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British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), Volume 41
Volume 41, Number 1, January 2010
- Sara de Freitas, George Veletsianos
Editorial: Crossing boundaries: Learning and teaching in virtual worlds. 3-9
- Barney Dalgarno
, Mark J. W. Lee:
What are the learning affordances of 3-D virtual environments? 10-32 - Khe Foon Hew, Wing Sum Cheung:
Use of three-dimensional (3-D) immersive virtual worlds in K-12 and higher education settings: A review of the research. 33-55 - Diane Jass Ketelhut, Brian C. Nelson, Jody Clarke-Midura
, Chris Dede:
A multi-user virtual environment for building and assessing higher order inquiry skills in science. 56-68 - Sara de Freitas, Genaro Rebolledo-Mendez
, Fotis Liarokapis
, George D. Magoulas
, Alexandra Poulovassilis:
Learning as immersive experiences: Using the four-dimensional framework for designing and evaluating immersive learning experiences in a virtual world. 69-85 - Francesco Bellotti, Riccardo Berta
, Alessandro De Gloria, Ludovica Primavera:
Supporting authors in the development of task-based learning in serious virtual worlds. 86-107 - Garry Falloon
Using avatars and virtual environments in learning: What do they have to offer? 108-122 - George Veletsianos
, Robert Heller, Scott Overmyer, Mike Procter:
Conversational agents in virtual worlds: Bridging disciplines. 123-140
- Marie Martin:
Digital literacies - Edited by Victoria Carrington & Muriel Robinson. 141 - Marie Martin:
Web 2.0 for schools - By Julia Davies & Guy Merchant. 141-142 - Eric Deeson:
Digital simulations for improving education - Edited by David Gibson & Youngkyun Baek. 142-143 - Sanjaya Mishra:
Distance and blended learning in Asia - By Colin Latchem & Insung Jung. 143-144 - David Bell:
Children and the internet - By Sonia Livingstone. 144 - Gi-Zen Liu
Instructional design theories and models Volume III - Edited by Charles M Reigeluth & Alison A Carr-Chelman. 145 - Eric Deeson:
Effective blended learning practices - Edited by Elizabeth Stacey & Philippa Gerbic. 145-146 - Pete Cannell:
Methods and applications for advancing distance education technologies - Edited by Mahbabur Rahman Syed. 146-147
Volume 41, Number 2, March 2010
- Gi-Zen Liu
, Gwo-Jen Hwang:
A key step to understanding paradigm shifts in e-learning: towards context-aware ubiquitous learning. 1- - Shesen Guo:
From printing to Internet, are we advancing in technological application to language learning? 10- - Chun-Yi Lee, Ming-Puu Chen:
Taiwanese junior high school students' mathematics attitudes and perceptions towards virtual manipulatives. 17- - Jennifer E. Rowley, Sally Sambrook
Towards the effective use of web notes. 22- - Huei-Tse Hou
, Kuo-En Chang, Yao-Ting Sung:
Applying lag sequential analysis to detect visual behavioural patterns of online learning activities. 25-
- Inge Martin:
Invisible students, impossible dreams - By Liz Atkins. 28 - Mike Johnson:
Enhancing learning, teaching, assessment and curriculum in higher education - By Veronica Bamber et al. 28- - John G. Hedberg:
Mobile learning communities - By Patrick Alan Danaher et al. 29- - John G. Hedberg:
Educating learning technology designers - Edited by Chris DiGiano et al. 30 - Giuliana Dettori:
Rethinking technology in schools - By Vanessa Elaine Domine. 30- - Othman N. Alsawaie:
Reflective teaching and learning - Edited by Sue Dymoke & Jennifer Harrison. 31- - David Hawkridge:
Students' experience of e-learning in higher education - By Robert A Ellis & Peter Goodyear. 32 - Giuliana Dettori:
Second language teacher education - By Karen E Johnson. 32- - Iman M. Alghazo:
The use of instructional technology in schools - By Mal Lee & Arthur Winzenried. 33- - Colin Latchem:
Implementing inclusive education - By Richard Rieser. 34 - Lucy R. Betts:
Making schools different - Edited by Kitty te Riele. 34- - John Cowan:
Handbook of online learning - By Kjell Erik Rudestam & Judith Schoenholtz-Read. 35- - John Cowan:
Assessment technologies, methods, and applications in higher education - Edited by Christopher Schreiner. 36- - Sanjaya Mishra:
Researching mobile learning - By Giasemi Vavoula et al. 37-
- Nick Rushby
Editorial. 152-153
- Chee-Kit Looi, Peter Sen Kee Seow, Baohui Zhang, Hyo-Jeong So, Wenli Chen
, Lung-Hsiang Wong
Leveraging mobile technology for sustainable seamless learning: a research agenda. 154-169 - Margaret A. Roytek:
Enhancing instructional design efficiency: Methodologies employed by instructional designers. 170-180 - Jieun Lee:
Design of blended training for transfer into the workplace. 181-198 - James Kariuki Njenga, Louis Cyril Henry Fourie:
The myths about e-learning in higher education. 199-212 - Antonio Calvani, Antonio Fini, Marcello Molino, Maria Ranieri
Visualizing and monitoring effective interactions in online collaborative groups. 213-226 - Kate Lowe, Libby Lee
, Renato Schibeci, Rick Cummings, Rob Phillips, David Lake:
Learning objects and engagement of students in Australian and New Zealand schools. 227-241 - David J. Miller, Derek P. Robertson
Using a games console in the primary classroom: Effects of 'Brain Training' programme on computation and self-esteem. 242-255 - Mansureh Kebritchi
Factors affecting teachers' adoption of educational computer games: A case study. 256-270 - Tarsem Singh Cooner
Creating opportunities for students in large cohorts to reflect in and on practice: Lessons learnt from a formative evaluation of students' experiences of a technology-enhanced blended learning design. 271-286 - Yu-Fen Yang, Hui-Chin Yeh
, Wing-Kwong Wong
The influence of social interaction on meaning construction in a virtual community. 287-306 - Hsi-Peng Lu, Ming-Jen Chiou:
The impact of individual differences on e-learning system satisfaction: A contingency approach. 307-323 - Jennifer Duncan-Howell:
Teachers making connections: Online communities as a source of professional learning. 324-340
Volume 41, Number 3, May 2010
- Eric Zhi-Feng Liu
, Yu-Fang Chang:
Gender differences in usage, satisfaction, self-efficacy and performance of blogging. 39- - Eric Zhi-Feng Liu
Early adolescents' perceptions of educational robots and learning of robotics. 44- - Shesen Guo, Ganzhou Zhang, Run Zhai:
A potential way of enquiry into human curiosity. 48- - Huang-Ching Wu, Ting-Kuang Yeh, Chun-Yen Chang
The design of an animation-based test system in the area of Earth sciences. 53-
- Robyn Smyth:
Equity and information communication technology in education - By Neil Anderson. 58 - Inge Martin:
Handbook of formative assessment - Edited by Heidi L Andrade & Gregory J Cizek. 59 - Richard Mobbs, David Hawkridge:
Utilizing open source tools for online teaching and learning - By Lee Chao. 59- - Michael Thomas:
On the internet - By Hubert L Dreyfus. 60- - William Brescia:
Teaching academic and professional English online - By Isabel González-Pueyo et al. 61 - Michael Thomas:
Vygotsky at work and play - By Lois Holzman. 61- - Michael Thomas:
Engineering play - By Mizuko Ito. 62- - Ramesh C. Sharma:
Google Scholar and more - Edited by William Miller & Rita Pellen. 63- - Marie Martin:
Leading learning - By Tom O'Donoghue & Simon Clarke. 64 - Michael Thomas:
Second language teaching and learning in the net generation - Edited by Raquel Oxford & Jeffrey Oxford. 65
- Nick Rushby
Editorial: Topics in learning technologies. 343-348
- Karen Clayton, Fran C. Blumberg
, Daniel P. Auld:
The relationship between motivation, learning strategies and choice of environment whether traditional or including an online component. 349-364 - Jarkko Mylläri, Mauri Åhlberg
, Patrick Dillon:
The dynamics of an online knowledge building community: A 5-year longitudinal study. 365-387 - Amy B. Adcock, Molly H. Duggan, Ginger S. Watson, Lee A. Belfore II:
The impact of content area focus on the effectiveness of a web-based simulation. 388-402 - Qing Li, Bruce Clark, Ian Winchester:
Instructional design and technology grounded in enactivism: A paradigm shift? 403-419 - Ian White:
A simple, low-cost stereographic video capture and viewing solution for teaching psychomotor skills using online delivery. 420-431 - Yi-hsiu Lai:
Which do students prefer to evaluate their essays: Peers or computer program. 432-454 - Jing Lei:
Quantity versus quality: A new approach to examine the relationship between technology use and student outcomes. 455-472 - Tim Broady, Amy Y. C. Chan, Peter Caputi:
Comparison of older and younger adults' attitudes towards and abilities with computers: Implications for training and learning. 473-485 - Katerina Mavrou, Ann Lewis, Graeme Douglas
Researching computer-based collaborative learning in inclusive classrooms in Cyprus: The role of the computer in pupils' interaction. 486-501 - Herbert Thomas:
Learning spaces, learning environments and the dis'placement' of learning. 502-511 - Ana-Maria Bliuc
, Robert A. Ellis
, Peter Goodyear, Leanne Piggott
Learning through face-to-face and online discussions: Associations between students' conceptions, approaches and academic performance in political science. 512-524 - Lan Li, Xiongyi Liu, Allen L. Steckelberg:
Assessor or assessee: How student learning improves by giving and receiving peer feedback. 525-536
Volume 41, Number 4, July 2010
Editor's introduction
- Nick Rushby
Editor's introduction. 538
- Meifeng Liu:
Editorial. 539-540
- Meifeng Liu, Jinjiao Lv, Cui Kang:
Educational technology in China. 541-548 - Yongqian Liu, Dongyuan Cheng, Xinli Liu:
The mechanism for organising and propelling educational technology in China. 549-559 - Fuyin Xu, Jianli Jiao:
Programmes of educational technology in China: Looking backward, thinking forward. 560-566 - Jingtao Zhang, Yuanyuan Fang, Xiaoling Ma:
The latest progress report on ICT application in Chinese basic education. 567-573 - Guodong Zhao, Zhongjiao Jiang:
From e-campus to e-learning: An overview of ICT applications in Chinese higher education. 574-581 - Xin Ding, Jian Niu, Yanhui Han:
Research on distance education development in China. 582-592 - Ru-De Liu:
Psychological research in educational technology in China. 593-606 - Jun Han, Zhuzhu Wang:
Capability building in educational technology for teachers in China. 607-611
- Zhuzhu Wang, Xin Li:
Chinese Schools Modern Distance Education Project in Rural Areas. 612-613 - Xibin Han, Yingqun Liu:
Educational technology and the National Quality Course Plan in China. 614-617 - Jihua Song:
A study of the teaching model of 'Great Wall Chinese' and its application. 618-620 - Meiyu Fu, Zunbai Li, Yuanming Fu:
Logo mathematics experiments in the middle schools of Guizhou in the People's Republic of China. 621-623
- Yin Zhang:
Exploring the learning mechanism of web-based question-answering systems and their design. 624-631 - Guoquan Sha:
Using TTS voices to develop audio materials for listening comprehension: A digital approach. 632-641 - Rong Zhou, Baizhi Xie:
The educational technology centre: A window to view the progress of Chinese ICT-based higher education. 642-659
- Yuqing Chen, Xiaoshan Peng, Jian Sun:
National undergraduate electronic design contest: A vehicle for enhancing active learning. 660-664
Volume 41, Number 5, September 2010
- Marie Bassford
, Jonathan Ivins:
Encouraging formative peer review via social networking sites. 67- - Spyridon Arvanitis:
e-Learning programs as loyalty investments for financial corporations. 70- - Ana García-Valcárcel
Integrating ICT into the teaching-learning process. 75- - Shelley Shwu-Ching Young, Yi Hsuan Wang, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang
Exploring perceptions of integrating tangible learning companions in learning English conversation. 78- - Heng-Tsung Danny Huang
, Shao-Ting Alan Hung
Implementing electronic speaking portfolios: perceptions of EFL students. 84- - Timothy Teo
A case for using structural equation modelling (SEM) in educational technology research. 89- - Bibi Eshrat Zamani, Ahmad Reza, Naser Isfahani, Susan Shahbaz:
Isfahan high schools teachers' utilization of ICT. 92- - Bibi Eshrat Zamani, Rasoul Gholizadeh Shoghlabad:
Acceptance of the Internet by Iranian business management students. 96- - Terry S. Judd
Facebook versus email. 101- - Yu-Ta Chien
, Chun-Yen Chang
Exploring the feasibility of an online contextualised animation-based questionnaire for educational survey. 104-
- Giuliana Dettori:
Essays on pedagogy - By Robin Alexander. 110 - John Cowan:
The Routledge education studies textbook - Edited by James Arthur & Ian Davies. 110- - Nick Rushby:
Electronic performance support: Using digital technology to enhance human ability - Edited by Philip Barker & Paul van Schaik. 111- - Ramesh C. Sharma:
Cultural-historical perspectives on teacher education and development - Edited by Viv Ellis et al. 112 - James Hartley:
Teaching the new writing - Edited by Ann Herrington et al. 112- - Giuliana Dettori:
International perspectives on competence development - Edited by Knud Illeris. 113 - Mike Johnson:
Contemporary theories of learning - Edited by Knud Illeris. 113- - Colin Latchem:
Leading a digital school - By Mal Lee & Michael Gaffney. 114- - Sanjaya Mishra:
Researching IT in education - Edited by Anne McDougall et al. 115- - Ramesh C. Sharma:
Parenting young children - By Robert D Strom & Paris S Strom. 116
- Nick Rushby
Editorial: Peer review. 668-671
- Sugata Mitra, Ritu Dangwal
Limits to self-organising systems of learning - the Kalikuppam experiment. 672-688 - Payal Arora
Hope-in-the-Wall? A digital promise for free learning. 689-702 - Sugata Mitra, Payal Arora
Afterthoughts. 703-705 - Shieh Ruey:
A case study of constructivist instructional strategies for adult online learning. 706-720 - Cecilia Loureiro-Koechlin, Barbara Allan:
Time, space and structure in an e-learning and e-mentoring project. 721-735 - Shane Dawson
'Seeing' the learning community: An exploration of the development of a resource for monitoring online student networking. 736-752 - Jussi A. Nuutinen, Erkki Sutinen, Adele Botha
, Piet Kommers
From mindtools to social mindtools: Collaborative writing with Woven Stories. 753-775 - Hyungshin Choi, Myunghee Kang:
Applying an activity system to online collaborative group work analysis. 776-795 - Shudong Wang, Neil T. Heffernan
Ethical issues in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Perceptions of teachers and learners. 796-813 - Martin Johnson
, Rita Nádas, John F. Bell:
Marking essays on screen: An investigation into the reliability of marking extended subjective texts. 814-826 - Susi Peacock, Lisi Gordon
, Sue Murray, Kate Morss, Gloria Dunlop:
Tutor response to implementing an ePortfolio to support learning and personal development in further and higher education institutions in Scotland. 827-851 - Shahron Williams van Rooij
Project management in instructional design: ADDIE is not enough. 852-864
Volume 41, Number 6, November 2010
- Timothy Teo
Using structural equation modelling (SEM) in educational technology research: Issues and guidelines. 117- - Timothy Teo
Gender differences in the intention to use technology: A measurement invariance analysis. 120- - Colin Latchem
Asia-Pacific research and publication in BJET: a progress report. 124- - Robert H. Logie
, Sergio Della Sala:
Brain training in schools, where is the evidence? 127- - Vladlena Benson
, Deborah Anderson:
Towards a strategic approach to the introduction of blended learning: Challenges faced and lessons learned. 129- - Sun-Hee Park, Hyeon-Ae Sim, Hye-Lan Roh:
The analysis of effectiveness on 'transfer' through e-learning courses in industry and technology. 132- - Selçuk Özdemir:
Supporting printed books with multimedia: A new way to use mobile technology for learning. 135- - Ruben Vanderlinde, Johan van Braak:
Implementing an ICT curriculum in a decentralised policy context: Description of ICT practices in three Flemish primary schools. 139- - Nicolae Nistor
, Jan Oliver Heymann:
Reconsidering the role of attitude in the TAM: An answer to Teo (2009a). 142- - Bahar Baran
Facebook as a formal instructional environment. 146- - Timothy Teo
A structural equation modelling of factors influencing student teachers' satisfaction with e-learning. 150- - Paul Costello:
A cost-effective classroom response system. 153- - Andreja Istenic Starcic
, Mirja Niskala:
Vocational students with severe learning difficulties learning on the Internet. 155-
- John Cowan:
Motivating students to learn - By Jere Brophy. 160 - Marie Martin:
Pedagogical encounters - Edited by Bronwyn Davies & Susanne Gannon. 160- - Giuliana Dettori:
Ground rules for social research - By Martyn Denscombe Key issues for education researchers - By Diana Burton & Steve Bartlett. 161- - Sanjaya Mishra:
Learning with online and mobile technologies - By Janet Macdonald & Linda Creanor. 162 - Giuliana Dettori:
101 coaching strategies and techniques - Edited by Gladiana McMahon & Anne Archer. 162- - Diana Battersby:
Learning by wandering - By Marie Martin. 163 - Giuliana Dettori:
The e-primers series - By Mark Nichols. 163- - Lucy R. Betts:
Failure-free education? - By David Reynolds. 164
- Michael Klebl, Bernd J. Krämer
Editorial: Learning objects in progress. 869-872
- Roland Klemke
, Stefaan Ternier, Marco Kalz
, Marcus Specht:
Implementing infrastructures for managing learning objects. 873-882 - Serpil Yalcinalp
, Yasemin Gülbahar
Ontology and taxonomy design and development for personalised web-based learning systems. 883-896 - Tiffani Cameron, Sue Bennett
Learning objects in practice: The integration of reusable learning objects in primary education. 897-908 - Ton de Jong, Wouter R. van Joolingen
, Adam Giemza, Isabelle Girault, Ulrich Hoppe, Jörg Kindermann, Anders Kluge, Ard W. Lazonder, Vibeke Vold, Armin Weinberger, Stefan Weinbrenner, Astrid Wichmann, Anjo Anjewierden, Marjolaine Bodin
, Lars Bollen, Cédric D'Ham, Jan Dolonen, Jan Engler, Caspar Geraedts, Henrik Grosskreutz, Tasos Hovardas
, Rachel Julien, Judith Lechner, Sten R. Ludvigsen, Yuri Matteman, Øyvind Meistadt, Bjørge Næss, Muriel Ney, Margus Pedaste
, Anthony Perritano
, Marieke Rinket, Henrik Von Schlanbusch, Tago Sarapuu, Florian Schulz, Jakob Sikken, James D. Slotta, Jeremy Toussaint, Alex Verkade, Claire Wajeman, Barbara Wasson
, Zacharias C. Zacharia
, Martine Van Der Zanden:
Learning by creating and exchanging objects: The SCY experience. 909-921 - Alejandro Armellini
, Olaojo Aiyegbayo:
Learning design and assessment with e-tivities. 922-935 - Michael Klebl, Bernd J. Krämer
, Annett Zobel:
From content to practice: Sharing educational practice in edu-sharing. 936-951 - Andy Lane
, Patrick McAndrew
Are open educational resources systematic or systemic change agents for teaching practice? 952-962
- Huei-Tse Hou
, Kuo-En Chang, Yao-Ting Sung:
What kinds of knowledge do teachers share on blogs? A quantitative content analysis of teachers' knowledge sharing on blogs. 963-967
- Roland Klemke
, Marco Kalz
, Marcus Specht, Stefaan Ternier:
Open educational resources: Conversations in cyberspace - Edited by Susan D'Antoni & Catriona Savage. 968-970 - Serpil Yalcinalp
Opening up education: The collective advancement of education through open technology, open content, and open knowledge - By Toru Liyoshi & M S Vijay Kumar. 970-971 - Bernd J. Krämer:
Informing Science: a series of four books on learning objects Learning objects: Theory, praxis, issues, and trends - Edited by Alex Koohang & Keith Harman. 971-972 - Bernd J. Krämer:
Learning objects: Standards, metadata, repositories, and LCMS - Edited by Keith Harman & Alex Koohang. 973 - Bernd J. Krämer:
Learning objects and instructional design - Edited by Alex Koohang & Keith Harman. 973-974 - Bernd J. Krämer:
Learning objects: Applications, implications, and future directions - Edited by Keith Harman & Alex Koohang. 975 - Michael Klebl:
Handbook of research on learning design and learning objects: issues, applications, and technologies - Edited by Lori Lockyer et al. 976-977 - Scott Brande:
Learning objects for instruction: Design and evaluation - By Pamela T Northrup. 977-978
- Dirk Schneckenberg
Overcoming barriers for eLearning in universities - portfolio models for eCompetence development of faculty. 979-991 - Carol Russell, John Shepherd
Online role-play environments for higher education. 992-1002 - Tai-Kuei Yu, Tai-Yi Yu:
Modelling the factors that affect individuals' utilisation of online learning systems: An empirical study combining the task technology fit model with the theory of planned behaviour. 1003-1017 - Paul Kim
, Chen Kee Ng, Gloria Lim:
When cloud computing meets with Semantic Web: A new design for e-portfolio systems in the social media era. 1018-1028 - Yan Li
, Maria Ranieri
Are 'digital natives' really digitally competent? - A study on Chinese teenagers. 1029-1042 - Yung-Wei Hao, Jon-Chao Hong
, Jyh-Tsorng Jong, Ming-Yueh Hwang, Chao-Ya Su, Jin-Shin Yang:
Non-native Chinese language learners' attitudes towards online vision-based motion games. 1043-1053 - Jooyong Park:
Constructive multiple-choice testing system. 1054-1064

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