Systematic evaluation of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase binding sites in apolipoproteins via peptide based nanodiscs: regulatory role of charged residues at positions 4 and 7
Fig 4
Different binding spots LCAT would take on nHDL with the proposed binding model explored.
(A) Known cross-link pairs whose Cα-Cα distance is within 40 Å are indicated by lines. Green and red lines indicate BS3 cross-links whose distance requirement of 24 Å is met or not met respectively. Dashed lines indicate links with significant occlusion. (B) What nHDL would look like from the perspective of the disc normal if two LCATs were bound to either helixes 4, 6 or 7 of apoA1. For helix 6 only one is shown due to occlusion. (C) Same visualization from the perspective of the disc perimeter.