Applying a Usability Technique in the LibreOffice Writer Project
open source software, usability technique, Personas techniqueAbstract
As a result of the growth of non-developer users of OSS applications, usability has over the last ten years begun to attract the interest of the OSS community. The OSS community has some special characteristics which are an obstacle to the direct adoption of many usability techniques as specified in the HCI field. The aim of this research is to adapt and evaluate the feasibility of applying the Personas usability technique to one OSS project from the viewpoint of the development team. The applied research method was a case study of the following OSS project LibreOffice-Writer. We formalized the application procedure of the adapted usability technique. We found that either there were no procedures for adopting usability technique in OSS or they were not fully systematized. Additionally, we identified the adverse conditions that are an obstacle to their adoption in OSS and propose the special adaptations required to overcome the obstacles. To avoid some of the adverse conditions, we created web artefacts (e.g. wiki) that are very popular in the OSS field. Additionally, we found that there are obstacles to the application of the technique. Despite these obstacles, it is feasible to apply the adapted Personas technique in OSS project.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Lucrecia Llerena, Nancy Rodríguez, John W. Castro, Silvia T. Acuña

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