale, J. Stephen Downie, Loretta Auvil, Boris Capitanu, Kirk Hess, Zong Peng, Guangchen Ruan, Aaron Todd, Jiaan Zeng:
Architecture to enable large-scale computational analysis of millions of volumes. 536 - Rebecca Tegtmeyer, Dean Rehberger:
KORA: A Digital Repository and Publishing Platform. 537 - Melissa Terras, Steven Gray, Ammann Rudolf:
Textal: a text analysis smartphone app for Digital Humanities. 538 - Trevor Thornton, Doug Reside:
Innovations in Finding Aids and Digital Archives. 539 - Kathryn Tomasek, Syd Bauman:
Encoding Historical Financial Records. 540-541 - Lisa VanZee:
Evaluating Natural Light in Historic Structures through Digital Simulation. 542 - Amanda Visconti, Jennifer Guiliano, James Smith, George H. Williams, Cory Bohon:
"Making the Digital Humanities More Open": Modeling Digital Humanities for a Wider Audience. 543 - John A. Walsh, Grant Leyton Simpson:
TEI Boilerplate. 544 - Dana Wheeles, Kristin Jensen:
Juxta Commons. 545 - Mark Wolff:
Surveying a Corpus with Alignment Visualization and Topic Modeling. 546

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