This is an alphabetical list of pigeon breeds; these are exclusively breeds of the domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica). Other Columbidae species (e.g., the Barbary dove, Streptopelia risoria) have been domesticated and developed into breeds, but these are generally simple colour variations of the plumage.

Archangel pigeon
British Show Racer
Brunner Pouter
  • Baja Tumbler (H/954)[1]
  • Baku Boinije
  • Barb (GB/102)[1]
  • Bango
  • Barbarisi Owl pigeon (SYR(D)/725)[1]
  • Barbet of Liège (B/723)[1]
  • Baska Tumbler
  • Basra Dewlap (F/041)[1]
  • Bavarian Cropper (D/315)[1]
  • Bavarian Highflyer (D/984)[1]
  • Beak-crested Jacobin
  • Beauty Homer de Lige (B/035)[1]
  • Belgian Beauty Homer (B/034)[1]
  • Belgian Highflyer (B/876)[1]
  • Belgian Tumbler (B/882)[1]
  • Belgian Ringbeater (B/1102)[1]
  • Benesov Pigeon (CZ/054)[1]
  • Bergamasco (I/059)[1]
  • Bergen Tumbler (N/879)[1]
  • Berlin Long-faced Tumbler (D/805)[1]
  • Berlin Medium-faced Tumbler
  • Berlin Muffed Tumbler (D/806)[1]
  • Berlin Short-faced Tumbler (D/904)[1]
  • Bernburg Trumpeter (D/504)[1]
  • Berne Gugger (CH/411)[1]
  • Berne Half-beak (CH/483)[1]
  • Berne Lark pigeon (CH/412)[1]
  • Berne Peak-crested
  • Berne Ribbon-tail (CH/414)[1]
  • Berne Tiger-head (CH/413)[1]
  • Berne White-tail (CH/415)[1]
  • Bernhardin Magpie pigeon (D/446)[1]
  • Bialostocka Krymka Tumbler (PL/935)[1]
  • Bihac Roller (BiH/1007)[1]
  • Bijeljina Roller (BiH/1008)[1]
  • Birmingham Roller (GB/918)[1]
  • Blagodar Tumbler (RUS(D)/970)[1]
  • Blue Sovater (H/061)[1]
  • Blue Tumbler of Cluj (= Cluj-Napoca Blue (RO/975))
  • Bohemian Bagdad (CZ/110)[1]
  • Bohemian Cropper (CZ/321)[1]
  • Bohemian Fairy Swallow pigeon
  • Bohemian Ice Cropper (CZ/325)[1]
  • Bohemian Pigeon (D/401)[1]
  • Bohemian Steller Cropper (CZ/345)[1]
  • Bohemian Tiger Swallow pigeon, clean-legged (CZ/478) and muffed (CZ/477)
  • Bohemian Trumpeter (CZ/516)[1]
  • Bohemian Tumbler (CZ/967)[1]
  • Bokhara Trumpeter (GB/501)[1]
  • Bokhara Tumbler
  • Borino (E/927)[1]
  • Boston Blue Tumbler
  • Botoșani Tumbler (RO/952)[1]
  • Bremen Tumbler (D/814)[1]
  • Breslau Tumbler (D/911)[1]
  • British Show Racer
  • Briver Black-head (F/047)[1]
  • Brod Tumbler (HR(D)/950)[1]
  • Brunner Pouter (CZ/330)[1]
  • Bucharest Ciung Highflier
  • Bucharest Show Tumbler
  • Buda Grizzle Budapest Short-faced Tumbler
  • Budapest Coloured (H/847)[1] (= Budapest Highflyer)
  • Budapest Highflier (Poltli)
  • Budapest Kiebitz (H/846)[1]
  • Budapest Muffed Tumbler
  • Budapest Short-beak (H/844)[1] (= Budapest Short-faced Tumbler)
  • Budapest Tumbler, stork-marked muffed (H/955)[1]
  • Budapest Whiteflight Highflyer (H/845)[1]
  • Budapest Whiteside (H/843)[1]
  • Buga Pigeon (H/062)[1]
  • Bukarest black Hanging Flight Tumbler (RO/972)[1]
  • Bulgarian Shield Owl pigeon (BG(B)/727)[1]
  • Bulgarian White Shield Roller (BG/986)[1]
  • Bursa Tumbler (TR(D)/894)[1]
  • Bácka Long-beak Tumbler (SRB(D)/859)[1] (= Sombor)
A red Carneau
A White Cumulet
  • Cakal Roller (TR(D)/895)[1]
  • Cambalhota Português
  • Campagnolo Sammarinese® (RSM – registered breed)
  • Canario Cropper (E/344)[1]
  • Carneau (F/007)[1]
  • Carrier (GB/101)[1] (= English Carrier)
  • Catalan Tumbler (E/928)[1]
  • Catalan Head and Neck Tumbler
  • Catalan Laced Bordench Mondain
  • Cauchois (F/008)[1]
  • Central Asiatic Roller
  • Chinese Flying Pigeon[3] (= Chinese Nasal Tuft; Chinese Tumbler (D/914)[1])
  • Chinese Owl pigeon (D/609)[1]
  • Chistopolian High-flying Pigeon
  • Chorrera (E/610)[1]
  • Claudia Pigeon
  • Clean-legged Full-head Swallow pigeon
  • Clean-legged Spot Swallow pigeon
  • Cluj-Napoca Blue (RO/975)[1]
  • Cluj-Napoca Roller (RO/976)[1]
  • Cluj-Napoca Tumbler (RO/979)[1]
  • Coburg Lark pigeon (D/025)[1]
  • Colillano Cropper (E/336)[1]
  • Cologne Tumbler (D/827)[1]
  • Craiova chestnutbrown Tumbler (RO/973)[1] (Romanian: Castaniu de Craiova)
  • Crescent
  • Crested Picard (F/017)[1]
  • Crested Soultz (F/018)[1]
  • Criador Lusitano (P/016)[1]
  • Csepel Tumbler (H/956)[1]
  • Cumulet (GB/822)[1]
  • Czech Bagdad (= Bohemian Bagdad (CZ/110))
  • Czech Ice Pouter (= Bohemian Ice Cropper (CZ/325))
  • Czech Muffed Tumbler
  • Czech Trumpeter (= Bohemian Trumpeter
  • (CZ/516))
A black English Magpie pigeon
English Trumpeter
  • Fantail (GB/606)[1]
  • Fat Shan Blue
  • Félegyháza Tumbler (H/858)[1]
  • Field Pigeon (D/444)[1] (= Franconian Field Pigeon)
  • Field Pigeon, clean-legged (D/406)[1]
  • Fish Eye Roller
  • Flanders Smerle (B/702)[1]
  • Florentine (I/201)[1]
  • Flying Oriental Roller
  • Flying Performing Roller
  • Flying Saddle Homer
  • Flying Tippler
  • Fork-tailed
  • Franconian Bagdad (D/106)[1]
  • Franconian Field Pigeon (= Field Pigeon (D/444))
  • Franconian Magpie pigeon (D/445)[1]
  • Franconian Toy Self
  • Franconian Trumpeter (D/512)[1]
  • Franconian Velvet Shield (D/449)[1]
  • French Bagdad (B/107)[1]
  • French Highflyer (F/884)[1]
  • French Krymka Tumbler (F/971)[1]
  • French Mondain (F/006)[1]
  • French Owl pigeon (F/717)[1]
  • French Pouter (B/307)[1]
  • French Sottobanca (F/020)
  • French Tumbler (F/883)[1]
  • Frillback (D/601)[1]
Galaţi Roller Pigeon-Cock
  • Gaditano Pouter (= Gaditano Cropper (E/337)[1])
  • Galatz Roller (RO/974)[1]
  • Garden Fantail (GB/608)[1] (= English Fantail)
  • Gascogne Pigeon (F/014)[1]
  • Gelderland Slenke (NL/1106)[1]
  • Genuine Homer (GB/029)[1]
  • Georgian Black-tailed, Yellow-tailed, Red-tailed, White-tailed
  • Georgian Sizaghrani
  • Georgian Kuduli [1]
  • German Barb (D/103)[1]
  • German Beak-crested Trumpeter (D/503)[1]
  • German Beauty Homer (D/032)[1]
  • German Colour-tail Owl pigeon (D/709)[1]
  • German Double-crested Trumpeter (D/502)[1]
  • German Fork-tail Trumpeter (D/509)[1]
  • German Long-faced Tumbler (D/801)[1]
  • German Modena (D/206)[1]
  • German Nun (D/897)[1]
  • German Shield Owl pigeon (D/708)[1]
  • German Show Tippler (D/840)[1]Tippler
  • Ghent Cropper (B/309)[1]
  • Ghent Owl pigeon (B/718)[1]
  • Giant American Crest
  • Giant Homer (ESKT/030)[1] (= American Giant Homer)
  • Giant Mallorquina Runt
  • Giant Show Runt
  • Gier (F/009)[1]
  • Gimpel (D/402)[1] (= Archangel)
  • Goeteborg Tumbler (S/878)[1]
  • Gola
  • Gorguero Cropper (E/339)[1]
  • Granadino Pouter (E/343)[1]
  • Griwuni Tumbler (RUS(D)/871)[1]
  • Groninger Slenke (NL/1105)[1]
  • Gumbinnen White-head Tumbler
  • Gmbler (D/909)[1]
A red crested Helmet
A black Helmet (plain head)
  • Hague Highflyer/Hagenaar (Dutch breed) (NL/875)[1]
  • Hamburg Helmet (D/900)[1]
  • Hamburg Schimmel (D/898)[1]
  • Hamburg Sticken (D/707)[1]
  • Hamburg Tumbler (D/899)[1]
  • Hamedan Highflyer Saxon
  • Hana Pouter (CZ/314)[1]
  • Hannover Tumbler (D/813)[1]
  • Harzburg Trumpeter Pouter (D/506)[1]
  • Haskow Colour-head Tumbler (BG/991)[1] (= Karabasch)
  • Helmet Pigeons, a group of pigeon breeds
  • Hessian Pouter (D/317)[1]
  • Hódmezövásárhelyer Show Crest Tumbler (H/959)[1]
  • Holle Cropper (NL/331)[1]
  • Homing Pigeon
  • Horseman Pouter (GB/332)[1]
  • Hungarian (A/202)[1]
  • Hungarian Beauty Homer (H/036)[1]
  • Hungarian Buga Pigeon (= Buga Pigeon (H/062))
  • Hungarian Cropper (H/347)[1]
  • Hungarian Dark-storked Highflyer (H/966)[1]
  • Hungarian Egri Tumbler
  • Hungarian Fantail (H/612)[1]
  • Hungarian Giant Pigeon (H/002)[1]
  • Hungarian Giant Pouter
  • Hungarian Highflyer
  • Hungarian Magpie Tumbler (H/958)[1]
  • Hungarian Short-beak
  • Huppé Picard
  • Hyacinth (NL/408)[1]
  • Jacobin (GB/605)[1]
  • Jassy Tumbler (RO/862)[1]
  • Jerezano Pouter
  • Jewel Mondain
  • Jiennense Cropper (E/340)[1]
Lucerne Gold Collar
  • Lacene (GB/409)[1]
  • Lahore (D/037)[1]
  • Laudino Sevillano Cropper (E/338)[1]
  • Lebanon (D/038)[1]
  • Lenardo
  • Leuven Pouter (B/313)[1]
  • Lille Pouter (B/328)[1]
  • Lille Tumbler (F/1006)[1]
  • Limerick Tumbler (IRL/1001)[1][5]
  • Lome Tumbler (BG/989)[1]
  • Lower Bavarian Cropper (D/346)[1]
  • Low Silesian Muffed Tumbler (PL/961)[1]
  • Lucerne Copper Collar (CH/420)[1]
  • Lucerne Elmer (CH/418)[1]
  • Lucerne Gold Collar (CH/421)[1]
  • Lucerne Self (CH/417)[1]
  • Lucerne Shield (CH/419)[1]
  • Lucerne Tiger-head (CH/422)[1]
  • Lucerne White-tail (CH/423)[1]
  • Lugoj Roller (BG/990)[1]
  • Lusatian Tumbler (D/953)[1]
  • Luster Pigeon (D/487)[1]
  • Luttich Owl pigeon (B/719)[1]
Međimurje Swallow Pigeon (Croatian: Međimurska lastavica)
Modena (UK, Silver Gazzi)
  • Madrasi Highflyer
  • MacRhyme Turbit
  • Magpie pigeon → English Magpie pigeon (GB/807)
  • Majorcan Bort Runt
  • Majorcan Esbart Roller
  • Makó Highflyer (H/957)[1]
  • Mallorca Giant Pigeon (E/058)[1]
  • Maltese (A/203)[1]
  • Manotte (F/055)[1]
  • Marchenero Pouter (E/334)[1]
  • Mardin
  • Mariola (P/056)[1]
  • Mariolinha (P/057)[1]
  • Markish Magpie Tumbler (D/902)[1]
  • Martham (GB/049)[1]
  • Masurian Tumbler (PL/961)[1]
  • McLennan's Aberdonian
  • Međimurje Swallow Pigeon[6] (Croatian: Međimurska lastavica)
  • Megcer
  • Memel Highflyer (D/815)[1]
  • Micholaiyvski Shield Tumbler
  • Miniature American Crested
  • Mittelhause Pigeon (D/045)[1]
  • Modena (GB/205)[1]
  • Modern Show Flight
  • Modern Spanish Thief Pouter
  • Monor Tumbler (H/945)[1]
  • Montauban (F/003)[1]
  • Mookee (D/820)[1][7]
  • Moravian Bagdad (CZ/111)[1]
  • Moravian Magpie Cropper (CZ/311)[1]
  • Moravian Morak Cropper (CZ/312)[1]
  • Moravian Strasser (CZ/022)[1]
  • Moravian White-head
  • Morillero Cropper (E/341)[1]
  • Morrillero Alicantino Pouter
  • Moroncelo Cropper (E/342)[1]
  • Moscat
  • Moscovite Tumbler
  • Moscow Black Magpie pigeon (RUS(D)/985)[1]
  • Moulter
  • Muffed Helmet (= Polish Helmet, = Polish Krymka Tumbler (PL/934))
  • Mulhouse Pigeon (F/010)[1]
  • Munsterland Field Pigeon (D/407)[1]
  • Muntenia White-tail Tumbler (RO/977)[1]
  • Naked-neck Tumbler (RO(D)/853)[1]
  • New York Danish Flying Tumbler
  • Nish Highflyer (SRB/887)[1]
  • Nord Caucasian Tumbler (RUS(D)/872)[1]
  • Norwegian Tumbler (N/880)[1]
  • Norwich Cropper (GB/306)[1]
  • Novisad Short-faced Tumbler (SRB/889)[1]
  • Nun (GB/896)[1] (= English Nun)
  • Nuremberg Lark pigeon (D/448)[1]
  • Nuremberg Swallow pigeon (D/447)[1]
  • Nis Highflyer
Old Dutch Capuchine.
  • Pazardchin Roller (BG/992)[1] (Bulgarian: Pazardziscki premetatsch (Benkalija))
  • Pakistani Highflyer
  • Pappatacci
  • Parlor Roller
  • Parlor Tumbler pigeons, a breed group of fancy pigeons
  • Passenger Pigeon
  • Pemba Green Pigeon
  • Persian Highflyer -->
  • Piacentino (I/004)[1]
  • Piestanau Giant Pigeon (SK/048)[1]
  • Pigmy Mariola
  • Pigmy Pouter (GB/329)[1]
  • Pinta Tumbler (E/926)[1]
  • Polish Bagdad (PL/114)[1]
  • Polish Barb
  • Polish Beauty Homer (PL/065)[1]
  • Polish Crest Tumbler (PL/877)[1] (Polish: Koroniarz koncaty)
  • Polish Eagle pigeon (PL/963)[1] (Polish: Orlik Polski)
  • Polish Gansel Tumbler
  • Polish Griwuni Tumbler (PL/937)[1] (Polish: Grzywasc polski)
  • Polish Helmet (= Polish Krymka Tumbler (PL/934))
  • Polish Highflyer (= Galician Highflyer)
  • Polish Kronen Tumbler
  • Polish Krymka Tumbler (PL/934)[1] (= Polish Helmet) (Polish: Krymka Polska)
  • Polish Long-faced Tumbler (PL/802)[1] (Polish: Polski Dlugodzioby Lotny)
  • Polish Lynx (D/024)[1]
  • Polish Masciuch Tumbler (PL/960)[1] (Polish: Masciuch Polski)
  • Polish Murzyn
  • Polish Orlik (= Ukrainian Skycutter, NPA; see also: Polish Eagle pigeon (PL/963) and Polish Wilna Eagle pigeon (PL/964))
  • Polish Owl pigeon (PL/724)[1]
  • Polish Shield Highflyer (PL/965)[1] (Polish: Polski tarczowy wysokolotny)
  • Polish Short-beaked Tumbler (PL/948)[1] (Polish: Polski Krótkodzioby)
  • Polish Short-beaked Magpie Tumbler (PL/969)[1] (Polish: Sroczka polska krótkodzioba)
  • Polish Wattle Pigeon (PL/116)[1]
  • Polish Wilna Eagle pigeon (PL/964)[1] (Polish: Orlik Wilenski)
  • Pomeranian Cropper (D/303)[1]
  • Pomeranian Show Crest Highflyer (D/817)[1] (German: Pommersche Schaukappe)
  • Portuguese Breeder
  • Portuguese Tumbler (P/921)[1] (Portuguese: Cambalhota Português)
  • Posen Colour-head Tumbler (D/910)[1] (German: Posener Farbenkopf)
  • Poster (CH/485)[1]
  • Prachen Kanik (CZ/021)[1]
  • Prague Short-faced Tumbler(CZ/913)[1] (Czech: Pražský rejdič krátkozobý)
  • Prague Medium-faced Tumbler
  • Prishtina Roller[8]
  • Ptarmigan pigeon (GB/611)[1]
  • Quet Roller
  • Racing Homer
  • Rafeno Cropper (E/335)[1]
  • Rakovnik Roller (CZ/885)[1]
  • Rawson Short-faced Tumbler
  • Razgrad Roller (BG/993)[1]
  • Refilador Tumbler (E/925)[1]
  • Regensburg Tumbler (D/852)[1]
  • Reinaugen Tumbler (= Koenigsberg Reinaugen Tumbler (D/906))
  • Renaisien (B/051)[1]
  • Revellois (F/013)[1]
  • Reverse-wing Colour Pigeon (D/476)[1] (German: Verkehrtflügelfarbentaube)
  • Reverse-wing Pouter (= Reverse-wing Cropper (D/304)[1]) (German: Verkehrtflügelkröpfer)
  • Rhine Ring-beater (D/1103)[1]
  • Ribbon-tail Tumbler (RUS(D)/866)[1]
  • Riga Tumbler (D/823)[1]
  • Rollers, a breed group
  • Romagnol (I/005)[1]
  • Romanian Argintiu Tumbler
  • Romanian Barred Highflyer (RO/978)[1] (Romanian: Zburator Dungat Romanesc)
  • Romanian Beard
  • Romanian Black-cherry Tumbler
  • Romanian Blind Tumbler
  • Romanian Blue-barred White-tail
  • Romanian Cherry-coloured Highflyer (RO/1002)[1] (Romanian: Zburator Visiniu Romanesc)
  • Romanian Coffee-coloured Tumbler
  • Romanian Gagiu
  • Romanian Magpie Tumbler (RO(D)/854)[1] (Romanian: Jucator Baltat de Bucaresti)
  • Romanian Moriscar Roller
  • Romanian Naked-neck Tumbler (= Naked-neck Tumbler (RO(D)/853))
  • Romanian Silvery Tumbler
  • Romanian Orbetean Tumbler (= Orbetean Romanian Rust-coloured Highflyer (RO/1003))
  • Romanian Tshoong Tumbler
  • Romanian White-tail Tumbler (RO(D)/855)[1] (Romanian: Porumbii jucatori romenesti codalbi)
  • Romanian Satu-Mare Tumbler
  • Roshan Chirag
  • Rostock Tumbler (D/901)[1]
  • Rostov Tumbler (RUS(D)/873)[1]
  • Roubaisien (F/052)[1]
  • Royal Snow Tumbler
  • Runt (F/001)[1]
  • Russe Blue Tumbler (BG/995)[1] (Bulgarian: Rusenski siv (mavija))
  • Russe Tschilbolli (BG/996)[1] (Bulgarian: Rusenski tschilbolija)
  • Russe Tumbler (BG/994)[1] (Bulgarian: Rusenski topgerdanlija)
  • Russian Akkermann Tumbler
  • Russian Martini
  • Russian Tumbler
  • Rzhev Star-tail Tumbler (= Ribbon-tail Tumbler (RUS(D)/866))
  • Indian Rampuri
Sisak Roller (Croatian: Sisački prevrtač)
Szegediner Highflier
  • Saar Pigeon (D/011)[1]
  • Saddle Homer
  • Saint
  • Saint Gallen Wing Pigeon (CH/431)[1]
  • Saint Louis Arch Crested Fantail
  • Sarajewo Roller (BiH/888)[1]
  • Satu-Mare Tumbler
  • Saxon Breast (D/474)[1]
  • Saxon Crescent Pigeon (D/473)[1]
  • Saxon Cropper (D/316)[1]
  • Saxon Fairy Swallow pigeon
  • Saxon Field Pigeon (D/475)[1]
  • Saxon Monk (D/467)[1]
  • Saxon Priest (D/466)[1]
  • Saxon Shield (D/471)[1]
  • Saxon Spot (D/472)[1]
  • Saxon Stork Pigeon (D/470)[1]
  • Saxon Swallow pigeon (D/468)[1]
  • Saxon White-tail (D/465)[1]
  • Saxon Wing Pigeon (D/469)[1]
  • Scandaroon (D/105)[1]
  • Schalaster Pouter
  • Schmalkalden Moorhead (D/602)[1]
  • Schmolln Trumpeter (D/511)[1]
  • Schoeneberg Barred Tumbler (D/903)[1]
  • Schumen Tumbler (BG/997)[1]
  • Seldschuk Pigeon (D/613)[1]
  • Seraphim owl Pigeon
  • Serbian Highflyer (SRB/886)[1]
  • Shack Kee
  • Shakhsharli
  • Shiraz Tumbler (D/920)[1][2]
  • Short-beaked Armavir Tumbler (RUS(D)/841)[1]
  • Short-faced Gansel Tumbler (H/842)[1]
  • Show Antwerp (GB/026)[1]
  • Show Homer (GB/027)[1]
  • Showpen Homer (Australian equivalent of American Show Racer)
  • Show Racing Homer
  • Shumen Tumbler (BG/997)[1]
  • Siberian Tumbler (RUS(D)/962)[1]
  • Silesian Colour-head (CZ/064)[1]
  • Silesian Cropper (D/323)[1]
  • Silesian Moorhead (D/480)[1]
  • Silesian White-head
  • Silky Fantail
  • Single-crested Priest
  • Sisak Roller (HR/938)[1]
  • Sivas Kumru Güvercin
  • Slovakian Cropper (SK(D)/322)[1]
  • Slovakian Highflyer (SK/932)[1]
  • Slowenien White-head (SLO/060)[1]
  • Smyter (B/053)[1]
  • Sobji ( Bangladeshi High Flyer and racing breed)
  • Sobuj neck Bangladeshi High Flyer Pigeons
  • Sofia Tumbler (BG/998)[1]
  • Sombor (= Bácka Long-beaked Tumbler (SRB(D)/859))
  • Sottobanca (= Italian Sottobanca (I/019))
    • Sottobanca, French type (F/020)[1]
  • South Batschka Tumbler (H/941)[1] (Hungarian: Dél-Bacskai keringö)
  • South German Blasse (D/435)[1]
  • South German Breast (D/440)[1] (German: Süddeutsche Latztaube
  • South German Charcoal Lark pigeon (D/432)[1]
  • South German Monk (muffed (D/436)[1] and clean-legged (D/437)[1])
  • South German Moorhead (D/439)[1]
  • South German Shield (D/438)[1]
  • South German Spot (D/441)[1] (German: Süddeutsche Schnippe)
  • South German Tiger-head (D/433)[1] (German: Süddeutscher Tigermohr)
  • South German White-tail (D/434)[1]
  • Spanish Bagdad
  • Spanish Barb
  • Spanish Flamenca (E/113)[1]
  • Spanish Flamenca Runt
  • Spanish Frillback Bagadette
  • Spanish Gabacho Runt
  • Spanish Little Friar Tumbler
  • Spanish Mondain
  • Spanish Monjin
  • Spanish Naked-neck
  • Spanish Nun
  • Spanish Owl pigeon
  • Spanish Owl Pouter
  • Spanish Pigeon (D/046)[1]
  • Spanish Strawberry Eye (E/118)[1] (Spanish: Ojo de Fresa)
  • Spanish Thief Pouter
  • Spangeled Magpie Purzler of Satu-Mare
  • Speelderke (B/1101)[1]
  • Srebrniak (Perlovy)
  • Stapar Tumbler (SRB(D)/890)[1]
  • Stargard Shaker (D/818)[1] (German: Stargarder Zitterhals)
  • Starling pigeon (D/405)[1]
  • Starwitzer Cropper (D/320)[1]
  • Steinheim Bagdad (D/108)[1]
  • Steller Cropper (D/319)[1]
  • Stettin Tumbler (D/912)[1]
  • Steiger Cropper (D/318)[1]
  • Stork Pigeon de Lodz (PL/809)[1]
  • Stralsund Highflyer (D/804)[1]
  • Strasser pigeon (D/023)[1]
  • Sverdlovsk blue-gray mottle-headed pigeon
  • Swallow pigeon
  • Swedish Owl pigeon (S/720)[1]
  • Swedish Tumbler (S/881)[1]
  • Swing Pouter (Stavak Pouter, Steller Pouter)
  • Swiss Crescent
  • Swiss Mondain
  • Swiss Pouter (CH/348)[1]
  • Swiss Self (CH/416)[1]
  • Syrian Bagdad
  • Syrian Coop Tumbler
  • Syrian Curled Dewlap (F/040)[1]
  • Syrian Dewlap (GB/039)[1]
  • Syrian Fantail
  • Syrian Halabi
  • Syrian Sabuni Tumbler
  • Syrian Swift pigeon (GB/044)[1]
  • Syrian Turbiteen (= Barbarisi Owl pigeon (SYR(D)/725))
  • Szegedin Highflyer (H/861)[1]
  • Szekesfehervar Tumbler (H/942)[1]
  • Szolnok Bagdad (H/115)[1]
  • Szolnok Tumbler (H/940)[1]
  • Safchila
  • Shuwa Chondon
  • Taganrog Tumbler (RUS(D)/867)[1]
  • Takla Tumbler
  • Taqlaji
  • Targovist Tumbler (BG/999)[1]
  • Targovista red Highflyer (RO/1005)[1]
  • Texan Pioneer (ESKT/012)[1]
  • Thai Fantail
  • Thai Laugher
  • Thurgau Crescent (CH/425)[1]
  • Thurgau Elmer (CH/424)[1]
  • Thurgau Monk (CH/426)[1]
  • Thurgau Peak-crested
  • Thurgau Shield (CH/427)[1]
  • Thurgau White-tail (CH/428)[1]
  • Thuringian Breast (D/461)[1]
  • Thuringian Colour pigeons, a group of pigeon breeds
  • Thuringian Crescent Pigeon (D/463)[1]
  • Thuringian Cropper (D/324)[1]
  • Thuringian Goldbeetle (D/451)[1]
  • Thuringian Mauser Pigeon (D/453)[1]
  • Thuringian Monk (D/462)[1]
  • Thuringian Pouter (= Thuringian Cropper (D/324))
  • Thuringian Self (D/450)[1]
  • Thuringian Shield Pigeon (D/459)[1]
  • Thuringian Spot (D/460)[1]
  • Thuringian Stork Pigeon (D/457)[1]
  • Thuringian Swallow pigeon (D/456)[1]
  • Thuringian White Bib (D/455)[1]
  • Thuringian White-head (D/454)[1]
  • Thuringian White-tail (D/452)[1]
  • Thuringian Wing Pigeon (D/458)[1]
  • Tiger Swallow pigeon (→ Bohemian Tiger Swallow, muffed (CZ/477)[1] and Bohemian Tiger Swallow, clean-legged (CZ/478)[1])
  • Tippler
  • Timișoara Tumbler (RO(D)/856)[1]
  • Tokur
  • Transylvanian Back-crested Tumbler
  • Transylvanian Double-crested Tumbler (RO(D)/863)[1]
  • Transylvanian Tumbler (without any crest)
  • Travnik Highflyer (BiH/946)[1]
  • Trenton
  • Triganino Modena (I/207)[1]
  • Tula Ribbon-tail Tumbler (RUS (D)/865)[1]
  • Tumbler Pigeons
  • Tunesian Owl pigeon (F/721)[1]
  • Tung Koon Paak
  • Turbit (GB/711)[1]
  • Turbiteen (GB/716)[1]
Vienna Highflier
  • Waldviertel Cropper (A/350)[1]
  • Warsaw Butterfly Tumbler (PL/936)[1]
  • West of England Tumbler (GB/833)[1]
  • Wiggetal Colour-tail (CH/429)[1]
  • Wolverhampton Badge Tumbler (GB/917)[1]
  • Wolverhampton Magpie Tumbler (GB/916)[1]
  • Wurttemberg Moorhead (D/442)[1]
Zagreb Tumbler (Croatian: Zagrebački prevrtač)
  • Zagreb Tumbler (HR/951)[1]
  • Zira Gola ( Bangladeshi High Flyer)
  • Zitterhall (= Stargard Shaker (D/818))
  • Zurich White-tail (CH/430)[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru Entente Européenne d' Áviculture et de Cuniculture (2012): EE-List of the Breeds of Fancy Pigeons (ELFP) Archived 2013-04-15 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ a b Encyclopedia of Pigeon Breeds: List of Pigeon Breeds
  3. ^ a b National Pigeon Association (2014): Breeds: from the NPA Standard (table of contents by name)
  4. ^ ""Pigeons at the VDT in Dortmund"". Archived from the original on 2012-10-20. Retrieved 2010-03-07.
  5. ^ ""The Irish Flying and Fancy Pigeon Society"". Archived from the original on 2012-06-05. Retrieved 2010-03-07.
  6. ^ ""Željko Lisjak is the new president of the Međimurska lastavica society"". Retrieved 2024-04-29.
  7. ^ "The NPA Grand National: Lancaster 1997"
  • EE-List of the breeds of fancy pigeons (ELFP). Authorized and published by the Section for Fancy pigeons of the European Association of Poultry-, Pigeon- and Rabbit breeders (Entente Européenne d' Áviculture et de Cuniculture, EE). Revision 11 June 2012
  • Levi, Wendell (1977). The Pigeon. Sumter, S.C.: Levi Publishing Co, Inc. ISBN 0-85390-013-2.
  • Seymour, Rev. Colin (Ed)(2006) Australian Fancy Pigeons National Book of Standards.
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