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IJCNN 2004: Budapest, Hungary
- IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2004, Budapest, Hungary, 22-29 July, 2004. IEEE 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8359-1
- Jacek M. Zurada:
President's Welcome. - José C. Príncipe:
Welcome. - Tamás Roska, Joos Vandewalle:
Preface. - Mark S. Humayun, Douglas Yanai, Robert J. Greenberg, James Little, Brian V. Mech, Manjunatha Mahadevappa, James D. Weiland, Gildo Y. Fujii, Eugene de Juan Jr.:
Clinical results with the model 1IRP implant. - Leon O. Chua:
The CNN: a brain-like computer. - Erkki Oja:
Patterns, clusters, and components - what data is made of. - Qing Ma, Kousuke Enomoto, Masaki Murata:
Self-organizing documentary maps for information retrieval. - Shen Furao, Osamu Hasegawa:
A self-organized growing network for on-line unsupervised learning. - Chihli Hung, Stefan Wermter:
A time-based self-organising model for document clustering. - Ellen Bajcar, David Calvert, Jeff Thomason:
Analysis of equine gaitprint and other gait characteristics using self-organizing maps (SOM). - Andrew P. Paplinski, Lennart Gustafsson:
An attempt in modelling early intervention in autism using neural networks. - Dimitrios A. Karras
Neural network models based on regularization techniques for off-line robot manipulator path planning. - Heeyoul Choi, Sookjeong Kim, Seungjin Choi:
Trust-region learning for ICA. - Deniz Erdogmus, Yadunandana N. Rao, José C. Príncipe:
Nonlinear independent component analysis by homomorphic transformation of the mixtures. - Dragan Obradovic, Nilesh Madhu, Andrei Szabo, Chiu Shun Wong:
Independent component analysis for semi-blind signal separation in MIMO mobile frequency selective communication channels. - Maria G. Jafari, Jonathon A. Chambers:
A novel adaptive algorithm for the blind separation of periodic sources. - Reinhard Eckhorn, Marcus Eger, Marcus Wilms, Thomas Schanze:
Information transmission from a retina implant to the cat visual cortex. 64-466 - Allan Kardec Barros, Edson Nascimento, Noboru Ohnishi:
Single channel speech recovery by coding. - Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tohru Ikeguchi:
Associative memory by Hopfield NN with chaos injection. - Colin Molter, Utku Salihoglu, Hugues Bersini:
How chaos boosts the encoding capacity of small recurrent neural networks : learning consideration. - Yasuaki Kuroe, Kei Miura, Takehiro Mori:
Synthesis method of neural oscillators by network learning. - Michael Stiber
, Thomas Holderman:
Global behavior of neural error correction. - Emílio Del Moral Hernandez, Humberto Sandmann, Leonardo Augusto da Silva:
Pattern recovery in networks of recursive processing elements with continuous learning. - Artur M. Arsenic:
On stability and tuning of neural oscillators: application to rhythmic control of a humanoid robot. - Anant Hegde, Deniz Erdogmus, Tue Lehn-Schiøler, Yadunandana N. Rao, José C. Príncipe:
Vector-quantization by density matching in the minimum Kullback-Leibler divergence sense. - Robert Jenssen, Torbjørn Eltoft, José C. Príncipe:
Information theoretic spectral clustering. - Yongjin Lee, Seungjin Choi:
Minimum entropy, k-means, spectral clustering. - Kijoeng Nam, Hongmo Je, Seungjin Choi:
Fast stochastic neighbor embedding: a trust-region algorithm. - Shotaro Akaho
The e-PCA and m-PCA: dimension reduction of parameters by information geometry. - Ryotaro Kamimura, Yukiko Maruyama:
Information maximization with Gaussian activation functions to generate explicit self-organizing maps. - Koray Karahaliloglu, Sina Balkir:
An MOS cell circuit for compact implementation of reaction-diffusion models. - György Cserey, András Falus, Wolfgang Porod, Tamás Roska:
Feature extraction CNN algorithms for artificial immune systems. - Chin-Teng Lin
, Shi-An Chen, Chao-Hui Huang, Jen-Feng Chung:
Cellular neural networks and PCA neural networks based rotation/scale invariant texture classification. - Róbert Wagner, Ákos Zarándy, Tamás Roska:
Adaptive perception with locally-adaptable sensor array. - Philipp Fischer, Ronald Tetzlaff:
Pattern detection by cellular neuronal networks (CNN) in long-term recordings of a brain electrical activity in epilepsy. - Dávid Bálya, Gergely Tímár, István Szatmári, Csaba Rekeczky:
Efficient off-line feature selection strategies for on-line classifier systems. - Neil Davey, Bruce Christianson, Rod Adams:
High capacity associative memories and small world networks. - Istvan Szita, András Lorincz:
Simple algorithm for recurrent neural networks that can learn sequence completion. - Roberto A. Santiago:
Context discerning multifunction networks: reformulating fixed weight neural networks. - Krzysztof Patan:
Training of the dynamic neural networks via constrained optimisation. - Changyin Sun, Derong Liu
, Chun-Bo Feng:
A new condition for the global robust exponential periodicity of interval neural networks with delays. - Youshen Xia, Jun Wang:
A recurrent neural network for solving variational inequality problems with nonlinear constraints. - Germán Gutiérrez, Inés María Galván, José M. Molina, Araceli Sanchis:
Studying the capacity of cellular encoding to generate feedforward neural network topologies. - Sum-wai Lee, Hung-tat Tsui:
A relational multi-objective genetic algorithm. - Yeboon Yun, Hirotaka Nakayama, Masao Arakawa
Using support vector machines in multi-objective optimization. - Matteo Matteucci, Dario Spadoni:
Bayesian evolution of rich neural networks. - Talib S. Hussain:
Attribute grammar encoding based upon a generic neural markup language: facilitating the design of theoretical neural network models. - Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Sherif Ragab, Sara Mitri:
Co-evolutionary particle swarm optimization applied to the 7×7 Seega game. - Jarkko Ylipaavalniemi, Ricardo Vigário:
Analysis of auditory fMRI recordings via ICA: a study on consistency. - Yannick Deville, Matthieu Puigt, Benoit Albouy:
Time-frequency blind signal separation: extended methods, performance evaluation for speech sources. - Angelo Ciaramella, Enza De Lauro, Salvatore De Martino, Mariarosaria Falanga, Roberto Tagliaferri:
ICA for modelling and generating organ pipes self-sustained tones. - Michele Ceccarelli, Alfredo Petrosino:
Blotch removal in degraded digital video using independent component analysis. - Pascal Chevalier, Laurent Albera, Pierre Comon, Anne Ferréol:
Comparative performance analysis of eight blind source separation methods on radiocommunications signals. - Timo Honkela, Aapo Hyvärinen:
Linguistic feature extraction using independent component analysis. - Bálint Gábor, Zsolt Palotai, András Lorincz:
Value estimation based computer-assisted data mining for surfing the Internet. - Xiuju Fu, Chong Jin Ong, Sathiya Keerthi, Gih Guang Hung, Li Ping Goh:
Extracting the knowledge embedded in support vector machines. - Ji He, Man Lan, Chew Lim Tan, Sam Yuan Sung, Hwee-Boon Low:
Initialization of cluster refinement algorithms: a review and comparative study. - Michel Tesmer, Pablo A. Estévez:
AMIFS: adaptive feature selection by using mutual information. - Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi, Jaime Salazar, Saravanakumar Srinivasan, Sassan Sheedvash:
An adaptable connectionist text retrieval system with relevance feedback. - Marcelo Andrade Teixeira, Gerson Zaverucha:
Fuzzy hidden Markov predictor in electric load forecasting. - Kunihiko Fukushima, Masayuki Kikuchi:
Extracting symmetry axes: a neural network model. - Norifumi Watanabe, Shun Ishizaki:
Neural coding model of perceptual reconstruction using the morphoelectrotonic transform theory. - Faiza Admiraal-Behloul, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt, Luca Ferrarini, Hans Olofsen, Rob J. van der Geest, Johan H. C. Reiber:
A virtual exploring mobile robot for left ventricle contour tracking. - Yasuhiro Takachi, Fumihiko Ishida, Yasuji Sawada:
Influences of target discrimination capability on hand tracking. - Swarup Medasani, Narayan Srinivasa, Yuri Owechko:
Active learning system for object fingerprinting. - Hongwei Zhu, Otman Basir
Connectionist based Dempster-Shafer evidential reasoning for data fusion. - Shiro Usui, Shun-ichi Amari:
Japanese Neuroinformatics Project in Vision and RIKEN Brain Science Institute. - Gary F. Egan:
Neuroinformatics: development of shared neuroscience databases and tools at the Australian National Neuroscience Facility. - Jagath C. Rajapakse, Dipti Srinivasan, Meng Joo Er, Guang-Bin Huang, Lipo Wang:
Excerpts of research in brain sciences and neural networks in Singapore. - Soo-Young Lee:
Korean Brain Neuroinformatics Research Program: the 3rd phase. From biology to artificial systems through mathematical model. - Minoru Tsukuda, Takeshi Yamakawa, Syozo Yasui:
Japan's center-of-excellence program: two COE's for brain science/technology. - Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez:
Challenges and opportunities for analog neural processing in the deep submicron SoC era. - Özgür Türel, Jung Hoon Lee, Xiaolong Ma, Konstantin K. Likharev:
Nanoelectronic neuromorphic networks (CrossNets): new results. - Vladimir Cherkassky, Yunqian Ma:
Comparison of loss functions for linear regression. - Ichiro Takeuchi, Takeshi Furuhashi:
Non-crossing quantile regressions by SVM. - Davide Anguita
, Sandro Ridella, Dario Sterpi:
A new method for multiclass support vector machines. - Tao Ban, Shigeo Abe:
Spatially chunking support vector clustering algorithm. - Enrique Romero, Xavier Carreras, Lluís Màrquez:
Exploiting diversity of margin-based classifiers. - Calvin S. Chu, Ivor W. Tsang, James T. Kwok:
Scaling up support vector data description by using core-sets. - Shaoning Pang:
SVM classification tree algorithm with application to face membership authentication. - Milos Oravec, Jarmila Pavlovicova:
Face recognition methods based on principal component analysis and feedforward neural networks. - Sven F. Crone, Stefan Lessmann, Robert Stahlbock:
Empirical comparison and evaluation of classifier performance for data mining in customer relationship management. - Kiyomi Nakamura, Hironobu Takano, Tsukasa Sakamoto:
Real-time face shape and position recognition by a two-D spreading associative neural network. - Hung-Son Le, Haibo Li:
Face identification system using single hidden Markov model and single sample image per person. - Rolf Eckmiller, Dirk Neumann, Oliver Baruth:
Concerning the mapping of ambiguous retinal output vectors onto unambiguous visual percepts. - Shelley Fried, Tim Kubow, Frank Werblin:
Complex synaptic activation of bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells is elicited with biphasic electrical stimulation. - Benjamin Schrauwen, Jan Van Campenhout
Extending SpikeProp. - Hesham H. Amin, Robert H. Fujii:
Spike train decoding scheme for a spiking neural network. 477-482 - Jeffrey J. Lovelace, Krzysztof J. Cios:
Dual threshold based neural modeling to study systems of spiking neurons. 483-488 - Zsolt Palotai, Gábor Szirtes, András Lorincz:
Emerging evolutionary features in noise driven STDP networks? - Motoharu Yoshida, Hatsuo Hayashi:
Organization of cell assemblies that code temporal sequences in a hippocampal CA3-CA1 model. - John G. Taylor, Nickolaos F. Fragopanagos:
Modelling human attention and emotions. - Nickolaos F. Fragopanagos, John G. Taylor:
The effect of emotional bias in attentional processes. - Sivann Ioannou, Amaryllis Raouzaiou, Kostas Karpouzis, Stefanos D. Kollias:
Adaptation of facial feature extraction and rule generation in emotion-analysis systems. - Kaustubh Chokshi, Christo Panchev
, Stefan Wermter, John G. Taylor:
Knowing what and where: a computational model for visual attention. - Stathis Kasderidis, John G. Taylor:
Attention-based learning. - Xuebin Zheng, Jagath C. Rajapakse:
Graphical models for brain connectivity from functional imaging data. - Anthony Kuh:
Adaptive selective kernel learning algorithms. - József Valyon, Gábor Horváth:
A sparse least squares support vector machine classifier. - Bas J. de Kruif, Theo J. A. de Vries:
Comparison of four support-vector based function approximators. - Fernando Pérez-Cruz, Antonio Artés-Rodríguez:
Speeding up the IRWLS convergence to the SVM solution. - Luc Hoegaerts, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Joos Vandewalle, Bart De Moor:
Primal space sparse kernel partial least squares regression for large scale problems. - Davide Anguita
, Andrea Boni, Alessandro Zorat:
Mapping LSSVM on digital hardware. - Joel Salzmann, Pontus Linderholm, Michel Pâques, Manuel Simonutti, J. A. Chiappore, Avinoam B. Safran, Philippe Renaud, José-Alain Sahel, Serge Picaud:
In vivo evaluations of retinal prostheses. - John Wyatt:
Design of a new subretinal implant for prosthetic vision. - Eberhart Zrenner, V. P. Gabel, Florian Gekeler, R. G. Graf, H. Gruber, H. Hammerle, K. Kohler, W. Nisch, Helmut Sachs, H. Sailer, K. Shinoda, Alfred Stett
, Barbara Wilhelm:
From passive to active subretinal implants, serving as adapting electronic substitution of degenerated photoreceptors. - Yi Chen, Juyang Weng, Xiao Huang:
Object permanence: results from developmental robotics. - Ruei-Cheng Wu, Chin-Teng Lin
, Sheng-Fu Liang, Te-Yi Huang, Yu-Chieh Chen, Tzyy-Ping Jung
Estimating driving performance based on EEG spectrum and fuzzy neural network. - Mark Elshaw, Cornelius Weber, Alexandros Zochios, Stefan Wermter:
An associator network approach to robot learning by imitation through vision, motor control and language. - Juha Raitio, Ricardo Vigário, Jaakko Särelä, Timo Honkela:
Assessing similarity of emergent representations based on unsupervised learning. - Ricardo Chavarriaga, Wulfram Gerstner:
Combining visual and proprioceptive information in a model of spatial learning and navigation. - Matthew Hartley, Neill R. Taylor, John G. Taylor:
Deep sleep: understanding the process of hippocampal playback and plasticity. - Szabolcs Káli
, Tamás F. Freund:
Dendritic processing in hippocampal pyramidal cells and its modulation by inhibitory interneurons. - Erik A. Fransen:
Functional role of entorhinal cortex in working memory and information processing of the medial temporal lobe. - Ole Jensen:
Computing with oscillations by phase encoding and decoding. - Edmund T. Rolls, Simon M. Stringer:
Neurophysiology of the primate hippocampus leading to a model of its functions in episodic and spatial memory. - Naoyuki Sato, Yoko Yamaguchi:
Memory encoding of object relocation in a hierarchical associative network with theta phase coding. - Bruce L. McNaughton, Alejandro Terrazas, Carol A. Barnes, Francesco P. Battaglia:
An hypothesis on the origin of variable spatial scaling along the septo-temporal axis of the rodent hippocampus. - Michael Hähnel, Daniel Klünder, Karl-Friedrich Kraiss:
Color and texture features for person recognition. - Marcelo B. de Almeida, Marcilio C. P. de Souto, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir:
Comparative study of connectionist techniques for implementing the pattern recognition system of an artificial nose. - Yi Sun, Timothy S. Butler, Alex Shafarenko, Rod Adams, Martin J. Loomes, Neil Davey:
Segmenting handwritten text using supervised classification techniques. - Kou-Yuan Huang, Yi-Hsian Chao:
Neural network and tree automaton for seismic pattern recognition. - György Hévízi, Mihály Biczó, Barnabás Póczos, Zoltán Szabó, Bálint Takács, András Lörincz:
Hidden Markov model finds behavioral patterns of users working with a headmouse driven writing tool. - Cleber Zanchettin
, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir:
Evolving fuzzy neural networks applied to odor recognition in an artificial nose. - Gábor Horváth:
Kernel CMAC with improved capability. - Mark J. Embrechts:
Direct kernel least-squares support vector machines with heuristic regularization. - Daisuke Tsujinishi, Yoshiaki Koshiba, Shigeo Abe
Why pairwise is better than one-against-all or all-at-once. - Kristiaan Pelckmans, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Bart De Moor:
Regularization constants in LS-SVMs: a fast estimate via convex optimization. - Amaury Lendasse, Vincent Wertz, Geoffroy Simon, Michel Verleysen:
Fast bootstrap applied to LS-SVM for long term prediction of time series. - Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano:
Support conformal vector machines with optimal Bayes point. - Heesung Kwon, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Kernel-based subpixel target detection in hyperspectral images. - Fatih Camci, Ratna Babu Chinnam:
Non-stationary data domain description using weighted support vector novelty detector. - Sheng-Yu Sun, Chih-Lung Tseng, Y. H. Chen, S. C. Chuang, Hsin-Chia Fu:
Cluster-based support vector machines in text-independent speaker identification. - Bao-Liang Lu, Kai-An Wang, Masao Utiyama, Hitoshi Isahara:
A part-versus-part method for massively parallel training of support vector machines. - Dimitri Nowicki, Oleksiy Dekhtyarenko:
Kernel-based associative memory. - Youichi Kobuchi, Masataka Tanoue:
Learning and forgetting - how they should be balanced in SOM algorithm. - Nikolaos Ampazis, Helen Iakovaki:
Cross-language information retrieval using latent semantic indexing and self-organizing maps. - Cristián J. Figueroa, Pablo A. Estévez:
A new visualization scheme for self-organizing neural networks. - Farida Zehraoui, Younès Bennani:
M-SOM: matricial self organizing map for sequence clustering and classification. - Susan B. Garavaglia:
Generational trends in obesity in the United States: analysis with a wavelet coefficient self-organizing map. - Banchar Arnonkijpanich, Chidchanok Lursinsap:
Adaptive second order self-organizing mapping for 2D pattern representation. - Mu-Chun Su, Yu-Xiang Zhao, Jonathan Lee:
SOM-based optimization. - Laurentiu Hetel, Jean-Luc Buessler, Jean-Philippe Urban:
Superposition-based order analysis in self-organizing maps. - Rolf Schatten, Nils Goerke, Rolf Eckmiller:
Regional and online learnable fields. - Saichon Jaiyen, Chidchanok Lursinsap:
Non-Euclidean self-organizing classification using natural manifold distance. - Agostinho de Medeiros Brito Júnior, Adrião Duarte Dória Neto, Jorge Dantas de Melo:
Surface reconstruction using neural networks and adaptive geometry meshes. - Árpád Barsi:
Generalization of topology preserving maps: a graph approach. - Paris A. Mastorocostas, John B. Theocharis:
On stable learning of block-diagonal recurrent neural networks, Part 1: the RENNCOM algorithm. 815-820 - Paris A. Mastorocostas, John B. Theocharis:
On stable learning of block-diagonal recurrent neural networks, part 2: application to the analysis of lung sounds. 821-826 - Changyin Sun, Dequan Li
, Liangzheng Xia, Chun-Bo Feng:
On global exponential periodicity of dynamical neural systems. 827-830 - Luiz Biondi Neto, Pedro Henrique Gouvêa Coelho, João Carlos Correia Baptista Soares de Mello
, Lidia Angulo Meza, Maria Luiza F. Velloso:
Flow estimation using an Elman networks. 831-836 - Ferid Bajramovic, Christian Gruber, Bernhard Sick
A comparison of first- and second-order training algorithms for dynamic neural networks. 837-842 - Jochen J. Steil:
Backpropagation-decorrelation: online recurrent learning with O(N) complexity. 843-848 - Yen-Ping Chen, Jeen-Shing Wang:
A novel recurrent neural network with minimal representation for dynamic system identification. 849-854 - Luis Weruaga:
Active training on the CMAC neural network. 855-860 - Chih-Ming Chen
, Chin-Ming Hong, Yung-Feng Lu:
A pruning structure of self-organizing HCMAC neural network classifier. 861-866 - Hung-Ching Lu, Ted Tao:
The treatment of image boundary effects in CMAC networks. 867-872 - Hung-Ching Lu, Jui-Chi Chang:
Integrated structure design for CMAC-based fuzzy logic controller. 873-878 - Chih-Min Lin, Yu-Ju Liu, Chiu-Hsiung Chen, Li-Yang Chen:
Fault accommodation for nonlinear systems using cerebellar model articulation controller. 879-883 - Ya-Fu Peng, Chih-Min Lin, Wei-Laing Chin:
Adaptive recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller for unknown dynamic systems with optimal learning-rates. 885-890 - Hiromi Miyajima, Noritaka Shigei, Yasuo Hamakawa:
Higher order differential correlation associative memory of sequential patterns. 891-896 - Masahiro Nakagawa:
Chaos associative memory model. 897-902 - Satoshi Kosuge, Yuko Osana:
Chaotic associative memory using distributed patterns for image retrieval by shape information. 903-908 - Boris V. Kryzhanovsky
, Leonid B. Litinskii, Andrey L. Mikaelian:
Vector-neuron models of associative memory. 909-914 - Gerhard X. Ritter, Laurentiu Iancu:
A morphological auto-associative memory based on dendritic computing. 915-920 - Masaharu Adachi:
Influence of parameter deviations in an associative chaotic neural network. 921-924 - Marcos Eduardo Valle
, Peter Sussner, Fernando Gomide:
Introduction to implicative fuzzy associative memories. 925-930 - Pawel Matykiewicz:
Properties of a chaotic network separating memory patterns. 931-935 - Clayton Silva Oliveira, Emílio Del Moral Hernandez:
Forms of adapting patterns to Hopfield neural networks with larger number of nodes and higher storage capacity. 937-942 - Zhigang Zeng, De-Shuang Huang:
Pattern memory and acquisition based on stability of cellular neural networks. 943-947 - Richard Stuart Neville:
Second-order generalization. 949-954 - David Elizondo:
Searching for linearly separable subsets using the class of linear separability method. 955-959 - Yan Jiang, Qing He, Tiaosheng Tong, Werner Dilger:
The application of OBE to neural networks. 961-966 - Martin Anthony
On learning a function of perceptrons. 967-972 - Leonardo Franco
, Martin Anthony
On a generalization complexity measure for Boolean functions. 973-978 - Michael Rimer, Tony R. Martinez:
Softprop: softmax neural network backpropagation learning. 979-983 - Guang-Bin Huang
, Qin-Yu Zhu, Chee Kheong Siew:
Extreme learning machine: a new learning scheme of feedforward neural networks. 985-990 - Lee A. Feldkamp, Danil V. Prokhorov
, Charles F. Eagen:
Multiple-start directed search for improved NN solution. 991-996 - Katsuyuko Hagiwara, Kenji Fukumizu
Over-fitting behavior of Gaussian unit under Gaussian noise. 997-1002 - Brijnesh J. Jain, Fritz Wysotzki:
Multi-layer perceptron learning in the domain of attributed graphs. 1003-1008 - Elisa Guerrero Vázquez
, Pedro L. Galindo
, Joaquín Pizarro Junquera
, Andrés Yáñez Escolano
Model selection methods in multilayer perceptrons. 1009-1014 - Xun Liang, Long Ma:
A study of removing hidden neurons in cascade-correlation neural networks. 1015-1020 - Alessandro Goedtel
, Ivan Nunes da Silva
, Paulo Jose Amaral Semi:
An alternative approach to solve convergence problems in the backpropagation algorithm. 1021-1026 - Xifan Yao, Shengda Wang, Shaoqiang Dong:
Approximation of interval models by neural networks. 1027-1032 - Sin Chun Ng
, Chi-Chung Cheung, Shu-Hung Leung
Deterministic weight modification algorithm for efficient learning. 1033-1038 - Takashi Yamashita, Kotaro Hirasawa, Jinglu Hu:
Multi-branch structure and its localized property in layered neural networks. 1039-1044 - Haruhiko Takase, Hidehiko Kita, Terumine Hayashi:
A study on the simple penalty term to the error function from the viewpoint of fault tolerant training. 1045-1050 - Tetsuro Kawai, Ryohei Nakano:
Threshold-based multi-thread EM algorithm. 1051-1056 - Michael Muhlbaier, Apostolos Topalis, Robi Polikar
Incremental learning from unbalanced data. 1057-1062 - Yiannis G. Petalas, Michael N. Vrahatis:
Parallel tangent methods with variable stepsize. 1063-1066 - Aristoklis D. Anastasiadis, George D. Magoulas
Nonextensive entropy and regularization for adaptive learning. 1067-1072 - Mu-Chun Su, Yuan-Shao Yang, Chien-Hsing Chou, Eugene Lai, Min-Nan Hsiao:
An on-line learning neuro-fuzzy system based on artificial immune systems. 1073-1078 - Eiji Mizutani, Stuart E. Dreyfus:
Two stochastic dynamic programming problems by model-free actor-critic recurrent-network learning in non-Markovian settings. 1079-1084 - Khan M. Iftekharuddin, Taufiq Widjanarko
Reinforcement learning in multiresolution object recognition. 1085-1090 - Pawel Wawrzynski
, Andrzej Pacut:
Model-free off-policy reinforcement learning in continuous environment. 1091-1096 - Ville Könönen, Erkki Oja:
Asymmetric multiagent reinforcement learning in pricing applications. 1097-1102 - Hailin Li, Cihan H. Dagli, David Enke:
Forecasting series-based stock price data using direct reinforcement learning. 1103-1108 - Yasuhiro Wada
, Keiichi Sumita:
A reinforcement learning scheme for acquisition of via-point representation of human motion. 1109-1114 - Hisashi Handa
State space construction of reinforcement learning agents based upon anticipated sensory changes. 1115-1120 - Nancy Fulda, Dan Ventura:
Incremental policy learning: an equilibrium selection algorithm for reinforcement learning agents with common interests. 1121-1125 - Kagan Tumer, Adrian K. Agogino:
Overcoming communication restrictions in collectives. 1127-1132 - Chi-Kin Chow, Hung-Tat Tsui:
Response knowledge learning of autonomous agent. 1133-1136 - Kazuyuki Hara, Masato Okada:
Online learning theory of ensemble learning using linear perceptrons. 1139-1143 - Mercedes Fernández-Redondo, Carlos Hernández-Espinosa, Joaquín Torres-Sospedra
Hyperspectral image classification by ensembles of multilayer feedforward networks. 1145-1149 - Seiji Miyoshi, Kazuyuki Hara, Masato Okada:
Analysis of ensemble learning using simple perceptrons based on online learning theory. 1151-1156 - Rozita A. Dara, Mohamed Kamel:
Sharing training patterns in neural network ensembles. 1157-1161 - Dimitri P. Solomatine, Durga Lal Shrestha:
AdaBoost.RT: a boosting algorithm for regression problems. 1163-1168 - Nicolas Gilardi, Abdelaziz Faraj:
Design of experiments by committee of neural networks. 1169-1172 - Dimitri P. Solomatine, Michael Baskara L. A. Siek:
Semi-optimal hierarchical regression models and ANNs. 1173-1177 - Guang-Zheng Zhang, De-Shuang Huang:
Aligning multiple protein sequence by an improved genetic algorithm. 1179-1183 - Xin Huang, De-Shuang Huang, Hong-Qiang Wang, Xing-Ming Zhao:
Representation of DNA sequences with multiple resolutions and BP neural network based classification. 1185-1189 - Carla S. Möller-Levet, Kwang-Hyun Cho, Hujun Yin
, Olaf Wolkenhauer
Modelling gene expression time-series with radial basis function neural networks. 1191-1195 - Shaoning Pang
, Nikola K. Kasabov
Inductive vs transductive inference, global vs local models: SVM, TSVM, and SVMT for gene expression classification problems. 1197-1202 - Nikola K. Kasabov
, Lubica Benuskova, Simei Gomes Wysoski:
Computational neurogenetic modelling: gene networks within neural networks. 1203-1208 - Kenji Nakayama, Akihiro Hirano, Ken-ichi Fukumura:
On generalization of multilayer neural network applied to predicting protein secondary structure. 1209-1213 - Rui Xu, Xiao Hu, Donald C. Wunsch II:
Inference of genetic regulatory networks from time series gene expression data. 1215-1220 - Somnath S. Shahapurkar, Malur K. Sundareshan:
Comparison of self-organizing map with K-means hierarchical clustering for bioinformatics applications. 1221-1226 - Béla Csukás, Gyöngyi Bánkuti:
Generic bi-layered net of the "functional nodes" in process modeling. 1227-1232 - Tshilidzi Marwala, Monica Lagazio:
Modeling and controlling interstate conflict. 1233-1238 - Rong-Jong Wai, Jeng-Dao Lee, Kuo-Ho Su:
Supervisory enhanced genetic algorithm control for indirect field-oriented induction motor drive. 1239-1244 - Dingguo Zhang, Kuanyi Zhu:
Neural network control for leg rhythmic movements via functional electrical stimulation. 1245-1248 - Martin Alayon, Doris Sáez, Ricardo Veiga:
Comparative analysis of neural predictive controllers and its application to a laboratory tank system. 1249-1254 - Shaocheng Tong, Yan Shi:
Observer-based adaptive neural control for nonlinear systems. 1255-1260 - Wen-Shyong Yu:
A direct adaptive neural control for MIMO nonlinear systems with output delays. 1261-1266 - Dionisio A. Suárez Cerda:
Neural-network-based approximate predictive control for the start-up of a steam generator. 1267-1272 - Ikulo Nishikawa:
Dynamics of oscillator network and its application to offset control of traffic signals. 1273-1277 - Pedro G. DeLima, Gary G. Yen
Addressing to online adaptive controller malfunction in fault tolerant control. 1279-1284 - Ahmed Hussein, Kotaro Hirasawa, Jinglu Hu:
Stability analysis of a DC motor system using universal learning networks. 1285-1290 - Wen Yu, Marco Antonio Moreno-Armendáriz
, Eduardo Gómez-Ramírez
Modelling of gasoline blending via discrete-time neural networks. 1291-1296 - Mehmet Kerem Müezzinoglu, Jacek M. Zurada:
Projection-based gradient descent training of radial basis function networks. 1297-1302 - Zhong-Qiu Zhao, De-Shuang Huang, Lin Guo:
A novel clustering-neural tree for pattern classification. 1303-1308 - Tony Jan
Neural network based threat assessment for automated visual surveillance. 1309-1312 - Ali Ahmadi, Sigeru Omatu, Toshihisa Kosaka:
Improvement of the reliability of bank note classifier machines. 1313-1316 - Bancha Charumporn, Sigeru Omatu, Michifumi Yoshioka, Toru Fujinaka, Toshihisa Kosaka:
Fire detection systems by compact electronic nose systems using metal oxide gas sensors. 1317-1320 - Ashit Talukder, Tanwir Sheikh, Lavanya Chandramouli:
Real-time intelligent pattern recognition, resource management and control under constrained resources for distributed sensor networks. 1321-1326 - Xinchuan Zeng, Tony R. Martinez:
Feature weighting using neural networks. 1327-1330 - Joshua E. Menke, Tony R. Martinez:
Using permutations instead of student's t distribution for p-values in paired-difference algorithm comparisons. 1331-1335 - Brijesh K. Verma
, Jenny Lu, Moumita Ghosh, Ranadhir Ghosh:
A feature extraction technique for online handwriting recognition. 1337-1341 - Zehra Cataltepe, Thomas Pearson, A. Enis Çetin
Fast insect damage detection in wheat kernels using transmittance images. 1343-1346 - Fei Wu, Yonglei Zhou, Changshui Zhang:
Self-enhanced relevant component analysis with side-information and unlabeled data. 1347-1351 - Daqi Gao, Qin Miao, Guiping Nie:
Simultaneous estimation of odor classes and concentrations using an electronic nose. 1353-1358 - Takashi Onoda, Hiroshi Murata, Seiji Yamada:
Relevance feedback document retrieval using support vector machines. 1359-1364 - Arnulfo P. Azcarraga, Ming-Huei Hsieh, Shan-Ling Pan
, Rudy Setiono:
Knowledge acquisition and revision via neural networks. 1365-1370 - Mohammed Attik, Laurent Bougrain, Frédéric Alexandre:
Optimal brain surgeon variants for feature selection. 1371-1374 - Vincent Lemaire, Fabrice Clérot:
An input variable importance definition based on empirical data probability and its use in variable selection. 1375-1380 - Di Wang, Narendra S. Chaudhari
, Jagdish C. Patra
A constructive unsupervised learning algorithm for clustering binary patterns. 1381-1385 - Paulemir G. Campos, Eleonora Ma. Jesus Oliveira, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Aluízio F. R. Araújo:
MLP networks for classification and prediction with rule extraction mechanism. 1387-1392 - Chrysovalantis Christodoulou, Silas C. Michaelides
, Marco Gabella, Constantinos S. Pattichis
Prediction of rainfall rate based on weather radar measurements. 1393-1396 - Kazumi Saito, Ryohei Nakano:
Extracting characteristic words of text using neural networks. 1397-1402 - Jean-Philippe Thivierge, Frédéric Dandurand, Thomas R. Shultz:
Transferring domain rules in a constructive network: introducing RBCC. 1403-1408 - Erich Schikuta
, Thomas Weishäupl:
N2Grid: neural networks in the grid. 1409-1414 - Wlodzislaw Duch
, Tadeusz Wieczorek, Jacek Biesiada
, Marcin Blachnik
Comparison of feature ranking methods based on information entropy. 1415-1419 - Angel Cataron, Razvan Andonie
Energy generalized LVQ with relevance factors. 1421-1426 - Jiun-Kai Wang, Jeen-Shing Wang:
A self-regulating clustering algorithm for identification of minimal cluster configuration. 1427-1432 - Qinzhen Xu, Qiangfu Zhao, Wenjiang Pei, Luxi Yang, Zhenya He:
Design interpretable neural network trees through self-organized learning of features. 1433-1437 - Rasmus Elsborg Madsen, Sigurdur Sigurdsson, Lars Kai Hansen, Jan Larsen:
Pruning the vocabulary for better context recognition. 1439-1444 - An Zeng, Qilun Zheng, Dan Pan, Hong Peng:
An approach for generalizing knowledge based on rules with priority orders. 1445-1449 - Zsolt Palotai, Sándor Mandusitz, András Lorincz
Distributed mining of the Internet for novel news: evolutionary community of news foragers. 1451-1456 - João Luís Garcia Rosa, Alberione Braz da Silva:
Thematic role assignment through a biologically plausible symbolic-connectionist hybrid system. 1457-1462 - Takafumi Sasakawa, Jinglu Hu, Kotaro Hirasawa:
Self-organized function localization neural network. 1463-1468 - Simona Doboli
, Ali A. Minai
Using latent attractors to discern temporal order. 1469-1474 - Ryosuke Hosaka, Tohru Ikeguchi, Hikoichiro Nakamura, Osamu Araki:
Information transformation from a spatiotemporal pattern to synchrony through STDP network. 1475-1480 - Milan Majtanik, Kevin Dolan, Peter A. Tass:
Desynchronization in networks of globally coupled neurons: effects of inertia. 1481-1486 - Zoltán Somogyvári
, Gábor Borbáth, László Zalányi, István Ulbert
, Péter Érdi:
Electrode-cell distance estimation method, based on spatial potential patterns of spiking cells. 1487-1491 - Michael E. Hasselmo
Hippocampal and prefrontal cortical mechanisms for goal-directed and memory-guided behavior. 1493-1498 - Jean-Paul Banquet, Yves Burnod, Philippe Gaussier, Mathias Quoy, Arnaud Revel:
Spatial representation versus navigation through hippocampal, prefrontal and ganglio-basal loops. 1499-1504 - Anke Meyer-Bäse
, Sergei S. Pilyugin
, Axel Wismüller:
Stability analysis of a self-organizing neural network with feedforward and feedback dynamics. 1505-1509 - Roman Ilin, Robert Kozma
, Walter J. Freeman:
Studies on the conditions of limit cycle oscillations in the K2 models of neural populations. 1511-1516 - Sangeeta Muthu, Robert Kozma, Walter J. Freeman:
Applying KIV dynamic neural network model for real time navigation by mobile robot EMMA. 1517-1522 - Peter Andras:
Neural communication systems. 1523-1528 - Katsumi Tateno, Takahiro Hashimoto, Satoru Ishizuka, Koushi Nakashima, Hatsuo Hayashi:
Theta rhythm selection of a dentate gyrus network model. 1529-1532 - Emílio Del Moral Hernandez, Leandro Augusto da Silva:
A new hybrid neural architecture (MLP+RPE) for hetero association: multi layer perceptron and coupled recursive processing elements neural networks. 1533-1538 - Makoto Hirahara, Naoki Fukushima, Takashi Nagano:
Segregation of motion aftereffect following adaptation to transparent motion. 1539-1543 - Sin Wee Lee
, Dominic Palmer-Brown, Chris M. Roadknight
Reinforced snap-drift learning for proxylet selection in active computer networks. 1545-1550 - Stevan M. Berber
, Vojislav Kecman:
Convolutional decoders based on artificial neural networks. 1551-1556 - Nataliia Kussul
, Serhiy Skakun
Neural network approach for user activity monitoring in computer networks. 1557-1561 - Alexander Hofmann, Timo Horeis, Bernhard Sick:
Feature selection for intrusion detection: an evolutionary wrapper approach. 1563-1568 - Lília de Sá Silva, Adriana Cristina Ferrari dos Santos, Jose Deminsio S. da Silva, Antonio Montes:
A neural network application for attack detection in computer networks. 1569-1574 - Chulhee Lee, Jinwook Go, Byungjoon Baek:
Feature extraction for neural network equalizers trained with multi-gradient. 1575-1578 - Seong G. Kong:
Time series prediction with evolvable block-based neural networks. 1579-1583 - Fausto Acernese, Antonio Eleuteri, Leopoldo Milano, Roberto Tagliaferri
A hierarchical Bayesian learning scheme for autoregressive neural networks: application to the CATS benchmark. 1585-1590 - Shuichi Kurogi, Takasama Ueno, Miho Sawa:
Batch learning competitive associative net and its application to time series prediction. 1591-1596 - Yen-Ping Chen, Sheng-Nan Wu, Jeen-Shing Wang:
A hybrid predictor for time series prediction. 1597-1602 - Luis Javier Herrera, Héctor Pomares
, Ignacio Rojas, Jesús González
, Mohammed Awad
, Ana Herrera:
Multigrid-based fuzzy systems for time series prediction: CATS competition. 1603-1608 - Robert Kozma
, Igor Beliaev:
Time series prediction using chaotic neural networks: case study of IJCNN CATS benchmark test. 1609-1613 - Simo Särkkä, Aki Vehtari
, Jouko Lampinen:
Time series prediction by Kalman smoother with cross-validated noise density. 1615-1619 - François E. Cellier, Àngela Nebot
Multi-resolution time-series prediction using fuzzy inductive reasoning. 1621-1624 - Jörg D. Wichard, Maciej Ogorzalek
Time series prediction with ensemble models. 1625-1630 - Pablo F. Verdes, Pablo M. Granitto
, María I. Széliga, Alejandro Rébola, H. Alejandro Ceccatto:
Prediction of the CATS benchmark exploiting time-reversal symmetry. 1631-1634 - Geoffroy Simon, John Aldo Lee
, Michel Verleysen, Marie Cottrell:
Double quantization forecasting method for filling missing data in the CATS time series. 1635-1640 - Xiao Hu, Donald C. Wunsch II:
Time series prediction with a weighted bidirectional multi-stream extended Kalman filter. 1641-1645 - Xindi Cai, Nian Zhang, Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy
, Donald C. Wunsch II:
Time series prediction with recurrent neural networks using a hybrid PSO-EA algorithm. 1647-1652 - Simo Särkkä, Aki Vehtari, Jouko Lampinen:
Time series prediction by Kalman smoother with cross-validated noise density. 1653-1657 - Theodore W. Berger:
Implantable biomimetic microelectronics for the replacement of hippocampal memory function lost due to damage or disease. 1659 - Andrew G. Barto:
Reinforcement learning in the real world. 1661 - Dragoljub Pokrajac, Aleksandar Lazarevic, Teresa Singleton, Zoran Obradovic:
Localized neural network based distributional learning for knowledge discovery in protein databases. 1663-1668 - Zeke S. H. Chan, Nikola K. Kasabov
Gene trajectory clustering with a hybrid genetic algorithm and expectation maximization method. 1669-1674 - Hong-Qiang Wang, Deshuang Huang, Guang-Zheng Zhang, Xing-Ming Zhao:
A feature_core and SVM-based algorithm for identification of bioprocess-specific genome features. 1675-1679 - Bing Liu, Chunru Wan, Lipo Wang
Unsupervised gene selection via spectral biclustering. 1681-1686 - Guang-Zheng Zhang, De-Shuang Huang:
Combing genetic algorithm with neural network technique for protein inter-residue spatial distance prediction. 1687-1691 - Christian Igel, Jutta Gebert, Thomas Wiebringhaus:
Protein fold class prediction using neural networks with tailored early-stopping. 1693-1697 - John V. Arthur, Kwabena Boahen:
Recurrently connected silicon neurons with active dendrites for one-shot learning. 1699-1704 - Yunbin Deng, Shantanu Chakrabartty, Gert Cauwenberghs
Analog auditory perception model for robust speech recognition. 1705-1709 - Johannes Schemmel
, Karlheinz Meier, Eilif Mueller:
A new VLSI model of neural microcircuits including spike time dependent plasticity. 1711-1716 - Yoshihiko Horio, Takahide Okuno, Koji Mori:
Mixed analog/digital chaotic neuro-computer prototype: 400-neuron dynamical associative memory. 1717-1722 - Patrice Fleury, Hsin Chen, Alan F. Murray:
On-chip contrastive divergence learning in analogue VLSI. 1723-1728 - Mitra Mirhassani, Majid Ahmadi, William C. Miller:
A new mixed-signal feed-forward neural network with on-chip learning. 1729-1734 - DeLiang Wang:
A comparison of CNN and LEGION networks. 1735-1740 - Bertram E. Shi:
A CNN model of multi-dimensional stimulus selectivity in primary visual cortex. 1741-1746 - Daryl R. Kipke:
Implantable probe systems for cortical neuroprostheses. 1747 - Armand R. Tanguay Jr., B. Keith Jenkins, Christoph von der Malsburg, Bartlett Mel, J. O'Brien, I. Biederman, A. Madhukar:
Vertically-integrated photonic multichip module architecture for vision applications. 1749 - Chiu Hung Luk, Changjian Gao, Dan Hammerstrom, Misha Pavel, Dick Kerr:
Biologically inspired enhanced vision system (EVS) for aircraft landing guidance. 1751-1756 - Sergi Bermúdez i Badia, Paul F. M. J. Verschure:
A collision avoidance model based on the Lobula giant movement detector (LGMD) neuron of the locust. 1757-1761 - Csaba Rekeczky, Gergely Tímár, Dávid Bálya, István Szatmári, Ákos Zarándy:
Topographic and non-topographic neural network based computational platform for UAV applications. 1763-1768 - Hiroaki Nakanishi, Koichi Inoue:
Robust control system design by use of neural networks and its application to UAV flight control. 1769-1774 - Jigang Wang, Predrag Neskovic, Leon N. Cooper:
Context-based tracking of object features. 1775-1779 - Jih-Gau Juang, Kuo-Chih Chin:
Intelligent landing control based on neural-fuzzy-GA hybrid system. 1781-1786 - Vladimir G. Red'ko, Danil V. Prokhorov
, Mikhail S. Burtsev
Theory of functional systems, adaptive critics and neural networks. 1787-1792 - Ville Könönen:
Hybrid model for multiagent reinforcement learning. 1793-1798 - Thomas Hanselmann, Anthony Zaknich, Lyle Noakes, Andrey Savkin:
A hybrid dynamical system with robust switching control by action dependent heuristic dynamic programming. 1799-1804 - Shari A. Matzner, Thaddeus T. Shannon
, George G. Lendaris:
Learning with binary-valued utility using derivative adaptive critic methods. 1805-1810 - Kai Gersmann, Barbara Hammer
A reinforcement learning algorithm to improve scheduling search heuristics with the SVM. 1811-1816 - Junichiro Yoshimoto
, Shin Ishii
A solving method for MDPs by minimizing variational free energy. 1817-1822 - Wenxin Liu
, Jagannathan Sarangapani, Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy
, Donald C. Wunsch II, Mariesa L. Crow
Neural network stabilizing control of single machine power system with control limits. 1823-1828 - Angelica Calu, Claudia Lidia Badea-Simionescu:
Adaptive critic network for prey-predator systems. 1829-1833 - Hongping Chen, Kotaro Hirasawa, Jinglu Hu:
Robust feedback error learning method for controller design of nonlinear systems. 1835-1840 - Edgar N. Sánchez, Luis J. Ricalde, Reza Langari, Danial Shahmirzadi:
Recurrent neural control for rollover prevention on heavy vehicles. 1841-1846 - Chengyi Guo, Qing Song, Wenjian Cai:
Real-time control of variable air volume system based on a robust neural network assisted PI controller. 1847-1852 - Jian-Xin Xu, Rui Yan:
An adaptive learning control approach based on constructive function approximation. 1853-1858 - Danko Brezak, Toma Udiljak, Kristijan Mihoci, Dubravko Majetic, Branko Novakovic, Josip Kasac
Tool wear monitoring using radial basis function neural network. 1859-1862 - Rami Rautkorpi, Jukka Iivarinen:
Content-based image retrieval of Web surface defects with PicSOM. 1863-1867 - Maria J. Fuente
, Eduardo Moya, Carlos Alvarez, Gregorio I. Sainz
Fault detection and isolation based on hybrid modelling in an AC motor. 1869-1874 - Sergey N. Baranov:
On the approach to synthesis of forecasting Markov networks. 1875-1880 - Carl-Henrik Grunditz, Martin Walder, Lambert Spaanenburg:
Constructing a neural system for surface inspection. 1881-1886 - Li Shi, Nariman Sepehri:
Fault diagnosis of pneumatic actuator using adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system models and a learning vector quantization neural network. 1887-1892 - Thomas Voegtlin:
Recursive PCA and the structure of time series. 1893-1897 - Alessio Ceroni, Paolo Frasconi:
On the role of long-range dependencies in learning protein secondary structure. 1899-1904 - Marco Cuturi, Jean-Philippe Vert
A mutual information kernel for sequences. 1905-1910 - Monica Bianchini
, Marco Maggini, Lorenzo Sarti, Franco Scarselli
Recursive neural networks for object detection. 1911-1915 - Luca Nicotra, Alessio Micheli
, Antonina Starita:
Fisher kernel for tree structured data. 1917-1922 - Markus Hagenbuchner, Ah Chung Tsoi
A supervised self-organizing map for structures. 1923-1928 - Ioannis K. Valavanis, Stavroula G. Mougiakakou, Konstantina S. Nikita
, Alexandra Nikita:
Computer aided diagnosis of CT focal liver lesions by an ensemble of neural network and statistical classifiers. 1929-1934 - Yanfeng Hou, Jacek M. Zurada, Waldemar Karwowski
Prediction of EMG signals of trunk muscles in manual lifting using a neural network model. 1935-1940 - Markus Reischl
, Lutz Gröll, Ralf Mikut
Optimized classification of multiclass problems applied to EMG-control of hand prostheses. 1941-1946 - Anke Meyer-Bäse
, Fabian J. Theis
, Oliver Lange, Axel Wismüller:
Clustering of dependent components: a new paradigm for fMRI signal detection. 1947-1951 - Aize Cao, Qing Song, Xulei Yang, Sheng Liu, Chengyi Guo:
Mammographic mass detection by vicinal support vector machine. 1953-1958 - Kurt Stadlthanner, Elmar Wolfgang Lang, Peter Gruber, Fabian J. Theis
, Ana Maria Tomé
, Ana Rita Teixeira
, Carlos García Puntonet
Kernel-PCA denoising of artifact-free protein NMR spectra. 1959-1964 - Alexandre Schmid
, Yusuf Leblebici:
Fault-tolerant PLA-style circuit design for failure-prone nanometer CMOS and quantum device technologies. 1965-1969 - Sarit Barhen, Vladimir A. Protopopescu, Jack Wells
, Neena Imam, Jacob Barhen:
Emergence of computational chaos in asynchronous neurocomputing. 1971-1976 - Peter M. Kelly, T. M. McGinnity
, Liam P. Maguire
Architectural requirements for threshold logic gates based on resonant tunneling devices. 1977-1981 - Snorre Aunet, Bengt Oelmann, Suliman Abdalla, Yngvar Berg:
Reconfigurable subthreshold CMOS perceptron. 1983-1988 - John G. Taylor:
CHIMERA: creating a new generation chip by brain guidance. 1989-1994 - Jabulani Nyathi, Valeriu Beiu
, Suryanarayana Tatapudi, David J. Betowski:
A charge recycling differential noise immune perceptron. 1995-2000 - Daniel T. H. Lai, Nallasamy Mani, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
A new momentum minimization decomposition method for support vector machines. 2001-2006 - Jianguo Lee, Changshui Zhang, Zhaoqi Bian:
Learning probabilistic kernel feature subspace with side-information for classification. 2007-2012 - Bing-Yu Sun, De-Shuang Huang:
Least squares support vector machine ensemble. 2013-2016 - Elsa M. Jordaan, Guido Smits:
Robust outlier detection using SVM regression. 2017-2022 - Davide Anguita
, Sandro Ridella, Fabio Rivieccio, Rodolfo Zunino:
Unsupervised clustering and the capacity of support vector machines. 2023-2028 - Ignacio Santamaría
, Javier Vía, Javier Merino:
SVM-based blind beamforming of constant modulus signals. 2029-2033 - Peng-Wei Chen, Jung-Ying Wang, Hahn-Ming Lee:
Model selection of SVMs using GA approach. 2035-2040 - Holger Fröhlich
, Andreas Zell:
Feature subset selection for support vector machines by incremental regularized risk minimization. 2041-2045 - Chin-Ming Chen, Hahn-Ming Lee, Ming-Tyan Kao:
Multi-class SVM with negative data selection for Web page classification. 2047-2052 - Huseyin Ince, Theodore B. Trafalis
Kernel principal component analysis and support vector machines for stock price prediction. 2053-2058 - Davide Artguita
, Sandro Ridella
, Silvia Amerio, Ignazio Lazzizzera
Model selection in top quark tagging with a support vector classifier. 2059-2064 - Thomas Martinetz:
MaxMinOver: a simple incremental learning procedure for support vector classification. 2065-2070 - Peter Gruber, Fabian J. Theis
, Kurt Stadlthanner, Elmar Wolfgang Lang, Ana Maria Tomé
, Ana Rita Teixeira
Denoising using local ICA and kernel-PCA. 2071-2076 - Sitao Wu, Tommy W. S. Chow:
Intelligent machine fault detection using SOM based RBF neural networks. 2077-2082 - Leandro Nunes de Castro, Eduardo R. Hruschka, Ricardo J. G. B. Campello:
An evolutionary clustering technique with local search to design RBF neural network classifiers. 2083-2088 - Cheng-Jian Lin, Chuan-Chan Shih, Po-Yuch Chen:
A nonlinear time-varying channel equalizer using self-organizing wavelet neural networks. 2089-2094 - Qun Song, Nikola K. Kasabov
WDN-RBF: weighted data normalization for radial basic function type neural networks. 2095-2098 - Eraldo Pomponi, Stefano Squartini
, Francesco Piazza:
An approach employing signal sparse representation in wavelet domain for underdetermined blind source separation. 2099-2104 - Hossein Mobahi, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi
Peak stick RBF network for online system identification. 2105-2110 - Daqi Gao, Ji Yan, Changwu Li:
Frequency domain analysis based RBF networks and their applications to function approximations. 2111-2116 - Gautham S. Chundi, Michael Lloyd-Hart, Malur K. Sundareshan:
Training multilayer perceptron and radial basis function neural networks for wavefront sensing and restoration of turbulence-degraded imagery. 2117-2122 - Adriano Lorena Inacio de Oliveira
, Fernando Buarque de Lima Neto
, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira:
Improving novelty detection in short time series through RBF-DDA parameter adjustment. 2123-2128 - Yasuo Matsuyama, Hiroaki Kataoka, Naoto Katsumata, Keita Shimoda:
ICA photographic encoding gear: image bases towards IPEG. 2129-2134 - P. Y. Mok, Kai-Pui Lam, H. S. Ng:
An ICA design of intraday stock prediction models with automatic variable selection. 2135-2140 - Chin-Teng Lin
, Wen-Chang Cheng:
An on-line ICA-mixture-model-based fuzzy neural network. 2141-2146 - Yoshitatsu Matsuda, Kazunori Yamaguchi
Semi-invariant function of Jacobi algorithm in independent component analysis. 2147-2151 - Donald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe:
Non-linear principal components: projection and reconstruction. 2153-2157 - Dongho Han, Yadunandana N. Rao, José C. Príncipe, Karl S. Gugel:
Real-time PCA (principal component analysis) implementation on DSP. 2159-2162 - Kun Zhang, Lai-Wan Chan:
Practical method for blind inversion of Wiener systems. 2163-2168 - Antti Honkela:
Approximating nonlinear transformations of probability distributions for nonlinear independent component analysis. 2169-2174 - Junji Yamashita, Shigeki Tatsuta, Yuzo Hirai:
Estimation of propagation delays using orientation histograms for anechoic blind source separation. 2175-2180 - Alexander Ilin, Sophie Achard, Christian Jutten:
Bayesian versus constrained structure approaches for source separation in post-nonlinear mixtures. 2181-2186 - Ana Maria Tomé, Ana Rita Teixeira
, Elmar Wolfgang Lang, Kurt Stadlthanner, Ana Paula Rocha
, Rute Almeida
Blind source separation using time-delayed signals. 2187-2191 - Antonino Staiano, Roberto Tagliaferri, Guiseppe Longon, Piero Benvenuti:
Committee of spherical probabilistic principal surfaces. 2193-2198 - Fabian J. Theis
, Elmar Wolfgang Lang:
Postnonlinear blind source separation via linearization identification. 2199-2204 - Gabor Faddi, András Kocsor, László Tóth
Initialization of directions in projection pursuit learning. 2205-2208 - Nan Zhang, Juyang Weng:
Sparse representation from a winner-take-all neural network. 2209-2214 - Mohammed A. Hasan:
Information criteria for reduced rank canonical correlation analysis. 2215-2220 - Satoshi Matsui, Yukihiro Kobayashi, Kentaro Watanabe, Yoshihiko Horio:
Exponential chaotic tabu search hardware for quadratic assignment problems using switched-current chaotic neuron IC. 2221-2225 - Koji Mori, Takahide Okuno, Yoshihiko Horio:
Chaotic neuro-computer prototype for quadratic assignment problems. 2227-2232 - Tadeusz Witkowski
, Pawel Antczak
, Grzegorz Strojny:
The implementation of neural networks for the optimization of the production scheduling. 2233-2238 - Jeff Geib, Gürsel Serpen
Computational promise of simultaneous recurrent network with a stochastic search mechanism. 2239-2244 - József Bíró, Zalán Heszberger:
An optimization neural network model with lossy dynamics and time-varying activation functions. 2245-2249 - Maria Barbarosou, Nicholas G. Maratos:
Non-feasible gradient projection recurrent neural network for equality constrained optimization. 2251-2256 - Bálint Takács, Istvan Szita, András Lorincz
An algorithm for finding reliably schedulable plans. 2257-2261 - Luiz A. C. Garcia, Marcilio C. P. de Souto:
Global optimisation methods for choosing the connectivity pattern of N-tuple classifiers. 2263-2266 - József Bíró, Zalán Heszberger:
Analog neural networks as asymptotically exact dynamic solvers. 2267-2272 - Ali Akrarnizadeh, Mojtaba Hakimi Moghaddam, Hamid Khaloozadeh
An effective approach to nonlinear Hammerstein model identification using evolutionary neural network. 2273-2278 - Jingen Wang, Lin Shang, Shifu Chen, Yanfei Wang:
Application of fuzzy classification by evolutionary neural network in incipient fault detection of power transformer. 2279-2283 - Chia-Feng Juang
, Yuan-Chang Liou:
On the hybrid of genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization for evolving recurrent neural network. 2285-2289 - Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Suzan Abdelshahid:
Instinct-based PSO with local search applied to satisfiability. 2291-2295 - John A. Bullinaria:
Generational versus steady-state evolution for optimizing neural network learning. 2297-2302 - Ping Zhang
, Brijesh K. Verma
, Kuldeep Kumar
A neural-genetic algorithm for feature selection and breast abnormality classification in digital mammography. 2303-2308 - Mark Richards, Dan Ventura:
Choosing a starting configuration for particle swarm optimization. 2309-2312 - Cristiano Cabrita, János Botzheim, António E. B. Ruano, László T. Kóczy:
Design of B-spline neural networks using a bacterial programming approach. 2313-2318 - Dimitrios A. Karras
A combined genetic optimization and multilayer perceptron methodology for efficient digital fingerprint modeling and evaluation in secure communications. 2319-2324 - Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras
, Rallis C. Papademetriou:
Traffic engineering in multi-service networks comparing genetic and simulated annealing optimization techniques. 2325-2330 - Kenichi Goto, Kotaro Hirasawa, Jinglu Hu:
Neural networks with branch gates. 2331-2336 - Javid Taheri:
Hierarchical Hopfield neural network in solving the puzzle problem. 2337-2342 - Pavel Kordík, Miroslav Snorek, Marko Genyk-Berezovskyj:
Hybrid inductive models: deterministic crowding employed. 2343-2346 - Mahmoud F. Hussin, Mohamed S. Kamel
Integrating phrases to enhance HSOMART-based document clustering. 2347-2352 - Hongyu Xu, Marko Vuskovic:
Mahalanobis distance-based ARTMAP network. 2353-2359 - Di Wang, Chai Quek
, Geok See Ng:
MS-TSKfnn: novel Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy neural network using ART like clustering. 2361-2366 - José Castro, Michael Georgiopoulos, Ronald F. DeMara
A data partitioning approach to speed up the fuzzy ARTMAP algorithm using the Hilbert space-filling curve. 2367-2372 - Anne Magály de Paula Canuto, Araken de Medeiros Santos:
A comparative investigation of the RePART neural network in pattern recognition tasks. 2373-2378 - Raida Al-Alawi:
A hybrid n-tuple neuro-fuzzy classifier for handwritten numerals recognition. 2379-2383 - Shang-Ming Zhou
, John Q. Gan
Improving the interpretability of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model by using linguistic modifiers and a multiple objective learning scheme. 2385-2390 - Patil M. Patil, Manish Deshmukh, Padma V. Bonde, Priyadarshan S. Dhabe, T. R. Sontakke:
Fourier fuzzy neural network for clustering of visual objects based on their gross shape and its application to handwritten character recognition. 2391-2396 - Yongquan Yu, Huang Ying, Bi Zeng:
The dynamic fuzzy method to tune the weight factors of neural fuzzy PID controller. 2397-2402 - Hiroyuki Mori, Tadahiro Itagaki:
A fuzzy inference neural network based method for short-term load forecasting. 2403-2406 - Nayera M. Sadek
, Alireza Khotanzad:
Dynamic bandwidth allocation using a two-stage fuzzy neural network based traffic predictor. 2407-2412 - Jacobus van Zyl, Ian Cloete:
Prior knowledge for fuzzy knowledge-based artificial neural networks from fuzzy set covering. 2413-2418 - Gyu-Jong Choi, Doo-Sung Ahn:
Map building and localization on autonomous mobile robot using graph and fuzzy inference system. 2419-2424 - Elpiniki I. Papageorgiou
, Chrysostomos D. Stylios, Peter P. Groumpos:
The challenge of using unsupervised learning algorithms for fuzzy cognitive maps. 2425-2430 - Shahab D. Mohaghegh, Andrei Popa, Razi Gaskari, Steve Wolhart, Bob Siegfried, Sam Ameri:
Determining in-situ stress profiles of hydrocarbon reservoirs from geophysical well logs using intelligent systems. 2431-2436 - Yunfeng Wu
, Jingjing He, Yi Man, Juan Ignacio Arribas:
Neural network fusion strategies for identifying breast masses. 2437-2442 - Stanislaw Osowski
, Tran Hoai Linh:
Analysis of features for efficient ECG signal classification using neuro-fuzzy network. 2443-2448 - Claudio Varini, Tim W. Nattkemper
, Andreas Degenhard, Axel Wismüller:
Breast MRI data analysis by LLE. 2449-2454 - Nicolino J. Pizzi, Witold Pedrycz:
Classification of magnetic resonance spectra using parallel randomized feature selection. 2455-2459 - Oana Voroneanu, Horia-Nicolai L. Teodorescu, Ciprian Zamfir:
Nonlinear analysis and selection of relevant parameters in assessing the treatment results of reducing tremor, using DBS procedure. 2461-2466 - Balázs Benyó
, Gábor Lenzser, Béla Paláncz:
Characterization of the temporal pattern of cerebral blood flow oscillations. 2467-2470 - George G. Georgoulas, Chrysostomos D. Stylios, George Nokas, Peter P. Groumpos:
Classification of fetal heart rate during labour using hidden Markov models. 2471-2475 - Runxuan Zhang, Narasimhan Sundararajan, Guang-Bin Huang
, P. Saratchandran:
An efficient sequential RBF network for bio-medical classification problems. 2477-2482 - George L. Tsirogiannis, Dimitrios S. Frossyniotis, John S. Stoitsis, Spyretta Golemati
, Andreas Stafylopatis, Konstantina S. Nikita
Classification of medical data with a robust multi-level combination scheme. 2483-2487 - Habtom W. Ressom, Padma Natarajan, Siva Srirangam, Mohamad T. Musavi, Robert W. Virnstein, Lori J. Morris, Wendy Tweedale:
Neural network based light attenuation model for monitoring health. 2489-2493 - Ingo R. Keck
, Fabian J. Theis
, Peter Gruber, Elmar Wolfgang Lang, Karsten Specht, Carlos García Puntonet
3D spatial analysis of fMRI data: a comparison of ICA and GLM analysis on a word perception task. 2495-2499 - Kaustubh Chokshi, Stefan Wermter, Christo Panchev
, Kevin Burn:
Self organising neural place codes for vision based robot navigation. 2501-2506 - Ming-Jung Seow, Vijayan K. Asari:
Homomorphic processing system and ratio rule for color image enhancement. 2507-2511 - Faruk Sari, Mehmet Ertugrul Çelebi
A new accelerated EM based learning of the image parameters and restoration. 2513-2518 - Vladimir G. Yakhno, Irina V. Nuidel
Variant of feature extraction and coding-reconstruction of the images using neuron-like algorithms. 2519-2522 - Carsten Schauer, Horst-Michael Gross:
Design and optimization of Amari neural fields for early auditory-visual integration. 2523-2528 - Julian Eggert, Edgar Körner:
Sparse coding and NMF. 2529-2533 - Julian Eggert, Heiko Wersing, Edgar Körner:
Transformation-invariant representation and NMF. 2535-2539 - Jun-Hua Han, De-Shuang Huang, Zhan-Li Sun, Yiu-ming Cheung:
A novel mixed pixels unmixing method for multispectral images. 2541-2545 - Vladimir Cherkassky, Yunqian Ma, Harry Wechsler:
Multiple regression estimation for motion analysis and segmentation. 2547-2552 - Jussi Pakkanen, Jukka Iivarinen:
A novel self-organizing neural network for defect image classification. 2553-2556 - Michael Kussul, Alla Galinskaya:
Histogram coding for recognition of contours presented by Bezier curves. 2559-2563 - Maria Asunción Vicente
, César Fernández, Óscar Reinoso
Recognizing objects in non-controlled backgrounds by an appearance two-step approach. 2565-2570 - Fok Hing Chi Tivive
, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum
A face detection system using shunting inhibitory convolutional neural networks. 2571-2575 - Chi-kin Chow, Hung-Tat Tsui:
Image enlargement as an edge estimation. 2577-2581 - Giuseppe Acciani, Girolamo Fomarelli, Luciano Liturri:
Unsupervised NN and graph matching approach to compare data sets. 2583-2588 - Hironobu Takano, Maki Murakami, Kiyomi Nakamura:
Iris recognition by a rotation spreading neural network. 2589-2594 - Xiaofu Zhang, Ali A. Minai
Effect of noise on the performance of the temporally-sequenced intelligent block-matching and motion-segmentation algorithm. 2595-2600 - Irena Koprinska
, James Clark:
Video summarization and browsing using growing cell structures. 2601-2606 - Yoshimitsu Murahashi, Hirohisa Hotta, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma:
Pulsed neural networks based on delta-sigma modulation suitable for hardware implementation. 2607-2612 - Salvatore Marra, Francesco Carlo Morabito
, Pasquale Corsonello
, Mario Versaci
FPGA implementation of Bayesian neural networks for a stand-alone predictor of pollutants concentration in the air. 2613-2618 - Tetsuya Asai, Yusuke Kanazawa, Tetsuya Hirose, Yoshihito Amemiya:
A MOS circuit for depressing synapse and its application to contrast-invariant pattern classification and synchrony detection. 2619-2624 - Masaya Ohta, Atsushi Mori, Katsumi Yamashita:
An FPGA implementation of 1,024-neuron system for PAPR reduction of OFDM signal. 2625-2629 - Daniel Hajtas, Daniela Duracková:
The library of building blocks for an "integrate & fire" neural network on a chip. 2631-2636 - José M. Quintana, Maria J. Avedillo, Héctor Pettenghi:
RTD-based compact programmable gates. 2637-2640 - Debayan Bhaduri, Sandeep K. Shukla:
Tools and techniques for evaluating reliability of defect-tolerant nano architectures. 2641-2646 - Steffen G. Hohmann, Johannes Fieres, Karlheinz Meier, Johannes Schemmel
, Tillmann Schmitz, Felix Schürmann:
Training fast mixed-signal neural networks for data classification. 2647-2652 - Momchil Milev:
A simple MOSFET model of an artificial synapse. 2653-2658 - Marta Ruiz-Llata
, David M. Cambre, Horacio Lamela
Prototype optoelectronic Hamming neural network. 2659-2663 - Hiroomi Hikawa:
Digital pulse mode neuron with robust nonlinear activation function. 2665-2670 - Akiyoshi Momoi, Shunsuke Akimoto, Shigeo Sato
, Koji Nakajima:
Implementation of a large scale hardware neural network system based on stochastic logic. 2671-2675 - Anas N. Al-Rabadi:
Reversible logic neural networks. 2677-2682 - Hakaru Tamukoh, Taksahi Aso, Keiichi Horio, Takeshi Yamakawa:
Self-organizing map hardware accelerator system and its application to realtime image enlargement. 2683-2687 - Radu Dogaru, Ioana Dogaru, Manfred Glesner:
CPCA: a multiplierless neural PCA. 2689-2692 - Wai C. Chu:
Deployment of head-related transfer function using all-pole filters and neural network-based storage devices. 2693-2698 - Chi Fuk So, Sin Chun Ng
, Shu-Hung Leung
TLS linear prediction with optimum root selection for resolving closely space sinusoids. 2699-2703 - Alejandra Rodríguez, Carlos Dafonte, Bernardino Arcay Varela, Minia Manteiga
, Iciar Carricajo:
Expert systems and artificial neural networks applied to stellar optical spectroscopy: a comparative analysis. 2705-2710 - Anthony Zaknich:
A loudspeaker response model using tuneable approximate piecewise linear regression. 2711-2716 - Guillermo Bedoya, Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany
Information-theoretic approach to multichannel signal extraction by multiple interference cancellation in electrochemical array data. 2717-2722 - Reza Derakhshani, Stephanie A. C. Schuckers
Continuous time delay neural networks for detection of temporal patterns in signals. 2723-2728 - Oleg Skljarov:
Interdisciplinary research and speech rhythm. 2729-2733 - Dmitry V. Zhora:
Financial forecasting using random subspace classifier. 2735-2740 - Panayiotis Ch. Andreou, Spiros H. Martzoukos, Chris Charalambous:
Option pricing and trading with artificial neural networks and advanced parametric models with implied parameters. 2741-2746 - Bao Rong Chang:
Enhanced forecasting approach: an integration of NGARCH and hybrid BPNN-weighted grey-C3LSP. 2747-2752 - Iulian Nastac
, Adrian Costea
A retraining neural network technique for glass manufacturing data forecasting. 2753-2758 - Makiko Saito-Arita, Yoshitsugu Kakemoto:
Demand forecasting by the neural network with Fourier transform. 2759-2763 - Salvatore Vitabile
, Mose Pernice, Salvatore Gaglio:
Daily peak temperature forecasting with Elman neural networks. 2765-2769 - Edgar N. Sánchez, Alma Y. Alanis
, J. Jesús Rico-Melgoza:
Electric load demand prediction using neural network trained by Kalman filtering. 2771-2775 - Federico Palacios-González
A SVCA model for the competition on artificial time series (CATS) benchmark. 2777-2782 - Sven F. Crone, Heiko Kausch, Dieter Prebmar:
Prediction of the CATS benchmark using a business forecasting approach to multilayer perceptron modelling. 2783-2788 - Yeong-Yuh Xu, Rex Hsieh, Y. L. Lu, Y. C. Shen, Shun C. Chuang, Hsin-Chia Fu, Christoph Bock, Hsiao-Tien Pao:
Forecasting electricity market prices: a neural network based approach. 2789-2794 - Carmen Fierascu, Claudia Lidia Badea:
Counterpropagation with delays for financial prediction. 2795-2799 - Viorel Nicolau
, Dorel Aiordachioaie
, Rustem Popa:
Neural network prediction of the wave influence on the yaw motion of a ship. 2801-2806 - Pablo Zegers, Malur K. Sundareshan:
Systematic testing of generalization level during training in regression-type learning scenarios. 2807-2812 - Allan de M. Martins, Adrião D. D. Neto, Jorge Dantas de Melo, José Alfredo F. Costa:
Clustering using neural networks and Kullback-Leibler divergency. 2813-2817 - Radosiaw R. Zakrzewski:
Randomized approach to verification of neural networks. 2819-2824 - Tapani Raiko:
Partially observed values. 2825-2830 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
Teacher-directed information maximization: supervised information-theoretic competitive learning with Gaussian activation functions. 2831-2836 - Ryotaro Kamimura, Osamu Uchida:
Greedy network-growing by Minkowski distance functions. 2837-2842 - Fülöp Bazsó, László Zalányi, Andrea Petróczi:
Accuracy of joint entropy and mutual information estimates. 2843-2846 - Koichiro Yamauchi, Ryuji Oshima, Takashi Omori:
A quick learning method that gambles: a learning system that hates learning. 2847-2852 - Cesare Alippi, Daniele Sana, Fabio Scotti
A training-time analysis of robustness in feed-forward neural networks. 2853-2858 - Masayasu Atsumi:
Scene learning and glance recognizability based on competitively growing spiking neural network. 2859-2864 - Thomas Riga, Angelo Cangelosi
, Alberto Greco:
Symbol grounding transfer with hybrid self-organizing/supervised neural networks. 2865-2869 - Iosif-Viorel Onut, Ali A. Ghorbani:
Classifying cognitive states from fMRI data using neural networks. 2871-2875 - José del R. Millán
On the need for on-line learning in brain-computer interfaces. 2877-2882 - Xiao Huang, Juyang Weng:
Value system development for a robot. 2883-2888 - Yoshio Konishi, Robert H. Fujii:
Incremental learning of temporal sequences using state memory and a resource allocating network. 2889-2893 - Antonio Luchetta
, Stefano Manetti
, Luca Pellegrini:
A double integrated neural network for identification of geometrical features dependency in lumped models. 2895-2899 - Salman Mohagheghi
, Ronald G. Harley, Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy
Supervisory level neural network identifier for a small power system with a STATCOM and a generator. 2901-2906 - Georgina Stegmayer
Volterra series and neural networks to model an electronic device nonlinear behavior. 2907-2910 - Benemar Alencar Souza, Nubia Silva Dantas Brito, Washington L. A. Neves, Kleber Melo Silva
, Ricardo B. V. Lima, Sandra S. B. da Silva:
Comparison between backpropagation and RPROP algorithms applied to fault classification in transmission lines. 2913-2918 - Victor H. Benitez
, Edgar N. Sánchez, Alexander G. Loukianov:
Neural block control for a synchronous electric generator. 2919-2924 - Antony Lam, Amar Raheja, Muthu Govindaraj
Neural network models for fabric drape prediction. 2925-2929 - Basilio Esposito
, Luigi Fortuna, Alessandro Rizzo
Neural neutron/gamma discrimination in organic scintillators for fusion applications. 2931-2936 - Daqi Gao, Renliang Li, Guiping Nie, Changwu Li:
Adaptive task decomposition and modular multilayer perceptrons for letter recognition. 2937-2942 - Pu Yang, Yingchun Yang, Zhaohui Wu:
Recuperating spectral features using glottal information and its application to speaker recognition. 2943-2946 - Filip Piekniewski, Leszek Rybicki:
Visual comparison of performance for different activation functions in MLP networks. 2947-2952 - Stephen Whiting, Dan Ventura:
Learning multiple correct classifications from incomplete data using weakened implicit negatives. 2953-2957 - José Marinaldo Gleriani, Jose Demisio S. da Silva, José Carlos Neves Epiphanio:
Comparative performance of neural networks and maximum likelihood for supervised classification of agricultural crops: single date and temporal analysis. 2959-2964 - Ihor Paliy, Volodymyr Turchenko
, Vasyl Koval
, Anatoliy Sachenko, George Markowsky:
Approach to recognition of license plate numbers using neural networks. 2965-2970 - Catarina Silva
, Bemardete Ribeiro:
Labeled and unlabeled data in text categorization. 2971-2976 - Jan Koutník, Miroslav Snorek:
Single categorizing and learning module for temporal sequences. 2977-2982 - Michael Blumenstein, Xin Yu Liu, Brijesh K. Verma
A modified direction feature for cursive character recognition. 2983-2987 - Dan Hammerstrom:
Artificial neural networks, where do we go next? 2989-2990 - Rameswar Debnath
, Masakazu Muramatsu, Haruhisa Takahashi:
The support vector machine learning using the second order cone programming. 2991-2996 - Leonardo V. Ferreira, Eugenius Kaszkurewicz
, Amit Bhaya
Support vector classifiers via gradient systems with discontinuous righthand sides. 2997-3002 - Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Nancy Arana-Daniel
, J. Refugio Vallejo-Gutiérrez:
Applications of Clifford support vector machines and Clifford moments for classification. 3003-3008 - Keisuke Kameyama, Kei Taga:
Texture classification by support vector machines with kernels for higher-order Gabor filtering. 3009-3014 - Jianhua Xu, Xuegong Zhang:
Kernels based on weighted Levenshtein distance. 3015-3018 - Ali Pezeshki, Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi, Louis L. Scharf:
Kernel-based canonical coordinate decomposition of two-channel nonlinear maps. 3019-3024 - Roberta Sirovich, Laura Sacerdote
Noise induced phenomena in jump diffusion models for single neuron spike activity. 3025-3028 - Tetyuna I. Aksenova
, Olga K. Chibirova, Alessandro E. P. Villa
Nonlinear oscillation models for the spike sorting of single units recorded extracellularly. 3029-3033 - Roman Borisyuk:
Stochastic dynamics and partial synchronization of stimulus-driven neural activity. 3035-3040 - Robert Kozma
On noise induced resonances in neurodynamic models. 3041-3045 - Péter Érdi:
Structural hierarchies, theta rhythm, hippocampal function. 3047-3051 - Yoko Yamaguchi, Yoshito Aota, Naoyuki Sato, Hiroaki Wagatsuma, Zhihua Wu:
Hippocampal theta phase coding for instantaneous acquisition of experienced events. 3053-3058 - Holger Schwenk:
Efficient training of large neural networks for language modeling. 3059-3064 - Suryakanth V. Gangashetty, Chellu Chandra Sekhar, Bayya Yegnanarayana:
Acoustic model combination for recognition of speech in multiple languages using support vector machines. 3065-3069 - Alireza A. Dibazar, Dong Song, Walter M. Yamada
, Theodore W. Berger:
Speech recognition based on fundamental functional principles of the brain. 3071-3075 - Mohammed Khasawneh, Khaled Assaleh, Wesam Sweidan
, Monther Haddad:
The application of polynomial discriminant function classifiers to isolated Arabic speech recognition. 3077-3081 - Sheng-Nan Wu, Jeen-Shing Wang:
An adaptive recurrent neuro-fuzzy filter for noisy speech enhancement. 3083-3088 - Terje Kristensen:
Two neural network paradigms of phoneme transcription - a comparison. 3089-3094 - Yukihiro Tsuboshita, Hiroshi Okamoto:
Extracting information in a graded manner from a neural-network system with continuous attractors. 3095-3100 - Rod Adams, Rene te Boekhorst, Alistair G. Rust, Paul Kaye, Maria J. Schilstra:
Design of spatially extended neural networks for specific applications. 3101-3106 - Vadym Spravedlyvyy, Andreas Herzog, Karsten Kube, Bernd Michaelis, Katharina Braun, Reinhild Schnabel:
Influence of dendritic spines shape changes by learning. 3107-3111 - Jörg Lücke:
Clustering with minicolumnar receptive field self-organization. 3113-3118 - Jun Igarashi
, Motoharu Yoshida, Katsumi Tateno
, Hatsuo Hayashi:
Synchronized subthreshold oscillations and phase coding in a network model of the entorhinal cortex. 3119-3123 - Zsófia Huhn, Máté Lengyel
, Gergo Orbán
, Péter Érdi:
Dendritic spiking accounts for rate and phase coding in a biophysical model of a hippocampal place cell. 3125-3130 - Péter Földesy:
Trends in design of massively parallel coprocessors implemented in digital ASICs. 3131-3135 - Zoltán Nagy, Péter Szolgay:
Emulated digital CNN-UM implementation of a barotropic ocean model. 3137-3142 - Gábor Horváth, Zsolt Csipak:
FPGA implementation of the kernel CMAC. 3143-3148 - Stephanie McBader, Peter Lee, Alvise Sartori:
The impact of modern FPGA architectures on neural hardware: a case study of the TOTEM neural processor. 3149-3154 - Suleyman Malki, Lambert Spaanenburg, Nick Ray:
Neural vision sensors for surface defect detection. 3155-3160 - Eros Pasero, Massimiliano Perri:
Hw-Sw codesign of a flexible neural controller through a FPGA-based neural network programmed in VHDL. 3161-3165 - Artur M. Arsenic:
Developmental learning on a humanoid robot. 3167-3172 - Ralf Salomon:
Evolving adaptive, high-dimensional, camera-based speed sensors. 3173-3178 - Takayuki Ishii, Seiji Masakado, Kamo Ishii:
Locomotion of a quadruped robot using CPG. 3179-3184 - Keiji Kamei, Masumi Ishikawa:
More effective reinforcement learning by introducing sensory information. 3185-3188 - Steven Chu-Hong Hoi, Chi-Hang Chan, Kaizhu Huang, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King:
Biased support vector machine for relevance feedback in image retrieval. 3189-3194 - Désiré Bollé, Rob Heylen:
Self-control dynamics for sparsely coded networks with synaptic noise. 3195-3199 - Michael Stiber, Mark Pottorf:
Response space construction for neural error correction. 3201-3205 - Mustafa C. Ozturk, Dongming Xu, José C. Príncipe:
Modified Freeman model: a stability analysis and application to pattern recognition. 3207-3212 - Taksahi Tateno, Yasuhiko Jimbo, Hugh P. C. Robinson:
Cholinergic effects on spectral properties of spike trains in rat cortical neurons. 3213-3218 - Spiros H. Courellis, Ghassan I. Gholmieh, Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, Theodore W. Berger:
Modeling nonlinear neural dynamics with Volterra-Poisson kernels. 3219-3222 - Bruno Azzerboni, Mario Carpentieri, Fabio La Foresta, Francesco Carlo Morabito:
Neural-ICA and wavelet transform for artifacts removal in surface EMG. 3223-3228 - Antonio Eleuteri, Roberto Tagliaferri, Leopoldo Milano, Michele De Laurentiis:
An information geometric approach to survival analysis and feature selection by neural networks. 3229-3234 - Giovanni Battista Ferrara, Francesco Masulli
, Stefano Rovetta
HLA typing using a fuzzy approach. 3235-3239 - Antonello Rizzi
, Massimo Panella
, Maurizio Paschero, Fabio Massimo Frattale Mascioli:
Estimation of bone mineral density data using MoG neural networks. 3241-3246 - Giro Castiello, Giovanna Castellano
, Anna Maria Fanelli:
Neuro-fuzzy analysis of dermatological images. 3247-3252 - Shigeo Sato
, Mitsunaga Kinjo, Osamu Takahashi, Yuuki Nakamiya, Koji Nakajima:
A study on neuromorphic quantum computation. 3253-3256 - Paolo Gastaldo, Sandro Ridella
, Rodolfo Zunino:
Vector quantization complexity and quantum computing. 3257-3262 - Cheng-Jian Lin, Cheng-Hung Chen, Chi-Yung Lee:
A self-adaptive quantum radial basis function network for classification applications. 3263-3268 - Narendra S. Chaudhari
, Nirmal Dagdee:
Turing machine simulation using hard-limiter neurons. 3269-3274 - Eerika Savia, Samuel Kaski, Ville H. Tuulos, Petri Myllymäki:
On text-based estimation of document relevance. 3275-3280 - Leif Azzopardi, Mark Girolami
, C. J. van Rijsbergen:
Topic based language models for ad hoc information retrieval. 3281-3286 - Ata Kabán, Xin Wang:
Context based identification of user communities from Internet chat. 3287-3292 - Filip Deleus, Marc M. Van Hulle:
Modelling the connectivity between terms in the neuroscience literature. 3293-3296 - Ah-Hwee Tan
FALCON: a fusion architecture for learning, cognition, and navigation. 3297-3302

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