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4th ICEB 2004: Beijing, China
- Jian Chen:
The Fourth International Conference on Electronic Business - Shaping Business Strategy in a Networked World. Academic Publishers/World Publishing Corporation 2004, ISBN 7-5062-7342-X
SCM and E-Logistics
- Chattrakul Sombattheera, Aditya Ghose, Peter Hyland:
A Framework to Support Coalition Formation in Supply Chain Collaboration. ICEB 2004: 1-6 - Nukala Viswanadham, Vijay Desai:
A Study of Benefits of Information Sharing between Production Systems and Service Centers. ICEB 2004: 7-13 - Tong Shu, Shou Chen:
A Study of Corporate Managerial Module and Information System Orienting Agile Virtual Enterprises. ICEB 2004: 14-18 - Jian Chen, Yunhui Liu, Xiping Song:
A Study of Single-vendor and Multiple-retailers Pricing-Ordering Strategy under Group-Buying Online Auction. ICEB 2004: 19-23 - Pradeep Kumar, Tapas Mahapatra:
An E-Logistics Model for Effective Collaborative Commerce. ICEB 2004: 24-27 - Chichun Lo, Weili Lin, Jay Wu:
An XCS-Based Intelligent Searching Model for Cross-Organization Identity Management in Web Service. ICEB 2004: 28-33 - Sheng Li:
Assessment of Service Quality of Logistics Center in Chain Stores Based on Fuzzy Logic and TOPSIS. ICEB 2004: 34-37 - Bin Xiao, Lu Liu, Aling Zhang:
Asymmetric Demand Information and Channel Profits When Retailers Compete. ICEB 2004: 38-40 - Jian Chen, He Huang:
Bidding Strategies Analysis for Procurement Combinatorial Auctions. ICEB 2004: 41-45 - Youcef Baghdadi:
Business Interactions with Web Services. ICEB 2004: 46-51 - Chulsoo Kim, Youn Tae Kim:
Collaboration Strategy of Business-to-Business Enhancing Customer Satisfaction. ICEB 2004: 52-57 - Hokey Min, Wen-Bin Yu:
Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment: Demand Planning in Suppply Chain Management. ICEB 2004: 58-62 - Yunfeng Zhang, Jianjing Sun:
Cooperation in Reverse Logistics. ICEB 2004: 63-67 - Suicheng Li, Xianxia Cui, Gongqian Liang:
Coordination Mechanisms in the Supply Chain Based on E-business. ICEB 2004: 68-72 - Xinwei Yuan, Jingbing Yi, Jun Cai:
Decision Model for COTS Component Procurement Based on Case-based Retrieval and Goal Programming. ICEB 2004: 73-76 - Jun Su Lee, Jae Byung Rhu, Ki Seong Kim, Myung Hyun Oh, Jong Yeong Lee, Byung Ho Jeong:
Design of an E-SCM System for an Auto-parts Companies. ICEB 2004: 77-81 - JeongWook Choi:
Development Stages of Supply Chain Management in E-Business Environment. ICEB 2004: 82-86 - Chengxuan Cao, James Soo Keng Ang, Hengqing Ye:
E-Booking Control Problem in Sea Cargo Logistics. ICEB 2004: 87-92 - John Hamilton:
E-Logistics Comparative Positioning Model: A Multi-National Enterprise Airline Study. ICEB 2004: 93-100 - Lihua Chen, Tao Yan:
E-supply Chain's Implementation in a Transit Economy. ICEB 2004: 101-109 - Jiangyu Li:
Experimental Study on Effect of Information Behavior by Media Representation Patterns of E-commerce System. ICEB 2004: 110-113 - Man Hing Yu, Chee Chern Lim, Jesse S. Jin, Vera Yuk Ying Chung:
Generic Supply Chain Management System. ICEB 2004: 114-116 - Xinlei Zhao, Yongsun Choi:
Hierarchical Structuring of a Workflow Model in Petri-Net. ICEB 2004: 117-121 - Xuejun Xu, Li Luo, Xuelan Hua, Jianhui Huang:
Manufacturing Enterprises Value Chain Model Analysis within the Context of the Network Economy. ICEB 2004: 122-126 - Frank Y. Chen, S. H. Hum, Cheryl H. Sim:
On Inventory Strategies of Online Retailers. ICEB 2004: 127-131 - Xiaohua Lu, Yinsheng Li, Ying Huang:
On-demand Business Process Integration Based on Intelligent Web Services. ICEB 2004: 132-136 - Yongsun Choi:
A Two Phase Verification Algorithm for Cyclic Workflow Graphs. ICEB 2004: 137-143 - Qiong Guo, Deli Yang, Jianjun Wang, Yunfu Huo:
Pricing Policy for Supply Chain in the Electronic Commerce Environment. ICEB 2004: 144-148 - Baixin Yang, Deli Yang, Yunfu Huo:
Recomposing of Industrial Supply Chain and Constructing of Digital CBD. ICEB 2004: 149-153 - Huiying Zhang, Dezhi Zhu, Jin Du, Xin Chen:
Research on the Supply Chain Partnership Relations with Association Rule Analysis. ICEB 2004: 154-157 - Ming Xie, Jian Chen:
Studies on Horizontal Competition among Homogenous Retailers Based on Agent-based Approach. ICEB 2004: 158-163 - Qian Li, Yongxian Wang, Youqin Zhu:
Study of Information Supply Chain and Artificial Neural Network's Related Application. ICEB 2004: 164-168 - Yingrong Lu, Yinsheng Yang, Feng Lu, Xu Sun:
Study on Distribution Patterns of E-Business Based Agricultural Products Logistics. ICEB 2004: 169-174 - Yuhua Hou, Zheng Sun:
Study on Supply Chain Management in Electronic Commerce. ICEB 2004: 175-179 - Henry C. Co:
Supply and Demand Management under Inducement of Price Discounts - A Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis. ICEB 2004: 180-184 - Jianjun Wang, Deli Yang, Qiong Guo, Yunfu Huo:
Taking Advantage of E-Logistics to Strengthen the Competitive Advantage of Enterprises in China. ICEB 2004: 185-189 - Hai Yu, Linning Cai:
The Distribution Network Planning Using Geographic Information System (GIS). ICEB 2004: 190-192 - Linglang Tang, Chiachi Shih, Chengchuang Hon:
The Impact of IT Capability and E-business on the Supply Chain Performance. ICEB 2004: 193-198 - Chi-Chun Lo, Wen-Chuan Hsieh, Li-Tsung Huang:
The Implementation of an Intelligent Logistics Tracking System Utilizing RFID. ICEB 2004: 199-204 - Xiaojun Li, Pengzhu Zhang, Fanghsin Liu:
The Operating Cost in a Tele-working Organization. ICEB 2004: 205-210 - John Hamilton:
The Virtual Service Value-Chain: Disruptive Technology Delivering Competitive Advantage for the Services Industry. ICEB 2004: 211-218 - Chengchih Yang, Chengmin Lin, Shihsung Chen:
The Web Services on Mobile Shopping Automation. ICEB 2004: 219-222 - Baofeng Huo, Xiande Zhao, Jeff Hoi Yan Yeung:
Trust, Relationship Commitment and Supply Chain Integration in China. ICEB 2004: 223-228
E-Marketing and Service Management
- Javier Cebollada:
A Comparison of Brand Loyalty in Online and Physical Channels: An Empirical Application to Supermarkets. ICEB 2004: 229-232 - Kyunghee Chae, Heeseok Song, Juchoel Choi:
A Defection Detection Procedure Using SOM and Markov Chain: A Case of On-line Game Providers. ICEB 2004: 233-238 - James K. Ho:
A Global Comparative Study of Online Auction Markets. ICEB 2004: 239-244 - Yongmei Liu, Zhenjun Zhao, Yanlong Zhang, Hongjian Lu:
A Model of Customer Lifetime Value Consider with Word-of-mouth Marketing Value. ICEB 2004: 245-248 - Jashen Chen, Russell K. H. Ching, Eldon Y. Li, Yiling Liao:
An Exploratory Study of the Effects of CRM Practices on CRM Effectiveness and Business Performance. ICEB 2004: 249-254 - Anping Chen, Weili Lin, Yenchu Chen:
An Intelligent Model for Stock Investment with Buffett Strategy, Classifier System, Neural Networkand Linear Programming. ICEB 2004: 255-260 - Lun Hou, Xiaowo Tang:
Analysis of Costs, Benefits and ROI of CRM Implementation. ICEB 2004: 261-265 - Bocheng Chen, Wai-Hung Ip, Peng Sheng, H. L. Yu:
Comparing Sales Strategies Using the Markov Chain Relationship Model. ICEB 2004: 266-271 - Hector Mingta Tsai, Yichen Li:
Consumers' Trade-Offs of Online Auctions Alternatives - An Application of Conjoint Analysis. ICEB 2004: 272-277 - Qinyu Liao, Jung P. Shim:
Cross-Cultural Differences of Online Store Image Perception and Customer Purchasing Intension. ICEB 2004: 278-283 - Edward Bernroider, Alexander Hampel:
E-Business Adoption in Marketing and Its Relationship with Factors in SWOT Analysis: an Empirical Investigation of Small Software Businesses. ICEB 2004: 284-289 - David W. Coleman, Todd W. Mummert:
Extreme Availability: Determining the Limits of Availability in Commercial Systems. ICEB 2004: 290-297 - Thanh Nguyen, Mohini Singh:
Impact of Internet Banking on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Conceptual Model. ICEB 2004: 298-303 - Hui Tak Kee, David Wan:
Internet Shopping Behavior among Singaporeans: Gender and Educational Issues. ICEB 2004: 304-308 - Changshou Deng, Pie Zheng, Yanling Yang, Bingyan Zhao:
Markov Chain-based Clustering Analysis of Customers and WebPages. ICEB 2004: 309-313 - Nozomi Nakajima, Jian Chen:
Modeling Competitive Diffusion Process in Japanese ADSL Service Market. ICEB 2004: 314-319 - Qingliang Meng, Qinghua Kong, Yuqi Han, Jie Chen:
Neural Networks Based Integrated Evaluation Method for the Effectiveness of CRM. ICEB 2004: 320-324 - Frederick L. Capossela:
Successful Customer Relationship Management: Antecedents and Imperatives. ICEB 2004: 325-328 - Jaroslav Jandos:
Supporting Small Businesses' Penetration of New International Markets - Practitioner's Approach. ICEB 2004: 329-334 - Bocheng Chen, Wai-Hung Ip, Yuebo Zhou, Bing Liang, H. L. Yu:
The Design of a Lean CRM Software Process Model. ICEB 2004: 335-339 - Frank Kuo, Yuehching Lee, Chuan Yi Tang:
The Development of RFID in Healthcare in Taiwan. ICEB 2004: 340-345 - Carlos Alberto Gonçalves, Daniela Ferro de Oliveira, Renata Fabiana Ferreira, Karina A. Pereira Garcia Coleta:
The Glance of an Observer on the War of Brands of Food Products. ICEB 2004: 346-354 - Yuming Zhu, Peng Guo:
Theoretical Framework of Empirical Study on Consumer Behavior in Web-Based Commerce. ICEB 2004: 355-358 - Herbjørn Nysveen, Per E. Pedersen:
Willingness to Pay for Digital Services: Challenges for Future Research. ICEB 2004: 359-363 - Qingguo Wang, Shuqin Cai, Yuhua Zhou, Kaichun Liang:
Working Mechanism and Structure of Customer Services Support System. ICEB 2004: 364-369
E-Business Model
- Alexander Hampel, Edward Bernroider:
A Component-based Framework for Distributed Business Simulations in E-Business Environments. ICEB 2004: 370-375 - Chang Liu, Wayne Huang:
A Global Perspective of Business Usage of Web Technology. ICEB 2004: 376-381 - Do Hyun Ahn, Hee Ae Lee:
A Personalized Recommender System Based on Explanation Facilities Using Collaborative Filtering. ICEB 2004: 382-387 - Tapati Bandopadhyay, Pradeep Kumar, Tapas Mahapatra:
A Process Model for Assessing the Distribution Options for Horizontal E-Business Portals. ICEB 2004: 388-392 - Yong Wang, Qianxing Xiong:
An Agile Protocol for E-Commerce. ICEB 2004: 393-396 - Chia Yao Lee, Brian J. Corbitt:
B2B Electronic Markets: A Conceptual Model for Analyzing the Sources of Business Value. ICEB 2004: 397-401 - Mingzhu Jin, Xuping Jiang:
Benefit Evaluation Model of E-Government Procurement. ICEB 2004: 402-407 - Baolin Wu, Li Li, Yun Yang:
E-business Value Process Modelling. ICEB 2004: 408-413 - Kang Rae Cho, Ho Joon Choi:
Evolution of Service Model and Architecture of ASP Business. ICEB 2004: 414-418 - Wenli Shang, Yushun Fan:
Integrated Optimization Model of Production Planning and Scheduling for Batch Production. ICEB 2004: 419-421 - Moonyoung Jung, Hak Soo Kim, Myung Hyun Jo, Kyung Hyun Tak, Hyun Suk Cha, Jin Hyun Son:
Mapping from BPMN-Formed Business Processes to XPDL Business Processes. ICEB 2004: 422-427 - Ayoob Mohammadian, Fereidoun Ghasemzadeh, Emad Farazmand:
Methodological Approach for Choosing Portfolio of E-Business Models. ICEB 2004: 428-434 - Ke Ning, Yuliu Chen, David O'Sullivan:
Rationality Validation of Business Process Model by Simulation Method. ICEB 2004: 435-439 - Wenna Liu, Deli Yang:
Research on Mobile Agent-based E-Commerce System Framework. ICEB 2004: 440-444 - Cane Wing-ki Leung, Stephen Chi-fai Chan, Korris Fu-Lai Chung:
Towards Collaborative Travel Recommender Systems. ICEB 2004: 445-451 - Jinyoung Jang, Yongsun Choi:
Web Service Based Universal Management of Workflow Resources. ICEB 2004: 452-459
E-Business Management and Strategy
- Junyong Xiang, Jaekyeong Kim, Hyouk O:
A Comparative Analysis of International and Chinese Electronic Commerce Research. ICEB 2004: 460-465 - Jing Wang, Zhenquan Sha, Haiyuan Wang:
A Conceptual Framework for E-tailing Quality and Its Evaluation. ICEB 2004: 466-469 - Xinyu Zhao, Cen Wu, Runjie Zhang, Chen Zhao, Zuoquan Lin:
A Multi-Agent System for E-Business Processes Monitoring in a Web-Based Environment. ICEB 2004: 470-475 - Chihhung Wu, Wenchang Fang, Gaoliang Wang:
A Study of Competences and Indicators for Electronic Commerce Professional Managers. ICEB 2004: 476-481 - Chenyi Hsu, Yunghsin Wang:
A Study of Influencing Traditional Travel Agencies' Decision Making to Introducing B2C E-commerce. ICEB 2004: 482-487 - Xiaochen Wang, Mingzhi Li:
A Value Chain Based Analysis of Electronic Commerce's Transformation of China 's Pharmaceutical Industry. ICEB 2004: 488-492 - David C. Gilbert, Liz Leekelley, Dominic W. Beveridge:
An Exploratory Study of the Electronic Distribution of Hotel Rooms in Europe. ICEB 2004: 493-498 - Peiji Shao, Jingjing Li, Jing Yang, Jie Wan:
An Initial Study on the Intensifying Enterprises Information Management. ICEB 2004: 499-504 - Louis Raymond, François Bergeron, Sam Blili:
Antecedents of E-Business Assimilation in Manufacturing SMEs. ICEB 2004: 505-510 - Jirí Vorísek:
Business Drivers for Application Servicing and a Software-as-a-Service Model. ICEB 2004: 511-516 - Sehyung Cho, Yongkyun Chung, Seungchul Kim:
Comparison of E-Commerce Practices between Large Enterprises and Small to Medium Enterprises. ICEB 2004: 517-521 - Yu Chang, Naiding Yang, Xiandong Liu:
Demonstrative Analysis of Hi-tech Enterprises Technology Innovation Capability Based on ISM. ICEB 2004: 522-526 - Pham Thi Thanh Hong, Nguyen B. Giang:
Determinants of E-Commerce Adoption in SMEs. ICEB 2004: 527-532 - Ding Zhang, Jingwen An, Zhongqing Cheng:
E-business Management System Based on Coordinated Center for Dealer. ICEB 2004: 533-537 - Anshi Xie, Yijun Li, Yong Li:
E-Business Oriented Optimal Online Auction Design. ICEB 2004: 538-543 - Jussi Okkonen, Pasi Virtanen:
Economies of Information Consumer Commodities - An Introduction to Conceptualising Forms of Information Capitalism by Two Cases. ICEB 2004: 544-549 - Chia Yao Lee, Brian J. Corbitt:
Effective and Strategic Use of Electronic Reverse Auctions. ICEB 2004: 550-555 - Velauthapillai Dhayalan, Reggie Davidrajuh:
How E-Ready is E-Sri Lanka? ICEB 2004: 556-561 - Rimantas Gatautis, Panagiotis Damaskopoulos:
Internet Role in Lithuania SMEs Internationalization. ICEB 2004: 562-567 - Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur:
Investigating the Use of the Business Model Concept through Interviews. ICEB 2004: 568-573 - Dominique Bonet, Gilles Pache:
Logistical Performance as a Key Factor of Success for European Food E-tailers - Three Paradoxes and a Research Agenda. ICEB 2004: 574-580 - Yan Ye:
Research on Equipment and Spare Parts Management Based on Theory of Constraints. ICEB 2004: 581-585 - JianQiang Li, David O'Sullivan:
Semantic Innovation Management. ICEB 2004: 586-590 - Luming Yang, Hongli Hu, Cuiping Zhu, Zhuqing Yang:
The Analysis of the Difficult Points on Developing E-Commerce of the Western Region in China. ICEB 2004: 591-595 - Ray Tsaih, Wanying Lin, Miaoju Hung, Yaling Cheng:
The Business Process Investigation in the Perspective of Customer Value. ICEB 2004: 596-603 - Sanjiv D. Vaidya, Merlin Nandy:
Tne Internet and the Organizational Adoption of Electronic Business: A Research Agenda. ICEB 2004: 604-609 - Theekshana Suraweera, Paul B. Cragg, Annette M. Mills:
Towards a Definition of IT Management Sophistication in Small Firms. ICEB 2004: 610-615 - Jiunn-Chieh Lee:
Towards a Framework of Enterprise Integration: Linking Quality Management, Organizational Learning and Information Technology. ICEB 2004: 616-621 - Hannu Laesvuori, Paavo Kotinurmi:
Towards Integrated Document Management in Networked Product Development. ICEB 2004: 622-627 - Aimao Zhang:
Transaction Governance Structure of Brick-and-Mortar and Click-and-Order: An Instrument Design and Experimental Study. ICEB 2004: 628-633
E-Business-based Organization Management and Innovation
- Linlang Tang, Yubin Chiu, Hungsheng Lin:
A Study on Design Process Integration between Marketing and R&D of Notebook. ICEB 2004: 634-639 - Wei Shang, Yijun Li, Qiang Ye, Wenjun Sun:
A Web-based Operation Management System for Distributed Divisional Organizations. ICEB 2004: 640-645 - Jiawei Lee, Jungsing Jwo:
Apply MDA to E-Business: MDA Based Workflow Solution as an Example. ICEB 2004: 646-649 - Alan Chonghua Guo:
E-Alliances: Search and Match for Small Business Partnership. ICEB 2004: 650-654 - Yan Tao, C. Matt Hinton:
Exploring Sources of Competitive Advantages in E-business Application in Mainland Chinese Real Estate Industry. ICEB 2004: 655-660 - Liwen Wu, Yingqiang Duan:
Research on Collaborative Commerce Model Based on Web Services. ICEB 2004: 661-664 - Weihui Dai, Weidong Zhao:
Research on Modular Business Processes. ICEB 2004: 665-668 - Haigang Li:
Research on Multi-Agent Based Information Management Platform for Enterprise Business Cooperation. ICEB 2004: 669-673 - Haigang Li:
Study of Cooperative Product Business Support Platform for New Product Development. ICEB 2004: 674-676 - Damien Bright, Gerald Quirchmayr, Roger Tagg:
Supporting Collaborative Communication in a Multi-layer Meta-process Model for Evolutionary Shared Workflows. ICEB 2004: 677-682 - Libing Shu, Shenghua Jia, Lei Peng:
Visionary Management: Footstone of Sustained Firm Growth. ICEB 2004: 683-686
Virtual Organizaion Management
- Min Huang, Fei Xu, Xingwei Wang, W. H. Ip, Kai-Leung Yung:
A Risk Identification Method of Virtual Enterprise. ICEB 2004: 687-691 - Hua Zhou, Min Liu, Cheng Wu:
A VOC Based Approach to Support Virtual Organizations. ICEB 2004: 692-695 - Li Li, Baolin Wu, Yun Yang:
Refinement for Ontology Evolution in Virtual Enterprises. ICEB 2004: 696-701 - Min Huang, Hongmei Yang, Xingwei Wang, W. H. Ip, Dingwei Wang:
Risk Evaluation for Virtual Enterprise. ICEB 2004: 702-707 - Min Huang, Fenge Li, Xingwei Wang, W. H. Ip:
Risk Sorting for Enterprise under EC Environments. ICEB 2004: 708-712 - Mingxu Ma, Haiyue Li, Wenlei Zhang, Chaowan Yin, Chengen Wang:
The Research of Product Graphical Information Sharing Technology of Virtual Manufacturing Enterprise in E-commerce Environment. ICEB 2004: 713-717 - Min Huang, Hongmei Yang, Xingwei Wang, W. H. Ip, Kai-Leung Yung:
Virtual Enterprises Risk Management DSS under Electronic Commerce. ICEB 2004: 718-721 - Melissa Saadoun:
Virtual Manufacturing and Virtual Spaces. ICEB 2004: 722-726 - Siew Poh Lee, Han Boon Lee, Eng Wah Lee:
Web Services - An Enabling Technology for Trading Partners Community Virtual Integration. ICEB 2004: 727-731
Mobile Commerce and Business
- Yuchung Hung, Haoerl Yang, Chinghung Hsiao, Yunglu Yang:
A Study of Behavioral Intention for Mobile Commerce Using Technology Acceptance Model. ICEB 2004: 732-736 - Yuanchu Hwang, Soe-Tsyr Yuan:
Ambient E-Services: Framework and Applications. ICEB 2004: 737-745 - Mee Yeon Kang, Yoon Ho Cho, Jae Kyeong Kim:
An Extended Collaborative Filtering-based Recommendation Procedure for Multimedia Contents in M-commerce. ICEB 2004: 746-750 - Nasrin Rahmati:
An Overview of the Impact of National Culture on the Adoption of Mobile Commerce. ICEB 2004: 751-756 - Hersen Doong, Yi-Cheng Ku:
Diffusion of Mobile Phones in Taiwan : An Evaluation of Influence Sources. ICEB 2004: 757-762 - Madeleine Besson, Olivier Epinette, Olivier Segard, Pierre Vialle:
Explaining Intent of Adoption of Wireless Internet Services by Business Executives: The Case of Paris Airports' Hotspots. ICEB 2004: 763-767 - Natalia Em, Euiho Suh, Keedong Yoo:
Extracting Requirements for Ubiquitous Computing Technology-based IS Using Factor Analysis. ICEB 2004: 768-770 - Fumin Zou, Xinhua Jiang, Zhangxi Lin:
IEEE 802.20 Based Broadband Railroad Digital Network - The Infrastructure for M-Commerce on the Train. ICEB 2004: 771-776 - Hong Chen, Louis-François Pau:
Individual Telecommunications Tariffs in Chinese Communities: History as a Mirror of the Future, and Relevance for Mobile Service Development in China. ICEB 2004: 777-782 - Vaida Kadyte:
Managing Critical Incidents in the Fine-Paper Supply Chain through Mobile Collaborative System. ICEB 2004: 783-788 - Jae Kyeong Kim, Yoon Ho Cho, Seungtae Kim:
MOBICORS-Movie: A MOBIle COntents Recommender System for Movie. ICEB 2004: 789-794 - Kuenliang Sue, Wanpu Hsieh:
Mobile Payment System with Privacy Protection. ICEB 2004: 795-800 - Shengnan Han, Pekka Mustonen, Matti Seppänen, Markku Kallio:
Physicians' Opinions of an SMS Professional Medical News Service: Insights from an SMS Survey. ICEB 2004: 801-806 - Sanwar Ali, Waleed Farag, Mohammad A. Rob:
Security Measures in Mobile Commerce: Problems and Solutions. ICEB 2004: 807-812 - Peter Dornbusch, Florian Fuchs, Martin Huber:
Simulating Collaborative Mobile Services - An Approach to Evaluate a New Location Enabling Service. ICEB 2004: 813-819 - Chihab BenMoussa:
Supporting Salespersons CRM Efforts through Location Based Mobile Support Systems. ICEB 2004: 820-826 - Nir Kshetri:
Technology Attribute-Diffusion Pattern Nexus: Evidence from the Early Experiences of 3G Mobile Communications. ICEB 2004: 827-831 - Cheng-Yuan Ku, Yenfang Ho, Yiwen Chang:
The Implementation of Signing E-Document by Using the Wireless Identity Module in Cellular Phone. ICEB 2004: 832-837 - Chianhsueng Chao:
The Quest for Mobility: Designing Enterprise Application Framework for M-Business Practices. ICEB 2004: 838-843 - Yingchun Wang, Changtong Wei, Zhuang Guan, Chunling Sun, Qiong Zhu:
The Researches on the Mobile E-Business Implements and Mode in Small and Medium-sized Enterprise. ICEB 2004: 844-846 - Sangjun Kim, Euiho Suh, Keedong Yoo:
Ubiquitous Computing Based Mobile Commerce: Toward the Ubiquitous Commerce. ICEB 2004: 847-852 - Xiaowen Fang, Susy S. Chan, Jacek Brzezinski, Shuang Xu, Jean Lam:
User-Centered Guidelines for Design of Mobile Applications. ICEB 2004: 853-857 - Wenqing Wang, France Cheong:
Using System Dynamics to Model Mobile Commerce Diffusion. ICEB 2004: 858-863
Trust and Reputation Management
- Yunfu Huo, Deli Yang, Jianjun Wang, Qiong Guo:
From Control to Competition: Trust Institution in E-Business. ICEB 2004: 864-867 - Dahui Li, Zhangxi Lin:
Negative Reputation Rate as the Signal of Risk in Online Consumer-to-consumer Transactions. ICEB 2004: 868-873 - Yoshikazu Sakamaki:
Recent Trend of Ratings Business in Japan and Improving Proposal for Ratings Forecasting Model. ICEB 2004: 874-879 - Allan Lam, Pradeep Kumar Ray:
Security Alert Management in E-Business Networks. ICEB 2004: 880-885 - Haytham Siala, Feroz Ahmed Siddiqui:
The Impact of a 'Theological' Web Interface on Trust in the Context of Electronic Commerce. ICEB 2004: 886-892 - Liaquat Hossain, Rolf T. Wigand:
Trust for E-Business Management. ICEB 2004: 893-900 - Siddhi Pittayachawan, Mohini Singh:
Trust Models in the E-Commerce Environment. ICEB 2004: 901-907
Management in E-Business
- Jun Xu, Mohammed Quaddus:
A Managers' Guide to KMS Adoption and Diffusion. ICEB 2004: 908-914 - Tomaso Forzi, Meikel Peters, Stefan Bleck:
A Methodology to Support the Design and Deployment of Knowledge Management within Inter- organizational Networks. ICEB 2004: 915-920 - Dominique Drillon, Eleni Boursinou:
A Qualitative Approach to E-Learning? A Dynamic Situation in Montpellier Business School. ICEB 2004: 921-924 - Abdul Rahim Ahmad, Otman A. Basir, Khaled Hassanein:
Adaptive User Interfaces for Intelligent E-Learning: Issues and Trends. ICEB 2004: 925-934 - Leif Jarle Gressgård, Gunnar E. Christensen:
Computer-Mediated Communication and Innovation: Do Communication Media Properties Influence Innovative Thinking Processes?. ICEB 2004: 935-940 - Hwanyann Su, Yichen Lin, Chiuhua Lai:
Corporate Mission and Vision and Customer Knowledge Management for Increasing Competitive Advantages. ICEB 2004: 941-946 - Chee Chern Lim, Man Hing Yu, Jesse J. Jin, Vera Yuk Ying Chung:
Design and Development of an E-Learning Management System. ICEB 2004: 947-952 - Candy K. Y. Ho, Ivy Chan:
Effective E-Teaching: The Case of Hong Kong. ICEB 2004: 953-957 - Emmanuel Houzé, Regis Meissonier:
E-Learning Performance and Students' Results Case of a French Business School. ICEB 2004: 958-968 - Jerome Yen, Percy Yuen, Belinna Bai:
Electronic Disclosure and Financial Knowledge Management. ICEB 2004: 969-974 - Johanna Tommila, Anne-Mari Järvelin, Marko Seppa:
From Idea to Knowledge - Generating New Knowledge on E-Business. ICEB 2004: 975-980 - Masoud Karami Zarandi, Ehsan Ghaffari Cherati:
Knowledge Management, As the Key Factor of Survival in New Competition Age. ICEB 2004: 981-986 - Juanru Wang, Songzheng Zhao, Jin Yang:
Study on the Cultivation of Core Competence Based on Tacit Knowledge. ICEB 2004: 987-989 - Jungchi Pai:
The Relationship between Knowledge Sharing Behavior and the Effectiveness of Information Systems Strategic Planning (ISSP): An Empirical Study in Taiwan. ICEB 2004: 990-995 - Xinghua Dang, Junfeng Jiang:
The Roots of the Uncertainty in the Enterprise Tech-innovation Process under the Net-environment. ICEB 2004: 996-1000 - Baozhen Li, Nana Li, Xianfeng Liu:
Transformation & Countermeasures on Business Operation Models in Uncertain Environment. ICEB 2004: 1001-1003 - Zheng Zhao, Runtian Jing:
What All Stakeholders Should Do: Creating E-learning Communities. ICEB 2004: 1004-1010 - Zheng Zhao, Runtian Jing:
What E-learning Providers and End Users Should Do Respectively before Initiating Such a Learning Project. ICEB 2004: 1011-1018
Security and Privacy
- Fangju Wang, Hui Shen:
A High Performance XML Querying Architecture. ICEB 2004: 1019-1024 - Yinshan Jia, Chuanying Jia, Hongwei Qi:
Application of Weighted Support Vector Machines to Network Intrusion Detection. ICEB 2004: 1025-1029 - Daniel Chandran:
Customers Confidence in E-business: An Evaluation of Australian Practices - A Case Study. ICEB 2004: 1030-1034 - Nena Lim:
Internet Security and Digital Certificates: How Much Do You Know about Them? ICEB 2004: 1035-1037 - Yang Shi, Xiaoping Wang, Liming Cao, Jianxin Ren:
Secure Mobile Agents in Electronic Commerce by Using Undetachable Signatures from Pairings. ICEB 2004: 1038-1043 - Bo Chen, Hongying Gu, Oliver Wang:
Security Service Model for RFID Enabled Supply Chain. ICEB 2004: 1044-1048 - Qinyu Liao, Xin (Robert) Luo, Kirk P. Arnett:
Student Recognition and Awareness of Information Security in Course Learning from Management Information Systems and Computer Science Classes: An Empirical Investigation. ICEB 2004: 1049-1053
Support and Analysis Techniques
- Chaiyaporn Chirathamjaree:
A Mediator to Integrate Databases and Legacy Systems: The Mediated Data Integration (MeDInt) Mediator. ICEB 2004: 1054-1059 - Wenqi Jiang, Zhongsheng Hua:
A Multi-attribute Group Decision Approach Based on Rough Set Theory and Application in Supply Chain Partner Selection. ICEB 2004: 1060-1064 - Chunbin Tang, Weidong Zhao:
A New Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Attributes. ICEB 2004: 1065-1069 - Jianyi Zhang, Yunfeng Wang, Jie Li:
A Personalized Commodities Recommendation Procedure and Algorithm Based on Association Rule Mining. ICEB 2004: 1070-1074 - Jae H. Min, Young-Chan Lee:
A Practical Approach to Credit Scoring. ICEB 2004: 1075-1080 - Zhensheng Jiang, Xingchen Zheng, Gang Chen:
A Research on Chaos Forecast with the Capital Market Structure Model. ICEB 2004: 1081-1084 - Ching-Yao Wang, Shian-Shyong Tseng, Tzung-Pei Hong, Yianshu Chu:
A Three-phased Online Association Rule Mining Approach for Diverse Mining Requests. ICEB 2004: 1085-1090 - Chentung Chen, Weishen Tai:
A User Preference Classification Method in Information Recommendation System. ICEB 2004: 1091-1096 - Chichang Chang:
A Web-Based Decision Support Systems for The Chronic Deteriorating Diseases. ICEB 2004: 1097-1100 - Yong Tang, Yongkai Ma:
An Ant-based Clustering Algorithm in Data Mining. ICEB 2004: 1101-1105 - Ook Lee:
An Interactive Web Meeting System Using Multicast Technology. ICEB 2004: 1106-1108 - Wanli Chen:
An Investment Decision Support System (IDSS) for Identifying Positive, Neutral and Negative Investment Opportunity Ranges with Risk Control in Stock Markets. ICEB 2004: 1109-1118 - Justin Zhijun Zhan, LiWu Chang, Stan Matwin:
Bayesian Network Induction With Incomplete Private Data. ICEB 2004: 1119-1124 - Leeing Tong, Hsingyin Lee, Chifeng Huang, Changke Lin, Chienhui Yang:
Constructing Control Process for Wafer Defects Using Data Mining Technique. ICEB 2004: 1125-1129 - Bing Su, Yinfeng Xu:
Decision Making and Analysis for Unexpected Road Blockages. ICEB 2004: 1130-1135 - Xue Wang, Guoqing Chen:
Discovering Fuzzy Functional Dependencies as Semantic Knowledge in Large Databases. ICEB 2004: 1136-1139 - Xudong Chen:
E-Business Data Warehouse Design and Implementation. ICEB 2004: 1140-1142 - Hsiaotien Pao, Tenpao Lee:
Forecasting the Consumption for Electricity in Taiwan. ICEB 2004: 1143-1146 - Jianyu Zhang, Xuelei Pu, Sheng Li, Dan Yang:
Logistics Forecasting Using Improved Fuzzy Neural Networks System. ICEB 2004: 1147-1150 - Adrian Collins:
Maximising Technology Efficiencies for SMEs Using Computer Intelligence. ICEB 2004: 1151-1155 - Meng-Jung Shih, Duen-Ren Liu, Churn-Jung Liau, Chin-Hui Lai:
Mining the Change of Events in Environmental Scanning for Decision Support. ICEB 2004: 1156-1161 - Chunling Liu, Bo Meng, Jizi Li:
Monitoring the Supply of Products in a Supply Chain Environment: A Fuzzy Neural Approach. ICEB 2004: 1162-1166 - Avinash Tiwari, Veena Bansal:
PATSEEK: Content Based Image Retrieval System for Patent Database. ICEB 2004: 1167-1171 - Justin Zhijun Zhan, Stan Matwin, Nathalie Japkowicz, LiWu Chang:
Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Association Rule Mining. ICEB 2004: 1172-1178 - Justin Zhijun Zhan, Stan Matwin:
Privacy-Preserving Data Mining in Electronic Surveys. ICEB 2004: 1179-1185 - Yoshikazu Sakamaki:
Proposal of Improving Model for Default Probability Prediction with Logit Model on Non-Compensatory Rule. ICEB 2004: 1186-1192 - Tao He, Bin Tang, Leqiu Qian:
Study of SOA Component Dynamic Scheduling Based on Mobile Agent Coalitio. ICEB 2004: 1193-1196 - Ying Liu, Guoqing Chen:
Temporal Association Rule Mining in China's Closed-end Fund Data. ICEB 2004: 1197-1200 - W. C. Tsai, Frank Kuo, Yuehching Lee, Fan Wu:
The Application of RFID in Emergency Medicine. ICEB 2004: 1201-1206 - David Chao:
The Design of a Web Document Snapshots Delivery System. ICEB 2004: 1207-1212 - Adrien Coyette, Manuel Kolp, Stéphane Faulkner:
Using Intelligent Agents to Build E-Business Software. ICEB 2004: 1213-1218 - Paul Alpar:
What Data Is Necessary to Data Mine for Knowledge? ICEB 2004: 1219-1223
Computing and Grid Computing in E-Business
- Hyeakyeong Kim, Jaekyeong Kim:
A User-oriented Contents Recommendation System in Peer-to-Peer Architecture. ICEB 2004: 1224-1229 - Xuan Zhou, Jian Zhou, Qing Li, Yuliu Chen, Lars Ludwig:
An Architecture of FoaF-based Peer 2 Peer Knowledge Management System. ICEB 2004: 1230-1234 - Shan Zhang, Zheng Qin:
Distributed Load Balancing in Peer-to-Peer Computing. ICEB 2004: 1235-1240 - Jianfang Xiao, Dongdai Lin:
Survey of Security in Grid Services. ICEB 2004: 1241-1245
Study in E-Business
- Gaojia Jin, Takasi Nemoto:
A Study of Internet Book Sale. ICEB 2004: 1246-1250 - Zichao Li:
Achievements and Future Trends of E-Government Service-Implications from the SARS Outbreak. ICEB 2004: 1251-1255 - Zhiyuan Ge, Yong Shao:
Analysis of Price Dispersion in E-Market: A Case Study. ICEB 2004: 1256-1260 - Bin Qiu, Shaoqin Sun, Cunyan Fan, Shujen Chen:
Current State of China's Online Gaming Industry and the Obstacles in Development. ICEB 2004: 1261-1264 - Vincent Ming, Guohong Chang, Chuehju Wu, Chengying Lin:
Developing a B2B E-commerce Evolution Model - The Case Studies of Seven Industries in Taiwan. ICEB 2004: 1265-1269 - Kanliang Wang, Qing Liu:
Digital Divide: Adoption of Internet in China. ICEB 2004: 1270-1276 - Marjatta Maula:
E-business and Organizational Learning: A Case Study of Three Globally Operating Companies. ICEB 2004: 1277-1281 - Mohini Singh, John Byrne:
E-Business Evaluation in Australia : A Discussion of Some Preliminary Findings. ICEB 2004: 1282-1288 - Ying Chen, Alex Wong:
E-Business: Factors of EAI Adoption in an Australian Electricity Company. ICEB 2004: 1289-1294 - Tomaso Forzi, Ediz Kiratli, Stefan Bleck:
Electronic Business in Germany: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives - Results of an Explorative Survey. ICEB 2004: 1295-1300 - Alemayehu Molla:
Exploring the Reality of E-Commerce Benefits among South African Businesses. ICEB 2004: 1301-1307 - Hui Tak Kee, David Wan:
Intended Usage of Online Supermarkets: The Singapore Case. ICEB 2004: 1308-1312 - Nabyla Daidj, Olivier Epinette, Pierre Vialle:
Positioning of Firms on an E-business Value Chain : The Case of Video on Demand. ICEB 2004: 1313-1318 - Yan Zhu, J. Chen:
Strategy and Risk Analysis of the ERP Projects in Three Chinese Cigarette Enterprises. ICEB 2004: 1319-1324 - Goh Hong Wee, Goh Peck Chen:
Towards a Knowledge Based Society: A Case Study on Entrepreneurship in Malaysia. ICEB 2004: 1325-1326
Cyber Law and Intellectual Property
- Settapong Malisuwan:
Analysis of Trademarks Act of Thailand and a Case Study: Conflict of Domain Name and Trademarks. ICEB 2004: 1327-1331 - Yongjun Jin:
Are E-bank Related Business Methods Patent Subject Matter under Chinese Law? ICEB 2004: 1332-1338 - Charles Ling-yu Chou, Timon C. Du:
Continuous Audit Agent System. ICEB 2004: 1339-1343 - Zheng Tang:
Jurisdiction and Consumer Contract in E-Business. ICEB 2004: 1344-1349 - Bill Loving, Xiangping Liu:
Jurisdiction over E Commerce. ICEB 2004: 1350-1354 - Wei Ren:
On the Novel Network Forensics Perspective of Enhanced E-Business Security. ICEB 2004: 1355-1360 - Sylvia Mercado Kierkegaard:
Regulating Copyrights in Cyberspace. ICEB 2004: 1361-1367 - Peipei Wang, Pengzhu Zhang, Fangfang Xu:
Research on Policies to Support Telecommuting in China. ICEB 2004: 1368-1373 - Alvin Stauber:
The New Vigilantism: Combating the Piracy of Copyrighted Materials on Peer-To-Peer Networks. ICEB 2004: 1374-1378 - Chin-Chen Chang, Ya-Fen Chang:
The Security Flaw of an Untraceable Signature Scheme. ICEB 2004: 1379-1381

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