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4th VISAPP 2009: Lisboa, Portugal
- Alpesh Ranchordas, Helder Araújo:
VISAPP 2009 - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Lisboa, Portugal, February 5-8, 2009 - Volume 1. INSTICC Press 2009, ISBN 978-989-8111-69-2
Invited Speakers
Keynote Lectures
- Wolfgang Dexler:
Optical Coherence Tomography - Optical Biopsy and Functional Imaging. VISAPP (1) 2009: 5 - Franz Leberl, Michael Gruber:
3D-models of the Human Habitat for the Internet. VISAPP (1) 2009: 7-15 - David C. Hogg:
Motion and Object Class Discovery from Video. VISAPP (1) 2009: 17-19 - Patrick Wang:
Intelligent Pattern Recognition and Applications to Biometrics in an Interactive Environment. VISAPP (1) 2009: 21-22 - José L. Encarnação:
Digital Photography for Computer Graphics and its Applications. VISAPP (1) 2009: 23-24 - Dany Lepage:
Redefining Content Creation for Video Games and Films. VISAPP (1) 2009: 25
Image Formation and Processing
Full Papers
- Mads Fogtmann Hansen, J. Andreas Bærentzen, Rasmus Larsen:
Generating Quality Tetrahedral Meshes from Binary Volumes. VISAPP (1) 2009: 5-12 - Lorenzo Sorgi:
Estimation of Inertial Sensor to Camera Rotation from Single Axis Motion. VISAPP (1) 2009: 13-19 - Luca Bianchi, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi, Luigi Cinque:
Relative Distance Method for Lossless Image Compression on Parallel Architectures - A New Approach for Lossless Image Compression on GPU. VISAPP (1) 2009: 20-25 - Aurélie Bugeau, Marcelo Bertalmío:
Combining Texture Synthesis and Diffusion for Image Inpainting. VISAPP (1) 2009: 26-33 - Leyza Baldo Dorini, Neucimar Jerônimo Leite:
A Multiscale Operator for Document Image Binarization. VISAPP (1) 2009: 34-39 - Ruggero Pintus, Thomas Malzbender, Oliver Wang, Ruth Bergman, Hila Nachlieli, Gitit Ruckenstein:
Photo Repair and 3D Structure from Flatbed Scanners. VISAPP (1) 2009: 40-50 - Tong Tu, Wooi-Boon Goh:
Moiré Patterns from a CCD Camera - Are They Annoying Artifacts or Can They be Useful? VISAPP (1) 2009: 51-58
- Shi-Fei Li, Ping Wang, Zhenkang Shen:
A Noise Removal Model with Anisotropic Diffusion based on Visual Gradient. VISAPP (1) 2009: 61-64 - Stefán Freyr Stefánsson, Björn Þór Jónsson, Kristinn R. Thórisson:
A YARP-based Architectural Framework for Robotic Vision Applications. VISAPP (1) 2009: 65-68 - Dongbin Xu, Chuangbai Xiao, Jing Yu:
Color-preserving Defog Method for Foggy or Hazy Scenes. VISAPP (1) 2009: 69-73 - Ignazio Gallo, Elisabetta Binaghi:
Assigning Automatic Regularization Parameters in Image Restoration. VISAPP (1) 2009: 74-77 - Carlos Platero, Javier Sanguino, María C. Tobar, José Manuel Poncela, Gabriel Asensio:
Analytical Approximations for Nonlinear Diffusion Time in Multiscale Edge Enhancement. VISAPP (1) 2009: 78-81 - Christian Scharfenberger, Georg Färber, Florian Boehm:
Image Rectification - Evaluation of Various Projections for Omnidirectional Vision Sensors using the Pixel Density. VISAPP (1) 2009: 82-89 - Brendan P. Byrne, John Mallon, Paul F. Whelan:
Efficient Planar Camera Calibration Via Automatic Image Selection. VISAPP (1) 2009: 90-94 - Juha Lehtonen, Jussi Parkkinen, Timo Jääskeläinen, Alexei Kamshilin:
Eigenvector Analysis for Optimal Filtering under Different Light Sources. VISAPP (1) 2009: 95-100 - Gregor Miller, Amir Afrah, Sidney S. Fels:
Rapid Vision Application Development using Hive - A Modular and Scaleable Approach to Vision System Engineering. VISAPP (1) 2009: 101-108 - M. K. Kim, Yoshikazu Nakajima, Takaaki Takeshita, Shinya Onogi, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Yoichiro Matsumoto:
Multi-layered Contents Generation from Real World Scene by Three-dimensional Measurement. VISAPP (1) 2009: 109-112
Image Analysis
Full Papers
- Reiner Lenz, Pedro Latorre-Carmona:
Transform Coding of RGB-Histograms. VISAPP (1) 2009: 117-124 - Felix Bollenbeck, Diana Weier, Wolfram Schoor, Udo Seiffert:
From Individual Intensity Voxel Data to Inter-individual Probabilistic Atlases of Biological Objects by an Interleaved Registration-segmentation Approach. VISAPP (1) 2009: 125-129 - Markus Storer, Peter M. Roth, Martin Urschler, Horst Bischof, Josef A. Birchbauer:
Active Appearance Model Fitting under Occlusion using Fast-robust PCA. VISAPP (1) 2009: 130-137 - Sudanthi N. R. Wijewickrema, Charles E. Esson, Andrew P. Paplinski:
A Novel Approach to Orthogonal Distance Least Squares Fitting of General Conics. VISAPP (1) 2009: 138-145 - Fabian Timm, Sascha Klement, Thomas Martinetz, Erhardt Barth:
Welding Inspection using Novel Specularity Features and a One-class SVM. VISAPP (1) 2009: 146-153 - Jan Bruijns, R. Hermans:
Geometry Closure for Hemodynamics Simulations. VISAPP (1) 2009: 154-162 - Romain Goffe, Luc Brun, Guillaume Damiand:
A Top Down Construction Scheme for Irregular Pyramids. VISAPP (1) 2009: 163-170 - Esther-Sabrina Platzer, Joachim Denzler, Herbert Süße, Josef Nägele, Karl-Heinz Wehking:
Robustness of Different Features for One-class Classification and Anomaly Detection in Wire Ropes. VISAPP (1) 2009: 171-178 - Michael Sass Hansen, Rasmus Larsen, Niels Vorgaard Christensen:
Curl-gradient Image Warping - Introducing Deformation Potentials for Medical Image Registration using Helmholtz Decomposition. VISAPP (1) 2009: 179-185 - Bruno Klava, Nina S. T. Hirata:
Interactive Image Segmentation with Integrated use of the Markers and the Hierarchical Watershed Approaches. VISAPP (1) 2009: 186-193 - Chafik Samir, Anuj Srivastava, Mohamed Daoudi, Sebastian Kurtek:
On Analyzing Symmetry of Objects using Elastic Deformations. VISAPP (1) 2009: 194-200 - Wei Jia, Stephen J. McKenna, Annette A. Ward:
Extracting Printed Designs and Woven Patterns from Textile Images. VISAPP (1) 2009: 201-208 - Partha Pratim Roy, Josep Lladós, Umapada Pal:
A Complete System for Detection and Recognition of Text in Graphical Documents using Background Information. VISAPP (1) 2009: 209-216 - Xianghua Xie:
Textured Image Segmentation based on Local Spectral Histogram and Active Contour. VISAPP (1) 2009: 217-225
- Jan Bruijns:
Acceleration of the Expectation-maximization Algorithm for a Twofold Gaussian Mixture Model by using the Histogram of the Observations Instead of the Observations - Evaluation of its Accuracy by Generated Histograms. VISAPP (1) 2009: 229-236 - Sarah Ghandour, Eric Gonneau, Guy Flouzat:
Segmentation of Multispectral Images using Mathematical Morphology and Automatic Classification - Application to Microscopic Medical Images. VISAPP (1) 2009: 237-240 - Rainer Pielot, Udo Seiffert, Bertram Manz, Diana Weier, Frank Volke, Falk Schreiber, Winfriede Weschke:
Multimodal Registration of NMR-volumes and Histological Cross-sections of Barley Grains on the Cell Broadband Engine Processor. VISAPP (1) 2009: 241-244 - Elizabeth M. Massey, James Lowell, Andrew Hunter, David H. Steel:
Lesion Boundary Segmentation using Level Set Methods. VISAPP (1) 2009: 245-249 - Navid Rabbani, Mohammad Alamdari, Mohammad Rohollah Yazdani, Farhad Imanpour:
A Novel Feature Extraction and Selection Method for Steel Sheet Defects Classification. VISAPP (1) 2009: 250-253 - Jakub Bican, Jan Flusser:
3D Phase Correlation using Non-uniform Cylindrical Sampling. VISAPP (1) 2009: 254-258 - Frédérique Robert-Inacio, Damien Outré, Mohamadou-Falilou Diop, Franck Bertrand:
Pattern Analysis for Computer-aided Driving. VISAPP (1) 2009: 259-264 - Mathieu Fernandes, Yann Gavet, Jean-Charles Pinoli:
A Feature-based Dense Local Registration of Pairs of Retinal Images. VISAPP (1) 2009: 265-268 - Siwaporn Sorncharean, Suebskul Phiphobmongkol:
Noise Removal in Crack Detection Algorithm on Asphalt Surface Images. VISAPP (1) 2009: 269-272 - Sebastian Zambanini, Martin Kampel:
Robust Automatic Segmentation of Ancient Coins. VISAPP (1) 2009: 273-276 - Luis Ferraz, Xavier Binefa:
A New Non-redundant Scale Invariant Interest Point Detector. VISAPP (1) 2009: 277-280 - Kuan Yan, Fons J. Verbeek, Sylvia Le Dévédec, Bob van de Water:
Cell Tracking and Data Analysis of in Vitro Tumour Cells from Time-lapse Image Sequences. VISAPP (1) 2009: 281-286
Image Understanding
Full Papers
- Alexander Bachmann, Irina Lulcheva:
Bayesian Scene Segmentation Incorporating Motion Constraints and Category-specific Information. VISAPP (1) 2009: 291-298 - Martina Uray, Peter M. Roth, Horst Bischof:
Efficient Classification for Large-scale Problems by Multiple LDA Subspaces. VISAPP (1) 2009: 299-306 - Jorge Fernández-Berni, Ricardo Carmona-Galán, Luis Carranza-González:
A VLSI-oriented and Power-efficient Approach for Dynamic Texture Recognition Applied to Smoke Detection. VISAPP (1) 2009: 307-314 - Hakan Cevikalp, Roberto Paredes:
Semi-supervised Distance Metric Learning for Visual Object Classification. VISAPP (1) 2009: 315-322 - Anderson Rocha, Siome Goldenstein:
Multi-class from Binary - Divide to conquer. VISAPP (1) 2009: 323-330 - Marius Muja, David G. Lowe:
Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors with Automatic Algorithm Configuration. VISAPP (1) 2009: 331-340 - Carlos E. Thomaz, Gilson Antonio Giraldi:
A Kernel Maximum uncertainty Discriminant Analysis and its Application to Face Recognition. VISAPP (1) 2009: 341-346 - Junwei Han, Stephen J. McKenna:
Classifying and Comparing Regular Textures for Retrieval using Texel Geometry. VISAPP (1) 2009: 347-354 - Victoria Yanulevskaya, Jan-Mark Geusebroek:
Significance of the Weibull Distribution and its Sub-models in Natural Image Statistics. VISAPP (1) 2009: 355-362 - Insook Jung, Il-Seok Oh:
Text Segmentation from Web Images using Two-level Variance Maps. VISAPP (1) 2009: 363-370
- Steven Verstockt, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle:
Feature Extraction for Localized CBIR - What You Click is What you Get. VISAPP (1) 2009: 373-376 - Oliver C. Agustin, Byung-Joo Oh:
Weight Estimation and Classification of Milled Rice using Support Vector Machines. VISAPP (1) 2009: 377-380 - Eckart Michaelsen, Leo J. Doktorski, Michael Arens:
Making Structural Pattern Recognition Tractable by Local Inhibition. VISAPP (1) 2009: 381-384 - Qunli Chen, Chengyu Sun, Bauke de Vries:
Human Vision Simulation in the Built Environment. VISAPP (1) 2009: 385-388 - Tom Warsop, Sameer Singh:
Object Recognition using Multiple Thresholding and Local Binary Shape Features. VISAPP (1) 2009: 389-392 - Haider Ali, Robert Sablatnig, Gerhard Paar:
Window Detection from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data - A Statistical Approach. VISAPP (1) 2009: 393-397 - David Freire-Obregón, Modesto Castrillón Santana, Oscar Déniz-Suárez:
Smile Detection using Local Binary Patterns and Support Vector Machines. VISAPP (1) 2009: 398-401 - Natalia Dyshkant, Leonid M. Mestetskiy:
Estimation of Asymmetry in 3D Face Models. VISAPP (1) 2009: 402-405 - Alberto Silletti, Angelo Cenedese, Alessandro Abate:
The Emergent Structure of the Drosophila Wing - A Dynamic Model Generator. VISAPP (1) 2009: 406-410 - Takaaki Takeshita, Yoshikazu Nakajima, M. K. Kim, Shinya Onogi, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Yoichiro Matsumoto:
3D Shape Reconstruction Endoscope using Shape from Focus. VISAPP (1) 2009: 411-416 - Felipe Trujillo-Romero, Michel Devy:
Appearance-based and Active 3D Object Recognition using Vision. VISAPP (1) 2009: 417-424
Motion, Tracking and Stereo Vision
Full Papers
- Pierre Lothe, Steve Bourgeois, Fabien Dekeyser, Eric Royer, Michel Dhome:
Toward Large Scale Model Construction for Vision-based Global Localisation. VISAPP (1) 2009: 429-434 - Jens Schneider, Martin Kraus, Rüdiger Westermann:
GPU-based Real-time Discrete Euclidean Distance Transforms with Precise Error Bounds. VISAPP (1) 2009: 435-442 - Leonid M. Mestetskiy, Archil Tsiskaridze:
Spatial Reconstruction of Locally Symmetric Objects based on Stereo Mate Images. VISAPP (1) 2009: 443-448 - Duc Phu Chau, François Brémond, Etienne Corvée, Monique Thonnat:
Repairing People Trajectories based on Point Clustering. VISAPP (1) 2009: 449-455 - François Bardet, Thierry Chateau, Datta Ramadasan:
Real-time Multi-object Tracking with Few Particles - A Parallel Extension of MCMC Algorithm. VISAPP (1) 2009: 456-463 - Nico von Hoyningen-Huene, Michael Beetz:
Rao-Blackwellized Resampling Particle Filter for Real-time Player Tracking in Sports. VISAPP (1) 2009: 464-471 - Luis-Felipe Posada, Thomas Nierobisch, Frank Hoffmann, Torsten Bertram:
Image Signal Processing for Visual Door Passing with an Omnidirectional Camera. VISAPP (1) 2009: 472-479 - Shigeru Ando, Toru Kurihara, Dabi Wei:
Exact Algebraic Method of Optical Flow Detection Via Modulated Integral Imaging - Theoretical Formulation and Real-time Implementation using Correlation Image Sensor. VISAPP (1) 2009: 480-487 - José I. Gómez, Manuel J. Marín-Jiménez, Nicolas Pérez de la Blanca:
Labeling Human Motion Sequences using Graphical Models. VISAPP (1) 2009: 488-495 - Emre Baseski, Lars Baunegaard With Jensen, Nicolas Pugeault, Florian Pilz, Karl Pauwels, Marc M. Van Hulle, Florentin Wörgötter, Norbert Krüger:
Road Interpretation for Driver Assistance based on an Early Cognitive Vision System. VISAPP (1) 2009: 496-505 - Bertrand Luvison, Thierry Chateau, Patrick Sayd, Quoc Cuong Pham, Jean-Thierry Lapresté:
An Unsupervised Learning based Approach for Unexpected Event Detection. VISAPP (1) 2009: 506-513 - Thierry Germa, Michel Devy, Romain Rioux, Frédéric Lerasle:
A Tuning Strategy for Face Recognition in Robotic Application. VISAPP (1) 2009: 514-522 - Tiago Gaspar, Paulo Jorge Ramalho Oliveira:
A Single Pan and Tilt Camera Architecture for Indoor Positioning and Tracking. VISAPP (1) 2009: 523-530 - Vijay John, Spela Ivekovic, Emanuele Trucco:
Articulated Human Motion Tracking with HPSO. VISAPP (1) 2009: 531-538 - Johannes Herwig, Josef Pauli:
Recovery of the Response Curve of a Digital Imaging Process by Data-centric Regularization. VISAPP (1) 2009: 539-546 - Sammy Rogmans, Maarten Dumont, Tom Cuypers, Gauthier Lafruit, Philippe Bekaert:
Complexity Reduction of Real-time Depth Scanning on Graphics Hardware. VISAPP (1) 2009: 547-550 - Sanjeev Kumar, Claudio Piciarelli:
Stereo Vision using Heterogeneous Sensors for Complex Scene Monitoring. VISAPP (1) 2009: 551-556 - Paul Kuo, Thibault Ammar, Michal Lewandowski, Dimitrios Makris, Jean-Christophe Nebel:
Exploiting Human Bipedal Motion Constraints for 3D Pose Recovery from a Single Uncalibrated Camera. VISAPP (1) 2009: 557-564
- Andrea Bottino, Matteo De Simone:
A Fast and Robust Hand-driven 3D Mouse. VISAPP (1) 2009: 567-574 - Samira Ait Kaci Azzou, Slimane Larabi, Chabane Djeraba:
Angles Estimation of Rotating Camera. VISAPP (1) 2009: 575-578 - Hildegard Kuehne, Annika Woerner:
Motion-based Feature Clustering for Articulated Body Tracking. VISAPP (1) 2009: 579-584 - Ali Ahmed, K. Terada:
Object Detection and Tracking using Kalman Filter and Fast Mean Shift Algorithm. VISAPP (1) 2009: 585-589 - René Alquézar, Nicolás Amézquita Gómez, Francesc Serratosa:
Tracking Deformable Objects and Dealing with Same Class Object Occlusion. VISAPP (1) 2009: 590-594 - Dominique Béréziat, Isabelle Herlin:
Solving Ill-posed Problems using Data Assimilation - Application to Optical Flow Estimation. VISAPP (1) 2009: 595-602 - Sanja Damjanovic, Ferdinand van der Heijden, Luuk J. Spreeuwers:
A New Likelihood Function for Stereo Matching - How to Achieve Invariance to Unknown Texture, Gains and Offsets? VISAPP (1) 2009: 603-608 - Lionel Robinault, Stéphane Bres, Serge Miguet:
Real Time Foreground Object Detection using PTZ Camera. VISAPP (1) 2009: 609-614 - Bernd Breuckmann, Hubert Mara, Zsófia Végvári:
Combined 3D and Multispectral Fresco Documentation of the Villa Oplontis, Pompei - High-Resolution and High-Performance Digitization of Cultural Heritage. VISAPP (1) 2009: 615-620 - Martin Drahanský, Filip Orság:
Digital Image Stabilization in a Video-Stream - Stabilization of (Undesirable) Image Movements in a Video-Stream. VISAPP (1) 2009: 621-625 - Juan Carlos Tocino Diaz, Quentin Houben, Jacek Czyz, Olivier Debeir, Nadine Warzée:
A Camera Auto-calibration Algorithm for Realtime Road Traffic Analysis. VISAPP (1) 2009: 626-631 - James Graham, Mehmet Celenk, John Willis, Thomas Conley, Haluk Eren:
Multiple Vehicle Tracking using Gabor Filter Bank Predictor. VISAPP (1) 2009: 632-635 - Lyes Hamoudi, Khaled Boukharouba, Jacques Boonaert, Stéphane Lecoeuche:
On-line Face Tracking under Large Lighting Condition Variations using Incremental Learning. VISAPP (1) 2009: 636-643

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