Creating Reusable Software Component from Object-Oriented Legacy System through Reverse Engineering
By: S.K. Mishra, D.S. Kushwaha, A.K. Misra
Till now, many researches have proposed reengineering of legacy systems. However, most of the approaches focus on only reverse engineering or reengineering process. There are very few researches for reengineering approaches of component-based systems, where reengineering is the systematic transformation of an existing system into a new form to realize quality improvements in operations, system capability, functionality, performance or evolvable maintenance at a lower cost and less time.
Cite as:
S.K. Mishra, D.S. Kushwaha, A.K. Misra, “Creating Reusable Software Component from Object-Oriented Legacy System through Reverse Engineering”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 8, no. 5 (July 2009), pp. 133-152, doi:10.5381/jot.2009.8.5.a3.
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