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30th MIE 2020: Geneva, Switzerland
- Louise Bilenberg Pape-Haugaard, Christian Lovis, Inge Cort Madsen, Patrick Weber, Per Hostrup Nielsen, Philip Scott:
Digital Personalized Health and Medicine - Proceedings of MIE 2020, Medical Informatics Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, April 28 - May 1, 2020. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 270, IOS Press 2020, ISBN 978-1-64368-082-8 - Manuela Weber, Alexandra Griessbach
, Regina Grossmann, Jürg Blaser:
A FHIR-Based eConsent App for the Digital Hospital. 3-7 - Lennart Vogelsang, Moritz Lehne, Phillipp Schoppmann
, Fabian Prasser
, Sylvia Thun
, Björn Scheuermann, Josef Schepers
A Secure Multi-Party Computation Protocol for Time-To-Event Analyses. 8-12 - Athanasios Kiourtis, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Dimosthenis Kyriazis:
A Semantic Similarity Evaluation for Healthcare Ontologies Matching to HL7 FHIR Resources. 13-17 - Emmanuelle Sylvestre, Guillaume Bouzillé, Michael McDuffie, Emmanuel Chazard, Paul Avillach, Marc Cuggia
A Semi-Automated Approach for Multilingual Terminology Matching: Mapping the French Version of the ICD-10 to the ICD-10 CM. 18-22 - Toshihiro Takeda, Shirou Manabe, Atsushi Hattori, Junji Yamaguchi, Shozo Konishi, Yuichiro Yamamoto, Daiyo Takahashi, Yasushi Matsumura:
An Automatic Image Collection System for Multicenter Clinical Studies. 23-27 - Christina Lohr, Luise Modersohn, Johannes Hellrich, Tobias Kolditz, Udo Hahn:
An Evolutionary Approach to the Annotation of Discharge Summaries. 28-32 - Daria Dolotova
, Ivan Arkhipov, Evgenia Blagosklonova
, Victoria Donitova
, Tatiana Barmina, Faat Sharifullin, Boris A. Kobrinskii, Andrey Gavrilov
Application of Radiomics in Vesselness Analysis of CT Angiography Images of Stroke Patients. 33-37 - Renate Ranegger, Werner O. Hackl, Inge Eberl, Dieter Baumberger, Reto Bürgin, Elske Ammenwerth
Automated Mapping of LEP Nursing Data to Nursing Minimum Data Sets. 38-42 - Ksenia Balabaeva
, Anastasia A. Funkner, Sergey V. Kovalchuk:
Automated Spelling Correction for Clinical Text Mining in Russian. 43-47 - Vasiliki Foufi, Kuntheavy Ing Lorenzini
, Jean-Philippe Goldman, Christophe Gaudet-Blavignac
, Christian Lovis, Caroline Samer
Automatic Classification of Discharge Letters to Detect Adverse Drug Reactions. 48-52 - George Michalopoulos, Hammad Qazi, Alexander Wong, Zahid A. Butt, Helen H. Chen
Automatic Extraction of Risk Factors for Dialysis Patients from Clinical Notes Using Natural Language Processing Techniques. 53-57 - Anjani Dhrangadhariya
, Sandy Millius, Cyril Thouly, Benoit Rizk, Dominique Fournier, Henning Müller
, Hugues Brat
Automating Quality Control for Structured Standardized Radiology Reports Using Text Analysis. 58-62 - Adrien Ugon, Mélanie Courtine
, Karima Sedki, Pierre Quentin, Marion Valette, Rosy Tsopra
Bank of Digital Filters for Identification of Combined Drug Products in a French Public Database. 63-67 - Raffael Bild, Klaus A. Kuhn, Fabian Prasser
Better Safe than Sorry - Implementing Reliable Health Data Anonymization. 68-72 - Behrooz Mamandipoor, Mahshid Majd, Monica Moz, Venet Osmani
Blood Lactate Concentration Prediction in Critical Care. 73-77 - Lydia González
, David Pérez-Rey, Enrique Alonso-Oset, Gema Hernández, Pablo Serrano
, Miguel Pedrera-Jiménez
, Agustín Gómez, Kristof de Schepper, Titus Crepain, Brecht Claerhout:
Building an I2B2-Based Population Repository for Clinical Research. 78-82 - Markus Kreuzthaler, Michel Oleynik
, Stefan Schulz:
Character-Level Neural Language Modelling in the Clinical Domain. 83-87 - Mingkai Peng, Hude Quan:
Clinical Abbreviation Disambiguation Using Deep Contextualized Representation. 88-92 - João Figueira Silva, Rui Antunes, João Rafael Almeida
, Sérgio Matos
Clinical Concept Normalization on Medical Records Using Word Embeddings and Heuristics. 93-97 - Sonia Priou, Natalia Viani, Veshalee Vernugopan, Chloe Tytherleigh, Faduma Abdalla Hassan, Rina Dutta
, Trudie Chalder
, Sumithra Velupillai
Clinical History Segment Extraction from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Assessments to Model Disease Trajectories. 98-102 - Filipe Pires
, André Pedrosa, João Alegria, Carlos Costa
Clinico-Environmental System for Personal Monitoring. 103-107 - Christophe Cancé, Pierre-Ephrem Madiot, Christian Lenne, Svetlana Artemova, Brigitte Cohard, Marjolaine Bodin
, Alban Caporossi, Jean-François Blatier, Jérôme Fauconnier, Frédérique Olive, Daniel Pagonis, Dominique Le Magny, Jean-Luc Bosson, Katia Charrière, Ivan Paturel, Bruno Lavaire, Gabriel Schummer, Joseph Eterno, Jean-Noël Ravey, Ivan Bricault, Gilbert Ferretti, Sébastien Chanoine, Pierrick Bedouch, Emmanuel Luc Barbier
, Julien Thevenon, Pascal Mossuz, Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry:
Cohort Creation and Visualization Using Graph Model in the PREDIMED Health Data Warehouse. 108-112 - Tomasz Mucha, Olli Halminen
, Henni Tenhunen
, Timo Seppälä:
Commercial Adoption of AI in the Healthcare Sector: An Exploratory Analysis of S&P500 Companies. 113-117 - Mary Gadde, Melody L. Penning:
A Computational Adverse Event Detection Matrix. 118-122 - Marja Fleitmann, Kira Soika, Andreas Martin Stroth, Jan Gerlach, Alexander Fürschke, Peter Hunold
, Jörg Barkhausen, Arpad Bischof, Heinz Handels
Computer-Assisted Quality Assessment of Aortic CT Angiographies for Patient-Individual Dose Adjustment. 123-127 - Adina Nitulescu, Mihaela Crisan-Vida, Lacramioara Stoicu-Tivadar:
Continuous Monitoring and Statistical Modelling of Heart Rate Variability. 128-132 - Adrien Ugon, Sabine Guessant, Rosy Tsopra
Data Fusion to Convert Drug Consumption Quantities into Defined Daily Doses. 133-137 - Patrick Fischer, Mark R. Stöhr
, Henning Gall, Achim Michel-Backofen, Raphael W. Majeed
Data Integration into OMOP CDM for Heterogeneous Clinical Data Collections via HL7 FHIR Bundles and XSLT. 138-142 - Michail Sarafidis
, Marilena Tarousi, Athanasios Anastasiou, Stavros Pitoglou, Efstratios Lampoukas, Athanasios Spetsarias, George K. Matsopoulos, Dimitrios D. Koutsouris:
Data Quality Challenges in a Learning Health System. 143-147 - Taridzo Chomutare, Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw
, Andrius Budrionis
, Alexandra Makhlysheva, Fred Godtliebsen, Hercules Dalianis:
De-Identifying Swedish EHR Text Using Public Resources in the General Domain. 148-152 - Md. Mohaimenul Islam
, Tahmina Nasrin Poly, Hsuan-Chia Yang
, Suleman Atique
, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li:
Deep Learning for Accurate Diagnosis of Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy Using Digital Fundus Image: A Meta-Analysis. 153-157 - Ines Reinecke
, Christian Gulden, Michéle Kümmel, Azadeh Nassirian
, Romina Blasini, Martin Sedlmayr:
Design for a Modular Clinical Trial Recruitment Support System Based on FHIR and OMOP. 158-162 - Gleb Danilov, Michael A. Shifrin, Yuliya Strunina, Konstantin Kotik, Tatyana Tsukanova, Tatiana Pronkina, Timur Ishankulov, Elizaveta Makashova, Alexandra Kosyrkova, Alexander Potapov:
Detection of Muscle Weakness in Medical Texts Using Natural Language Processing. 163-167 - Martin Eduard Birchmeier
, Tobias Studer, Andreas Lutterotti, Iris-Katharina Penner, Serge Bignens:
Digitalisation of the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised and Evaluation with a Machine Learning Algorithm. 168-172 - Joao H. Bettencourt-Silva
, Natalia Mulligan, Marco Luca Sbodio
, John Segrave-Daly, Richard Williams
, Vanessa López
, Carlos Alzate:
Discovering New Social Determinants of Health Concepts from Unstructured Data: Framework and Evaluation. 173-177 - Arash Gharehbaghi, Amir A. Sepehri, Ankica Babic:
Distinguishing Septal Heart Defects from the Valvular Regurgitation Using Intelligent Phonocardiography. 178-182 - Shorabuddin Syed
, Mahanazuddin Syed
, Hafsa Bareen Syeda
, Fred W. Prior, Meredith N. Zozus, Melody L. Penning, Mohammed Orloff:
Document Oriented Graphical Analysis and Prediction. 183-187 - Liliana Giraldo, Bibiana Schachner, Daniel R. Luna
, Sonia E. Benitez:
Electronic Whiteboard in the Inpatient Care Management: Nurses' Perceptions About the Use. 188-192 - Raffael Bild, Johanna Eicher, Fabian Prasser
Efficient Protection of Health Data from Sensitive Attribute Disclosure. 193-197 - Mina Bjelogrlic, Arnaud Robert, Arnaud Miribel, Mehdi Namdar
, Baris Gencer
, Christian Lovis, François Girardin
Emerging Concepts and Applied Machine Learning Research in Patients with Drug-Induced Repolarization Disorders. 198-202 - Kento Sugimoto, Toshihiro Takeda, Shoya Wada, Asuka Yamahata, Shozo Konishi, Shiro Manabe, Yasushi Matsumura:
End-to-End Approach for Structuring Radiology Reports. 203-207 - Arnaud Robert, Francis Damachi, Mina Bjelogrlic, Jean-Philippe Goldman, Christian Lovis:
Evaluation of Document Retrieval Systems on a Medical Corpus in French: Indexation vs. Feature Learning. 208-212 - Karine Goueslard, Jonathan Cottenet
, Eric Benzenine, Pascale Tubert-Bitter, Catherine Quantin
Evaluation of the Quality of French Hospital Data for Perinatal Algorithms. 213-217 - Antoine Lamer
, Gery Laurent, Sylvia Pelayo
, Mehdi El Amrani, Emmanuel Chazard, Romaric Marcilly
Exploring Patient Path Through Sankey Diagram: A Proof of Concept. 218-222 - Fabrizio Pecoraro, Daniela Luzi, Elaheh Pourabbas, Fabrizio L. Ricci, Angelo Rossi Mori:
Extending Contsys Standard with Social Care Concepts: A Methodology Proposed by the UNINFO Working Group in Italy. 223-227 - Archana Tapuria, Dipak Kalra, Vasa Curcin
Feasibility of Using EN 13606 Clinical Archetypes for Defining Computable Phenotypes. 228-232 - Timo Wolters, Oke Wübbenhorst, Christian Lüpkes, Andreas Hein:
Generation of Fine Grained Demographic Information for Epidemiological Analysis. 233-237 - Jean Louis Raisaro
, Juan Ramón Troncoso-Pastoriza, Yamane El-Zein, Mathias Humbert, Carmela Troncoso, Jacques Fellay
, Jean-Pierre Hubaux:
GenoShare: Supporting Privacy-Informed Decisions for Sharing Individual-Level Genetic Data. 238-241 - Andrea Campagner
, Luca Maria Sconfienza, Federico Cabitza:
H-Accuracy, an Alternative Metric to Assess Classification Models in Medicine. 242-246 - Niels Martignene, Thibaut Balcaen, Guillaume Bouzillé, Matthieu Calafiore
, Jean-Baptiste Beuscart
, Antoine Lamer, Bertrand Legrand, Grégoire Ficheur, Emmanuel Chazard:
Heimdall, a Computer Program for Electronic Health Records Data Visualization. 247-251 - Ziran Li, Huanyao Chen, Chi Yuan, Chunhua Weng:
How Have Experimental Cancer Interventions Evolved over Time? 252-256 - Noman Dormosh
, Ameen Abu-Hanna
, Nathalie van der Velde, Martijn C. Schut:
Impact of Altering Data Granularity Levels on Predictive Modelling: A Case Study of Fall Risk Prediction in Older Persons. 257-261 - Doris Lindoerfer, Ulrich Mansmann, Isabel Reinhardt:
Incorporation of Multiple Sources into IT - and Data Protection Concepts: Lessons Learned from the FARKOR Project. 262-266 - François-Élie Calvier, Cédric Bousquet
Integrating the Comparative Toxicogenomic Database in a Human Pharmacogenomic Resource. 267-271 - Maximilian Zubke, Matthias Katzensteiner
, Oliver J. Bott
Integration of Unstructured Data into a Clinical Data Warehouse for Kidney Transplant Screening - Challenges & Solutions. 272-276 - Masaki Ono, Takayuki Katsuki, Masaki Makino, Kyoichi Haida, Atsushi Suzuki:
Interpretation Method for Continuous Glucose Monitoring with Subsequence Time-Series Clustering. 277-281 - Andrea Campagner
, Federico Cabitza:
Introducing New Measures of Inter- and Intra-Rater Agreement to Assess the Reliability of Medical Ground Truth. 282-286 - Meenakshi Chatterjee, Nikolay V. Manyakov
, Abigail Bangerter, Dzmitry A. Kaliukhovich
, Shyla Jagannatha, Seth Ness, Gahan Pandina:
Learning Scan Paths of Eye Movement in Autism Spectrum Disorder. 287-291 - Alexandra Pomares-Quimbaya, Pilar López-Úbeda
, Michel Oleynik
, Stefan Schulz:
Leveraging PubMed to Create a Specialty-Based Sense Inventory for Spanish Acronym Resolution. 292-296 - Vincenzo Della Mea
, Mihai Horia Popescu
, Francesco Grippo, Chiara Orsi, Friedrich Heuser:
Logical Rules and a Preliminary Prototype for Translating Mortality Coding Rules from ICD-10 to ICD-11. 297-301 - Anjani Dhrangadhariya
, Roger Hilfiker, Roger Schaer, Henning Müller
Machine Learning Assisted Citation Screening for Systematic Reviews. 302-306 - Tom Jansen, Gijs Geleijnse, Marissa Van Maaren, Mathijs P. Hendriks
, Annette ten Teije
, Arturo Moncada-Torres:
Machine Learning Explainability in Breast Cancer Survival. 307-311 - Julien Gobeill, Patrick Ruch, Rodolphe Meyer
Machine Learning for Automatic Encoding of French Electronic Medical Records: Is More Data Better? 312-316 - David Froelicher, Mickaël Misbach
, Juan Ramón Troncoso-Pastoriza, Jean Louis Raisaro
, Jean-Pierre Hubaux:
MedCo2: Privacy-Preserving Cohort Exploration and Analysis. 317-321 - Melanie Romand, Daniel Dugas
, Christophe Gaudet-Blavignac
, Jessica Rochat, Christian Lovis:
Mixed and Augmented Reality Tools in the Medical Anatomy Curriculum. 322-326 - Jonathan Turner
, Dympna O'Sullivan, Jon Bird:
Modulation of Medical Condition Likelihood by Patient History Similarity. 327-331 - Carlos Segarra, Ricard Delgado-Gonzalo, Valerio Schiavoni:
MQT-TZ: Secure MQTT Broker for Biomedical Signal Processing on the Edge. 332-336 - Melody L. Penning, Colette Blach, Anita Walden, Pei Wang, Katrina M. Donovan, Maryam Y. Garza
, Zhan Wang, Julie Frund, Shorabuddin Syed
, Mahanazuddin Syed
, Guilherme Del Fiol, L. Kristin Newby, Carl F. Pieper
, Meredith N. Zozus:
Near Real Time EHR Data Utilization in a Clinical Study. 337-341 - Anastasia A. Funkner, Ksenia Balabaeva
, Sergey V. Kovalchuk:
Negation Detection for Clinical Text Mining in Russian. 342-346 - Fabián Villena
, Urs Eisenmann
, Petra Knaup
, Jocelyn Dunstan
, Matthias Ganzinger
On the Construction of Multilingual Corpora for Clinical Text Mining. 347-351 - Gustavo A. Uribe, Bernd Blobel, Diego M. Lopez, Stefan Schulz, Alonso A. Ruiz:
Ontology-Based and Architecture-Based Method for the Development of Interoperable Care Systems for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 352-356 - Emilian Erman Mahmut, Dorin Berian, Michele Della Ventura, Vasile Stoicu-Tivadar:
Optimization of Entropy-Based Automated Dyslalia Screening Algorithm. 357-361 - Rémi Cardon
, Natalia Grabar:
Parallel Sentence Alignment from Biomedical Comparable Corpora. 362-366 - Nicolas Griffon, Helena Pereira
, Juliette Djadi-Prat
, María Teresa García, Sara Testoni
, Manon Cariou, Jacques Hilbey
, Aurèle N'dja, Grégory Navarro, Nicola Gentili
, Oriana Nanni, Massimo Raineri, Gilles Chatellier, Agustín Gómez De La Camara, Martine Lewi, Mats Sundgren, Christel Daniel, Almenia Garvey, Marija Todorovic, Nadir Ammour:
Performances of a Solution to Semi-Automatically Fill eCRF with Data from the Electronic Health Record: Protocol for a Prospective Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. 367-371 - Saveli Goldberg, Anatoly Temkin, Benjamin Weisburd:
Physician-Machine Interaction in the Decision Making Process. 372-376 - Marta Wilk, D. William R. Marsh, Sarah De Freitas, John Prowle:
Predicting Length of Stay in Hospital Using Electronic Records Available at the Time of Admission. 377-381 - Gleb Danilov, Konstantin Kotik, Michael A. Shifrin, Uliya Strunina, Tatyana Pronkina, Alexander Potapov:
Predicting Postoperative Hospital Stay in Neurosurgery with Recurrent Neural Networks Based on Operative Reports. 382-386 - Alexia Sampri, Nophar Geifman
, Helen Le Sueur, Patrick Doherty, Philip A. Couch, Ian Bruce
, Niels Peek:
Probabilistic Approaches to Overcome Content Heterogeneity in Data Integration: A Study Case in Systematic Lupus Erythematosus. 387-391 - Matthias Löbe
, Franz Matthies, Sebastian Stäubert
, Frank A. Meineke
, Alfred Winter:
Problems in FAIRifying Medical Datasets. 392-396 - Jan Aeschimann, Silvan Huber, Daniel Wüthrich, Helena Seth-Smith
, Jürgen Holm, Thomas Bürkle
, Murat Sariyar:
Prototyping a Tool for Processing Genetic Meta-Data in Microbiological Laboratories. 397-401 - Belén Prados-Suárez, Carlos Molina
, Maria Carmen Peña Yáñez:
Providing an Integrated Access to EHR Using Electronic Health Records Aggregators. 402-406 - Jumpei Sato
, Kazutoshi Umemoto, Kazuo Goda, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Naohiro Mitsutake:
Retrieving and Analyzing Hospital Service Suspensions from Regional Healthcare Insurance Claims Data. 407-411 - David Niyitegeka, Reda Bellafqira, Emmanuelle Génin, Gouenou Coatrieux:
Secure Collapsing Method Based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption. 412-416 - Ihssen Belhadj, Thierry Boudemaghe:
Semantic Querying of Hospital Data Using an Ontology-Based Model of Discharge Summaries and ICD 10. 417-421 - Colin J. Crooks
Supervised Bayesian Statistical Learning to Identify Prognostic Risk Factor Patterns from Population Data. 422-426 - Clément Dalloux, Vincent Claveau, Marc Cuggia
, Guillaume Bouzillé, Natalia Grabar:
Supervised Learning for the ICD-10 Coding of French Clinical Narratives. 427-431 - Antoine Neuraz
, Bastien Rance
, Nicolas Garcelon
, Leonardo Campillos Llanos
, Anita Burgun, Sophie Rosset
The Impact of Specialized Corpora for Word Embeddings in Natural Langage Understanding. 432-436 - Cora Drenkhahn
, Josef Ingenerf
The LOINC Content Model and Its Limitations of Usage in the Laboratory Domain. 437-442 - Cecilia Mascia
, Francesca Frexia
, Paolo Uva
, Gianluigi Zanetti, Luca Pireddu
, Gideon Giacomelli, Christina Jaeger-Schmidt, Aurelie Tomczak, Simon Schumacher, Florian Kraecher, Roland Eils
, Silje Ljosland Bakke, Heather Leslie
The openEHR Genomics Project. 443-447 - Nariman Ammar
, James E. Bailey, Robert L. Davis, Arash Shaban-Nejad:
The Personal Health Library: A Single Point of Secure Access to Patient Digital Health Information. 448-452 - Berglind Fjola Smaradottir, Niels Frederik Garmann-Johnsen, Steinar Omnes, Ann-Elisabeth Ludvigsen, Harald Reiso
The SmartSight Project: Use of Electronic Glasses to Improve Impaired Fields of Vision. 453-457 - Tomasz Les, Tomasz Markiewicz
, Miroslaw Dziekiewicz, Malgorzata Lorent:
Three-Dimensional Volumetric Renal Reconstruction Based on Geometrical Coefficients. 458-462 - Franziska Jahn, Michelle Bindel
, Konrad Höffner
, Maryam Ghalandari, Birgit Schneider, Sebastian Stäubert
, Verena Dornauer
, Thomas Karopka
, Elske Ammenwerth
, Alfred Winter:
Towards Precise Descriptions of Medical Free/Libre and Open Source Software. 463-468 - Pere Planell-Morell, Madhavi Bajekal
, Spiros C. Denaxas
, Rosalind Raine
, Daniel C. Alexander
Trajectories of Disease Accumulation Using Electronic Health Records. 469-473 - Michael T. Watkins, Benjamin Viernes, Viet Nguyen, Leonardo Rojas Mezarina
, Javier Silva Valencia
, Damian Borbolla:
Translating Social Determinants of Health into Standardized Clinical Entities. 474-478 - Nico Jähne-Raden, Henrike Gütschleg, Michael Marschollek
Trodden Lanes or New Paths: Ballisto- and Seismocardiography Till Now. 479-483 - Fabrizio L. Ricci, Fabrizio Consorti, Fabrizio Pecoraro, Daniela Luzi, Valentina Mingarelli, Sara Miotti, Oscar Tamburis:
Understanding Petri Nets in Health Sciences Education: The Health Issue Network Perspective. 484-488 - Wanting Cui, Joseph Finkelstein:
Using Big Data Analytics to Identify Dentists with Frequent Future Malpractice Claims. 489-493 - Gian-Andrea Degen, Viola Günther, Jürgen Holm, Thomas Bürkle
, Murat Sariyar:
Using Business Intelligence Tools to Support Medical Validation of Laboratory Tests. 494-498 - Nonie Alexander, Daniel C. Alexander
, Frederik Barkhof
, Spiros C. Denaxas
Using Unsupervised Learning to Identify Clinical Subtypes of Alzheimer's Disease in Electronic Health Records. 499-503 - Irina V. Vasilyeva, Tatyana V. Zarubina, Yuri D. Udalov:
Assessment of the Prognostic Accuracy of Scores in Different Ways on the Example of Assessing the Validity of the Prognostic Model ISS-RTS-TRISS. 504-508 - Athanasios Anastasiou, Ourania Manta
, Dimitra Iliopoulou, Dimitrios D. Koutsouris:
VIVID: Independent Living of Aging Adults Suffered a Stroke. 509-513 - Jordi Torres, Garazi Artola
, Naiara Muro:
A Domain-Independent Semantically Validated Authoring Tool for Formalizing Clinical Practice Guidelines. 517-521 - Ilaria Angela Amantea
, Emilio Sulis
, Guido Boella, Renata Marinello, Dario Bianca, Enrico Brunetti
, Mario Bo, Carlos Fernández-Llatas:
A Process Mining Application for the Analysis of Hospital-at-Home Admissions. 522-526 - Nikos Tsourakis, Rovena Troqe, Johanna Gerlach, Pierrette Bouillon, Hervé Spechbach:
An Albanian Text-to-Speech System for the BabelDr Medical Speech Translator. 527-531 - Vije Kumar Rajput, Jack Dowie, Mette Kjer Kaltoft
Are Clinical Decision Support Systems Compatible with Patient-Centred Care? 532-536 - Zuzana Tocimáková, Ludmila Pusztová
, Ján Paralic, Dominik Pella:
Case-Based Reasoning for Support of the Diagnostics of Cardiovascular Diseases. 537-541 - Abir Abdellatif, Jacques Bouaud, Duy Nghiem, Carmelo Lafuente-Lafuente
, Joël Belmin, Brigitte Séroussi
Clinical Decision Support Systems in Nursing Homes: A Scoping Review. 542-546 - Thibault Dhalluin, Aurélie Bannay
, Pierre Lemordant, Emmanuelle Sylvestre, Emmanuel Chazard, Marc Cuggia
, Guillaume Bouzillé:
Comparison of Unplanned 30-Day Readmission Prediction Models, Based on Hospital Warehouse and Demographic Data. 547-551 - Dimitar Tcharaktchiev
, Evgeniy Krastev
, Patrick Petrossians, Simeon Abanos
, Hristo Kyurkchiev, Petko Kovatchev
Cross-Border Exchange of Clinical Data Using Archetype Concepts Compatible with the International Patient Summary. 552-556 - Filiz Isleyen
, M. Mahir Ülgü:
Data Transfer Model for HIS and Developers Opinions in Turkey. 557-561 - Jack Dowie, Mette Kjer Kaltoft
Decision Quality Is a Preference-Sensitive Formative Concept: How Do Some Existing Measures Compare? 562-566 - John Meredith, Ian McNicoll, Nik Whitehead
, Kemi Ademoye:
Defining the Contextual Problem List. 567-571 - Sauli Miettinen, Henni Tenhunen
Digital Follow-Up Application for Cancer Patients - Value Mechanisms Regarding Health Professionals' Work. 572-576 - Anthony J. Maeder:
Digital Technology Trends Supporting Assisted Independent Living of Ageing Population. 577-581 - Ivan Recalde, Denise Levi, Mariano Franco, Santiago Esteban, Analía Baum:
Electronic Health Records as a Facilitator for the Implementation of a Strategy for the Reduction of Maternal and Child Morbi-Mortality in Buenos Aires City. 582-586 - Giuliana Colussi, Amalia Botto, Romina Giudicessi, Laura Gomel, Aldo Marangone, Miguel Rodriguez, Sonia E. Benitez:
Evaluating Quality of Electronic Clinical Notes Using the Spanish Version of Physician Documentation Quality Instrument (PDQI-9) in a High-Complexity Hospital. Cross-Sectional Study. 587-591 - Maximilian Fechner, Tobias J. Brix, Tobias Hardt, Johannes Oehm, Martin Dugas
, Michael Storck
Evaluation of openEHR Repositories Regarding Standard Compliance. 592-596 - Franziska Bathelt
, Michéle Kümmel, Sven Helfer, Christian Kamann, Martin Sedlmayr:
Formal Modelling of FHIR Based, Medical Data Exchange Using Algebraic Petri Nets. 597-601 - Seydou Golo Barro, Amadou Dicko
, Paul-André de Lame, Pascal Staccini:
Health Metrics Network (HMN-WHO), a Tool to Assess the Quality of the Information System in Burkina Hospitals. 602-606 - Stefan Vogel
, Jendrik Richter
, Stefanie Wache, Kerstin Pischek-Koch, Simon Auchter, Sebastian Zebbities, Karen Güttler, Ursula Hübner, Mareike Przysucha, Jens Hüsers, Björn Sellemann:
Implementation and Analysis of Two Knowledge Base Approaches for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds. 607-612 - Kerstin Denecke
, Lea Meier, Jan G. Bauer, Matthias Bender, Christopher Lueg:
Information Capturing in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Settings (EMS). 613-617 - Kevin Tippenhauer, Marwin Philips, Carlo R. Largiadèr, Murat Sariyar, Thomas Bürkle
Integrating Pharmacogenetic Decision Support into a Clinical Information System. 618-622 - George Despotou
, Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen
, Mustafa Yuksel, Bunyamin Sarigul, Pontus Lindman, Marie-Christine Jaulent
, Jacques Bouaud, Lamine Traore, Sarah N. Lim Choi Keung
, Esteban De Manuel Keenoy, Dolores Verdoy, Antonio De Blas, Nicolas Gonzalez, Mikael Lilja, Marie Sherman, Malte Von Tottleben
, Marie Beach, Christopher Marguerie, Liran Karni, Gunnar O. Klein, Dipak Kalra, Rong Chen, Theodoros N. Arvanitis
Localisation, Personalisation and Delivery of Best Practice Guidelines on an Integrated Care and Cure Cloud Architecture: The C3-Cloud Approach to Managing Multimorbidity. 623-627 - Claudia Blancafort, Jacques Bouaud, Coralie Prebet, Brigitte Séroussi
Making a Subjective Notion Computer-Interpretable: The Case of the Tumour-Volume to Breast-Volume Ratio for the Surgical Decision of Breast Cancer. 628-632 - Özlem Teckert:
More Information Continuity Through Health Networks? Barriers to Implementation and Use of Health IT. 633-637 - Satoko Tsuru, Tetsuro Tamamoto, Hitoshi Furuya, Akihiro Nakao
, Mari Fukuyama, Kouichi Tanizaki, Naohisa Yahagi:
Nursing Record Innovations Aimed at Harmonizing Structured Clinical Knowledge Among Doctors and Nurses. 638-642 - Sabine Koch
, Miwa Guhres:
Physicians' Experiences of Patient-Initiated Online Consultations in Primary Care Using Direct-To-Consumer Technology. 643-647 - Adnan Kulenovic
, Azra Lagumdzija-Kulenovic
PM-TOM: A Method for Finding Personalized Polypharmacy Therapies with Minimal Adverse Drug-Drug, Drug-Gene and Drug-Condition Interactions. 648-652 - Timo Michelsen, Christian Lins, Andreas Hein, Christian Lüpkes:
Practical Implementation of Receiver-Oriented Encryption in STROKE OWL. 653-657 - In Cheol Jeong, Herbert Karpatkin, Joel Stein, Joseph Finkelstein:
Relationship Between Exercise Duration in Multimodal Telerehabilitation and Quality of Sleep in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. 658-662 - Rui Jesus, Pedro Nunes, Rui Lebre
, Carlos Costa
Role-Based Architecture for Secure Management of Telepathology Sessions. 663-667 - Giuliana Colussi, Gabriela García, María Grande, Daniel R. Luna
Safer Surgery Checklist: Barriers in the Adoption of Tablets in Operating Room. 668-672 - Sascha Gfeller, Philip Kyburz, Kai-Uwe Schmitt, Thomas Bürkle
, Jürgen Holm, Murat Sariyar:
Sensor-Based Decision Support for the Allocation of Patient Attendants in Hospitals. 673-677 - Anthony J. Maeder, Gary Morgan:
Smart Ageing: Digital Solutions for Future Care. 678-682 - Emmanuel Chazard, Jean-Baptiste Beuscart
, Michaël Rochoy, Olivia Dalleur
, Bertrand Decaudin, Pascal Odou, Grégoire Ficheur:
Statistically Prioritized and Contextualized Clinical Decision Support Systems, the Future of Adverse Drug Events Prevention? 683-687 - Guilherme Redeker
, Juliana Bowles
Tackling Polypharmacy: A Multi-Source Decision Support System. 688-692 - Pietro Randine, Daniela Micucci, Gunnar Hartvigsen, Eirik Årsand:
The House of Carbs: Personalized Carbohydrate Dispenser for People with Diabetes. 693-697 - Brigitte Séroussi
, Jacques Bouaud:
Update on the DMP, the French Nationally Shared Medical Record: Did We Make It? 698-702 - Gunnar Ellingsen, Morten Hertzum
User Requirements Meet Large-Scale EHR Suites: Norwegian Preparations for Epic. 703-707 - Tuomo Tanila, Henni Tenhunen
, Petteri Hirvonen:
Value Mechanisms in the Implementation of Intelligent Patient Flow Management System - A Multiple Case Study. 708-712 - Elham Salehi, Mahdi Mehrabi
, Farhad Fatehi
, Asiyeh Salehi:
Virtual Reality Therapy for Social Phobia: A Scoping Review. 713-717 - Samar El Helou
, Victoria Abou Khalil, Goshiro Yamamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Tomohiro Kuroda:
Visualizing the Cascade Effect of Redesigning Features in an EMR System. 718-722 - Virginia Sandulescu
, Sorin Puscoci, Monica Petre, Alexandru Gîrlea, Viorel Bota:
Web Application for Home Care Providers. 723-727 - Thomas Kronborg
, Stine Veje Hangaard, Ole K. Hejlesen
A Model for Early Identification of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 731-735 - Ho Heon Kim, Hong Wook Kwon, Sambath Kao
, Hyuk-Sang Sohn, Joohye Kim, Yejin Choi, Doora Kim, Mirae Kang, Yu Rang Park
A Study of the Possibility of Detecting Pediatric Mild Developmental Delay Through a Serious Game: A Randomized Cluster Trial in Cambodia. 736-740 - Nils-Hendrik Benning
, Niclas Hagen
, Petra Knaup
Current Use of Sensor-Based Measurements for Paraplegics: A Literature Review. 741-745 - Corinna Mielke, Rasmus Antons, Reinhold Haux:
Detection of Psychomotor Agitation Pattern from Motion Sensor Data in a Living Environment of a Patient with Dementia. 746-750 - Michaël Rapin, Josias Wacker, Damien Ferrario, Etienne Haenni, Stephan Dasen, Olivier Chételat:
ECG-Quality Assessment of Dry-Electrode Cooperative Sensors. 751-755 - Stelian Nicola, Oana Sorina Chirila
, Lacramioara Stoicu-Tivadar:
Gesture Classification for a Hand Controller Device Using Neural Networks. 756-760 - Alphons Eggerth, Karl Kreiner, Dieter Hayn, Bernhard Pfeifer
, Gerhard Pölzl, Tim Egelseer-Bründl, Günter Schreier:
Natural Language Processing for Detecting Medication-Related Notes in Heart Failure Telehealth Patients. 761-765 - Nirusha Jeevanandan, Christian Nøhr
Patient-Generated Health Data in the Clinic. 766-770 - Ulla-Mari Kinnunen, Eija Kivekäs, Sari Palojoki, Kaija Saranto:
Register-Based Research of Adverse Events Revealing Incomplete Records Threatening Patient Safety. 771-775 - Santiago Andrés Frid, María Florencia Grande Ratti
, Ana Pedretti, Marina Valinoti, Bernardo Martínez, Janine Sommer, Daniel R. Luna
, Fernando Plazzotta:
Teletriage Pilot Study (Strategy for Unscheduled Teleconsultations): Results, Patient Acceptance and Satisfaction. 776-780 - Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Junior, Marjan Askari
, Diovana Ximenes Cavalcante Dourado, Juliana Gomes Ramalho de Oliveira, José Eurico de Vasconcelos Filho
The Renal Health Instagram: An Analysis of Comments. 781-785 - Antonio Torrejon, Octavi Rodriguez-Blanco, Miguel Angel Mayer
Use of Social Media Apps by Nurses for Professional Purposes in Catalonia: Cross-Sectional Study. 786-790 - Appoh Kouamé, Konan Marcellin Brou, Moussa Lo, Jean-Baptiste Lamy:
Visual Representation of African Traditional Medicine Recipes Using Icons and a Formal Ontology, ontoMEDTRAD. 791-795 - Elia Gabarron
, Dillys Larbi, Kerstin Denecke
, Eirik Årsand:
What Do We Know About the Use of Chatbots for Public Health? 796-800 - Sven Van Laere
, Ronald Buyl
, Marc Nyssen:
A Stroll Along the Erroneous ePrescription Interactions Within the Belgian Pharmacy. 803-807 - Nico Jähne-Raden, Udo Bavendiek, Henrike Gütschleg, Ulf Kulau
, Stephan Sigg, Marie Cathrine Wolf
, Tanja Zeppernick, Michael Marschollek
A Structured Measurement of Highly Synchronous Real-Time Ballistocardiography Signal Data of Heart Failure Patients. 808-812 - Kate Fultz Hollis
, Kirk Roberts, Steven Bedrick, William R. Hersh:
Addressing the Search Challenges of Precision Medicine with Information Retrieval Systems and Physician Readers. 813-817 - Daniel A. Rizzato Lede
, Federico A. Pedernera, Emiliano López, Cintia D. Speranza, Carlos Guevel, Jesse J. Maid, Patricia MacCulloch, Florencia Rolandi, Fabiana Ayala, Daniel A. Abadie, María I. Baqué, Fernando D. Gassino, Fernando Campos, Diego Kaminker, Cintia A. Cejas, Alejandro López Osornio, Adolfo Rubinstein:
Argentinian Digital Health Strategy. 818-822 - Sarah Mullin, Peter L. Elkin:
Assessing Opioid Use Patient Representations and Subtypes. 823-827 - Bastian Wollschlaeger
, Klaus Kabitzsch:
Automated Engineering for Health Smart Homes: Find a Way in the Jungle of Assistance Systems. 828-832 - Vesa Jormanainen, Toni Relander, Vilma Jormanainen, Marina Lindgren:
Decreasing Number of Medication Prescriptions After e-Prescriptions Became Mandatory and Their Valid Period Was Extended: A Big Bang Policy Change in Finland in 2017. 833-837 - Natividad Burdisso, Santiago Esteban, Karin S. Kopitowski, Sergio A. Terrasa:
Exploratory Analysis of HIV Status Knowledge and Associated Factors Using Data from Electronic Medical Records. 838-842 - Dave Carter
, Marta Stojanovic, Philip Hachey, Kevin Fournier, Simon Rodier, Yunli Wang, Berry de Bruijn:
Global Public Health Surveillance Using Media Reports: Redesigning GPHIN. 843-847 - Christine Kakalou
, Lella Cosmaro, Vlasios K. Dimitriadis
, Anne Raahauge, Dorthe Raben, Vassilis Koutkias:
ICT Toolkit for Integrated Prevention, Testing and Linkage to Care Across HIV, Hepatitis, STIs and Tuberculosis in Europe. 848-852 - Atina Husnayain
, Anis Fuad, Ida Safitri Laksono, Emily Chia-Yu Su
Improving Dengue Surveillance System with Administrative Claim Data in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges. 853-857 - Anya Okhmatovskaia, David L. Buckeridge:
Intelligent Tools for Precision Public Health. 858-863 - Vicent Blanes-Selva
, Salvador Tortajada
, Ruth Vilar, Bernardo Valdivieso
, Juan M. García-Gómez:
Machine Learning-Based Identification of Obesity from Positive and Unlabelled Electronic Health Records. 864-868 - Rada Hussein
Medical Informatics in the Digital Personalized Health and Medicine Era: A SWOT Analysis and Actionable Strategies. 869-873 - Keyuan Jiang, Shichao Feng, Liyuan Huang, Tingyu Chen, Gordon R. Bernard
Mining Potential Effects of HUMIRA in Twitter Posts Through Relational Similarity. 874-878 - Theodora S. Brisimi, Vanessa López
, Valentina Rho, Marco Luca Sbodio
, Gabriele Picco, Morten Kristiansen, John Segrave-Daly, Conor Cullen:
Ontology-Guided Policy Information Extraction for Healthcare Fraud Detection. 879-883 - Déborah Caucheteur, Julien Gobeill, Anaïs Mottaz, Emilie Pasche
, Pierre-André Michel, Luc Mottin, Daniel J. Stekhoven
, Valérie Barbié
, Patrick Ruch:
Text-Mining Services of the Swiss Variant Interpretation Platform for Oncology. 884-888 - Julian Varghese
, Michael Fujarski, Tim Hahn, Martin Dugas
, Tobias Warnecke:
The Smart Device System for Movement Disorders: Preliminary Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy in a Prospective Study. 889-893 - Ashenafi Zebene Woldaregay, André Henriksen, David-Zacharie Issom
, Gerit Pfuhl
, Keiichi Sato, Aude Richard
, Christian Lovis, Eirik Årsand, Jessica Rochat, Gunnar Hartvigsen:
User Expectations and Willingness to Share Self-Collected Health Data. 894-898 - Melanie Cassarino
, Eunice Correa, Sebastian Minoletti, Amalia Botto, Romina P. Rapisarda, María Florencia Grande Ratti
, Daniel R. Luna
A Path Towards Inclusion: Transdisciplinary Experience for the Inclusion of Self-Perceived Gender in an Information System. 901-905 - Olufisayo Olakotan, Maryati Mohd Yusof
, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh:
A Systematic Review on CDSS Alert Appropriateness. 906-910 - Guido Giunti
, Maëlick Claes, Enrique Dorronzoro Zubiete, Octavio Rivera Romero
, Elia Gabarron
Analysing Sentiment and Topics Related to Multiple Sclerosis on Twitter. 911-915 - Georgy D. Kopanitsa:
Automatic Interpretation of Laboratory Tests and Its Influence on Follow-up. 916-920 - Angela Leis, Miguel Angel Mayer
, Francesco Ronzano, Marta Torrens
, Claudio Castillo, Laura I. Furlong, Ferran Sanz
Clinical-Based and Expert Selection of Terms Related to Depression for Twitter Streaming and Language Analysis. 921-925 - Astri Letnes Janson, Anne Moen, Kristin Skeide Fuglerud
Design of the CAPABLE Health Empowerment Tool: Citizens' Needs and Expectations. 926-930 - Mariana Simón, Giuliana Colussi, Janine Sommer, Lucila Bruchanski, Fernando Plazzotta:
Designing a Patient-Centered Notification System into a PHR. 931-935 - Sabine N. van der Veer
, Angelo Ercia, Fergus J. Caskey
, Ken Farrington, Francine Jury, Michael Rees
, Tim Whitlock, Sarah Knowles:
Developing an Intervention to Implement Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes in Renal Services in the UK. 936-940 - Christina Karamanidou, Christos Maramis, Kostas Stamatopoulos
, Vassilis Koutkias:
Development of a ePRO-Based Palliative Care Intervention for Cancer Patients: A Participatory Design Approach. 941-945 - Sabine N. van der Veer
, Anna L. Beukenhorst
, Syed Mustafa Ali, Ben James, Pedro Silva, John McBeth
, William G. Dixon:
Development of a Mobile Digital Manikin to Measure Pain Location and Intensity. 946-950 - Nicole Safavi Andersen, Louise Hedrich Haugaard, Sissel Bøgh Pedersen, Mikkel Strange Pedersen, Ann Bygholm
Digital Support for Self-Management in Children with Diabetes: Understanding Their Needs and Developing a Design Concept. 951-955 - Pernille Bertelsen, Lone Stub Petersen, Christian Nøhr
Does Health-IT Improve People Centered Care? 956-960 - Eric L. Eisenstein, Maryam Y. Garza
, Mitra Rocca, Gideon S. Gordon, Meredith N. Zozus:
eSource-Enabled vs. Traditional Clinical Trial Data Collection Methods: A Site-Level Economic Analysis. 961-965 - Sari Kujala, Iiris Hörhammer
, Riitta Hänninen-Ervasti, Tarja Heponiemi
Health Professionals' Experiences of the Benefits and Challenges of Online Symptom Checkers. 966-970 - Morten Hertzum
, Jesper Simonsen
How Come Nothing Changed? Reflections on the Fasting-Time Project. 971-975 - Kerstin Denecke
, Jim Warren:
How to Evaluate Health Applications with Conversational User Interface? 976-980 - Stephanie Medlock, Roland Schermer, Ronald Cornet
Implementation of an Open-Source Electronic Health Record for Decision-Support Education in Medical Informatics. 981-985 - Désirée Walther, Olivia Steinmann, Thomas O. F. Wagner, Holger Storf:
Implementation of EXABO - An Expert Advisory Board for the European Reference Network for Rare Respiratory Diseases. 986-990 - Nico Ploner
, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch:
Integrating a Secure and Generic Mobile App for Patient Reported Outcome Acquisition into an EHR Infrastructure Based on FHIR Resources. 991-995 - María Óskarsdóttir, Anna Sigríður Islind:
Interaction with Medical Venues in Megacities. 996-1000 - Cécile Petitgand, Aude Motulsky, Jean-Louis Denis, Catherine Régis:
Investigating the Barriers to Physician Adoption of an Artificial Intelligence- Based Decision Support System in Emergency Care: An Interpretative Qualitative Study. 1001-1005 - Subhro Das, Chandramouli Maduri, Ching-Hua Chen, Pei-Yun Sabrina Hsueh:
Learning Interpretable Behavioral Engagement for Care Management. 1006-1010 - Daniel A. Rizzato Lede
, Federico A. Pedernera, Emiliano López, Cintia D. Speranza, Jesse J. Maid, Fernando D. Gassino, Osvaldo Argibay, Rodrigo Castiglione, Guillermo Pujadas, Emanuel Gonzalez Alvaredo, Rodrigo Álvarez, Maria B. Markiewicz, Florencia Alegre, Leandro Ferrareis, Florencia Rolandi, Fabiana Ayala, Daniel A. Abadie, Cintia A. Cejas
, Alejandro López Osornio, Adolfo Rubinstein:
Mi Argentina/Mi Salud: The Argentinian Citizen Digital Health Portal. 1011-1015 - Léa Jacques
, Catherine Bussien, Camille Descloux, Lisa Decorsaire, Christian Lovis, Frédéric Ehrler:
Nutrikids, a Smartphone Application to Improve the Quality of Paediatrical Dietary Assessments: Feasability Study. 1016-1020 - Jonas Moll, Åsa Cajander:
On Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records and the Experienced Effect on the Work Environment of Nurses. 1021-1025 - Helen Monkman
, Thomas Schmidt, Christian Nøhr
Online Medication Information for Citizens: A Comparison of Demands on eHealth Literacy. 1026-1030 - Maria Hägglund
, Emma Helsing, Isabella Scandurra:
Personalized Communication - People with Hearing Loss' Experiences of Using a National Patient Portal. 1031-1035 - Maryati Mohd. Yusof
, Toshihiro Takeda, Naoki Mihara, Yasushi Matsumura:
Process Approach for Managing Health Information System-Induced Medication Errors. 1036-1040 - Meghan Bradway, Kari Leibowitz, Kathleen A. Garrison
, Lauren C. Howe
, Eirik Årsand:
Qualitative Evaluations of mHealth Interventions: Current Gaps and Future Directions. 1041-1045 - Somaya Ben Allouch, Lex van Velsen:
Social Robots for Elderly Care: An Inventory of Promising Use Cases and Business Models. 1046-1050 - Jeppe Eriksen
, Pernille Bertelsen, Ann Bygholm
The Digital Transformation of Patient-Reported Outcomes' (PROs) Functionality Within Healthcare. 1051-1055 - Jonas Moll, Hanife Rexhepi:
The Effect of Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records on Communication and Involvement in Care - A National Patient Survey in Sweden. 1056-1060 - Lena Griebel, Marc Hinderer, Ali Amr, Benjamin Meder, Marc Schweig, Dominic Deuber
, Christoph Egger
, Claudia Kawohl, Annika Krämer, Isabell Flade, Dominique Schröder
, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch:
The Patient as Genomic Data Manager - Evaluation of the PROMISE App. 1061-1065 - Daniel Robins, Rachel Brody, In Cheol Jeong, Irena Parvanova, Jiazhen Liu, Joseph Finkelstein:
Towards a Highly Usable, Mobile Electronic Platform for Patient Recruitment and Consent Management. 1066-1070 - Marieke Sijm-Eeken
, Jaqueline Zheng, Linda W. P. Peute:
Towards a Lean Process for Patient Journey Mapping - A Case Study in a Large Academic Setting. 1071-1075 - Blake J. Lesselroth, Helen Monkman
, Kathleen Adams, Scott Wood, Audrey Corbett, Juell Homco, Elizabeth M. Borycki, Ross Spier, Andre W. Kushniruk:
User Experience Theories, Models, and Frameworks: A Focused Review of the Healthcare Literature. 1076-1080 - Arnaud Ricci, Jessica Rochat, Henk Herman Nap
, Lotte Cornelisse, Christian Lovis, Frédéric Ehrler:
User-Centred Approach to Design an Online Social Support Platform for Seniors : Identification of Users' Types and Their Requirements. 1081-1085 - Bernd Blobel, Pekka Ruotsalainen, Mathias Brochhausen, Frank Oemig, Gustavo A. Uribe
Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Transformation to 5P Medicine - Ethical Challenges. 1089-1093 - Eike-Henner W. Kluge:
Big Data, Information Technology and Information Professionals: Some Considerations for Digital Ethics. 1094-1097 - Jessica Rochat, Christophe Gaudet-Blavignac
, Marzia Del Zotto, Victor Ruiz Garretas, Vasiliki Foufi, David Issom
, Caroline Samer
, Samia Hurst
, Christian Lovis:
Citizens' Participation in Health and Scientific Research in Switzerland. 1098-1102 - Gary Leeming
, Sarah Thew, John D. Ainsworth
Designing a Solution to Manage Electronic Consent for Children. 1103-1107 - Muzawir Arief, Sari Rissanen, Kaija Saranto:
Effectiveness of Web Accessibility Policy Implementation in Online Healthcare Information. 1108-1112 - Casimir A. Kulikowski, George I. Mihalas:
Evolution of Interdisciplinarity in Medical Informatics in Europe: Patterns from Intertwining Histories. 1113-1117 - Farhad Fatehi
, Farkhondeh Hassandoust, Ryan K. L. Ko
, Saeed Akhlaghpour:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Healthcare: Hot Topics and Research Fronts. 1118-1122 - Paul DeMuro, Carolyn Petersen
, Paul Turner:
Health 'Big Data' Value, Benefit, and Control: The Patient eHealth Equity Gap. 1123-1127 - Jonas Bienzeisler, Hauke Fischer, Volker S. Thiemann, Rainer Röhrig:
Human-Induced Errors in Networked Healthcare Research: Risk Management Under the GDPR. 1128-1132 - Vincent Looten, Marie Simon:
Impact Analysis of the Policy for Access of Administrative Data in France: A Before-After Study. 1133-1137 - Signe Mezinska
, Arnis Buka
, Agnese Bankava, Juris Barzdins:
Legal and Ethical Issues in Secondary Use of Administrative Health Data: The Case of Latvian Healthcare Monitoring Datalink. 1138-1142 - Alpo Värri
, Minna Tiainen, Elina Rajalahti, Ulla-Mari Kinnunen, Lea Saarni, Outi Ahonen
The Definition of Informatics Competencies in Finnish Healthcare and Social Welfare Education. 1143-1147 - Julia Maurer, Ramon Saccilotto, Jörg Willers, Pascal Düblin, Vu Duong, Christiane Pauli-Magnus:
SPHN - Development and Usability Testing of an Electronic General Consent Prototype. 1151-1155 - Adrien K. Lawrence, Liselotte Selter, Urs Frey
SPHN - The Swiss Personalized Health Network Initiative. 1156-1160 - Jean Louis Raisaro
, Juan Ramón Troncoso-Pastoriza, Sylvain Pradervand, Michel A. Cuendet
, Mickaël Misbach
, João Sá Sousa, Francesco Marino, Nicolas Freundler, Nicolas Rosat, David Cavin, Alexander B. Leichtle, Jacques Fellay
, Olivier Michielin
, Jean-Pierre Hubaux:
SPHN/PHRT - MedCo in Action: Empowering the Swiss Molecular Tumor Board with Privacy-Preserving and Real-Time Patient Discovery. 1161-1162 - Adrian Egli
, Manuel Battegay, Andrea C. Büchler
, Peter Bühlmann, Thierry Calandra, Philippe Eckert, Hansjakob Furrer, Gilbert Greub, Stephan M. Jakob, Laurent Kaiser, Stephen L. Leib
, Stephan Marsch
, Nicolai Meinshausen, Jean-Luc Pagani, Jerome Pugin, Gunnar Rätsch, Jacques Schrenzel, Reto Schüpbach, Martin Siegemund, Nicola Zamboni
, Reinhard Zbinden, Annelies Zinkernagel
, Karsten M. Borgwardt
SPHN/PHRT: Forming a Swiss-Wide Infrastructure for Data-Driven Sepsis Research. 1163-1167 - Ayoung Jeong
, Murielle Bochud, Philippe C. Cattin
, Manolis Dermitzakis, Bogdan Draganski
, Andreas Papassotiropoulos, Martine Preisig
, Bram Stieltjes, Peter Vollenweider
, Nicole Probst-Hensch:
SPHN - The Swiss Aging Citizen Reference (SACR). 1168-1169 - Diana Coman Schmid, Katrin Crameri
, Sabine Oesterle
, Bernd Rinn, Thierry Sengstag, Heinz Stockinger
, Leila T. Alexander, Jonathan Barda, Christian Bolliger, Urban Borstnik, Gerhard Bräunlich, Olivier Byrde, Jérôme Dauvillier, Robin Engler, Pablo Escobar Lopez, Volker Flegel, Martin Fox, Sofia Georgakopoulou, Jani Heikkinen, Martin Jacquot, Nicolas Kowenski, Guillermo Losilla, Sergio Maffioletti, Jorge Molina, Diego Moreno, Allen Neeser, Michal Okoniewski, Warren Paulus, Kevin Sayers, Torsten Schwede, Jaroslaw Surkont, Richard Wartenburger, Thomas Wüst:
SPHN - The BioMedIT Network: A Secure IT Platform for Research with Sensitive Human Data. 1170-1174 - Laura-Maria Peltonen
, Armi Kuloheimo, Kristiina Junttila, Sanna Salanterä
A Digital Service Logistics Information System for Emergency Department Care Coordination - Professionals' Experiences. 1177-1178 - Simon Lebech Cichosz, Morten Hasselstrøm Jensen
, Thomas Kronborg Larsen
, Ole K. Hejlesen
A Matlab Tool for Organizing and Analyzing NHANES Data. 1179-1180 - Melanie Cassarino
, Eunice Correa, Sebastian Minoletti, Oscar Ignacio Jáuregui, María Florencia Grande Ratti
, Carlos Otero, Daniel R. Luna
A Path to Inclusion: Design and Prototype of Transgender Identity in an Electronic Health Record. 1181-1182 - João Rafael Almeida
, Eriksson J. Melicio Monteiro, Luís A. Bastião Silva
, Alejandro Pazos
, José Luís Oliveira:
A Recommender System Based on Cohorts' Similarity. 1183-1184 - Hannes Ulrich, Sebastian Germer
, Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer, Jori Kern, Martin Lablans, Josef Ingenerf
A Smart Mapping Editor for Standardised Data Transformation. 1185-1186 - Takeo Shibata, Akemi Kunimatsu, Chika Hiraga, Yoko Shimizu:
Accessible Rates to Health Information on the Internet in Elderlies Increased Among Fifteen Years. 1187-1188 - Lydia Montandon:
Addressing Ethics in the CrowdHEALTH RDI Project Concerned with Large Amounts of Data to Support Health Policies. 1189-1190 - Chi-Chang Chang
, Ying-Chen Chen:
Advanced Machine Learning in Prediction of Second Primary Cancer in Colorectal Cancer. 1191-1192 - Noemi Giordano
, Samanta Rosati
, Federica Valeri, Alessandra Borchiellini, Gabriella Balestra
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Care Delivery for Patients with Thrombotic and Bleeding Disorders. 1193-1194 - Grace O'Mahony, Christopher Hawthorne, Karl McQuaid, Guillermo H. López-Campos
An "in silico" Bench to Bedside Approach to Investigating Sepsis Biomarkers. 1195-1196 - Maria Patte, Joseph Liaskos
, Parisis Gallos
, John Mantas:
An Online Prevention Tool for Ophthalmological Disorders. 1197-1198 - Saly Abouelenein, Tremaine B. Williams
, Jaime Baldner, Meredith Nahm Zozus:
Analysis of Professional Competencies for the Clinical Research Data Management Profession. 1199-1200 - Giacomo Derchi, Marco Visentin, Vincenzo Marchio, Lisa Lardani
, Antonio Barone, Marco Prenassi
, Sara Marceglia
Application of IBM Watson to Support Literature Reviews: A Preliminary Experience in Restorative Dentistry. 1201-1202 - Austin Springer, Donna Chachere, Awaad Alsarkhi, Meredith N. Zozus:
The Impact of Information Quality on Retracted Bioinformatics Literature. 1203-1204 - Sapan Mandloi, Zackary Falls
, Rong Deng, Ram Samudrala, Peter L. Elkin:
Association of C>U RNA Editing with Human Disease Variants. 1205-1206 - Michael Oertl, Georg Prokop, Felix Holl
, Marina Fotteler
, Viktoria Muehlbauer, Walter Swoboda, Friederike Liesche-Starnecker
Automated Analysis of the Heterogeneity of Histological Glioblastoma Slides Using Neural Networks. 1207-1208 - Michal Kopka, Wiktor Paskal
, Adriana M. Paskal, Piotr Pietruski, Ryszard Kopka, Pawel K. Wlodarski
Automated Nerve Fibres Identification and Morphometry Analysis with Neural Network Based Tool in MATLAB. 1209-1210 - Martín Díaz Maffini, Fernanda Aguirre Ojea, Matías Manzotti:
Automatic Detection of Vital Signs in Clinical Notes of the Outpatient Settings. 1211-1212 - Thomas Engelsma
, Monique W. M. Jaspers, Anne M. Turner:
Best Practices for Designing Discrete Choice Experiments and the Use for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment. 1213-1214 - Pierre Gillois, Lionel Di Marco
, Josep M. Nicolàs, Alexandre Moreau-Gaudry, Anne Ego
, Sandra David-Tchouda, Donald K. Martin
, Jean-Luc Bosson:
Biostatistics Disruptive Acculturation Through Serious Gaming: A New Hope. 1215-1216 - S. de Matos Lima, C. L. Gimenez
, Daniel R. Luna
Challenges of In-House Development and Implementation of a CPOE for Oncology. 1217-1218 - Navaneethakrishna Makaram, Ramakrishnan Swaminathan:
Classification of Biceps Brachii Muscle Fatigue Condition Using Phase Space Network Features. 1219-1220 - Katerina Marsálová, Daniel Schwarz
, Ivo Provazník
Classification of First-Episode Schizophrenia Using Wavelet Imaging Features. 1221-1222 - Vincenzo Della Mea
, David Pilutti:
Classification of Histologic Images Using a Single Staining: Experiments with Deep Learning on Deconvolved Images. 1223-1224 - Satyavratan Govindarajan
, Sukanta Kumar Tulo, Ramakrishnan Swaminathan:
Classification of Normal and Cardiomegaly Conditions in Chest Radiographs Using Cardio-Mediastinal Features. 1225-1226 - Raphaël Chauvet, Cédric Bousquet
, Agnès Lillo-Le Louët, Ilan Zana, Ilan Ben Kimoun, Marie-Christine Jaulent
Classification of the Severity of Adverse Drugs Reactions. 1227-1228 - Jackline Bamdeg, Thomas Schmidt:
Coping with IT Downtime in Hospitals. 1229-1230 - Mariano Aizpurua, Tomás Galluzzi, Santiago Esteban:
Creating and Implementing a Professional Development Program to Improve Organizational Capacity for Health Analytics in a Public Health Setting. 1231-1232 - Luciana Schleder Gonçalves
, Dayane Andreatta, Fernanda Karoline Schamne:
Cross-Mapping Study of Nursing Practice Terms from a Brazilian Hospital Database. 1233-1234 - Irena Parvanova, Joseph Finkelstein:
Data Integration Approaches for Representing Stem Cell Studies. 1235-1236 - Malte-Levin Jauer, Thomas M. Deserno:
Data Provenance Standards and Recommendations for FAIR Data. 1237-1238 - Bridget J. Daley, Evangelia Kyrimi, Kudakwashe Dube, Norman E. Fenton, Graham A. Hitman, Scott McLachlan:
Data Visualisation in Midwifery: The Challenge of Seeing what Datasets Hide. 1239-1240 - Md. Mohaimenul Islam
, Hsuan-Chia Yang
, Phung Anh Nguyen, Yu-Hsiang Wang, Tahmina Nasrin Poly, Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li:
Deep Learning Approach for the Development of a Novel Predictive Model for Prostate Cancer. 1241-1242 - Miguel Pedrera-Jiménez
, Pablo Serrano
, Ana Terriza, Jaime Cruz
, Carolina Varela, Ana Salamanca, Noelia Garcia, Carmen Salgado, Consuelo Sanz, Lucía Hernández, Montse Alemany, Adolfo Muñoz
Defining a Standardized Information Model for Multi-Source Representation of Breast Cancer Data. 1243-1244 - Christian Kowalski, Pedro Arizpe-Gomez
, Conrad Fifelski
, Anna Brinkmann
, Andreas Hein:
Design of a Supportive Transfer Robot System for Caregivers to Reduce Physical Strain During Nursing Activities. 1245-1246 - Kazuya Okamoto, Takashi Yamamoto, Shusuke Hiragi
, Shosuke Ohtera
, Osamu Sugiyama, Goshiro Yamamoto, Masahiro Hirose, Tomohiro Kuroda:
Detecting Severe Incidents from Electronic Medical Records Using Machine Learning Methods. 1247-1248 - Sungjun Park, MinDong Sung, Sungjae Jung
, Eunsol Lee, Jaehoon Lee, Yu Rang Park
Developing a Mobile App for Patients to Monitor Medical Record Changes Using Blockchain. 1249-1250 - Kassahun Dessie Gashu
, Fedlu Nurhussien, Adane Letta Mamuye, Kassahun Alemu Gelaye, Binyam Tilahun:
Developing and Piloting TB Medication and Refilling Reminder System in Ethiopia. 1251-1252 - Young Ji Lee, Harleigh Niyu:
Development of a Graph-Based Database for Ovarian Cancer Symptoms. 1253-1254 - Lixin Song, Eno Idiagbonya
, Kevin Su, Juliet Idiagbonya:
Development of a Personalized mHealth Program for Cancer Symptom and Complication Management. 1255-1256 - Esmée Tensen
, Youri Broekhuizen, Johan van Buggenum, Leonard Witkamp, Monique W. M. Jaspers, Linda W. P. Peute:
Development of a Questionnaire to Measure Healthcare Providers' Satisfaction with Telemedicine Services. 1257-1258 - Ayan Chatterjee, Martin W. Gerdes, Santiago G. Martinez
Development of a Smart e-Coach Recommendation System for Obesity. 1259-1260 - Camila Volij, Santiago Esteban:
Development of a Systematic Text Annotation Standard to Extract Social Support Information form Electronic Medical Records. 1261-1262 - Dumisani Enricho Nkhoma, Charles Jenya Soko, Pierre Bowrin, Usman Iqbal:
Digital Health Interventions for Diabetes Self-Management Education/Support in Type 1 & 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 1263-1264 - Daniel A. Rizzato Lede
, Cintia D. Speranza, Florencia Alegre, Adriana Cantora, Emilio Panizza, Ariadna Pou:
Electronic Medical Records Virtual Course. Strategies for an Effective Training. 1265-1266 - Jenni Santavirta, Anne Kuusisto, Kaija Saranto, Tarja Suominen
, Paula Asikainen:
Electronic Medication Administration System Supports Safe Medication Administration. 1267-1268 - Nagarajan Ganapathy, Ramakrishnan Swaminathan:
Emotion Analysis Using Electrodermal Signals and Spiking Deep Belief Network. 1269-1270 - C. L. Gimenez
, S. de Matos Lima, Daniel R. Luna
Evaluating the Use of a CPOE for Chemotherapy Protocols. 1271-1272 - Nino Fijacko, Lucija Gosak
, Primoz Kocbek, Leona Cilar, Andrej Markota, Gregor Stiglic:
Evaluation of Mobile Phone Mortality Risk Score Applications Using Data from the Electronic Medical Records. 1273-1274 - Alain Junger:
EVENT: A Concept Developped to Improve the Use of EHR by the Nurses. 1275-1276 - Femke van Sinderen, Esmée Tensen
, Job P. van der Heijden, Leonard Witkamp, Monique W. M. Jaspers, Linda W. P. Peute:
Experience and Expertise of Teledermatologists with Teledermoscopy: A Systematic Review to Guide Future Practice. 1277-1278 - Melanie Cassarino
, Camila Galván, Juan Descalzo, Elio Jerez, María I. Smith, Daniel R. Luna
Experience Story: How Do We Re-Implement What Has Been Implemented? 1279-1280 - Sari Nissinen:
Experiences of National Documentation in Electronic Health Records: The Study Among Occupational Health Nurses. 1281-1282 - Gastón Nicolás Quintana, Santiago Esteban:
Exploratory Analysis of Animal Bites Events in the City of Buenos Aires Using Data from Electronic Health Records. 1283-1284 - Sofia Sciarreta, Santiago Esteban:
Exploratory Analysis of Consultation Patterns Prior to the Diagnosis of Depression. 1285-1286 - Nahuel Orcaizaguirre, Santiago Esteban:
Exploratory Analysis of Exercise Mentions in Clinical Notes. 1287-1288 - Masaki Ono, Takayuki Katsuki, Masaki Makino, Kyoichi Haida, Atsushi Suzuki, Reitaro Tokumasu
Feature Set for a Prediction Model of Diabetic Kidney Disease Progression. 1289-1290 - Dietmar Glachs, Tuncay Namli
, Oliver Jung, Felix Strohmeier
, Manuela Ploessnig, Gustavo Rodriguez:
FHIR Driven Self-Management Support System for Diabetes. 1291-1292 - Anton Hasselgren
, Katina Kralevska, Danilo Gligoroski, Arild Faxvaag:
GDPR Compliant Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies in the Health Sector. 1293-1294 - Achim Michel-Backofen, Dorothee Steinke, Christian Katzer, Florian Brenck, Andreas Böning:
Generating Surveillance Data for Nosocomial Infections from Routine Charting in Intensive Care Units. 1295-1296 - Judith Born, Christina Ohlmeier, Jasmina Kis, Ralf Sick, Jörg Oberfeld, Christian Juhra:
Great Help for Small People - The Development of a Children's Emergency App. 1297-1298 - Andriana Magdalinou, John Mantas:
Greek Hospitals Web Accesibility. 1299-1300 - Milka Bochere Gesicho, Ankica Babic, Martin Chieng Were:
Health Facility Ownership Type and Performance on HIV Indicator Data Reporting in Kenya. 1301-1302 - Miruna D. Ciulu, Stefan Holban, Diana Lungeanu
Hierarchical Clustering for Image Classification in Dermatology: Towards Mobile Deploying. 1303-1304 - Jörn Krückeberg
, Ronny Klawunn
, Inessa Fuge, Reza Mazhari, Regina Schmeer, Nicole Hechtel:
How to Decide upon Nursing Technologies - A Participation-Based Approach. 1305-1306 - Spiros V. Georgakopoulos
, Parisis Gallos
, Vassilis P. Plagianakos:
How to Extract and Explore Big Data for Fraud Detection in the Healthcare Sector: The EOPYY Case Study. 1307-1308 - Rohini Palanisamy
, Ramakrishnan Swaminathan:
Identification of EMCI in MR Brainstem Structure Using Fractal Measures and Random Forest Approach. 1309-1310 - Heini Utunen
, Andrew Black, Oliver Stucke, Melissa Attias, Gaya M. Gamhewage:
Identifying and Assessing Competencies for Staff Working in Public Health Emergencies. 1311-1312 - Karima Sedki, Chaymae Lakrafli, Jean-Baptiste Lamy, Rosy Tsopra
Identifying Experts Reasoning in Antibiotic Treatment with Preference Learning. 1313-1314 - Priscila Alves Maranhão, Ana Margarida Pereira, Ricardo João Cruz Correia
Identifying Indicators to Assess and Monitor Data Integration Engines Systems. 1315-1316 - Tien-Yu Hsu
, Terry B. J. Kuo
, Ming-Chin Lin:
Implementation of Wireless Biosensor for Continuous EEG Monitoring in Neurological Intensive Care. 1317-1318 - Anshu Ankolekar
, Britt van der Heijden, Andre Dekker
, Cheryl Roumen
, Dirk De Ruysscher, Bart Reymen, Ruud Houben, Peter Fick, Sander Puts, Joeri Veugen, Adriana Berlanga, Cary Oberije
, Rianne Fijten
Implications of Clinicians' Attitudes Towards Clinical Decision Support Systems. 1319-1320 - Masaharu Nakayama
, Tadashi Ishii:
Incorporating Tacit Knowledge of Experts in the Assessment of Shelters Under Disaster. 1321-1322 - Markus Kolstad, Natsu Yamaguchi, Ankica Babic, Yoko Nishihara:
Integrating Socially Assistive Robots into Japanese Nursing Care. 1323-1324 - Jelena Milin Lazovic, Andja Cirkovic
, Marko Savic
, Ognjen Milicevic, Ljubica Carevic, Nikola Ilic, Dejana Stanisavljevic, Natasa Milic
Introducing Clinical Informatics Course in Medical School Curricula: Lessons Learned from Medical Faculty University of Belgrade. 1325-1326 - Honghan Wu
, Minhong Wang
, Qianyi Zeng, Wenjun Chen, Thomas Nind, Emily R. Jefferson
, Marion Bennie, Corri Black, Jeff Z. Pan, Cathie Sudlow, Dave Robertson:
Knowledge Driven Phenotyping. 1327-1328 - Jean-Baptiste Lamy, Hélène Berthelot, Madeleine Favre, Rosy Tsopra
Limits and Variability in Drug Databases: Lessons Learnt from Drug Comparisons. 1329-1330 - Liana Bruggemann, Christopher Hawthorne, Ram Samudrala, Guillermo H. López-Campos
Linking Genome and Exposome: Computational Analysis of Human Variation in Chemical-Target Interactions. 1331-1332 - Manuel Rodríguez Tablado, Paula Gonzalez Pannia, Fernando C. Ferrero
, Santiago Esteban:
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children, Weather and Google Search Trends. 1333-1334 - Julien Grosjean
, Kévin Billey, Jean Charlet
, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni:
Manual Evaluation of the Automatic Mapping of International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11 (in French). 1335-1336 - Humberto Fernán Mandirola Brieux, Alejandro Lopez Osornio, Martín Díaz Maffini, Miguel Amorese, Daniel A. Rizzato Lede
Master Patient Index Standardization Patient Search Identification Service (PSIS) of the National Directorate of Health Information Systems (DNSIS) Argentina. 1337-1338 - Harshana Liyanage, Oluwafunmi Akinyemi, Sameera Pathirannehelage, Mark Joy, Simon de Lusignan
Near Real Time Feedback of Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and Virological Sampling: Dashboard Utilisation in a Primary Care Sentinel Network. 1339-1340 - Francisco E. Peper, M. Belén Cardone, Santiago Esteban:
Neural Networks for Cause of Hospitalization and Final Cause of Death Extraction from Discharge Summaries. 1341-1342 - Wisit Thongkum, Santisith Khiewkhern:
Numerical Analysis of Conventional Air Pollutants and PM10 Concentration Affected to Respiratory Disease Patients in Bangkok, Thailand. 1343-1344 - Carolina Armagnague Thivant, Santiago Esteban, Analía J. Baum:
Patients' Experience and Assessment on the Transition from Paper to Electronic Medical Records. 1345-1346 - Rafiqul Islam, Kimiyo Kikuchi, Yoko Sato, Rieko Izukura, Fumihiko Yokota, Mariko Nishikitani, Raisa Tasneem, Nazneen Sultana, Ashir Ahmed, Naoki Nakashima:
Personal Health Record (PHR) System in Portable Health Clinic. 1347-1348 - Laurence Alpay, Ybranda Koster:
Persuasive eHealth to Support Home Rehabilitation of the Elderly After a Hip Operation: An Explorative Approach. 1349-1350 - Giorgos Nikou, Parisis Gallos
Physicians' and Pharmacists' Opinions Regarding the e-Prescription Systems. 1351-1352 - Anne Quesnel-Barbet
, Julien Soula, Erik-André Sauleau, Pierre Parrend, Pierre Bazile, François Dufossez, Gilles Maignant, Pascal Staccini, Frédéric Albert, Arnaud Hansske
PoleSat's Modelling a Reorganization of Vascular Catheterization Provision at the Territorial Hospital Grouping Level. 1353-1354 - Jakir Hossain Bhuiyan Masud
, Ming-Chin Lin:
Predicting Diagnosis Code from Medication List of an Electronic Medical Record Using Convolutional Neural Network. 1355-1356 - Nan Liu, Andrew Fu Wah Ho
, Pin Pin Pek
, Tsung-Chien Lu
, Pairoj Khruekarnchana, Kyoung Jun Song, Hideharu Tanaka, Ghulam Yasin Naroo, Han Nee Gan, Zhixiong Koh, Huei-Ming Ma
, Marcus Eng Hock Ong:
Prediction of ROSC After Cardiac Arrest Using Machine Learning. 1357-1358 - Mads Nibe Stausholm
, Pernille Heyckendorff Secher
, Ole Kristian Hejlesen
Predictors of Hospital Admissions Based on Routinely Collected Everyday Observations in a Community Care Setting. 1359-1360 - David-Zacharie Issom
, Jessica Rochat, Gunnar Hartvigsen, Christian Lovis:
Preliminary Evaluation of a mHealth Coaching Conversational Artificial Intelligence for the Self-Care Management of People with Sickle-Cell Disease. 1361-1362 - Shusuke Hiragi
, Osamu Sugiyama, Jun Hatanaka, Shosuke Ohtera
, Goshiro Yamamoto, Kazuya Okamoto, Masayuki Nambu, Tomohiro Kuroda:
Preliminary Evaluation of Market Mechanism-Based Bed Allocation System. 1363-1364 - Rebecca Schnall
, Lisa M. Kuhns, Cynthia Pearson, Joshua Bruce, D. Scott Batey, Asa Radix
, Uri Belkind
, Marco A. Hidalgo, Sabina Hirshfield, Sarah Ganzhorn, Robert Garofalo
Preliminary Results from a Pragmatic Clinical Trial of MyPEEPS Mobile to Improve HIV Prevention Behaviors in Young Men. 1365-1366 - Ibrahim Habli, Charlotte Stockton-Powdrell
, Matthew Machin
, Paolo Fraccaro, Shôn Lewis
, Niels Peek:
Preliminary Safety Analysis of a Wearable Clinic for the Early Detection of Psychotic Relapse. 1367-1368 - Agnieszka Lemanska
, Sara Faithfull, Harshana Liyanage, Sophie Otter, Marina Romanchikova, Julian Sherlock, Nadia A. S. Smith
, Spencer Angus Thomas
, Simon de Lusignan
Primary Care Prostate Cancer Case Ascertainment. 1369-1370 - Sara Mora, Sumit Madan, Stephan Gebel, Mauro Giacomini
Proposal of an Architecture for Terminology Management in a Research Project. 1371-1372 - Su Min Kim, Suyoung Yoo, Won Chul Cha, Tae Rim Kim:
Providing Personal Health Records Based on a Mobile Application for Emergencies. 1373-1374 - Giuliana Colussi, Janine Sommer, Mariana Simón, Lucila Bruchanski, Daniel R. Luna
Qualitative Study to Design an Online Community for Patients with Psoriasis. 1375-1376 - Emiliano López, Maia Berlin, Romina Stein, Erica Cozzi, Andrea Bermudez, Humberto Mandirola Brieux, Martín Díaz Maffini, Roberto Moldes, Teodorico Bousquet, Patricia MacCulloch, Daniel A. Rizzato Lede
, Cintia D. Speranza, Alejandro López Osornio:
Results of the Use of the Teleconsultation Platform After 2 Months of Implementation. 1377-1378 - Oleg G. Metsker, Kirill Magoev, Stanislav Yanishevskiy, Alexey N. Yakovlev, Georgy D. Kopanitsa:
Risk Factors for Chronic Diabetes Patients. 1379-1380 - Peter L. Elkin, Sarah Mullin, Sylvester Sakilay:
Rosacea Patients Are at Higher Risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Automated Retrospective Research. 1381-1382 - Mercedes Volpi, Santiago Esteban, Sergio A. Terrasa:
Safety and Drugs: How Do We Record Medication Consumption and Prescription in Electronic Medical Records? A Look on Aspirin. 1383-1384 - Olli Korhonen, Vasiliki Mylonopoulou
, Guido Giunti
Service Personalization in IT-Supported Finnish Healthcare. 1385-1386 - Heini Utunen
, Ngouille Ndiaye, Ursula Zhao
, Richelle George
, Melissa Attias, Gaya Gamhewage:
Serving Health Emergency Responders Through Online Learning - Findings from OpenWHO's Global User Metrics. 1387-1388 - Anne-Violette Bruyneel
Smartphone Applications for Range of Motion Measurement in Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review. 1389-1390 - Alina Trifan, Dave Semeraro, Justin A. Drake
, Radek Bukowski, José Luís Oliveira:
Social Media Mining for Postpartum Depression Prediction. 1391-1392 - Mirko Gruhl, Ines Reinecke
, Martin Sedlmayr:
Specification and Distribution of Vocabularies Among Consortial Partners. 1393-1394 - Dominik Ludmann, Elisabeth Pantazoglou, Hubert Otten:
Standardized Communication Using FHIR and SNOMED CT in Treatment of Diabetic Foot Syndrome Within the Project iFoot. 1395-1396 - Tomás Galluzzi, Marina Ridao, Santiago Esteban:
Strategy for the Analysis and Visualization of Electronic Medical Record Data for Public Hospitals in the City of Buenos Aires. 1397-1398 - Pierre Bowrin, Usman Iqbal:
Strengthening Behavior and Social Functioning Among Persons with Autism Spectrum Conditions Using Artificial Intelligence and Behavioral Activation: Protocol for the Well-Being and Health for Loved onEs with ASD (WHOLE) Psychosocial Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. 1399-1400 - Mohamed Ben Saïd, Laurence Robel, Pauline Chaste, Didier Perisse, Marie-Joelle Oreve, Pascale Zylberberg, Anne Philippe, Catherine Jousselme, Stéphanie Lacoste, Mario Speranza, Ines Hafsa, Fatouma Cisse, Zoubair Cherqaoui, Jean Philippe Jaïs:
TEDIS, a Comprehensive Data Model for In-Depth Clinical Assessment of Patients Affected with Neuro-Developmental Disorders Including Autism. 1401-1402 - Stine Veje Hangaard, Sisse H. Laursen, Flemming Witt Udsen
, Peter Vestergaard, Ole K. Hejlesen
Telemedicine Interventions for the Management of Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 1403-1404 - Valentina Lichtner
, Mirela Prgomet
, Bryony Dean Franklin, Johanna I. Westbrook
The 'Back Office' of a Dispensing Cabinet: Technology and Work Contributing to Medication Safety. 1405-1406 - Kampol Khemthong
, Niruwan Turnbull, Savittri Rattanopad Suwanlee, Karl Peltzer
The Prevalence of Alcohol and Tobacco Use Associated Risk Factor of Noncommunicable Diseases in Si Sa Ket Province, Thailand. 1407-1408 - Samson W. Tu, Csongor I. Nyulas, Tania Tudorache, Mark A. Musen
, Andrea Martinuzzi
, Coen H. van Gool
, Vincenzo Della Mea
, Christopher G. Chute, Lucilla Frattura, Nick Hardiker, Huib ten Napel, Richard Madden, Ann-Helene Almborg, Jeewani Anupama Ginige, Catherine Sykes, Can Celik, Robert Jakob
Toward a Harmonized WHO Family of International Classifications Content Model. 1409-1410 - Hanane Derbouz Rouibete, Stefano Bonacina
Towards an Ontology for Trustful mHealth Apps. 1411-1412 - Morten Hasselstrøm Jensen
, Simon Lebech Cichosz, Ole K. Hejlesen
, Irl. B. Hirsch, Peter Vestergaard:
Towards Prediction of Type 1 Diabetes Patients Who Fail to Achieve Glycemic Target. 1413-1414 - Georg Fette, Max Ertl, Stefan Störk
Translating openEHR Models to FHIR. 1415-1416 - Azzra Mangalji, Kendall Ho, Wayne Choi, Chad Kim Sing, Heather Lindsay, Christopher Wai-Chung Lee, Kent Loftsgard, Michael Lim, Nooshin Jafari:
Uncovering Care Barriers Experienced by Patients and Loved Ones in the Emergency Department: Can a Health App Help? 1417-1418 - Beatrice Coldewey, Annette Diruf, Rainer Röhrig, Myriam Lipprandt
Usability Issues with Mechanical Ventilation Devices. 1419-1420 - Antony Akash Janakiram, Johanna Gerlach, Alyssa Vuadens-Lehmann, Pierrette Bouillon, Hervé Spechbach:
User Satisfaction with a Speech-Enabled Translator in Emergency Settings. 1421-1422 - Marie-Pierre Gagnon, Mame-Awa Ndiaye, Alain Larouche, Guylaine Chabot, Christian Chabot, Ronald Buyl
, Jean-Paul Fortin, Anik Giguère
, Annie LeBlanc, France Légaré
, Aude Motulsky, Claude Sicotte, Holly O. Witteman, Éric Kavanagh, Frédéric Lépinay, Jacynthe Roberge, Hina Hakim, Myriam Brunet-Gauthier, Carole Délétroz, Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi, Jack Tchuente, Maxime Sasseville:
User-Centered Design for Promoting Patient Engagement in Chronic Diseases Management: The Development of CONCERTO+. 1423-1424 - Nok Cheng, Alex Kuo:
Using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Networks to Predict Emergency Department Wait Time. 1425-1426

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